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05x22 - Katie's Korner

Posted: 04/25/23 08:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Uh, jonathan? Where you been? You were supposed to have been fixing my garbage disposal.

Nell, you needed a new one.

I could tell as soon as I put the flashlight down there.

You need a new flashlight, too, aunt nell.

The, uh, flashlight slipped out of my hand,

Went right down the garbage disposal.

So did his sunglasses and his swiss army Kn*fe.

Thank you, joey.

Jonathan? Oh, julie!


How would you and jonathan like to join addy and I

To watch some movies I just rented?

Wait a minute. I can call katie.

I don't think I've talked to her for a couple of weeks.

I know she would love a good cry.

That's what I wanted to talk to jonathan about.

Honey, did you talk to mark about asking katie out tonight?

No way, julie.

I told you, I am not playing matchmaker again.

Why are you making it sound like it's a blind date?

Katie has already met mark.

Yeah, so I had him call her last week.

What did your sister do? She turned him down.

Well, she was still upset about breaking up with brian.

Well, when she's feeling better,

I'll be happy to make a fool out of myself

With one of my other friends.

Jonathan, can we please fix the garbage disposal?

I have not got all day, you know.

Boy, he's tough to work for!

Coming, big fella.

You know, there's still no answer.



Is katie still upset about breaking up with brian?

All I know, nell, is she hasn't dated anybody in weeks.

She won't even go out with me and jonathan.

I've invited her out, too,

But she always cancels at the last minute.

She says she just wants to be alone.

I can understand that. She'll be okay.

Addy, can I tell you something confidentially?

[ Clanking ] of course, nell.

Can I tell you something

And you'll promise not to tell anybody?

Especially the kids.

Oh, absolutely. Now, what is it?

[ Clanking continues ] I'm worried about katie.


[ Loud voice ] I said, I'm worried about katie,

And I don't want anybody else to know...

[ Clanking stops ] [ normal voice ] ...about it.

Listen, I happen to know for a fact

That she is at home every night,

But she is not answering her phone.

Oh, come on, nell. How do you know she's at home?

I can see the light in her bedroom

When I call her from the pay phone

From across the street.

You'd really do something as low and despicable

As spying on katie?


Well, I'll tell you one thing.

I'm gonna keep that confidential.

You don't have to. Everybody knows I spy.

Look, maybe this thing with brian has wiped katie out,

But there's nothing unusual about that

When you break up with a guy.

Addy, I know that.

I know all about that, but why doesn't she talk to me?

Hi, addy. Hiya, nell.

Boy, am I glad you're home. Can I borrow $?

Only if you are about to run away from home.

Nell, I want to buy a pair of ice skates,

And I'm $ short.

Rent them.

You want me to wear somebody else's shoes?

Nell, you're the one that made me wear socks

At the public pool.

Samantha, what happened to all the money

That you earn working at katie's shop?

Well, actually, katie hasn't been able to pay me for a while.

What are you talking about?

I think she's in some kind of financial trouble.

My katie?

Is her business falling off?

Well, she hasn't ordered any more stock lately,

And I know she has some bills that she hasn't paid.

But she applied for another loan,

So I'm sure everything will be fine.

Oh, you won't forget about the $, will you, nell?

Samantha, rent the skates

And then soak your feet in lysol.

Boy, that's a shame about katie,

But, you know, I did hear the mall where her shop is

Hasn't been doing that well.

Well, why didn't she tell me?

She knows I would have helped her.

Maybe she doesn't want your help.

I mean, first, brian, and now this.

She knows I would help her.

Nell, maybe she doesn't want your help.

I heard you the first time, addy!

Well, if I may say so, you do have a tendency

To blow everything out of proportion.

Would you like for me to tell you

What you can blow out of proportion?

Nell, you overdramatize everything.

That's why nobody confides in you.

Who doesn't confide in me? I want names!

Hi, nell. Hi, addy.

Hi, honey. We were just talking about you.

Oh, I just came over to return the vacuum cleaner.


That outfit is just...


And your hair -- it's so...


Uh, katie, did you get my message the other night?

Oh, no, I haven't checked my answering machine

In a couple of days.

Well, look, uh, addy and I

Were gonna watch some movies after dinner.

Why don't you join us?

No, thanks. I'm not in the mood.

Oh, come on. It'll be fun.

We are going to see "a star is born."

It's a great movie.

Honey, it will just break your heart

When you hear judy garland sing "the man that got away."

