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10x08 - The Troll Farmer (No. 38) - Part 2

Posted: 04/17/23 05:21
by bunniefuu
Everything okay, Dad?

Just attempting to make your lunch.

You really don't have to.
Mom usually just lets me eat

from the cafeteria.

I want to.

Mom has her overnight shift at the E.R.,

and while, admittedly,
she's better at this stuff,

I think I can handle a sandwich.

PB&J, your favorite.

It's a... It's a nut-free campus.


That's my ride.

You win, chicken tenders
from the lunch lady.

Alright. Bye, Dad.

This is Kate. Leave it at the beep!


I've been trying to call you.

My phone is in my purse inside.

They made us leave everything
when the police evacuated us.

But they got the guy?

- There was no guy.
- What are you talking about?

Apparently, it was some
stupid Internet prank.

There were photos of a gunman.

Posts from people
working in the hospital...

I know. We all believed it.

It was terrifying.

I just still don't understand...

why would someone
do something like this?

Harold! Please.

Your door was unlocked.

Is that wise?

Are you here for business or pleasure?

A lot going on in New York right now.

I'm here because I've been
trying to reach you for days,

to no avail.

I was able to hop a ride on a flight

with a couple of DOJ boys
here for a deposition.

Why haven't you been
answering your phone?

I threw it in a dumpster.

Damn thing was driving me crazy.

It's been liberating to disconnect.

The Freelancer's still at large.

Wujing is trying to expose
your relationship with us,

and you threw your phone in the trash?

Did you know that
when Madeleine Albright

was Secretary of State,

she wore very specific brooches and pins

to send not-so-subtle messages

to her foes abroad

without ever having to say a word?

A gold coiled-snake pin

after the Iraqis called her a serpent

for trying to impose tougher sanctions.

A big beetle brooch
when she met with the Russians

after they'd "bugged" a room
in the State Department.

I was reminded of this the other day

in an antique shop in the West Village.

I couldn't resist.

Wujing is nothing more
than a fly, Harold.

A pest. A nuisance.

That nuisance k*lled
your friend, Robert Vesco,

among others.

Sometimes I'm not sure you're taking

any of this seriously anymore.

I'm well aware that flies
can be dangerous,

even lethal, but mostly just annoying.

It's time to swat this one down.

He's resurfaced.

Did you hear about the hoax
at DC General Hospital?

The hostage situation that wasn't?

I caught it on the news.

But what does that have
to do with Wujing?

I have it on good authority
that he's enlisted the help

of another
former Blacklister, The Troll Farmer.

The hospital hoax has all the hallmarks,

doctored media, online
social channels buzzing,

a very real law-enforcement response.

But didn't The Troll Farmer
work alongside you

all those years ago?

Do you really think he'd turn?

If Wujing convinced him that his time

in federal prison was my doing,

I'd imagine he'd have
a rather large axe to grind.

And deservedly so.

Look into the hoax.

I suspect it'll lead you
to The Troll Farmer,

and he'll lead us
to that buzzing fly, Wujing.


We will.

On one condition.


Get a new phone.


That was Cooper. He found Reddington.

Apparently, he's living in a bathhouse?

Anyway, gave us the name
of another Blacklister,

Bo Chang.

Wait a minute.
You mean The Troll Farmer?

I hate to be the new girl,
but who's this Troll Farmer?

Well, Bo Chang, a.k.a. The Troll Farmer,

helped Reddington and Keen
obscure their location

a few years ago
when they were on the run.

He specializes in highly coordinated

disinformation campaigns.

He and his team use
social media, doctored photos,

first-person accounts to create
the illusion of a crisis unfolding.

These events are so convincing,
they generate a very real media

and law-enforcement response.

Interesting. But to what end?

Well, the events he creates
are just distractions.

They're strategically
designed so that he can

safely commit another crime
during the chaos.

We arrested him back then.

He served some time but got
out recently on good behavior.

Now Reddington believes that
he's in town working with Wujing

as revenge for being taken by the FBI.

The D.C. General Hospital hoax.

Yeah. How did you know?

It was trending on Rambler
for hours yesterday.

I was watching it unfold live.

Didn't you see it?

I don't "ramble."

