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10x09 - The Troll Farmer (No. 38) - Part 3

Posted: 04/24/23 07:58
by bunniefuu
[MAN] Looks good over here.

Red. We're all set.

- How many?
- Six.

Four around the perimeter,
two in the catwalks.

- Any obstructions?
- None.

Wide angle, night vision,
motion detection.

We should have what we need.

We should or we do?

- Red, uh...
- Check again.

I told you, there's
no room for error on this.

If we can't see

or, worse, Harold or anyone
clocks a camera...

That won't happen. We're
talking about an eighth of an inch,

but we'll triple check.

But I'm telling you, we're good.

Find some wood and knock on it.

Mr. Chang.

Whether you realize it or not,

you are currently attending
what I like to call

a Come To Jesus meeting.

You have a choice to make,

and what you do next

will either be your salvation...

or your ruin.

We sent the mobile command module

we recovered from your safe house

to the NSA for examination.

And guess what.

They say the program you stole
wasn't on the system.

- No?
- No.

Apparently, it had already been stripped

and uploaded to an unknown location.

- I see.
- No.

Tsk. I don't think you do, Mr. Chang.

That's why I asked Director Cooper

to bring you to my office,
so I could enlighten you.

The HexRoot program is a national asset,

the result of thousands
of hours of development

and more time and money
than our government

will ever formally acknowledge.

Losing it is not an option.

But as you just said, it's already lost.



Because you are going to return it

and help us catch Wujing
and everyone else involved.


Or you will discover what it feels like

to have the full weight
of the American government

come bearing down on one tiny troll.

Two hours.

- Understood.
- Not a minute more.

If he hasn't cooperated by then,

I'm authorizing his transport

to a CIA black site

for more advanced interrogation.

On your feet.

Are we really doing this?

I guess so.

They're coming out the door.

Take him back to Interrogation.

The senator set a two-hour clock.

If he hasn't cooperated by then,
he's leaving the country.

[RESSLER] She's turning him
over to the Agency?

That's entirely up to him.

Are those necessary?

You already blacked out the windows.

What am I gonna see?

[DEMBE] You don't have to put them on.

If you prefer, I can do it for you.

Two agents, one guest.


[DRIVER] Ten minutes out.

We're initiating the Access Protocol.

- You got our instructions?
- Yes, sir.

We need to be sure that
this van isn't followed.

Understood. We're taking
additional diversionary measures.


Wujing won't stop. You know that, right?

You can take all the measures you want.

Eventually, he will figure out
where you are.

Bo Chang. Previously admitted,

returning from
Senator Panabaker's office.




[WOMAN] Stand on the line.

Hold still.


Right hand.


- Are we clear?
- Prints are still running.

This is ridiculous.

It's me. I was just here an hour ago.


Chang comma Bo. AKA Farmer comma Troll.

Now you're clear.


And there he is.

Clock's ticking, Reddington!

I'm talking to a dead man.

So dramatic.

It's sad.

For all your talent,
you never did have any judgment.

Come on. Wujing?

You're finally out of prison,
it's a new day,

and you choose to align yourself

with a washed-up assassin

who's spreading rumors

about things he couldn't
possibly understand.

He understands enough.

You of all people know
that what you think you see

is rarely the full picture.

I hope you're hearing me, Chang.

Because if you want
to live through this,

you'll tell these agents
what they want to know.

Let's go.


It's not just Reddington.

They know your names.

Ressler, Zuma, Malik, Cooper.

Time's up at : .

You have an hour and minutes left.

Not just your names. Y-Your faces.

[RESSLER] All right. We get it, Chang.

We believe you. You're a real tough guy.

We'll be back in five minutes
to get your statement.


[RESSLER] We're wasting time.
You have less than an hour.

Where is Wujing?

You know, the HexRoot program
doesn't officially exist,

so how did Wujing know
it was leaving the Pentagon?

What does he want it for?

Answer the question!

What do you think?

It's priceless.

So he intends to sell it.

Of course. Every enemy this country has,

half of its friends would pay a fortune

for a copy of that software.

