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03x14 - I Am Curious… Maddie

Posted: 05/02/23 14:02
by bunniefuu
This is movietone news bringing you the important news events of the day.

While citizens all across the world settled into easy chairs hoping to see another new episode of moonlighting, news broke of one star's pregnancy and the other's unfortunate luck on the icy slopes of idaho.

Here, for the first time, exclusive footage of that tragic accident.

Meanwhile, anxious abc executives dealt with the news in their own way.

Aah! With nothing else to do tuesday nights, frustration mounts.

And the country finds new ways to k*ll time.

♪La bamba ♪ rooftop la bamba contests abound.

♪ Que necesito, una poca de gracia ♪♪ and then, just in time, word that a new episode was ready.

The country rejoices.

People rush to their sets.

But a nagging fear begins to surface this reporter's answer

- "Of course they will.

" Yo! Maddie! You remember.

David, finally prepared to confess his love to maddie, rushes to her door in the middle of the night.

Maddie, I got something to tell you! Now listen, I know it's can I help you?



Knowing what he must do, david interrupts a dinner date between maddie and her new boyfriend sam.






Forgive me.

I'm, uh, sorry.

Sorry to interrupt your dinner.

It's just that there's kind of an emergency.

Too hammered to drive home alone, david finds himself escorted there by none other than sam.

♪ All those in

-Between years ♪ ♪ come what may ♪ ♪ who knows where the road will lead us ♪ ♪ only a fool ♪♪ meanwhile oh, hell.

You can read the card.

Come on, maddie, what do you say, we make it official?

You and me.

Wife and wife.

Sam where did this come from?

I don't know.

I've been laying here waiting for you doing things.

Listening for the sound of a car.

Hmm, 2:30 in the morning, right?

Enough to make you crazy.

It didn't make me crazy.

It made me kind of happy.

Yeah yeah, perfectly happy.

Just sitting here knowing that you'd be coming home sometime to me.

You just left him there, huh?

He's perfect for me, you know?

But you and me we we enemy target in sight, open b*mb bay doors.

Roger! b*mb bay doors open! Then fire at will! Or al and whoever hell else you can hit! Aah! Ha ha! And the next thing you know, night has turned into morning.

Well, sun's up.

I did what I could.

Couldn't stop it, though.

Want to get something to eat?

What, the way I'm dressed?

I think you look great.

I feel great.

You wanna know somethin' dumb?

I had a great time.


Me, too.

Must be the lack of sleep.

That's what I should do, sleep.

Go home, get in bed she was here just a minute ago.




Which brings us to tonight.

♪ some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ something is sweeter ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪♪ ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪ ♪ can't keep his mind on nothin' else ♪ ♪ he'd change the world ♪ ♪ for the good thing he's found ♪ ♪ if she is bad, he can't see it ♪ ♪ she can do no wrong ♪ ♪ turn his back on his best friend ♪ ♪ if he put her down ♪ ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪♪ welcome home.

You scared me.

Didn't mean to.

Ahh morning.

Yeah it sure is.

You're probably wondering you're probably right.

I was on a case.


The johnson case.

There was a new development.

The phone rang in the middle of the night.

You were asleep.

It was just this case.

I had to go.

I know I should have left a note, but it was, um, sort of unexpected.

Did you, uh go on this case by yourself?

By myself?


I wouldn't go out in the middle of the night by myself.


There was someone else, uh other than me.

Ok hey, uhfeel like some breakfast?


You mean breakfast?


I was just showing off.

I just wanted to show you I make a mean bowl of corn flakes.

I'd have waited, but I didn't know when you were coming back.

So hungry?


You did this?

I did this.

Come on.


To bed.

Sam, I don't think

- No, not us.


You need to sleep.

I don't need to sleep, we have a lot to talk about.

We'll talk later, ok?

Come on.


Sam, wait.

Hi, mom.

No, no, I wasn't actually doing anything.

I worked all night, and I was about to get some sleep.

No, there's nothing to report.

Nothing special going on.

Just the usual routine.



No, I

-I'll call you later.

I love you, too, mom.


Sam I don't want you to think I haven't thought about it, about what you said last night.

I don't want you to think I took it casually.

Get some sleep.

We'll talk about it when you wake up.

Getting to be a familiar sight

- You flat on your back.

Guess you didn't hear me knock, huh?

Your keys from the other night.

I think it's time you and me talked.

The way I see it the situation is we have something in common.

Someone in common.

You following me so far?

