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01x17 - Trash Dash/Save the Took Took

Posted: 05/09/23 15:38
by bunniefuu
- ♪ - [rooster crows]

- ♪ Pony on the sixth floor, Pony in the bathroom ♪

♪ Pony in the kitchen, Pony on the school bus ♪

♪ Pony, Pony, Pony

♪ He's a funny-looking pony, never going slowly ♪

♪ When you got a pony, you're never feeling lonely ♪

♪ Pony, Pony, Pony

- Pony!

- ♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony

- [screams]

- ♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony, Pony ♪

♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony, Pony

♪ It's Pony ♪

- ANNIE: Pony!

- ♪

- Welcome to this year's Trash Dash.

Whoever picks up the most garbage from the park

wins this mountain bike.

- [crowd oohs]

- They say it's three times faster than the average man.

- I love that bike.

- Uh, I love trash.

- [flies buzzing]

- PONY: Cannonball!

Uh! - [splat]

- This year, more collecting and less cannonballs, Pony.

- The contest will begin when I blow this whistle.

- ♪

- Before we begin, I'd like to take a moment

to thank our city's young people.

- [crowd applause]

- [deep inhale]

- ♪

- And let's not forget our kind park keeper,

Mr. Underwood, who does so much to--

- [whistle blows]

- KIDS: [cheering]

- [spits] Uh, great speech, Mayor Rita.

- ♪

- Come on, Pony. - [metal dings]

- Hey. Where do you think you're going

with that Pony?

He can't be in here.

- What are you talking about, Mr. Underwood?

He's always in here.

- Not anymore.

That pony ate my prized daisies.

- No, he didn't. Wait, did you?

- No. - Oh, yes, he did.

See for yourself.

Wednesday, here's me and the daisies.

Thursday, daisies.

Friday morning! Chewed daisies!

- Because he ate them!

- No, I did not.

He says he didn't, and I stand by him.

But the Trash Dash.

I gotta win that bike.

- Then you're doing it without that pony.

He's out.

- [sighs]

- Go without me.

- No, this is more important.

If he won't let you in the park,

no more chasing ducks, no more rolling in the mud.

No more staring contests with the horse statue.

- [gasps]

- We need to find out who ate those daisies.

- Right!

- ♪

- [leaves rustling]

- Really? [laughs]

Oh, you'll have to try harder than--

- [meows]

[yowling] - Oh.

- [screaming]

- PONY: [laughs] I'm a genius.

- ♪

- [quack] - Ha!

[sighs] This place is so clean.

Where's all the garbage?

- No cans, no bottles,

not so much as a stray toenail!

- There must be something around here to collect.

- [wrapper rustling] - [gasps]

- ♪

- [munching]

- ♪

- [gulps]


- ♪

- BOY: Hey! - [heavy breathing]

- Okay, with Mr. Underwood out of the way,

let's investigate the crime scene.

- Got it.

- ♪

- Hm. Is that a footprint?

- PONY: It looks like a boot.

- Or a hoof.

- I'll take a closer look.

- Where did you get that?

- Any decent detective has one.

- Just be careful with it.

It could concentrate the sunrays

and start a fire.

- Really? Whoa.

Don't wanna ruin the crime scene.

- [beam sizzling]

- [crash] - [gasps]

- [fire sizzles]

- [wind whistles]

- Uh, Pony!

That was our only clue.

- Sorry, Annie.

I'm still figuring out this detective thing.

- Maybe there's a witness.

- [ducks quacking]

- Excuse me, Mister.

I'm investigating a crime that took place nearby.

Have you seen anything unusual?

- I've seen lots of unusual things.

It all started back in the summer of .

Nobody got near my gal, Daisy.

- [sighs] - MAN: We were engaged--

to be married in the spring-- - Okay. Thank you.

- MAN: Daisy called it off in the winter of '.

Luckily, in the summer--

- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Sounds like you got a pretty good look at him.

- Pony, it's a pigeon. What does it know?

- PONY: He says he saw something.

- [coos] - PONY: Round body.

Four skinny legs, long neck, scruffy mane.

- ♪

- Annie, it's a pigeon.

What does it know?


- [baby coos] - Uh!

- Really, Gerry? A diaper? [laughs]

That's disgusting.

How desperate are you?

- Yeah, you're right.

- [laughing]


- Everybody knows the criminal always returns

to the scene of the crime.

Be on the lookout for anybody acting suspicious.

- PONY: Well, well, well.

Why is he running?

Is he running from something?

