01x09 - He's Not Frozen, He's Immobile

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Electric Company". Aired: January 19, 2009, to August 27, 2012.*
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A comedy series that teaches basic phonetic and grammar concepts using live-action sketches, cartoons, songs, and Spider-Man episodes now known as Sesame Workshop.
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01x09 - He's Not Frozen, He's Immobile

Post by bunniefuu »

- Alright.

- Ice cream, ice cream,

ice cream, ice cream!

- Amy!

Quiet time.

- I want ice cream and a chocolate pony!


- Man, Annie's sister sure is a handful.

- C'mon, he's beyond the perimeter.

That's a lot of distance to cover, folks.

He takes the shot oh!

- Alright, alright, I

get it, next basket wins.

- I need a balloon!

- Ugh, don't you just hate babysitting?

- Heh, I did, until I invented

this device to keep my

brother quiet, try it.

- Balloon, balloon, balloo--

(electronic sizzle)

- Freeze.

(cackles maniacally)

- Oh, this is fantastic, how

long does she stay frozen?

- Not long, it's just temporary.

She'll be back to normal

in a couple of seconds.

But, I'm working on a

setting that lasts forever.

- Oh, permanent?

- And butterscotch pudding and a cat--

(electronic sizzle)

- Well, why settle for temporary

when this can be permanent?

- Do do that, I haven't

tested the permanent setting!

- I just wanna try it, come on!

- I'm open.

- Hey, I'm open, I'm open, I'm open.

- Whoops.

- Keith, are, are you frozen?

Nod your head if you're frozen!

- How's he gonna nod

his head if he's frozen?

- Oh yeah good point.

- Look what you did, I can't

unfreeze him he's permanently frozen.

- Oh, you say that like it's a bad thing.

- Ooooh, if my mother finds

out I'mma be in trouble.

- So don't tell her.

- I cannot lie to my mother.

- Come on let's get out of here.

- Hey.


Snap out of it, come on.

(indistinguishable talking)

- He's trying to say something.

(indistinguishable talking)

- What did he say?

- He said, hey you guys!

- Jessica?

- Yeah?

- We're all here.

- Oh.

- Let's go to the diner.

(suspenseful electronic music)

Ooooh, oh, come on yeah

Feel the power, feel the

power, feel the power

Yo' and throw your hands, it's

Electric, Electric Company

Electric, electric company,

Electric, Electric Company

Yo', yo', yo', the power

we've perfected is electric

And connected so you sit at that

Record and expect to be respected

Just turn it on and you will see

That you belong in the Company

Feel the power, feel the

power, yo' and plug it in


Electric Company

Electric Company, Electric Company

(electronic beeping and whirring)

- Okay come on, okay now watch

his head, watch his head.

- [Everyone] Oh!

- You were right, that

probably is gonna bruise.

- Yeah, yep okay put him

up against this stool,

come on, and straighten

him out, there we go, okay.

- Okay think, did anyone see anything?

- Hang on.

(electric crackling)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, there's

Annie and Manny holding a remote.

- So Annie Scrambler did this,

with the help of one of Manny's gadgets?

- Okay so how do we unfreeze Keith?

- Let's do some research,

thanks Jacques, okay what's

a good keyword for someone

that can't move, uh, frozen?

- Try immobile.

- Good, okay, I'm gonna look up

how to help an immobile person.

- Oh, click on that link.

(electronic ding)

- If you're looking to un-freeze someone

who's become immobile, you have-

(electronic zap)

Sorry about that, alright-

(electronic zap)

Posting this so that others

won't have to go through-

(electronic zap)

Because being repeatedly

rendered immobile-

(electronic zap)


(electronic zap)


(electronic zap)

Okay, to undo it-

(electronic zap)

You just have to do the last thing you-

(electronic zap)

- Hi everybody.

- Temp code, what's a temp code?

- It's temp, it's short for

temporary, a temporary code,

that means that it changes,

it can be anything.

- Annie, I know you just

scrambled that message.

- Just can't help myself.

- Well just know I'm gonna

have to unscramble it.

- That's what you think.

(clicking and whooshing)

- That's the only word

I can make, competed.


- Okay the kid in the video said that

for Keith to be back to normal, he has

to do the last thing that he competed in.

- Oh, Keith what was the last thing

you competed in before you were frozen?

- What was the last game you played?

(indistinguishable talking)

- Oh, he ran in place

with fans and bologna.

(indistinguishable talking)

- Oh, he ran in a race

with Manny Spamboni.

- Oh, that makes so much more sense.

- So we have to find Manny, okay

Jess, you keep an eye on Keith.

