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04x02 - New Orleans: Part 2

Posted: 04/24/23 13:03
by bunniefuu
["Last week on "gimme a break"... Woman ladies and gentlemen, ,…]

Last week on "gimme a break"... Woman ladies and gentlemen,

We are now in final descent into new orleans.

Fasten your seat belts, please,

And thank you for flying with eastern.

Aah! What's wrong, aunt nell?

[ Exhales ]

Oh, I just had a terrible dream.

I dreamed that when we got off the plane,

There to meet me was good ol' charlie johnson.

I started to scream,

"I love you."

Then we started to run towards each other.

Then, all of a sudden, he stopped

And started throwing rocks at me.

Here's the church. Here's the steeple.

Open it up, and here's the people,

And they're all ready to throw the rice, nell.

Just marry me, baby.

Oh, marry you? That kind of marry you?

Oh. Oh, wow.

Oh, boy. What is it, honey?

Aunt nell, that man.

What about that man, baby?

I think that's my father.

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Oh, joey! What are you doing here? Where's your uncle jerry?

I don't know. I'm here with aunt nell.

You married jerry?

Who's jerry?

I didn't marry jerry.

Well, then what are you doing with joey?

Who's jerry?

Go tune the piano.

Uh, hello, I'm nell harper.

I happen to work for the chief of police

In glen lawn, california,

And joey happens to be our foster son.

Foster son? I left him with his uncle jerry.

His uncle jerry's a con artist

That dumped him and left town.

Why would you marry a man like that?

I didn't marry anybody!

Look -- you don't have to worry about joey.

The child lives in a nice, air-conditioned home,

A devoted family.

As a matter of fact, every sunday morning

I serve him breakfast in bed.

Aunt nell?

Who's the child who gets breakfast in bed?

[ Laughs ]

He's also developed a wonderful sense of humor.

Oh, joey.

I've been looking all over for you, guy.

I thought you didn't want to be with me.

Are you kidding?

Joey, I'm a merchant seaman.

When your mom passed away, someone had to look after you,

And uncle jerry promised me he would.

And when I got back, I looked everywhere,

But I could never catch up to you and jerry.

Well, it was so nice running into you, mr. Donovan.


Tim. [ Chuckles ] bye.

Wait. Wait.

Look, miss harper,

It's been over a year and a half since I've been with my son.

So I guess you want to spend some time with your son.

Look, joey, we could go to the fair.

I could get to know you all over again.

I still like junk food.

Anything you want.

Wait. Wait. Why don't we all go to the fair?

Uh, nell?

Excuse us a minute.

Are you trying to avoid being alone with me?

Charlie, I am confused.

The man I love just asked me to marry him.

The little boy I love just had his father show up.

You got to understand -- this is not your normal day.

All right, you're not in a position to make decisions.

That's all right. Okay. There'll be no talk of marriage.

We'll be like brother and sister.

No talk of marriage? Like brother and sister?


Tim, why don't you have a wonderful time at the fair?

All right! Oh, thank you.

And don't worry -- I'll be like a father to him.

That's good. Tim, wait!

We're staying at the intercontinental!

You have my baby in my room by !

And that's perfect,

'Cause I intend to have my sister in there by .


[ Calliope music playing ]

[ Mid-tempo jazz music playing ]

[ Calliope music playing ]

[ Mid-tempo jazz music playing ]

Excuse me.

That's all right.

[ Calliope music playing ]

[ Mid-tempo jazz music playing ]

[ Laughter ]

Oh, charlie.

Come on, nell. Admit it.

You had a good time.

Why do you have to be so much fun?

Hey, this is just daylight fun.

You should catch me when the sun goes down.

Oh, brother.

Oh, sister.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, I feel so guilty,

Us having such a terrific time.

Poor joey must have had a miserable time.

It must have been so awkward being with his father.

That's why I'm glad we got this little pelican

To cheer him up.

It's an attack!

Attack! Abandon ship!


Must be one of those awkward moments you were telling me about.

Why don't you go wait in the hall till the sun goes down?

Hey, have a good time, people?

Hi, aunt nell. Hi, charlie.

My day was the best ever, aunt nell.

Well, I got something for you

That's gonna make your day even better.

First I got something to show you.

