03x15 - A Loss of Innocence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x15 - A Loss of Innocence

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Mr. Craven, let's go.
Come on.

Kick it in gear.

Where the hell's
my car?

Back at moos and booze
where we left it.

You had too much booze
and not enough moos.

I can walk.

My condition
happens to be excellent.

Oh, man. You're a jerk.

No, no. You are.

That's why I got to
give you this citation--

Driving around
with 1988 license tags.

We're well into 1989,
mr. Craven.

Good night.

Oh, come on, mom.

No. Your father
said no tv.

He's got some nerve,

Punishing me
for staying out.

What does he do?

get me the skillet
from the cupboard.

It's not fair.

Who said life
was fair, honey?

Man: baby?

Where the hell
are you, baby?

There you are.


Come on over here
and see daddy, huh?

Come here,
honey pie.

Come on.

That's it.

What's the matter,
honey pie?

Jana, you go do
your homework.

Go on.


Go on, go on.

Yeah. Go ahead
and do your homework.

Come here.

Come on, babe,
come on.

Frank, you're
drunk again.


get your hands
off of me!


As long as I
am your husband,

I'll put
my hands on you
whenever I want.

[Woman grunting]

And you'll do
anything that I want.

And that goes
for the little girl, too.


Man: [over radio]
one adam-12.

One adam-12.

I've always
wanted to say that.

Did I hear you

Uh, no, sir.

Well, how do you know
what it is I heard?

Chief, if you heard
something you didn't
want to hear,

Then I probably
didn't say it.

I'm so relieved.

Lonnie: hey, remember me?

Uh, yeah, lonnie.
Anything to report?

Just some foolishness
at headquarters.

Note it in the logbook,
will you?

Hey, chief,
you still there?

William: yeah,
but leaving fast.

I got kids
skipping school.

Want me
to spoil the party?

Well, being it's
such a nice day...


you're so lucky.

How do you figure?

Your parents
never hassle you.

Yeah. I guess.

Lonnie: good morning, ladies.

I hope that was
one of them cigarettes

With that warning label--
"injurious to your health."

Of course.

We wouldn't
smoke nothing

That hasn't been
determined to cause

Uh-huh. Shouldn't
you-all be in school?


It's a holiday,
isn't it?

You-all can come with me
back to school,

Or we can call
your folks from the station.

Well, when you put it
that way...

Althea: last year you were
on the honor roll.

Now you're failing
three classes.

And have three as.
That's a "c" average.

You've been caught
skipping school
five times.

Are you having
problems at home?

always thinks

It's something
to do with parents.

It's always
a possibility.

Not in my case.

I'm not doing dr*gs,

If that's
the next question.

I think it's time I meet
with your parents.

I'm the problem,
not them.

I'm missing math.

Can I go now?

you can go, jana.

Tibbs: I tell you
I really think

That's one of those
women intuition

Don't patronize.

Intuition, women or men,
deserves attention.

I agree.

deserves respect.

I think that girl's
in trouble.

What girl
and what trouble?

of althea's.

Jana craven. Yes.

I had a major
in italy
by that name,

But he was
from wyoming.

Althea, I really
don't see

What we
can do about
a school problem.

The problem goes
deeper than that.

I tried contacting
her parents,

But the number's

The receptionist
at her father's work

Said frank craven's
been absent over a year.

How does the girl
explain it?

I don't know.

And I guess
I was afraid to ask,

As if I suspected

I didn't want
to know about.

See, that's intuition.

That's the way
it works, understand?



Yes, sir, detective?

You seem to think
you know everybody
in town.

You know
the cravens?

No, sir.

But I went to school
with colleen slenzak.

Why is it every time
I ask you a question

I feel I need
an interpreter?

Colleen craven

Used to be
colleen slenzak.

Then you know her?

No, sir.
She wouldn't give me
the time of day.

Were you crazy
about her from afar?

Yes, sir,

But she went off
and married a no-good

Named frank craven.

Go figure.

Well, there you are.

That's the answer
to your problem child.

She's a victim

Of a typical
bad home situation.

Thank you, chief.

That's what I say.

Oh, thank you,

For your most
valuable opinions.

Didn't we do well here?

[Knock knock]

[Knock knock]

Mrs. Craven,

[Knock knock]

It's althea tibbs
from jana's school.

Miss tibbs.

Um, I'm sorry.

It's just
not a good time.

Why not, jana?

I just don't
want to talk.

All right. When?

I don't know.
Do I have to say?

I'm more concerned

About what's going on
behind that door

Than about you.

I can find out.


It's my mother.
She isn't well.

What is it?