Kind of a shame it had to come down to this.

You see, I like you, david.

I mean, you're hard not to like.

But the fact remains, we got a problem.

See she's real confused.

Which is kind of funny 'cause, uh I don't think there's anything to be confused about.

I mean look at you.

You're a mess.

Look at the way you live

- Look at this place.

Hey, don't get me wrong.

I mean, it's kind of endearing, and I know that you like it, but I happen to think that maddie deserves better.

You do, huh?


Yeah, I sure do.

See, I've known her for a long time.

I know what she needs.

I know what she wants.

You're not even close.

It's like I said, she's real confused.

It's kind of unfortunate.

Last night, I made her a proposition

- A real serious proposition.

One that I think, under any other circumstances, she would have jumped at.

See, what I'm trying to say is if you don't really care about her, you should tell her.

And if you do care about her, well she should know that, too.

It's just that it's real obvious who and what's best for her.

It's real simple, david.

Why don't you do everybody a favor and just back off.

Good morning, miss dipesto.

Good morning, miss hayes.

Why didn't you tell me?

Maddie hey, come here! He asked you, didn't he?

I don't want to talk about it! He did, didn't he?

I don't want to talk about it.

You see, I mean, I find this really interesting, that's all.

According to him, he asked you last night.

Noche last


Before you came to my place.

Before we ran all over town.

Hither and yon, yon and hither.

Well, I don't recall you mentioning that.

You're right.

I didn't mention it.

You want to know why I didn't mention it?

I didn't mention it because it's none of your damn business.

None of my damn business?

None of my damn business?

None of your damn business! Well all right.

Maybe it is none of my damn business, but I got a right to know.

Right to know?

What right to know?

You don't have any right to know! Oh, no?


He asked you, didn't he?

He said it, right?

Stop it.

No, look, he said it.

Didn't he?

Get out of here! I want to be alone! So, what did you say?

I want to be alone! You said that?

I'm saying that.

Are you saying you said that, or that you're saying that?

I want to die.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Who'd you say that to?

You're back! You're right.

You're scum! I just want to talk to you about this.




Maddie, I

- David, I asked you a question.

Why should I talk to you about it?

What difference will it make?

It'll make a lot of difference.

It won't.

It won't make any difference.

I don't believe you're saying this.

The two of you act like you're competing for me.

Miss dipesto comes in here and makes speeches about how you're falling apart.

You walk around like the jilted lover, like the world is coming to an end.

Well, you're not the jilted anything, david.

You won't even put yourself in the game.

It's not fair.

You want me to tell you everything, but you tell me nothing.

I don't know how you feel.

Am I supposed to think because you chased me down the hall that you care about me?

That you don't want me to marry sam?

How about we do it all again?

Only this time, I'll chase you.

How do you feel about me, david?

How do you feel about all this, david?

I have a right to know, don't i?

Don't i?

Yes, he asked me to marry him.

No, I haven't said yes yet.

But yes, I'm thinking about it.

He's willing to make a commitment to me.

How about you?

If you want to say something, now's the time to say it.

If you want to talk, talk.

Come on, david.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


Are we through?

Sure sounds like it.

Sure does.

♪ Don't know why ♪ ♪ there's no sun up in the sky ♪ ♪ stormy weather ♪ ♪ since my man and I ♪ ♪ ain't together ♪ ♪ keeps raining all the time ♪♪ life's funny, isn't it?

I mean, the delicate balance the fragility the precariousness of any given moment.

Do you have any 3s?

Take office relationships just to randomly pick something off the top of my head.

One minute they're safe and sane, all bark and no bite.

Then suddenly they change.

That's true.

Tricky figuring out how to handle it.


A lot of conflicting emotions.

Like, uh will you miss the sexual tension?

Day in and day out rush of adrenalin you get from being very close to somebody you're wildly excited about, yet you don't know whether you really should have.

Or will it be wonderful getting to know that person in a whole new way?

Is what's happening, hypothetically speaking, is what's happening a natural hormonal reaction to somebody you spend a lot of time with?

Or is it the real mccoy?

Do you risk telling that person how you long for her?

How how all you can think about is putting mathis on the walkman and dancing with her in the executive washroom?

Or do you keep your feelings to yourself and just let that person find another person to love?

When the person each of you really wants is right under your noses.

When the person each of you really wants is right under your noses.

Boy, you can really see the problem mr.

Addison must be having.

Not to mention miss hayes.

Take the beltway around this one, bucko.