- Is that even the right verb?
- It's not my thing.

Chang must be good.

There are authentic-looking photos.

First-hand accounts.

People claiming there was
an active sh**t.

A nurse taken hostage.

I watched one live feed of a woman

supposedly posting
from a utility closet.

She was hiding, afraid to take
a breath or even move an inch

because the gunman was just outside.

She even had audio.
It was quite convincing.

Let's start by reviewing all
the fake social-media posts.

You should take the lead on this, Siya.

You seem to have a knack for it.

Well, I'm embarrassed to say
I'm well-versed in Rambler.

There'll be no stone unturned.

I apologize for my absence this morning.

Any updates on the case?

We've reviewed all of the
original social-media posts

that started the Rambler storm.

Many of them contained the same photo

of the gunman with a hostage.

We discovered that the gunman
and the hostage in the photo

were real but from
a separate incident in

at a medical facility in Ohio.

The photo was a deepfake.

Anything in the image's metadata
that gets us closer to Wujing?

Unfortunately, no.

We also looked into the accounts

that started everything.

Half the accounts belonged to
real employees of the hospital.

Chang hacked them. The others were fake,

with I.P. addresses all over the world.

We're focusing on the hoax,

but what was he trying
to bury underneath it?

We went down that path, too.

Now, based on
The Troll Farmer's case file,

it's always a local crime
that he's covering for.

But there haven't been any major crimes

reported in the last three hours.

I checked with all the local
law-enforcement agencies.

Maybe it's a crime
that hasn't been reported yet.

We need to find out what.

Call Wujing.

Let him know we're on schedule.

Got it.

We locked down that whole hospital

for one guy's work badge?

Not to humblebrag,
but it's more than a badge.

It's the first domino that
will effectively lead

to the greatest theft
of military technology

in US history.

Still no major crimes reported,

but we reviewed the calls
that came in

between : a.m. and...

Sorry. I thought it was on silent.

Do you need to take that?

No, it's nothing. It's Herbie.

As in Reddington's Herbie?

How does he have your number?

The Dockery case.

He's been calling a lot, actually.

So, he has a little thing for you.

He has a thing for us.

He keeps asking what we're working on.

If we need any help with anything.

He's very eager. He means well,

but boundaries aren't his strong suit.

Agent Ressler, you were saying?

Right. There were several calls

in the area during the hoax.

Two domestic disputes, a burglary,

and a fight at a local dive bar.

One of the men who was
assaulted at the bar fight

was treated at DC General.

Which we thought maybe related,
but after we followed up,

it seemed like it was a personal matter.

There's also this one.

A janitor working at a building
next to D.C. General

placed a call.

Saw someone suspicious using a tool

to get into a silver Audi on the lot.

The janitor gave the plate
to the police,

but when they responded,
the car was gone.

Now the police assumed
that the owner would report

if anything had been taken.

Car belongs to a Graham Flynn,
, of Bethesda.

Senior aide to Congressman McFarley.

He co-chairs the House
Select Intelligence Committee.

They oversee Defense
and National Security.

That might make him
a worthy target for Wujing.

Worthy of a car break-in? Why?

I don't know, but Graham Flynn

is the best lead we've got,
so go talk to him.

Red? You in here?

I just had the most magnificent steam.

Does wonders for the lungs
and nasal passages.

Not to mention my pores.

Oh, yeah.

You do have sort of a low.

We live in the age of self-care, Chuck.

You should try it.

It's also the age of technology.


I guess it was inevitable.

Call me old-fashioned, but, lately,

I'd prefer my interactions
to be face-to-face.

Great. 'Cause I think you need
to pay our friend Phil a visit.

Why? Was something wrong
with the shipment?

Yeah, he refused to receive it,

hasn't paid us,
and won't return my calls.

He needs to start construction
by the end of next week.

He can't do that without materials.

Does he realize how hard
it is to get steel right now?

And I called in a favor
to fast-track it.

I'll go see him.

And before you do,
there's one more thing.

Rogelio called.

His network found the man
we've been looking for

in New Orleans.

Checked in to a hotel under an alias.

Then you better get down to The Big Easy

and grab him before
he goes underground again.

Bring him to DC.

