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03x02 - The Man Who Cried Wife

Posted: 05/02/23 13:44
by bunniefuu
Some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ nothing could change you ♪ ♪ set and sure of the way ♪ ♪ there is the sun and the moon ♪ ♪ they sing their own sweet tune ♪ ♪ watch them when dawn is due ♪ ♪ sharing one space ♪ ♪ we'll walk by night, babe ♪ ♪ we'll fly by day ♪ ♪ moonlighting strangers ♪ ♪ who just met on the way ♪♪

I can't come to the phone right now.

So leave your name and number, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Melissa do you have any idea what you're doing to me?

Do you?

You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Melissa say something, will you?

Damn it, melissa, I know you're there.

Pick it up.

You hear me?

Pick it

- You're going to have to leave.

He's on his way.

Don't start with me! Very good.

Very nice.

You can put your pelvis away now, melissa.

You don't have to go anywhere.

I'm leaving.





Go! What do I have to do to make you leave?



Aah! Bower.

James bower.

I'm aware of that.

It's been six days, officer.

I want something done.


- O




Not melinda.


Yes, I appreciate that.

I'll be here.


You weren't going to just leave me there, were you?

In the dark, cold forest, under all that dirt?

Who is this?



No, I don't know anybody named

- Never mind! I'll get rid of him.

This is mr.


You didn't answer my question last night, james.

You weren't actually going to leave me buried there, were you?

♪ Each night before you go to bed, my baby ♪ ♪ whisper a little prayer for me, my baby ♪ ♪ and tell all the stars above ♪ ♪ this is dedicated to the one I love ♪ ♪ oh oh ohh ♪ ♪ life can never be ♪ ♪ exactly like we want it to be ♪ ♪ but I can be satisfied ♪ ♪ just knowing you love me ♪ ♪ there's one thing I want you to do ♪ ♪ especially for me ♪ ♪ and it's something that everybody needs ♪ ♪ while I'm far away from you, my baby ♪ ♪ I know it's hard for you, my baby ♪ ♪ because it's hard for me, my baby ♪ ♪ and the darkest hour ♪ ♪ is just before the dawn ♪ ♪ oh oh ohh ♪ ♪ each night before you go to bed, my baby ♪ ♪ whisper a little prayer for me, my baby ♪ ♪ and tell all the stars above ♪ ♪ this is dedicated to the one I love ♪ ♪ oh oh ohh ♪♪ good morning, miss dipesto.

Good morning, mr.



Good morning.


Everybody have a nice weekend?

Yes, sir, mr.

Addison, sir.

Guys, let's see those bloodshot eyes.

Very impressive.

Ladies, any rug

-Burned backs?



Morning, macgilicuddy.

Morning, mr.


Did you have a good weekend, macgilicuddy?

Oh, it was great.

Did you do anything out of the ordinary?

A little.

Did you do this thing alone or with another person?

Another person.


Macgilicuddy, I'm afraid you've stumped our panel.

I'm gonna have to flip all the cards.

Macgilicuddy, tell our home audience what you did this weekend.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yay! Hey! Excuse me.

What's going on?

What's everybody so happy about?

Ask our boy macgilicuddy here what he did this weekend.

Well, mr.

Macgilicuddy, what did you do this weekend?

Well, um I got married.


Ohh! David, what are you doing down there?

If you gotta ask, I must not be doing it right.


Well, what are you doing here?

You should be on you honeymoon.

Well, it kind of happened all of a sudden.

It was spur of the moment, you know?

And when did this happen?

Uh, saturday.

Saturday night.

Saturday night?

You just decided to get married?

Yeah, just decided.

Well, I'm sure you talked about it for a while.

A couple minutes.

And when did you say you met this girl?

I met herfriday.




The day before you got married.


How convenient.


I propose a toast.

Give the boss a little hooch there.

To macgilicuddy and your marriage.

May it be the first of many.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Come in.

So, what do you want to get him?


The blushing groom.

How about a good lawyer?


Giving up on romance this week?


What's romance got to do with it?

He met her on friday, he married her on saturday.

