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06x03 - Below Sea Level

Posted: 04/26/23 04:27
by bunniefuu
Sam, look at this.

Sam, look at this.

You already showed me the letter, joey.

Would it hurt for you to look at it again?

Joey! Would you two please stop it?

But, aunt nell,

My dad said in this letter he's got some big surprise.

I know, honey. You've read that letter to me ten times.

You've read the letter to everybody ten times.

Leave that stewardess alone.

I like surprises, don't you?


Maybe he got me a puppy --

A saint bernard, or a great dane!

I love big dogs.

The bigger the better.






You know, I've been thinking.

Maybe I shouldn't even go to college.

What if I flunk out?

You won't flunk out. You're smart.

Timmy singleman's brother didn't flunk out,

And he's an idiot.

Aunt nell?

How much longer until we land in new york?

Joey, you just asked the stewardess,

And she told you / hours, honey.

Yeah, but that was five minutes ago,

And we're traveling miles an hour.

So how long is it now?

Honey, I really don't...

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help but notice

That you're in the air force and all.

Anyway, my little boy wants to know

What time we're going to get into new york city.

You see, he asked the stewardess

And she told him / hours.

But that was five minutes ago,

And we are traveling at over miles an hour,

So I was wondering what time you think we gonna get in.

I'm a pilot, not a navigator.

Oh, I just love it.

A w*r hero with a sense of humor.

I'm really not that much of a hero.

Oh, and you're modest, too.

I bet your wife must really love that about you.

I'm a bachelor.

Ooh, what a coincidence. So am i.

Aunt nell?

Aunt nell?


Do we have to go all the way to new jersey with samantha?

Yes, little boy.

We're going to drop sam off at college.

Then we're going to aunt addy's apartment in new york

Because that's where your father is meeting us.

So tell me, do you live in new york city?

Yes. I've been stationed there for five years.


So you must know your way around the city pretty well, huh?

Yes, I do.

Not i.

I'm afraid a little old innocent thing like me

Might get eaten up

In a big old bad city like new york all alone.

You were saying that I need someone with a moustache

To take me around new york.

Major carpenter?

Your connecting flight is on time,

So you can just go to our international terminal.

All right. Thank you.


Connecting flight?

Oh, yes. I've been transferred to vienna.


My unit was stationed in staten island --

Please. I don't talk to strangers.

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Oh, sam, your room looks so comfortable.


Yeah, and it has a great view of the campus.

Can we go now, aunt nell?

In a minute, joey.

I wish my roommate would have been there so we could meet her.

Oh, I hope she likes me.

Will you stop this silliness?

Can we go now?


I just want to be at addy's when my dad gets there.

Joey, you haven't said goodbye to samantha.

Goodbye, sam.

One more goodbye out of you,

And it's going to be "goodbye, joey."

Nell, he -- he's just anxious to see his father.

Yeah, and I'm sure my father's anxious to see me.

I mean, I'm the only family he's got.

And, you know, I'm really anxious to meet my roommate.

Oh, I hope she likes me.

Look, I'll tell you what.

Why don't I stay here till she gets here

And make it easier for you? Um, no.

Nell, I'm in college now,

And I've got to meet my roommate by myself.

Oh, I hope she likes me.

She'll love you!

Everybody loves you!

Joey, how would you like to hang from an ivy-covered wall?

Um, look, nell, you better go.

I'll call you at addy's right after I get settled

And I meet my roommate.

I hope she likes me.

Look, I'll be at addy's in about an hour,

And I'll wait for your call.

I mean, not that I'm worried or anything.

I mean, you are a big girl now,

And you can take care of yourself.

Sam, I want you to work real hard.

I want you to do all of your work, okay?

And remember the most important thing...

Have fun.

Oh, sam.

You know you are the first person in my family

To ever go to college?

And I want you to remember,

People in africa are counting on you.

Now, I'll see you around campus.

So goodbye.

Gee, aunt nell. I'm really proud of you.

You didn't even get the sniffles.

Oh, joey, come on. You know what?

Actually, I am quite good at facing reality.

Your children grow up. They go to college.

They leave home. Big deal.

C'est la vie. So what?

[ Sobs ]

Joeyokay, we're here.

Get the bags out the car. Get the bags out the car.

You don't know who you're messing with.

You don't know who I am. I can't believe this.

$.? I came from new jersey!

I didn't come from pittsburgh! Here!


$.. Why, I never.

Wow. What a decent place.

Addy must be rich!

Well, if she came to some money,

She should have come out to help pay for this cab!

I wonder which apartment is hers.

Well, knowing your aunt addy and her taste,

I bet it's the apartment all the way up to the top.

That's so she can have a view.

Nell! Joey!

Hi, addy!


[ Laughs ]

Addy. [ Chuckles ]

Well. I guess new york really agrees with you.

You look, uh...

Well, you look, um...