I'll head down
after I pay a visit to Phil.

Mr. Thieman.

So glad we could make this work.

You do realize this is the first
time HexRoot's left the Pentagon.

Yes, and we appreciate your concerns.

But what is politics
without some pageantry?

The committee is gathering right now

and looking forward to the presentation.

They're going up.

Wujing made it very clear,
we have one shot.

No second chances.

Call the troll farm.

Tell them it's time.

Malik, did you reach Flynn?

I called to let him know

you're on your way to his office,

but I got his assistant.

She said Flynn's in a closed-door
intelligence committee meeting

happening right now.

So Chang broke in
to the vehicle of a man

attending a top-secret
intelligence meeting today?

That can't be good.

It's taking place at one
of their satellite offices,

the Stevenson Building,
for security purposes.

I'd like to start by expressing
our gratitude to the NSA,

Mr. Thieman.

As you know, we have requested

this demonstration for some time.

Yes, and you've been very persistent.

We've spent billions
developing the program.

It would be irresponsible
not to have some oversight

on the progress the agency's made.

- You can understand that.
- Of course.

So, without further ado, this...

is HexRoot.

A world-class malware program
that targets supervisory control

and data-acquisition systems.

Now, it hones in on PLCs
that allow for automation

of electro-mechanical processes.

We've developed stealth
programs in a similar vein,

but what makes HexRoot unique
is it's deployable

from this mobile command-center unit

and can be taken into the field.

I'm sorry to interrupt.
I'm getting worried

that we've got a situation
in the building.

What kind of situation?

I've got an update, guys.

Reports of a massive fire
at the Stevenson Building.

Or an expl*si*n that started a fire.

It's unclear. I keep having to refresh.

But social-media posts are
coming in one after another.

I've reached out to fire and EMS,

and they're treating it
as a credible threat

until they're on the ground.

- This has to be Chang.
- Has to be.

Well, I'm watching live footage
of smoke coming out the windows.

If it's another false-flag attack,
it's a convincing one.

Alright, we're two minutes out.

Suspicious package? What? How?

Nobody even knows about this site.

I don't have details yet,
but we're been told

to follow protocol here and evacuate.

Committee members to the east stairwell.

NSA to the west stairwell.

We've been told to stay
outside the building

until Capitol Police arrive.

This presentation is hereby suspended.

For now. We'll find another time.

Restricted area!

Officer, we need to get through here.

I'm sorry. I can't allow that.

We're with the NSA. We're operating
under a presidential directive.

Now step aside or my men will move you.

Will they? Really?

Hands away from your weapons!
Where we can see them!

Hands high! Keep 'em high or we sh**t!

Lock your hands behind your head!

I can't put my hands behind my head!

You'll be able to in a moment.

Excuse me. Agent Ressler, FBI.

This is Agent Zuma.

We need to speak with you and your boss.

He's on with the Secretary of Defense.

We're dealing with a crisis
at the moment.

I'll do it.

The FBI, sir.

Mr. Congressman,
Agent Zuma, Agent Ressler, FBI.

We have reason to believe
the purpose of this charade,

the fire and expl*si*n,
was to target your meeting.

Our meeting today was classified.

Look, guys, I'm under the g*n here...

It's quite obvious
that something critical

went down here today.

The man behind these events
today is highly dangerous.

We know he was after something here.

We just don't know what.

He was after HexRoot.

- HexRoot?
- It's a new cyber w*apon.

Our meeting was with the NSA.

They were about to demonstrate
HexRoot's capabilities

when all hell broke loose.

In the chaos, the NSA team was ambushed,

the w*apon stolen.

The fact that it's gone is catastrophic.

Can you tell us more about HexRoot?

HexRoot is next-gen military tech.

It'll saw through any cyber defense

and hide itself
inside any computer network.

And now it's out in the world?

I mean, that's just...

You know what? Never mind.

It's okay, Agent Ressler.

I understand your point of view.

But the next World w*r...

it's gonna be a cyber w*r.

And this nation needs to do
what it takes to defend itself

against the global conflict to come.

That was the whole idea behind HexRoot.

The NSA team, where are they now?

With building security.

Trying to get a lead
on who att*cked them.

Hello, Phillip.

