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03x05 - All Creatures Great and… Not So Great

Posted: 05/02/23 13:50
by bunniefuu
Some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ something is sweeter ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪ ♪ all creatures of our god and king ♪ ♪ lift up your voice, and with us sing ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ god's radiant sun with golden beam ♪ ♪ god's silver moon with softened gleam ♪ ♪ o praise him ♪ ♪ o praise him ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ o praise him ♪ ♪ o praise him ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ father.


Is it soup yet?


God bless you, father.

And you.

I'm terribly sorry, father mcdonovan.

I know I'm late, but

- Father?

Father esteves.

I got held up at the mission.

It's all right.

I'll pitch in for you today.

Just be back for evening prayer.


You're very kind.

But I was looking forward to hearing confession today.

Don't polish my apple, father.

Now skedaddle.

Father estevez.

I want to hear confession.


Forgive me father, for I have sinned.

Second woman: it's been 6 months since my last confession.

Third woman: and I lost my temper at the mailman so I took the lord's name in vain 3 times ok, maybe 4.

Did I mention the impure thoughts?

May god grant you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from sin in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.


Woman: forgive me father, for I have sinned.

How long has it been since your last confession?

It's me, father.


May the lord be in your heart and on your lips to worthily confess your sins.

Father, forgive me for not coming to confession last week.

I missed you.

I meant to come.

I really did.

I just I couldn't get out of bed.

I just couldn't.

Were you ill?

No, I

-I just I don't know.

I think I want to die, father.

I think I want to be dead.

Don't talk like that.

You shouldn't talk like that.

Death finds us all soon enough.

Tell me what's wrong.


Nothing is wrong.


Obviously, something is wrong.

What makes you say that?

How can anything be wrong?

We sin; god forgives.

How can anything be wrong?

Tell me, if I took my own life, would the lord forgive me?

Only god has the right to take a life.

Yes, but would he forgive me?

m*rder is a mortal sin.

You know that.

So I could take a b*mb and throw it into a crowded building, and

-And beg for his forgiveness, but I can't repent for my own su1c1de?

What is it that you want to hear me say?

Tell me, what will happen to my soul?


-You know what will happen to your soul.

You've given in to despair.

I know what I have to do.

You've lost your faith.

Let me help you find it.

I don't want your help.

Pray with me.

I've prayed.

I can't anymore.

Nothing changes.

Nothing helps.

God has turned his back on me.

That is not so.

Then why hasn't he answered my prayers?

He has.

He will.

Pray with me now.

God, the father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his son

- Thank you, father.

Stay, please.

Please stay.

Through the death and resurrection

- Good


♪ And all ye men of tender heart ♪ ♪ forgiving others, take your part ♪ father mcdonovan! ♪ Oh, sing ye ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ praise god, and on him cast your care ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ she dropped her pencil she's bending down come on.

Skirt's sliding up oh! Oh, no! Drum roll, viola! Stockings and a garter belt! Told you it was a sucker bet, simmons.

Told you no tomato with stems like that's gonna spend the rest of her li

- Ahem! Hi, maddie.

Well, gentlemen, I guess that concludes today's seminar on applied surveillance techniques.



Excuse me.

May i?


David addison, you are a vile, unevolved swine.

Yes, I am.

You don't deserve to belly up to the same trough with the rest of the pigs.

Right again.

You give bacon a bad name.

Yes, I do.

Yes, I do.

Look, I'm just as embarrassed about this as you are.

I know that it was childish.

I know that it was immature.

And I really don't have a good excuse for my behavior.

At least, nothing occurs to me off the top of my head.

I'm sorry.

Uh I know that we'll both feel better if you keep this in your office.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I don't know.

I guess I'm just surprised, and relieved, and pleased.

I'm really sorry.

I believe you are.

♪ I'm a girl watcher ♪ ♪ I'm a girl watcher ♪ ♪ watching girls go by ♪ ♪ my, my, my ♪ I don't really need to keep this.

I get trichinosis just looking at you.


That's a precision instrument.

I thought I understood you, david addison.

I thought I knew the limits of your behavior, but your depravity knows no limits, does it?

All this hot air's fogging up my lens.

Ogling some secretary like she was a piece of meat in a butcher's window.

I'm not ogling.

I'm imaginating.

I'm appreciating.

I'm contemplating her

- Cleavage.

Boy, when you're right, you are right.

What you're doing is not only demeaning this woman, you're demeaning an entire gender.