Like justice! Hey!

- ANNIE: Pony, no!

- Come back here! - Yeah?

[heavy breathing]


- Okay, sleaze bucket.

Start talking.

Who are you working for?

- Uh, what? Get off me.

- You heard me!

Who do you work for?

- Um, for Millie's Cakes.

- Well, then I guess it's time to go see Millie...

about some cakes.

- [rock music plays]

- Uh, those are my sunglasses.

- Oh, yeah, sorry.

- ♪

- Wait. [heavy breathing]

I'm really sorry about him.

- You know, I could report him for that.

It's all on camera.

- [camera zooms]

- A security camera.

That's how we'll find out who did it.


Just the man I want to see.

- Gotta find garbage.

There is none anywhere.

- Oh really?

Maybe you'd like this pocket lint.

- Uh-uh. - Not so fast.

I need a favor.

- So, uh, what do you sell here at Millie's Cakes?

- Um, cakes.

- Uh-huh, enough small talk, Millie.

What do you know about the daisies?

- What are you talking about?

- Maybe this will refresh your memory.

- A leaf? - Ah.

Okay, you drive a hard bargain.

That's all you're getting.

Now start talking.

- I really have no idea what this is about.

- Don't play innocent with me.

I know what's going on here,

and I'm gonna take you down!

- They're on to us! Shred everything!

- [shredder buzzes]

- ♪

- [engine starts]

- [police siren wails]

- Since you're a computer whiz, I thought you could

tap into the cameras.

We could find out who really wrecked the daisies,

and Pony will be allowed back in the park.

- [beep] - And I'm in.

- Uh, let me see! - Du-du-du-du-duh.

I think you have something for me.

- Oh, right.

Okay, here we go.

Fast forward, fast forward.

Now we'll know once and for all if Pony--

- [engine revving]

- [crash]

- [gasps] The camera!

- [sparking]

- Uh, okay. It's totally fine.

- [crash]

- [police siren wails] - Uh!

Make them pay, Officer!

Don't let them get away!

- Well, looks like we know who the culprit is.

- But what's that supposed to mean?

- Oh, wake up, Annie.

We're about to see who wrecked the daisies,

and Pony just happens to destroy the camera?

Luckily the footage is actually stored

on the server right over there.

- [brakes squeal] - [crash]

- [tires squeal] - [siren wails]

- [camera rattles]

- Pony didn't do it.

He said he didn't.

- Well, okay, if that's what you wanna believe.

But I gotta go.

I think I see some trash.

- Annie!

- Pony, we need to talk.

- I'm about to crack this case wide open.

This way!

- ♪

- The running man led me to Millie's Cakes.

Cakes are made with flour.

Daisies are a flower.

A baker uses flour to make bread.

Who eats bread?

Ducks who live in the park.

And who loves chasing the ducks in the park?

Ponies. And what do ponies eat?

Everything, including daisies.

And how many ponies do we know?

Just one.

Doesn't look good for the pony.

- ♪

- I'm gonna ask you one more time,

I need you to be completely honest.

Did you eat the daisies?

- No. - [sighs]

Then I believe you.

Even if all the evidence in the world points to you.

Well, that's that then.

- [rattling] - Huh?

- [rattling]

- [crash]

- [gasps]

This is a lot of trash.

- Pony, look! Daisies!

- The owner of this shed is the criminal.

- That could only mean one person.

- [metal dings] - PONY AND ANNIE: [gasps]

- Get out of my shed!

- Mr. Underwood! It was you!

- You ate the daisies!

- Yes!

Well, no, no, of course, I didn't eat them.

But, yes, it was me all along.

- But why? Why frame Pony?

- Because I needed you out.

I had to protect my trash.

Every single year that Pony destroys my garbage pile!

- PONY: Uh-uh-ah, cannonball!

- [splat]

- Cannonball!


- [splat]

- Every...single...year.

- You should have said something.

- I'd have kept him under control.

- You would? - Of course.

He's actually very well-behaved when--

- Cannonball!

- [crash]

- ♪

- The best one yet.

- My trash!

- Mr. Underwood, you collected all this?

- That's where all the garbage went.

- Yes, it was me.

I picked up every tiny morsel of garbage

so you kids couldn't.

And when this place was garbage free,

I collected garbage from state parks

and national parks so I'd be sure to win!

[evil laughing]

- You cleaned up all the garbage?

- Yes! You fools!

- MAYOR RITA: Good for you!

- What? - Wow, you deserve the bike.

