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06x10 - Taking It to the Max

Posted: 06/03/23 17:23
by bunniefuu
Benson, listen,

Could we meet a little earlier
On that utility-rates proposal?

Sure, governor,
I can start anytime.

Good, then I'll still have time
To meet with that network guy

About the television show.

They want the governor to appear
On a television special,

A project
I strenuously advise against.

A television special?

Now, nothing's definite yet,
But they want to do a show

"Circus of the governors."

Well, I'm sure
Everybody and his mama

Will want to see that.

Reason with the man,

Aren't you afraid

That you'll look
Just a wee bit...Loopy?

All right, clayton.

Call up that network guy
And tell him to forget it.

As you wish, sir.

Thank you, benson.


Good morning.

Fresh coffee and three cups.

Mrs. Cassidy, how'd you know
We were all in here?

Easy --
I was listening at the door.

Mrs. Cassidy,

I find that sort of behavior
Quite unorthodox.

Well, I never was
A religious person.

But my husband,
The late mr. Cassidy, was --

About five minutes before
He became the late mr. Cassidy.

Benson, your sister's
On the phone.

Thank you.

Hey, elaine.
Where are you, sweetheart?

It's my baby sister.

How heartwarming.
I'll be in my office.



Okay, I got it.


At : this afternoon.

I got it.

I'll be there.

Yeah. Me too.

I'll see you later.

How is elaine?

She's been better.

Her divorce is final
This week.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, she and brian just seemed
So right, you know?

Well, marriage is a lot like
A bottle of ketchup.

It is?

It may seem full
From the outside,

But it takes a lot of work
To get anything out of it.

His heart's in the right place,

But I don't think it's pumping
Any blood to his brain.

Elaine, sweetheart,
Take it easy.

You've only been here
A half a day,

And already it looks like
"The day after."

I'm trying to find
This magazine.

I want to show you

Oh, here it is.


Do you know who this is?

Idi amin
In a lobster bib?

You remember alvin gilmore,
My first date when I was ?

Oh, yeah.

That weirdo with
The one big, wide eyebrow.

What's he doing in here?

He just opened up
A new restaurant in baltimore.

See, you said
He'd never amount to anything.

He hasn't.

He's still got that one big,
Weird, wide eyebrow.

He was sweet --
My first big romance.


So, how are you doing?

I'm fine.
I've never felt better.

Come on, now.
This is your big brother.

You don't have to try to put up
A brave front with me.

Benson, I'm all right.

Getting a divorce

Was one of the best things
I ever did for myself.

Oh, really?

I always thought brian
Was one of the great guys.

Well, then, you should have
Married him.

Was he seeing other women?


Other men?

Look, could we drop the divorce
Thing for now, please?

Well, elaine, it just doesn't
Make any sense, sweetheart.

We fought all the time,
That's all.

About what?


What kind of anything?

Finances, politics,

His mother,
My mother,

You, the toothpaste --

What'd the fool say about me?

[ doorbell rings ]

Who is it?

Maybe it's one of your
Hot mamas.

You want your mouth washed out
With soap?

[ doorbell rings ]

Hey, benson.

Hey, max. Come on in.
Come on in.

Have a seat
Right over here.

Let me get some of this
Out of the way for you.

Can I get you something
To drink?

No, thank you.

What happened here?

Hurricane elaine
Just hit town.

Hi, there.
I'm the hurricane.

This is max logan.

Max, this is
My baby sister, elaine.

Max is
One of my best friends.

Nice to meet you,

Max is practically family.

If I hadn't had the misfortune
Of meeting him,

I probably would never have
Become lieutenant governor.

Oh, what did he do,
Touch up your campaign photos?

[ laughs ]

I see benson's unique sense
Of humor runs in the family.

Oh, the humor does.

But unfortunately
For big brother,

I got all the looks.

Yeah, I can see that.

You're supposed to be
My friend.

No, actually, max is very
Influential in the community.

It's largely through
His efforts

That we raised
The campaign funds.

Look, why don't I take
Some of this stuff

Out of you guys' way,
And I'll be right back?

All righty.

She seems very nice.

"A" number one.

You sure I can't get you

Oh, no. As a matter of fact,
I'm in a hurry.

If you don't have anything
Planned for tonight,

I've got two courtside tickets
For the basketball game.

Oh, you would.

I've got to work tonight.

Well, maybe elaine
Would like to go.

That'd be nice.

Elaine, would you like to go
To the basketball game with max?

What about you?

Well, don't worry about me.
I got to work on that proposal.

Yeah, okay.

I'll get my coat.

Now, here's... bucks
For refreshments.

