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OVAx02 - The Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Youth

Posted: 05/02/23 16:18
by bunniefuu
[ARMIN] For one young man,

everything was changing.

[ARMIN] At that terrible moment,

in his heart, he knew.





Home was a pen. Jean? A horse.

[JEAN gasps]

How many times

do I have to call ya?

It's time to get up!

Okay, I'm awake!

Learn to knock!

And, why'd you come in

here with a frying pan?


You wouldn't come downstairs

when I called you, so I brought

Mr. Omelet to wake you up!

[JEAN] Just get out of my room!

Ya nosy old hag!

[JEAN'S MOTHER] Goodness.

What's wrong with that boy?

Son of a bitch!

It's garbage now!

[JEAN] I'll join the MPs

and live how I want!

I'll earn myself a safe,

comfy life in the interior.

No matter what!


Filled with determination,

the young man left

his hometown behind,

and endured a great deal

of harsh training.

As well as a fair amount

of humiliation.

Then, two years later.

The young man returned home.

To the pen he thought

he'd escaped.


I heard it was back.

Sure wish someone would

put that monster down.

[CITIZEN B] Can't hunt in peace

with that thing around.


Wow, this is awesome!

I've never been to one of these

outlier districts before.

I know, right?

There sure is a lot of

tasty food here, huh?

Glad you like the place!

You two can hang out here all

day once you join the Garrison.

And once I'm an MP, I can

visit Sina whenever I want!


Say. Where's your house,

Jean? Is it nearby?

Don't see why that matters.

You have family

to visit, don't you?

I know Thomas is visiting his.

[ARMIN] You should go!

It'll make your mom happy.

I don't wanna, so shut up!

Get off my back, already!


Listen up, piglets!

A new training drill

starts tomorrow.

We'll be simulating

a Titan invasion in Trost.

You'll be taking orders

from Commander Pyxis,

the southern territory's

ranking officer!

You've trained hard

for two years.

Now let's find out if you runts

are starting to

resemble soldiers yet!

Are you ready?


Yes, sir!

[CADETS yell]


Don't bring anything with you

that isn't essential!

We can look for

your boy later. Come on!

[ARMIN] Jean! Why are you

having us push this far forward?

We're supposed to follow

the Advance Squad

and clean up what they miss!

No, we're supposed to

k*ll Titans!

If you're scared

of the frontline,

then you shouldn't be a soldier!

Disobeying orders to

boost your score, huh?

Commander. Squad

has broken formation. So.



Time for lunch yet?

I literally just

watched you eat, sir.

Why is he in such a good mood?

I think he's just glad

something's happening.

Let him have his fun.

That's the stuff.

I wonder what'll be

on the menu for dinner.

[gasps] Here we go!

This one's mine!


No surprise there.

You're the one cadet that

I can't hold a candle to.

Give her some room!

Come this way!


Three of 'em! Nice!

[CONNY] Thanks for

sniffin' 'em out, Jean!


Think I'll take this guy!


Jerk! Get off of my kills!

No hard feelings, Jean!

Yay for us!

All three of us got one!


That was pretty smooth, Sasha!


Yeah, it was a piece of cake!

[CONNY] You're good!

Not as good as me, but hey.

[JEAN] Stealing is dirty,

ya damn thieves!


I found those targets and

you stole 'em out from under me!

And that's dirty?

No offense, but you've got a

seriously naïve outlook, Jean.

There's no such thing

as calling dibs

when it comes to

hunting prey, buddy.

You and your woodsman logic

can piss right off.

Potato Girl.

Low blow!

I thought everybody had

forgotten about that.

You're a real jerk!

Yeah, take that back

and apologize!

You also seem to be

forgetting those dummies

were in our designated zone.

Yeah, what he said!

What's your deal?

You've been actin' weird

all day. Yellin' and stuff.

Feelin' angsty 'cause ya

haven't seen your mom yet?

Oh, that explains it!

Like hell it does!

Please don't start a fight.

Calm down, Jean,

or forget joining the MPs.

Then why don't we settle this

when training resumes tomorrow?

Whoever slices

the most dummies wins.



[CADETS gasp]


Commander Pyxis!

This contest.

I'll judge it for you.

A competitive, fighting

spirit is a fine thing--

worthy of praise.

That said, this training

drill is not a pretext

for you to settle

private scores!

So compete by cookuh.


You will compete by cooking!



Yes, you heard me right!

You cadets will have a cookoff!


A cookoff?


He's kidding, right?

No more letting him

sneak wine flasks past us.



Wait, but... With all due

respect, sir, we're soldiers!