- Here you go.

- KIDS: [cheering]

- But my scheme.

- A very helpful and kind scheme.

- Let's hear it for Mr. Underwood!

The King of Garbage!

- ALL: [cheering]

- I won the bike at last!

Sorry I framed you.

- I'm sorry we burned your tree down

and destroyed the security camera

and two sheds.

- ♪

- Ah! - Come back here!

- ♪

- MAN ON TV: [laughs] Honey, did you say

sequined rollerblades? - Oh.

- MAN: Holy-- - [clucks]

- What was that? - MAN: Wheel of Garbage!

- How can we watch something as a family

if we don't watch anything?

- It's Julianne's turn to pick the show.

Don't rush her.

- There are so many animals at the city zoo

that need your-- - Hey!

Wait, go back, go back. - [clucks]

- Visit today to sponsor a needy animal.

- Did you--did you see that?

- See what? - The ugly bird?

- Don't you see the resemblance?

Come on, we should go to the zoo.

We can sponsor an animal.

- I already do.

- [crash] - PONY: Somebody broke

the fridge! - And it's not cheap.

- Sorry, Annie, we can't give to every charity we see.

- WOMAN: This is Pookie.

She was born with a floppy ear.

Won't you please help her?

Come to the zoo and meet Pookie and donate today.

- ♪

- You're kidding? That's a cat.

- DAD: That poor kitty.

Get my wallet.

- MOM: We're coming, Pookie!

- So we're going to the zoo?

- ♪

- I can't even see Pookie from here.

- Push, George!

Keep up, Annie.

- Looks like Pookie's getting all the help she needs.

Come on, Pony, there's another animal I want to show you.


- Annie, this bird looks exactly like...

an ugly ostrich! [laughs]

- Really, Pony? It looks just like you.

I mean, maybe we're the same height.

- ♪

- Uh-uh-achoo!

- ANNIE: Uh, It's a took-took.

Uh, I never knew this animal was here.

- He won't be for long.

Make the most of it. - What? Why?

- Nobody wants to come see him.

All he does is stand around and eat.

- [coughing]

- What else would he do?


- You know, something people wanna see.

Penguins waddle, monkeys throw stuff.

This thing can't even fly.

He does nothing.

- Maybe doing nothing is his thing.

- Nu-uh, that's the sloth's thing.

- They are great at that.

- So unless somebody makes a large donation

by the end of the day, he's pigeon food.

- Huh?

- He's at the bottom of the food chain.

Everything wants to eat him.

- ♪

- [cooing]

- So, say your goodbyes.

- Goodbye, Mr. Took-Took.

- No, we'll save him!

How can we raise money for it?

- I've got a plane.

- Why are you telling me?

- I'm telling everyone.

Hey you! I've got a plane!

- I know, all we need is a bucket.

- Good idea.

I didn't go before we left.

- Ew! No! For donations.

- ♪

- Save the took-took.

Save the Woodland took-took.

He's the last of his kind.

- Save the ugly took-took.

If you don't wanna look at him,

I'll turn the bucket around.

- Pony.

That's you on your bucket.

- PONY: What?

Oh yeah, that's a good picture.

- ANNIE: We haven't raised a cent.

Nobody cares about the took-took.

- Or the pony.

Why do you care about him?

- Maybe because no one else does.

And, you know, he reminds me of someone.

- ♪

- An ugly ostrich? - [sighs]


Mr. Pancks, will you make a donation

to save an animal in need?

- That's why I'm here.

Where's the cute kitty?

I wanna get a selfie.

- What about the took-took?

- Uh, forget it.

You'll have to do more than panhandle to get me

to donate to your big, weird dog.

- ♪

- He's right, it's not very inspiring.

- What else can we do?

- I've got a plane.

- Uh, okay. - Showoff.

- ♪

- That's it!

A run to raise money.

It's perfect.

- If the took-took is up for it.

- Not him, Pony.

We do the run and people give us money.

- Not much effort from the took-took.

- We'll run laps around the park and get people

to pledge money for every lap.

- We just need to find people to make pledges.

- Sorry, Annie.

I'm already doing a trampoline...

challenge to raise money for-- - The took-took?

- No, the kitten with the sad ear.

Wanna pledge?

A penny a jump. - [electronic beeps]

- Check out my Just for Funds page.

- Wow, Heston's on here too.

- ♪

- Annie, wanna make a pledge?

- BOTH: We're raising money for--

- --Pookie. - --the took-took.

- BOTH: Oh.

