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02x01 - D.O.A.

Posted: 05/31/23 05:56
by bunniefuu
[disquieting music]




Under cover does not agree with you.

You look like hell.

You've better days yourself, babe.


So to what do I owe the pleasure?

I heard you were in the crazy business.

Yeah, you know if I wanted to be insulted

before my first coffee, I would have continued

working with Cellucci.

I came to you because I need your help with homicide.

You're a cop.

You know how to work a case.

This one's a little different.


Who died?


[music playing]

OK, why don't we start at your place?

I went to my apartment first.

Everything is just like I left it-- no sign of a break-in.


No sign of your, your body?

It sounds worse when you actually say it.

What do you mean apartment?

Didn't you have a house in the Beaches?

Divorce cleaned me out.

You blew another marriage?

We're trying to find my lifeless body

and you're busting my balls over my marital problems?

One divorce is a problem.

Four is a one-man catastrophe zone.

About the death thing?



I mean, I've been living on the edge a long time.

Dying I can handle.

The question is, why am I a ghost?


You see that?

You see that?

If I can't pick something up, how come I can sit down?

Well my guess is that if you think about it too much,

you can't do it.

But when you're not trying so hard, you can.

You see?

Maybe I came to the right place after all.

All right.

So where else?

Where else would your body be?

I've been working undercover, riding with a bike g*ng.

Chances are we're not talking about a tidy little aneurysm


OK, who is your supervisor?


Remember him?


All right.

When was your last check-in?

I talked to Fry.

I can't remember.

I mean, I probably report to the guy every day, but--

Maybe it's some trauma related to the deaths,

that's why you can't remember.

Remember what?

What death?

Coreen, this is Paul Deeds.

We used to work together.

Is Paul invisible?

No, he's a ghost.

You don't have to whisper, Nelson, I know I'm a ghost.

I can't believe it.

He's right there.

I mean, he passes through doorways.

He can't pick anything up.

I could give her a try.

I mean, I can't believe there's a ghost in the room

and you're the one who gets to see him.

Red thong.

Are you wearing a red thong?

Cool and observant.


VICKI: I would've gone to Paul's supervisor

myself but, you know, he's never going to be straight with me.

Oh, I know.

Undercover is so unfair.

They won't tell civilians anything.

Ah, yes, but you will, distinguished officer of law,

you could ask him.

And why the sudden interest in Paul Deeds?

He's a client, sort of.

Oh, wow.

There's a whole world of intrigue in that 'sort of'.

I don't even know why I hesitate any more.

He's a ghost.

A ghost?

A ghost.

So did he just come rattling his chains to you,

moaning that he had a case?

No, no chains, just leather and denim.

Essentially, yeah, that's it.

All right.

Look, if he's a ghost, then that means that he's dead.

And if he's dead, then there will be a hundred

cops all over this case.

Well, you see, that's where he has a problem.

There's no body, not yet.

Paul 'Dirty' Deeds--

make the bust no matter what.

He sure closed a lot of cases.

Yeah, he just didn't care how we made that close.

You got to figure that has something

to do with why he's dead.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that I never trusted that guy.


So it doesn't matter that somebody offed a cop?

No, I'm just saying even then he probably

had some kind of angle.

He's not here now, is he?


Oh, apparently I'm the only person who can see him.

Of course you are.

So are you going to ask Fry or what?

Yeah, but I think I'll skip the ghost part.

Good call.


Stripes and checks, it's interesting.


HENRY: I have very little experience with ghosts,

and this one I don't see.

Um, oh.

Ah, he's in your bedroom.

What's he doing there?

Um, cops have a natural curiosity.

Remind him that curiosity k*lled the cat.


Hey, Paul, you want to get out of there?

My friend may have some skeletons in his closet.


Tell me about it.

Do you see him now?

I'm glad I don't.

What does he remember of his demise?

Uh, nothing much so far.

So you have a dead client who doesn't know how he died.