Reddington. How'd you find me?

Phil, you're as predictable
as the demographic

in one of the city's
most pretentious men's clubs.

A predictability I'd grown to appreciate

in our years of doing business.

So imagine my surprise
when you failed to pay me

and rejected my shipment

for the first time in... years?

I know.

But I'm between a rock and a hard place.


It's actually quite comfortable here.

Little bit stuffy. Bit stale.

People keep telling me that
you've cozied up to the feds.

I'm concerned.

I don't want to believe them.

Well, perhaps you should.

Because I have.

I also work with assets from Mossad...


I have judges in my pocket.

People in police departments
from New York to New Delhi.

The way they were talking
about the FBI, though...

it was different.

People were insinuating that
you were handing people over

to a secret task force.

That... That some of my own associates

have gone to federal prison
directly because of you.

When I was a child,

I spent many summers
at my grandmother's farm.

She kept pigs, chickens,
some cows, sheep.

And there was this
one little goat, Belka.

Poor thing had only one eye.

My grandmother thought she was hideous,

but I took quite a shine to her.

Those summers were...


And my grandmother gave me free rein.

She had only one rule,

stay out of the green shed.

Year after year, I thought
and thought of that shed.

I dreamed and nightmared of the place.

What could possibly be in there?

What sort of secrets did it hold?

And who went in there?

And when?


Well, one day, Belka...

went missing.

Must have gotten out of her pen.

And I looked...

I looked all over the property.

It was getting late.

Getting dark.

And then I heard it,
her familiar little bleat.

And it was coming from the shed.

I don't know how she got there,

but I screwed up my courage
and pulled open the door.

Do you know what was in that shed?



Literally nothing but a little hay.

And Belka, of course.

All that fear and trepidation,


for nothing.

Tell yourself all the stories
you want to about me, Phil,

but there's nothing there
except a one-eyed goat.

Still getting rich?

Of course.

And I appreciate it.

Do you understand the
competitive advantage I offer?

Steel, wood, cement at close to cost.

Expedited shipments when
supply-chain issues

are delaying projects
for months, if not years.

How long has it been since
you've had a labor problem?

I know all you've done for me.

Then stop worrying about the feds.

I have a soft spot in my heart

for the sort of development you do.

But make no mistake,

you can't do it the way you do it...

without me.

I expect full payment
by tomorrow morning.

And if something like this
ever happens again,

it won't end with a polite conversation.

I have a train to catch.

We're still on the ground here,
but we're making progress.

I'm coordinating with the Capitol
Police, and the building security.

We confirmed why Chang
targeted Graham Flynn.

Chang used Flynn's work credentials

to access a secure entrance.

That's where he ambushed
the NSA officer and his guards.

How'd he get the credentials?

We assume that he cloned them somehow.

I mean, it's all within his skill set.

That's why he broke into Flynn's car.

Remember, nothing was "stolen."

So we know how Wujing
orchestrated the attack

and what he wanted, but why?

Why not?

That thing they stole,
it's a digital nuclear b*mb.

It can destroy anything,

people, corporations, governments.

That's worth a lot of money.

I find it hard to believe
Wujing's motivation

was purely financial.

What would he use that device for?

It's Malik and Cooper.

Sorry to interrupt, but this can't wait.

The NSA Officer just informed me

that there's a concealed geo-locator

embedded inside the metal case
that contains the HexRoot.

Well, that's convenient.

Leave it to the NSA
to hide tech within their tech.

Now I don't suppose that
they're gonna share

- that location with us?
- No.

But I saw the coordinates
on the computer screen.

I texted them to you.

They're assembling a team to
move in by the end of the hour.

We need to move fast
if we want to beat them there.

Can we?

You mean outfox the NSA foxes?

I believe we can.

Let's get a tac team
to that location immediately.

What's going on?

See what we got here.

Extra-spicy burrito, no rice.

- You get jalapenos on mine?
- Uh-huh.

FBI! FBI! Hands where we can see them!

Mr. Chang, we meet again.

What is this place?

Oh, just the office.

Harold Cooper, FBI.

Rod Thieman, NSA. What, uh,
exactly does your task force do here?

I'm afraid that's classified.

