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01x06 - Haircut/Gerry's Birthday

Posted: 05/09/23 15:26
by bunniefuu
- ♪ - [rooster crows]

- ♪ Pony on the sixth floor, Pony in the bathroom ♪

♪ Pony in the kitchen, Pony on the school bus ♪

♪ Pony, Pony, Pony

♪ He's a funny-looking pony, never going slowly ♪

♪ When you've got a pony, you're never feeling lonely ♪

♪ Pony, Pony, Pony

- Pony!

- ♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony

- [screams]

- ♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony, Pony ♪

♪ It's Pony, Pony, Pony, Pony

♪ It's Pony

- ANNIE: Pony!

- ♪

- [bell dings]

- Hello, dear, come in.

- Hi. I brought my pony.

- Okay, is he coming in?

Oh, look at that, he's already in.

A pony in my salon.

- A pony in your salon.

- Does it need anything?

What will it do?

- He's fine. He'll just watch.

- Ooh, hair magazines.

- All righty.

So, what are we doing here?

- Just a regular haircut, please.

It's gotten kinda bushy. - [bell rings]

- Hi, Gerry. - Annie?

- [paper rustles] - Mm.


- Mm, maybe I'll try someplace else.

- That was Gerry.

- He's probably never seen a horse before.

- No, he definitely has.

- Well, he's never seen a horse in a rocket ship before.

Fits like a glove.

[grunts] Very small, tight glove.

- [sighs]

Is your horse stuck?

- [blows air] He's actually a pony.

Pony, are you stuck?

- Tell the man yes.

Actually, tell him no.

I'm just pretending to be stuck.

- [bell rings]

- I'll be right with you, Ma'am.

We need the chair.

- No problem.


- [gasps] The fun chair!

[crying] - Where's Jimmy gonna sit now?

- Don't worry.

I've got just the thing. - [bell dings]

- [gasps]

- [cries]


- Vroom, vroom.

- Pony, where did you get that?

- Hmm? Hmm?

- [motorcycle revs] - PONY: Ah! No! Whoo!

- JIMMY: This is the funnest haircut ever!

- ♪

- [panting]

Well, that could've gone better.

- What do you mean? He let me keep the rocket.

- Let's try this one.

- Oh, hi, Annie.

Pony's in a rocket.

- Pony is in a rocket.

- Why are you leaving?

- I just got my hair cut.

So, how's yours going?

- Very well, thank you.

- Even though you're about to go into your second hair salon?

- Fourth.

- What?

How is this your fourth hair salon?

- We got up early.

- Why do you take Pony with you?

You know he's just gonna cause trouble.

- Um...

- I'll tell the guys you're not coming with us

to the movies this afternoon.

- Wait, yes, we are.

We'll be done in no time. - GERRY: Mm-hmm.

- Save me a seat!

No, two seats!

Uh, I'll just sit in the aisle.

- [buzzer dings]

- Uh, hey, no!

He can't come in here.

- Because he's a pony? - Or because of the rocket?

- Both.

He'll have to wait outside.

- [door slams]

- [ding]

- Jeez, you're a lot grumpier than the last barber.

- Why have you been to more than one barber?

- Um...

- So, what are we doing here?

- Just a regular haircut.

- So, the same style but shorter?

- Uh-huh.

[blows air]

- ♪

- [giggles]

- ♪

- [giggling]

- Stop giggling.

- Oh, come on, he's funny. [giggles]

- No, he's not.

It looks dangerous.

- Relax, he's not hurting anything.

- ♪

- [crash]

- [alarm sounds]

- I told you it was dangerous!

[gasps] My sign!

- ANNIE: Sorry!

- Come back here with my sign!

- I'm pretty sure the movie theater

doesn't sell sushi.

- I know it doesn't. I'm saying it should.

- ANNIE AND PONY: [panting]

- How's the haircut going?

- ANNIE: Really well!

I'll see ya at the movies!

- Who'd want to eat movie theater sushi?

- Not me, but I like the option.

- PONY: [gushing]

- Would you stop making rocket noises?

- They make me go faster.

- ♪

- [galloping]

- [soft music plays]

- [galloping] - [whinnies]

- Nice hair!

- PONY: Thanks!

- Can you make my mane look like his?

- Uh, uh, sure.

Come back later.

- Never mind, I'll go somewhere else.

- I guess I can squeeze you in now.

Right this way.

- [blows air]

- All right, Pony, this is getting stupid.

There's only one place left to get a haircut on this block.