(electronic music whirring and beeping)

What time is it

It's time to have some fun

What time is it

It's time to have some fun

Fuh uh uh uh uh un

Fuh uh uh uh uh un

The time is right to

have some fun 'cause

The short u sound has just begun

If you want that walk to pick up speed

Then bust out the uh and watch it run

When you munch on lunch

and you need a treat

The uh's got your

back with a sticky bun

If you just can't wait

to jump from your seat

Then unleash the uh and have some fun

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

What time is it

Time to have some fun

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

You know I'm a fan of having some fun

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh

(electronic whirring and beeping)

- Cupcake, cupcake!


(chopping noise)


Crust, crust.



Cut, cut, cut, cut!

Grumble, grumble, grumble, grumble.

(crashing metal noise)

(radar beeping noise)

Submarine, submarine, submarine.

(electronic whirring and beeping)

- Duh.

- Ud.

- Dud.

- Tuh.

- Ub.

- Tub.

- Cuh.

- Ut.

- Cut.

- Hey let's make the short u a long u.

- Okay.

- Cuh.

- Ute.

- Cute.

- Tuh.

- Ube.

- Tube.

- Duh.

- Ude.

- Dude.

(electronic whirring and beeping)


- Hi Mrs. Puse, I'm raising

money for my school.

- I could use a ruler, not the kind

of ruler who rules a

country, the inch kind.

- I'm all out, how about a musician?

(electric guitar)

- I can't have loud music in the house.

- What about your very own log flume ride?

- I always wanted my own flume.

(electronic whirring and beeping)

- So what's happened so far?

- I made a gadget that

makes people immobile.

- You mean they can't move?

- Yeah my gadget can make

everything like frozen, like this.

- Cool.

- Yay, basketball.

- Zap.

- I'm immobile, hey you guys.

- Keith's immobile.

- You mean like this?

- Exactly.

- So is it temporary, will it wear off,

or is it permanent, will it last forever?

- If we cooperate, I bet

we can figure this out.

- How do we cooperate?

- We work together.

- Check the internet.

- This kid is going to

tell us how to help Keith.

- Yeah look he's holding up

a sign to tell us what to do.

- Completed, I'll steal the letter l

to make the word competed, yoink.

- He has to compete in the last

thing he did before he got frozen.

- So we have to make him compete again.

To the playground.

(electronic whirring and beeping)

- Hello Manny.

- Hello Hector.

- Alright, enough is enough, where's

the gadget that you used to freeze Keith.

- I don't know what you're talkin' about.


- Come on Manny, I can prove

that you and Annie Scrambler

pointed some gadget at him

and that's what froze him.

- And if you don't help

we're gonna tell your mother.

- I didn't do it, it was Annie Scrambler.

- We don't care who did it, just undo it.

- I can't.

- Okay, Manny, we found a video online

that said we could reverse

Keith's immobility.

- Really?

- Really, and all he has to do is compete

in the last thing he did

which was a race with you.

- Okay let's race again.

- You're gonna cooperate?

- Just don't tell my mother.

- Well meet you in the park

in minutes, let's go.

- On your marks, get set, go!

- Okay work together, we have

to go at the same speed, cooperate.

- I'm trying to cooperate,

but I can't go that fast.

- Go faster!

- Slow down, slow down.

- Woohoo!

- Keith are you still frozen?

- Mmhmm.

- I don't get it, he competed.

- And once again, Spamboni captures

the gold, no one touches the champion.

- Congratulations Manny you

have beaten a statue in a race.

- Whatever, winning is winning,

anyway he's still frozen.

- I know, maybe he has to

compete with you on his own.

- How's he gonna do that.

(indistinguishable talking)

- Don't worry Keith we'll get you

back to normal, you can rely on us.

- Do you have an idea?

- I've got nothin'.

- Hi Jacques.

- Hi.

- He has to compete all alone?

- Yeah.

- I have an idea.

- Keith this is totally gonna work.

Okay, aim him so he's

facing straight at Jacques.

(indistinguishable talking)

- What?

(indistinguishable talking)

- Shock absorber.


- No, I got you, I'm

sorry, okay we're good.

- Ready?

Set, Go!

(suspenseful music)

(indistinguishable murmur)

- Oh!

- I just don't understand it we did

everything that video told us to do.

- Manny, mom says you're gonna be

late for piano, and you

forgot to walk Buster.

- That's the kid from the video!

- Wait Manny has a brother?

- Manny has a dog?

- Manny takes piano?

- You posted the video?

How'd you know how the remote works?

- You kept on freezing

me, and I was afraid

that you would freeze me permanently.

So I reprogrammed it and posted

the video as a public service.