You don't want to see that movie!

Why don't I go out and rent some bugs bunny cartoons?


Honey, I missed you.

Uh...i heard about brian.

Now, wait. I did not pry.

And samantha sort of mentioned

Something about your b-boutique.

You want to talk about it?

No. I just want to return the vacuum cleaner.

She wants to talk about it.

Hi, katie. Hi, sam.

Joey jonathan!

Oh, jonathan. I just turned the water back on.

All right, thanks.

By the way, that arrow in there,

Well, it was pointing the other way.

Joey, I'm an archaeologist. I know about arrows.

You know, katie, sometimes when we have problems

Or we have troubles,

If we talk about them, it makes you feel better.

Now, I know there is something that you want to tell me.

What is it, honey?

Leave me alone.

Anything else?


Okay. Come here. Come on.

Come on, baby.

Is there anything that you want to tell addy?


Well, is there anything you want to tell addy to tell me?


Is there anything you want to tell addy not to tell me

That I'm gonna get out of her anyway?

Look, nell! There's nothing to tell, okay?

Oh, katie, is it all right

If I go ice-skating this afternoon?

I can still be back at the store by .

Take all the time you want, sam. Skate until dawn.

I lost the store.

I just got back from the bank, and I didn't get the loan.

Katie's corner is out of business.

[ Door slams ]

[ Metal clanks ]

All right, that should do it.


[ Grinding ]

Which way did you say that arrow was pointing, joey?

Two weeks.

Jonathan, I cannot believe it's taken you two weeks

To put in a new garbage disposal.

God created the universe in six days.

Sure, he created the universe,

But he didn't have to install anything.

[ Pounding ]

Who is that under there?

Simpson hiya, nell.

Oh, lord, please tell me that's a plumber

Imitating simpson's voice.

Jonathan. Oh, julie!

Are you going over to the mall today?

No. It's the last day the store is open,

And katie said she didn't want us.

I don't think you should go either, nell.

Look, katie is feeling really low,

And it's not just the boutique that's bothering her.

She found out today that brian is getting married.

What? Brian is getting married?

Samantha said that when katie found out,

She went in the back and cried for over an hour.

Oh, my poor baby.


Boy, I felt that way

After my sally parsons met officer murphy.

Our entire relationship turned to garbage.

It should have been thrown in this disposal.

Huh? Oh, okay, simpson. You want to try it? Here.

No! No, stop!

Nell, what are you doing here?

I have been looking all over town

For some shoes just like these.

Look, I'm closing in five minutes.

Oh, that's good.

I'll stay and help you straighten up,

And then we can go get a bite to eat.

Nell, I want to close the store by myself.

It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Goodbye, nell.

Katie, please.

I can't stand seeing you like this.

I mean, you're just acting so depressed!

Acting depressed? Nell, I'm not acting.

I am depressed.

I mean, don't you think enough has happened to me?

I've lost my business. Brian's getting married.

I mean, of course I'm depressed.

I-i shouldn't have brought it up,

But addy wanted to know.

Look, nell, I want to close katie's corner in my own way.

I don't want anybody here with me tonight.

Do you understand? Nobody.

[ Engine turns over ]

Hi, addy.

Hi, nell. I couldn't wait.

I'm watching one of my favorite old movies --

"Dark victory."

Bette davis just went blind. It's wonderful.

Katie's old boyfriend brian is getting married.

Oh, no.

Boy, when it rains, it pours.

That's very wise, addy.

I assume you got that off a box of salt.

Hi, addy! Look!

Hey, joey, that's some helicopter you got there.

Neat, isn't it?

Katie gave it to me for my birthday.

Hold it, hold it. Hold it, hold it.

Your birthday isn't till months from now.

I know. She said she just couldn't wait to see me open it.

[ Imitates helicopter whirring ]

Why would katie give him his birthday gift no--

[ Gasps ] oh, no.

Nell, no. You are not going to call katie.

I have to!

She needs me.

She's always needed me.


There's been a special bond between me and katie.

Do you know that of all the girls,

She's the only one that ever called me mama?

[ Telephone rings ]

Well, there you are. That's probably katie now.

Oh, thank you, addy.

Glad you're here.

Hi, honey.

No, there ain't no julio here!

Sam! Sam!

I just got the most fantastic job offer of my life!

A job? Yes!

I'm going to san francisco.