No more messing around.

- I wasn't messing around.

- Yes, you were.

Just wait out here for me.

- Uh, it's so boring waiting outside.

- Sometimes life is boring.

- It shouldn't be.

- Well, it is!

It can't be Pony Time all the time.

- Maybe I'll-- - No!

Stand right here.

Don't move a muscle.

I mean it, Pony.

- Oh, you look wound up.

- Yeah, Pony problems.

- Right.

Well, we all have those.

Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Is that a video game reference?

- [sighs] Don't worry.

I took care of it.

From now on, everything's gonna be fine.

- BOY: Look, a pony ride!

Can I ride it?

Please, please, please, please!

- ♪

- Where's the coin slot?

- ♪

- [squeak]

- Come on!

[grunts] It won't go!

- What a piece of junk.

- BARBER: So, any big plans today?

- Nah, just a haircut, then the movies.

- Sounds nice.

I like having quiet days.

- [laughs] Oh no.

It has not been quiet.

- Why do you keep it out there if it's broken?

- Okay, okay, I'm sorry.

We'll get that looked at.

Must be an old ride.

- It certainly smells like it.

- Hi, Heston. - Hey.

- Excuse me, no cutting.

- They're not cutting.

They're with me.

I was saving a spot for them.

- Oh really?

Are you saving any more spots?

- As a matter of fact, I am.

My friend Annie and her pony are coming, too.

- Don't worry. We're all here.

- ♪

- Oh, who's that guy?

- Ah, that's Tony.

He was my best friend.

Ah, we used to do some crazy stuff together.

Not anymore.

- What happened?

- We just went our separate ways.

He wanted it to be Tony Time all the time.

We were always getting in trouble.

I just wanted things to be simple.

- Yeah, I hear that.

So, now what do you do for fun?

- I collect bricks!

- ♪

- Wha?

- These two are my favorites.

So, uh, what am I doing here?

- I'll tell you what you're doing.

Helping me realize I made a terrible mistake!

- Huh?

- Maybe you couldn't handle the craziness,

but I love it!

You may have lost your best friend,

but mine is right outside just where I left him,

waiting for me, not going anywhere!

And I'm going out there to get him,

and we're gonna keep on doing crazy stuff,

because life's an adventure.

Enjoy your bricks.

It's Pony Time!

- ♪

- Ah!

No! Pony!

- Darn it, we lost another one.

- MAN: Let me guess, you showed her the bricks?

- ANNIE: Pony!

- They took the pony ride away.

It was broken.

- Pony ride?


Quick, where do they take the rides to be repaired?

- Repaired? Ha!

No, those old things are crushed at the junkyard.

- What?

Where's that?

- No idea. Why?

- Uh, this police ride is broken, too.

- ♪

- [horns honks]

- A rocket ship?

- I think it was a plane.

- It was a rocket.

- Where did he get a rocket?

- Who knows?

- I still don't get why she takes him everywhere.

- ♪

- Ow, ooh!



- ♪

- [metal rattles]

- [carnival music plays]

- [music stops] - [siren blares]

- Pony!


- PONY: Annie!

- Pony?

- [machine rattling]

- ANNIE: Pony!

- ♪

- ANNIE: I have something to tell you!

- What?

- ♪

- [over loudspeaker] I don't want bricks!

- ♪

- Huh?

- Hold on.


Pony, I know the answer.

- To what?

- Gerry asked why I bring you

when I know you'll cause trouble.

- Why?

- Because I know you'll cause trouble.

I'm sorry, you were right.

Life shouldn't be boring.

And it never is with you.

- [machine whirrs] - Uh!

- Uh! I change my mind!

I want boring! I want boring!

Ah! Help, Pony!

- ♪

- Can I move yet? - Yes!

And do lots of moving.



- Uh, I got you Annie!




Ow! Oh! Ooh!


- Help!

- [yelling]

- Ah! Uh!

- ♪

- [gasps] The rocket works!

- Of course it does.

- ♪

- Hey, where are we going?

- Up!

Um, I mean down.

- ANNIE AND PONY: [yelling]

- Oh man, I guess Annie really isn't gonna make it in time.

- ANNIE AND PONY: [yelling]

[groaning] - [metal crashes]

- Two tickets, please.

- Gotta hand it to Annie and Pony.

They sure know how to make an entrance.

- KIDS: [laughing]

- They sure do.

- KIDS: [laughing]

- You never got your hair cut.

- ♪

- [brakes squeal]

- ANNIE: About /.