No, it's not about the money, is it?

Come on, man.
Everything's about the money.

It's just not the man's top priority.

He wants to take down Reddington.


We don't want to take down Reddington.

We want to expose the truth.

The truth will take down Reddington.

So why did he come to you?

Because I was on Marvin Gerard's list.

And because Wujing knows
that I have the skill set

to use it to hack your system.

Looking for what exactly?

All of it. Every case file.

Every Main Justice directive.

His immunity agreement.

Everything that proves
Reddington's connection

to the FBI.

Yeah, but our archives are secure.

Your archives are offline.

Doesn't mean they're secure.

Well, it means that you can't
access them outside of this building.

Why? What's he gonna do?
Attack a federal facility?

Who knows?



- [DEMBE] Any luck?
- [RESSLER] Mm-mm.

Panabaker scares him,
but Wujing terrifies him.

[DEMBE] Well,
he's not gonna like the CIA.


[RESSLER] Well, Reddington said
he wasn't gonna talk.

I hate it when he's right.

[DEMBE] Stick to it.

The Agency's sending a team
over to pick him up.

That was about your Agency escort.

Transport team's on its way.

So, Wujing,

how much does he know about this place?

Your time's up.

[SCOFFS] My time?

See, I don't get it, Chang.
I mean, why not cooperate?

You can't help Wujing now.
Why not try to help yourself?

Because I'm not buying
what the government's selling.

Any way you slice it,
I'm going to prison, for a long time,

and on the inside, I need friends,

not enemies
with a long reach like Wujing.

You really think a guy like Wujing

is gonna appreciate your loyalty?

We'll see.

To be honest,
I'm less interested in helping him

than I am in hurting Reddington.

Well. Safe travels, Chang.

You're the CIA's problem now.



No dice. Still talking tough.

Seems like he knows
something that we don't.








What happened?

I don't know.
He must've gotten out somehow.

What do you mean? I was just with him.

His hands were cuffed,
and the door was locked.

- Well, he's out and on the move.
- Where?

I would think looking for an exit.

All right. Code red. We got a
runner at large in the building.

Bo Chang. He's on foot.
Last seen in Box One.

He probably took the east corridor.

Initiate a full lockdown.

- Dembe, what's going on?
- Chang is making a run for it.


Who's got eyes?

Cameras are coming up now.

There he is.
He's found the east corridor.

All right. We're on it.


He's almost out.

approaching the ground floor.

- He's gone.
- What do you think?

I think it worked.


Well, shut my mouth and call me Shirley.

It's incredible, isn't it?


I'd say I'd never seen anything like it,

but that certainly isn't the case.

What... How?
Harold, what am I looking at?

Believe me, I had the same question.

Reddington brought me here
for the first time a few days ago,

right after the Troll Farmer
was arrested.

Harold, you look flummoxed.

What on earth?


All things considered,
I'll take that as a compliment.

It has been quite an undertaking.

You said you had
something big to tell us.

Yes, well...

the "something big" is a building.

Our building. The Post Office.

I don't understand.
When did you do this?

How did you do this?

I started the same day
you and the Task Force

returned to work,

the day Jennifer Moores died.

The day of the expl*si*n
at the Chinese Consulate?


Wujing was asking questions

about my connection to the FBI.

It wasn't difficult
to reason that Marvin Gerard

must have told him about
the work we've been doing.

You knew Wujing
would be looking for proof.

Proof that could only be found
at the Post Office.

I started searching for
a suitable space right away.

Mr. Reddington, this place
checks a lot of your boxes.

Thirty thousand square feet,
no windows, high ceilings.

I don't need high ceilings, Andrea.

I need at least two stories,
not just a mezzanine.

They do fully catered events,

which means it has a working kitchen.

I know you didn't request that...

You're right. I didn't.

A kitchen is nice, but I don't need it.

And this has been open to the public.

The place I need has to be discreet.

I need it to be invisible.

That doesn't exist.

A vacant space that large in this area?

Remember, I can only show you
what's available.

So it does exist.