Chadwick's offered me a job as a buyer

In their junior department.

$, A year and a company car!

[ Shrieks ]

That's fantastic!

I can't believe this.

One little phone call and your whole life can change.

That is great. Wow.

$, A year and a company car.

Now, sam, promise not to tell nell.

You know, I'm going over there later on,

And I want to surprise her.

She's been so worried about me lately.

Yeah, sure. Wow. That's great.

$, A year and a company car.

I just had the greatest idea.

What do julie and jonathan need

More than anything else in the world?

A car. I'll give them my old car.

That is great!

Oh, wow. $, A year and a company car!

Yeah. And the best part is brian only makes $,.


Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Addy, I'm just so upset about katie.

I just have no appetite.

I-i can't eat. I just can't eat.

I was just kidding.

Nell! Addy! Guess what!

I just talked to samantha,

And she said katie is giving us her car!

I can't believe it! I've got to tell jonathan!

Julie jonathan!

Katie's giving them her car?

She can't. She loves that car.

Maybe she doesn't need the car now that the store's closing.

Oh, wake up, addy!

Don't you see what's going on here?

No. What's going on?

You saw how she looked the other night.

She's walking around here all depressed.

She's lost her business. She's lost brian.

She's giving away her car. She doesn't care about anything.

And I know she's at the shop!

She's just not answering the phone!

Now where are you going?

Don't you see what's going on?

She's gonna k*ll herself!


Katie! Katie!


Oh, nell, honey, you don't even know she's in there.

I know she is!

I got to get in there and help her.

I have to break in.


One, two, three!

[ Alarm ringing ]

What are you doing?!

Oh, i-i -- I thought you were in there.

I better call the alarm company before the police come.


This is the most irresponsible thing you've ever done.

I'm -- I'm sorry.

You got me acting as hysterical as you.

[ Ringing stops ] I said I am sorry.

I helped you throw a tree through a plate-glass window.

Nell, I've never done that before.

Neither have i!

I don't believe you, nell.

It's -- it's just I was so worried about her.

I thought she needed me.

You see? You overdramatize everything.

Yes, she was in trouble,

But that doesn't mean she was gonna k*ll herself.

It happens, addy! It happens!

I know that!

But I got a news flash for you, nell --

Not everybody in the world

Who gets depressed attempts su1c1de!

I did!


I was never gonna tell you that.

I was never gonna tell anybody that.


Addy, I did not leave tony.

Tony left me.

We were in st. Louis,

And I had just lost my job.

I didn't have anywhere to go.

I didn't have a home.

Sure couldn't go home to my mama.

You know how my family felt about me running away.

And I was broke.

I was just about katie's age.

I was so scared.

So I closed all the windows

And I blew out the pilot light and I turned the gas on.

Oh, nell, I can't stand this.

Oh, please. I'm here, aren't i?

How -- how come you didn't go through with it?

You want to know something funny?

The phone rang. It was a wrong number.

But while I was standing there,

Thinking of what I was doing to my life,

I suddenly saw my reflection in the mirror.

I saw my hair,

And I decided I was not gonna be found dead

Looking like that.

Oh, nell.

So then I started to laugh,

And I cut that gas off real fast, girl.

I love you.

I love you, too.

[ Clears throat ]

I called security.

Are you okay?

Oh, yeah. I just got something in my eye.

I'm gonna go to the ladies' room.

I'll be right back.

[ Sniffles ]

Uh, they're sending somebody over to board up the door.


You thought I was gonna k*ll myself, didn't you?

[ Laughs ]

Look, nell.

I'm not gonna say I never thought about it,

But I never thought about it seriously.

I mean, how could i?

If there's one thing you've taught us,

It's to hang in there.

Nell, you're a fighter. You never give up.

[ Voice breaking ] come here, mama.

I love you, katie.

I love you, too.

[ Sobbing ]

Now, um, I have a surprise for you.

Yeah, I know. I know. You're gonna sue me for damages.


I'm gonna be a buyer at chadwick's in san francisco.

$, A year and a company car.

You're going to san francisco?

Oh, katie.

Go get addy. Let's go celebrate, okay?

Let's go celebrate.

Uh, I'm just gonna talk to these two guys.

I'll be right with you.



My little katie is going to san francisco.

Did you hear that, chief?

Our little girl

Is going to be a buyer in san francisco.

[ Voice breaking ] my katie is moving to san francisco!

I'm gonna k*ll myself!

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break