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OVAx05 - No Regrets Part 2

Posted: 05/02/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
[FLAGEN] To be frank.

This is disgraceful.

Each of us spent years training

to earn our wings and now

you wanna give them

to these criminals for nothing?

By elevating these thugs,

you insult the rest of us.

This'll affect morale.

I guarantee it!

I agree with Flagen

on all of those points.

Furthermore, it seems foolish

to take those three

past the walls.

Their wings are

just as earned as ours.

They weren't trained,

which meant they

had to grow their own,

out of necessity.

[KEITH] Listen. Section

Commander Erwin's thinking

is nothing short

of revolutionary.

Before, we tried and failed

to overpower the Titans.

Now, with his long range

scouting formation,

we'll focus on

avoiding them instead.

The result will be

far fewer casualties.

Thank you, sir.

All of this will help us

to reform the Scouts.

It needs to be done.

These thugs of yours

won't know our formations,

and they're sure to

lack discipline, too.

But since you've assured me

they're not idiots,

I imagine they'll learn

these things quickly, right?



Good. Dismissed.





These recruits are to join

your ranks starting today!

All right, you three.

Introduce yourselves!

Name's Levi.


You'd better drop the attitude

and pick up some discipline,

Levi. Who's next?

My Name's Isabel Magnolia.

It's real nice to meet you all!

I go by Furlan Church. Hey.

Flagen. These new Scouts

will be joining your squad!

Look after them!

Uh, what? You want them

in my squad, sir?


That a problem?

No. I... just thought

they'd go to Erwin.

[KEITH] I've got Erwin working

with expedition command.

He won't have time to look

after new soldiers. Got it?

Yes! I understand, sir!

Welcome to the barracks.

There sure are a lot of beds.

Cool! So we'll all

sleep in the same room?

[FLAGEN] Women are in

a separate building.

Huh? Lemme stay with my friends!

[FLAGEN] As for you men.

You can take these beds.

[FLAGEN] Listen. I know

you've spent your whole lives

in an underground trash heap,

but try to keep

this place clean.


Hey. What's the

death glare about?

You try'na to start something

with a superior officer,

is that it?

[FURLAN] No, no, no,

no, no! We're sorry!

And we're on it, sir!

Our beds'll be spotless! Yeah.

Tch. You're gonna start training

bright and early,

tomorrow. Be ready.

If that's a salute,

you should flip your fist.


Levi! No more


They'll be watching us

closely enough as it is.

That piece of shit

just implied that we

might get his house

of shit dirty.

Doesn't that piss you off?

No, I don't care,

because I remember

that we let them

"recruit" us for a reason.

Focus. We can't lose

sight of the task at hand.

Let's keep our egos outta this.

Yeah. I hear you.

[LOVOF] The target will

come after you, and soon.

Be sure to put up a fight.

This will show the Scouts

that you're worth recruiting.

Once you're in,

you'll have two objectives.


Good news.

The royal council just approved

funding for our next expedition.

I'm glad to hear it.


But you're not surprised.

Actually, I'm relieved.

Since we had already begun

making preparations.

Apparently, the leader

of the faction

that's been opposing us

had a change of heart

right before the vote began.

Councilor Nicholas Lovof.

I know him.

[KEITH] Then you know

what he's been up to.

He was pushing to disband us,

yet you kept making plans as if

the Corps' future were certain.

Almost like you knew

he'd change his mind.

Which tells me that

you're part of what caused

the councilor to

switch his stance.

You did something illicit to

force his hand, didn't you?

[LOVOF] Once you're in,

you'll have two objectives.

First, you're to obtain

a certain document.

You'll find it in

Erwin Smith's possession.

[ERWIN] Lovof has connections

to the Lang Company,

which has a lucrative

supply contract

with the Military Police.

He planned to cut

the Scout's funding

and then funnel that money

into his own coffers.



The information is reliable.

I've already obtained proof.

[LOVOF] Your second task

pertains to Scout Regiment

Section Commander Erwin Smith.

The man is a thorn in my side.

End his life in whatever

way you see fit.

Greetings, Commander!

Welcome back.

[KEITH] So, are you

blackmailing him, or what?

Please allow me to leave

that question unanswered.

My actions need

to be mine alone.

[KEITH] Fine, but you're

walking into a nest of vipers.

Hope you make it out.



When I joined the Scout Regiment

and started fighting Titans,

I learned exactly how perilous

humanity's situation really is.

