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09x04 - Going to the Dogs

Posted: 05/03/23 05:33
by bunniefuu
(bright music)

(upbeat music)
(dogs barking)

Okay, everyone.

Looks like we're all here,
so gather around people.


For anyone that I haven't
met yet, I'm Julianne.

This is Andrea.

Hi, everyone.

First up, we're gonna
work on the name game.

The object of this
is name recognition

so that anytime you call your
dog, they'll come to you.

And then when
they do come to you,

you reward them,

which cements their behavior.

And before you know it,

they'll be coming to
you every time you call

instead of running away.

Okay, shall we get started?

Does everyone have their treats?

You've got a problem with
your tortoise running away?

Oh yeah, sure do.

Sally, isn't it?

Okay, off you go.

(dogs barking)

Good boy.

Come on, Cosmo, come on!

(dog barks)

[Julianne] Okay, you need
to try to make eye contact

before you call him.

Mel, your turn.

You look worried, Frodo.

I've got a problem.

What is it?

[Frodo] My tortoise
doesn't have a name.

Is it a boy or a girl?

I have no idea.

Well, let me have a look.

Let's see.

It's a boy.

How can you tell?

Well you see, with tortoises,

it can be really hard
to spot the genitalia,

but if you look closely,
you can see the penis.

Well, it's way too much info.

How about Thomas?

Thomas the tortoise.
Ah, doubt it.

- Torty Trevor.
- Trevor?

- Toby?
- I've got it.


Okay. Why Hercules?

I had a great uncle called that.

He was famous.

He's Brokenwood's slowest
ever cross country runner.

One Easter race, he
started on Good Friday,

didn't finish till Sunday.

Well, Hercules it is.

Ron, it's really
good to see you here.



Don't do that.

(tense music)

He's a cutie.

Did I ask your opinion?

(tense music continues)

(bright music)

I used to go to these
every year when I was a kid.

Something epic about horses
racing across the sand.

Well, I have childhood
trauma caused by horse racing.

Of course you do.

I went with my brother once,
bet on a couple of races,

lost all of my pocket
money and never went back

Well, proceeds of the
beach race go to charity,

so you should go and feel
good about losing again.

Seem to know a lot about this.

I have a friend
who's an inside source.

You don't have friends.


Hot favorite is Wanderlust

to be ridden by Missy Tohoroa.

Still just friends are we?

Oh dear.
(bell ringing)

[Craig] We need
some bloody help here!

Hi, sorry.

What seems to be the problem?

My wife's missing.
Something's happened to her.

When you say missing...

Gone, mate.

Can I be any clearer?

You guys cops or what?

I'm Detective Kristin Sims.

This is DC Chalmers.

And you are?

Craig Tillman.

I'm a vet at the
Brokenwood Vet Clinic.

Andrea's a vet nurse.

Last night, she
was running, well,

helping to run a puppy
party down at the reserve.

Sorry, a puppy party?

It's a training session
for owners of young dogs.

And after that she
didn't come home?

I drove down to the
reserve last night

to check if anything
had gone wrong,

but there was no sign of her.

Something's happened. I know it.

All right, Mr. Tillman.

We'll check it out of course,

but let's just get a
few details and let's...

Oh, bugger that.

I'll meet you at the reserve.

Or, yep, we could do that.

(car whooshing)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

Is this your wife's car?

That wasn't here.

What do you mean?

When I came down last
night, her car wasn't here.

[Kristin] Now, Mr.
Tillman, please don't.


Please don't touch the car.

Hm, engine's cold. Hasn't
been driven recently.

Mr. Tillman!

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

No, no, no, no, no, no!

(dramatic music)

No! No!

Oh God!

[Craig] No! No!

(tense music)

Still no word from
the elusive Tabatha?

Like I said, she's
not a person governed

by the conventional
notions of time.

But you would tell me
though, wouldn't you?

I mean, whatever she says,

even if it's not good.

You have my word.

Well, not that
divorces are ever good.

I assume.

I wouldn't be one
who has experience.

And I'm sure you never will.

I think a chance would
be a fine thing though.

I mean, I still can't
even get married.

Things will get sorted.

(phone ringing)



[Daniel] We're down
at Brokenwood Reserve.

Got a homicide.

I'm on my way.

(tense music)

What do we know about
the bridle and the reins?

Not hers.

According to her husband, and
neither of them own a horse.

(tense music continues)

Hi, Andrea.

I promise I won't keep you
sitting here much longer.

We just have a few
more things to check

before we can get underway

and locate the person
responsible for this.

The reins haven't left any
sign of ligature marking.

(tense music continues)

We jumping to conclusions?

Gina won't be happy.

(tense music continues)

Craig Tillman.

DSS Mike Shepherd.

My condolences.

Thank you.

I need to ask you a
couple of questions.


When was the last time
you spoke to Andrea?

Yesterday afternoon.

She called me to remind me

it was her day to assist
Julianne's puppy party and

would I be okay to cook dinner?

[Mike] Julianne?

Julianne Seymour,
the dog whisperer.

And you came down here last
night to look for Andrea?

Oh, when she didn't come home,

I became concerned.

But there was no sign of her.

[Daniel] Sims!

You didn't raise the
alarm until this morning?

Well, I went home.

I tried her mobile
a couple of times

and then I fell
asleep on the couch.

I thought maybe she'd
gone back to the clinic.

She often worked late.

Mr. Tillman.

Oh, Craig. Please.

Did this belong to your wife?

Yeah. Yeah, it
looks like hers.

I dunno the password though.

Look, I'm happy to answer
all your questions,

but I'd like to
get to the clinic

and tell the staff about this.

You know, I want
them to hear from me,

not some random
social media post.

Of course. We'll be in touch.

Thank you.

(tense music)

Oh, this looks interesting.

Glad you think so.

Very, very interesting.

Tell me Mike, what is your
experience with bondage?

(tense music continues)

You're asking me this because?

Because of the reins, the bridle

it has a strong resemblance
to bondage imagery.

I'll take your word for that.

Don't ask me how I know.

I won't.

But it's an European thing.

Particularly with the Austrians.

(tense music continues)

I did not know that.

About Austrians.

Me neither.

I thought it was all
castles and cakes

and the Vienna Boys' Choir.

(truck rumbling)

There are footprints everywhere,

but it was a puppy party
with a number of owners.

The victim's vehicle's
headed for forensics.

While they're at that,

forensics might wanna give
the car an oil change.

Pass that on.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Shepherd Special
and Chalmers Supreme.

- Thanks, Frodo.
- Thanks, Frodo.

(gentle music)

Freeze, police.

Sorry, it came out wrong.

I meant hey, police
person, please don't move.

We are not moving,
but we wanna know why.

You nearly stood on him.

[Daniel] Who?

[Frodo] Hercules.

[Daniel] No, that's a turtle.


Turtles live in the sea.

And you have a
tortoise because...

Well, this old
lady was in last week

and she left him behind.

She never came
back to claim him.

You should take him to the SPCA.

What if the lady does come back?

What would I tell her?

And you don't know
how to contact her?

It's kinda nice having
him around, actually.


He moves too fast for you?

Yeah, you'd be surprised.

He is always wandering off.

I took him to that puppy party

'cause I figured it
might gimme some clues

on how to stop him,

but it hasn't helped much.

You were at the
puppy party last night?

Yeah. Yeah, eh, buddy?

(tense music)

Okay, Frodo, we
need to have a chat.

You're kidding me, right?

What have I done now?

She was a really nice person.

Apparently so.

Take a seat.

Why would somebody
want to hurt her?

Well, anything you can tell me

might help us figure that out.

Well, she and me,
we got on fine, man.

I swear.

Frodo, you are only here

because we need to
talk to everyone

that was present last night.

What time did you get
to the puppy party?

Start time was :.

I was pretty much on time.

Did you see anything
outta the ordinary?

No. Nothing.

You're sure?

Not a thing.

Apart from this old guy
that turned up late.

Ron, it's really
good to see you here.

(tense music)


[Frodo] He had a pup with him.

Don't do that!