Vicki, I don't like this.

Mhm, is there a--

it just hit me-- are you guys?


Oh, so and Mike are still getting it?

No, no, no, no.

Then maybe I got shot.

Do you remember anything or not?


Oh, he said he was at the Standard.

It's a biker bar.

It's king of a--

I know it.

I don't always hunt in the opera circuit.

One has to vary one's diet.

Everybody enjoys a little fast food now and again.

PAUL: Girl.


He says that he was there.

He met a girl.

He didn't know previously.

How do you know he is who he says he is?

Look, I know, OK?

And no one is going to investigate

his death without a body.

How did he get to you?

Same reason as everything else gets to me these days.

Apparently, I'm a ghost beacon too.

COWLEY: Detective Deeds has been riding

undercover with the Wolverines for over two

years as Paul Pevere.

His cover has him as an ex con with experience

of international drug shipments

Wolverines have had a run of tough luck lately,

haven't they?

One of the members was k*lled recently, right?

And a drug shipment stolen, and a clubhouse firebombed.

Well, if they're showing targeted,

that's just going to make them even more dangerous.

There's a lot of pressure on organized

crimes to use Deeds' Intel soon, to make a trafficking case.


Just trafficking?

That's all I'm supposed to know.

And it is certainly all I'm telling

you without more information.

At this point I don't have much.

I just got a tip that Deeds might be in a little trouble.

You do realize they made us out for cops

the moment we walked into here, right?


That means they're paying attention

to the cops on the outside and not the one on the inside.

Works for everyone.

You worked under Deeds?


Yeah, good cop, lousy person.


He was a good cop.



Maybe 'was'.

Internal Affairs is taking a look at him.

They think he's bent?

I'm telling you this because I trust you, Cellucci,

but it goes no further than this table.

Not your partner, not your shrink, nobody.

I understand.

In the last couple of months, he hasn't

produced anything we can use.

We were counting on Intel to put a lot of Wolverines away.

There is some concern that he might be a little crooked.

Well, that's like being a little pregnant, isn't it?

I guess.

We'll know soon enough.

When you called, I wondered if you might know something.

It doesn't fit with the general picture I have.

I just spoke with an outside source

that said, said that Deeds might be in a little trouble.

He knows how to play the part.

Yeah, the question is, who is he playing for?

COREEN: If you ever want to be convinced about the one world

concept, every culture's got vampires, , ghosts

body snatchers, werewolves.

We're all afraid of the same things.

HENRY: Says who?

In most countries, ghosts remain

behind because of unfinished business or dissatisfaction.

If Paul was m*rder*d, I suppose that meets

both requirements, right?

You're a vampire reading about vampirism.

Like you've never read a self-help book?

What are you looking for?

This situation reminds me of a myth I heard.


Early vampires who would visit the living.

At first they'd seem benign, but then they would

strip a person's life force.

Paul came to Vicki for help.

Not knowing how or when he died.

Not knowing where his body is.

Dragging Vicki into who knows what kind of situation.

You don't think he is who he says he is?

Ever since Vicki and I met, supernatural things

have been drawn to her.

This very well could be the ghost of Paul Deeds,

but it also might be something very different.


Or something he said to do his dirty work.

If you'd excuse me.

You take all the fun out of the supernatural sometimes.

You rang?


Oh Vicki!

You're a sight for sore eyes.

What are you doing here?

Ask Cerpico.

Giving organized crime an assist

with a Wolverine m*rder--

I thought that Paul, here, might be able to help.


Threw me over the car, cuffed me.

I thought he was going to take me down to Cherry Beach

and beat me.

Well, we had to make it look good, didn't we?


You look yummy.

Uh, you don't.

You're burning up.

That's because I'm lovesick.

Why don't we spent a dirty weekend in the Bahamas

together, baby?

Yeah, you bring me back that snowball from hell

and we'll talk.


Same old Vicki.

Same old Paul.