[ERWIN] Decadence and authority.

Virtue and idealism.

Should the Titans ever manage to

break through our defenses,

all of these will disappear.

And that fact gives me resolve.

No matter what foul means

we have to stoop to,

we can't falter.

We must ensure that

our expeditions continue.

That humanity keeps fighting.

It's the only hope

for our future.

[KEITH] The only hope

for our future. Huh.


Soon. I'll k*ll you myself.



[ISABEL laughs]

Wow, I'm impressed.

Did somebody teach you

how to ride?

No, but I get along better

with animals than people.

I like this horse, and he's

saying he feels the same.

Is that true?

You bet it is! Hya!

All right, you punk.

Those weren't meant

to be held like that.

Stop tryin' to look cool and

learn to do this by the book,

unless you wanna be the first

to die outside the walls.

I bet going off book

would get you k*lled.

Wait. What'd you say?

[LEVI] I just need to split the

back of the Titan's neck, right?

Well, I'm gonna

do that however I want.

[HANGE] Wait a second, was this

guy in the Cadet Corps?

Uh, no they're saying

he taught himself.

Wow. That's exciting.


There's more than

one way to skin a cat.

This guy'll shake things up.

I can feel it! Ooh!

Those Titans won't

know what hit 'em!


It's that untrained thug.

Cocky bastard.

Let's see you deal with this!

What the--?

I don't understand.

How is he that fast?


I see. So this is the "reform"

Erwin was talking about.

[KEITH] And that'll indicate

an order to change course.


Yes, sir.

Will we have a way

of communicating

a Titan's threat level?

That'll dictate the color

of your smoke signal.


Shit. Where is it?

He doesn't have much stuff,

so I figured

this would be a cinch.




I keep coming up empty.

I think we should assume

that it's not in his room.

Huh? So, where's

he keep it then?

Think on it. Where do you

keep something

when you can't

risk having it stolen?

I stick it right here.

Tucked under my bellyband!

I doubt Erwin wears

that particular garment,

but the point stands.

Yeah. He's probably keeping

this document on him.

So, here's my bright idea:

Let's wait for the expedition

beyond the wall.

Out there, his attention

and everyone else's

will be focused on

dealing with the Titans.

We're sure to find

an opportunity.


Good thinking! I like it!


Levi? Sound good?


I'll do it,

but I'll do it on my own.


I want the two of you to come up

with some excuse to stay here.

But, bro. What're you

talkin' about?

We've never seen

the world past the walls

or a Titan in the flesh.

Things could go south quickly.

It may well take everything

I've got to survive out there.

But if I'm alone,

I'll manage somehow.

Do you hear yourself?

So what? You're strong enough

to make it but we're not?

That's my instinct.

Just leave this to me.

You don't get to

make that call for us.

We won't know what we

can do until we try!

What's going on with you?

Since when're you the type to

lose your nerve

at the last minute?

Either I go alone,

or we drop the plan.

We'll get another

chance eventually.




Don't just storm off, bro!

[door opens]


There you are.


Levi. I've been thinking.

And if you really believe

that you'll need

everything you've got

to make it through this,

that's a reason not to leave us.

The rule is that we only

go outside together!

Remember? We promised.


It's the same.


The moon and stars clouded over.

So the dark of night looks just

like it did in the underground.


Color-wise, maybe. But...


It's not the same at all!

I mean, the ceiling of

that cave doesn't move!

And the clouds up there do!

Yeah, she's right.

They might look similar for now,

but the sky can change,

and that sets it apart.

Look there!

[ISABEL] The moon.

It's shining through now!

See? It's totally different.

I agree. This is nothing

like the underground.

[FURLAN] We won't ever

have to go down there again.


There's never been a job that

the three of us

couldn't handle together.

Titans might be dangerous,

but we're a damn good team.

Levi, we're asking you.

To have faith in us.



I'll have faith.


You are seriously stubborn,

ya know that, bro?



Open the gate!

[KEITH] The day has come for us

to take another step forward!

Show me the fruits

of your training!

And show the Titans we meet that

humanity still has its pride!

[SCOUTS cheer]

[KEITH] The rd Recon Mission

has officially begun!

Now, all forces, advance!

[SCOUTS yell]

So pretty!


Yeah. Not a bad view.


Hey! Stop gawking!

You need to stay alert.

There's no telling when

we'll run into the Titans,

so we can't afford

to act like tourists!

