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OVAx01 - Ilse's Notebook: Memoirs of a Scout Regiment Member

Posted: 05/02/23 16:17
by bunniefuu

In the year ,

two terrifying new breeds

of Titan appeared:

the Colossal and the Armored,

barreling through

the outer walls

as if wholesale destruction

was child's play.

Stop it! No!


The territory couched within

the circle of Wall Maria

was abandoned.

Twenty percent of

the human race perished.

As the Titan onslaught advanced,

our only choice was to

withdraw behind Wall Rose.

However, not all of humanity

was content to

take this lying down.

[NARRATOR] The Garrison

Regiment took measures

to reinforce the

remaining walls,

while a great number of youths

joined the cadet corps

and began to learn

the skills and knowledge

they'd need to defeat Titans.

Meanwhile, in Trost.

[NARRATOR] The elite troops

of the Scout Regiment

were once again about to abandon

the sanctuary of the walls

and venture forth

into Titan territory.

Thirty seconds.

Prepare yourselves!

The moment the

gate opens, we ride!

Aw man. This bites.

Why can't they open it now?

Oh, by the way, Levi--

Answer's "no."

But I haven't

asked you anything yet.

You were about to ask me

to help you catch a Titan.

And well,

that's way more trouble

than I care to go through.

Then. What about you, Miche?

Wanna help me?

[sighs] 'Course boring men like

you would give boring responses,

I mean what did I

expect you to say?

As of this moment, the Scout's

th recon mission has begun!

Scouts. Move out!



Hange, wait!

I hope you Titans are excited.

'Cause I'm coming

to pay you a visit!


Now hold on a minute, Erwin!

I understand that the primary

objective of this expedition

is to set up a new supply cache.

However, it seems clear that the

primary objective of the Scouts

is to uncover the truth about

what Titans really are.

Surely you can see that without

needing me to shout it at you!

I'm sorry,

but Section Commander.

I don't think that's

the way you want to

talk to the leader

of our whole Regim--

Shut up! As I was saying,

there's no way

we can learn what Titans

really are without

capturing one!

I understand that this

is a daunting proposition.

It's been years since

the last time the Scouts

managed to catch a Titan alive,

and over soldiers gave

their lives to make it happen.

But if we let

our fear paralyze us,

we'll never learn

a single thing!

Careful where you store

the yeast, it needs to stay dry.


Understood, sir.

We've already discussed this.

I don't have the soldiers to

spare for a capture operation.

Especially not after

what happened today.

It cost us more than

ten lives just to get here.

Yes, I'm well aware

of that, but listen!


Hange. Request denied.

Hey, wait. Erwin!

You need to reconsider! Come on!

I don't reckon you

ever had a chance.

It's a tough sell.

Y'see, the fact is,

people gotta risk their lives

just to k*ll Titans,

so askin' 'em to catch one

is like tellin' 'em

a Titan's life is worth

more than their own.

I'm gonna ask you to

picture something.

Are you ready?

Captain Levi's decided

he wants you dead.

He's on his way.

How do you react?

Think you can take him?

Of course I can't. He'd k*ll me.

And speaking of.

I'm kind'a chokin'.

Want me to tell you

how you could win?

Through intensive research!

You'd need to study

everything about him.

His tastes in women.

His preferences

in food and drink,

the frequency of

his bowel movements,

you leave no stone unturned!

Your only hope is to research

every aspect of his behavior!

Do this,

and eventually you'll find

a weak spot you can exploit.

And you need to

exploit it, understand?

Because if you

fight fair, you're dead.

You won't have a chance.



You're choking him!

Let him go, please!


[ORUO gasps]

Sorry about that.

That's the way things are

though, so thanks for listening.

Section Commander!

Could'a listened better

if I weren't so busy dyin'.

What a nut. An absolute menace.

Crazed as an outhouse rat.