Are you sure you're OK?


Why the sudden concern with my health?

I don't know.

Does the cow know it's missing that?

You want a bite?

No, thanks.

Well, red meat never hurt anybody.

Unlike this swill they call coffee around here,

but I love it.

Love it.

MAN: Yeah, I got it.

OK, the Paul I meant, he couldn't pick up a sandwich,

let alone hug me.

Yeah, mostly what I noticed was Paul walking around.

That fever, did you feel that?

Vicki, the man is alive.

Yeah, apparently so.

Did you find out what he was up to?

Is up to.

What's a verb tense between friends?

OK, look, you know how I'm supposed to trust you on this

whole Paul-is-dead-thing?

Well, I'm following up on something.

And if and when it pans out, I'll let you know.

Will you call me later?



I hear Vicki's walking on the wild side.

You know-- werewolf ate my baby, vampire k*lled my boyfriend,

that sort of thing.

We're really not that close.

So the Spanky Edwards m*rder--

who do the Wolverines think did it?


BARTENDER: I don't remember.

HENRY: Take a closer look.

My eyesight's not so good.

He may have met a woman.

Lucky man.

Tell me if you saw him two nights ago.

Yeah, this guy, he was here when that girl came in.

Seemed like the sort who knew what she was looking for.

Just happened to be him?

Yeah, I guess, but I don't think they knew each other.

What happened?

They started talking, talking lead to dancing--


Next time I looked back, they were

disappearing into the washroom.

I was just hoping they remembered to lock the door.

A few minutes later, the guy comes out

and books out the door.

And the girl?

She came back in here, and sat right there.

Seemed kind of funny, I figured maybe she was stoned.

Then she just keeled over.



MIKE: You busy?

I, uh, had a pretty interesting conversation with Paul Deeds.

I heard.

Bringing him in was not a good idea.

He's a Wolverine.

We talked about the Wolverine m*rder.

I don't think he suspects anything deeper to it.


So what was so interesting?

I asked him who he thought was targeting the Wolverines.

He liked the Only Ones for it.

Could be.

They're ambitious.

OC has a detective inside the Only Ones.

He said they didn't do it.

Maybe Deeds isn't as good at his job as he thinks he is.

Or maybe he's got reasons of his own to hide information.

Or maybe Deeds isn't stealing from the Wolverines.

Maybe he's selling them out.

To who?

I don't know, maybe another g*ng, maybe another agency.

I think it's worth following up on.

Give it another day.

Yeah, you got it.

PAUL: Are you telling me I'm not dead?

No, I'm telling you that your body is still walking around.

I don't know, it might be some kind of demonic possession.

You know, your spirit's been ousted to make

room for something else.

Like some kind of spiritual squatter?

Coreen's at some underground library

researching it right now.

It's just that a sudden pension for red meat

isn't much of a clue.

The guy's k*lling my health regime.

You're taking this awfully well.

You figure out how I can hit something and I will.

Well, your body is still hanging out with the Wolverines

so that kind of rules them out as suspects.

Who else would want you dead?

Seriously dead or just a little dead?

Two lists?

What is wrong with you?

You don't take on undercover to make friends.

What, like you don't have lists?

See, I knew you and I weren't that different, Nelson.

You catch a case, you don't stop until it's done.

You don't care who or what gets in your way.

No, no, there's always a line.

Oh, yeah?

Mrs. Donovan, the firebug's wife--

now, you gave that interview, talked

about how he k*lled that kid.

You did everything you could to get him

set up as a dangerous offender.

He pulls life, and three days later she comes

after you with a butcher knife.

Yeah, with a crazy ass gleam in her eye.


See, everybody's got lists.

Yeah, it's just, I think I would

handle that differently now.

Well, that's where we part ways, Nelson.

You see mistakes and think you can learn from them.

Are you saying you can't learn?

I don't see mistakes.

VICKI: This is the girl Paul met at the bar?

