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08x02 - Advancement

Posted: 06/04/23 06:58
by bunniefuu
Okay, mr. Brotsky.


Okay, ed.

Want to tell me
exactely what happened?

Well, I had just got done
taping my "grand opening" banner

Over the window,

And I was starting to
blow up some balloons,

When this guy walks into my shop

And asks me if I'm
open for business yet.


Well, anyway, I said, "yeah,

In fact, you're my
very first customer."

So he says "great."

And then, before I
even had a chance

To offer him a
complimentary spoon,

He takes out this g*n,

And he cleans out my
register and he takes my wallet.

I see.

Is there anything else?

He called me a moron.

Laughed right in my face,

And he said my store was stupid.

That would be ed's
house of mugs, right?

Personalized mugs.


Say, uh, could I have
one built for you?

You know, I always
get you people.

Hello, woj.


Working on the
quarterly crime statistics?

No, it's a magazine.


Yeah, they...

They grabbed a guy
who is carving people up

And then mailing
them in sections

To rotary clubs all
around the country.

Must have cost him
a fortune in postage.

Here's a picture of
some of his packages.


I don't know what's
going on with people, barn.

I mean, I understand crime,

But this kind of
disgusting thing...

It's becoming as common as dirt.

And then they're printing it
in magazines just like this one

So that some other
lunatic can read it

And get some more new ideas.

Then what the hell
are you reading it for?

I don't know.

It's interesting.

Why don't you get to work
on the crime statistics, huh?

Yeah, sure.

Oops, oops, oops,
oops, oops. Magazine.

This is yours?

Yeah, I left it in the w.c.

I'm... I'm gonna write
a book about this guy.

Isn't that a particularly
gruesome subject?

Well, I mean, it depends

Upon how you handle
the overall thesis.

You know.

Barn, unraveling
a k*ller's mind,

Taking a psychological
look at the society

That breeds that kind of
hostility and malevolence,

Played against the backdrop
of a city gripped in fear?

I mean, barn, you know,
properly developed,

The butchery becomes an
almost incidental garnish.

You see my point?

Oh, absolutely.

Anyway, barn,

Bates publishing bought
the rights to the story,

And my agent has already
sold them on the fact

That I'm just the guy to
whip it into a paperback.

Well, congratulations.

Of course, um, the deal
hasn't been finalized yet.


It'll probably happen today...

Uh, over lunch.

I take it you have a meeting.

It's just the publisher's
winging in from newark,

And I'm only gonna need
an extra half-hour or so,

If that's okay with you.

A half-hour.

Thanks, barney.

Ira, please calm down!

Yes, can I help you?

Yes, yes, we need protection!


There's a man out there
who wants to k*ll us!

He's a maniac! He
wants to k*ll us both!


Have we come at a bad time?

Mr. And mrs. Buckman,
I'm captain miller.

- A pleasure.
- How do you do?

- Please, uh...
- Thank you.

Sergeant dietrich tells me

Someone's been threatening you.

He called early this morning.

He said he wouldn't rest

Until he could snap my
neck with his bare hands

And violate my wife!

He sounded very sincere.

I was listening
on the extension.

You sure this
wasn't just a crank?

Oh, no. It's not a crank.

Mr. Yeager made
some rude noises...

- Mr. Yeager?
- Oy.

Miriam, please.

He mentioned something
about his lottery ticket.

What lottery ticket?

The one he bought in my
grocery store last week.

He said it should
have won $10,000

And that it's my
fault that it didn't,

And then he went on to say...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why would he say that?

Oh, well, I don't... Ira!

I forgot to send it in.


I found it in the cash register

Clipped onto a
pile of food stamps.

You, uh, told mr. Yeager
about this oversight?

He doesn't want to
know from oversights!

He... He watched the
drawings on tv on saturday,

Saw his number come up,

And now he says I'm dead meat.

Well, I should say so.

You and wojo pick up yeager.

The address is on the ticket...

Right under the winning number.

That's it, miriam.

Keep punching.

All right, mr. Buckman,
want to have a seat?

The two of you just relax.
We'll see what we can do.

You're very kind.

The delicatessen wasn't
exciting enough for you?

You had to open a casino?

Every merchant on the
block sells lottery tickets.

I'm a merchant.

I'm ed... Ed's house of mugs.

During my opening-day

While I was hanging
my opening-day banner

And blowing up some balloons,

A man with a g*n
came into my shop

And robbed me of
practically everything I own.

When he's like this,
nothing cheers him up.

All right, gentlemen.
Please, don't get up.

Rank is a mockery,
and seniority is a curse.

Where the hell is everybody?

They're away on business.

Oh, inspector.


What a surprise.

I guess so.

Where's all the troops?

On maneuvers.

That's a good one, barn.

For a minute there, it
almost took my mind off this.

- What's the matter?
- Hmm?

Oh, no big deal, barney...

Just official notification

That as of 25 may
of our lord 1982,

In accordance with the
official policies of the nypd,

Inspector frank d.
Luger will cease to exist.


