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01x10 - Poison Pill

Posted: 05/31/23 15:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"....

We've been set up.

TURNER: We're going to find
who really k*lled my dad

and clear our names.

HARVEY: I've been experiencing
something that I can't explain.

I'm losing time. I'm waking up in places

that I don't remember going to.

Whatever is happening, it's not me.

Hiya, Harv.

HARPER: This will record
everything you see.

- Take him.
- Aagh!

LINCOLN: Bruce Wayne wasn't
the man you think he was.

Why did you become an orphan?

Because Batman made me one.


DUELA: Turner!

Somebody help! Somebody help!

CARRIE: These were the only
supplies I was able to grab

while my mom wasn't looking,

but does anyone know
what we actually need?

Well, the web's not exactly brimming

with info on how to treat

a rare illness from a rock

that makes people live forever,

but I'm checking med school
message boards next.

I keep replacing these,

but he's going through them so fast.

Oh, please.

Bat-Brat needs something
to take the edge off.

Come on, you potheads. Where is it?

I thought Electrum was
supposed to heal him,

not make him sick.

Here, Cullen, just try this.

If this doesn't help, I'll
come up with something else.

How's he doing? Everyone back off.

Back away from Turner now.


Um, what is that?

Geiger counter.

I found it in the school's
old b*mb shelter,

tracks radiation.


Why is it making that noise?

Because Turner is radioactive.




BRODY: Hell yeah, it hurts.

I got a root canal,

and they gave me the weakest
pain meds of all time.

I'm lucky my dad's old

and keeps a pretty decent supply
of pain meds.

No, I'm not sharing them with you.

He keeps them locked up.

Of course I know
what the combination is.

It's my birthday.

I'm actually surprised
the d*ck can remember it.

Hey, man, I'm gonna call you back.




Uh, hey, Dad.

Hey, are you okay?

How's your tooth?

Um, oh. Yeah. No. I'm fine.

I'm sorry. I got to go.




That won't be a problem much longer.

I found a way to track
Turner Hayes and his friends.


It's me... you, the other you.


Well, knowing you,
you're asking yourself,

"How am I talking to myself?"
to which I would say,

everyone talks to themselves, Harv.

The difference here is that

the other selves don't
usually talk back, right,

but as your oldest,
dearest, bestest buddy,

I do want to assuage
some of that anxiety

that Dr. Meridian keeps talking about.

She's such a smart lady, by the way.

You got to introduce us sometime,

but right now, I think we need

a little face-to-face,
just like in the old days.

Now, I know you don't
remember the old days

because I've been poking around
your little thinker there,

but back when we were kids...

sorry, heh... back when we were a kid,

we used to talk to each other
in our dreams...

meet in the middle we called it...

and you just aged out of it.

I got pushed aside,

but modern medicine also grew up,

so you know those pills

that Dr. Meridian prescribes
for your anxiety?

Well, it turns out,
if you take enough of them,

they're also good for putting you in...

well, let's call it a deep sleep

which will allow you to engage
with your unconscious,

a.k.a. moi.

You got to be kidding me.

No, Harv, I am not kidding.

Now, here's what I want you to do.

I want you to get those pills,

and I want you to take about, uh...

well, about one less than
the number that would k*ll you.

Don't give me that look
that I know you're giving.

Would I... would I k*ll me?

Well, I guess we're gonna
find out, won't we?

No. I'm kidding.

It's perfectly safe... ish.

So, for the record,

the number is pills.

I know you're gonna do this, Harv,

because you're a sucker for the truth,

and there's just so much truth to tell,

so pop some pills, counselor.

Let's meet in the middle.

I'll be waiting for you here.





Iodide tablets should keep the radiation

from making us all sick.

CULLEN: Don't you think
it's a little late for that?

We were all around that Electrum.

I practically painted
it as a still life.

Why am I not radioactive?

STEPHANIE: Maybe because
it didn't come in contact

with your blood like it did with Turner.

And that was raw, undiluted Electrum

Carrie patched him up with.

All signs point to radiation poisoning.

I don't even know how
we would cure that.