Just wait till you see this.

Look what my dad bought me at the fair.

Isn't it terrific?

What a cute, little pelican.

Guess what.

What, honey?

I'm gonna spend the night on the persian queen.

The persian queen is the name of my ship.

I thought it might be fun for him to sleep over.

Sleep over?

I think that's a splendid idea.

Please, aunt nell. I'm all packed. Please.

Well, well.

Sailor, can I see you in the head for a moment, please?

[ Laughs ]

We'll be just a minute.

[ Laughs ]

Sit down. You think you got me fooled, don't you?

Since you laid eyes on joey,

You've been trying to get him away from me.

That's not true.

All I want is for him

To spend one night aboard my ship with me.

Ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum!

Oh, will you trust me? I'm not trying to take him away.

Listen, the kid is not spending the night

On the persian queen.

He is spending the night with the african queen.

Look, nell,

Joey spent all afternoon telling me

About how wonderful it is where he lives.

I'd just like him to see where I live.


Hey, now, I could never give him

What his aunt nell gives him.

The kid told you how to get to me, didn't he?

Yeah. Yeah, he did.

Look, look, I promise I'll have him back

Right after breakfast.

Like father, like son.

All right, tim.

Have a nice time with joey.

Joey, you can go with your daddy.

Yay! Oh, boy!

Hey, listen -- you like junk food?

We have a cook on board this ship that specializes in it.

Yeah, send a monster bottle of champagne up to room .


But are you absolutely sure?

[ Knocking on door ]



Joey's father kidnapped him.

What are you talking about?

That sailor sat right there and told me to trust him.

That is the second sailor I shouldn't have trusted.

Who was the first?

Charlie, this is no time to discuss my patriotism.

Well, give me a clue.

When he didn't show up like he was supposed to,

I called the harbor, and they told me that the persian queen

Sailed for nome, alaska, this morning.

You're kidding.

Get me the navy, the coast guard, the marines, anybody.

I want to get a little boy --

Nell, nell, no.

Stop it! What are you doing?

Never mind, operator.

Nell, you're wrong.

But I want to get my baby back.

You can call the coast guard, the navy, the u.s. Marines,

But when they get to that ship,

All they're gonna find is a little boy

Who wants to be with his father.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cries ]

You just can't sit there crying about joey.

Why not?!

I'm gonna get you out of here, nell.

No, I want to stay here. I want to cry some more.

Well, you're not.

I'm gonna take you for a carriage ride.


All right.

A carriage ride might make me feel better,

And take my mind off joey.

I can come back later and cry.

Now don't you feel better?

Yeah. It's a wonderful ride.

It's beautiful carriage and a beautiful horse.

Yeah. It sure is.

Driver, what's the name of your horse?

Man joey.

[ Cries ]

Come on, nell. Give me a break.

Get joey out of your mind. Try to enjoy the ride.

I cry a lot, too.

You gonna be all right?

Yeah. I'm gonna sit here. I'm gonna enjoy the ride, okay?

Let's just talk about something else.

Good. Now...

Will you marry me?

[ Cries ]

I told you not to rush me.

Rush you? It's been years, nell.

Hey, no offense,

But if she can't make up her mind after years,

I don't know why you'd want to marry her.

Maybe for the same reason you married me.

Your father has money, dear?

Look, nell, let's face it.

You still love me. I still love you.

And if we still love each other, why wait?

Let's just go for it. Let's face it.

You're not getting any younger.


Not the horse! You!



Nell, look, all I'm trying to say

Is that we could have a beautiful life together.

He's right, nell.

Oh, you make a lovely couple.

I'm not gonna wait another years, nell.

All right, I'll marry you.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Well, it's not the most cheerful answer

I've ever had to a proposal, but I'll take it, honey.

Fine. Now will you get off of my back?

Get off your back?

Now what kind of way is that to start a marriage?

It's the way ours started.

Charlie, don't you understand?

For years, I've had this dream

That you and I would meet again,

And it's always been the same dream.

You would take one look at me, and I'd take one look at you,

And we'd get that same old feeling.

But now I come to new orleans. You take one look at me.

I take one look at you, and you say, "will you marry me?"

And ruin a perfectly good dream!

I think we ought to talk about this in private.

He's right.