Bring me my change back.

[ sarcastically ]
Gee. Thanks, dad.

But I think
I can afford it.

You see, I got paid
For my paper route today.

Well, are we all ready?

Yeah, you bet.
Let's go.

Uh, you kids have fun,

See you later, buddy.

Don't you wait up for me,


Now, here's $
In case he runs out of gas.

You get my drift?

Wait a minute.

Now what?!

What did that fool ex-husband
Of yours say about me?

He said you were nosy.

I'm not nosy!

I'm just interested in people.

Hey, sleepyhead!

You gonna stay in bed all day?!

What time did you get home
Last night?

I'll call you later.

We can get together
This afternoon.

If you've finished
Vacuuming the air

Out of
My sister's lungs...

I'd like to get
To my car.


How you doin'?

Never mind how I'm doing.
What are you doing?

We were just kissing
Good night.

Till :
In the morning?

Um, max, would you like
To come in for a cup of coffee?

Uh, uh...

Uh, s-sure.

As a matter of fact,

I think I'll have
Another cup of coffee.

I thought you had to go
To work.

I do, but I just want to see
What dracula looks like

Before he gets
In his coffin.

So, what happened --

The basketball game
Went into overtime?

Hey, look, benson,
Perhaps I should explain.

There's no need
To explain anything.

Here's your coffee,


You know, my doctor told me
To give up coffee.

Today seems to be
A good day to start.

I'll be going.

I'll see you out.

Uh, I'll call you

Okay. And thank you
For a terrific evening.

See you later,

Yeah, right.

Y'all have a nice day.

I'm going upstairs to get
Some sleep. I'm kind of tired.


You're not going to tell me

That you and max stayed up
All night talking.

No, I'm not.

What do you mean,
No, you're not?

Would you like for me
To draw you a picture?

No, I prefer
A thousand words.

Look, benson,

Sometimes when a man and a woman
Are attracted to each other,

These things happen,
You know?

I've already read
"The joy of sex,"

Thank you very much.

Then what are you
So upset about?

You and max
Are practically strangers.

All I know is that max
Awakened some feelings in me

That I thought had died
A long time ago.


Obviously you don't know him
Like I do.


That's the understatement
Of the century.

I haven't done anything

That you haven't done
A million times yourself.

Well, thank you very much
For the compliment,

But you can cut that figure
Nearly in half.

Benson, can we just drop
The whole thing for now, please?

On one condition.


That you never see
Max logan again.

Why not?!

Why not?
I'll tell you why not.


No, no, no, benson.

That is not good enough

I have got to start living
My own life.

Haven't I always let you do
Whatever you've wanted to

Most of the time?

I never knew what I liked

Because you made
All my decisions for me!

You chose my clothes,
My schools, even my friends!

Somebody had to do it.

Meaning what?!

Nothing, nothing.


Meaning you don't think
I'm capable

Of making my own decisions,
Do you?

I think you're very impulsive,

And you make quick decisions
That aren't good for you.

But you have never made
A mistake, huh?

That's not what I said.

Well, I am gonna continue
Seeing max logan,

Whether you like it
Or not!

Don't you take
That tone of voice with me!

Well, then you better stop
Treating me like a child!

Well, you stop acting like
A child.

[ groans ]

[ stomping ]


[ door slams ]

[ sighs ]


Katie, how many more questions
Are there

On this stupid
Romance test?

This is the last one.

"You've invited
A very handsome man to dinner.

"When he arrives,
You answer the door wearing --

"'a,' something elegant,
'b,' something comfortable,

Or 'c,'
Something brief?"

Boy, that's a tough one.
Can you give me a hint?


It's summer, and your
Air-conditioning's broken

And you're very, very,
Very hot.

I got it now.
I get the idea.

So which one do you pick?

None of them.

If it's that hot,
I'm not cooking.

The bozo can take me
Out to dinner.

It says here that your r.Q. --
Romantic quotient -- is .

Is that good?

According to this,
You're one of the smurfs.

Oh, hello, benson.
Here are your messages.

Max has been trying
To reach you.

These are all from max?



Who put the rusty nails
In your cheerios?

You want to do me a favor,

Stay out of my way.

You got it.

Good morning, clayton.

Ah, benson.

Thank you for warming
My chair.

Oh, yes, well, I was just
Waiting for your notes

On the utility-rate

I haven't finished them.

Is it my imagination,
Or are you grumpier than usual?

None of your business.


Would you care
To talk about it?


I've been reading
Some fascinating articles

In psychology today.

Are you trying to push me
Over the edge?

Benson, benson,

I just want you to know
That if you need me, I am here.