You look great!

[ Both laugh ]

Oh, addy, thank you for letting us come stay with you.

Nell? Huh?

You're crushing my chicken.

Oh. [ Both laugh ]

Oh, addy, just seeing you --

I-i just feel so much better already.

You know what?

We're gonna really tear up this city.

Honey, what you talking about? Singing and dancing?

Uh-huh. Look. I'm gonna get down here.

Go ahead, then. I'll take the groceries.

Thank you, honey.


Oh, addy.

This building does have an elevator, right?

Of course.

Good. Let's go up there.

No, honey, let's go down. Come on. Follow me.

Wait, wait, wait, honey.

Wait, darling. Wait.

Why are you taking me down into a sewer?

Oh, nell, that's not a sewer.

This is a basement apartment. Come on here.

I want to show you the place.

So let me tell you about this cab driver.

I told him he didn't know who he was messing with.

It's right over here.

Oh, I can't wait till you see it.

Come on in.

Joey, why don't you put the groceries in the kitchen?

Sure. Oh, addy.

This is quite lovely for a sewer.

[ Laughs ]

Can you believe it?

You and I in new york city together again!

Girl, new york, look out!

Oh, wow! Did sam call?


[ Jackhammer pounding ]

[ Shouting ] sorry about the noise!

[ Shouting ] that's okay!

As long it doesn't go on all night!

It does.

What? It does!

All night?

Yeah, but you won't hear them.

The noise from the garbage truck drowns them out.


Did sam call?

Nell, you just asked me that. She didn't call!

[ Jackhammer stops ] oh, you didn't tell me that you had a view!

You can stop yelling.

I-i said, you didn't tell me that you had a view.

Yeah. It's kind of fun, huh?

You can see short dogs -- see? -- And people's feet.

[ Laughs ]

Did sam call?

Nell, she didn't call.

Are you sure?

Nell, she didn't call.

I'm sorry, addy.

It's just that I'm sort of uptight about samantha.

You know, this is the first time

She's ever been away from home.

It's the first time she's ever been away from me.

Well, not the first time.

The first time was when she was born,

But that's not my fault.

I'm not really her mother. That's not my job.

[ Telephone rings ] that's her! She's miserable!

I'm telling you, these kids

Will not give me a minute's peace!

I'm gonna have to go all the way over there again,

Pick her up, and take her all the way back to glenlawn!

Hello?! [ Jackhammer pounding ]

I -- hello?!

I -- yeah! Uh, hold on a minute!

What's she doing?

Beats me.

[ Jackhammer stops ]


Oh, hi, tim.

Oh, that's okay. So you're gonna be a little late.

Oh, yeah, he's right here. Hold on.

Joey, it's your father.

Hi, dad!

So what's the surprise?


See you later!

He still wouldn't tell me what the surprise was,

But I bet you it's a puppy.

Okay, well, nell,

Since joey's gonna be with his father,

What say you and I go out

And take a big bite out of the big apple, you know?

Well, I didn't tell you what happened to me on the plane.

[ Gasps ] what?


On the plane?

Ooh, honey, I'll be right back.


Woman on tvmom, it's me -- sally.

I hope you don't mind my calling collect,

But I'm homesick.

I never knew college could be this lonely.

I miss you all so much.

Cut the thing off! Cut that thing off!

Oh, nell, that's just a commercial.

Oh, don't call samantha. Look, just get off her case.

She'll call you when she's good and ready.

Addy, when I want your opinion, I'll be dead.


Samantha kanisky, please.

What do you mean she's not there?

Who is this?

Ah, so you're her roommate!

You hated her, didn't you?

Worried about her?

What you mean, you're worried about her?

Sam went to register and she never came back.


What do you mean, she disappeared?!

This is all your fault!

Nell, where are you going?

Which way to new jersey?

Nell! Taxi! Taxi!

Nell, what are you doing?

I am going to get a taxi,

And I'm gonna go find my little samantha.


You are gonna drive all over new jersey?

New jersey, new york, new mexico,

Little rhode island -- what's the difference?


I know you're upset,

But I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.

It never is.

Addy, I just lost my baby!

[ Playing "rock-a-bye baby" ] your baby?

Yes, samantha -- my baby samantha.

Samantha has always been my baby.

You know that!

Nell, samantha is not a baby. She's in school.

Oh, yes -- she's in a school

I shouldn't have let you talk me into letting her go to!

Nell, it's best for her.

How would you know? You have never been a mother!

With that body of yours, you never will be!


Well, at least, I have enough sense

Not to go blowing everything out of proportion!


I don't need that.


[ Vehicle passes ]

Yeah! Keep going, you old bum!

Look, nell, you keep thinking samantha is a baby,

But she's not. She is, too!

Nell, she is not a baby.

[ Playing "the victors" ] she's a college girl.

Yes, she's a college girl who needs me.