HENRY: She dropped dead right after you left.

MOHADEVAN: How old do you think she is?

VICKI: Early 20s?

Precisely, on the outside.

But on the inside, she has the cellular structure

of a 70-year-old woman.

Her liver is darker and smaller.

She has advanced arteriosclerosis of the heart.

I found atrophy in all the tissue.

It's fascinating.

Isn't there that aging disease?

Progeria, but she's too old for that.

Correct, and progeria is genetic.

This girl is normal in every respect.

It's just like she's burned out.

What do you think caused it?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Is there anything else besides the aging?

Her diet was terrible but hardly terminal--

a stomach full of raw meat.

[pager beeps] Excuse me.

Paul's body was chowing down on raw steak today.

This girl was his last memory, or at least the last memory

told you about, anyway.

PAUL: Wow.


Oh, we meet again.

I must be living right.

Though, I have to wonder, what are you doing here?

She's a friend of a friend.

- Do you know her? - Me?

No, no friend.

Just the neighborhood.

I'll tell you, for someone who's undercover,

you're awfully visible.

Who's he?

My chiropractor.

HENRY: You never know when something needs to be cracked.

Yeah, I guess you have time now

to take care of your health.

Tough break, though, you know, having

to leave the job you love.

Well, this one has its benefits.

You haven't changed.

You're on of those cops who's going to die with their boots


Yeah, just like you, right?


We've got that in common all right.

Mhm, too bad.

She's pretty.

You never know what's coming for you, right?

OK, now I know you don't know him, but that man is not right.

That doesn't mean the thing they contacted you is Paul.

Listen, when you're a cop, you have

to learn to trust your gut.

And I'm telling you, that was not Paul Deeds.

My client is.

OK, fine.

You want me to k*ll him now?

Well, it's lovely to know that's an option,

perhaps we'll save that for later.


[music playing]

MIKE: Hey, Dave, it's me.

I'm outside the Alleycats Body Rub.

It's an Asian game, right?

Dragons, right?

Do know if there's a turf w*r going on between the Dragons

and the Wolverines?

That's when I thought.

Listen, see if you can find out any info

on an attractive Dragon girl, late twenties,

she's driving a black Porsche, can't

make out the plates just yet.

Yeah, thanks.

PAUL: Hello, beautiful.

Anyone can see us here, idiot!

Idiot, ha!

It turns me on when you call me idiot.

You're the one who's committing su1c1de.

Your boys just took over another Wolverine operation.

I am here for my thank you.

Your thank you was already delivered.


That's not the thank you I'm looking for.

Forget it.

Mhm, don't say no right away, baby.

I brought your a gift.

Your active file with the cops just got a little later.

Sweet little Wolverine, I might just keep you.

Mhm, I think you go better than that.

I don't fraternize with employees.

Well, think of us as partners.

Can't get a promotion in your own bike g*ng?

They don't wear tights like you.

This is good, but I want you to really impress me.

Don't tease me, lady Fang.

I'm not.

Impressed, coming up.

I can't wait.

You're going to be yummy.



[music playing]

VICKI: Interesting girl, she took

a left turn after college-- ended up dealing dr*gs.

What kind?

Small time dime bags mostly.

She's got a few charges, but no convictions.

I talked to Tessa's mom.

She says her daughter had cleaned

up over the last few months.

Got straight in NA, was working full time.

Just one small wrinkle.

Oh, the kind of wrinkle we like?

A boyfriend who was still in her life.

Probably still an addict.

Mom says Tessa was trying to save him.

Did you get the boyfriend's name?

Derek Pheasant.

I don't know how much good it'll do us,

thought, because he's dead, too.

When did he die?

Four days before Tessa.

[suspenseful music playing]

BOUNCER: What the hell are you doing in here?

Chuntao Fang.

You got a minute?

Unless you've got a warrant, cop, get out.

Oh, come on.

Tell me, is it that obvious?