STEPHANIE: We can't,
which is why we need

to get him to a hospital,
like, yesterday.

Sure, if you want him
to wake up in a cell.

I'll settle for him waking up at all.

Harper's right, okay?

Any doctor will just
turn him into the GCPD.

Maybe not every doctor.

I happen to have an in
with one in particular.


You can't just call your mom and say,

"Hey, mind treating
Gotham's most wanted?"

That's... that's a nonstarter.

Anyway, I think I'm feeling
a bit better now,

so let's just focus
on exposing Lincoln March

as the head of the Court.

And we will, okay, just after

we figure out how to cure you.

Oh, don't look at me like that.

I'm fine, seriously.

I'd take Electrum poisoning

over being tortured by the Court

any day of the week.

Tortured you how?

You remember our friend the Talon

and his knives laced with the stuff

that makes you go insane?

They gave me a taste.

That's the stuff that made
Alan Wayne lose his mind.

What did you see?

It doesn't matter. It wasn't real.

I think it's pretty real if it makes

radiation poisoning feel
like a walk in the park.

I've always wanted to know
who k*lled my parents,

and yesterday the Court
tried to convince me

that that person was Bruce.

What, exactly, did they tell you?

It doesn't matter
because it wasn't true.

Turner, it does matter.
What did they tell you?

You knew my dad, maybe
even better than I did.

There's no way that's true, right?

Turner, I'm...

I'm so sorry.

They don't say how it happened,

just that Bruce felt responsible.

I didn't believe it, either.

Batman doesn't k*ll.

He told me that over and over,

so I just... I kept on racking my brain

for another solution,
but every time I do,

I just come back empty-handed.

Thinking about why these pages

were ripped out has consumed me, Carrie.

Turner, your dad had just died,

and then you were framed for his m*rder.

Did you really want me to pile on?

I wanted the truth.

I deserve to know the man

I consider my father

just saw me as some
guilt-trip charity case.

That's not the truth.

Look, I know how much
he cared about you.

That's why I wanted to protect you.

Just like you protect everyone

all by yourself, just as long as you

get to decide what you're

protecting them from, right, Robin?

Clearly you were the right choice

to be his protege.

I mean, you've already got

the whole solo vigilante thing down,

lying to everyone,

fighting every battle alone

because you don't respect anyone

enough to let them in.

That's not who I am.

You want to be a solo act so bad,

you got it.



I just got a text from Brody.

I think he might be in trouble.

I don't want to leave when
Turner's so sick, but I just...

But the son of the head of Court of Owls

is really cute, so you'll
make an exception.

I'm sure Brody doesn't
know anything about that...

but I'm guessing your
problem isn't with him.

My problem is that you're still talking

while I'm trying to save Turner's life.

Any progress?

Unfortunately, yeah.

Here's the good news.

Radiation victims can live for weeks,

even years, after exposure.

And based on what we found out,

I think Stephanie was right.

Turner's illness is concentrated

within the blood.

It makes sense.

You did apply Electrum
to a gushing neck wound.

And what's the bad news?

Turner needs a blood transfusion.

An influx of new blood would reduce

the radiation in his system

until there was only a small
amount of Electrum left.

At those levels,

the Electrum should heal him

instead of make him sicker.

And blood transfusions aren't exactly

on the list of medical procedures

that can be performed in an attic.

No, but it's the only idea we've got.

Stealing from the blood bank

in broad daylight is not

the most covert operation
I've ever pulled,

but it's not like Turner

wants me around here, anyway.

BRODY: So I went to see
if my dad had anything

to numb the pain in my tooth,

and I found this mask.

It was old.

It was kind of featureless.

It had blacked-out eyes,

and it... it almost looked like a...

An owl?


Um, how did you know that?

Brody, there's something

that you don't know about your dad.

That he's a k*ller?

I found this video, too.

I watched it, and...

I think my dad k*lled Cressida Clarke.

I mean, what kind of sicko

records something like that?

I heard his voice. I saw all the blood.

It was just so...

Turner's lapel camera.