Why, do you suppose, somebody would decide to get a tattoo on their inner thigh?


You don't care about her?

Just think how I feel.

I think about it all the time.

I mean, if you can visually as*ault her, what's to keep you from leering at me?

Well, for one thing, you don't wear flimsy halter tops and turn the air conditioner way up.

You are toe jam.

Maddie, she's begging for it.

You are navel lint.

If she doesn't want to be looked at, she can close the blinds.

You are an animal! Exactly.

And what does that mean?

The male of the species engages in sexual congress no less than 46,503 times from the time he's 13 till the time he runs out of a*mo.

You know that, and you don't remember our zip code?

Now, given so little opportunity for amorous expression, a man's bound to find another outlet.

A little harmless visual stimuli, for instance.

Harmless visual stimuli?

David, you are violating that woman's privacy.

I am not violating anything.

She doesn't even know I'm here.

You find this amusing, don't you?

Well, it ain't betty boop, but it beats opening the mail.


What are you talking about?

I already apologized.

And I meant it.

Sort of.

Not to me, david.

To her.


Who her?

That poor woman whose privacy you've been violating, that poor woman who's been held hostage in your mental bordello.

That poor woman has a right to confront her oppressor.

You mean old happy thighs?

I want you to call her right now.

Hey, just because I know where she buys her underwear doesn't mean I know her phone number.

Well then let's have a little study in applied surveillance techniques.

Come on, maddie.




No, uh no, you don't know me.

Um I'm calling to tell you that I'm sorry.


No reason.

It's just something I do.

Some people breathe, I make crank apologies.

Tell her, david.

Well, no, no.

The truth of it is that you might say that I've been admiring you from afar.

No, kind of through a telescope.


Well, I guess you might call it a peeping david.

I'm really sorry.


Ohabout 6'1".

Brown hair.

Yeah, single.

Hang up.

Yeah, kind of athletic.

Hang up.

No, no, but did you ever see the one where

- Hang up! Tramp.

What was that number again?



You think this is a big joke, don't you?

Well, I don't.

And I'd appreciate it if you didn't infect the other men in the office with your aberrant behavior.


As in not normal.

Wait, wait, wait a second.

Hold the phone.

What are you saying?

That old deviant dave doesn't put his pants on one leg at a time like the other guys?

A dictionary.

Vulture, vulgar ah, here it is.

One who derives sexual gratification from secretly observing the sordid or scandalous.

" Sound like someone we know?

A little recreational peek


-Boo is mainstream, meat and potatoes, americana.

As regular as bowling.

As right as rain.

Endorsed by the c.



Ask any guy in the office.

Any guy?

Any guy.


We'll take a survey.

Let's! Any man?

Makes no difference.

The first one I find?

Anybody you like.

Fine fine.



Good timing.

Uh, should we come back?

No, no, no.

I'm madelyn hayes.

Come right in.

This is my associate david addison.

I'm father mcdonovan.

I'm from our lady of sorrow.

What can we do for you, father?

I'mlooking for a woman.

I really can't tell you very much about her.

I don't know her name.

Don't know what she looks like.

Uh, I've only spoken to her in confession, so I'm bound by holy sacrament not to reveal anything that she said.

I can tell you one thing.

I love her.

Good heavens.

And I want to marry her.

Well, far be it from me to tell anyone how to live their life, father, but don't you think you ought to try living together for a while first?

It's just a thought.

Nothing here.


Ho, here's a fare.

Picked up at pico and alvarado, and taken to city hall.


Detroit city hall.

The fare read $3,268.


David, this would go a lot faster if you would concentrate on the business at hand.


It's more like a wild goose chase.

We're trying to find a woman without a description, no retainer, and no clues.

We know she was wearing high heels.

Well, that narrows it down to about 90% of the women in l.


And a couple guys up on hollywood boulevard.

And that she was picked up by a red and white cab outside of our lady of sorrow.

All we have to find now is where she was dropped off.

Piece of cake.

I know it's not much, but at least it's a start.

I don't know.

Maybe it isn't a goose chase.

More like a snipe hunt.

Why are you so negative about this case?

Because we have better things to do than try and find a woman in a haystack.

Like what?

Like roll around in a haystack.

Come in.

Here's the last of them.

Dispatcher logs from every cab company in the city with red markings.

Red and white cab company, whitey's red ball taxi company.

We're gonna be here all night.