[Frodo] He was
packing some attitude.

[Andrea] He's a cutie.

[Ron] Did I ask your opinion?


It's Ron, isn't it?

Welcome to the puppy party.

And welcome to you too.

Is everything okay here?
(tense music continues)

Just having trouble getting
the new one here to see sense.

Sometimes we find that
it's difficult to bond

with a new companion after
the loss of an old friend.

Okay, next up is lead training.

So buckle your pups up
and let's get into it!

And you've never
seen this man before?

No, never.

All I know is he was called Ron

and he talked in riddles a bit.

I really am sorry, Ron.

Let's sleeping dogs lie.

Is that what I'm supposed to do?

That was weird

because like none of the dogs
there were even sleeping.

They were all running
around all over the place.

How well do you
know Julianne Seymour?

I don't.

Seriously. I don't know much.

I never have.

Look, can I go?

I left Hercules in
the coffee cart.

I'm pretty sure he is figured
out how to open the fridge.

So the obedience classes
haven't helped much?


Well, see, the thing
about tortoises is

they're a lot less like
dogs than you might think.

(gentle music)

So what do we know?

Well the Brokenwood Vet Clinic

is co-owned by Craig Tillman
and a Bonnie Seymour.

Related to Julianne Seymour?


Bonnie is held in high regard
and is very experienced.

She seems to be the star
attraction of the clinic.

Andrea was equally
as experienced

and social media indicates
the two were close.

Frodo mentioned
an elderly gentleman

by the name of Ron who
attended the puppy party

and caused some tension.

And these reins?

Why were they so carefully
placed at the scene?

A message, perhaps.

Or a distraction.

Ask around equine places,
see what you can dig up.

On it.

And see if you can track
down Julianne Seymour.

She might know who this Ron is.

You and I are off to the vets!

Oh, Dad!

Are we getting a puppy?

(phone ringing)


We're on our way with
a little detour first.

Oh, but you promised!


(bright music)

Afternoon. So what have we got?

In this case,
the cause of death,

it's almost certainly
drug related.

[Mike] Have toxicology
confirmed that?

Not yet. But they will
confirm what I know to be true.

They always do.

See? A puncture wound.

[Kristin] Could it have
been self-administered?

She would have to have
held a syringe like this,

mainlining into the spinal cord.

So it's possible?

If she work as
a burlesque dancer

with a background in circus
performance, perhaps.

She was a vet nurse.

Then unlikely.

And a scenario where
she injected herself

with a fatal drug

and then popped on some
decorative riding gear

doesn't seem likely either.

Do we have time of death?

[Gina] Between : and
: hours last night.

No other signs
of physical trauma?


And her stomach contents
provided no sign

of an evening meal.

But she did drink tea.

Earl Grey, I think no sugar.

So how does someone
administer a lethal injection

without the victim resisting?

Was she constrained
by the reins?

If there were any
resistance against the reins,

there will be
secondary bruising.

There is none.

So they were purely decorative.

(tense music)
- Indeed.

Did you know that in
the bondage world,

some people like to be the
horse, some like to be the rider.

While they're being m*rder*d?

It takes all types, but
perhaps not Austrian after all.

Maybe more Norwegian.

So maybe a Norwegian
burlesque dancer then.

(tense music)

Thank you, Gina.

(car rumbling)

(tense music continues)

You guys are the cops, right?


DSS Mike Shepherd and.

Detective Kristin Sims.

Prisha Bannerjee. New vet.

I'm Brianna, the receptionist.

I know you from somewhere.

We met in relation

to the drum and bass
festival last year.

Oh yeah, that's right.

I was so off my...

You guys must be
here about Andrea?

Or about the break-in?

(tense music)

The break-in?

(tense music continues)

This happened last night?

Probably teenagers.

They know we keep party
dr*gs on the premises.

Mm, ketamine's become the
drug of choice, hasn't it?

[Brianna] Totally.

I wouldn't know.

No we wouldn't. No way.

[Mike] Have you established
if anything was taken?

[Prisha] With everything
that's been happening,

we haven't had time
to have a good look.

I'll get fingerprints in here.

This room will
need to stay locked

until our burglary team arrive

and they'll most likely ask
all staff for fingerprints.


To eliminate you from the scene.

And we'll need to see
your dr*gs register.

Mm. Good luck with that.

What do you mean?


Brianna, I have
a client waiting.

[Briana] I'll get the keys.

Yeah. ASAP.

Okay, thanks.
(tense music)

Do you believe it?

That there was a break
in here last night?


Or at least someone wants
us to think there was.

(tense music continues)

Brianna, can you
make an appointment

from a fortnight's time?

Same time?

[Craig] Detectives.

[Mike] You are back at work.

A couple of emergency
clients I have to take care of.

We'd like to speak
to Bonnie Seymour

if that's at all possible.

Sure thing.

Brianna, can you check to see
if she's got anyone with her?

Oh my God.

Tell isn't true?

Afraid so!

[Julianne] She was m*rder*d.

How is that even possible?

It's crazy, I know.

It's so crazy.

Hello, DSS Mike Shepherd.

Detective Kristin Sims.

Sorry, I just can't
get my head around this.

Andrea was an angel with
the most beautiful heart.

What the hell are
you doing in here?

[Julianne] I'm just
here about poor Andrea.

Yes, and we are all
reeling with the news,

but regardless, you know that
you're not welcome in here.

Bonnie, under the circumstances,

please could you
just let me stay?

Detectives, would it be possible

to take this somewhere else?

Ms. Seymour, this is
a m*rder investigation.

I'm very aware that
our vet nurse is dead,

but having my sister here
is in no way helpful.

Craig, Andrea's car is
booked in with the mechanic

to get that oil-

Brianna, are you serious?

[Brianna] Should I?

My wife's just been found dead.

I couldn't care less
about the damn car!

[Brianna] Okay. Of course.

Got it.

- Ms. Seymour?
- Yes.

Sorry, Julianne, would you
mind stepping outside with me

so we can talk?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

(tense music)

How long did the
puppy party go for?

: till :, more or less.

And did you see anything
suspicious during that time?

Anyone hanging around?


Although when Ron
Abbot turned up,

there was some negative
energy between him and Andrea.

You mean there was an argument?

Not as such.
Well, just tension.

I could sense it.

Look, I didn't really
know Andrea that well.

She helped me with
the puppy parties,

but apart from that
we weren't close.

Okay, thanks, Julianne.
(tense music)

We will need to follow this up

and get a formal
witness statement

and we're fingerprinting
everyone that was at the party.

Of course, anything
I can do to help.


(tense music continues)

But if you really wanna
know what happened to Andrea,

it's my sister that you
should be speaking to.

(tense music continues)

Why do you say that?

Talk to her.

God knows I can't.

(tense music continues)

Andrea was the best vet
nurse I've ever worked with.

She was great with her
clients, but with the animals,

she was intuitive to a degree
I've never experienced before.

It's almost like she could
sense what was wrong with them.

Are you aware of anyone
that might want to harm her?

God no.

Our clients come to us
with their sick animals

and sometimes the outcome
isn't what they hoped for.

They can get emotional,
very emotional.

But everyone liked Andrea.

Were you friends
outside of your work?

Yes. I think I could say that.

We go back a long way.

What about Julianne?

What about her?

[Mike] How would you
describe your relationship?



Unusual for twins.

Not really.

The whole idea that twins
think the same, speak the same,

wanna wear similar clothes.

It's mostly a myth.

To the point that you've
banned her from these premises?

My sister has an alternative
view of animal welfare.

She refers to herself as
a naturopath for animals.

Those are views
that you don't share?

Her ideas are whimsical at best.

At the worst, they are
downright dangerous.

How did you feel about Andrea

and Julianne working together?

I was fine with it.

I was happy that Andrea

could mitigate the worst
of Julianne's excesses.

Okay, thank you.

We might need to come
back to you at some point.

Of course. This come
as a terrible shock

so if we can be of
any help, we will.

If you wanna know what
happened to Andrea,

perhaps you should
speak to my sister.

(tense music)

Talk to her.

God knows I can't.