We operate under special authority

from the Attorney General.

I'm sure you can appreciate
the need for discretion.

Well, whatever it is, you, uh...

You obviously must be very good at it.

You beat us to our own
classified super w*apon.

We have a team examining
Chang's hard drives

to see if the program
was uploaded or compromised.

Could be them now.



So, uh, who exactly is this
Chang character anyway?

MIT grad. Started his career

as a security engineer

Now he creates social-media
events to commit crimes.

But he's never done anything close

to stealing an NSA w*apon before.

Is he a solo act, or you think
he's working for someone else?

Your guess is as good as mine.

We know you're working with Wujing.

We know you stole HexRoot for him.

But what we don't know is why.

Agent Ressler.

I thought you looked familiar.

You ruined my life.

I'm pretty sure you did
that all on your own.

And you...

I guess we both got tired
of working for Reddington, huh?

The feds, though?

Really, Dembe?

You can address me as Agent Zuma.

You wanna know why I got
on board with Wujing?


I was on retainer with that man
for three years.

I did some of my best work
with him, too.

I got him and Elizabeth Keen out of DC

in the middle of a national manhunt.

And how'd he repay me?

By giving up me
and my entire team to you.

He's a snake.

What makes you think
Reddington gave you up?

Oh... No. No, no, no, no.

I am not playing that game.

We both know who you people
really work for.

Why does Wujing want HexRoot?

I got nothing else to say.

You tell that to Reddington and his hat.

That damn hat.

When I saw it, I couldn't resist.

There you go.

She looks just like you.

I wasn't expecting you today.

Do you need a place to crash tonight?

No, no, no.
This isn't purely a social call.

Harold Cooper reached out to me.

Harold? I love that guy.

He's so regal. And firm.

And there's a little softness
to him, you know?

That's all very... specific.

He told me you've
been calling Ms. Malik.


Did he actually use that word?

I blew it, didn't I?

What is your aim here?

I gotta get outta the house.

All my work is done at an arm's length.

No one wants me on a crime scene

or in a courtroom
after everything that happened.

And working with them...

for a moment, I felt like
I was back in the game again.

On a team.

And, oh, that whole secret
hideout where they work?

With the blacked-out van
and the cool goggles?

It was all so exciting.

You really want this, don't you, Herbie?

A full-time job?

I do.

I mean, not, like, full-full-time.

I have Sue. And my foosball and stuff.

But, yes, mostly full-time.

When I can, of course.

If you get the chance
to speak to Harold,

I wouldn't lead with all
the other obligations.

Well, since I don't have
his phone number,

and I get the strong feeling
he might not want me to have it,

the next time you speak to Harold,

could you put in a good word?

Is that...

Poop, yes. Right on schedule.

It really does define your day,
doesn't it?


Alright. Come here.

He won't talk.

He's too afraid.

- What, of Wujing?
- Afraid of Raymond.

Well, it doesn't matter.
We need to keep working on him.

We need to figure out
why Wujing stole HexRoot.

I mean, it's obviously part
of a larger plan.

Maybe we don't need Chang
to talk to us to figure it out.

Why? What are you thinking?

Wujing broke The Freelancer
out of custody

to come after the task force last week.


To gather photographic evidence,

proof of Reddington's
connection to our team.

And now there's another Blacklister

with a grudge against us,
sent out by Wujing.

Stands to reason
he's after the same goal.

To find more proof.

Look at the object that he stole.

A virus that covertly invades
and controls a computer system.

Our computer system.

With all our case files
and questionable tactics.

Not to mention the immunity agreement

that Raymond has with Main Justice.

Can you imagine if all of that came out?

I can just see the national
headlines now.

With our faces right below them.

Okay, I buy it.

I just have one more question.

Where's the drop?

We know you stole HexRoot,

so what's the plan
to get the device to Wujing?

What's in it for me?

How about survival?

That's if we're in bed with Reddington,
as you suggest.

Which we're not.

Then everything said in this
room would get back to him.

Including the fact that you helped

his task force capture Wujing.

That assistance may just be
enough to keep you alive

in prison and safe
from Reddington's retribution.

I mean, that's if the task
force worked with Reddington.

Which it doesn't.

The drop's today at : .