With nothing but each other for warmth.

Thank you, mr.


You've done a very thorough job.

Oh, thank you, miss hayes.

My pleasure.

Pizza girl! She delivers! Oh, miss dipesto.

You are a godsend.


I think this is nice.

You're a cheap date.

No, I mean, here we are, kicking off our shoes, letting our hair down.

Stepping out from behind our respective titles to share a pizza together.

Miss dipesto?

No, thanks.




Uh, I really should be going.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.



Look, you don't have to leave on my account.

I wasn't.

Look, I don't hate you.

I know you think I do, but I don't.

No, I don't.

I don't think that.

And besides, it doesn't matter because I hate you.



Good night.

David! David! Wake up! Here it is.

I found it.

Can't talk now, ma.

I'm late for school.

A pickup at our lady of sorrow on the right date at the right time.

Let me see that.

Dropped off at 402 crocker street.

Come on! Wait a minute.

Where are we going?

To find this woman

- The woman of father mcdonovan's dreams.

That's where we're going.

Oh, yeah.

Look I've been thinking.

You've been comatose.

Well, I do some of my best work when my eyes are closed.

Let's not do this.

Why not?

Projectile vomiting.

Excuse me?

Projective vomiting.

Didn't you ever see that linda blair movie?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about we're messing with people and things that we shouldn't ought to be messing with, maddie.

He's a priest.

He's lost, he's confused, and what are we doing?

We're leading him down the path of temptation.

What are you saying?

I am saying that it wouldn't surprise me a bit if his boss were a tad bit upset with us.

That's absurd.

But, maddie, don't you see?

We're helping one of the big kahuna's foot soldiers go a.




Are you suggesting we drop this case because he's a priest?

Well, I'd hate to see this office filled with locusts.

Your average palazzo.

So, what are we gonna say to this woman once we find her?

I don't know.

I've had some success with "hello," unless you've got something more original.

Well, I don't know about you, but I got the impression from father mc "d" that this woman was anxious, suicidal.


The adamson's.

As in more than one.

Do you think she was married?


Father mcdonovan would have told us.

Unless he didn't know.

Well, a name on a mailbox does not a marriage make.

What are you doing?

Just happen to carry an extra pair of these babies for use in the field.

Ooh, I love this job.

Let me see.


And let you invade that woman's privacy?

Maddie, if you could optically as*ault her, what's to keep you from leering at me?

Maybe we have the wrong woman.

No, it's the right address.

Matches the description the cab driver gave us.

Didn't you say that father mcdonovan gave you the impression that this woman was going through some kind of crisis, some kind of depression?



Well, that is a woman in love with life.

Depression comes in waves.

Maybe we're catching her between sets.

What are they doing now?

Scratching where it itches.

Boy, if that's depression, I'd love to see this woman elated.

Would you tell mr.

Addison I'd like to see him?

Just the person I'm looking for.

David! Know what makes no sense?

What are you doing here?

Nipples on men.

But, hey, that's the way god planned it.

You know what else makes no sense?

Did you call

- The fact that mcdonovan thinks this woman is desperate and suicidal when any idiot could see she's happy and

- Fine.

I'll tell him.

Let's not.

Let's not?

What do you mean, let's not?

He's our client.

He's a priest.

We found her what he paid us to look for.

But she's married.


Are you suggesting we lie to a priest?


Saint david?

I'm not suggesting anything.

I'm pleading with you, maddie.

I find this repugnant.

A priest is gonna break up a marriage, and we're gonna help him! Exactly.

All the more reason we should tell him the truth.

When he finds out she's off limits, it'll be business as usual.

You think a guy who's willing to give up his life's calling is gonna be bothered by a little thing like a wedding ring?

David, you may live in an ethical vacuum, but father mcdonovan is a priest.

He's in love.

He's our client.

We owe him the truth.

You don't have to come if you don't want to.

It doesn't matter whether I go or not.

What matters is what's said once we're there.

He's a big boy, david.

Oh, right, I forgot.

I'm talking to a heathen.

I'm not a heathen.


An infidel, then.

Look, even if there is a supreme being

- And I'm not saying there is

- Tell me the world's a better place because of religion.

The world's a better place because of religion.


The salem witch trials, the spanish inquisition.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, maddie.

Don't you think we're throwing the baby out with the holy water here?

There are a lot of wonderful things, a lot of terrific products of religion.

Name one.


You name me one person who doesn't love christmas.