[sighs] Look, I know you're

from out in the sticks,

but as a veteran Scout,

you're a role model now,

so don't you think it's time

you dropped the accent

and learned basic grammar?

Huh? How's the way I talk

any a' yer business?

[ELD] Petra! Have you finished

refilling your gas yet?


Y-Yes sir! Almost! I'm on it!

Titan! In the trees!


All troops, at the ready!

[MOBLIT] Please don't go alone!

It's too dangerous!


Bye, Erwin! I'll come

back with a prisoner!


Hange! Wait! Levi!

Tch. That idiot.

[gasps] I found you!

[HANGE] Hi there!

Nice weather today, huh?

[laughs] Yeah, that's the way.

Listen, why don't we take

this little adventure

inside the walls?

Come with me!

'Kay? It'll be fun!

Whoa! That was a close one!

Ooh, that looked painful.

Feelin' okay, bud?

That's right, yeah! Good!

Rambunctious! Attaboy!

Over here, you dumb brute.

Hey! Stop it! This one's mine!

That's my loyal boy!

You're doin' great!

[gasps] Huh?


What the--? Hold on a minute!


Hey! Where're you going?

[ORUO] Just what does that

big dumbass think it's doin'?

Did it leave somethin' at home?

It is acting strange.

Even for an Abnormal.

Right, its behavior doesn't

cleave to any pattern

that's been reported thus far!

[GUNTHER] Surprised?

If it didn't break the mold,

we wouldn't call it

an Abnormal, would we?

Who cares?

It's about to be dead.


C'mon! Why the cold shoulder?

[HANGE] Could this Titan

have a destination in mind?

Abnormal or not, this should

be past its capabilities.

Whoa there. Is something wrong?

What're you doing to that tree?


Is this a place you know?

Did you come here on purpose?

[HANGE gasps]

[HANGE giggles]

Close one.


What is it? Talk to me.

I'm all ears!

I got 'em!

No, wait, don't do it!


[ORUO screaming]

[LEVI grunts]

[HANGE gasps]



You okay?

Yeah, thanks to you.

I'll follow you for life, Cap'n!

[gasps] My sweet

little test subject.

Why'd you have to k*ll it?


If we had just captured it,

humanity might have taken

a massive step forward!

Shut your mouth, four-eyes.

If you're that determined

to get yourself

turned into Titan shit,

then I won't stop you.

But leave our subordinates

out of it, all right?

You realize that Titans

don't defecate, right?

They don't really have

the "equipment" for it.

[gasps] Hey, uh. Captain?


What is it?

Do you think the Titan

you k*lled could've done that?

No way, right?

I mean, it's impossible.

How could it have?

What are you talking about?


They're wearing a th

expedition armband.

Which means they

died a year ago.

Soldier's name

is I...Ilse Langnar.

[HANGE] It's hard to imagine

a Titan doing this, but--


You find something? What is it?


A journal.

Ilse Langnar's last contribution

to mankind's fight.


My name is Ilse Langnar.

I took part in the th

expedition beyond the walls.

I led the Second Brigade's

leftmost wing.

[ILSE] On our way back,

we encountered Titans.

[ILSE] I lost my horse, watched

my squad mates get k*lled,

and was forced to abandon

my broken ODM gear.

[ILSE] Now I'm writing

as I run to the north.


I lack any form of mobility,

and these lands

are ruled by Titans.

I know better than

to hope for rescue.

And there's no escaping

a Titan on foot.

The second I'm spotted,

it's over.

I know my chances are slim.

But, it's conceivable

that I could reach

Wall Maria without

encountering a Titan.


So, dire as things may seem,

this is no time

to cringe in fear.

I've been prepared

to face this situation

ever since I chose

to join this regiment.

[ILSE] I'm a member

of the Survey Corps:

the wings of humanity.

We do not fear death.

Even if it means laying down

our lives, we fight to the end.


I may have lost my weapons,

but that doesn't mean

I'm helpless!

I'll log everything

I see in this journal.