That's not romantic, it's ridiculous.

Did someone turn the heat down in here?

Don't give me that.

I'm as romantic as the next person, but that man has no business getting married.

Forget that he just met this woman.

I know what that man makes.

That man has no business getting married.

What about if he was in love?

In love?

In love.

In heat maybe, but not in love.

Love, heat

- What's the difference?

They're all getting the fuel injected anyway.

I, for one, think it's lovely.

You would.

Haven't you heard of spontaneous combustion?

An act of passion?

An immovable force married to an immovable object?

Yes, but I've never known it to last.

Is that a fact?

Yes, that's a fact.

Heat's cheap.

The trick is getting to know someone.

Making sure it's right, making sure you're not making a mistake.


You can do that?


Be sure?

Sure! Sure I can be sure.

All it takes is time and a little thought.

You can't just fly hell's bells hell's what?

Into the important decisions of your life.

You have to give them consideration.

You have to weigh the pros and the cons, then you can make an educated judgment.

Well, that doesn't leave much room for spontaneity, does it?

Spontaneity is just an excuse dreamed up by people who are too lazy to think things through and then need a reason when they discover they've made a mistake.


And all this time I was thinking that the people who waste their time thinking things through are just afraid of life.

I mean, considering and weighing the pros and cons and making an educated judgment is just another way of making no decision at all.

And by the time you get through all that junk, anyone or anything worth waiting around for is on to someone else anyway.

Just an opinion.

What are you accusing me of?

I'm not accusing you of anything.

Then what are you trying in your own pre

-Mesozoic way to say?

I said exactly what I wanted to say.

Are you saying I'm too rigid?

I'm not saying that at all! I'm as loosey

-Goosey as the next person! All I'm saying is that spontaneity has its time and place! Haven't you been in a store and seen something you really wanted, and you knew you can't afford it, right?

For example, a car, right?

There it is, you see it in the show room, you have to have it.

What would you do in a situation like that?

What would I do?

Yes, what would you do?

I would read consumer reports.

I test drive it.

Do you rush right in?

Do you buy it off the floor?

Then I'd make a list of the cars.

Pros and cons.

Pros and cons.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Well, there's nothing great about that, either.

You like spontaneity?


You want spontaneity from me?


I'll give you spontaneity.

How's this for spontaneity?

Out of my miss hayes, mr.


I need you to find my wife.

You planned that, didn't you?

Don't be depressed, we'll find her.

We'll find her, we'll find her! How can you say we'll find her?

You don't know if we're gonna find her.

She ran off, left her husband.

She obviously doesn't want to be found.

I'm not even sure it's right to be looking for her.

Her husband's paying american dollars?


It's all right to be looking for her.

Where do we stop next?

Their summer house, a cabin in the woods.

A cabin in the woods, really?


Well, that's it, then.

That's where she is, a cabin in the woods.

How can you be so sure?

Come on, maddie, don't you read?

They're always in a cabin in the woods! They are?

They who?

Who are they?

Your female protagonists

- Little red riding hood, snow white, gretel of "hansel and" fame.

You really did read during your vacation, didn't you?

Nice crib.

Well, let's rock.

What do we say?

Mother, may I please rock?

No, I mean if she's in there.

What do we say to her?

She's a grown woman, she has every right to leave her husband.

I've never been in a situation like this before.

I'm not sure what to say.

All you can say is what the client said.

Your husband is very worried about you.

He'd like to talk to you, but if you can't, he understands.

He just wants to know that you're alive and well.



Oh, it's a great place.

I bet they even got an indoor outhouse.



You want to buy some seeds so I can win a bike?

Give me that key bower gave you.

Doesn't look like anybody's home.

Or has been for a while.

Let's check out the balcony.



What are we looking for?

I'll give you a hint.

It starts with a "c," ends with a "lues.

" Clues, maddie.

We're looking for clues.

Where she might have gone.

Who she might have gone with.

A letter.

A phone number.

Hotel towel.

Not bad.


This is about as well

-Feathered a love nest as I've ever seen.