And how long have
you worked here?

About months.

And in that time,

did you notice any underlying
tensions between the staff?

Here? No.

Maybe the person you
should be talking to

is a Mr. Ron Abbot.


He held a grudge against Andrea.

What you're feeling is
totally understandable-

You've got no bloody
idea what I'm feeling.

Your incompetence k*lled my dog!

(tense music)

Mr. Abbot, please.


Why are you still working here?

You're a danger to every animal
that comes into this place.

(tense music continues)

You're a cold-blooded menace!

[Kristin] You witnessed this?

I heard about it.

It caused quite a stir.

Was there any truth
to his accusations

about the death of his dog?

I can't say.

So that's a yes?
(tense music)

He wasn't a client of mine.

Maybe you can talk to
Craig or Bonnie, but...

But what, Prisha?
(tense music continues)

Maybe you didn't
hear it from me.

(bright music)

(bright music continues)

Can I help you?

DSS Mike Shepherd.

I'm looking into the
death of Andrea Tillman.

Well, that doesn't
explain why you're here.

Witnesses have reported

that you had a dispute
with her professionally.

Well, if that was true,

I wouldn't be going to the
puppy party thing now, would I?

One witness says you
were abusive to her

at the vet clinic.

Well, whoever told
you that was mistaken.

That never happened.

So you have never had words

with Andrea Tillman accusing
her of k*lling your dog?

Not that I recall

(tense music)

We're looking for
any other information

that might help us
with our investigation.

Fishing, you mean?

You gotta do better
than that, detective.

As I said, I can't help you.

Now if you'd be so kind
as to leave my property.

You're upsetting my dog.

(tense music continues)

All right, I would
like to have a chat.

Yeah, and I'd like to
win the bloody lotto.

(tense music continues)
(dog barking)

Shut it!

Sick of your yapping! Shut it!

(car roaring)

(tense music)

(bright music)

(bright music continues)

Kia ora, Daniel.

Kia ora, Manaia.

Carry on over this side.

You after my girl?

I am.

It's a busy time getting
ready for the race.

Yeah. Oh, I won't
keep her long.

Don't want any trouble.

Something I keep telling you

as a member of
police, it's our aim

to sort trouble, not to make it.

If you say so.

Last I saw, she was in there.

(gentle music)

Oh, kia ora.

Just passing by, were you?

In a manner of speaking.

Things shaping up
well for the big race?

Oh, aye.

Wanderlust, she's in
perfect condition.

Her training's gone really good.

The Tohoroas are in
with a fighting chance.

Ah, fine old tradition then.

Well, Dad's been trying
to win it for years

and he's never had
the right horse.

So this year I'm riding for him.

It'd mean a lot to Mum.

So I should be
betting big on her?

Well, it is for charity

so you better empty your
pockets, (speaking in Maori).

Have you seen anything
like these before?

So this isn't just
the social call then?

I don't think so.

[Julianne] Missy, hi.

Julianne Seymour,
this is Daniel.

[Daniel] I'm with
the Brokenwood CIB.

All right.

I believe you spoke with
my colleagues already today

regarding Andrea Tillman.
(tense music)

Yes. I told them
everything I know.

I'm sure.

You have a horse here?

Winsome Spring.

We're racing her in the Classic.

Asking around to see if
anyone recognizes these.

(tense music continues)

Can't say I do.

Is it something to do
with Andrea's death?

(tense music continues)

[Missy] Such a terrible thing.

[Julianne] Unbelievable.

Well, thanks for your time.

(tense music continues)

See you at the race.
- Yep.

(tense music continues)

(gravel crunching)

Mr. Tillman.


How you holding up?

It's tough but, you know?
(tense music continues)

Good to keep busy, I guess.

Well, I'm treating a horse here.

As a vet, that's what I do.

I won't hold you up then.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(car rumbling)

(gentle music)
(birds chirping)

There's some kind of
relationship with these two.

[Mike] Professional or personal?

Hard to tell.

She keeps a horse at
Missy's mother's stables

and he arrived just as I left.

Anything on the reins?

Not yet, but I've got a
couple of other places to check.

So Julianne Seymour
was with the victim

on the night of the m*rder,

was possibly in some kind of
relationship with the husband,

and was at loggerheads
with the victim's employer.

Who happens to
be her twin sister.

- Twins?
- Yeah.

But it seems they
can't stand each other.

Kristin Sims.

And we're yet to
find out what happened

between Andrea and Ron Abbot.

[Daniel] Oh, the
old guy wouldn't talk?

Eh, he ordered me
off his property.

I reckon he'll come around.


Forensics have come
back with results

from Andrea's cell phone.

Her last message
was to Craig saying,

"I can't take this anymore."

He didn't mention that?

No he didn't.


Gina. What a
pleasant surprise!

I know.

I have some preliminary
toxicology test results.

They indicate the cause of death

was a lethal dose of blue juice.

Blue juice being...
(tense music)


The drug usually employed
in euthanizing animals.

It is colored a distinctive
blue during manufacturer

to prevent it being
administered by accident.

And they were traces of
another drug found, a sedative.

Which would explain how
the offender subdued Andrea

prior to administering
the blue juice.

Nice work. Thanks, Gina.

Of course.

Tell me, will you
and Beth be attending

the beach horse race tomorrow?

Ah, I wasn't planning to.

Mike's not really a horse
person. Are you, Mike?

No, I find 'em very obstinate.

I don't think you were a
horsey person either, Gina.

Please, I love them.

Beasts of burden, draped
in sturdy leather.

Magnificent creatures with
their powerful haunches pumping

as they gallop through
space and time,

glistening with sweat and steam.

Well, enjoy.

Gina, I'll be at the races.

Might see you there.


Good one.

(gentle music)

(tense music)

Any news?

The pathologist has
established a likely cause of death.


Who amongst your clinic staff
had access to pentobarbital?

Oh my God.

Is that what k*lled her?

It's our preliminary
finding at the moment.

Well, we keep any lethal
dr*gs in a locked cabinet

in the back room.

Bonnie, myself, Andrea,
Prisha, we all had a key.

What about Brianna?

Well, technically no,

but she knows where
the keys are kept.

Why are you focusing
on clinic staff?

Surely whoever broke in stole
the drug that k*lled my wife.

That's certainly a possibility.

There's no direct link as yet.

Could be a coincidence.

You're not serious?

At this stage,

we need to keep all avenues
of investigation open.

What is that? Cop talk
for we have no idea?

We've asked to see
your drug register.

So far it hasn't
been forthcoming.

We'd appreciate
your cooperation.

I'll have Prisha chase it up.

Mr. Tillman, Andrea
sent you a text message

the night of her death.

It read, "I can't
take it anymore."

Why didn't you mention it to us?

I didn't see the
message 'til the morning.

That's part of the reason
I came into your station.

I knew something was wrong.

That message, it made no sense.

I don't believe she sent it.

Was there something
going on in your marriage?

You're working on the
assumption in these situations

it's always the partner?
(tense music)

I have to ask.

Did I k*ll my wife because
she was gonna leave me?

Absolutely not.

Our marriage was fine,
thanks for asking.

(tense music continues)

Ron's been a client
of mine for a long time.

Not the easiest personality.

Well, we've had reports

of conflict between
him and Andrea.

Is there anything you
can tell me about that?

Ron's previous
dog was named Evie.

After his wife passed, Evie
became his only companion.

About a year ago,
he brought her in

for a routine vaccination.

- Hello, Mr. Abbot.
- Hi.

We're ready for her.

The dogs were very similar

and somehow Andrea
got them mixed up.

The other dog was
booked in for surgery

on an intestinal lump.

And without knowing, I
operated on Ron's dog

who had an undiagnosed
heart condition.

Despite my best
efforts to revive her,

she d*ed on the operating table.

Ron was understandably

and especially
when he discovered

that Andrea was the
one responsible.

(melancholy music)

How did he find out?

Being the head of the clinic,

I had the unenviable
task of telling him.

[Kristin] How did he take it?

Not well.

We thought that with a new
puppy, things would improve.