What makes you think that?

Look, when I left her, she was crying.

She didn't let me see her cry, but I know she was crying.

And when I called there, her roommate told me

That she just came in and dumped her bags on the bed,

And then she ran off!

I tell you, my baby's in trouble!

Something terrible -- she's disappeared!

Oh, nell, she's probably just walking around the campus,

Taking it all in.

You know, the trees and the flowers

And the students with their books.



Addy, addy.

Addy, addy -- bah!

Something terrible has happened to my samantha,

And I am gonna run over there, and I'm gonna help her.

I'm gonna let her know that her nell is here.

Nobody's gonna stop me!

I am gonna go marching onto that campus,

And you know what?

[ Playing "the battle hymn of the republic" ] I am going to search every dormitory,

Every building, every gymnasium --

Both the boys' and the girls' --

And I'm gonna yell, "samantha, your nell is here!"

And you know what?

I'm gonna shake up that building till my samantha falls out.

Look, nell, get a grip.

I mean, look, let's go back to the apartment.

Samantha may be trying to call you,

And you're not even there to...

Like I said, you're not even there to take the call.

Well. Addy.

For once, you just may be right.

I mean, just this once. Possibly.

Just this once.

And don't say another thing.

Do you know "melancholy baby"?

Will you come on?

Look, I told you not to say anything else.

♪ Where's the little girl I carried? ♪

Believe me, nell.

Samantha's gonna be all right.

Look, we'll just sit here by the phone

And wait for her to call.

I don't know, addy.

Samantha just isn't emotionally equipped

To deal with being , miles away from home,

And it's all my fault.

I was just too overprotective.

Aunt nell, can I go outside and wait for my father?

Are you crazy?! Go outside by yourself?!

Nell, get a grip.

I won't go anywhere, aunt nell.

All right, but stay right outside this window

So I can see your feet!

Oh, honey, don't feel bad. You've done good.

I mean, look, the girls have turned out great,

And you still have joey to smother -- mother.

It's not the same with the little boys, addy.

You can't scare them like you can little girls.

You'll find a way.

Why hasn't sam called me?!

What happened?

The air-conditioning just went off.


We must have blown a fuse.

Hey, guys, the traffic light went out on the corner.

You should have seen all the cars banging into each other.

Boy, was it neat.

Terrific. It must be a brownout.

You know, this happens every time

Everybody turns on their air-conditioning.

Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy! I can't go on!

I done lost my baby,

And now I'm gonna sit here and suffocate to death!


Come on. Let's just go to the park.

We can't. We have to wait until my dad brings the puppy.

Oh, joey, don't get your heart set on a puppy.

Look, can we just go outside and get some fresh air?

This heat is awful.


If you two selfish people will excuse me...

I think I'm gonna go into the bathroom

And put a couple of cold towels on my head

'Cause I'm beginning to feel faint.

It -- it won't reach.


You don't know who you're messing with.

[ Muttering ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Gasps ] samantha!

[ Laughs ] are you all right?

Yeah, I'm great.

Thanks for getting me into that school. It's beautiful.

Nellis that samantha?! Yeah.

Sam, I'm coming!

Nell, what's the matter? The door is stuck!


Don't worry, honey, I'm gonna take you home

On the first plane tonight back to glenlawn!

Nell, I'm fine, and I love the school!

Then why are you playing hooky already?

No, I'm gonna go see my first broadway play.

Alone? No.

With steve siler.


Is steve siler?

Well, he's this guy that lives in my dorm, and i, um...

I bumped into him as he was coming out of the shower.

[ Thud ]

"Coming out of the shower"?

He was wearing a towel.


Nell, anyway, all he said was, "hi. What's your name?"

And, well, since you always told me to be polite to strangers,

I said, "hi. My name's samantha."

And then he said, "do you want to go see a broadway play?"

And, well, since all those african people

Were counting on me, uh...

I-i just said, "sure."

And -- and then he said, "let me go get dressed,"

And here we are.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Excuse me, kunta kinte.

Oh, hi.

Hi. Sam, I've got a cab.

Uh, nell, this is steve.

Steve, this is nell -- the best mother in the world,

Who would never embarrass me.

Oh, we've got to go. Curtain's in an hour.

I'll call you tomorrow. Bye.

Bye, addy, and thanks again for getting me into that school.

And I mean that sincerely.

That's so cute!

Don't you shower before you talk to me!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Somebody get the door.

Oh, sure, aunt nell.

I tell you, addy...

It's exhausting being me.

Why is that kid looking in our window?

Hi, tim. Hi, addy.


Come here, you.


Oh, how's my big guy? Fine! How are you?

Let me look at you. You're so big.

Good to see you.

You too.

Boy, do I have a surprise for you.

Well, where is it?


Joey, this is your surprise.

This is matthew...

Your little brother.

I have a brother?


He was hoping for a puppy.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break