Brody, I need that video.

Well, I don't have it on me.

Well, where the hell is it?

Do you really think I'm just gonna

carry around a fricking grenade

that could blow up my entire life?

Does your dad have it?

I hid it with my weed in the...

The outlet. Okay.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's good.

What are you not telling me,

and how do you know what that mask was?

Brody, I need to tell you the truth

about who your dad really is.

Oh, God, you look terrible,

even more so than usual.

I'm really not in the mood, Duela.


Then I guess I'll have to eat this

all by myself.

It's French onion soup from Pamela's?



Bruce used to get this
for me when I was sick.

How'd you know?

You're not the only one who
read Daddy's bad diary...

and since this could be your last meal,

I figured it should
at least be a good one.

I didn't expect such bedside manner

from a girl who sleeps
with her switchblade.

Yeah. Well, that veiny, little monster

on your neck is all my fault.

If we hadn't left you behind
after the Court soiree,

you wouldn't be playing
patient right now.

This isn't your fault, Duela.

Whoa, so this whole last-meal thing

was supposed to be a joke,

but this is getting a lot worse fast.


What's your poison?



You already swallowed yours.

You wanted to talk. I'm here.

Got to say, I was /

on whether you would overdose

on a dare from an alter ego.

You never even hit the slopes

in law school like %

of those other d-bags.

Tell me what the hell is going on.

Ooh, he's using

the Harvey Dent District Attorney voice.

And how are we even talking?

The question you should
be asking is why.

Go ahead, counselor. Ask it.

Okay. Why are you here?

To protect you.

From what?

From things you can't handle.

Dad was the first.

One night, the beatings got so bad

that he fractured more
than just your arm.

He fractured your psyche, Harv,

created me.

Would that have happened eventually

some other way?

Maybe. Nature, nurture.

All I know is that after that night,

whenever your life got too tough,

I'd tag in,

and I was always there, Harv,

riding shotgun,

ready to take the wheel.

So my missing time,

that was you taking the wheel?

At your service.

If you tag in when things get too tough,

then what the hell was me

waking up next to Rebecca March?

I was doing you a solid.

I know how happy she made you

all those years ago.

Oh, Harv, you never got over her.

She was married then,
and she's married now.

And that must be really complicated

for a stand-up guy like you.


I like to keep it simple,

do what needs to be done.

I do the things that you can't do.

With you in the crosshairs

of the Court of Owls,

you're gonna need a guy like me.

CULLEN: Why are we looking at articles

from the twenties for a cure for Turner?

Pretty sure medicine's
gotten better since then.

We're looking for anything
on Dr. Leviticus,

who did those illegal experiments

on Electrum back in the day.

So... sis...

You only call me sis when you have

something annoying to say.

What is it?

You're giving Stephanie
the cold shoulder again.

I guess you're really
taking my advice to heart...

don't fall for straight girls, huh?

Okay. Again, no one
is falling for anyone,

but you reminded me what
we're really working for...

clearing our names

and getting the hell out of Gotham.

This isn't our life, okay?

This isn't who we are,

so I don't need to be buddy-buddy

with Princess Quiz Bowl.

When this is over, she is
gonna go back to her life,

and we will go back to ours

far away from Gotham.

Is that really what you want?

Of course it is, okay?

We've always agreed that
this place is a hell hole.

Harper, I have never
had a family like this,

and I have it on pretty good authority

that you haven't, either.

Why? Why would we let go of something

that gives us a chance to feel whole?

- Cullen...
- Forget it, okay?

Dr. Leviticus.

"Leviticus first got the
attention of authorities

when patients started to get sick,

with symptoms resembling
radiation poisoning".

After patients began showing symptoms,

They died within hours".

If Turner has the same
sickness they did...

He only has hours to live.

The Court's setting you up.

Everything you think has been me

has been them trying to confuse you

and make you distrust yourself.

So the mayor and Cressida...

Harv, we didn't k*ll them.

The Court just wants
you to think we did.


Come on, counselor. Isn't it obvious?

They already took out the Dark Knight.