- PONY: [indistinct mumbling]

- What?

- Why does it say "Gerry" on your ruler?

- It's Gerry's.

I borrowed it from him.

- Looks like everything in here is Gerry's.

- Not all of it.

This math book is mine.


Ooh, Gerry, can I borrow your math book?

- GERRY: Sure, Annie.

Here you go. - Thanks.

- ♪ Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday ♪

♪ Happy Birthday, Happy-- ♪

♪ Have a happy--

- ANNIE: [gasps] Look at this.

- Hm.

It's some kind of folded paper noise machine.

Possibly used as a little hat.

- [whispers] It's a birthday card, Pony,

for Gerry.

It's his birthday.

How did we not know?

He could have at least given us a little hint.

- ♪

- And I'm supposed to be his friend.

- How old would you say Gerry is?

Fifty? Sixty?

- ANNIE: Oh, poor Gerry.

He's not doing anything for his birthday.

- Maybe he doesn't wanna do anything.

- It's not a real birthday if you don't do birthday stuff.

Remember Heston's party last week?

That's what a birthday's all about.

The bouncy house, the go-karting,

stuffing our faces at Crazy Jake's.

- I only remember the bouncy house,

and hiding behind the bouncy house

while they look for whoever popped the bouncy house.

- Heston had an amazing birthday because of all of that.

Come on! We've gotta make Gerry's birthday

even more amazing.

- Ooh! I have the perfect gift idea!

A personalized ruler.

With his name on it.

- I know.

I'll throw him a surprise party.

Everyone loves surprises.

I'm gonna need your help, Pony.

You distract him while I get everything ready.

- Leave it to me.

- ♪

- PONY: [whinnies]

- Hey, what are you doing?

This isn't my stop.

- [motor revs]

- Wait, wha--

why did you take me off the bus?

- Um, because this is a special place.

I love...

this place!

- [beep]

- ♪

- Guys, listen up!

It's our friend's birthday today,

so let's make it special.

- You guys, I thought no one remembered.

- Um, I mean, Gerry's birthday.

- Oh, okay then.

- So, let's all go back to my house

and set up a crazy party!

- Oh! - It's gonna be awesome!

- Okay, assignments.

Clara, you get the cake.

Beatrice, party hats and decorations.

Heston, piñata.

- ♪

- Wow, the place looks great.

Gerry's gonna love it.

Who's got something to cut the cake with?

Great. Who's gonna hang the piñata?

- I've got the rope right here.

- Who's got the bat?

- ♪

- We're ready.

Birthday hats on.

- They were all out of hats.

I got masks instead.

- ♪

- Mm, not very birthday-ish.

- Oh, I think they're pirates.

I like 'em, they're fun.

- Yeah, I like 'em too. - Yep.

- Okay, Gerry's gonna be so surprised.

Everybody hide.

- [light clicks]

- ♪

- Mm.

Hi, Pony. Okay, we're all set.

Bring Gerry home.

Where are you?

- Skiing.

- What?

- You said distract him.

- Yes, but by doing something else like,

I don't know, not a vacation.

- We are high, aren't we?

- Pony, you made the distraction better than the surprise.

It'll ruin the party.

- Is everything okay?

- Annie says I'm ruining your surprise party.

- I'm having a surprise party?

- Don't say it out loud.

- [whispers] Okay, I'll whisper.

- Oh! Who-hoo-hoo!

Uh! Ahh! Ah! Ah! Wah!


- [wind whistles]

- Well, we don't have to whisper anymore.

- Great, what else could go wrong?

- [door opens]

- Surprise! - Whoo!

- Ahh! - Ah!

- Burglars!

- No, we're pirates.

- Pirate burglars! Ah!

- MOM: Call the police!

- No, it's just us!

It's me!

- [sirens wailing]

- POLICE: Halt! Put your hands up!

- Um, surprise.

- Pony!

- Hi, Annie.

- Hi, Gerry.

I'm so sorry.

We just wanted to do something for your birthday.

- This?

- We planned a big surprise party.

You missed it.

- Too bad you didn't miss that tree.

Oof! - [sighs]

That's a relief.

I'm not really a big fan of surprises.

- What? You don't like surprises?

Okay, everybody out.

- Ah! - Well Happy Birthday, Gerry.

- Happy Birthday. - Happy Birthday, Gerry.

- Happy Birthday, Gerry.

- WOMAN: Ah! Pirate burglars!

- MAN: Call the police!

- [sirens wailing]

- Have no fear.