Yeah, she, uh...

She's an alcoholic.

That's what she is.


Today is a real
bad day for her.

Miss tibbs.

Can we just forget
about all this?

It's so embarrassing.

Yes, it is.

It's embarrassing
for me, too,

Because I don't believe
one word you've said.

[Music playing]

what is it this time?

What's what?

Well, I'm a detective.

I'm trained to notice
significant clues.


[Virgil laughs]

You're distracted.

Does it have
anything to do

With the chief and
I not helping you
with that student?

I think I made
a mistake.

She said
her mother's
an alcoholic,

But I said
she was lying.


Because she acted
as if she were lying.

If jana's
an innocent victim
of an alcoholic parent,

I should
get her into al-anon.

You tell
her father?

I can't find him,

And if you're finished
investigating my salad,

Maybe you'll consider
doing some real
detective work.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

It's not police work,

There is
no crime in being
an alcoholic parent.

Yes, there is.

It's just
not on the books.


Nothing on either one.

O.k., Joannie, thanks.


Frank craven hasn't
had income taxes

Or employment credited
to him in over a year.

Colleen craven?



Frank last worked
at the tripiano
lumber company.

All right. Thanks.


Excuse me.

I'll be right back.

You tripiano?

Ain't no tripiano
around here.
Not no more.

I'm the closest thing
to tripiano you'll find.

Walton, j.w.

Detective tibbs.

Lieutenant skinner.


What can I do for you?

Did you have
a frank craven
working here

A little while ago?

About a year
or more.

Know where he is?

No idea.

What happened?

He get laid off?

No. He should have been.


He boozed on the job.

Put other people's lives
in danger.

But he just up and quit.

Wife called in,
said that, uh...

He'd taken a job
with her brother
in jackson.

You got the name
of the company?

No. I got to get
back to work.

Look up slenzak
in the jackson phone book.

Thanks for your time.

Just got off the phone

With colleen's brother
in jackson.

Frank craven
never worked for him.

According to him,

He lost touch with
his sister years ago.

That's very interesting.


I know you.

Who are you?

Randy calhoun, chief.

Remember me from jail?

Oh, yeah.

You were mean
on my birthday.

That's because you
wasn't acting your age.

You live around here?

Right across
the street.


I think I smell coffee
on the ring.

Mrs. Craven,

It's althea tibbs
and chief gillespie.

This is not
a social call.

This is
police business.

Open the door,

Can we come in?

My mother isn't well.

We're not afraid of
catching anything.

[Door creaking]

Where are
your parents?

Out of town.



How long
they been gone?

A week.

all the furniture?

We were robbed.

Well, uh, the robber
did a pretty good job.

Seems to me they
cleaned you out, huh?

And you forgot
to call us.

There's no law saying
I have to complain.

There's a law that says
when you know about a crime,

You're supposed
to report it.

I want to go
in there.


Miss tibbs, would you
take charge of this

For me, please?

Yes, chief.

No! Not in there.

Yes, in here.


I'm sorry,
miss tibbs.

I just
have a problem
with authority.

Jana, look at me.

What's happening here?

Why are you
living like this?

Where are
all your things?

Most of the stuff
I pawned.

Some I chopped up
and used for fire.

It was all
too depressing.

Reminded me
of happier times.

Gone forever,
I guess.

Jana, where
are your parents...


I haven't
heard from them
since they left.

Who needs them?




Jana says her parents
left her here

To live like this.

She's been here
quite a while alone.

Well, that
can't go on.

Why not?

The law
says it can't.

You're going
to arrest me?

If you give me
reason to.

I'll become
an emancipated minor.

I read all about it.

I only have to show
I can live by myself.

The house
is all paid for.

I've heard
about that,

But it requires
the signature
of a parent

Or at least
a guardian.

Nobody's available,
as far as I can see.

wait just a minute.

Chief, jana can
stay with me tonight.

Oh, miss tibbs--

Until we find out more

About this emancipated
minor situation.


Chief, I found
something interesting.

Tell me about it.

I ran a check
and found a car

to a frank craven.

It was left
at moos and booze
a year ago.

Craven was drunk.

I took him home
that night.

The car didn't have
current tags.

It was eventually
towed away.

Here's the best part--

Can there be
a best part
to this mess?

The car was
never claimed.

It was sold at auction.

Now, why wouldn't a man
claim his own car?

What shape was it in?

It was a nice car,
a late-model
cutlass supreme.

Maybe something
happened to him.


What are you
thinking, chief?

I don't know.

Get a search warrant
for the craven home,

Then you-all go out there
and look around.