Ha! If a Titan shows up here,

we'll take it down, no problem!

[SCOUT A] Shut up!

That attitude'll get you k*lled!

What's the matter with you?

You're too confident.

You won't get what I mean

until you've seen

your first Titan face to face.

I can't tell you how many

elite soldiers they've devoured.


Titan spotted! It's a meter!

Advancing from our one o' clock!

So that's a Titan?


We've got two more Titans!

Ten meters, both of them!

They're coming in from our six!


They're close.

Don't think we can

shake 'em off.

Prepare to engage!

Switch to ODM gear!

Flagen. The smoke signal!

Yeah, I'm on it!

Commander, let's tighten

our formation.

It looks like rain.


Nice one!

These guys put

the Military Police to shame.


Behind us!


They're catching up!

Just keep riding, let us

veterans deal with them!


Let's help him out, Isabel!

All right!

It's almost like

they're trying to get eaten.

[ISABEL grunts]

[FURLAN grunts]

[SCOUT J] All targets

have been eliminated!


Get back in formation! Quickly!


Way to go, Levi!

Did'ja see me an Isabel

take the other one down?

Bro. We-- We did it!

We pulled it off!

Yeah. I saw it all.

You did well.

Section Commander.

These three are--

Yeah. Hate to admit it,

but I understand

why Erwin insisted on

recruiting them now.


I'll say this.

For your first encounter,

you did remarkably well.

But you burned too much gas.

We need to conserve it out here.

Are you saying that

saving supplies

should take precedence over

protecting each other?

[ERWIN] I'm saying that many of

your movements were wasted.

You fight like a man who's

plagued by self-doubt.

You should deal with that

before it gets you k*lled.

Dumb jerk.

Just wait 'til we

catch him on his own!

Shh. He'll hear you.

[ERWIN] Visibility's poor.

If this rain gets any heavier,

our smoke signals

will be useless.


Erwin. Should we slow down?

Soon, but I'd like to get

clear of this open field first.

Didn't know rain could

come down this hard.

Right? How're we meant

to spot Titans in this?

It's good cover.

We can disappear into this rain

and close in on Erwin.

[BOTH gasp]


You sure?


We're doing this now?

[LEVI] Yeah, but it

would draw suspicion

if we all disappeared at once.

I'll go alone.

You're not wrong,

and I wouldn't wanna

leave Flagen's team too weak.

Then it's settled!

Countin' on ya, bro!

Once you take care of this,

the surface'll be ours!

If anybody asks about me,

tell them that I rode ahead

to check out the terrain.


Got it!

Best of luck, Levi,

you've got this!

You fight like a man

who's plagued by self-doubt.

The choice is yours.

Pick a path.

[LEVI] You'd better not

get eaten, Erwin Smith.

I need to end you

with my own hands.

[TITAN A roars]

So many dead.

What could've happened here?



It-- It's an abnormal. Run.

[gasps] The footprints, they're

heading where I came from.

[TITAN B growls]

[LEVI grunts]

[LEVI grunting]

[LEVI yells]

[LEVI yelling]

[ERWIN] I take it you're

the sole survivor?

You're a sorry sight.

You smug bastard.

I'm gonna k*ll you.

That's been my goal

this whole damn time!

[ERWIN] That's not the document

I used to thr*aten Lovof.

It's a fake.

As for the real document.

It should be in the hands of

Premier Dhalis Zachary by now.

Your client is finished.

Are you kidding me?

If you knew that we

had been hired by Lovof,

then why the hell did you

bring us into the Survey Corps?

What's wrong with you?

[FURLAN] We're asking you

to have faith in us.


Counting on ya, bro.


Stop. Don't regret this.

If you give in to regret, you'll

be left scared and indecisive.

Then, in your next fight,

you'll put your fate

in someone else's hands,

and you'll gain a new

tragedy to regret.


You couldn't have known how

the choice you made here

today would turn out,

but you can give

that choice meaning

by using it to inform

your next choice.

We're about to

resume the expedition.

Get up. You're still needed.

[LEVI] I don't know

what could've been.

And I never will.

[LEVI] Whether I choose to

rely on my own strength,

or to put my faith in the

resolve of my comrades...


I have no clue what'll happen.


But he might.

His eyes are fixed on something

I can't even guess at.

[LEVI] Fine. I'll go along

with you, Erwin Smith!


Now, advance!

[LEVI] I'll stand by

this choice till I'm dead.

I won't regret it. Not ever.