Hey, is it the tie?

It's the tie, isn't it?

You guys all have the same smell.

Well, you know, we do get a volume discount.

I don't talk to cops.

Oh, you don't, huh?

Well, you certainly seem to talk to Wolverines, or at least one

of them.

So it looks like the Dragons are moving into Wolverine

territory, doesn't it?

Three deaths so far.

Since when do cops care about bikers dying?

Well you see, Chuntao, homicide is homicide.

I'm after the K*llers, or k*ller.

I think you've come to the wrong place.

You know, Chuntao, I'm really starting to doubt that.

Well, you look kind of busy here, so you

have a nice day, Miss Fang.


You know, that would make a nice alias for a Wolverine,

wouldn't it?

We'll be in touch.


OK, what are the chances that Derek

Pheasant just dropped dead?

HENRY: He was a junkie.

So we'll look at the coroner's report.

Come on, two deaths, one after the other like that.

And then your client was evicted from his body right

after being with her.

It may well be jumping from body to body.



See, you can admit it, any time now.

All right, the spirit you've been seeing probably

is that of Paul Deeds.


Seriously, I mean, you're becoming a fine detective,

and I'm not telling you to give up your critical mind.

I mean, you get cocky, you get sloppy.

A fine detective, you really think so?

I'd make a good partner then.

Oh, you jostling for space on the letterhead?

For starters.

I tell you, after the last few months,

with everything that's happened, I couldn't

have done it without you.

I mean, I wouldn't have wanted to.

That means more than a mountain of letterhead.

COREEN: You wanted the mocha, right?

Yeah, exactly what I wanted.



(YELLING) Hey, I got something for you!

BIKER: What?

It's hot!


It's hot!


[music playing]

VICKI: Ha, nothing like homicide the morning of a fresh m*rder.

Yeah, and I got a feeling you know what we're dealing with.

Come on, let's go to my desk.

VICKI: So Tessa's boyfriend, Derek,

was pre-deceased by a hooker named Mary Wallace.

They all died of same mysterious cause of death,

burning out from the inside.

Now, Mary Wallace had a john named Bert Winters,

this is according to the girls on the stroll.

Also dead.


So Tessa Bradley, Paul Deeds, Bert Winters, Derek Pheasant,

Mary Wallace--

all dead.

And they all knew each other, OK, however superficially.

And they've all died for the same cause.

Yeah, except that deeds isn't dead.

Well, not yet.

OK, so what is k*lling all of these people?

I don't know.

Coreen's looking into it.

Did you find anything out?

I'm not sure.


You can't tell me which means Internal

Affairs is looking into it.

I didn't tell you that.

Look, Vicki, be careful with Paul, OK?

And I don't just mean the guy who's walking around.

You're going to blame a guy who's dead for something

his body is doing?

There's more to it than that.

I know he played fast and loose, believe me,

but he was always straight up.

Yeah, maybe he was straight up, but that's a slippery slope

and you and I both know that, Vicki.

OK, you cut a few corners here and there

and before you know it, you can start justifying

anything to yourself.

I'm pretty sure that Paul wasn't clean.

Vicki, I know you like the guy.

Just ask him, will you?


VICKI: Burt begat Mary, Mary begat Derek, Derek

got Tessa, and Tessa begat--

PAUL: And Tessa begat me.

It move's quick.

Yeah, it's gone anywhere from three-and-a-half

weeks to as short as six days.

Guess I should treasure every moment.

Well, we have to get this thing out of you

before it does too much damage.

Your body's in good shape, so.

Thanks for noticing.

What I mean is that maybe we can get this thing out of you

before it does too much damage.

Look Paul, there is something I have to ask you about

and I need you to be straight with me.

Are you saying I haven't been?

I just found out that IA has been investigating you.

Why would they be doing that?

Did you get in too deep with the bikers?

Did you take a payoff you shouldn't have?

You got the wrong guy.