But it appears that
that's not the case.

You've spoken to him?

He's been approached.

[Bonnie] What did he say?

(tense music)

As I said, he's been approached.

I've seen him hanging
around the clinic.

(tense music continues)

Sometimes he'd pretend
to be walking his puppy.

Other times he was just
sitting in the car, watching.

Has anyone else seen him?

Andrea did.

[Prisha] I haven't
been here that long.

There's not much I can tell you.

Can't be easy having to come

into a situation
where everybody else

has known each other for ages.

People have been distant.

It's almost as if they haven't
decided to keep me on or not.

The bosses given me
menial tasks to do,

like vaccinations
and blood samples,

as if they don't trust me with
anything more complicated.

How'd you get on with Andrea?

She was civil,

but it's not like she
stuck up for me either.

Can you give me an example?

(tense music)

Sorry to interrupt.

Your : is waiting

and his goat just ate
the new pot plant.

I've put him in
consult room two.

Great, thank you.

If that's all.

The drug register.


Mr. Tillman said you
would get the drug register.

Did he?
(tense music)

Never mentioned that to me.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

(tense music continues)

Can you gimme two
minutes with Craig?

Of course. When?


Sure. But he just left.

Of course he did.

Can I help?

I need access to
the drug register.

Totally, but I
think Bonnie has it.

Ah, okay.

I'll talk to her then.


[Daniel] She's not here either?

Yeah. Sorry.

What about Andrea
Tillman's laptop?

Any progress with that?

That I can do.

One out of three ain't bad.



Can you tell your boss that
I'm not a party girl anymore?

I used to be, for sure,
but I've given it all away.

The dr*gs and stuff.

It was really messing me up.

But I so don't do them
anymore. Not even coffee.

Although I did have
three this morning,

but that's because
of the stress.

And why do you want
me to tell him this?

Oh, so that he'll know
I'm a reliable witness.

A witness to what?


But in case I was,
which I wouldn't be

because it'd be
way too stressful.

Brianna, how do you get on
with the other staff here?

They're okay.

As long as I do my job,
they leave me alone.

And Andrea Tillman?

She was a really nice lady.

I mean, wow.

That poor woman had no
idea what was going on.

(tense music)

What do you mean?

I'm sorry. I've gotta
get this to Prisha.

(tense music continues)

(car rumbling)
(tense music)

Morning, Mr. Shepherd.

How nice to see you.


Can we talk?


(tense music continues)

It's dandelion
and dock leaf tea.

Make it myself.

Good on you.

Go on. Try some.

It's a bit hot for me.

I understand you're
a dog whisperer.

No, hardly.

I like to think of myself

as an alternative
animal naturopath.

We as humans are finely learning

that so much of what we put
in our bodies is bad for us,

yet we don't give animals
the same consideration.

And they're so much
better than we are.

So much nobler.

Have you been doing this long?

I worked in the conventional
vet arena when I was younger.

The conflict with my personal
values became too great.

So I set myself up
as an alternative

to the mainstream vet madness.

How did that sit with Bonnie?

My sister.

Classic older child scenario.

Bonnie was born
seconds before me

and she still wants
to control everything

and everyone around her.

And she hates the fact
that she can't control me.

The night of Andrea's m*rder,

you didn't see anything unusual?

Well, Ron Abbot
and Andrea had words,

but he and everyone else
left when we were finished.

I was the last to leave.

Are you sure about that?


(tense music)

Although as I was
walking back to my car,

Andrea did get a message.

(tense music continues)

[Mike] You don't know
who the message was from?

[Julianne] Sorry.

My colleague tells me

that you don't
recognize the reins

that were found at the scene.

No, sorry.

But you do own a horse

that you keep at
the Tohoroa Stables.

Winsome Spring.
(tense music continues)

She'll be racing tomorrow.

You should come.

Ah, horses are
not really my thing.

If I win, I'm gonna
dedicate it to Andrea.

It's a small gesture, I know,
but she was a good soul.

(tense music continues)

You back here to arrest me?

Any reason why I should?

Hm, not that I can think of.

Good. That's all I want, Ron.

Your side of the story.

Well, I suppose the
polite thing to do

is offer you a cup of tea.

Well, as long as
it's not dandelion.


Go on, get away.

Ah, he's okay.

Ah, he's a pain in the ass.

I know this might
not be easy for you,

but I'd like to know your side
of what happened with Evie.

Should never have
bloody happened.

Stupid idiot of a nurse.

You sure she was responsible?

Yeah. The vet lady
explained it all to me.

The nurse got the dogs mixed up.

She operated on Evie
(tense music)

without the slightest idea
she had a heart problem.

Vet said that the nurse
had been disciplined.

(tense music continues)

And that's why
you weren't pleased

to see her at the puppy party?

Yeah, that'd be right.

And what about threatening
her at the clinic?

I don't know where you're
getting your information from,

but I told you before
that never happened.

(tense music continues)

You were angry with her?

Yeah, well, I'm
pissed off with you.

Doesn't mean to say
I'm gonna k*ll you.

Look, in the last year,

I've had the two most important
things ripped away from me.

My wife of years d*ed

after a miserable
bloody illness.

I don't have the words to
describe how that made me feel.

And Evie, she was the best
dog a man could ever ask for.

[Mike] I can see
it's been a rough ride.


You'll excuse me if I
don't want to sit here

and chat to you
about the lies people

are spreading about me.
(tense music)

You'd best bugger off again.

Thanks for the tea.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(gate creaks)

(tense music continues)

This was at Ron's
on the driveway.

It's similar to the one

from Andrea's car
left at the reserve.

Could it have been his own car?

Ah, except his is an old EV.

All of these people had
access to the blue juice.

Mm. A drug register
is yet to materialize.

Who's stalling?

All of them, passing the buck.

But we've got Andrea's laptop.

Techies are working on it.

And for the record,
Brianna the receptionist

was keen to assure you she
is not a party girl anymore.


No more late night
clubbing for you two.

Meaning she could be a
reliable witness if need be.

[Officer] Senior.

(gentle music)
To be so sweet

Ah, well, plenty to get on with.

bucks says those
are his divorce papers.

And love's only ours to revere

'Cause you

Never believed it

And you never could

Couldn't make it
simple, could you?

When you guard your secret

It's understood

'Cause you're just like the sea

Hey, I'm off so night.


That's what you've been
waiting for, I take it?

Not exactly.

When a storm goes without a port

And I'm just one more stone
who was left on your shore

- Morena.
- Kia ora.

Oh, one good thing
about him showing up,

if anyone else wins, we'll
have him arrested, right?

No, I don't think
that'll be an issue today.

Though he might
only back winners.

What do you reckon, Manaia?

Think Mum's gonna
be a winner today.

[Manaia] Every day.

[Daniel] Ooh, good answer.


She's looking great,

but I hope you guys will be
okay with a minor placing.

Yeah. Like that's
gonna happen.

Well, let's get this
show on the road, eh?

Good luck.

I'll see you after.

(horse whinnies)

Hello, everyone.



I made Kristin come.

We are so excited.

She did.

She even offered me a hat
like hers, but I said no.

What a great morning for a race.

Did you know that in
races in Vladivostok,

only the men are allowed
to ride the horses?

Mm, because the women are
obviously off doing other things

like the cooking, the
cleaning, and the ironing.

The men ride the
horses completely naked,

apart from a bearskin hat.

(bright music)

You're not
picturing it, are you?

I'm trying not to.

Is she for real?

She's from Russia.

Oh, that explains it.

Oh my love come
down, sit beside me

Tell me anything that you know

Such a shame you couldn't
get Mike to change his mind.

Oh, well, you know,

I'm pretty sure he's busy.

And tells me

Which way is this spitting blood

An olive branch
is a peace offering.

Which can only be
seen as positive.

You never said
you two were at w*r.

More of a ceasefire.

She said the original documents

were accidentally composted.

I mean, surely
that's a hostile act.

She takes the whole off the
grid thing very seriously,

that's all.

And then she said,

"Will call you next
time I'm near a phone."

And that was six weeks ago.

She'll call.