Say, goldilocks, what do you say as long as we're here we eat some porridge and check out the bed?

What do you say you put your hands in the air and tell me what you're doing here?

I'm waiting.

We're private detectives.

We're looking for melissa bower.

You mean following melissa bower, don't you?

You're working for her husband, right?

Right, but he hired us to find her, not follow her.

Do you know where she is?

You're serious.

She's been missing for about a week now.

I'm sorry, but somewhere between you cocking that thing and us putting our hands in the air, I didn't catch your name.



I live next door.

She's missing?


You know her?


Melissa and I well, if you've met her husband well, it wasn't a very friendly marriage.

I guess you're a real friendly neighbor.

I live next door.

I'd hear melissa's car pull in at night.

She'd be crying, they'd have been fighting.

She'd take off for this place.

One thing led to another.

I guess I'm a good listener.

I guess you must be.

But I haven't heard from her in a week.

Did he know where she might have gone after he came up here?

After who went where?



She and I were together a week ago today.

The phone rang, it was him.

He was on his way up here.

He was very upset.

How do you know that?

I heard him.

Wait a second.

You were on the phone talking to bower while you and the missus were headboard bouncing?

Melissa was screening her calls on the answering machine.

Damn it, melissa! Answer the phone! Pick it up! You hear me?

Pick it

- Miss hayes.




Bower, you lied to us.

Lieutenant, you've spent a week quoting me statistics.

Meanwhile, my sister is still missing.

I know that you're doing the best you can.


We'll speak again tomorrow.

This is my sister


-Law claire.

Maddie hayes.

David addison.

The detectives I hired.

News about melissa?

I'm afraid not.

Claire, would you mind if I spoke to the detectives alone, please?

I've made some lists of people, places.

Those are melissa's address books and desk calendars.

She's my only sister.

Have a seat.

Why didn't you tell us you went up to the cabin to see melissa the night she disappeared?

Who told you that?

A friend of your wife's who was at the cabin that night also.

There was no one there.

No, not by the time you arrived.

For future reference, if you want to catch your wife in the act, you gotta skip the part where you call and say you're on your way over.

So there was someone else.

I don't know why I'm surprised, she all but told me.

When I got to the cabin and she was alone, I thought maybe not, but why did you go to the cabin?

I wanted to talk to her.

I didn't mean to do it.

I don't even know how it happened.

I remember thinking I didn't care what a fool I was making of myself.

The only thing that mattered was for her to know how much I wanted her back, but she kept taunting me.

She was so cold, so much contempt.

Something inside me went crazy.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I remember seeing her face.

She had this look, and I

- You hit her.

What happened to her, mr.


What happened to her?

Where is she?

Is she alive?

You k*lled her, didn't you?

And then you hired us to keep yourself from looking like a suspect.

That's it, isn't it, mr.



I hired you because I think she's trying to drive me crazy.

Who's trying to drive you crazy?


You think that your dead wife is trying to drive you crazy?

I think so.


I don't know.

All I know is she was dead.

I took her into the woods, I dug a grave, and I buried her.

And then?

She called me the next day.




No! No?

Yes, I mean, no.

Putting my foot down, standing my ground, digging my heels in.

Gonna create a lot of wear and tear

- This time you're not talking me out of it.

This time I mean what I say.


Just say what you mean.

We are not helping that man! We are not having anything to do with that man.

That man is a m*rder*r! Maybe.

m*rder*r! m*rder*r, maybe.


I don't care! We don't help murderers, we don't help m*rder*r

-Maybes! Will you relax?


That man hit his wife! Hit his wife! Fine.


I don't mean fine

- Fine?

I mean fine, yes, agreed.

The man hit his wife.

Aha! Let me talk! Yes, he hit her, and that's a terrible thing.

But he didn't mean to do it

- And that makes it all right?

No, I don't think that makes it all right.

But even the law acknowledges there's such a thing as losing your temper, becoming irrational, committing an act of passion.


You call hitting your wife, backing her down the steps and burying her body in the backyard passion?

I don't call it passion, no! But you think it's ok! No, I don't think it's ok, but it happens.