Pardon me?

The scenic route is out.

Miss hayes is expecting you.




Excuse the mess.

I got a little frustrated.

Couldn't find any paper clips.


-That is frustrating.

I know how that can be.

You ever notice how many bobs we got on daytime tv?

I mean, you got your occasional oprah, maybe a vanna here and there, but mostly bobs.


Addison did you ever watch divorce court?

It's pretty good.

Husband whines, wife whines, the lawyer does his little dance.

And voila.

She goes home with the lovely parting gifts, and he gets the room at the y.

Ha! Marriage so, just in the neighborhood, or what?

Sam's here.

Well, I guess he's got to be somewhere.

Maybe saturn's closed.

They're going to dinner.


Uh, well, sir, I it's just that we just thought we just thought we thought that there might be something you might want to say to miss hayes while she still is miss hayes.

Your honor, I object.

That answer is not responsive.

I'll strike it.

Didn't she catch you fondling her husband's naked body?

Hey! Hey! Maddie david, come on.



What are you trying to do?

This has got nothin' to do with you.

Get out of the car.

Get your hand off the car, please.

Maddie, I want to talk to you.

Hey, didn't you hear me?

I want to talk to you.

Yeah, but see, she doesn't want to talk to you.

Butt out, buck rogers! Look, I just want to talk to you.


Go away, david.


I can't deal with this.

I can't deal with this.

Maddie, come here.

I want to talk to you.

Hey! Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god! Leave me alone, both of you! David why don't we just stop?

Get your hands off me, pal! How about me and you take a walk around the block, huh?

You're an ass, you know that?

I just wanted to talk to her.

I want the two of you

- Oh, my god.


That's me.

You missed it, maddie.

The fight of the century.

The barrage in the garage.

Tko s.


S s.


B that's me.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Came down here 'cause I wanted to talk to you, too.

I didn't realize how busy you were.

But now, of course, I realize how busy you are.

I'm fine.

I'm great, really.

Just walking along singing a song.

♪ I'm singin' in the rain ♪ ♪ I'm singin' in the rain ♪ ♪ what a glorious feelin' ♪ ♪ I'm hap

-Happy again ♪♪ for what it's worth I didn't take the first swing.


Sam, does it really matter?


Yeah, it matters to me.

Just to set the record straight, I didn't start any of that.

I didn't say you did.


No, you didn't.

You haven't said a thing.

You know, it's kind of funny, maddie.

I come to pick you up for dinner.

Your partner, he throws a roadblock, on the way out, grabs you out of the car, tries to separate my head from my shoulders.

Somehow, I can't shake the feeling that somehow I'm being cast as the bad guy.

Nobody's calling you the bad guy.

Nobody's calling you anything.

You know what else is kinda funny?

The last time I checked my watch, it was 36 hours since I asked you what I asked you, and I haven't heard the slightest response, which wouldn't be too bad if the woman I had asked on the very same night I asked her, hadn't left our bed in the middle of the night.

Hey, but that's not what sticks in my craw the most.



You wanna know what that is?

That's when the woman I asked to marry me, the morning after I ask her, tells her mother, who I'll lay odds she hasn't talked to in quite a while, that there's nothing going on.

That it's just the, uh "same old routine.

" I don't know it's really kind of funny, maddie.

I'm not saying you don't want to be married.

I'm just saying maybe it's not to me.

Well I don't think I feel much like having dinner.


Let's go home.

Yeah, right.

My home.

What's that supposed to mean?


It means nothing.

It means something.

It means I need time! I need space.

I'm not glib.

If you want glib, marry david.

I've got to think this through! That's who I am.

That's what I am.

And while we're on the subject

- Will you stop yelling?

Who told david addison about your proposal?

Me! Me.


I did.


Thank you.

You got a problem?

Yeah, I got a problem.

It's none of your damn business.

None of my damn

- It's none of your damn business! It's my business to tell him.

It's my business to even choose to tell him! Mine! My business, my choice! My god, this isn't something you settle between the two of you! This is something I settle between the two of us! The one of me.

Don't I have something to say about all this?

You and I may have known each other 20 years longer than me and david, who isn't the issue here.

But that doesn't mean you can waltz in here, after all these years, and stake your claim like I was a piece of real estate.

I didn't think that's what I did.

Well, that sure feels like what you did.

I guess maybe I'm just not used to asking someone to marry me.

Ahh, I know.

I'm not used to being asked.


Sorry about dinner.

It's ok.