It's just being used by somebody else.

Are you saying you want
to buy someone out?

How about I buy you lunch

and you tell me everything you know

about the companies that
have factories in the area?

Wujing was looking for the Post Office,

so you decided to build a duplicate?

Duplicate. Decoy. Dummy.

Interesting that
all those words start with "D."

I'm catching up.

Wujing knows what
the Post Office looks like.

There are Blacklisters on
Marvin's list who were held there.

Some were interrogated there.

Thank goodness for all
your protocols, Harold.

All those blindfolds and blackout vans.

Wujing knows what he's looking for

and how it looks,

just not where to find it.

[MRS. PANABAKER] It's uncanny!
If I didn't know better,

I'd think I
was standing in the actual building.

Reddington's had construction
crews working around the clock.

And all of this works?

The overheads, the terminals?

The workstations all have power?

- Remarkable.
- All for an illusion?

Yes. All for an illusion
that isn't an illusion.

It's not a movie set.
There are no Styrofoam walls.


It's an exact reproduction
of the original.

So Reddington didn't build
a fake Post Office.

He built another Post Office?

Down to the last detail.

Okay, Harold.

I'm up to speed on the what.

You're gonna have to
help me with the why.

There's a reason I brought
Chang to your office this morning.

And it wasn't just so I could
read him the riot act?


We had to get him
out of the real Post Office

so that after the meeting,

we could bring him back here.

You want to let Chang escape?

Yes. Uh, from this building.

The duplicate Post office,
to allow him to set the trap.

If Chang escapes,

he'll immediately go back to Wujing

and tell him where he was being held.

And when he does,

Wujing will not be able
to resist the urge to act.

He'll gather his troops
and come charging in here,

and you and the Task Force
will be waiting.

That could work.

It will work, Harold.

One move.

One stealth move.

Nobody will see it coming.

So Chang believes he escaped?

How'd you manage that?

It wasn't that hard, actually.

All we had to do was
manufacture an opportunity,

and once Chang jumped at it,

the rest was easy.



[SIYA] Look at that.

He used the paperclip
to short the panel.

He's trying to reset,
and recode the sequence.

Even for him, that's a long shot.

I agree.

We should give him some help.


[COOPER] From there, it was
just a matter of letting Chang stay

one step ahead.

We knew that he was in the stairwell,

headed for the east exit door.

The fire extinguisher
was Reddington's idea

so it wouldn't seem too easy.

We got there in time to stop him,

but we waited until he was in the clear.

We're approaching the ground floor.

[COOPER OVER EARPIECE] He's almost out.

A few more seconds.


It worked beautifully.

We gave him just enough time
to get away.

So what now?

Now we see if Reddington is right.

If he is, Chang went back to Wujing

and is telling him exactly where we are.



Apologies for the interruption...

but this couldn't wait.

[IN ENGLISH] I was told
you were arrested.

I escaped.

[IN MANDARIN] The pickup was secure.

He's clean.

He's not wearing a wire.

[IN ENGLISH] You were right.

I saw Reddington with my own eyes.

Inside the FBI's facility.

Wujing, I know where it is.

I can take you there.

Harold, if Reddington's right,

Wujing is gonna attack this
place with everything he has.

Yes. He'll want to strike quickly,

before we've had the opportunity

to fortify our defenses.

- Most likely at night.
- [COOPER] And time is money.

- This w*r is costing him a fortune.
- Hmm.

A fortune he doesn't have.

So this is going to happen
in the very near future.

I'm betting on it.

And when it does...

we'll be ready.

[IN MANDARIN] There are satellite
images of the address Chang provided.

This is the main building?

Were any blueprints available?

[IN ENGLISH] No. But we had Chang
prepare a layout of the interior.

So, we are limited
by what he can recall?

Yes, but...

what we see does match
with what we know.

The entire complex
is nearly , square feet.

Well hidden from the street.

Now, I sent a team
to scout the location.

There are no entrances
accessible to the public.


The primary workspace is subterranean?

Yes, with a second level

that includes office space
and several catwalks.