People do things and say things that they would never do if they thought them through.

They react emotionally, spontaneously.

Oh, yes, spontaneously.

People acting spontaneously.

Lot of that going around lately.

Every time some damn fool marries someone he has no business marrying, and hits someone he has no business hitting, all the boys get together and say, "we're sorry, we didn't mean to do it.

It was just spontaneous.

" Forget I said "spontaneous.

" The issue here is are we going to help this man?

The man needs our help.

The man needs help, period, david, and not the kind he can get from you and me.

Will you get in the car please, david?

You go on ahead.

I'm gonna hang around here for a while and work on the case some more.

But there is no case.

I think there is.

I think not.

♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ I've been waiting ♪ ♪ I've been waiting ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ I've been waiting ♪♪ ♪ makes me no difference ♪ ♪ who you do your thang to ♪ ♪ what's your thing ♪ ♪ do what you wanna do ♪ ♪ un, uh boom boom ba ba ♪ ♪ I can't tell you ♪ ♪ who to sock it to ♪ ♪ if you want me to love you ♪ ♪ maybe I will ♪ ♪ believe me, woman ♪♪ oh, good evening, police.

This is david addison.

I was wondering if you could tell me if there's someone I could talk to about getting the equipment and the paperwork, I need to do a phone trace

- I'm gonna have to get back to you.

I think I have a 9


-1 Of my own here.


Pull up a chair.

Turn on a key light.

You stayed there and worked on this case all this time after I asked you

- Told me.


Ordered me.

After I made it clear

- Your high and mighty

- I had no interest in this case.

Well, I did.

And I do.

For your information, while I was out there, our client

-My client

- Mr.

Bower received a phone call

- A phone call from his supposedly dead wife.

Now, in my book, that means either one of two things.

Either "a," his wife is not dead, or "b," they've got a hell of a watts line in heaven.

Did you hear what I said?

The late mrs.

Bower tried to reach out and touch someone, and I was there to hear it.

And I don't care if she rises from the dead and signs an affidavit not to press charges.

I want nothing, nothing to do with a man who would strike his wife! In a fit of anger! Irrelevant! To who?

To you?

What about the rest of the world?

How about the state licensing board?

How's it gonna look when you take a case and then drop it?

And why do we drop it?

Not because the client doesn't pay, not because we reached a dead end, but because you happen to disapprove of the client's behavior

- Behavior he himself regrets and which the law makes provisions for.

Well, the law's wrong! He's vile, and I don't want anything to do with him, and since I don't want anything to do with him, you can't have anything to do with him.

Is that clear?

Is that clear?

Well, is it?

You know, you're really lucky you're so damn good


Oh, really?

And why is that?

Because you really are a hell of a lot of work, madelyn hayes.

And what does that mean?

What does that mean?

That means you're very fortunate that the package is so attractive, because otherwise, I don't think the rest of us would put up with all that crap inside.


Let me.

David, I forgive me.

David, it was an accident! You're gonna tell me you didn't plan for that to happen?

That it was spontaneous?

An act of passion?

I know you better than that, maddie hayes.

You don't believe in spontaneity, and you damn sure don't believe in passion.

If you'll excuse me, I have a telephone call from a dead woman to trace tomorrow morning.



I haven't forgotten.


9:30 Tomorrow morning.

Yes, I've been brushing.

Forgive me, doctor, I'm sort of expecting another call.

Yes, yes, I'll see you then.


There are behind your head.

I know because I've counted them all.

Call me if anything happens.

Well, I don't know what to say except perhaps now she knows I've gone to someone, so she's not calling to make me look foolish.

Or maybe she was just in the neighborhood and figured she'd pop in.


Miss hayes.




I kept waiting for some news.

Hours were going by.

Finally, I was in my car.

And next thing I knew, I was in your neighborhood.

Kind of

-I don't know spontaneous?

My sister


-Law was just leaving.

Her chair is still warm if you want to sit vigil with us.


Well as long as you're in the neighborhood, why don't you?


Where's my pants?

Where's the fire escape?



I didn't mean to leave you there

- Tell him to talk more.