Pay particular attention
to the attic

And the basement.

We got to find some
pieces to this puzzle.

Yes, sir,
right on it.

Let's go.

This one's locked.

That's o.k.
I brought the key.

Go on. Get down there.


Push old parker down
into the basement.

what is ailing you?

Bubba, it's always
down in the basement.

What is always
in the basement?

The crazy mother,
the deformed child,

The head
in the hatbox,

You name it--
it's always
in the basement.

Let's go find it all.

Look out there.

Ha ha ha ha!

Home sweet home.

Look like such a normal
family, don't they?

Yeah, but
you know what, sweet?

All families
look normal in pictures.

Hey, parker...

Come here.

Bring that shovel
with you.

Did you find something?


I told you it's always
in the basement.

Go on, go on.


Parker, you better
call the chief.

I think we done found
mr. Frank craven.

Good morning.

Oh, lord.

Now, are...

Are you, uh...

Are you sure
that's frank craven?



"Frank forever. Colleen."

Colleen may still
have a chance at forever,

But not frank.

How do you know

That this wasn't somebody else
wearing frank craven's ring?

It wasn't.

Oh. Somewhere in this mess,

You recognized
good old frank?

The dental charts
are a perfect match.

Now, that is
frank craven,

At least, all that's
left of him.

How long is he dead?

That's hard to say.

Well, take one
of your usual
wild guesses.

A year.

Can you also
guess me the cause?

I can tell you.

Somebody hit him
on the head.


Well, thank you.

Well, as usual, uh...

It's a pleasure
to be walking out
of your establishment.

This time.

How is she?

I haven't said
anything yet.


We located your father.


Your father's dead.

His body was
in the house.

In the house?


He had been k*lled
about a year ago.

Do you have any idea
how it happened?


I don't know.

Jana, are you telling us
the truth?




Where's your mother?

She left
when daddy left.

That's all I know.

You randy calhoun?


Lieutenant skinner,
sparta police.

This is
sergeant jamison,


We need to ask
you questions.

[Dog growling]

Come on, flea bit.


All right.


We're looking for, uh...

What's that woman's name?

Ms. Colleen craven.

Till I saw you guys
over there yesterday,

I didn't know
she was missing.

When'd you see her?

Been a long while.
Couldn't say.


Did you ever notice
anything peculiar

Going on there
at any time?


Lights went on
every night,

Off every morning.

Nothing peculiar
about that, huh?

Let me ask you this.

Isn't it funny you ain't
seen frank and colleen

Coming and going,
say for about a year?

Nope. Never saw much
of them any time,

Except one night
when frank came over

Flying a little low--
thought this was his house.

I just
thought we kept
different hours,

Except the girl.

Seen her coming and
going all the time.

Never thought
much more about it.

Weird, isn't it?

Say what?

All the funny stuff
that happens here
in sparta.

Oh, yeah. It keeps us
laughing all the time.

Lieutenant. Yeah?

We knocked out that wall
in the basement--found this.

Will you look
at this?

I bet you could
really scramble

Somebody's egg
with this.

Run that down to lab
for print checking.

You got the kid's prints
to make a comparison?

All we need.

Oh, randy, uh...

Thank you.

You didn't know jana
was living alone, huh?


Her parents did seem
too good to be true.

No curfews--
things like that?


You ever been
to jana's house?

No. Never.

Jana was always
sort of distant.

I like her,
but she never

Let anyone
get too close.

Well, what about her parents?
You ever meet them?



A couple
years ago.

They seemed like
ordinary people.

Do you think jana
k*lled her parents?

I'm supposed
to ask you that.

You know, she was
a loner and all,

And i, uh...

I've heard some people
in town talking.

Is jana going to
be o.k.?

We hope so.

Chief, the lab matched
one of the prints

We found
on the m*rder w*apon.

One. Couldn't identify
the rest of them.

Jana craven.


Thank you, sweet.

Jana craven's

You better inform
the d.a.'S office.

I'm on with him now.

We found the prints,
mr. Darnelle.

We didn't want to believe
that jana did it,

But the skillet prints
were identical

To ones found
on kitchen equipment,

So there it is.

I'll tell the chief.

Mm-hmm. Yeah,
well, good night.

What's his decision?

He reminded me
they tried

A young boy
last year in florida
as an adult.

of premeditated m*rder.

They're not waiting
for us to find
colleen craven's body.

He's ready to try
jana for her daddy's m*rder.

Smells blood,
does he?


I'll have to
send somebody

To pick up jana.

Um, you better let me
set that up.

What do you mean?

Well, chief,
if anybody's going
to get to jana,

They're going to
have to go through
althea first.