There's one thing I
know about Tabatha,

when she says
she'll do something,

she will do it.


And I know ceasefire
suggests a lot of stored a*mo.

I'm not really in the mood

to play footsies
right now, Mike.

I'm not playing footsies.


Hercules, come on!

You bad boy!

Sorry, guys. I've told him
not to harass the customers.

Oh, he's very cute.


Hey, could you keep an eye
on him for just two minutes?

I've got a bunch
of coffees to make.

With salad, he'll
stay put for ages.

Oh, of course, Frodo.

(gentle music)

Not too late to put your
pocket money on the race.

Wouldn't that be illegal?

Not if it's for charity.

Well, I can waste my money

in a millions in different ways

without having to
resort to betting

on which poor horse can run
faster than the other horse.

There's a lotta guys here
that would disagree with you.

Ton of money gets put down
on this race. Always is.

Not all of it goes to charity.

[Announcer] All right, folks!

The moment you've been
waiting all year for!

The Brokenwood Beach
Classic is all set to go.

Hold onto your hats!

We're under starter's orders!

(people cheering)

(upbeat music)

Getting drunk in the early morn'

And the kettle don't
know where you gone

(people cheering)
(bright music)


(Gloria shouting in Russian)

And putting it all up
at the end of the day

On a Saturday night
there's a fire in the barn

Dancing with the
girls down on the farm

I'll pitch in and that's his way

Everybody do the roll in the hay

Hey, hey, hey

It's gonna be rough
on a summer's night

(people cheering)
(upbeat music continues)

I have to find a hundred
waiting for my bet

Branches broken
on the apple tree

Get blue open and
the countdown free

(upbeat music continues)
(people cheering)

(people cheering)

[Daniel] Tough luck.

Luck's got nothing
to do with it.

That's not right.

What do you mean?

Well, look at those clowns.

They're not exactly
subtle are they?

(tense music)

Look at the poor animal.

Julianne, what have you done?

Bonnie, what are you doing?

Why are you always
trying to cause trouble?

I'm a vet and I'm
telling you you need

to take a swab from that horse.

What on earth are
you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact

that your horse is obviously
doped up on God knows what.

It's showing no signs of
perspiration. It's calm.

It's like he hasn't
even run a race.

You're insane.

If you have nothing to hide

then you have nothing to
fear from agreeing to a test.

Bonnie, I will not be bullied.

Excuse me.

Hi, is there a problem here?

Detective, please, this
is none your business.

(tense music continues)

Julianne, this is
a fundraising event.

People have spent money.

If the winning horse is
placing as a result of doping,

it will very quickly
become my business.

So as your sister says, if
you've got nothing to hide.

Whatever, just do
whatever you want,

as long as she's not
the one that does it.

(tense music)

You can't help
yourself, can you?

Any chance you have
to ruin things for me.

You can't have me winning
for once, can you?

(tense music continues)

Come with me.

I've got swabs in the car.

(tense music continues)

My colleagues tell
me the beach race

was quite action
packed yesterday.

I assume you're referring

to the allegations
my sister made.

Those allegations
have proven true.

We were sent through
the preliminary results.

Winsome Spring tested positive

to a large amount
of anabolic steroid.

A dangerous amount.


I'm appalled and ashamed.

Winning the beach race has
long been a dream of mine,

but I would never resort
to mistreating my horse

to achieve that.

(tense music)

The doping of the
horse will be reported

to the appropriate authorities.

But I'm more interested in
whether there's any connection

between that and Andrea's death.

In what way?
(tense music continues)

We've had confirmation

that Andrea was
administered a lethal drug,

the kind usually found
in a veterinary clinic.

The same place one might
find anabolic steroids.

You think the steroids
came from the clinic?

Was Craig Tillman the
only vet you allowed

to attend your horse?
(tense music continues)

Yes. But that would be against

any kind of veterinary ethic.

I'm sure it would be.

Well, maybe you
need to ask him then.

One more thing.

The reins that were
found at the crime scene,

draped around Andrea's neck,

you told my colleague you'd
never seen them before.

(tense music continues)

Yet the fingerprint
branch told me this morning

that your prints were on them.

Can you explain
how that might be?

(tense music continues)

I mean I work with
horses all the time.

I handle gear all the
time. Lots of gear.

It's just a coincidence.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Is everything in order?

Oh, I'm gonna have to take
these back to the station.

There's a lot to get through.

[Bonnie] Of course.

Are these all the
dispensing records?

Doing their notes
and keeping records

is not most vets'
favorite part of the job.

Well, the way I read this is

there's one bottle of pentobarbital
that's unaccounted for.

That was noted
after the break in.

Have you spoken
to Ron Abbot yet?

DSS Shepherd's talked to him.


He seemed appreciative of
the support you showed him

regarding the death of his dog.

That's all he said?

I believe so.

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

[Mike] How's it going?

Well, these are a mess.

Some of the recent entries

have question marks
alongside them,

seemingly in the same hand,

and others have
been crossed out.

Any mention of the steroids?

Not in here, but in
the bank statements,

there are payments
to a U.S. company

that's a major supplier of
steroids internationally.

So the steroids were
definitely ordered?

Yeah. And shipped here.

And then it just disappeared.

And Bonnie seems
keen for me to know

that a bottle of
pentobarbital was stolen.

But again, with records
as chaotic as this,

how could she know for sure?

I've been looking into the
horse's recent race history.

It's done well in
the last four races.

Hardly surprising.

What's most
interesting is the owners

of the horse, plural.

Julianne Seymour and...

Craig Tillman.

Who told you that neither
he nor Andrea owned a horse.

Is it time for another
sit down with Craig?

(tense music)

Not yet.

If Craig was doping the horse,

we need to know who else at
the clinic knew about it.

His wife, for instance.

Exactly. That
would land us motive.

Chalmers, can I see
you for a minute?

(tense music continues)

Oh, have you been naughty?

I think I know what this
conversation is about.

You do?

Because of my
friendship with Missy

and to prevent any
suggestion of impropriety,

you want me to step
back from the case?

Missy is not a suspect.

Unless that changes,

I want you to keep
doing what you're doing.

That works for me.

What I wanted to say was
if you want to step away

from the investigation,
I will understand.

(gentle music)

Brianna, thanks for
agreeing to meet.

I told Craig I
was at the dentist.

It was actually a
lie 'cause I'm here.

Well, your secret
is safe with us.

But I've got this in case
he checks my breath later.

I'll have a quick brush.

Wow, you've really
thought things through.

Am I a target of
your investigation?

No. You are speaking
to us as a witness.

Oh, phew.

A witness to what?

In your capacity
as the receptionist,

did you see any unusual
courier packages come

into the clinic?

Oh God.

This is about the
steroids, isn't it?

Yes, it is.
(tense music)

Craig told me I had to
intercept the shipments

before anyone else saw them.

I had no idea what
they were. Honest.

I did it a couple of times.

And then after I did
ask him what they were,

he told me I was implicated

and so I had to
carry on doing it

even though I didn't want to.

Did anyone else realize
what was going on?


[Mike] Who?

(tense music continues)

They argued about it.

Just in here.
- Thank you.

[Patient] He's a
bit temperamental.

[Craig] I just need more time.

How long has this been going on?

Well, how long have
you been doing this?

Stop overreacting, okay?

I didn't take any of them.

Any what?

The dr*gs. I don't
do them anymore.

Good on you.

It's really tempting though.

There's this one
called blue juice

and blue is my favorite color.

Yeah, I would probably
stay away from that one.

(gentle music)


(gentle music continues)

Definitely not a social
call this time, eh?

No, sorry.

I hate talking about cop
stuff with you. Feels wrong.

Yeah, I get that.

If I don't tell you stuff,
it'll affect our friendship.

And even if I do,

you'll get stood down
because we know each other.

No, my boss is cool.

That's not gonna happen.

But I do have to ask...

About the doping.

Did I see anything?

No, I didn't.

There might be someone who did.

(tense music)

You opened your big
mouth, didn't you?

(tense music continues)


I'll admit there was
something dodgy going on

with Julianne's horse.