Harold Cooper's office.

Possibly. That's consistent
with the intel we have.

How many guards are there?

I don't know.

They put me in an interrogation room.

But a lot.

[SCOFFS] We also have a lot.

We're going in?

With enough mercenary power
to neutralize any resistance.

The new leader of Henrik Fisker's group,
what is his name?

- Sven Hollufson.
- Hollufson. Yes.

Call him.

Tell him we finally know

where to find the proof
we have been seeking.

[COOPER] Let's be clear.

If Wujing att*cks,
he's intentionally assaulting

what he knows to be a
heavily guarded federal facility.

[WUJING] To succeed,
we need to be clever.

After Chang's escape, the FBI knows

their location has been compromised.

So they may be expecting an attack?

We should assume so.

Then we can't enter from the same point

that Chang used to get out.

The FBI knows that spot is vulnerable.

I guarantee they're
shoring it up as we speak.

[SIYA] Chang knows how he got out.

What are the chances Wujing
tries to get in the same way?

Well, it's possible.

He may not trust that exact entry point,

but the most likely approach
is definitely

one of the stairwells
along the lower perimeter.

We are not gonna be using any
of the exterior access points

along the lower perimeter.

- We're not?

We need to surprise them.
I have another idea.

The plan is to allow Wujing's
people to enter the building,

make their way to this room,

then cut off any escape routes
behind them.

If they come, he'll have
some serious firepower.

We'll be ready.

I've reassigned of the SWAT officers

who normally guard the Post Office.

Thanks to Cynthia,
Main Justice is sending more.

When Wujing gets here,

these officers will be
positioned around this room

and in the catwalks,

ready to engage and disarm them.

And what if Wujing's guys
aren't down with that plan?

If they resist,
they'll be overpowered and arrested.

Wujing's in for quite a surprise.

Instead of attacking
from the ground level,

our operatives will come from top down.

Our access point will be
the neighboring building

immediately to the west.


Once there, we will move to the roof.

From there, we will cross to
the roof of the target building.

Mr. Chang will handle matters
from there.

[CHANG] The program we stole
from the NSA has...

Well, let's just call it
a masking component.

It's complicated, but bottom line,

it can be used to conceal an intrusion.

So you can get us into
the building undetected?


But don't get me wrong,
the building's defenses are robust,

so they won't be fooled forever.

When I disable the alarming systems,

they will adapt and alert to the attack.

[WUJING] But by the time
the intrusion is detected

and the FBI reacts,

we will already be inside.

All checkpoints, report.


Nothing here.

No sign of Wujing.

This is Team Leader One.
We're in position.

All clear.


The masking program is working.

They don't realize the elevator
has been commandeered?

No. The system hasn't
detected the intrusion.

- But it will.
- How long do we have?

Long enough.

This elevator will take us
to the primary workspace,

the underground w*r Room.

Even if their system
discovers the error,

they won't have time to react
before we strike.

Weapons ready!

We're almost there.

Mr. Hollufson...

I don't care what it takes
or who we k*ll.

I want control of this facility.

How confident are you?

About the attack?

An hour ago, I would have said very.

Now I don't know.

We've got solid systems in place,

and there's nothing on the radar.

The lower perimeter's clear.

Maybe Raymond overestimated
how quickly Wujing would react.

What, you think he's not coming?

Ah, he's a careful man.

Maybe he wants more time to prepare.

Seconds away.

Here we are.

Whoa! Fellas! It's just me.

Upper floors are clear.

I don't understand. Where is everyone?

Wherever they are, they'll be back,

so let's just do what we came here to do

and not be here when they return.

Get to work.

It'll take a few minutes for HexRoot

to override their defenses.

Once I'm in, I can upload
their archive to our server.

Watch the entrances. Stay alert.


[g*n FIRES]

No! No!

Easy, gentlemen. Easy. Everybody, relax.

[SVEN] Drop your w*apon.

Now, Sven... Uh, may I call you Sven?

Sven, what's done is done.

You have g*ns, we have g*ns.

He's dead. k*ll them!