Your birthday is in safe hands.

I have tons of other stuff to make your day special.

Look what I brought.

- [balloons popping] - Uh!

- [crash]

- [balloon pops] - Pony, it's okay.


- Uh! [whinnies]

- Why did you do that?

- No balloons or banners allowed.

They carry germs.

- It doesn't matter.

You're still gonna have a great birthday.

You've got me and Pony.

And as long as we're here, you're going to have

the best birthday ever.

- MAN: Visiting hours are over.

- [door slams]

- Poor Gerry.

He can't have any amazing, fun-packed birthday

if he's stuck in the hospital.

If we're not allowed in, we'll have to break him out.

- I'll bust the door down.

Stand back.

Hang on, let me try again.

Whoo! This is harder than it looks.

- [spy music plays]

- Oops.

- ♪

- I'll get Gerry.

You take care of that nurse.

- What? Like offer him a cup of coffee and a hug?

- No, I mean, like, distract him.

- Gotcha.

- ♪

- Whoa!

Uh, where are we going, Annie?

- Look at this list.

I've got a ton of amazing activities planned.

This is going to be the best birthday ever.

- Um, you know what I'd rather do? Is--

- ♪ Happy, happy birthday

♪ Happy, happy birthday, birthday, birthday, birthday ♪

♪ Birthday, birthday, birthday ♪♪

- Wow, nice tune.

But, you know, I've actually got plan--

- [carnival music plays]

- Ugh! - Whee!

- WOMAN: Ah! Stop!

Pirate burglars!

- [classical music plays]

- [action movie sounds]

- [bowling pins crash]


- [birds chirping]

- ANNIE: Uh, hang on.

What are we doing here?

After this it says: "Eating apples at an orchard."

You wrote these in.

They're not birthday things.

It's just stuff you wanna do.

- So?

Everything else was just stuff you wanted to do.

- No, it wasn't.

They were birthday things.

Everybody likes doing them.

Right, Gerry?

Hey, where's Gerry?

- The bowling alley? - Yes!

No, wait.

Was he even there? [gasps]

- BOTH: Ah, the lake!

- ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly

- ANNIE: Gerry! - Oh, hi, Annie.

Hi, Pony.

- Sorry.

We got kinda carried away with other stuff.

- You missed the bowling.

- That's okay.

- Next on the list it says: "Go home."

How's that sound?

- [sighs]

Sounds good.

- We'll pull you in!


[grunts] - [splash]

- He'll never catch that.

Throw it near him.

- I'm trying.

- Let me try.

That might be too much.

Somewhere in between the two.

- ♪

- ANNIE: Watch out!

- GERRY: Ah! - [crash]

- [water gurgling]

- Whoo, that could've been worse.

- [pop] - [water gushing]

- See? - Uh, we've gotta do something!

- ♪

- Hang on!

Uh, Seahorse Mode!

- [splash]

- ♪

- Jump on!

- ♪

- We're coming, Gerry.

Don't panic!

- Nothing can stop me.

Nothing can stop me.

Nothing can--oh, ducks!

- ANNIE: Pony, concentrate.

- Um...

- ♪

- Ah!

- ♪

- Huh!

- Whoo, I must have swallowed ten gallons of water.

[burps] - [fish flops]

- And at least one fish.

- I'm so sorry, Gerry.

I ruined everything.

- It's okay, Annie.

- No, it's not okay.

I just wanted you to have an amazing birthday.

- Why did you think I wasn't having an amazing birthday?

- You weren't doing anything.

- Yes, I was.

I had lots of stuff planned.

Come on, I'll--I'll show you.

- ♪

- [burps] - [fish flops]

- More than one fish.

- GERRY: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

- DAD: Be out in a second, Son.

- This is what makes a perfect birthday.

No surprises, nobody starring at me.

Just a quiet evening with my family,

favorite food, and board game,

and lots of presents. [giggles]

- This is the perfect Gerry birthday.

I should have known.

Of course your birthday list is different than mine.

- Oh, it's okay.

I loved it.

I mean, I hated all of it.

But I appreciate how hard you tried.

- Thanks, Gerry.

- So, do you wanna stay?

We're gonna have plain cake.

And you can make it up to me with a game of Strategy Knights!

- Uhh, bor...illiant!

- GERRY: [laughs]

- WOMAN: Ah! Pirate burglars!

Call the police!

- [sirens wailing]

- POLICE: Pirate burglars, stop!

- ♪


- [Nickelodeon theme]