Hell, I still got jewish friends that are bent out of shape because their ancestors didn't think of it first.

I thought you wanted to have a serious discussion.

I am! I'm serious! The church has enriched my life immeasurably.

There are a lot of things I love about the church.


Catholic schoolgirls in plaid skirts and knee socks.

That's not what I'm talking about.

I meantake confession.

You take confession.

I mean, is this a great invention or what?

You go in, you sit down, you talk to your priest, you tell him anything

- Your fears, your secrets, your transgressions.

And when you walk out, you're totally forgiven.

Just like that.

Just like that.

The weight of the world lifted off your shoulders.

Well, I don't know, david.

It sounds too easy.

Telling someone the most intimate details of your life?

Admitting your failures, your

-Your weaknesses?

Getting down on your knees and begging for forgiveness?

You think that's easy?

When was the last time you were in a confessional?

I've never been in a confessional.

Oh, then, before you go casting aspersions about somebody else's religion, you ought to try one on for size.

You could use a little introspection yourself.

I have plenty of introspection.

I have all the introspection I need.

Priests aren't the only people you can talk to, you know.

I just prefer to discuss my thoughts and feelings with a trained professional.

Someone who's equipped to help me make sense of my feelings.

Not some anonymous man who'll tell me I have to pray and put money in the poor box if I want to feel better.

Like who?

Oh, ho ho, ho ho ho ho.

What, oh, ho ho ho ho?

You're gonna pay money to lay on some shrink's couch so he can look up

- I sit on a chair, and he's a she.

A 45

-Minute hour.

Spalding doesn't have a racket that good.

How often do you go?

Once a week?

Twice a week?

I don't go anymore.

Oh, you don't go anymore?

You graduated?


Ruth gave you a diploma?

I stopped going, if you must know, because of something my psychiatrist said.

Like what?

What, like what?

Like, what did your shrink say that got you mad enough to quit?

Well, it wasn't anything she said really.

It was

- And I'd really prefer not to discuss it.


Was it a word

- I really don't want to discuss it.

It's a very painful memory for me.





Now this word

- It wasn't a word.

It wasn't a word.

It was a sound! A sound! Are you happy?

No, I'm not happy, and I'm not unhappy.

I'm curious.

Now, this sound

- She was snoring.

She fell asleep.

I was telling her how I lost my we were in the middle of a session, and she fell asleep.

All right?

All right.



This would have never happened in confession, you know.

I'll pay the rest as soon as I can get some sort of job.

She's married.




I hadn't counted on that.

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

You don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?

You're a priest.




- Hey, look, you want to break your vows, that's between you and the man at the top of the stairs.

But using a confessional to steamroll a marriage, and

- Stop it! And then, using us to do the legwork?

That's great.

Good way get to struck by lightning, padre.


Addison, I need time.

I need to think.

But married or not, I know I can help her.

I just need to figure out if I should.


Well, you figure it out.


You forgot this.

Put it in the poor box.

What are you doing?

Just couldn't help yourself, could you?

Help myself?

What are you talking about?

We had a chance to deliver that man from evil, but no.

You had to lead him into temptation.


I see.

This is my fault.

As a matter of fact, yes, it is.

You had to have this case.

You had to tell him we found her.

You had to have everything your way.

Well, let's get back to the car before it starts to brimstone.

I didn't know we were getting involved with someone who was capable of adultery.

'Cause you don't listen! I don't even think you know how.

You were warned.

I warned you.

But did you pay attention?

No, you did not pay attention, and

- What do you mean, you warned me?

Because you don't know how.

You think you know, but you don't david, I mean, if you can't depend on a priest

- You don't see all and know all.

Somebody already has that job.

Why am I wasting this on you?

You know everything, right?

Where are you going?

Back to the office.

I have the keys to the car.

I'll take a cab.

May the lord be in your heart and on your lips to worthily confess your sins.



Is something the matter?




I don't belong here.

I'm not even catholic.

Well, the lord welcomes all those who seek him.

But I don't know what I am.

I don't know why I'm here.

There must be something on your mind.



I don't know.

There's this guy I work with.

He's crazy.

He's weird.

His life is one barroom brawl.


I'm miss straight and narrow.


Rebel without a clue.

No rules, no discipline, no nothing.

But there's something inside something inside him a gyroscope or something.

I don't know.

Does any of this make sense?

It's not important.

We're just so different.

We are 2 completely different people.