Hold! This is my operation now.

Nobody fires!


I was counting on the prospect

that cooler heads would prevail.

You're not walking out of here.

Count on that.

Well, the truth is, we should
all be leaving here fairly shortly.

How are we on time?

[CHUCK] The Bureau's still in position.

Nobody's left the building.

Good news.

It seems we have a moment to chat.

The "Bureau." So it's all true.

You do work with the FBI.

Of course.

So you admit that you're an informant?

An informant?

Sven. I'm Raymond Reddington.

I run the most intricate and lucrative

criminal operation in existence.

A global enterprise
that you and Wujing have,

or had,

neither the knowledge nor the experience

to even remotely comprehend.

I'm at the apex of the criminal pyramid,

an increasingly competitive
and brutal world,

where those that are under

are constantly scheming
and striving to get on top,

and yet, here I am.

I'm still here at the tippy top.

And thriving. Always have.

Why do you think that is, Sven?

Uh, that's unfair.

I make it sound as if
there's only one reason,

and in truth, there are many,

but one of the most important

has always been my relationship
with law enforcement.

You feed them information.

I trade intelligence.

The lifeblood of any covert operation.

You know this.

Success is a function
of access and information.

The world's elite criminals have always

cultivated relationships
with law enforcement.

I'm no different,
except that I do it better,

with a little thought
and a little imagination

and the visionary purpose

that's made me who and what I am.

A lot of people,
including some of our own,

have gone to prison because of you.

We're having
a philosophical conversation,

an exchange of ideas,

so I'm gonna try to contain
my disappointment.

Tell me I'm wrong.

"There's no honor among thieves."

You know that saying?

I despise that saying

because the fact is,
in this life of ours,

there are lines that even
criminals should not cross,

a standard of conduct even for those

who earn their livelihood
by breaking the law.

Do I use my leverage
with law enforcement

to hold those who violate
that standard accountable?

Yes, I do.

Those individuals have
forfeited the right to operate freely,

and every single one of them

is lucky they are held
to account by others

instead of being held to account by me.

Sven, my associates make money.

A lot of it.

My rising tide has been lifting
all boats for decades,

and as long as that is the fact,

how I do what I do,
who I leverage and why

is nobody's business but my own.

You're wondering why
I'm telling you this.

And what happens now?

Well, perhaps the why
will answer the what.

You men are mercenaries. Hired hands.

This was never your fight.

Were you paid in full?

Because now your employer is dead,

and you're available for hire
once again.

- You're not serious.
- Quiet.

So what are you suggesting?

I'm offering.

You need work.

I have work.


[REDDINGTON] You can live to
fight another battle, another day,

and when that battle comes,
you can fight it with me.

Mr. Reddington, we've got movement.

Time's up.

Sven, in or out?

- In.

Then there's only one matter
left to resolve,

what to do with you, Zhang Wei.

You were never just a hired hand.

You were Wujing's closest confederate,

k*ller, confidant.

Innocent people died because of you.

Generally, I prefer
to do these things myself,

but I only have rounds
left in my Browning.

I hate to waste even one of them

on a piece of trash like you.

And as it happens, I just hired an army.

Imagine, you dying at the hands

of the very man
you hired to eliminate me.

It's just... Ah, the hell with it.


How are we?

All clear.

There's no rigor mortis.

They've been dead
for less than two hours.

Facility's clear.

No other bodies
and no signs of Reddington.

Looks like both have
single g*nsh*t wounds,

but ME's coming down.


We won't get any help from the cameras.

The security history from the
last six hours has been wiped.

No records found.

There were hardly
any guards left behind.

Most of them were with us
when this happened.

- When what happened, exactly?
- [COOPER] I don't know.

Reddington must have done this, but...

I'm sorry. Reddington
not only m*rder*d two men,

but he did it in our w*r Room.

Is that really what we're saying?

No cameras.

No logs left behind showing
anyone going in or out.

So we're blind on this?


It's him.



Answer it.



[REDDINGTON] Say something, Harold.

I understand.

And I'm sorry.

