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01x06 - A Chill in Gotham

Posted: 04/26/23 15:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

TURNER: They think I k*lled my dad

because I wanted his money?

CULLEN: We didn't k*ll your
dad any more than you did.

HARPER: We got paid to steal an old g*n.

The one Joe Chill used to pop
Bruce Wayne's mom and dad.

TURNER: Listen to this. Joe Chill
didn't orchestrate the m*rder.

The Court of Owls did.

HARVEY: Why did I wake up in City Hall?

Why do I have the key?

If I can't remember anything,
then I don't have any alibi.

I made it to school. Where are you?

I'm at a study group.

HARPER: McKillen's
ledger shows tons of money

being filtered through the operation.

Probably getting
protection from the court

in exchange for laundering their cash.

It's written in code. It's
gonna be tough to break.

Not for someone who grew up
solving puzzles with Mr. Quiz Bowl.

Is it true that Bruce
Wayne and Mayor Hill

both received coins
before they were k*lled?

Because I got one, too.

years on death row,

notorious felon Joe Chill is set to be

ex*cuted this Friday night.

Chill became a household name in Gotham

after he m*rder*d
Thomas and Martha Wayne,

parents to the late Bruce Wayne.

It was this tragic slaying that
undoubtedly fueled the younger Wayne

to become the vigilante known as Batman.


HARVEY: All right, Mr. Chill.

Your lawyer called. I'm here.

Mind telling me why?

Every condemned man

should be granted a last request.

Really? Remind me, what
was the last request

you granted Thomas Wayne?

Why do you think that after

years on death row,

this city is suddenly
itching to execute me?

- Who knows?

Who indeed.

That showed up on my
meal tray yesterday.

Ah. So you do know what it is.

What do you know about it?

I'm not telling you anything.

Then why am I here?

You were close with Bruce Wayne...

knew the family.

The only person I want to talk to

is the kid who k*lled Batman.



Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen,

to another episode of "Quiz Bowl,".

Gotham's longest-running game show.

I am your host, the master
of clues... Arthur Brown,

and who will be vying for a cornucopia

of cash and prizes?

Well, I'll give you a clue

right after this break.



Hey, Dad.

Funny seeing you here.

What historical event is
depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry?

You need to make these
questions way harder.

Well, it's not a competition if you're

the only one smart enough to play.

Yeah. Well, you and
Mom won't buy me a car.

At least let me come
on the show and win one.

What are you doing here? I
thought you hated the studio.

Yes, but I love you.

And this is the only place
I can ever get a hold of you.

[SIGH] The network has us

under the g*n with this new season.

And I have something to show you.

A cipher? [CHUCKLES]

That's fascinating.

I've tried every cipher I can think of.

Enigma, Nihilist, Pollux.
I even ran the numbers

through a decryption
algorithm I wrote, but...

Nothing worked, So you wanted my help.

I may have learned from the best

but I'm not the best.

So flattery is the best policy, I see.

I'm only asking 'cause it's important.

Is this for school?

No. It's the secret
McKillen family ledger

outlining all their crimes.

Of course it's for school.

I wouldn't want this
to count as cheating.

Dad, please?

My little Sherlock...

fear not.

You'll figure it out at last.

WOMAN, ON P.A.: Two-minute
warning, Mr. Brown.

Need you back on the set.

Dad, wait!




Mr. Dent?


WOMAN, ON P.A.: Response
staff to the emergency room.

First team staff to the emergency room.

- Hi, Mom.
- Carrie,

I was afraid you'd no-show

after skipping the parents' luncheon.

I promise that won't happen again.

Oh, I know. I told Mr. Pierce

you'd make up for the
missing assignments.

Right. After I'm done
with them, I can go.

No, because I want you here

every day after school
until your homework is done.

What? No, Mom, please. Come on.

Do you have somewhere
more important to be?

TURNER: Harvey wants to do what?

He wants to set up an off-the-books
meeting between you and Joe Chill.

Uh. Lucky.

How is that lucky?

Guys, this is Joe Chill
we're talking about...

Gotham's original baddie.

Do you know how many crooks
started up because of him?

Oh, of course you're
Joe Chill's biggest fan.

No. I mean, it's not just me.

Like, he changed Gotham's

criminal underworld forever.

He's like the patron saint of bad guys.

I don't think you know
what "patron saint" means.

My dad wrote in his journals
that the Court of Owls

hired Joe Chill to k*ll his parents.

Does that change your opinion of him,

knowing he's just a lackey for
the people you fear the most?

Still doesn't change
what he did for the city.

Right. Look. k*lling the Waynes

sent a message to Gotham's high society.

The city wasn't just theirs anymore.

Only Joe didn't count on

your adoptive pop wanting vengeance.

So basically, with no Joe Chill,
there would be no Batman.

CULLEN: Look, I enjoy
a great origin story

as much as the next guy,
but I'm a bit more curious

as to why a m*rder*r wants to talk

to the grandson of the people he k*lled.

Harvey asked Joe Chill that same thing.

Whatever it is, he'll
only tell it to Turner.

I don't want to hear it.

The first thing my dad and I bonded over

was the fact that we both understood

how it felt to have
your parents m*rder*d.

If I take this meeting,

it feels like I'm betraying him.

I don't know if this changes anything,

but Harvey said Joe received a coin...

the same kind your
dad did before he d*ed.

So the Court of Owls
wants to silence him.

Maybe he has information.

And a limited amount
of time to spill it.

Joe Chill rides the lightning tomorrow.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Little respect.

Here's one possibility
we haven't considered...

that this is a trap.

Dent could've made this whole thing up.

Dangle a little Court of Owls here,
a little family tragedy there,

send in the blonde BFF to sell it.

What's not to fall for?

Harvey didn't turn me in at the gala,
and he easily could have.

Willing to risk prison to trust the man
in charge of hunting you down?

No. But this meeting could turn up

something that'll help us
take down the Court, and...

I'd risk just about anything for that.

DUELA: Wow. Our very own Bat-brat.

Going face to face with Joe Chill.

Wasn't sure you'd come.

I've always kept my word with you.

- Now let's see if you do.
- Uh!

Hey, there, Harv. Remember me?

You're difficult to forget.

And you're difficult to remember.

Maybe a little splash of
color on that suit would help.

- Turner, what is this?
- What, you thought I'd come alone?

I made that mistake with Cressida.

You saw Cressida?

Uh-huh. She was working

for the Court since day one.

She'd been poisoning my dad

so their assassin could take him down.

Well, Turner, I'm sorry. That's...

I can't even believe it.

So you can imagine

why I'm hesitant to trust anybody.

You can trust me.

Which is exactly what a
person setting a trap would say.

Look. Every time I think I'm
getting close to the truth,

it goes up in smoke.

Now, we all need answers
about the Court of Owls,

but you, Turner, you're the
only one Joe Chill will talk to.

Look, if I turn you in,

none of us will ever
find out what he knows.

Yeah, but if you turn him in,
your poll numbers go through the roof.

If this were a trap, a GCPD SWAT team

would've taken you out the
minute you pulled a Kn*fe on me.

Sounds about right.


Well, you two have fun

trusting each other.


Joe Chill's gonna be
ex*cuted in a few hours.

So how do we do this?

shocking development,

district attorney and
mayoral hopeful Harvey Dent

has secured a stay of execution

for infamous m*rder*r Joe Chill.

Dent's opponent Lincoln
March had this to say.

First, he fails to catch
Bruce Wayne's K*llers,

and then he stops the execution
of the man who k*lled Bruce's parents?

You know, if Dent is so willing
to betray his closest friends,

then I shudder to
think how long it'll be

before he betrays the
good people of this city.

- FEMALE REPORTER: And he's not the only Gotham...
- Hmm, maybe I was wrong about Harvey.

HARPER: Can you please turn that down?

- Thought your dad was gonna give you a clue.
- Ugh.

Isn't that, like, his thing?

He's really busy, and I
can't exactly lead with.

"Hey, Dad, we're trying to take down

a murderous secret society
that controls Gotham.

Can I get an extension on my curfew?"

Well, I hope he said yes

because tonight, we drink...

in honor of Joe Chill.

No. Tonight, I cr*ck this cipher.

How's that going so far?

Not great, and it's not gonna go
any better by adding alcohol.

DUELA: Come on. You
won't know until you try.

All the nerds are doing it.

The only thing worse than
talking about not drinking

is actually not drinking.



Did you steal the teacups
from the trustee room?

No. I stole the cutest little

whiskey glasses I have ever seen.


I didn't think you and
whiskey were on speaking terms.

You were the one who told me to

do something for myself
every once in a while.

Yeah, and I meant, like, self-care.

This is my self-care.




Hit me.


Excuse me.


- Oh!
- Sorry.

Stupid thing's got a bum wheel.

- Okay.
- Hey.

I know you. You're Carrie, right?

Yeah. Um, are you here volunteering?

I'm... I'm finishing my

court-mandated community service.

Wow. That's... selfless.

You know where I can
find the oncology wing?

I'm kind of lost here.

Um... yeah. Yeah. Just...

- Yeah?
- ... come with me.


So what are you in for?

Not living up to my
mother's expectations.


Have you met Dr. Kelley?

No way. Your mom's Dr. Kelley?

- Yeah.
- Wow. She's...


I was gonna say busy.

That, too.

ANGIE: ♪ Come, baby, let
me make you feel good... ♪

Ha ha ha!

I can't believe your dad
didn't even give you a hint.

He's challenging me.

He's always had high expectations,

and that was before
he became a celebrity.

Yeah. You think it's hard
living up to celebrity?

Try infamy.

I can't imagine it says, "The Joker's

daughter," on your birth certificate.

- Ha ha!
- You can choose what you want to be.

Oh, yeah, just as long as it's not

wannabe codebreaker
trying to solve her way

into Daddy's favor.

Better than trading on
the name of a psychopath.

CULLEN: And this has
been "Fun with Alcohol,"

but can we focus, please?

No. No. I mean, like,
literally, I can't focus.

You said your dad was challenging you.

He's a game show host.
Every word he says

is a lead to an answer.

He's being cryptic, per usual.

"My little Sherlock, fear not.

You'll figure it out at last."

Sherlock. Fear. Last.

Oh! Your dad was giving you a clue.

"In the Valley of Fear"

was the last Sherlock Holmes novel.

The villain leaves an encoded message

using a book cipher.

Ha ha!

Huh. How much alcohol did it take
for you to have this realization?

It was answer on last
week's "Quiz Bowl."

Harper's actually a big fan.

She's never missed an episode. Uh!

DUELA: Um, so...

I'm not really a big fan of

Arthur Conan Doyle or Arthur Brown.

Mm, what the hell is a book cipher?

If Harper is right,

the numbers in here correspond

to a page, line, and word in a book.

HARPER: Find the right book,
and we can decode the entries.

CULLEN: So all we have
to do is find one book

among a few billion possibilities.

Ohh... ha ha!

Great. Mm!





MAN: You know the drill.
Clock's ticking, Mr. Dent.

Oh, wow. So much for last requests.

Don't be too sure.

You wanted to see me.

Turner Wayne. All grown up.

It's funny. The papers always show

photos of you as a kid.

It's Hayes.

Yeah. The papers usually
get that wrong, too.

Yeah. I know a little bit about

the papers getting it wrong.

I've followed the Waynes in the news

for decades.

If you love the Waynes so much,
why'd you k*ll them?

Why'd you k*ll your father?

- I didn't.
- I know.

When your father was m*rder*d,

the evidence against you came together,

oh, just like that,

and their case, unlike
the late Dark Knight,

was bulletproof,

but this is Gotham, Mr. Hayes.

Nothing's ever a straight line.

Nothing ever just falls into place,

and if it does, it's because

it was put there.

Trust me.

I know what that looks like.


You can't seriously be standing
there telling us that you're innocent.

The night the Waynes were m*rder*d,

I was given a job...

mug some rich couple.

Didn't know they'd have
their kid with them.

I brought along a .
caliber to scare them,

but I never pulled the trigger.

Wasn't even loaded.

My dad saw you sh**t his parents.

That's what he thought he saw,

but the b*ll*ts came from behind me,

two perfect sh*ts.

I couldn't have done that if I'd tried.

What, so from his perspective,

it looked like you sh*t them?

Just because a story looks convincing

doesn't make it true.

They say you used the same . caliber

to k*ll your old man.

Is that true?


Those tests aren't processed.

One moment.

There's a guy in Trauma
Two who really needs help.

- Can you go get your mom?
- She's probably busy. Ask a nurse.

Everyone I've asked says that
they're really understaffed right now.

Yeah. I know. My mom says
it's been even crazier

with Batman gone, like, worse than ever.

I'm not really sure this
guy can wait much longer.

WOMAN: Dr. Kelley, I
have a lapse for Room .

- Take me to him.
- Ahh.

- Okay. Come on.
- Yeah.

So you think the Court of Owls

framed you for m*rder.

Did you tell anyone
else about this theory?


Oh, Mr. Dent,

I told anyone who would listen.

I told my lawyer. I told the press.

I told the pigeons. It didn't matter.

It's easy to hide evidence when
you've got your hooks into the GCPD.

Besides, a thief graduates to m*rder,

that story goes down easy,

especially when it
comes out of the mouth

of an -year-old boy.

The exact same age you were

when your parents went, right?

I didn't blame Bruce
Wayne for hating me...

I watched him grow up
in the press, too...

but later, when all of Gotham learned

that he grew up to become Batman,

oh, then I blamed him.

World's greatest detective
couldn't figure out

that I was framed.

That's why you really called me here.

I want you to hear the truth

while I'm still around to tell it

to show you we're more
alike than you think.

You're right. We're the same.

The Court used me to fit
their narrative, just like you.

You were a thief who
graduated to m*rder.

I was a spoiled kid who
wanted more of Dad's money,

and you know what the
worst part of all of it was?

Everyone believed it...

friends at school, strangers,

even people I thought of as family...

so I'll tell you what I wish someone,

anyone, would've told me.

I believe you.

I'm sorry for everything
you've been through,

but if we're gonna make the
Court pay, then we need information.

Please. If you know
anything else, tell us.

What do you want to know?

Watch it! This is heavy.


and it's not over pages.
Guys, come on.

Based on the numbers in the code,
it's got to be at least that long.

CULLEN: All right. Well, if you drunks

won't help me look for new books,

the least you could do is
help me put some back.


DUELA: We've gone through
this entire library already, Cullen.

What else is left?

Are we sure it's not
the King James Bible?

The McKillens are
staunch Irish Catholics.

We tried that already.
You're telling me that

the first word in this
ledger entry is "bowels"?

Maybe you're doing it wrong.

I know how to use a book cipher.

Hey, guys. What's Irish,

over pages, and, until recently,

stuck in the return bin?

James Joyce's "Ulysses."

Can't go wrong with the classics,

unless you're Quinn Parker,
who's gonna owe a honkin' late fee.

Page , line , word .


Oh, my God, Cullen. You are so...

- Annoying? He knows.
- And right.

I think we just cracked the code.

- Booyah!


HARVEY: Before he was
m*rder*d, Bruce Wayne

received a coin just like that.

JOE: Charon's Obol,

payment for the ferryman

to transport the souls of the dead.

So it's... a death sentence?

More than that. It's a... a message,

the Court's way of telling

whoever receives it, "We've won."

So they're gloating.

Well, they k*lled Batman.

Why not take a victory lap?

HARVEY: But why keep you
alive all these years?

My theory... the Court needs me

to keep Gotham looking under its bed

so it doesn't look up to see

the real monsters
that control this city.

Patron saint of bad guys.

You were useful to them

until me and my friends
started poking around.

We must be getting close,
making them nervous.

Time to tie up loose ends.

I bet I'm not the only one
to receive a coin lately.

Have you gotten one, Mr. Dent?


Maybe the Court finds you useful.

You'll find out soon enough

when you're Mayor of Gotham

or feet deep.

So how can we stop them?

You can't. They're too powerful.

They're in the stones and the bones

of this city, kid.

So what the hell can I do?

Give up.

Give up? That's your sage advice?

Why did you even ask to see me?

So that you could see me.

Look at me, Mr. Hayes.

I am what your future looks like.

You cannot b*at them,

but you can keep from ending up like me,

and believe me when I tell you

that a quick death is better

than years in a cage.

You can't mean that.

There's still time for both of us.

What if I got you a deposition?

Could you then tell
us everything you know?

Wouldn't make any difference.

If the Court's so
desperate to silence you,

you must know something.

You're clearly a thr*at to them.

What do you know?


About two years into my sentence,

a new inmate moved in next door.

We used to talk, and eventually,

conversation turned
to the Court of Owls.

This guy let me in on a little secret.

He said he knew the key to finding them,

and a few hours later,
my new neighbor was found dead.

The official story

was that he swallowed his own tongue.

What did he say about finding the Court?

What was the key?



Interview's over.

HARVEY: I was told I'd
have a lot more time.

You can have all the time
you want, but his time is up.

We need to prep Mr. Chill for execution.

No. I have a stay for this prisoner.

Governor just rescinded it.

Execution's back on for tonight.

Oh... huh.

Ha ha ha!

The Court always wins.

What was the key?

He just kept repeating that damn rhyme.

He never got past the second line.

"Beware the Court of Owls

that watches all the time.

Beware the Court of Owls

that watches all the time,

watches all the time..."

HARVEY: What does that mean?

"watches all the time..."

What does that mean?

"watches all the time,
watches all the time..."



Uhh! Oh, thank God.


Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry.


Okay. These stitches are busted.

Been waiting here all day.

Is this because I don't have insurance?

No. We're gonna get
you taken care of, okay?


What are you gonna do?


It's what you're gonna do, okay?

I want you to take this list

to the supply nurse,
be your charming self,

and tell her that this
list is for Dr. Kelley.

- Me charming?
- Go.

Can't you get another stay
of execution for Joe Chill?

No. Governor's word is final.

I don't have any moves left.

Then we have to make sure
his death wasn't for nothing.

Turner, wha...

That verse from the nursery rhyme,

"watches all the time,"

how could that be the key?

If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you were actually starting

to believe me about all this.

Yeah. I don't know who, exactly,

is pulling the strings here,
but I do know it's not you.

Sorry I ever doubted you.

Hey, um, will you promise me

that you'll be careful?

I will.

Come here.

Hey, uh... you'd tell me

if you received one
of those coins, right?

Yeah. I haven't, but
I know someone who has,

and with what we know now,

I need to warn him.

Bye, Turner.

He's in rough shape,
passed out from the pain.

- Is your mom on her way?
- She's not coming.


She's being pulled in a
million different directions,

just like everybody else
around here, so I'm gonna do it.

Wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, wait.
Have you ever done this before?

When I mom was still in med school,

she would practice her
suturing on bananas.

She even let me try a few times,

got pretty good at it.

He's not a fruit. He's a person.

I know, so you gonna
stand there, or you gonna help?

Keep the wound clear.

- Okay.
- Uh...



- Um...
- Yeah, right there. Okay.

You sure you know what you're doing?

You're not to tell anyone about this,

especially not my mom.

I mean, you look like you
know what you're doing.



where's my Joe Chill autograph?

I didn't think you'd want
one from an innocent man.

Is that what he told you?

What, did he sell you a
timeshare while he was at it, too?


As a matter of fact, he told me

to give up finding the Court.

Joe was just like us once,

and tonight he dies an innocent man,

but we have something he never did...

a team...

so I'm not giving up.

Where did we get with the ledger?

We think we've solved it.

I figured out is was a book cipher,

so we went through all the
books in your fancy school library.

And I decoded one of the entries.

CULLEN: And I made sure no
genius-on-genius homicide

happened throughout the process.

Turns out, it's as street address.

Time may be running out
for Joe Chill, but not for us.

We're going to this address.

HARPER: Whoa, whoa!

Where do you think you're going?

To check my work.

How else will we know
if we really cracked the code?

Uh, no. It's too dangerous,

could be part of the Court's
criminal organization.

Or it could be their
favorite takeout place.

Won't know until we try.




CULLEN: Well, this place is quaint.

Clearly, nothing bad's happening here.


What is all that?


How do you know that?

Come on.

You think they're gonna pack
that kind of heat guarding aspirin?


DUELA: Well, I think we've established

that the ledger is indeed a record

of criminal operations,
and we should find

a nice, dry place where
we can call the cops.

CULLEN: You mean like
with the McKillens?

Those probably are cops.

That's a lot of lives ruined in there.

DUELA: Yeah. I missed the
part where that's our problem.

Well, maybe it should be

because out there,
it's someone's problem.

We could stop them.

DUELA: Are you serious?

I mean, we've done it before.

DUELA: Those are a*t*matic
weapons in there, and...

you know what? For the record,
we are not the Gotham Knights, okay,

no matter what the dumbass news says.

Some fights are worth the risk.

Yeah, and some fights'll get you k*lled.

This little good deed that's giving you

all the warm and fuzzies right now

is gonna turn into a sh**t

that you will not walk away from,

which is why I'm getting a head start.


so anybody want to give me

a crash course on being vigilante?


Let's do it. Let's go.

Great. Now we're down two ass kickers...

first Carrie, now Duela.

STEPHANIE: Hi. Experienced fencer here.

Great. Next time we raid

a pirate ship, you take point.

She can handle herself.

Besides, we have the
element of surprise.



All right.

What's so damn important
that you drag me here in this weather?

How about your life?

Where's the security
detail we talked about?

Lincoln, you're in danger.

Oh, so now you're
concerned for my safety?

Because here I thought you only cared

about saving convicted felons.

Look. I know that you
have no reason to trust me,

but you damn well better listen.

That coin you showed me,

it means you're marked for death.


Is that right?


The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.


He leadeth me in the
paths of righteousness.

He restoreth my soul.

Ah! Huh!

D'ah! Uh! Uh!

Come on! Let's go!

Ah! Uh!

Uhh! Uh!


- Ah!
- Agh!

HARVEY: So I'm telling you,
you need to get yourself someplace safe

because the people
that left that coin...

"The people"?

Don't you mean "person"?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Oh, I think you do.

No. I actually don't.

Come on now.

We both know that you're
the one that planted that coin.


Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death...

I will fear no evil.


My cup runneth over.


Thou anointest my head with oil.

Thy rod and Thy staff,

they comfort me

in the presence of mine enemies.


Uh! Uh!

- Huh!
- Uh!






CHAPLAIN: Surely, goodness and mercy

shall follow me all the days of my life.




HARVEY: You think I'm the
one that left that coin for you?



I told you, I have friends at the GCPD,

and they say that you checked a coin

out of evidence the same
day that I found mine.

Now, if this is some
twisted scare tactic

to try and force me out of the race...

it's not gonna work.

Lincoln, I am trying to save your life.


Just like you saved Joe Chill's.


CHAPLAIN: And I will dwell
in the house of the Lord...




CHAPLAIN: forever.



Damn thunderstorms.

It's not the storm.

The lights are still
on across the street.



- Huh!
- Ugh!











Gotham P.D.! Clear.


- Get the other side.
- Clear.

- Ugh...
- Clear.

- Oh...
- Yeah. Get a load of this.

- What is that?
- Ha ha ha!

MAN, ON TV: years on death
row came to an end tonight

in Blackgate Penitentiary's
electric chair.

Again, Joseph Chilton,
better known to Gothamites

as Joe Chill, is dead.

Consider it justice served.

We can only hope that it brings closure

to one of the darkest
chapters in Gotham's history.

To all those who knew
and loved Bruce Wayne,

we can only hope this offers some peace,

but as Gotham says, "Good riddance,"

to one of its most notorious villains,

it seems to be giving a warm welcome

to its newest vigilantes,

known only as the Gotham Knights.

Hey, hey, they're talking about us.

It's a good thing we
signed our work this time.

MAN, ON TV: ... taken it
upon themselves to clean up

the streets of the Narrows and beyond,

apparently taking down
a local opioid smugg...

CULLEN: Whoa, whoa,
whoa. What are you doing?

DUELA: I'm not buying
into that crap, for one.

If they knew who you guys really were,

they would lock you up right
next to those drug dealers.

HARPER: So... what now?

Think we'll know that when
we decode the rest of the ledger,

see if we can find out where
all that ill-gotten money is going.

It might just lead us to the Court.


WOMAN: Third hallway.

Got an abdominal impalement.

Get me units of O neg.

I need pressure on this wound.

WOMAN: Yes, Doctor.

Oh, my God, is that your dad?

WOMAN: Coming through.



You okay, Steph?


[SNIFFLES] Yeah, nothing
a little quality time

with an ice pack won't fix.

Hmm. You'll get used to it.

I'm not sure about that.

Hey, Steph...

I mean, I went in all full vigilante,

but that guy was

a trigger pull away from k*lling me,

and if Harper wasn't there
to take him out, then I'd be...

Steph, you did great.



Honestly, I never realized how scary

this is for all of you until tonight.

If we weren't scared, we'd be dead.

Turner, if the Court has their hooks

into the governor, then...

what's to stop all of us
from ending up just like Joe Chill?

Because Joe Chill didn't
have someone like you.

Earlier today, I told Joe that everyone

in my life believed
the stories about me,

but that's not true.

Stephanie, you stuck by me.

You even helped out those other
weirdos when you had no reason to.


You're the one person who's always there

to remind me I'm not alone.

Look. Everyone adds
something to this team,

but I would've given up a long
time ago if I didn't have you.


Oh, my God, Brody's dad.

I have to go. I'm so sorry.


Dealt with the pain ♪

♪ Didn't make a difference ♪

♪ Waking up the same ♪

♪ Sticking to my habits ♪

♪ Running away ♪


PANZARELLA: ♪ I know I can't fix it ♪


PANZARELLA: ♪ Mm mm... ♪

Brody. I came as quickly as I could.


His dad is still in surgery.

My mom's on a flight home right now.


Your father is in stable
condition in the ICU.


- You saved him.
- Oh, thank God.

The ICU nurse will come by
soon to go over a few details.

BRODY: Thank you, Dr. Kelley.

Hey, Mom...

Hey, Mom...

Mm, oh.