Under all that dirt.

No, I know you couldn't breathe.


Melissa, you have to believe me.

You have to believe me.

If I could figure out a way to take back that night, undo that night, I would, I would.

Got it! I would.


Let's go.

You know what's going to happen, don't you?

She's going to k*ll me.

She's gonna see me and she's gonna k*ll me.

I mean, it's perfect, isn't it?

I mean I k*lled her now she's gonna k*ll me.

Which is fine 'cause, I mean I sort of deserve to die, don't i?


Bower, perhaps when we get there it'd be best if you waited in the car while mr.

Addison and I spoke to your wife.

I wonder how she's gonna do it?

Do either of you have a comb I can borrow?

Well well my god.

There's her car.

Guess that means we're on.

David, what will we say to this woman?

I mean, how do you think she'll react to his being here?

Look, all he did was try to bury her alive.

You think she's going to hold a grudge?




Bower, we're private investigators.

We were

- David! Now that's what I call an a*t*matic transmission.

Come on! Is your wife a good driver?

Never mind.

We'll all find out together.

Did we lose her?

We didn't lose her, did we?

I'm doing for the love of mike! She's gotta be up there somewhere.

There she is! Hang on, melissa.

My thought, exactly.

You praying?

You lose something?

Or did you finally come to your senses?

Bower's check?



-Holy nylons, batman! I know, 3 times the negotiated fee.

Not bad, huh?

Not bad, uh


Especially since the guy's old lady kicked off 5 minutes after we found her.

I was afraid he was gonna prorate the fee.

Oops, spoke too soon.

That's probably him now looking for his change.

Don't be silly.



Addison, miss hayes, mr.

Bower's here.

See what I mean?

Look up there.


Addison, miss hayes I'm sorry to burst in without an appointment.

Oh, no, that's all right.

Spontaneity's our middle name.

We love spontaneity, don't we, david?

Yes, we do, yes, we do.

Except in cases of billing problems.

With billing problems, we'd like you to make an appointment, and as it stands now, we don't really have any free time until

- What'd you say, miss dipesto?


So, you see, the problem we're having

- You called me, mr.


Everything's just fine, miss dipesto.

Vamoose, will you?

We have you penciled in for around the turn of the century.

But this isn't about money.

It isn't?


Get this man

- Get this man a chair.

I just came from the funeral.

Melissa's funeral.

I left in the middle.

I had no business being there.

What do you mean?

I mean, no matter what the evidence, no matter how many phone calls in the middle of the night, no matter that her car went over that cliff, I k*lled her.

I know I did.

I was there.

But mr.


- She had no pulse.

I carried her dead body into the woods.

I buried her with my own hands.

But we saw her.

You saw her.

The accident, the dental records proved that

- I know.

I know all that, yet I know maddie: but mr.

Bower, what you're saying, it doesn't make sense.

How could your wife die twice?

If you had k*lled your wife, in order for those dental records to match up, someone would have had to dig the body up and hide it somewhere.

And lure us to that cliff to see her die a second time in that crash.


Why would anybody want to do that?

The only one with a motive is you.

The only one who comes out ahead if your wife wasn't dead at that cabin is you.

But you sit here confessing anyway.

I'm very, very sorry, mr.

Bower, but your wife died in that crash.

Why don't you let us take you home?



Miss hayes, mr.


Let's all go into the den where there's some quiet.

Jim, I know how bad this is, how awful this is.

I lost her, too.

But you

- But I k*lled her.

But you didn't.

I saw the accident.

We all saw the accident.

Tough break, bucko.

You're innocent.

Listen to them.

They know what they're talking about.

This isn't your fault, jim.

It isn't.

Now, pull yourself together.

There are a lot of people out there.

And while you may not think that you deserve their sympathies, I think they deserve yours.


She really cares about you, doesn't she?

Oh, yeah.

She's a great lady.

One of the greatest.

A great caretaker, too.

She takes care of everything and everybody, always has.

You know, it was claire who introduced me to melissa.

Well, not introduced, really, but I was going out with claire.