Exactly, barn.

My office, inspector?

Heh. Well, as long
as I'm still here, huh?

So, as you can imagine, barney,

I've been giving these last
lonely impending days of mine

A good deal of thought.

- I can imagine.
- Yep.

Picturing myself, you know,

Same time next year,

Sitting on some
lousy park bench,

Pigeons flying around,
pecking at my hat.

Snotty little kids
running around... Ptoo...

- Spitting at me.
- Inspector...

No, i-i wake up screaming, barn.

- Inspector, that's crazy.
- Huh?

Come on, you're a
relatively young man.

You're in good
physical condition,

Financially independent.

Most people facing retirement

Would envy a man
in your position.

Ah, but, barney, most
people facing retirement,

They got, you know, somebody
else facing it with them.

Yeah, me, I got nobody.

I mean, after all, you know,

Old forrester,
kleiner, brownie...

Right now they're nothing
but... But worm mush.

And you.

You'll be stuck in
this lousy little office

For another 20 years or so.

Fish... Fish never
returns my phone calls.

Well, i...

I've been considering
all the options, barney,

And I figure that maybe right
now is as good a time as any

For the old inspector
to, you know, tie the knot.


Get married.

You're kidding!


No, I mean, why should I spend
these last few miserable years

All by myself?

I want to share
them with somebody.

Who's the lucky lady?

How the hell should I know?

I haven't picked her out yet.



Take a gander at this, barney.

Lotus blossom quarterly?

"Complete up-to-date
photo listings

"Of eligible asian women

Wishing to meet
eligible american men"?

Yeah, I thought maybe we'd
start out with malaysia.

Mail call.

- Sergeant harris.
- Yeah.

Must be the
harmonica you ordered.

Just kidding.




Captain miller.



Nothing for you folks.

Yes, levitt?

Sir, your mail.

Oh, thank you.

Anything else?

If you don't mind
my saying so, sir,

You're looking
very preppy today.

In what way?

I'm not quite sure.

We're back.

What happened?

We found yeager's
apartment, but he wasn't there.

The place is a real dump.

The guy must be
starving to death.

Dietrich: I asked the super
where he was working.

Said he hasn't had a
job for eight months.

- Ira.
- Miriam!

So what happens now, captain?

We'll get a physical
description from the two of you.

We'll circulate it.

In the meantime,
I'll have the, uh...

Barn? Call from dispatch.

The alarm just went
off at a delicatessen

On bleecker and 19th.

- That's our store!
- Ira!

Barney: just take it easy!

Well, I guess that's lunch.

Oh, right.

Um, all right, wojo, dietrich.

Hey, I found him! I found
the guy who robbed me!

Just excuse me a moment.

Are you certain of
that, mr. Brotsky?

Yes, positive.

- Harris?
- Yes.

We got a positive
i.d. From mr. Brotsky.

I want you to check it out.

But, barney, I've got
to go to a meeting.

This is your case.

Uh, sir, I'm
available. I can go.

Or dietrich and I can split up.

What is this?

Get out of here! You got a call!

You too. Take levitt.

Barney, people from new
jersey are expecting me.

Now, look, harris,

For two years, I've put
up with cocktail parties,

Autograph sessions,
late lunches,

And it's not gonna happen again!


Does this mean I can't go?

- Right.
- Fine.


Uh, levitt, come on. Let's go.


I think it was him.

Oh. Inspector.

Uh... Sorry I took so long.

I, uh... It was kind
of hectic out there.

Oh, sure. That's okay, barney.

I've just been sitting here

Alone in your office, as usual.

But I do think I've
narrowed this down

A little bit, barney.

Oh, inspector, that's
not gonna work.

Why not?

At best, marriage is
a tough proposition.

Oh, I know that, barney.

And these ladies
are total strangers

From an alien culture
halfway around the world.

But nobody in this
country likes me, barney.

That's not true.

I mean, what about that cashier
from bensonhurst... Grace?

You two seemed to
hit it off pretty good.

And, uh... You were
engaged to agnes.

Agnes left me, barney.


Says I wasn't physical
enough for her.

Ran away with her hairdresser.

Sorry. I-i didn't know that.

Well, it's not exactly
the kind of thing

You brag about, barney.

But you're probably right.
Maybe this thing isn't for me.

I ain't never been lucky
with the ladies before.

What makes me think I can
find the right one in here?


Uh, you decide, barney.


Just narrow it down
to three or four, huh?

I'll check back
with you in an hour.

Inspector... Now, now!

- Look...
- Barney...

All right, inside, mr. Yeager.

Come on. You want
to get in there?

Yeah, I want to get in there.

I also want to see him dead!

I also want to see his body
dragged through the streets!

Wojo: take it easy!

I take it this is mr. Yeager.

Why? Do I sound
like a sore loser?

When we got to the deli,
the back door was smashed in,

And mr. Yeager was
loading up some boxes

With imported cold cuts.