We just have to stop beating each other up about it.


Do you want to hear something crazy?

I feel better.

I really do.

I mean, me talking, you listening.

It helped.

Thank you, father.

Thanks for listening.



For what it's worth, I know I don't know everything.


When I want you to say something, you won't.

When I need you to say something, you don't.

Alicia adamson just blew her head off with a shotgun.




I'm madelyn hayes.

This is my associate david addison.

All right.

Father mcdonovan said you'd be coming by.

Please, come in.

I know this is a very difficult time for you.

They, uh took alicia's body away just a few minutes ago.

Alicia's body.

Do you know how strange that sounds?

The woman that I have been holding in my arms for, uh what?

And now all that's left is a

- Is a thing that someone's had to cart away.

You have our deepest sympathy.

Father mcdonovan told me that, uh, he hired you to find alicia.

He was concerned about her.

Yeah, he's a good man.

He's in her room now praying for her soul.

She must have meant a great deal to him.

Ahem, well she's in a much better place now.

Isn't that what we're supposed to believe?

Father mcdonovan says that god understands the suffering and confusion that caused her to take her own life.

But then again, I mean, what can he say, right?

"Your wife's going to "burn inhell for what she's done.

" That's the truth, isn't it?


I think we should find father mcdonovan.

This is where she lived.

Slept in that bed.

She looked at herself in this mirror every day.

I never even saw her face.

Now she doesn't have one.

Nice man, her husband.

I wasn't expecting someone who loved her as much as he did.

He showed me a picture of alicia.

Beautiful, wasn't she?


She came to me for almost six months, week in, week out.

And I tried to help her.

Obviously, not hard enough.

It doesn't matter now.

For her, the suffering is over.

For the people she left behind, it's just beginning.

Can we give you a lift back to the rectory?

No, thank you.

I think I want to stay here for a while.

You know I'm probably closer to you than anybody else I know out here.

My family's back east.

Most of my friends.

Guess I'd have to count on you.

To do what?

To see to it that I'm cremated.

I mean, in case anything happened.

Oh, david.

Don't be so morbid.

I want to go out in a blaze of hydrocarbons instead of providing a cheap source of protein for the invertebrates of the world.

I don't wanna talk about this.

Happens to us all sooner or later.


I know, I know.

It's a bummer.

But you know what I do to keep from getting stressed out about the inevitable?


I think about the life force.

The thing that denies death its due.

The procreative act.

The beast with two backs.

Only you could turn the subject of cremation into a come


Strange, but sex and death are two sides of the same coin.

I'll tell you what's strange.

What's strange is mr.

Adamson saying his marriage was an empty, loveless prison.

Everybody agreed their marriage was lousy.

Then why were they chasing each other around like newlyweds?

Maybe she wanted one for the road?


Adamson went to the same priest every week and always talked about the same thing.

What's she supposed to do?

Keep it bottled in?

I don't know.

It just seems I don't know.

Well, when you know, give me a holler.

Top of the morning, miss dipesto.

Bottom of the afternoon, mr.


So it is.

I retyped your rolodex, alphabetized your correspondence file, these need your signature, and miss hayes needs to see you in her office a.




My, my, my.

We certainly are a busy worker bee this morning.

As a matter of fact, I don't have enough work to fill my day.

Frankly, mr.

Addison, I think we need to trim a little fat around here.

Nonsense, miss dipesto.

Many hands make light work.

The more the merrier.

Still, I'd like you and miss hayes to take a look at this staffing analysis I did.

I've listed all the employees, their job descriptions, and made some recommendations where we can cut back.

I think you'll agree

- The numbers speak for themselves.

Efficient, analytical, typed.

I'll take it under advisement.

Hey, maddie.

Who whacked dipesto in the head?

The right hemisphere of her brain is finally wor

- King.

Put this g*n in your mouth and pull the trigger.

Aren't you going to make me dig my own grave first?

Look, if this is about that 20 bucks I owe you, I'll get it to you saturday.

David, just do it.

This is the same kind of g*n that k*lled alicia adamson.

Can you put the barrel in your mouth and still reach the trigger?

If I wanted to ruin a perfectly good shirt, not to mention some incredible bone structure, yeah.

Aha! Aha, what?

I couldn't pull the trigger.

Glad to hear it.

Shrink must be doing a good job.


I mean I couldn't pull the trigger if I wanted to.

My arms aren't long enough.