One night I was picking her up, waiting in the living room at the bottom of the stairs, and I looked up there was melissa.

That was 16 years ago.

Oh, I don't know how in the hell I'm going to tell her.

Wait a second.

Tell her what?

What do you mean, what?

About that night at the cabin.

You mean she doesn't know?


Know what?

I never told her.

And we never told her.

Ahh! Mr.

Bower, don't you see?

If she didn't know about what happened at the cabin that night, then what was all that hand

-Holding about?

Why was she sitting there telling you you were wrong when you insisted you had k*lled her sister?

She should have been shocked, at the very least, angry.

She didn't even act surprised.

Because she wasn't surprised.

Because she was the one who dug the body up and hid it somewhere.

Lured us to the cliff so we could see her die a second time in that crash.

Wait a second, wait a second.

We all saw that crash.

No, we saw a woman drive around a bend out of sight.

Then we saw a car at the bottom of the cliff.

Hold it, hold it, hold it.

What about the phone calls?

I know my wife's voice.

I know what she sounds like.

You weren't going to leave me out there, were you?


I've been waiting for five minutes.

All these people, they're out there because they care about you.

I never noticed it before.

You sound just like her.

You made those calls, didn't you?

You knew the whole time, didn't you?

The two of you, stop.

I've done nothing wrong, and now there's abundant evidence that jim's done nothing wrong, so

- Don't you see?

You haven't done nothing wrong.

Revenge is gonna drive this man mad

- Stop it! I thought you two wanted to help him.

I didn't do anything to him.

I did it for him.

After you called melissa, she called me.

She told me that you two had been fighting.

She sounded scared, so I drove up to the cabin.

And when I got there, I saw your car.

And then I saw you dragging my sister into the woods.

I know you.

I knew you couldn't have done it on purpose.

And I also knew you couldn't live with it.

Isn't that funny?

I wasn't thinking about my sister at all.

I wasn't thinking about much of anything except digging her up and convincing you that she was still alive so that you could go on.

And so that maybe we could I didn't plan it.

It just sort of happened.

One thing after another.



Why the grin?

Don't you get it?

You're jumping out of the frying pan into the deep freeze.

But it's ok, 'cause now I know I'm not crazy.

I did k*ll her.

I'm so sorry.

No, I'm ok.

Really, I'm ok.

She was a wonderful woman.

Yes, she was, wasn't she?

If there's anything you need

- No, I'm great.

Really, I'm great.

I just heard that it might have been m*rder.

That isn't so, is it?

I mean, it couldn't have been m*rder.

Never say never.

Hold that elevator, please! Morning.

Right you are.

So what did you get me?

Wedding present for macgillicudy.

Our macgillicudy?

Old "love them and marry them" macgillicudy?



That bastard! Why did you get him anything?

You're just gonna complicate divorce proceedings.

I may have been wrong.

I'm sorry, the battery on my hearing aid is a little on the fritz.

You wanna run that by me with a shot more conviction?

I just think that maybe I was wrong.

About macgillicudy.

About spontaneity.

About a lot of things.

No kidding?

No kidding.


So tell me, this change of attitude, was it something you had to work long and hard at, or was it

- Spontaneous?


That's one of my favorite things about you

- Tell me.

Your relentless unpleasantness.

Well, some got it, some don't.

No, I just realized that, for once, miracle of miracles, you might be right.

It just might be that considering, weighing the pros and cons, making educated judgments are ways of avoiding decisions, taking chances, living your life.

You think so, huh?


One thing about spontaneity though.

What's that?

A little goes a long way.

I'll keep that in mind.


Well you do that.


Well I'll do that.

♪ some walk by night ♪ ♪ some fly by day ♪ ♪ nothing could change you ♪ ♪ set and sure of the way ♪ ♪ there is the sun and the moon ♪ ♪ they sing their own sweet tune ♪ ♪ watch them when dawn is due ♪ ♪ sharing one space ♪ ♪ we'll walk by night, babe ♪ ♪ we'll fly by day ♪ ♪ moonlighting strangers ♪ ♪ who just met on the way ♪♪