Craig was here a lot. Way more
than a vet would usually be.

Were you aware Craig was a
co-owner of Winsome Spring?

Yeah, of course.

How much do you
think Julianne knew

about what was going on?

It's all wet.
Something like clay.

Hey, back again!

Time for a tetanus sh*t.

Oh, another one?

Better safe than sorry.

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

Just think, my sister
haven't screwed me over,

be doing this myself.

Well, lucky you've got me then.

(tense music continues)

You're saying
Julianne was present

when Craig was injecting
the horse with steroids?

All I'm saying is what I saw.

It could have been tetanus,

it could have been
something else.

What I do know is
I don't need any

of this black market business
coming back on my stables.

Last thing I need is to
be tarred with that brush.

What else do you know, Tangimai?

Did she ever talk about how
her sister screwed her over?

(tense music)

When Julianne was younger,

apparently she desperate
wanted to be a vet,

but Bonnie sabotaged
her training.

My sister believed that I
was too biased towards dogs

to be a balanced objective
dispassionate vet.

(tense music continues)

What business was it or hers?

Bonnie meddles in my
life anyway that she can.

She contacted my tutors,

told them I cheated in my exams.

That laid waste to her dreams,

leaving Julianne
feeling very bitter.

[Kristin] And this information
comes via Missy's mother?

Yeah, she's a reluctant witness.

Worried it'll come
back on her business.

Yeah, well even so,

Mike's gonna want a
way to verify this.

(gravel crunching)

(phone dings)

(gentle music)

These are copies of
orders from your vet clinic

for quantities of steroids
from various suppliers

in the United States.
(tense music)

The orders have
your name attached.

We also have documentation
from courier companies showing

their arrival into New Zealand

and their delivery
to your clinic.

But then after that, nothing,

which begs the question

how and where were the
steroids prescribed?

We know you are a
part owner of the horse.

A fact that you lied to
my colleague here about

and we know that the
horse tested positive

for steroids after the race.
(tense music continues)

We also have a witness

who said you were
directly involved.

Bloody Brianna.

She's a party girl.

You can't believe
a word she says!

We have several witnesses.

Also of interest,
bank statements

showing that you are carrying
a considerable amount of debt.

(tense music)

Look, there have
been times in the past,

I'll admit, where my vision

has outstripped my immediate
financial resources.

That's one way of putting it.

Being successful in business
requires taking risks.

Well, from what we can make out,

when you bought
into your practice,

you took on more debt
than you could service

and then you decided to
dabble in the stock market

and made a lot more bad choices.

So then you tried some
old fashioned gambling.

(tense music)

Yes. All right.

I was responsible
for the doping.

I needed the horse
to start winning.

A vet doping horses.
(tense music continues)

How would the vet
council regard that?

If word got out, your
career would be over.

So I think we can assume
that you did everything

in your power to
keep it a secret.

Did Andrea find out?

Is that what happened?

Somewhere along the line,

she must have realized the level

of financial trouble
you dragged her into.

Was there a
confrontation between you?

No! I made sure
she didn't find out.

(tense music continues)

Look, I know what
this looks like.

Really? Do you?

I loved my wife.

I would never have hurt her.

All I needed was two
or three more wins

and I would've been
back on my feet.

There's something else.

Your fingerprints,
along with some others,

are on the reins that were
found at the crime scene.

Okay, that's impossible.

I've never seen those reins,
let alone touched them.

(tense music continues)

(bell dings)

I want to lodge a complaint.

What sort of complaint?



What's going on?

Well, I've got this
bunch of kids harassing me

at the coffee cart

and they're giving
Hercules a hard time.

Bro, look at him!

Bro, you reckon
he could do a flip?

(kids chattering)

[Frodo] Hey, get the
hell away from from him!

[Kids] We're just joking around.

I know they're
just dumb-ass kids

who don't know any better,

but they're scaring
off my customers

and I'm pretty sure Hercules
is developing anxiety issues.

Have you got a unit free
that could take a look?

See what I can do.

Thanks heaps.

Hi. Come on through.

Mike's waiting.

Hey, Julianne.

Hey, I've just got a
couple of questions

about obedience after
the class the other day.

I think you've mistaken
me for my sister.

You're not her?

I'm her sister, Bonnie.

That's amazing.

Has has anyone ever told you

you guys look pretty
much identical?

(silly music)

What just happened?

Everyone knew what Craig was
doing with Julianne's horse.

You're sure about that?

Ask them.

And in her role as vet nurse,

Andrea was keenly aware
of all the dr*gs coming in

and out of the clinic.

It wouldn't have been
possible for Craig

to hide that from her.

So she knew?

I heard them arguing about it.

Did you know that they
had a trial separation

about six months ago?

They only got back together
because Craig begged her.

She was at her wit's end.

She told me that she was
leaving him for good this time.

She was sick of the lies and

violent temper.

(tense music)

Between Craig and Ron
Abbot lurking around,

Andrea spent a lot
of her time in fear.

When did you become aware
of Craig and the steroids?

Only recently.
(tense music continues)

I did contemplate going to
the police or the vet council.

But in the end, I
decided to let Craig try

and sort it out himself.

Why would you give
him another chance?

[Brianna] For Andrea's sake.

Do you recognize these?

(tense music continues)

Yes, I've seen those.

[Mike] Where?

In the back of Craig's car.

When was that?

[Bonnie] About a week ago.

(tense music continues)

Hey, thanks for coming.

No problem.

I ordered you a coffee.

Hope that's okay.

It's a flat white, right?

Nice. Thanks.

Your mum, she has a
certain attitude to police.

She had a few
interactions in her youth.

Bit of blame on
both sides I'd say.

I need to verify
what she told me.

You don't trust her?

I just need to verify.

And that's why you
asked me to come here.

Not just that.

Are you sure? Because
that's what it feels like.

Could Tangimai have
any kind of score

to settle with Craig Tillman?

No. Look, the guy's a creep

and she's rightly
concerned his shenanigans

will bounce back on her stables.

That's it.

You know I actually came here

because I wanted to
have a coffee with you,

not to go through all
this third-degree stuff.

I'm sorry.

(phone ringing)


[Mike] Get out to
Ron Abbot's place.

Bring him in for an interview.

Don't take no for an answer.

Sure, will do.


Is it too hard for us
to just have a coffee?

(melancholy music)

A witness has placed
these in your car prior

to Andrea's death.

Which witness?
(tense music)

That's not the issue here.

Well it is if someone's
trying to frame me.

Were they in your car or not?

(tense music continues)

All right, they were on the
back seat for a couple of days,

but then they disappeared.

They just disappeared?
That's convenient.

Well, Julianne left them there.

One day the horse
was in the paddock.

She had to restrain the beast
while I gave the injection.

Then I drove her
back to the stables.

But I swear to God,

when I went to return
them, they were gone.

You've got no idea where
they went between then

when they ended up
around your wife's neck?

(tense music continues)

I'm really sorry,

but Mrs. Petri's French bulldog

has swallowed the head of
her daughter's Barbie doll.

Can I get on with
my day or what?

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

Whatever you're
selling, I'm not buying.

DC Chalmers.

We'd like you to come
down to the station

to answer a few more questions.

I've already
spoken to your boss.

I've got nothing else to say.

Is that right?

You could start by explaining

how an electric car
could leave an oil stain

on the driveway.

Look, I can't leave the
dog alone in my house.

He'll rip it apart.

He can come with you.

[Ron] He might piss in your car.

I'll get it cleaned.
(tense music)


Good choice.

After you.

Let me get its lead.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Fingerprints have had a look.

We're waiting on a match.

Hey, thanks.

(tense music continues)

My dog all right?

He's being looked after.

Better be.

Ron, you need to
tell us what you know

about Andrea Tillman's death.

Don't know anything.

The oil stain on your driveway,

would we be right in thinking

that that came
from Andrea's car?

Yes. Bloody inconsiderate
when people do that.

They should look after
their cars properly.

So it did come
from Andrea's car?

She came to see me.

[Mike] The night she d*ed?