Gotham's white knight
is next on the list,

but not before you have
outlived your usefulness.

How am I useful to them?

You, my friend, are the perfect patsy.

It's one of the Court's greatest hits.

They take out someone
they perceive as a threat,

and then they pin it on someone else...

Joe Chill, Turner Hayes...

And now me.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Now, don't get me wrong. They're good.

Somehow they found out about me,

found out a way to bring me out.


Few keys on the piano.

You know that song that Dad

beat into you until you got it right?

You hear those notes, and...


a switch flips, and you lose time

and the Court leaves you little clues,

make you believe what
they want you to believe...

a car key here, bloody owl mask there.

Make me believe I'm a m*rder*r.

But they made one mistake.

They let me out.

I had a ringside seat
to how they did it,

and we can use that,
so put me in, Coach.

Let me take those bastards out.

Let's unleash some of
that big-Dent energy.


Oh, come on, Harv.

It's not like we haven't done it before.

What are you talking about?

You don't really think
Dad's death was an accident.

BRODY: So I'm supposed
to believe that my dad

is the leader of a
secret, murderous cult

that controls all of Gotham?

Is it easier to believe he's a k*ller?

Well, honestly, yes.

I'm so sorry. I know it's a lot.

How am I even supposed to face him now?

You cannot let on that you know.

You'll put yourself in danger.

I'm already in danger,

and so is my mom.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna call the police.

The Court has its claws
in every part of the city.

That includes the GCPD.

Well, I can't just sit
here and do nothing.

I mean, what am I supposed to say...

"Hey, Mom, Dad's a leader
of a murderous cult.

We need to go stay with
Aunt Julie for a while"?

Come on.

No, but there is one
person we can trust...

Harvey Dent.

The D.A.?

I just need you to trust
me on this, okay?

I need you to get that
video from your house,

and then I will handle the rest.


CULLEN: He's gonna die
in hours if we don't...

- Are you kidding?
- I just...

When were you gonna tell him?

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Screw you both.

What aren't you telling me?

Well, the Wonder Twins here
don't want to say anything,

but, um, the Electrum is gonna k*ll you

a lot faster than we thought,

so unless we pump, dump, and
replace that O neg. of yours,

you will be dead in T-minus...
let's see... hours.


I have good news.

Yeah. Now's really not
the best time for good news.

Dwelling won't change anything.

- What up, Steph?
- Brody's gonna help us.

I'm sorry.

The heir apparent to the Court
of Owls is gonna do us a favor?

He found Turner's lost lapel
camera in his dad's stuff.

DUELA: Wait, wait. What?

He has the footage from
the Court of Owls Party?

Yes... Cressida's m*rder,
what the Court's planning.

The video has it all.
We have to get it to Harvey.

Is this really happening?

Are we... are we about
to clear our names?

DUELA: Okay. Hey, hey,
before we take our victory lap,

can we please make sure
that Turner is able to run it?

HARPER: Well, not a doctor here,
but I've been doing some reading

on blood transfusions, and honestly,

they're somewhere between
an oil change and plumbing.

What could possibly go wrong?

You shouldn't be wasting your strength.

DUELA: No, no. Listen to Blondie.

You're gonna need it.

Come on, Duela. You're
on Team Transfusion.

Okay. Hey, Bat-Brat, sure
you trust me with a needle?

At least I know you don't
mind the sight of blood.

Yeah, good point.

Okay, enough brave face.

How are you really feeling?

I'm about to clear my name just in time

for it to appear in an obituary.

Well, while I'm tempted
to meet your gallows humor

with more gallows humor,

this is a good thing.

You're gonna get your life back

and be around to live it.

What's the point?

Carrie filled me in about your dad.


I feel like my whole
life has been a lie.


That's not true.

You'll always have me.

Oh, you don't want this.

No. I don't, um...

You're my best friend.
I don't know. I just...

I thought that if this did happen,

that I would feel...
I don't know... something.

- That bad, huh?
- No. No, no, no.

I just... I...

I just thought I'd feel different

with you than with Brody.

He's never made me
feel that spark, either.