I agree. Let's all go back to your hotel.



Wait a minute. Nell, listen.

I'm trying to talk to you.


Hey --

Honey. Nell, wait, wait, wait.

Now, listen. Just listen. Just listen.

Wait a minute. I got one thing to --

Wait -- hold -- hey!

Nell get away from me!

Nell, will you stop and listen?

Wait a m--

Listen to me. Why are you doing this?

What -- wait.

Listen, I don't understand you.

I asked you to marry me. You should be happy.

I am happy!

Well, you don't look it.

Now get off of my back.

Stop telling me to get off your back.

Okay. But you're getting on my nerves, charlie.

Now, this is not the way you act

When a man asks you to marry him!

Will you get off of my back?


[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]


It would have been so fine.

[ Sighs ]

It's not gonna work, is it, nell?

[ Sighs ]

No, I guess not.

I wish I knew why.

The dream.

Maybe we should have kept it a dream.

[ Sighs ]

Are you sorry I came?

No, no. I'm glad you came.

We had to find out.

I'll see you later, sweetface.

Oh, wait, uh...

Don't I get a goodbye kiss?

Get off my back, nell.

Good ol' charlie johnson.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Introduction to "too long at the fair" plays ]

♪ I wanted the music to play on forever ♪

♪ Have I stayed too long at the fair? ♪

♪ I wanted the clowns to be constantly clever ♪

♪ Have I stayed too long at the fair? ♪

♪ I bought the blue ribbons to tie up my hair ♪

♪ But I couldn't find anybody to care ♪

♪ The merry-go-round is beginning to slow down ♪

♪ Have I stayed too long at the fair? ♪

♪ The music has stopped and the children must go now ♪

♪ Have I stayed too long at the fair? ♪

♪ I wanted to live in a carnival city ♪

♪ Laughter and love everywhere

♪ I wanted my friends to be thrilling and witty ♪

♪ I wanted somebody to care

♪ I found it was easy to capture success ♪

♪ But now I'd be willing to settle for less ♪

♪ The merry-go-round is beginning to taunt me ♪

♪ Have I stayed too long at the fair? ♪

♪ There's nothing to win

♪ And there's no one to want me ♪

Joey aunt nell!

Aunt nell!


Joey! Oh, joey! Oh!


My dad took me back to the hotel with a friend,

And his car broke down,

And when I got back to the room, you weren't there,

And I was looking all over for you.

Honey, shh. I thought I had lost you.

I thought your father had taken you to nome, alaska.

But I live in glen lawn with you.

[ Laughs ] oh, joey.

My dad said he'd come visit us in glen lawn when he gets back.

Oh, what a good idea.

Then you could serve us both breakfast in bed.

Oh, what a bad idea.

Know what?


Tonight we're gonna go to the hotel,

And we're gonna get a good night's sleep,

Because tomorrow, you and your aunt nell

Are gonna have a monster day in new orleans.

[ Tuba plays "when the saints go marching in" ]

[ Drumbeats ]

♪ Oh, when the saints

♪ Go marching in

♪ Oh, when the saints go marching in ♪

♪ Oh, lord, I want to be in that number ♪

♪ When the saints go marching in ♪

♪ We are traveling in the footsteps ♪

♪ Of those that have gone before ♪

♪ But we all will be reunited ♪

♪ On that new and sunlit shore ♪

♪ Oh, when the saints

♪ Oh, when the saints ♪ go marching in

♪ Go marching in ♪ oh, when the saints go marching in ♪

♪ Oh, lord, I want to be in that number ♪

♪ When the saints go marching in ♪

♪ When the saints

♪ Oh, when the saints ♪ go marching in

♪ Go marching in ♪ oh, when the saints go marching in ♪

♪ Oh, lord, I want to be in that number ♪

♪ When the saints go marching in ♪

♪ When the saints ♪ go marching in

♪ Oh, when the saints go marching in ♪

♪ Oh, lord, I want to be in that number ♪

♪ When the saints go marching in ♪

♪ We are traveling in the footsteps ♪

♪ Of those that have gone before ♪

♪ But we all will be reunited ♪

♪ On that new and sunlit shore ♪

♪ Oh, when the saints

♪ Oh, when the saints ♪ go marching in