I'll take a rain check.

Sam, I think maybe I'd like to be by myself for a while.

Me, too.

Yeah, right

- No, really.

It's easier if I go.

No, it's easier if I go.

You stay here.

No, you stay here.

This is your home.

You have no place to go.

I'll go to somebody else's home.

I'll go to a hotel.


It's ok.

I'll take the car, and you take the house.

Work out the alimony later?

I'm sorry.

See you later?

Yeah see you later.

David miss hayes.

I thought you were going to dinner.

Yeah, I know.

I didn't feel much like dinner.

I didn't feel much like anything.


Addison's favorite.

He must've been pretty upset.

What are you doing here, miss dipesto?

It's late.

I don't know, just didn't want him to come in here tomorrow and find this mess.

He's so

- I know.

You're a good person, agnes.

I know this is none of my business, miss hayes, but it seems like mr.

Addison isn't the only one who's upset around here.

I'm fine.

If there's anything I can do no.

I don't think so.

Want to get wrecked?

Excuse me?

You know, bombed?



All the boy detectives do it.

It's better at the end of the bar.

People don't try to pick you up, and it's easier to get the bartender's attention.

What'll it be, ladies?

White wine, please.

Wine gives me a headache.

I think I'll have a double kamikaze.

So so?

I don't know.

Oh not only do I not know, I don't even know why I don't know, you know?

I think so.

You know, when I have a big problem and I need someone to talk to, I talk to mr.


I'm not saying that's what you should do.


But he usually has good advice, and he says one of those cute little things that only mr.

Addison can say

- Miss dipesto or tells me one of those cute little stories that only mr.

Addison can tell.

Miss dipesto

- And then suddenly, I feel all cheered up, like magic, like jiffy pop without the grease.

Miss dipesto, this is not a problem I care to discuss with mr.




People are thirsty down here.

Maybe this is not something you can discuss with anyone.

'Cause no one else knows what's in your heart.

Like mr.

Addison says, "you can lead a horse to water, but that doesn't make him a duck.

" What does that mean?


- I don't know.

It just always sounds so cute when mr.

Addison says it.

I don't care what mr.

Addison says.

This is not about mr.


It isn't?

It isn't! Oh.


What is this, the self

-Serve aisle?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to snap.

I'm confused.

It's just that marriage is such a huge thing that maybe you never know if you're ready.

Maybe it isn't possible to be sure you're ready.

Ahh maybe it's only possible to be sure you're not ready.

Sam was right.

I owe him an answer.

I owe him an answer, and I'm going home to give him an answer.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Miss dipesto?



Don't move, don't speak, don't even look at me.

This is so hard.

You're so wonderful.

I don't want you to think for a minute that I didn't take your proposal seriously.

It's the most wonderful, the most important thing anyone's ever asked me.

The thought of marrying you, of having a family with you I may hate myself for the rest of my life.

But the cruel trick in all this is if you'd asked me the answer would've been different but right now I'm sorry.

I know you think you know why, but you're wrong.

I care about you so much.

I spend every waking minute trying to figure out how we can make it work, but I don't see how we can.

Not right now, not with sam, you deserve someone who loves you, only you, and I do love you, but not only you.

I know how difficult this is for you to hear.

You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to say.

I love you, sam.

You have to know that, but I love him, too and I know that's not good enough for you.

I know it means you'll want to leave and maybe never see me again but do me a favor.


At least not right now.

Give me tonight.

Give us tonight.

We'll hold each other.

We'll make love.

We'll sleep.

And if I wake up and you're not here, I'll understand.

Just hold me, please.

Oh, sam.

Oh, maddie.

Ooh, I like that.

Aah! Aah! What are you doing here?

I was getting lucky.

You are the most loathsome, the most disgusting, the most vile

- Come on.

How you gonna know till you try?

Where's sam?

Where's sam?

Where's sam?

That kinda question is definitely gonna k*ll the mood.


Sam's gone.

What do you mean gone?


As in going, going I know what the word means, david.

Where did he go?

When will he

- When I got here, his bags were packed.

That's it?

No explanations, no good

-Byes, no anything?

Yeahi was kind of surprised, too.

I guess spelling doesn't count for much in outer space.

Breeze came up, blew it into my lap.

Look I came over here because I wanted to talk.

Figured I owed him an apology and that I owed you an apology.

And when I got here, he was on his way out the door.

He said, he didn't see how you and him could make it work, that he thought that you had some other things that you needed to take care of.