Why would you have us cook?

It's not like we--

You don't know?

Then you must be real ignorant

when it comes to yummy meals.


I bet all of your meals got

cooked for you by your mommy!

I'm'onna teach you

to respect the art

of making tasty

food even tastier.


Fine. Bring it on!

I'll take you on at fighting,

cooking, or even cleaning!

But once I'm done moppin'

the floor with you,

stay outta my way! Potato girl!

[PYXIS] Very well!

You'll face off tonight.

I expect to see both

of you at sharp!

Bring the finest meals

you've ever made!

Your pride as soldiers

is at stake!

[SOLDIERS cheer]


It's Sasha versus Jean!


I won't miss this for nothin'!


I won't be able to sleep!


'Course not! We won't let you!

What is this?



Nice! We're getting close!

Why exactly are we helping him?

Because we don't

have any other choice.

They say we have to

work as a squad,

even when it comes to this.

I used to play around in this

forest when I was just a kid.

There's a legendary

boar in there.

If we serve its meat to the

commander, we'll win for sure!

Wait, do you know how to cook?

Of course I don't,

why would I have time for that?


My, my! What a coincidence!


Huh? Why are you guys here?

[REINER] Because Sasha caught

the scent of meat!

And there's no way I'm gonna

let you guys hog all

of it to yourselves!



[ARMIN] It's okay, Jean!

You grew up here, right?

We've got the

home field advantage!

So. Hey, uh, listen.

Are we lost?

'Cause it seems like

maybe we're going in--

We're not lost!

You say that. But haven't we

passed through here b--?

Like hell we have! Look!

See this tree?

We passed one that had the exact

same mark on it earlier.

But that just means

we're close now.

Can't you see that?

[REINER] So, what? We're just

gonna wander around aimlessly

'til we stumble across a clue?

Finding tracks when

there's no snow

on the ground is a major chore.

We would need at

least four days to--


Check it out, Conny!

That's one big turd.

Yeah. And it's a stinker.

That tells me it's

still fairly fresh.

The den must be nearby.

Okay, so you caught

a lucky break this once,

but the rest of the hunt

won't be so easy.


There it is.



It's humongous.

I'll say. It looks to be

the same class as the Colossal.

Right. This is insane.

I'm gonna go home now.


She elbowed me?

Don't talk like that,

you'll make me sad!

Think about what your

ancestors would say!

Are you so afraid to

take part in the circle of life?

I mean the whole world's

connected, isn't it?

Sorry, Sasha.

I don't really get what

you're trying to tell me,

but I can see that

I was in the wrong.

[SASHA] Well, as long as

you see that much.

Now. Let's give our hearts to

the cause of delicious meat!





Let's bring it down, Sasha!


You lead the way, all right?


[ALL yell]


C'mon, Meat! Bad Meat, bad!

That's the boar! They found it!

[ARMIN] It's fast! You think

we'll be able to catch up?


Sausage. Pork tenderloin!

Maple bacon! Meat!

Hey, Sasha! Look here!

I've got some tates!

[SASHA] Smoked meat.

Minced meat. Cutlets!

I tried. But I can't compete

with the allure of meat.


[SASHA] Only one food

goes with everything.

It just so happens to be

the tastiest food in the world!

And it's called meat!



Make way, folks!

We got an oversized load of

boar meat, comin' through!

I love meat! I love meat!

I love meat!


Son of a bitch!


Hey! Cut that out!

--[MIKASA] But Eren--

--I can get it myself!

Just stop!

[JEAN'S MOTHER] 'Scuse me.

I'm looking for Jean Boy.

Sorry, I mean that I'm

looking for Jean Kirschtein.

[JEAN] The cookoff is in

just a few hours.

I need to come up with a meal

that can top

potato girl's meat!


Is Jean Kirschtein here?


Sir! What do you need?

Your mother's here to visit you.


--Jean Boy!


Why haven't you come by home

since you got back

to Trost, Jean Boy?

I don't understand it!

Thomas Wagner visited

his family, you know.

You're such a silly boy.

Oh. Did you spill soup

on your pants again?

My goodness. Here. Let me just--

Cut it out!


But, Jean Boy--

[JEAN] Forget it!

Just go back home, will you?

I'll just drop these off, then.

For your friends.

Nobody wants 'em!

Calm down.

What's gotten into you?

Hi, everyone. I know

my son's a little awkward,

but I hope you

get along with him.


I brought you one last thing.

This is your favorite--

Just get away from me, will you?

[JEAN panting]

Your mom means well,

you should try to be

nicer to her.

Jean Boy. Jean. Sorry.