Madison Park in Northeast.

You just make sure Reddington
finds out that I'm helping you.

These are satellite sh*ts of the park.

Plenty of places to hide a team.

Do you think Wujing will make an
appearance to retrieve the device?

Chang seemed to think so.

He's agreed to assist in our operation.

Should we involve Raymond?

We know Reddington's endgame here.

It's not our job to aid and abet him

in murdering Wujing.

Our job is to arrest a criminal,

stop a w*r,
and to protect this task force.

I want a surveillance plan for
Madison Park in the next hour.

If Wujing shows up, this ends today.

You all good?
You understand how that wire works?

I do. But I wouldn't say I'm "all good."

I can't believe I'm working
for Reddington again.

You're not. You're working for the FBI.

Again with the charade?

Just own it already, man.

It's a duplicate case.

All the electronics inside
are non-functional,

so don't go opening it up
during the handoff.

Let's go over this thing one more time.

You think he can handle this?

He engineered and ex*cuted
a plan to steal

a top-secret w*apon from the NSA.

He'll be okay.

Can I be candid with you?

I was a bit thrown off
by Cooper's decision

not to tell Reddington
about the meeting with Wujing.

Aren't we supposed to be a team?

How can this task force function

if you're hiding things from him?

Raymond hides things, as well.

If you don't trust him,

and he doesn't trust the task force,

how can you possibly make criminal cases

based on his information?

It sounds dysfunctional,

but I have faith that Raymond

wants good things
to happen to good people.

You two were so close before.

Must be strange
keeping things from him now.

We keep things from each other
to protect each other.

It's a healthy mistrust,
and I trust in that, too.

I have to think this place would
have driven my mother mad.

She was so black-and-white.

You think she ever had second thoughts

about working with him?

I'm sure she did.

We all do. It comes with the territory.

But your mother was very guarded.

She kept a lot of things to herself.

You mean, what, like secrets?

Raymond would know better than I do.

He did his own vetting when
Diane Fowler put your mother

on the task force all those years ago.

I don't know the details,
but I always got the impression

that he knew something
about everyone's past.

We're all set. Let's go.

Do we have an update?

Our man from New Orleans landed.

I don't think you'll have time
to see him beforehand,

but, uh, he's agreed to do the job.

That'll be fine.
As long as everything's on schedule.

We'll reconvene after. I have to go.

Hi, Agnes.

Hey, Pinkie.

You doing some cooking?

Well, I'm doing something.

I'm not sure if you'd call it cooking.

Is Harold around?

He's still at work,
and Mom's out running an errand.

They leave you home alone?

I can handle myself.

I'm sure you can.

Something smells delightful.

What are you baking here?

That's a complicated question.

Here, try this.

It's awful, right?

No. I mean, it leaves a
little something to be desired.

What's in it?

Or perhaps it's something
that's not in it that should be.

Yeah, probably.

I was trying to make
a baking video for my vlog,

and this is my third try.

It'd be pretty shady to demo
bad chocolate cake.

You know, Julia Child didn't
graduate from Le Cordon Bleu

until she was .

In fact, she even failed
her first exam there.

Practice makes perfect.

And sometimes a little
assistance doesn't hurt, either.

May I?

Of course.

Let's turn that off,
just while I'm here.

That sort of defeats
the purpose of a vlog.

It stands for "video blog."

And you can record to your
heart's content once I leave.

Okay. Let's look at this recipe.

Everything's in this bowl.

More information on
the espresso powder below.


You're still missing
two crucial ingredients,

a little more sugar, just that amount...

- Okay.
- ...and also...

Uh, we don't have any fancy

European kind of stuff,
if that's what you...

Mayo? In chocolate cake?

But that's disgusting.

No, it gives it the
perfect level of moisture...

There we go.

And richness.


The key...

is to fold the ingredients
together gently.

When we're done, if this isn't
the most decadent cake

you've ever had,

I will personally fly you to Vienna

for a Sachertorte at the Cafe Demel.

The world's most famous chocolate cake,

and its history
is rife with controversy.

It all began in with a prince.

Well, there's still no sign of Wujing.

Wasn't he supposed
to be here five minutes ago?