Okay. I'll take the win with that one.

Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry. I'm just delirious.

No. I don't want you to apologize.


DUELA: Code red!

Hey, I don't think we're gonna have time

for that blood transfusion.



They found us.


Hide everything. We were never here.

HARPER: Did you tell
Brody where we were?

No. I would never do that.

Did you tell them that
Turner's radioactive?

Because the cops
all brought Hazmat suits.



MAN: It's still in the green.

We got something hot here.

STEPHANIE: The Court must have
known what would happen to him,

sent their GCPD g*ons to trace
his radiation signature,

and it led them here.

Hey, guys, we need
to get Turner out now.

CULLEN: Yeah. That's gonna be
a bit of a problem.

Come on.

Okay. , ... nngh!

Okay, okay. You're good. Okay.

Get Turner into the tunnels.

Going underground might
throw their sensors off

enough so that they can't trace it.

Okay. What about the belfry?

Leave that to me.


MAN: Numbers are going up.

That's no good. Come on.



Let's get that door open.

What the hell?


Please don't call my parents.


Oh, thank God.

Brody, what's wrong?

Mom, I need you to listen to me.

You need to go pack a bag right now.

We have to get out of Gotham.

What are you talking about?

This is going to sound nuts,

but Dad k*lled Cressida Clarke,

and if we don't get out of here now,

there's no telling what
he's gonna do to us.

HARVEY: What did you do to Dad?

It's more what I did to the railing.

The balcony that he fell from

was a few turns of a socket wrench,

just loose enough that when a man

of about pounds leans against it,

it gives way.

Son of a bitch was a lot
tougher than I thought.

I mean, his back was broken,

so he wasn't going anywhere,

but it still took him about hours

to give up the ghost.

First two hours, he was
begging me to call ,

and then last hour he spent begging me

to put him out of his misery.

You k*lled my father.

Our father, Harv...

and it was him or us.

I just made sure it wasn't us.

And now you want me

to just let you take the wheel?

You really want justice, Harvey?

Then you have to fight fire with fire!

I don't want you to give me

the steering wheel, Harvey.

It is time for you to give me the keys.




What are you doing here on a weekend?

I need you to come with me right now.

Sweetie, I'm in the middle of rounds.

Mom, now. This is life or death.

I put a vest on him to block
as much radiation as I could.

Mom, whatever you do,
please don't call the cops.

If you're in some kind of trouble,

I'll help you in any way I can,

but that's the only promise I can make.

Carrie, that's Turner Hayes.

- He's wanted for m*rder.
- He's innocent.

If you don't help him
in the next few minutes,

he's gonna die.


- Brody, slow down.
- We can't slow down.

Dad'll be home any second. Come on.

No. Brody, Brody, look at me.

There has to be a mistake.

Your father is not a k*ller.

Yes, he is. I saw the video.

What video?

I found it in the safe

along with some weird owl mask.

He k*lled Cressida Clarke

for some messed-up secret society.

Brody, this is crazy.

No. What's crazy is that Dad's

been lying to us all these years.

Who knows if this is even
the first person he's k*lled?

He's dangerous,

and we need to get
out of here right now.





Let me get some things together.




Guard the door.


You talk about justice?

You don't want justice.

You want to burn it all down.

Oh, Harv, always the prosecutor.

Unlike you, I don't care about motive.

As long as the results are the same,

does it matter?

To me, it does.

Harv, all you have to do

is close your eyes

and ask me to come out to play.

It's as simple as that.

I will never give you control.

You say that like you have a choice.

Uhh! Uh!



AJA: Harvey? Everything okay?





Nngh! Rrgh!

Uh... uh! Uh...

There will come a time, Harv,

when you are so desperate

and so hungry for justice

that you won't care how you get it,

how I get it,

and you will be begging for me

and ready to embrace

everything we can become.

- Nngh!
- Uh! Uh...


The only reason I exist...

Uh! Uh!

is because you need me.




- It's okay, we got it.
- Mr. Dent, are you okay?


Okay. Oh...

You had no vitals for a full minute.