That is going
to be tough.

I don't need your advice
on how to handle my job.

Just let's not
release it
to the newspaper.

Why not?

considering the age
of the accused--

If that girl
k*lled her parents
and hid the bodies,

That news shouldn't
be suppressed.

Certainly. It's
front page news.

A young girl
tried for m*rder

Is bound to
attract attention.

Might even make
the national news,

But what does
that benefit...

Other than
the career

Of a certain ambitious
district attorney?

I resent that.

What's it benefit,

Tell me.

Certainly not
sparta, mississippi.

Certainly not
the rights

Of that
unfortunate child

Who, need I
remind you,

Is innocent until
she's proven guilty.

All right, gillespie.

We'll keep it quiet
for a little while,

But I've checked
my authority.

I've requested
and been granted

The right to try her
as an adult.

I didn't do it,
miss tibbs. I didn't.

They've got evidence
against you, jana.

I loved my father.

But when he was drinking,
he changed.

I still loved him
except when...

When he what?

He scared me sometimes.

But I could never k*ll him.

Of course you couldn't.

My mother...

Jana, what about
your mother?

Chief gillespie
and virgil are
going to jackson

To talk to your
uncle about her.

What can you
tell me?

She always took my side
against daddy.

She protected me.

From what?

I really miss her,
miss tibbs.

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

I didn't do it.
I didn't.

I believe you, jana.

I believe you.

Well, I don't know
how can I help.

Like I said the other day,

I haven't heard from
colleen in some time.

Why didn't
frank craven

Come and work
for you?

I didn't know
he was supposed to.

Who told you that?

Your sister.

That's what colleen
told frank's old boss.

Oh, well, uh,

There may have been
some talk of that,

But he never made it.

We know that.

Frank craven was k*lled.

It was m*rder.

There must be
some mistake.

The mistake will be

When jana's convicted
of the m*rder.


Yes. Why?

the evidence

All points
to her.

Jana's only hope
is our finding her mama.

If your sister's
still alive,

You know where she is.

Surely they're not
going to try a minor.

They'll not
only try her,

But, uh, they'll
try her as an adult,

And they'll
sentence her
as an adult.

Chief, i...

I don't know if I'm--

I'm doing the right
thing or not.


My sister works
at gambini imports

Right here in jackson.

God help her.

Thank you.

Hi. Hi. May I help you?

I'm from the police.

I wonder if I might
impose on your
time a moment.

Would you
look at that
photograph, please,

And tell me if you
recognize the mama

In that little
family portrait.

What's her name?

Uh, colleen craven.

Open this door.

there she is.


Go that way. Go.

Hold it
right there, ma'am.

Sparta police.

What's this all about?

It's about a child
in a lot of trouble.

Your 15-year-old

Right now is in
the sparta jail.

My jana?


We found your husband
where you buried him.

We also found that skillet
with jana's fingerprints.

The district attorney
got permission

To try your daughter
as an adult.

Jana didn't
do it, did she?

You k*lled frank.

Why'd you do that?

Because he changed.

Because he what?

Frank was going to
be somebody.

Everybody in high school
said so.

He didn't drink
back then.

I never saw that side
of him before.

It was like...

Like it wasn't him anymore.


Bad chemistry frank
would have called it.

But it was a sickness,
you know.

It was a disease.

How do you handle
something like that?

Well, I guess you
handled it, ma'am...

By k*lling him.

I don't think I meant
to k*ll frank.

You don't think?

Well, not at that moment,

But I had thought
about it before.

I'd thought about it
since he first
touched jana.

Sure, I'd thought
about it,

But at that moment,

I thought frank was
going to k*ll me.

The only thing
that would stop me

From doing it again
is losing my girl.

Well, you
didn't exactly
lose her, did you?

It's time
to go, ma'am. [Sobs]

I wanted to send
for jana. I did!

But I was scared.
I was so scared.

I changed
my name, my job.

I couldn't get close
to anybody.

I was ashamed
to face her.

In your place,
I'd have packed
my things, my child,

And I'd have left.

Oh, but I couldn't
have done that.

Why couldn't you?

Because I loved frank.

We will work hard
to establish you
as an emancipated minor.

Thank you.

I don't know
what I would have
done without you.

Well, with the help
of the lord

And a little yelling
and hollering,

Miracles can happen.


Tibbs: he got the d.a.
To accept a plea

Of involuntary
from jana's mom.

Then darnelle
waived any charges.

That's wonderful.

And your uncle jack
came and posted bail,

So your mama
should be out.

In fact...

She's here right now.
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