Paul, this thing is jumping from low-life

criminal to low-life criminal.

What did you want with you?

Maybe it thought I had a bright future in the g*ng.

No, I talked to your boss downtown.

He says you haven't delivered any Intel on the Wolverines.

You couldn't have been that connected then.

Are you saying that I can't do my job or that I'm dirty?

What I'm saying is that this thing isn't attracted to looks.

It's attracted to a certain kind of essence.

So something was going on with you and you better tell me

what it was or I stop looking.

Oh, wow, you give 17 years in this job.

Four lost marriages, no kids, and now I'm dead,

and the only person that knows it is you.

You're my only ally, and now you want to smear me?

Thanks for nothing, Nelson.


HENRY: What was that?

You felt that?

Man, busting your chops for not trusting my instincts, and then

this guy goes and plays me.

He was a good cop in his time and he was also your client.

You can't blame yourself.

You found another one?

Yeah, he died in a flophouse a couple of weeks ago.

Humble beginnings for the chain.

Maybe these aren't meals.

Maybe they're career opportunities.

He goes from this low-life and it's unemployed john

to the biker in six weeks flat.

The Ekimmu moves in and gets a twofer.

The Ekimmu?

Coreen and I found a description

of an ancient Babylonian entity.

It moves from one body to the next.

Its whole raison d'etre is to create v*olence and chaos.

The Ekimmu, you're sure?

Well, the raw meat was a real clue.

It lives in a perpetual state of hunger and anger--

raw meat being its poison of choice.

Now, according to the book, it jumps from one gender

to the next.

But it has to touch its victim to make the move.

By touch I'm assuming you don't mean a handshake.

I'd imagine something a little more intimate.

You would.

So as it moves, I mean that would

be the moment that Paul would be able to jump

back into his body.

Right, and it hasn't been in there that long,

so maybe the cellular damage isn't that far advanced.

Now all we have to do is find Paul and find a way to trap

the Ekimmu between bodies.

Yeah, that might be a little difficult because I

think he just fired me.

You can pick a fight in two dimensions?

You know, that's incredible, Vicki.

Look, Henry, I heard a rumor that he was dirty.

I don't know if he's planting lies,

stealing secrets, or destroying evidence, but I had to ask.

Something's going on.

When we were at the morgue, there was a sheaf

of papers in his jacket.

I didn't think anything of it at the time.

Records is down there.

Would he have access?

He'd find a way.

If we can just figure out what he was up to,

then maybe we can figure out what's coming.

Or who's next.

Will you drop me at the station?


And while you're there?

Well, maybe you can't see a ghost

but perhaps you can shadow an Ekimmu.

HENRY: What was the name of the massage place?


[music playing]

What's up?


You're there, aren't you?

If you are there, there's always a way to make things right.

PAUL: A vampire lecturing me.

I took something for myself.

No one got hurt.

I know that some of my greatest joys

occurred only because of what some people called my curse.

So being a ghost well actually solve my issues.

You're classy.

I may be becoming a detective after all.

I think we just figured out where

it's going to strike next.

[music playing]

October 3, Wolverines, surveillance photo?

MIKE: Yeah, still here.

October 8, Wolverines, micro cassette recorder?

Still here.

So how many 'still here's' is that?

OK, try looking up the Dragons.


Because he's involved with them somehow.

What do you mean?

Playing one game against the other?

I saw him having a real close confab with their leader.

Define close.

Sharing the same breath, close.


November 5, Chuntao Fang surveillance photo?

Did you say November 5?



Right, there was also surveillance

on Chuntao Fang from December 7th, 13th, and 20th.

You mean there was.

In fact, this whole file seems a little slim.

These dates, they're from months before that thing

took over Paul's body.

So what are you saying?

Paul was working for the Dragons?

Give me a better theory.

All right, see what you can find.

Can't find.

I'm going to have a conversation with Crowley.

See if she can authorize a wiretap

of the Alleycats Massage.