I know you're here.
You're always here.

Good morning, benson,

Good morning, sir.

Good morning, governor.
What can I do to help you?

I would like your opinion
On this daycare center proposal

Before I send it
Over to the legislature.

Thank you.

It's nice to know
Someone appreciates my opinion.

You seem a little grumpy
This morning.

I had a fight with elaine.

Oh. You two got along so well,
I thought.

We usually do,
But last night --

Clayton, don't you have
Something to do?

Oh. [ scoffs ]

I get it.

You didn't have to
Spell it out for me.

You don't want to share
The pain.


I tried to be nice.

I went against my better nature.
I reached out.

What do I get?
A curt dismissal.

I won't forget this,

So, what's that all about?

I seem to be offending
Everyone this morning.

What did you and elaine
Fight about?

A difference of opinion.

That's what fights
Usually start about.

Last night, she went out with
Max -- my so-called friend.

They went
To the basketball game

And decided to come home
With the milkman.




Right, right.

And she doesn't even want me
To be upset about it.


You're a parent.

I'm two parents, benson.

Perhaps you can give me
Some advice on this.

Well, I don't know.

My policy's always been
Never to give out advice.

Well, what if it were katie?
Wouldn't you be upset?

But she's years old.
Elaine's a grown woman.

But she's still
My kid sister.

But she's still an adult,

And what she does with her life
Is her business.

And I have to sit back
And watch?


Well, I can't do that.

If you don't let her go, benson,
You may lose her altogether.

[ knock on door ]

Excuse me, governor.

Benson, max is here
To see you.

Think about what I said.

Hello, max.


How's it going?


What do you want?

I think we should talk.

Well, I don't have time
Right now, max.

I don't think
This can wait.

All right -- talk.

[ sighs ]

This morning, I got the feeling
You were a little ticked off,

And I think maybe
We should talk about it.

It's a little late
For that, isn't it?

Meaning what?

You should have
Thought about that

Before you decided to spend
The night with my kid sister.

You weren't even there.
How do you know what went on?

Well, I wasn't
In sodom and gomorrah,

But I have a pretty good idea
Of what went on.

Benson, I am your friend.

I would never do anything
To hurt you or elaine.

Give me credit
For that much.

All right.

All right,
At least give elaine credit

For being the mature,
Intelligent woman

You raised her to be.

[ door slams ]



What are you doing home
So early?

Well, I thought
You and I could...

Have some lunch.

Thank you, but I don't have
Much of an appetite.

What are you doing with your
Suitcases in the living room?

I figured I caused
Enough trouble around here,

So I'm leaving.

Oh, come on, elaine,
Don't be silly.

You're not going anywhere.

There you go --
Telling me what to do again.

I'm sorry.

Look, uh...


Don't go.

Benson, I'll only
Disappoint you if I stay.

Elaine, you know you could never
Disappoint me.

I already have.
I grew up.


Face it, benson.
I am not a little girl anymore.

I am a woman.

I know, I know.

You told me.
Max told me.

Helen reddy told me.

Then why can't you accept it?

When are you gonna realize

That your baby sister
Does not exist anymore?

Okay, I admit I overreacted
To the entire situation.

How big of you.

This isn't easy for me.

I wish you would at least
Try to see it my way.

I don't know what you see.

I see you the day papa died.


You were years old.

Yeah, I was just .

You cried for days.

There was nothing
Anyone could do to comfort you.


You hung on to me,

I'll never forget
Your eyes then.

And I promised myself that
I would always be there for you.

You've always been there
For me, benson.

Sometimes I thought just
Touching you would protect me.

I guess...

All that's changed now,

No, it hasn't changed.

I-I-I still need you.

It's just that I'm a woman
Who needs a friend...

And not a -year-old
Who needs a father.

I'm not trying to be papa,

It's just that
I've been over the road

That you're trying
To travel, and...

I'm trying
To look out for you.

Yeah, but if I mess up,
I mess up.

See, you got to trust me.

I know you're right.

But still...

Hard to let go.

Don't let me go.

Just don't hold so tight.


I'll try.

Is it okay
If I stick around?


Besides, we haven't even had
A chance to talk.


I love you, benson.

I love you, too.

Got to go unpack my things,

Yeah, I suppose I should
Apologize to max.

He is your best friend.

You know, life used to be
A lot easier

When you...Played tea party
With imaginary playmates.

But it wasn't too exciting.

[ laughs ]

I personally could use
A lot less excitement.

Oh, your age
Getting to you now?

[ chuckles ]


You know, I still plan to see
A lot of max logan.

Oh, really?
I thought you'd seen it all.