I figured I'd stick around.

I've been, eh taking these pain pills.

Your boy sammy gave me a pretty good shot in the wing here.

So I came up here and laid down, and the rest, as they say, is kismet.

Go home, david.

You sure you really want me to do that?


Maddie, sam's gone and we're here.


So so what, david?

What are you saying?

What I'm saying is weare here.

The two of us.


Isn't that what this is all about?

No, that's not what this is all about.

This is about me.

This is supposed to be about what I want.

I was the one proposed to.

I was the one who had a choice to make, not a choice between two men, but a choice for my future, my life, but I'm not gonna get a chance to make that choice because at least two people, and who knows how many others, have been conspiring to make it for me.

That's not true.

You interrupt our dinner.

He goes to your apartment to discuss the proposal.

The two of you play popeye and bluto in the garage.

Then he leaves, and you're here.

I don't know why I bother showing up.

Everything seems to get done perfectly well without me.

The two of you did just fine by yourselves.

What about just now?

What about just now?

I thought that was him, I didn't know it was you.

Maddie, you said some things that

- And you didn't.


Not during the whole thing, david.

You haven't said a word.

I don't have to say anything.

What do you mean you don't have to say anything?

Stop smiling.

Why are you smiling?

How can you be so smug?

I'm not being smug.

I'm being honest.

I don't have to say anything.

You know it, and I know it.

You feel it, and I feel it.

Stay away from me.

Here I come.

But I don't want you.

I never wanted you.

Yeah, right.

I heard the speech about the good

-Bye grope.

But that was for him, not for you.

Wake up.

I'm not leaving him for you, I'm leaving him for me.


Me, me, me.

Is that clear?

Why don't you try it in c


Get back.

Put that down, maddie.


Put it down.


I'm not going to force myself on you.

I don't want to force myself on you.

To tell you the truth, you're not worth it.


You heard me.

What do you mean, not worth it?

Not worth it! Not worth it! No woman is worth this, all right?

Look, never mind.

All right?

Just forget about it.

This was never meant to be.

I'm not worth it?

I'm not worth it?

Look who's talking about worth! Mr.

Bargain basement.

If there was a close

-Out sale on human beings, you'd be the last one to sell.

Yeah, you ought to know, honey.

What does that mean?

I'll tell you what it means.

It means, you're the kind of person that goes through life looking at the price tags instead of the merchandise.

You want some guy went to a great school, great mug, nice manners.

Well, that's fine.

Just fine.

Makes sense.

Look at you.

You're not a person, you're a póster.

You deserve another póster.

You're going over the line, david.

You spend more time dressing than you do smiling! You spend more time with business than you do with pleasure.

And your way's better?

More time singing than working?

More time screwing up than moving up?

Moving up?

Is that what you believe in?

Spare me.

Is that what you believe in, huh?

What do you believe in?

A good party.

I'll tell you what I don't believe in, I don't believe in wasting anymore time.

I'm sick of this.

Two years of "is you is, or is you ain't?

" Two years of bees beeing and ducks ducking.

And a man who thinks that culture is dark beer.


- This is ridiculous! I'm miserable! So am i.

Yeah, well I may have just let the best thing that ever happened to me get away, and look at me, here I am, spending the evening having another pointless argument with you! Fine.






Get out.

Get out! ♪ The night we met, I knew I ♪ ♪ needed you so ♪ ♪ and if I had the chance, I'd ♪ ♪ never let you go ♪ ♪ so won't you say you love me ♪ ♪ I'll make you so, so proud of me ♪ ♪ we'll make them turn their heads ♪ ♪ every place we go ♪ ♪ so won't you be ♪ ♪ be my, be my baby ♪ ♪ be my little baby ♪ ♪ my one and only baby ♪ ♪ say you'll be my darlin' ♪ ♪ be my, be my baby ♪ ♪ be my baby now ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪ ♪ I'll make you happy, baby ♪ ♪ just wait and see ♪ ♪ for every kiss you give me ♪ ♪ I'll give you three ♪ ♪ oh, since the day I saw you ♪ ♪ I have been waiting for you ♪ ♪ you know I will adore you ♪ ♪ till eternity ♪ ♪ so won't you be ♪ ♪ be my, be my baby ♪ ♪ be my little baby ♪ ♪ my one and only baby ♪ ♪ say you'll be my darlin' ♪ ♪ be my, be my baby ♪ ♪ be my baby now ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪♪ ♪ some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ something is sweeter ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪♪