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06x04 - Joey Meets Matthew

Posted: 04/26/23 04:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

My brother? Hi, joey. I'm matthew.



I didn't know that joey had a little brother.

I didn't know, either.

I'll go make some lemonade so joey can celebrate

Finding out he has a little brother.

Good. I think I'll run out

And get a box of cigars.

That's funny. [ Chuckles ]

Tim, you always call us whenever you're in port.

I mean, you call sometimes once a month

And sometimes you even call twice a month.

Why is it that, in all this time,

You didn't tell us that joey had a little brother?

It slipped my mind.

Your mind?

Listen, it didn't slip my mind. I was embarrassed.

I have two wonderful boys and neither one lives with me

Because I'm always at sea.

Tim, you may be at sea,

But I think you only have one oar in the water.

[ Chuckling ] that's pretty funny.

I probably should have told you.


You see, while joey was traveling with his uncle jerry,

That's when matthew was born.

And his mother was gonna have him come home,

But that's when she got sick and, uh, passed away.

I always wanted to get the boys together,

But I could never get to california and connecticut

At the same time.

So then, matthew has been in connecticut all this time?

No, pittsburgh.

There goes the other oar.

See, that's --

They then moved to connecticut with his aunt jane.

Aunt jane?

Yeah, that's her name -- jane.

Her husband's d*ck.

They even have a dog named spot.

Tim, this has come as a shock to us and all,

But I'm sure that joey's really happy to know

That he has a little brother.

No, I'm not.

See, what really matters here is that we're all together.

The three of us -- the three of us are gonna have a ball.

We're gonna tear this town apart.

We're gonna have more fun

Than anybody's ever had in the history of the world!

Let's go! Let's go!

Okay, we can't.

See, first I have a little business to take care of,

And then, okay, then we're gonna have more fun

Than anyone's ever had in the history of the world.

Tim, why don't you leave the kids with us?

Then we can meet in central park at the boathouse.


Sure, it's perfect for you. You're a sailor.

[ Laughs ]

She's funny, too.

Okay, so, at the boathouse.

[ Smooches ]

Oh, and, tim, if you find another kid,

Bring him along.

[ Intro to "sing" plays ]

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Sing out loud

♪ Sing out strong

♪ Sing of good things, not bad ♪

♪ Sing of happy, not sad

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Make it simple

♪ To last your whole life long

♪ Don't worry that it's not good enough ♪

♪ For anyone else to hear

♪ Just sing

♪ Sing a song

You're never gonna catch me, never gonna catch me.


It's good to see joey and matthew finally getting along.

Till now, they haven't exactly been the osmond brothers.

That's true -- more like cain and abel.

[ Laughter ]

Aunt nell, can I climb that rock?

Yeah, aunt nell, can i?

Not you, matthew -- me. You're too short.

I am not. Are too.

I am not. Are too!

Hey, wait, joey.

Let your little brother climb the rock with you.

Oh, all right.

But if he slips and falls and cracks his head open

And it starts to bleed all over the rock, don't blame me.

I promise.



Won't. Will.

Won't. Will.

Won't. Will.

Where do they get it from?

Hey, you two be careful!

You're it!

We better get over to the boathouse. It's almost :.

Yeah, okay.

Matthew! Joey! Let's go!

Boys. Come on.



[ Grunts ] matthew!


Addy, I don't see them anywhere.

Look, don't get excited, nell.

It'll be easy to spot them.

Oh, really?

Look, you go to the boathouse,

I'll go back to the carousel and look for them.

Don't worry. We'll find them.

You know, this is all your fault.

My fault?!


You -- you wanted to move to new york.

We don't have rocks like this in california!

Just the one in your head, nell.

Let's go. Aah!

Oh, miss, I'm sorry.

Here. Sorry.

Officer, did you see two little boys,

One is years old and he has brown hair,

And the other one is years old and he has blond hair.

I'll check.

Now, the -year-old with the brown hair

Is gonna be trying to get away

From the -year-old with the blond hair.

Yeah, walker, hi.

I got a report on two missing boys.

One is years old with brown hair,

The other one is with blond.



Yeah, yeah, good. No, don't take them anywhere.

Somebody will be right over.

Thank god you found them.

Yeah, walker's got them over at the rd precinct.

He said the -year-old wanted him to take the -year-old

To a different precinct... jersey.

Where is the rd precinct?

Over by the metropolitan museum.

Metropolitan museum, that's --

Officer lopez can take you there. I'll go get him.

You see, their father left them with me.

If he found out I lost them, he would just k*ll me.


Aah! Tim!

Oh, I got great news.

It's so great, I don't know where to begin.

Where's the boys?

Metropolitan museum

At the toulouse-lautrec exhibit.

Little boys love toulouse-lautrec.

I didn't know that.

Oh, yeah. Uh-huh.

Listen, you know that business I had to take care of?

Worked out great.

I got this fantastic job at the new york port authority.

Tim, that's great!

The best thing of all is now the boys can live with me.

Come on, let's go tell the kids.

You know, I am so proud.

My boys -- crazy about toulouse-lautrec.

[ Pounding ] nellit's not fair -- coming in my life like this,

Taking matt and joey away from me!

[ Pounding continues ]

[ Muttering indistinctly ]

Nell harper, I want you out here this instant!

No! No! No!


I do hope...

This is not another one of your lectures

In self-control.

Let me tell you something!

Just one minute. One minute.

I'm not through. I'll be right back.

Be right back.

[ Door closes ]

Nobody's taking my child! [ Glass shatters ]

Now, what were you saying?

Look, nell...

Tim is coming back from the police station

With the boys any minute.

Now, I know it was a shock to you

When he said he was going to take joey away from you,

But you cannot expect to talk to him rationally

When you are acting this hysterical.

And just how hysterical am I supposed to be?!

Not this hysterical.

All right, addy, on a scale of to --

Being m*rder --

If I promise not to get any blood on your couch,

Can I go to a ?

Nell, this is too important to you, to joey, and to tim

For you to be acting this way.

I know that, addy!

It's just that when I really have a bad problem

Or I'm really upset,

It always helps to go berserk around you first!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Get the door, addy. I'm all right.

Addy, I said I'm all right.

Look, I'm down to a .


I'm down to a .

Well, nell, look who's here.

It's the brothers donovan,

Back from the police station.

Boy, did we have fun down at that police station, aunt nell.

They let me handcuff matthew to the water cooler.

They really had a good time.

I got an ice cream cone.

Nell, can we talk?


I, uh...

I haven't said anything to anybody yet.

Uh, joey, honey, why don't you take matty in the bedroom

And show him my new computer?

I've seen it.

You can never see too much of a computer.

Get in the bedroom.

[ Sighs ]

You too, addy.

Run around here trying to be nice.

Why don't you sit down, huh?

Yeah, just sit and relax.

I know how you feel about joey.

You've been like a mother to him.

He is the luckiest kid in the world.

But now it's my turn to play mother.

Do you really want me to call you "mother"?

No, I mean "father" or "dad" or "daddy."

"Daddy's" good.

See, the thing is,

I want to see joey tie his shoes in the morning,

Brush his teeth.

I want to teach him how to throw a curveball.

He knows how to throw a curveball.

A knuckler.

He knows how to throw a knuckler -- I taught him.

A slider?

Oh, tim, please.

There is more to being a parent than baseball.

I know that. Those are just the little things.

I'm gonna be a good father, nell.

A good father?! Oh, give me a break!

Just who do you think drives him

To all those little-league games?

And washes and irons his uniform afterwards, huh?

And when he was sick with the -hour flu,

Who sat up with him for three nights in a row?!

What do doctors know? A mother knows.

Only a mother knows.

And halloween, who goes out with him in the dark

So he can trick-or-treat?

Christmas -- where were you? Where were you then?

You were on some cruise ship doing the limbo.

Nell, legally,

I can take him without your blessing...

...but I'd rather not.

He is my son.

Joeyhey, dad.

Hey, dad, look at this!

Hey, where'd you get that whistle?

It's a real police whistle.

We got it down at the police station.

Yeah? They gave it to you?

No, matthew stole it. It was cool.

But he still makes me sick.

Come here. I have some great news for you.

I am not going back to sea.

I got this great job in new york

And I rented an apartment so we can all be together.

All right!

Did you hear that, matthew?

Nell, did you hear that? We're all gonna live with dad!

Boy, this is great!

And what about that telescope you got me?

Are you really gonna show me how to work it?

It's all set up, just waiting for you, son.

Oh, wow, dad. You're awesome.

Listen, I got a great idea. Yeah, listen.

How about if we all go out for pizza and celebrate?

That is a great idea!

Angelo's is just right around the corner, right?

I want mine with everything.

I want mine with everything, too.

So do i.

You know, angelo's does have the best pizza in town.

Y-you, uh -- you go on ahead.

Yeah, that's right, g*ng, let's go.

Let's get out of here. Come on.

Okay, dad, you know what everything is?

That means onions, peppers, pepperoni...


I-i'm fine. I'm fine.

Operator, could you please give me the number

For jfk airport, please?

Hey, aunt nell? Yeah?

My dad sent me back to ask you what you want on your pizza.

Joey, I don't know whether you've noticed or not,

But I have been fasting.

I've been thinking about it.

Come on, sit down with me for a minute.


Did you like central park?


What was that ride we went on? What was it?

The carousel.

Yeah, that was a lot of fun.

Sure was.

There were so many people.

Speaking of people,

Your father really is a nice guy.


You know -- wait,

Did you know that he knows how to throw a slider?

And when he was at sea,

That man really learned how to take care of himself.

Joey, he irons, he cooks,

He cleans, and wait --

You are just going to love his lemon meringue pie.

You're not gonna live with us, are you?


Well, if you're not gonna live with us, neither am i!

Joey, you have to.

I do not! Yes, you do, joey.

He's your father and he loves you.

I don't care! I love you!

This is just like you to be this selfish!

Now, I know I spoiled you rotten,

But you are rotten, rotten, rotten!

I mean, aren't I entitled to a life of my own?!

I got a million things I got to get started on.

Like what?!

Like skydiving!

Well, I've been thinking about it.

You just don't love me anymore. That's what it is.

Come here.

[ Crying ]

Hey, look.

Stop crying. Hey, come here.

See this? See this?

Aunt nell, that's your favorite picture of you and me.

I know.

Wait a minute. What are you doing?

You take the half that has me on it,

And I'll take the half that has you.

Aunt nell... Joey, please shut up.

So, whenever we start to miss each other,

You'll look at that half of me

And I'll look at the half of you,

And we'll both know the other one is doing just fine.

But, aunt nell...


Just shut up, okay?

Don't cry.

Give me back my picture.

Thank you.


I want you to take my driver's license instead.

This is a much better picture.

See, I was much thinner then.

Come on now, let's go get the pizza.

And, joey, when you go to stay with your father...

Thanks, okay?

I'll call you. Okay.

Thanks again, okay?


Oh, driver, c-could you go through central park?



[ Intro to "sing" plays ]

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Sing out loud

♪ Sing out strong

♪ Sing of good things, not bad ♪

♪ Sing of happy, not sad

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Make it simple

♪ To last your whole life long

♪ Don't worry that it's not good enough ♪

♪ For anyone else to hear

♪ Just sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

My brother? Hi, joey. I'm matthew.



I didn't know that joey had a little brother.

I didn't know, either.

I'll go make some lemonade so joey can celebrate

Finding out he has a little brother.

Good. I think I'll run out

And get a box of cigars.

That's funny. [ Chuckles ]

Tim, you always call us whenever you're in port.

I mean, you call sometimes once a month

And sometimes you even call twice a month.

Why is it that, in all this time,

You didn't tell us that joey had a little brother?

It slipped my mind.

Your mind?

Listen, it didn't slip my mind. I was embarrassed.

I have two wonderful boys and neither one lives with me

Because I'm always at sea.

Tim, you may be at sea,

But I think you only have one oar in the water.

[ Chuckling ] that's pretty funny.

I probably should have told you.


You see, while joey was traveling with his uncle jerry,

That's when matthew was born.

And his mother was gonna have him come home,

But that's when she got sick and, uh, passed away.

I always wanted to get the boys together,

But I could never get to california and connecticut

At the same time.

So then, matthew has been in connecticut all this time?

No, pittsburgh.

There goes the other oar.

See, that's --

They then moved to connecticut with his aunt jane.

Aunt jane?

Yeah, that's her name -- jane.

Her husband's d*ck.

They even have a dog named spot.

Tim, this has come as a shock to us and all,

But I'm sure that joey's really happy to know

That he has a little brother.

No, I'm not.

See, what really matters here is that we're all together.

The three of us -- the three of us are gonna have a ball.

We're gonna tear this town apart.

We're gonna have more fun

Than anybody's ever had in the history of the world!

Let's go! Let's go!

Okay, we can't.

See, first I have a little business to take care of,

And then, okay, then we're gonna have more fun

Than anyone's ever had in the history of the world.

Tim, why don't you leave the kids with us?

Then we can meet in central park at the boathouse.


Sure, it's perfect for you. You're a sailor.

[ Laughs ]

She's funny, too.

Okay, so, at the boathouse.

[ Smooches ]

Oh, and, tim, if you find another kid,

Bring him along.

[ Intro to "sing" plays ]

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Sing out loud

♪ Sing out strong

♪ Sing of good things, not bad ♪

♪ Sing of happy, not sad

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Make it simple

♪ To last your whole life long

♪ Don't worry that it's not good enough ♪

♪ For anyone else to hear

♪ Just sing

♪ Sing a song

You're never gonna catch me, never gonna catch me.


It's good to see joey and matthew finally getting along.

Till now, they haven't exactly been the osmond brothers.

That's true -- more like cain and abel.

[ Laughter ]

Aunt nell, can I climb that rock?

Yeah, aunt nell, can i?

Not you, matthew -- me. You're too short.

I am not. Are too.

I am not. Are too!

Hey, wait, joey.

Let your little brother climb the rock with you.

Oh, all right.

But if he slips and falls and cracks his head open

And it starts to bleed all over the rock, don't blame me.

I promise.



Won't. Will.

Won't. Will.

Won't. Will.

Where do they get it from?

Hey, you two be careful!

You're it!

We better get over to the boathouse. It's almost :.

Yeah, okay.

Matthew! Joey! Let's go!

Boys. Come on.



[ Grunts ] matthew!


Addy, I don't see them anywhere.

Look, don't get excited, nell.

It'll be easy to spot them.

Oh, really?

Look, you go to the boathouse,

I'll go back to the carousel and look for them.

Don't worry. We'll find them.

You know, this is all your fault.

My fault?!


You -- you wanted to move to new york.

We don't have rocks like this in california!

Just the one in your head, nell.

Let's go. Aah!

Oh, miss, I'm sorry.

Here. Sorry.

Officer, did you see two little boys,

One is years old and he has brown hair,

And the other one is years old and he has blond hair.

I'll check.

Now, the -year-old with the brown hair

Is gonna be trying to get away

From the -year-old with the blond hair.

Yeah, walker, hi.

I got a report on two missing boys.

One is years old with brown hair,

The other one is with blond.



Yeah, yeah, good. No, don't take them anywhere.

Somebody will be right over.

Thank god you found them.

Yeah, walker's got them over at the rd precinct.

He said the -year-old wanted him to take the -year-old

To a different precinct... jersey.

Where is the rd precinct?

Over by the metropolitan museum.

Metropolitan museum, that's --

Officer lopez can take you there. I'll go get him.

You see, their father left them with me.

If he found out I lost them, he would just k*ll me.


Aah! Tim!

Oh, I got great news.

It's so great, I don't know where to begin.

Where's the boys?

Metropolitan museum

At the toulouse-lautrec exhibit.

Little boys love toulouse-lautrec.

I didn't know that.

Oh, yeah. Uh-huh.

Listen, you know that business I had to take care of?

Worked out great.

I got this fantastic job at the new york port authority.

Tim, that's great!

The best thing of all is now the boys can live with me.

Come on, let's go tell the kids.

You know, I am so proud.

My boys -- crazy about toulouse-lautrec.

[ Pounding ] nellit's not fair -- coming in my life like this,

Taking matt and joey away from me!

[ Pounding continues ]

[ Muttering indistinctly ]

Nell harper, I want you out here this instant!

No! No! No!


I do hope...

This is not another one of your lectures

In self-control.

Let me tell you something!

Just one minute. One minute.

I'm not through. I'll be right back.

Be right back.

[ Door closes ]

Nobody's taking my child! [ Glass shatters ]

Now, what were you saying?

Look, nell...

Tim is coming back from the police station

With the boys any minute.

Now, I know it was a shock to you

When he said he was going to take joey away from you,

But you cannot expect to talk to him rationally

When you are acting this hysterical.

And just how hysterical am I supposed to be?!

Not this hysterical.

All right, addy, on a scale of to --

Being m*rder --

If I promise not to get any blood on your couch,

Can I go to a ?

Nell, this is too important to you, to joey, and to tim

For you to be acting this way.

I know that, addy!

It's just that when I really have a bad problem

Or I'm really upset,

It always helps to go berserk around you first!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Get the door, addy. I'm all right.

Addy, I said I'm all right.

Look, I'm down to a .


I'm down to a .

Well, nell, look who's here.

It's the brothers donovan,

Back from the police station.

Boy, did we have fun down at that police station, aunt nell.

They let me handcuff matthew to the water cooler.

They really had a good time.

I got an ice cream cone.

Nell, can we talk?


I, uh...

I haven't said anything to anybody yet.

Uh, joey, honey, why don't you take matty in the bedroom

And show him my new computer?

I've seen it.

You can never see too much of a computer.

Get in the bedroom.

[ Sighs ]

You too, addy.

Run around here trying to be nice.

Why don't you sit down, huh?

Yeah, just sit and relax.

I know how you feel about joey.

You've been like a mother to him.

He is the luckiest kid in the world.

But now it's my turn to play mother.

Do you really want me to call you "mother"?

No, I mean "father" or "dad" or "daddy."

"Daddy's" good.

See, the thing is,

I want to see joey tie his shoes in the morning,

Brush his teeth.

I want to teach him how to throw a curveball.

He knows how to throw a curveball.

A knuckler.

He knows how to throw a knuckler -- I taught him.

A slider?

Oh, tim, please.

There is more to being a parent than baseball.

I know that. Those are just the little things.

I'm gonna be a good father, nell.

A good father?! Oh, give me a break!

Just who do you think drives him

To all those little-league games?

And washes and irons his uniform afterwards, huh?

And when he was sick with the -hour flu,

Who sat up with him for three nights in a row?!

What do doctors know? A mother knows.

Only a mother knows.

And halloween, who goes out with him in the dark

So he can trick-or-treat?

Christmas -- where were you? Where were you then?

You were on some cruise ship doing the limbo.

Nell, legally,

I can take him without your blessing...

...but I'd rather not.

He is my son.

Joeyhey, dad.

Hey, dad, look at this!

Hey, where'd you get that whistle?

It's a real police whistle.

We got it down at the police station.

Yeah? They gave it to you?

No, matthew stole it. It was cool.

But he still makes me sick.

Come here. I have some great news for you.

I am not going back to sea.

I got this great job in new york

And I rented an apartment so we can all be together.

All right!

Did you hear that, matthew?

Nell, did you hear that? We're all gonna live with dad!

Boy, this is great!

And what about that telescope you got me?

Are you really gonna show me how to work it?

It's all set up, just waiting for you, son.

Oh, wow, dad. You're awesome.

Listen, I got a great idea. Yeah, listen.

How about if we all go out for pizza and celebrate?

That is a great idea!

Angelo's is just right around the corner, right?

I want mine with everything.

I want mine with everything, too.

So do i.

You know, angelo's does have the best pizza in town.

Y-you, uh -- you go on ahead.

Yeah, that's right, g*ng, let's go.

Let's get out of here. Come on.

Okay, dad, you know what everything is?

That means onions, peppers, pepperoni...


I-i'm fine. I'm fine.

Operator, could you please give me the number

For jfk airport, please?

Hey, aunt nell? Yeah?

My dad sent me back to ask you what you want on your pizza.

Joey, I don't know whether you've noticed or not,

But I have been fasting.

I've been thinking about it.

Come on, sit down with me for a minute.


Did you like central park?


What was that ride we went on? What was it?

The carousel.

Yeah, that was a lot of fun.

Sure was.

There were so many people.

Speaking of people,

Your father really is a nice guy.


You know -- wait,

Did you know that he knows how to throw a slider?

And when he was at sea,

That man really learned how to take care of himself.

Joey, he irons, he cooks,

He cleans, and wait --

You are just going to love his lemon meringue pie.

You're not gonna live with us, are you?


Well, if you're not gonna live with us, neither am i!

Joey, you have to.

I do not! Yes, you do, joey.

He's your father and he loves you.

I don't care! I love you!

This is just like you to be this selfish!

Now, I know I spoiled you rotten,

But you are rotten, rotten, rotten!

I mean, aren't I entitled to a life of my own?!

I got a million things I got to get started on.

Like what?!

Like skydiving!

Well, I've been thinking about it.

You just don't love me anymore. That's what it is.

Come here.

[ Crying ]

Hey, look.

Stop crying. Hey, come here.

See this? See this?

Aunt nell, that's your favorite picture of you and me.

I know.

Wait a minute. What are you doing?

You take the half that has me on it,

And I'll take the half that has you.

Aunt nell... Joey, please shut up.

So, whenever we start to miss each other,

You'll look at that half of me

And I'll look at the half of you,

And we'll both know the other one is doing just fine.

But, aunt nell...


Just shut up, okay?

Don't cry.

Give me back my picture.

Thank you.


I want you to take my driver's license instead.

This is a much better picture.

See, I was much thinner then.

Come on now, let's go get the pizza.

And, joey, when you go to stay with your father...

Thanks, okay?

I'll call you. Okay.

Thanks again, okay?


Oh, driver, c-could you go through central park?



[ Intro to "sing" plays ]

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Sing out loud

♪ Sing out strong

♪ Sing of good things, not bad ♪

♪ Sing of happy, not sad

♪ Sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ Make it simple

♪ To last your whole life long

♪ Don't worry that it's not good enough ♪

♪ For anyone else to hear

♪ Just sing

♪ Sing a song

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ La la la la-la la la la la-la ♪

♪ La la la-la-la-la

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break