But I do think it was best

for you and the others
to be nowhere nearby

when things reached
their inevitable conclusion.

I mean, all of this?
Just so you could k*ll him?

No, Donald. Not "just."

Wujing's misguided crusade

simply put a spotlight
on a much larger problem.

The Post Office
has always been a liability.

I've known as much
for some time, of course.

I tried to accept,

or at the very least, ignore it.

That, too, had to end.

So you turned the Troll Farmer?

No. I found him first.

Because you knew
he was on Marvin's list,

and Wujing needed him
to access our archives.

You know this, Dembe.

What wins wars?



Are you sure you won't have something?

It doesn't have to be tea.

Have one of those sodas you like,

the flavored ones. You know, uh...

I'm good.

I'm actually not drinking
those anymore. I have...

You don't need to know this,
but I have adult onset diabetes.

I don't know why I'm telling you that.
I'm just nervous.

A Mello Yello!


- Yeah. Good memory.
- Mm.

I'm sorry to hear about the diabetes.

Getting older is a drag.

And you don't need to be nervous.

If I meant you any harm,
you'd know by now.

How'd you find me?

It took some doing,

but most things are possible
with the proper motivation.

I didn't think you'd
want to do business,

you know, after I went to prison.

Right. Well, we should talk about that.

You may not love everything you hear,

but I'm hopeful that
when all is said and done,

we can find a way to forgive and forget.

Forget what?

There's a man who calls himself Wujing.

Long story short, he's an enemy of mine,

and he's looking for new friends,

friends to help him move against me.

Never heard of him.

That's not surprising.

But he has heard of you.

I believe your name
was on a list he was given.

A list?

Of criminals who might be
sympathetic to his cause.

Wujing is looking for you, Chang,

and when he finds you,

I want you to agree to help him.

You want me to help him come after you?


But I want you to agree to help him.

[COOPER] So this was all a setup.

Taking Chang
to the duplicate Post Office,

convincing us to let him "escape"

so he would give Wujing that location.

You wanted us to think he escaped.

Wanted Wujing to believe it.
You played us both.

But Chang didn't give the address

of the duplicate building to Wujing.

He gave him the real Post office.

I saw Reddington with my own eyes.

Inside the FBI's facility.

Wujing, I know where it is.

I can take you there.

[DEMBE] And Wujing att*cked
the real building,

and you were waiting there for him.

You didn't build that duplicate
Post Office to fool Wujing.

You built it to fool us!

To protect you, Harold.

To insulate you and the Task Force

from what I intended to do.

Now you can honestly say
you were not involved.

What? So we should be, what, grateful?

You can be whatever
you'd like to be, Donald.

[SIYA] Something's missing.

You wanted to confront Wujing,
I understand that.

But why here?

As I said, to solve the larger problem.

I needed Chang,

I needed the HexRoot program,

and I needed access to your network.

Our network?

Our archives. They're offline.

They can only be accessed
from inside the building.

Well, I didn't just want
to access them, Harold.

The HexRoot program

is much more than just a hacking tool.

Once the program is inside a system,

its secondary reason for being kicks in.

It deploys a virus.

You deleted the archives?

Of course not.

We just removed any reference to me

and any mention

of a reliable source
or a confidential informant.

You went too far this time, Raymond.

- Perhaps.
- No, not perhaps!

We are not just
the Reddington Task Force!

We are the FBI!

Main Justice will never let this stand.

I don't care about Main Justice, Harold.

But you and your team,
that's another matter.

You're not listening.

The Attorney General knows
that we can't control you,

but he won't let you control us,
not at this level.

The Attorney General has never known

more than a fraction of what you do.

That's because I walk a very thin line.

I do the best I can to control
the flow of information

because I believe that
our work needs to be done.

But redacting our archives,
leaving bodies in the w*r Room?

You've put me in an impossible position!

Even if I try,

how long do you think
I'll be able to control that?

I suppose we'll see.

You've finally done it.

Torn it all down.

You're angry, Harold.

Take some time to think about

how or whether we can continue.

I'll do the same.