The register was empty.

I had to take something!

We know you got a
raw deal, mr. Yeager,

And I know the buckmans
feel very bad about it,

- But that doesn't...
- They feel bad?

Who the hell cares?

All right, mr. Yeager.

You know, every week
for the last five years,

I've been buying one
ticket, two tickets...

Whatever I could afford.

And I'd always play
the same numbers...

The zip code of mom's
sanitarium in plattsburgh.

Oh, god.

You see, I always dreamed
that one day I'd hit it big,

And then I'd be able to get
her out of that snake pit

And send her down to florida

To one of those plush
retirement villages...

You know, with bingo
and shuffleboard and tv.

Now I guess I'll
have to call her up,

Tell her to unpack.

Plattsburgh is
the end of the line!


If it's the last thing
I do, I'll get you, ira!

In the cage.

I'll k*ll you, ira!


You too, miriam!

Levitt: move it inside, shapper!

Shapper: come on!

You know I was doing the
chamber of commerce a big favor?

Save it for the lunch, thief.

This is anthony
shapper, captain.

He robbed mr. Brotsky's store.

I was right.

Sir, we found him
sitting in his apartment,

Cleaning this and watching tv.

Yeah, you know, they
just busted right in.

Yeah, right in the middle
of "wall street week."

Hey, that rukeyser, he kills me.

I'll see to it that
gets into your report.


Oh, I'll take it, captain.

Uh, my case.

Hey, come on. Over here.


He-e-y! Mugsie!

Hey, how's business?

Hey, sit down.

Sir, about sergeant
harris' book.

What about it?

You know he missed lunch.

Yes, I know!

They went back to new jersey.


They didn't know if
they were coming back.

How you doing, laverne?


He's a nice little
fellow, barney.

What do you got... A
fire sale going on here?

It's the busy season.


Oh, barney, I was on
the horn downstairs.

I called up my old redheaded
cashier from bensonhurst.

Oh, yeah?


She's dead.


How about you, barn? Any luck?

Did you pick me out an
alien I can sink my teeth into?

Inspector, you can't
make a choice like this

From a grainy
photograph in a magazine.

That's how I got these shoes.

You don't know anything

About these women
or their culture...

How they think, what they feel.

Yeah, but you, barney...
You've been fooling around

With this human-nature
junk for years, huh?

Sticking your nose up
into people's character?

You got an instinct, barney.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

Look, if you're really serious

About going this route...

Well, letters
have to be written,

Contacts have to be made.

Well, do whatever
you have to do, barney.

Whoa, whoa! Whoa, wait a minute.

Oh, no, no, no. Not me.
I don't have the time.


Well, okay, barney.

I'll just give it the old "eeny
meeny miny moe" treatment,

Hope I don't wind up
with some vietcong broad

That's gonna slit my
throat on my honeymoon

For my insurance.

I'll write the letters.

If you really want to.

I want to. I want to.

Uh, let's see...

I really appreciate it, barn.


Bless you.

Oh, and listen, barney,
just sign them "frankie," huh?

And send me a couple of copies.

Okay, you folks want to
sign a complaint right here,

You can go home.

Excuse me.

Would it be possible to
speak to mr. Yeager privately?

Don't get too near the cage.

'Cause he really hates you.

Mr. Yeager... Get away from me!

Mr. Yeager, please.

We want to make things right.

I got nothing to say to you!

You could at least
listen to a person.

We don't have $10,000,
but we have managed

To save a little
here, a little there.

Forget it! Beat it!

Please, mr. Yeager.

We want you to take your
mother out of plattsburgh

And put her in miami.

At least for the winter.

What, are you kidding me?

I wish we could do more.

You people know I
wanted to k*ll you?

I robbed your shop.

You were just upset, mr. Yeager.

And I was rude on the phone.

But never mind. It's settled.

Ira, write the man a check.

No, no, no! I can't
take your money!

Why not?

Because you people
just made a mistake.

Anybody can make a mistake.

And you're being so nice!

And you can forget about
your cold cuts, you know?

What I couldn't
eat I stepped on!

Take the money.

I can't.

Gordon, you suffered enough.

I could never live
with myself, ira!

It'll be easier than
living with miriam.

Have some consideration, huh?

Take the money.



But only for mom.

We appreciate it.

Such a wonderful son.


Uh, yeah. Come in, harris.

I finished processing shapper.

I'm gonna run him
over to the tombs,

And then I'm gonna go
on home from there.

Hold it, uh...

Why don't we get
wojo to do that?

Maybe we can, uh... Talk?

Good night.

You guys kiss and make up?

What do you want?

The buckmans want to
drop charges against yeager.

I take it they worked it out?

Yeah, they bought him off.

All right, let him go.

It's after 6:00. Aren't
you gonna check out?

I think I'm gonna
be here for a while.

Tired of liz?

Good night, dietrich.


"Dear mai noi lo..."


I really needed it.