Well, you two weren't
exactly friends.

Why would she come to see you?

That's what I wanted to know.

(tense music)

What the hell do you want?

Something wrong with your puppy?

[Ron] You better come in.

And then we tried to
figure out the confusion.

I got a message from the
clinic that you called,

that it was an emergency.

No, news to me.


Hey (indistinct).

The thing is, I
never rang the clinic.

We couldn't figure
out what happened.

So then she got into
her car and left.

You're telling us a
woman who you didn't like,

who you thought was responsible

for the death of
your previous dog,

just turned up outta the blue,

had a quick chat, and then left?

(tense music)

Looks on your
faces is the reason

why I didn't want to
talk about this earlier.

That's why I wanted to
get rid of the oil stain.

I knew you'd jump
to conclusions.

Then help us to understand,

is it true you resented Andrea?

You believed she
k*lled your dog?

We actually talked about that.

You have to believe me.

Evie's death wasn't my fault.

So who was it then?
(tense music continues)

I can't say.

Yeah, right.

Ron, it wasn't me.

I promise you.

[Mike] And did you believe her?

It makes no
difference now, does it?

Do you recognize that?


Well then can you explain
why our colleague found it

on your property
about an hour ago?

Like I told him, I've never
seen that bloody thing before.

So we won't find your
fingerprints on it?

No, you won't.

(tense music continues)

This is a set up.

Don't you get it?

If Ron's telling the truth

that someone messaged Andrea

telling her to go
out to Ron's place,

that has to be someone
from the clinic.

And is that the same
someone who took the reins

that went missing
out of Craig's car?

Tomorrow, I wanna
get Brianna Kutz

and Prisha Bannerjee

in here for some
straight answers.

(gentle music)


Oh cool. They've
sent the big g*ns.

You opening up or what?

What? No.

How can you want a coffee
at a time like this?

What are you talking about?

I just put a call
through to the station.

That's why you're here, right?

Hercules is gone. I need
your help to get him back.

Missing pets isn't really
police business, Frodo.

No, he's not missing.

He's been kidnapped
by those loser kids

that I laid a complaint
about yesterday.

Oh, where did you see him last?


Well, he can't have got far.

You don't know him.

I know he's a tortoise.

It's not like he's gonna cover
hundreds of kilometers a day.

You're not hearing me.

He's been kidnapped.

He could be on a plane
to some collector

in Saudi Arabia by now.

Where's Liam Neeson and
his special set of skills

when you need him?

(bright music)

So we're looking
for him or what?



Yeah, solid effort, man.

I'm a target, aren't I?

Is that why I'm here?

You are not a target, Brianna.

You are here to help me
understand the relationships

between the staff at the clinic.

I'm just the receptionist.

I don't know most
of what goes on.

Yet you said something
to my colleague,

Detective Chalmers,
about Andrea.

You said that poor woman had
no idea what was going on.

What did you mean by that?

Nothing much.

Did you mean Andrea
had no idea about Craig

and the horse doping?

Sort of. 'Cause I
don't think she did know.

Was there more that
Andrea didn't know about?

(tense music)

Like how Bonnie would talk
about her behind her back,

always putting her
down and stuff,

saying how Andrea was
no good at her job.

Anything else?

This is the worst bit.

She told me that if you asked,

I had to tell you that I'd
seen Craig and Andrea arguing

and that if I didn't,

she'd tell you that I was
involved with the horse thing.

So when you told us the
other day you'd seen Craig

and Andrea arguing
that wasn't true?


Well, they did argue sometimes.

They're married.

It's compulsory, right?

But I don't totally know
what they argued about.

(tense music continues)

Was Bonnie ever critical
of Andrea in your presence?

Prisha, a woman is dead.
These are important questions.


And initially I believed Bonnie

until I started to see
through what she said.


Because sometimes she
makes mistakes in surgery.

Can you give me an example?

About three months ago,

a cat came in for
a dental cleaning.

And with cats, it's different.

They need to be anesthetized.

Bonnie got distracted,

left the cat under for
too long and the cat d*ed.

(tense music continues)

When the owner confronted
her, she blamed other staff.

Did you ever confront
Bonnie about that?


She didn't really
wanna talk about it.

(tense music continues)

Later that day, she
made a reference

to my parents'
immigration status.

And that was the end of it?

Perhaps I could've done more.

But my parents, they're
my parents, you know?

They sacrificed a
lot for my education.

I just want them to
live here so badly.

(tense music continues)

Did Bonnie tell you to
tell us you'd seen Ron

and Andrea arguing?

(tense music continues)

- Hercules.
- Hercules.

- Hercules.

Okay, that's them.

Are you gonna talk to them?


You've gotta find out
what they've done with him.

Relax, Frodo.
Let me handle this.

Hello, boys.

Nice bikes you got there.

Frodo's pet is missing.

I wondered if you'd
seen anything.

We ain't seen nothing.

You sure about that?

What sort of pet is it?

Is it like a rat or something?

He's a tortoise!

What have you guys
done with him?

Have you forgot your meds today?

I told you, we
ain't seen nothing.

There he is!

(kids laughing)

Took him long enough.

I'll give you a hand.

No, I got this.


[Kid] Oi, they're handcuffed!

Oh, what the hell?

Bro, handcuffs? Really?

Bro, cops.

I have an idea how
you can keep track

of this little fella.

I don't understand
why you're happy

to take these lies
at face value.

I've helped you uncover a
doping scandal being run out

of my clinic,

but you'd rather listen
to the perpetrators

of that than myself.

So Craig's lying?

Well, obviously.

And when Andrea realized
the scale of his deception,

she confronted him
and he k*lled her.

But he forgot about the
reins in the back of his car.

So you definitely
saw them there?


And Brianna?

She's implicated in
Craig's illegal activity.

Perhaps more than you realize.

What about Prisha?

Prisha is an isolated individual

and she's having trouble
coming to terms with the fact

that she's not a very good vet.

She's constantly distracted

by her parents' ongoing
immigration issues,

to the point where I wondered

if she might have
organized the break-in

to cover up some
mistake that she'd made.

That's a serious allegation

to make against one
of your own staff.

(tense music)

I know.

I don't have any proof,

but I have a strong suspicion.

(tense music continues)

My point is I go out of
my way to help my staff

and these allegations are
nothing more than gossip

and rumors and I don't
mind saying it's hurtful.

Did you contact Andrea
the night she was m*rder*d?

Yes. I called her
after the puppy party

to make sure she was okay

and make sure that Ron Abbot
hadn't caused any problems.

[Mike] And that was
the only contact you had

with her that night?


Now look, with all
this disruption,

the vet clinic is understaffed
and I really need to help.

So if you don't have
any further questions,

I would really like to go now.

(tense music continues)

What are you doing here?

I believe the phrase
is helping the police

with their inquiries.

Well, there's no point
asking her anything

because she's in no
way a credible witness.

Are you worried about
what I might tell them?

She's a narcissist who
wouldn't know the truth

if it ran her over.

And she's never
gotten over the fact

that I've made a success of
my life and she never could.

Whatever you say, sis.

Julianne, come through.

(tense music continues)

Just down this way.

Wow, with sisters like
that, who needs enemies?

What is this?

It's Frodo's latest method
to keep track of Hercules.

And whose idea was that?

It's my da Vinci moment.

Oh, you missed your true
vocation, tortoise whisperer.

How much of what your
sister says is true?

Do you see her as more
successful than you?

Well, it depends on your
definition of success.

What's important to
me are my friendships

and the level of contentment.

In that area, I'm
way ahead of her.

You don't think Bonnie

has any of those
things in her life?

My sister has no friends.

[Mike] She says that
she and Andrea were close.

To begin with, yes.

She b*rned through
that friendship,

the way she burns
through all friendships

throughout her life.


Bonnie botched an operation

and she begged Andrea
to keep it a secret

for the sake of the clinic.

And her own career?
(tense music)


She's so desperate to
prove herself to the world

that she can't deal with
one hint of failure.

But over the years,

Andrea witnessed other
incidents of incompetence.

The latest of which
was Ron Abbot's dog?