You're lucky to be alive.

Thank you.


His vitals are holding steady.

The blood transfusion worked,

and the remaining Electrum can heal him.

I still have a few tests to run.

Don't move.


Thank you.

Don't thank me,

not for this.



You ready?

Brody, we can't just walk out of here

with nowhere to go.

- Steph said...
- Stephanie knows?

I didn't know who else to turn to.

Mom, I know this is a lot to take in.

All of this, it's... it's insane,

but I promise you,

I will take care of it all.

I will keep you safe.


I don't need your protection.

Uh... uh...


Just like your father...


so naive,

so busy trying to play hero

that you can't see the real threat.


Your father's not the
one people should fear.

I am.






Yeah? Oh. Hi.

Wha... Are you okay?

I heard the paramedics were called.

No. I'm fine.

I'm just glad Aja was here.

Are you sure?

I think you should get checked out.

Really, I...

I've never felt better.

I feel clearheaded

for the first time in a long time.


Everything looks good, miraculously so.

Never seen a patient recover so quickly.

Don't worry.

I was careful. No one
saw me sneak him out.

Do you have any idea what you've done?

It's one thing to save
the life of a criminal...

I took an oath to heal people,

no matter who they are...

but now you're an accessory,

and you've made me an accessory.

I could lose my medical license.

I could go to jail.

I don't know how you got
involved in all of this,

but it ends now.

- Mom, wait. Please.
- No.

We are not losing everything

for a criminal.

I'm gonna call the GCPD,

and you're gonna tell them
everything you know

about him and those fugitives.

You can't turn them in...

because I'm one of them.

What do you mean?

You know how Turner's dad was Batman?

I was Batman's sidekick.

He called me Robin.


I almost had them.

They lost the trace on Turner Hayes.

They're all still missing.

Add that to our list of problems.

Stephanie Brown will also
need to be dealt with.

Arthur Brown's kid? What did she do?

More like what did your son do.

You didn't have to do this.

Do what, clean up your mess?

Maybe if you weren't so careless,

holding on to evidence,

this could have been avoided, but no.

Men always need a trophy.

Did it make you feel powerful,

k*lling that traitor?

Is that why you did it?





Why are you still standing there?

Get a mop.

Are you sure it's safe
to go back in there?

Turns out, the authorities don't care

where rich kids go to
get baked during Bio,

and I might have hinted that the lead

in those old bells were
confusing their sensors,

so they really should
check the science lab.

By the time they finished
that wild goose chase,

the radiation had dissipated.


Okay. Our belfry is radiation free.

So's Turner, thank God.


No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

What is it?

It's from Brody.

His dad got to the evidence

before he could.


You know, maybe you can help me.

I'm looking for something
on brooding-rich-kids-


Am I in the right section, or...

No offense, but I didn't
come here to talk.

Oh, you can't offend me.

No, really. Go ahead. Try.

You have no grasp of
social cues whatsoever.

Not offended.

You only give a damn about others

when there's something in it for you...

I'm not offended.

and you clearly can't tell

when you're not wanted.

Not offended. See? I told you.

Do you have any idea what
I've been through today,

and do you even care?

Not really on both counts.

You know, first of all,

this ungrateful brat act
is getting really old,

and second of all, if
you would pull your head

out of this Batcave you call an ass,

maybe you'd see that this entire team

has been working nonstop
to save your stupid life...

but, I mean, if you're
just gonna mope around

like you're already dead,
I'm starting to wonder

why we even bothered.

- You're right.
- What?

I just had this picture in my head

of what my life was
and what it could be...

avenging my dad...

building some twisted
family with all you...

even things with Stephanie.

It turns out I was just lying to myself.

Well, congratulations.

You figured it out.

Everybody's a liar.

Not everybody.

When everyone else was trying

to keep the truth from me

about how near death I was,

you were straight with me.

You always are.

You finally noticed that, huh?

You're never afraid to
show people who you are,

even when it pisses them off,

even when it scares them.

You're always...

always Duela.


- Sorry, but...
- Not offended. Heh.


Greg, move your head.