- You reprogrammed it?

You know you're not supposed to

mess with my gadgets, I'm tellin' Mom.

- Yeah, well you're not

supposed to freeze people.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

- Yeah!

- Boys!

Stop bickering this instant.

- Thank you, now listen we've

followed the instructions

in the video and Keith did the last thing

that he competed in,

but he's still frozen.

- Competed?

No, I said completed.

- Oh of course, competed

becomes completed.

See competed becomes

completed with an l, Annie?

- Yes Lisa?

- Did you scramble the letters

and removed one of them?

- Maybe.

- Okay, Keith, what's the

last thing that you completed?

(indistinguishable talking)

- What did he say?

- You don't wanna know.

He made a three point shot from

beyond the perimeter remember?

- That's such a hard shot, how are

you gonna make that if you're frozen?

- Oh, tough break.

- Tougher break, if he

misses this shot it'll be

permanently permanent, that's

the way I programed it.

- Why'd you program it like that for?

- I don't know, I felt like it.

- Oh, that's a good reason.

- Well you're not the boss of me.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

- Boys, stop it!

(electric music)

- [Narrator] Shhhh, silent e.

(electronic music)

- I'd like to introduce you to the

ninja of the english alphabet, silent e.

(gong sounds)

See that glob, silent e sneaks up on it

and pounces, bam, turning glob into globe.


Silent e doesn't even make a peep,

but it changes the sound of a whole word.

Tub, you're a tube.

Kit, go fly a kite.

Sham, what a shame.

Fat, huh, meet your fate.

Mop, please don't mope.

Mistak, mistak's not a

word, oh, sorry, my mistake.

Hey, all you vowels, I

see you, and you can run,

but you can't hid, I mean hide,

from the baddest ninja in town, silent e.

(gong sounds)

(electronic music)

(bell rings)

Let me tell you bout a friend of mine

Goes around changin'

words all the time

But he's kinda sneaky, yes siree

C'mon, I make a plan, he flies a plane

I hold a can, he carries a cane

Cook with a pan, now he's out

Of the game lookin'

through my window pane

Silent e, oh how it changes everything

Silent e, it's elementary

Silent e, it's simple

c'mon try with me





You got it


Wooo, silent e turns slop to slope

It gives a little hop a lot of hope

It shapes a little glob into a globe

You see, aha, he can

change a bit to bite

A strip to stripe

A grip to gripe, a shin to shine

Well I don't mind let it

spin around in my spine

Silent e, oh what a great discovery

Silent e, it's elementary

Silent e, oh who knew

how much fun it'd be





Now you got it sing along everybody

Silent e

When you follow the vowel

it changes the sound

Silent e

Silent e is everywhere, you got it now

Silent e

It's simple c'mon sing with me

Now I'm gonna give you a word

And you just add the silent e

Now when I say mad and you

add the e, what do you get

We get made

Now when I say slim and you

add the e, what do you get

We get slime

And when I say not and you

add the e, what do you get

We get note

Silent e, silent e, silent e

(laughing and cheering)

- Great job, great job.

(bell rings)

(electronic music)

- Alright Keith so you really

have to make this shot.


- He's stiff as a board, you couldn't get

that ball in from there

in a million years.

- Okay well don't worry Annie

because he's gonna make the shot.

- You really think so?

- Sure we think so Keith, right Jess?

- Uh, yeah, sure, piece of cake.

- Alright come on guys, let's give

Keith some confidence here.

Try to make that basket,

you're standing at

The three point line,

you feel like a statue

Fear's coming at you, take a

deep breath, you'll be fine

You really think so

It doesn't look great

He's gotta unfreeze

before it's too late

Or he'll be frozen

in a permanent state

How we gonna help him concentrate

Your friends will all support you

Gonna do whatever is necessary

Nothin' we won't resort to

To make this problem temporary

Don't you worry Keith you

know we're all on the case

Lift up his arms

Hey look they're snappin'

right back into place

If we give him the ball and

put him in the right spot

With the right amount of

tension, I think we've got a shot

We'll make him like a human catapult

With the perfect aim

for the right result

Straighten him out, let him take aim

Come on Keith, you know you got game

Help me pull his arms back

That looks good to me

How's the aim

Looks pretty good

This is it, one, two, three

Oh, oh, oh, oh, dare we ask

it, did Keith make that basket

Swish, we got our wish

The problem ends

And it's all because of my friends

(laughing and cheering)

- What a shot.

- I can't believe it.

- He got lucky.

- Nope, I got friends.

- Okay, everybody happy?

- Maddy, Sammy.

- Ma?

- You were supposed to

be home an hour ago.

What have you been doing?