[gasps] Jean! Is that

what I think? No way!

It's a key to the

officers' storehouse,

which is filled from floor to

ceiling with high quality beef.

And we're gonna go nab some.

No, no, no, no, no!

I'm not cut out to be a thief!

Like. I'm super clumsy,

I'll knock something over!

I'm the slowest runner I know!

When I play hide and seek,

I always laugh and

expose my position!

You okay?


I can't do this.

I'm sorry but

I'm not thief material!

Wait a sec! Where are you going?

[ARMIN screams]

[ARMIN] Sorry, Jean. I'd love

to help you if I could,

but this battered body of mine

just isn't up to the task.

I'm out as well.

I can't afford to shoulder

the risk of getting caught.

But think.

This could help secure us a

place with the MPs. Come on!

Yeah, I doubt that.


I need beef.

It's the only meat capable of

b*ating Potato Girl's boar!

I'm a man. A soldier.

The type who stops at nothing

to achieve his goals!

I am not that woman's

awkward little Jean Boy!

[SOLDIERS laugh]



I've been looking all over

the place for you.

This is yours.

Next time your mother

brings you a gift, you keep it.


What are you even doing here?

Huh? I was just gonna pee.

Not down here you aren't.

The restroom's

up and over that way.


Eat this and do your best.

Try not to cause

too much trouble

for your soldier friends,

okay? Love, Mom.



Mister Omelet!

That's right.

Your good friend, Mr. Omelet is

ready to play now, Jean Boy.

So have fun!

[JEAN crying]


Sorry, Jean Boy,

but I can't understand you

when you're crying. There there.

Can you tell me

what happened, dear?


[JEAN'S MOTHER coughs]

Hey, Mom. How are you

holding up today?

Think you might be well enough

to eat a little bit?

I can try. Did you

cook this up yourself?

Thank you so much, Jean,

you really are the sweetest boy.

I've been a fool.

[JEAN yells]



[JEAN yells]



Huh. Well. I haven't

seen them yet,

but I'm sure you've both

prepared some amazing meals!


Without any further delay,

we will now commence

the scheduled cookoff

between Jean Kirschtein

and Sasha Braus

of the th Cadet Corps!

[CADETS cheer]


Sasha Braus. You're up first!




[CADET D gasps]




It's meat!


What kind of meat?


The good lookin' kind!

Now for a taste.



What the--?


It's! It's! It's!



This isn't just pork.

It's wild boar, damn it!

Yes! It's a whole

different beast!

The meat's texture

is incomparable.

Each bite roars with

overwhelming flavor!

[yells] The wine serves to tame

the boar's natural gaminess!

Converting it into sweet,

yet savory succulence!


We'll stop him here and now!

[PYXIS] Never once

in all my drinking years.

[PYXIS] Has a sip of wine

been quite so sweet!


What happened?


He hasn't moved.


What is this? Is he okay?

Check it out!

He is totally spellbound!

We've got this in the bag!

Yeah. Come on, Jean,

let's see what you've got!








Is that an omelet?

[CADET N] He thinks he can b*at

a prime cut of boar with that?

Aww. Well, this certainly gets

points for being cute.

Please, sir. Go ahead

and have a taste.

Doesn't look like it had

much of an impact.

So what do you think--

does this mean we've won?

Yeah. There's no food in

the world that beats meat,

and that's a bonified fact!

It's time. I've made my choice.

Both competitors did fine work.

But Jean Kirschtein

emerged victorious!

[CADETS cheer]


Jean wins!


His humble omelet b*at the meat!


All hail home cooking!

[SASHA] I'm not convinced!

How did he win?

How can anything b*at

the flavor of meat?

Right. I'll help you

answer that yourself.

Describe the true

nature of meat.

Meat is meat, it's that simple!

[PYXIS] That's exactly right.

Meat is meat.

It is nothing less than meat.

And it is nothing

more than meat.

Do you see now?

It is for that exact reason

that your dish was defeated.

[sobs] I'm so ashamed!

That half-baked reason

convinced her?

[SASHA] I forsook

the potatoes and veggies

that've treated me well!

I can't believe I tried to win

just by heating up

a hunk of flesh!


Don't be too hard on yourself.

I just heated something up, too.

Both of us kept

our meals simple.

I'm sorry, Jean!


Heh. It's no big deal.

[PYXIS sighs] When I eat

dark meat in the evening,

I get a bit of a sour stomach.

But that omelet was

light and digestible.

Didn't taste like much,

yet it served as

a perfectly inoffensive

late-night treat.

[JEAN] Tomorrow, I think I'll

visit home after all.