Well, if you couldn't do it, then mrs.

Adamson sure couldn't do it.

And that means somebody else pulled the trigger.

May god have mercy on whoever has done this thing.

Why would anyone want to k*ll her?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Did she ever mention having enemies?

Someone with a score to settle?

Even if she had said something, I wouldn't be able to say anything.

Well, guess we're just gonna have to go down and talk to the police.

Have you told mr.


Not yet.

Well would you mind giving me a lift over there?

I think someone should tell him the good news.

m*rder is good news?

Of course not.

But I think the idea that his wife did not die by her own hand would be a tremendous comfort.

Kinda makes you want to put a lamp shade on your head and party.

Well, I suppose that it is some consolation to know that she didn't take her own life.

Any idea about who did it or why it happened?

Perhaps she interrupted a burglar.

Perhaps, but the first order of business is call the police right away.

Has the crime scene been disturbed yet?

Excuse me.

They're gonna want to dust for prints, do ballistics tests.

Ahem, mr.


I think it's important we secure the

- Mr.

Addison, I

- Excuse me.

This is, uh, jeanine dalton.


A close friend of the family.

Almost didn't recognize you.

You look a lot different with your clothes on.

David what are you doing here?

You're supposed to be

- Wearing a toe tag right about now.

It's me, father.

Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

It's over, ray.

I don't understand.

If you're alive then who's dead?

The real mrs.

Adamson, who, I think it's safe to assume, never went to confession.

Now I'm really confused.

They were using you, father.

They were trying to make you believe mrs.

Adamson was capable of k*lling herself.


So you could go to the police and tell them it was su1c1de.


Kind of an insurance policy against any suspicion of foul play.

Everybody trusts a priest, right?




Right attitude, wrong position.

Ah! Uh! Oof! Unh! Oof! We got to get one of those illustrated manuals.

Come on.

Hate these stairs! Ugh! David! Ahh! Oof! Oh! Unh! David, be careful.

Unh aah! Ugh! Ahh! Unh! Aah! Aah! Oof! Unh! Oof! Ugh! Oh! Unh! Aah! Father, you got any influence upstairs, now's the time! Nice shot! Nice shot.

♪Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ nice shot.

♪ Hallelujah ♪ I don't know whether to thank you or beg your forgiveness.

Hey, hey, what are you talking about?

All's well that ends well, eh, padre?

You go back to your parish a wiser man for the experience.

Wise enough to know I don't belong in the priesthood.

Ooh, ok, sure, you've been knocked down, but you gotta turn the other cheek.

Get back up in the pulpit.

I don't think so.

I love the church.

I always will, but I can't go back.

But where will you go?

What will you do?

Well, I don't know what I'll do.


- I'm talking with some people connected with the church.

Life is a wonderful gift.

God bless you both.

What do you think will happen to him?

My guess is he'll eventually be overwhelmed by the implications of his star

-Crossed love, turn to the bottle for comfort, it'll turn on him, then he'll die a lonely, broken man in some seedy hotel someplace.

Or you wanted to see me?


Come in, miss dipesto.

About this staff analysis.

You recommended the elimination of one job?

I know, but I've changed my mind.

I think I'm the one who should leave.

Aren't you happy here?


Then why do you want to leave?

Well, I don't want to, but I feel I ought to.

Because of the circumstance.


This circumstance wouldn't be bigger than a violin but smaller than a cello, would it?

I really don't want to talk about it.

Fair enough.

Now, I've reviewed this report, and I've decided that the size of our staff needs no adjustment.

Agnes, I depend on you kind of.


Addison depends on you sort of.

The entire staff looks up to you a lot.

You think so?

You're a leader, agnes.

And leaders don't bail out every time there's an emotional squall.

They don't?


They trim their sails, they batten down their hatches, they bop till they drop.

Well, blow me down.

We need you, agnes.

Yeah, you do, mr.

Addison, don't you?

Why'd we do that?

Why'd we do that?

David, you know when you said you didn't have anyone out here except me?

Well, it's the same here.

I mean we spend more time together than with anyone else.

And I hope you know that you'd be the person I'd turn to if push came to shove.

Maybe before push came to shove.

You don't believe that, do you?

Well, it's true.

Want to know something else you won't believe?

I went to confession.

I did.

You told me to give it a try, and I

- Fine, great.

All of you go to hell.

♪ some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ something is sweeter ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪ ♪ 'cause we met on the way ♪