- Manny used his freezing

gadget on a person.

- How many times do I have to tell you?

You are not allowed to use

your gadgets on human beings.

- It was an accident.

- Was it an accident

when you used it on me?

- Did you use that thing on your brother?

- He wanted me to.

- I did not.

- Did too.

- Did not.

- Did too.

- Stop it, you are in trouble.

- But Mommy.

- We'll talk about this when we get home.

Oh and Annie.

- Oh yes Mrs. Spamboni?

- Your mother asked me to tell

you to get home right away.

She needs you to babysit your sister.

- Well I'd like to say I'm

sorry for all the trouble

that I've caused, I'd like to, but I can't

because I thought it was really funny.


- Oh well.

(cheering and laughing)

(electronic music)

Do, do, silent e's a ninja

Silent e is a ninja,

silent e is a ninja

Silent e is a ninja, I

didn't notice when he came

I cannot accept any praise or blame

I was home pushin' my mop like a dope

Next thing you know

and I started to mope

I'm at the end of my

rope, I was hoppin' mad

But he turned my hop into hope

And then he made his escape, but not

Before he turned my cap into a cape

And now I look totally

insane, I had a plan

To capture my man he

turned my plan into a plane

Silent e is a ninja,

silent e is a ninja

The silent e he will get

ya', silent e is a ninja

Where'd he go, where'd he go,

where'd he go, where'd he go

Where'd he go, he's a ninja

(electronic music)

Oh, let me tell you about

my love of the silent e

Oh, oh, oh, oh, e, e, e, e, e

Sometimes I have a plan, and when

I add an e it becomes plane

And I can take that

plane, and fly away

Even to a hurricane, oh, oh

And then I land in the middle

of a jungle and I get to

Watch a beautiful, handsome

ape go swingin' by on a vine

Unfortunately I don't

have a dime to give it

But that's okay, 'cause I get back

On the plane and I just

rode on, and fly away

Silent e, silent e, it works for me

Silent e, silent e,

silent e, it works for me

(electronic music)

- Let's sound this out,

sss, uh, suh, n, sun.

Sun, shhh, sunsh, now

I peek ahead and I see

that there's a silent e at the end,

so I know I'm going to have

to make this i say it's name.

I, so sunshi, n, sunshine, oh makes me

feel warm and happy all

over, I love sunshine.

(electronic music)

- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

This takes the cake and

it's about to explode.

But I can't crack the code to get out.

Help me read this.

Da, Dane, is a teenage, ah, ape.

He came to the game with five cakes.

Dane is a teenage ape.

He came to the game with five cakes.


(squishing noise)

(electronic music)

- [Narrator] Arthur

Walters was a regular kid.

Then one day something

astonishing happened.

He was suddenly a genius.

- Mom, something astonishing happened,

I became really smart, I'm brilliant.

- [Narrator] He thought that the change

would be permanent, that he

would be brilliant forever.

- How's the formula to save

the world coming along Arthur?

- Pretty darn well Madame President.

- [Narrator] But the

change was only temporary.

- Turns out I'm not a genius anymore.

- Well this looks brilliant,

but what does it all mean?

- [Narrator] Temporary,

see it while it lasts.

(electronic music)

- I owe you guys big time.

- You would've done the same for us.

- True, if you guys ever get frozen,

you can rely on me to help.


- You know I just wish

that Annie Scrambler would

somehow get paid back for

all the trouble she caused.

- I want a vanilla Popsicle,

and a bracelet and a cloud,

and Mom says you have

to take me to the zoo,

and then I want to go to the

toy store and have a parade.

- Ohhhh.

- [Amy] I want ice cream, I want a zebra,

I want a pony, I want a balloon.

(electronic music)

- Psst, okay so I hear the

Electric Company website

has top secret video clips,

like behind the scenes footage,

deleted scenes, bloopers, definitely stuff

you never see on TV, go to pbskidsgo.org

and if anybody asks you,

you didn't hear it from me.


Aw remix


C'mon, yeah we got Pete

What up

The time is now, the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feelin' the music in your ear

The charge is electric, you know you

Gotta do is plug it in, plug it in

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound will

astound and surround you

And before you know it,

even you have the power

To bring a word to life that's right

That's right

It's what we do at

the Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

you have to share it

Discovering your power,

you own it, you wear it

Wow, and you shout it out loud

Electric Company is in town, oh

Electric Company

(electric whirring and beeps)

(indistinguishable talking)

- That sounded really

clear, but what did he say?

- He said, hey you guys!

- Okay, what's a good key word-


(indistinguishable talking)

- He made a shot of a three point

that was beyond the perimeter.

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