The what?

Seems to be Fang's headquarters.

Of course it is.

OK, I'll be back in a minute.

All right, November 12th, micro cassette recording.

That Dragon's missing too.

Everybody knows that dragons don't exist.

Not in here they don't.

See, what I'm trying to figure out

is how much trouble you and I can get into.

Well, that would depend on who's asking.

You think you know who I am?

Yeah, you couldn't get into the underworld,

so you're here acting like a tourist

at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

A bit self-righteous, but I think you can be some fun.

You ask around.

Everybody says I'm no fun.

I'm willing to give it a try.

[loud plop]

Stupid creature.

Don't try to hold on to your miserable existence.

I've worked pretty hard to be this miserable.

PAUL: Vicki

You're back.

You don't sound too happy about that.

You should've told me what you were up to.

Chuntao Fang?

You stole police records.

It wasn't me.


What about the files that went missing six months ago?

Nothing I did compromised my job as a cop.

All right, so I gave some information about

the Wolverines to another g*ng.

Telling one group of bad guys about another group

of bad guys, letting them take a bite out of each other,

I don't see that as a crime.

No, especially not when you're getting paid for it.

Oh yeah, there's that sanctimony I miss and love

about everybody in this job.

You know what?

I thought you were different.

I thought that you would understand.

Understand what?

How to get people k*lled by remote

while you make money off of it?

I was getting results, workers off the streets.

More than I would have done in 10 years

if I was doing it straight.

Oh, the end justifies the means.

It was just a perk that a big wad of money

fell into your pocket while you were doing it.

I didn't do wrong.

Yeah, you don't see mistakes.

Oh, wow, OK.

I took some cash.

I give myself to this job and it took everything, so big deal.

Big deal?

I thought you were one of the good guys.

I stuck my neck out for you.

I told people that despite all the bravado

and all the bluster, that you were a good cop.

Man, what a mistake that was.

I come bearing gifts, cedar.

A cedar dagger?

The Ekimmu is a Babylonian spirit.

This is a Babylonian solution.

Coreen says the moment to strike is very precise.

The Ekimmu has to be between bodies.

I think we all know who that body is.

Let's go.

[music playing]

Lady Fang, did you like that love letter I sent you, babe?

Two dead Wolverines, I'm impressed.

You're impressed.

What to have some fun now?

What's your idea of fun, my sweet carnivore?

Oh, the usual--

destruction, chaos, death.

That better not be what's on the menu for tonight.

You're on the menu tonight.


HENRY: (YELLING) Vicki, now!

Oh god, is he dead?

Where's the ghost?

I don't know.



[gasping for air]


Tell you what, Nelson, I'll take

fighting the bad guys we used to, over this crap any day.

Hey, that's my livelihood you're talking about.

We're welcome to it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry for everything.


It's OK, it happens.

No, it's not supposed to happen.

It's not supposed to happen to people like us.

We're the good guys, right?


Yeah, we're the good guys.

Man, I'm bet.

You know?

[sad music playing]

[police sirens]

[breathing heavily]

[loud police sirens]

[breathing heavily and crying]

Hey, hey, hey.

- (YELLING) Get it off of me. - (YELLING) Calm down!

Calm down!

(YELLING) Keep it off!


Let's go.

I'm sorry.

That's a first.

Did something crawl into you, too?

I was mad at you for not believing

I was talking to Paul's ghost.

I was wrong, too.

I took everything he said at face value.

It never occurred to me that he'd lied about it all.

Well, except for the ghost part.

We all need to believe in something.

MIKE: Hey.


Internal's investigation will get filed away.

Yeah, but it will matter.

When people remember Paul Deeds, all they're going to remember

is a dirty cop.

They didn't see what we saw.

In the end, he came call.

No fun in remembering that.

We'll remember.


Mike's going to be one of those guys

that dies with his boots on too, isn't he?

We all will.


Yeah, we.

[music playing]