I'm gonna see if I can get
a closer look.

Should I stay here?

Something doesn't feel right.

Wujing's never late.

Hold your position.

Knit cap. Black jacket, boots.

My eight o'clock.

Approaching Chang from behind.

I'm here to pick up the package.

It's The Freelancer.

Veseli? What's he doing here?

Should we move in?

What if Wujing is here?

Shouldn't we stand fast
until he reveals himself?

No, we can't wait.
We need to move in now.


What are you doing, man?

What are you doing?

What's going on?

FBI! Stop!

Get in!

Was that...

Richard Deever. My former colleague.

He's still working for Wujing?

For the record,
that whole thing at the park,

not my fault.

You'll tell Reddington I tried, right?


I can't believe it was Deever.

I would've strangled him
with my bare hands if I could.

I can't say I can blame you.

I mean, the guy did sh**t you.

I'm so sorry. Seems my old pal Deever's

made a career of absconding with Veseli.

Do we have any leads?

The BOLO is out.

Including a description of his sedan.

We got every law-enforcement
officer in DC looking for him.

We need to ditch this car.

They're onto us.
They're more than onto us.


We don't have far to travel,
and we'll be safer there.

Surprised to see you pull up.

Didn't know you were
still working for Wujing.

I'm the reason why Wujing knows

about the NSA w*apon in the first place.

They were developing it
while I was at the CIA.

Once I found out they were planning on

bringing it before the board,

I knew it was his chance to make a move.

Wujing asked me to keep an eye
on the drop as backup.

Well, I'm glad you were
there to grab me.

Though I'm a little panicked
as to what's gonna happen

when I show up to Wujing's empty-handed.

It'll be fine.

He's just this way.

Hello, Alban.

Can I go now? I did what you asked.

Not so fast.

That was our deal.

You said if I brought him in,
you would let me go.

I never said I'd let you go.

I said I'd let you live.

Ms. Malik.
How are you enjoying your time

with the task force so far?

Well, today wasn't so great.

We lost Veseli, then Richard Deever,

and didn't even get eyes on Wujing.

Deever, you and he
share a past, do you not?

I'm pretty sure you're aware
he's the CIA agent

who betrayed me.

Ah, well, the nice thing about this job

is that your fortunes
can change on a dime.

I'm texting you an address.

Hold on. It's a new phone.

Ah. There.

I suggest you get there right away.

- Why?
- There's a gift waiting for you.

Consider it a belated
"welcome to the team."

Well, hey, there, partner.

Did you miss me?

I heard you paid Agnes a visit today.

She was raving about
the merits of mayonnaise.


I stopped by.

I was hoping to speak with you
about Herbie Hambright.

Ah, Herbie.

He's a little starved
for attention, isn't he?


I think you should hire him, Harold.

Excuse me?

He so desperately wants
to be part of a team.

Your team, in fact.

I think it would be wonderful for him.

Though I should warn you,
he's not entirely a team player.

What a ringing endorsement.

He's an unconventional choice.

What can I say? You won't find

a more qualified forensic analyst.

He did do great work for us,
but he'd have to be vetted.

Wasn't he fired by the DA's office

for dropping the ball on a m*rder case?

No, the DA.'s office dropped the ball,

and Herbie left the job.

It all took quite a toll on him.

Of course, I'm biased. I adore the guy.

Somewhere in all those
frailties is an incredible mind.

He sees things in ways
that others don't.

I really think he could offer
a fresh perspective.

I'll see if I can get him approved.

On a provisional basis.

That sounds just fine.

Harold, I couldn't help but notice

that you forgot to inform me today

about your plan to entrap Wujing.

And you forgot to tell me
that you found Deever.

- I didn't forget.
- What about Veseli?

The man Deever "rescued" for you.

What are you going to do with him?

Whatever the hell I want.

I can't in good conscience
allow you to m*rder him.

Or Wujing.

Or any of these Blacklisters.

So much for being more
transparent with each other.

You know, Harold, I have, in fact,

been keeping something from you.

Something big.

It's time for me to let you
and the task force in.

If we play our cards right,

this w*r with Wujing
will be over in hours,

and my connection to the task force

will forever remain shrouded in secrecy.

As if it was never there.