- Can we put you down for ten bucks per--whoa!

- Ten bucks per trick?

- [crash] - Ah!

- No, per bruise.

Keep up the good work, man.

- Ah! - Uh-uh.

That's not a bruise. That's a fracture.

- Oh man, doesn't count.

- Everyone is raising money for that kitten.

Look, even Fred's doing a baked bean challenge.

- What challenge?

- I just like the way these beans feel.


- Urgh, this sponsored run isn't exciting enough.

We need to do something that's better than those guys.

Something that will stand out online.

- Something dangerous.

- Something impressive.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

- We make that took-took climb the mountain!

- No, Pony, we climb the mountain.

- Mm.

Sure seems like that bird is getting away with something.

- [bird caws]

- Ooh, it's so high.

- Just for Funds will love this.

Mm, there's not much signal.

- [beep] - Oh, there we go.

Okay, let's do this.

- ♪

- What's up, people?

Annie and Pony here.

And we're climbing Dusty Mountain

to save the took-took.

It's gonna be dangerous, and it'll probably hurt.

But it's worth it.

I know a lot of you like the kitty.

But please consider supporting us.

- Wah! My butt!

- Here we go!

- ♪

- [groans]

What an achievement.

- The donations will come pouring in.

- That bird better be grateful.

- [beeping]

- Huh?

They hate the video.


What's up, people?

The took-took hurt the kitty.

Please sup-- - My butt!

- Oh no! That's bad.

- Maybe nobody noticed.

- [crowd yelling]

Toss out the took-took!

Toss out the took-took!

Toss out the took-took!

- What? The pigeons are looking hungry.

- We made things worse.

Everyone hates the Took-Took now.

They think he hurt the kitty.

Now we have to clear the Took-took's name

along with raising money.

What can we try?

Something bigger, better.

- Uh, bungee jumping. Water skiing.

Something with a volcano. Skydiving?

- Yes, that would be great.

- But where do we find a volcano?

- No, skydiving.

But where are we gonna get a plane?

- Mm.


Sorry, I had my mouth full. [coughs, gulps]

I've got a plane.

- Okay, let's do it.

I've never skydived before.

But I'll do it to save the Took-Took.

- No, you won't.

No kids allowed on the skydiving plane.

- What's up, people?

You're moments away from witnessing the first-ever

skydiving Pony.

Why would he do something so extreme?

Because the took-took needs your help.

So please donate now.

Pony! Are you ready?

- You bet I am, Annie!

This took-took skydive is on!

Good luck, buddy!

- ♪

- Pony, the took-took doesn't do the skydive!

You do the skydive!

- Oh, right.

Isn't this better?

- ANNIE: Uh, he can't fly.

Did you at least show him how to open the parachute?

- It's common sense, Annie.

- ♪

- Pony, you have to save the Took-Took.

Pony! Save the took-took!

- I'm going to save the took-took, Annie!

- [wind whistling]

- ♪

- I gotcha!

Uh, I have to touch him.

- ♪

- Come on, took-took, open that parachute!

- ♪

- Ahh! - Ah!

- Now would be a really good time to find out

that you can fly.

Flap your wings! Flap!

It's working!

Ah! It's not working.

- ♪

- Five bucks a selfie to help poor Pookie

fix her floppy ear. - PONY: [yells]

- [crowd gasps]

- Pony!

- [yelling]

- ♪

- [groaning]

- [grunts]

- That one counts.

- ♪

- Ahhh!

- ♪

- [crowd gasps]

- Huh? Ah!

- [splash]

- [indistinct chatter]


- Pony, you saved him.

- Uh-hmm.

- Sorry.

- CROWD: Took-took.

- WOMAN: Did you see those moves?

- MAN: He was tearing up the half pipe.

- [phone beeping]

- Look at those donations.

We did it!

- [crowd cheering]

- Don't worry, Pookie, I still love you.

- [meows] - Wait a second.

It's just a normal cat?

- [meows]

- ♪

- This way, Pony.

Can't wait to see how popular the took-took is now.

- [crickets chirping]

- What?

They got rid of him after all?

- Are you kidding?

After that video you made, everyone loves him so much,

we had to move him to a bigger enclosure.

We keep the crickets here now.

- ♪

- Huh?

- ♪

- [rock music plays]

- [crowd cheering]

- So extreme sports are his thing.

- Thank you, guys.

With all the money you raised,

we can buy him his own plane.

We just have to find one. - [clears throat]

- ♪


- ♪