It was Bonnie's mistake.

She ignored Andrea and
operated on the wrong dog.

For Andrea, that
was the final straw.

She told Bonnie that
she had to resign.

So then Bonnie started
spreading the rumor

that Andrea was responsible?
(tense music continues)

And Andrea couldn't
leave her job at the clinic

because of Craig's
financial situation.

And then when Bonnie got wind
of Craig and the steroids,

she thought that she could
hold that over Andrea forever.

But Andrea didn't
wanna go on working

with someone who
was hurting animals.

So she gave Bonnie an
ultimatum via email,

resign or I go to
the vet council.

(tense music continues)

And what about the
reins? How did they fit in?

They came from me.

I left them in
Craig's car after one

of his visits at the stables.

So you lied to us?

Once I realized they were
found at the crime scene,

I didn't wanna implicate him
anymore than he already was.

[Mike] Why didn't you
tell us all this earlier?

Until I talked to
Craig, I couldn't be sure.

What did he want?

He was asking me about my reins!

What'd you say?


Craig, what the
hell is going on?

I don't know!

Seriously, I don't.

All I know is they were in my
car and then they were gone!



I take it you knew about
the doping of Winsome Spring.

By the time I found
out, it was too late.

(door tapping)

Excuse me.

Fingerprints on the bottle

came back negative
for Ron Abbot.

Craig Tillman?

No, but there was a
hit on Bonnie Seymour.

(dramatic music)

(tense music)

Hey, Ron.

DSS Shepherd would
like you to know that,

as far as we're concerned,
you're in the clear.

There's no evidence that you
touched the bottle we found.

Well, that's good to know.

Considering I
didn't do anything.

She left it here, didn't she?

Who did?


She paid me a visit yesterday.

(tense music)

Hello, Ron.

It's a terrible time

for all of us with
the loss of Andrea

and we'd like to offer you free
vet care for the next year.

Anything to help put this
dreadful incident behind us.

That's very kind.

You've been through a lot.

I'm so very, very sorry.

There I was thinking
better late than never.

Deflead, wormed, and vaccinated.

I'll see you two in months.

- Thank you.
- No worries.

We need to speak to Bonnie.

I'll check if she's here.

Hey, is Bonnie here?

No, but she did call
about minutes ago.

She said she wasn't
feeling very well.

Ah. Excuse me.

(bright music)

Hey, we're on route to
Bonnie Seymour's place.

Might be an idea to
start heading this way.

[Daniel] Copy that.

Tech has found an
email on Andrea's laptop.

The last one sent.

She was about to blow
the whistle on Bonnie.

(bright music continues)
(car roaring)

(tense music)

I'll go round the back.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)


(tense music continues)

Mike Shepherd.

We need to talk further.
(tense music continues)

I was hoping we could
go over a few details

so that we can clear up-

(blow thuds)
(Mike grunting)

(blow thuds)
(tense music continues)

(Kristin gasps)
(blow thuds)

Well, that went quite badly.


Oh, I hate golf.

(tense music continues)

(tires squealing)

(car roaring)

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Suspect's heading
north on Kocullen Road.

What's your ?

Kocullen Road heading south.

[Kristin] Okay, well
if you see a black BMW,

Hotel Kilo Juliet ,

make yourself useful, will you?

I'm on it.

Cutting through Connemara Road.

(tense music continues)

I'm in pain.

You in pain?


(bright music)

(car whooshing)

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

(birds chirping)

(tense music)


(tense music continues)


Are you okay, buddy?

Geez, what are you
trying to do to me?

Hey, watch where
you're going, lady!

(tense music continues)
- I don't know, checking.

(horn beeps)

Jesus, Frodo!


(Kirsten gasps)

Tell me he's okay!


Yeah, he's fine.

It's a Merlin ' versus .

Oh, Mike, we're never gonna
catch her in this thing.

Well, I'm sorry,

but sometimes you just have
to speak truth to power.

Out of the car!

(birds chirping)

Just making myself useful.

(upbeat rock music)

Be careful,

that's an original paint job.

(tense music)

(tense music continues)

Here's what we now know.

Andrea was so concerned
with your failures as a vet

that she was
determined to go public

to stop you harming
anymore animals.

She'd been threatening
this for some time.

Time enough for you to
formulate a plan to k*ll her.

That's ridiculous.

That she wanted to go public?


We have a copy of
the email she drafted

the day she was k*lled
containing a statement

about your incompetence

that she was about to
send to the vet council.

Her big mistake was
giving you the courtesy

to see it first.


After the puppy party,

you sent her a message
from the clinic computer

telling her to go
out to Ron's place.

[Mike] A ploy to
implicate him in her death.

You then rang her and
invited her to your house.

You told her you were willing
to front up to your failures

and resign, as she
demanded that you do.

You have no proof of this.

That you rang her?

You told us you did, just
not what it was about.

And Andrea's car has a tendency

to leave a telltale trail
at each port of call.

(tense music continues)

You gave her a cup of
tea, Earl Grey, no sugar,

but with a sedative in it.

Diazepam, which corresponds
to a missing dose

from your drug register.

(tense music continues)

Once she became drowsy, you
administered the pentobarbital

(Andrea gasping)
(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

and watched her die.

(tense music continues)

Then you sent a
message to her husband

stating she, "Couldn't
take this anymore."

Then you drove her out
to the reserve in her car,

(tense music continues)

using the reins to
implicate her husband

and to further direct
attention away from yourself.

(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Interesting theory.

I presume this stems from
a series of lies propagated

by my embittered sister.

None of this actually
connects me to Andrea's death.

We have statements from
clinic staff confirming

that you pressured them
into lying to police.

Did Bonnie tell you to tell us

you'd seen Ron and
Andrea arguing?

(tense music continues)

Will you go on record?


Prisha's a liar.

Your fingerprint is on
this pentobarbital bottle.

It was recovered from
Ron Abbot's property.

The serial number indicates
that came from your clinic.

So how did it get there?

If it wasn't Prisha, then
Ron must have broken in.

I told you he was
sizing up the place.

There was no break in, Bonnie.

That was staged.

(glass tinkling)
(tense music continues)

(tense music continues)

Did you plant this
bottle on Ron's property

to incriminate him?


But of course my prints are
on it. It's from my clinic.

Yes, it is.

You see, so it
would be surprising

if my prints weren't on it.

But that doesn't explain
why your prints are also

on the leaf that was used to
partially obscure the bottle.

(tense music continues)

(Bonnie sighs)

You lifted the horse reins

from the back of
Craig Tillman's car.

(tense music)

I wanted to be a vet
from when I was a child.

(tense music)

That's the only dream I had.
(tense music continues)

I was nothing without it.

I wasn't gonna let Andrea
take that away from me.

Everything I worked
for my whole life,

who was she to take
that away from me?

She was just a nurse.

(melancholy music)

Bonnie, Detective Sims here

will now take a full
statement from you.

You can tell her all about it.

(melancholy music continues)

[Frodo] Here you
are, two flat whites.

Thanks, Frodo.

Where's Hercules?

I don't wanna stomp on him.

Reunited. Cute.

Yeah. Apparently the old
girl has a few memory issues.

One of the rest
home nurses asked

where her little friend was.

That's when she remembered
she'd forgotten to remember him.

Gonna miss having him around?

Be honest, nah.

He's high maintenance.

As far as having
an assistant goes,

you know, the bottom line has
gotta be opposable thumbs.

Bye, Frodo.

(bright music)

(bright music continues)

Day off, is it?

Yeah, it is.

They actually exist, do they?

(gentle music)


But you know I have
pressing business.

(gentle music continues)

That right?

Yep. Gotta take the
horses down to the beach.

Pity you can't ride.

Where did you hear that?

When was the last time
you were on a horse?

A while ago now.

Principle's the same
though, isn't it?

Hold on tight.

Try not to fall off.

(gentle music)

(person singing in
foreign language)

Am I going to fast?

You want me to slow down?

Nah, I'm good!

Slowpoke (laughs)!

(bright music)

(bright music continues)

(bright music continues)