I'll fight on,

in every way I can!

I won't give in to fear.

I won't give in to fear!


I--I won't give in to fear.

Titan encountered.

Seven. No, six meters tall.

It hasn't tried to eat me yet.

Must be an Abnormal.

[ILSE] This is it for me.

I'm finished.


I've lived so selfishly.

I never gave a thing

back to my parents.

It makes me sick.

It's all over.


A Subject...


...of Ymir.


It just spoke.

The Titan just spoke to me.


This can't be.

Lady Ymir.

Greetings. Well met.


It produced meaningful words.

"A Subject of Ymir." "Lady

Ymir." "Greetings." "Well met."

There's no mistake.

The Titan's facial

expression changed, too.

And it fell to its hands and

knees as if to show me respect.



I can't believe this.

For the first time

in human history,

a Titan is communicating.

Hey. What exactly

are you? Tell me.

[ILSE] I ask the Titan

about its nature.

It moans, but utters

no more words.

Do you know where you came from?

[ILSE] I ask about its origins.

No response.

Why do you eat us?

I know it's not

because you have to.


I ask about its motives.

Why the hell do you

eat us, dammit?!

It's been proven that you

don't need to eat to survive!

So why do it?

Why do you mindless hunks of

flesh keep k*lling people?

Why won't you all

just drop dead?

[ILSE gasps]


What-- What are you--?


[ILSE] What's wrong with it?

Why did it do that?


The Titan has me

in its jaws now.

Teeth are massive, not sharp.

Breath is hot and moist:

it reeks of death--


Commander Erwin Smith.

I'm writing to propose,

once again,

that the Survey Corps resume

its attempts to capture Titans.

Even a cursory look

at the enclosed copy

of Ilse Langnar's notebook

should make one vital

fact painfully clear.

When it comes to

the subject of Titans,

we humans are still

ignorant where it counts.

Ilse tells us that

the Titan she encountered

"produced meaningful words"

and fell to its knees

"as if to show respect."

What's more, the Titan refrained

from eating her completely.

Instead, it deposited

her remains in a hollow tree.

For safekeeping,

from what we can tell.

[HANGE] Years from now,

when all is understood,

this will be known as the first

documented case of its kind.


Ilse was an exemplary Scout.

She fought 'til

her final breath,

in the hopes that her journal

would somehow reach us.

Now that it has, we have

a responsibility to use it.

[HANGE] She gave everything

she had to equip us

with knowledge about

the true nature of Titans.

We should honor that.

[HANGE] Namely, by picking up

the torch she left us.

[HANGE] No matter

how meager the information

we obtain may seem to be.

Our efforts won't be in vain.

[HANGE] And unless we stop,

neither will hers.

Every scrap of knowledge

we pry from the Titans

will someday help

humanity strike back.

[HANGE] Second Section

Commander. Hange Zoe.

Hange. You have a minute?

What, are you stalking me now?

Didn't realize the three of you

were into that sort of thing.

I came here to say that I'm--

I'm real sorry.

If I hadn't screwed up

the way I did,

we could've caught

that Titan easily.

And it's clear now that would've

been useful for humanity.

My life'd be a cheap price to

pay for an Abnormal that can--

No. You're the one

who's owed an apology.

If it weren't for Levi,

I would've gotten you k*lled.

I'm sorry, Oruo.

And I never want to hear you

describe your life

as "cheap" again.

Am I understood?

[gasps] Um. Are-Are you okay?

[PETRA] Come on, Oruo!

Get a hold of yourself!


By the way.

Erwin approved

your most recent proposal.

He did?



[NARRATOR] Twenty days later,

with help from

Captain Levi's

Special Operations Squad,

Section Commander

Hange Zoe supervised

the capture of

multiple live Titans.

This was the first

such effort to succeed

since the fall of Wall Maria.

Furthermore, due to

the implementation

of a new capture protocol

devised by Hange,

this was achieved without

a single human casualty.