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08x05 - Good as Gold

Posted: 04/11/23 07:17
by bunniefuu
Don't tell me you've had
a change of heart.


So, I've applied
for that transfer.

You're feeling that good
about Brokenwood?

So much to like.

Two flat whites on the house?

you didn't need to do that.

Thank you, Frodo.


Hey, Mike.

There's been a g*nsh*t fatality

at Fergusson's farm
out on Sadlers Line.

Okay, hold the fort
until I can get there.

Will do.

Don't apologize.

I know what you do.
I know what I'm in for.

Eyes wide open.

I'm back at the weekend anyway.
Now go.

Drive safe.

You too.

Nice digs.


Body's down by the river.

Off-road access only.

Do we know who it is?

Unofficially, Jane Fergusson.

This is her family's farm.

Next of kin?
They're around here.

The uniforms are still
tracking them down.

b*llet wound
to the arm.

Not usually fatal.

No sign of a cartridge?

That's a job for SSG.

Who found the victim?
A farmhand.

Todd Taylor.
We meet again.

Oh, Detective and Detective.

You work for the Fergussons?

Yeah. Farmhand working the land,
feeding up, all that.

Not serving drinks
at the cinema anymore.

Nah, I prefer
the great outdoors.

Hmm. What brought you here?

The great outdoors.

I mean here at the place
by the river.

Very near the deceased.
I wasn't here.

I was working maybe a kilometer
down the river.

It's not for everyone,
this farming stuff.

You need to make sure
you don't get too stressed, eh?

So how did you know it was hers?

I'm pretty observant. Yeah.

Um, it also had her name in it.

And you knew to come
straight here looking for her.

She's always here.

Totally he nga ra
about gold, eh?

Has she ever found any?

Nah. A fool's errand,
my uncle calls it.

Drives her sister porangi.

Sister, ah, Annie.


You won't tell her
about the fishing, will you?

She'll dock my pay.

Real gorse pockets that one.

You stick around.
We need a formal statement.

Jane. Mike.

I'm sure what you found here

wasn't what you were
looking for.

So we have a cowgirl,
a gold pan, and a sh**t.

It's all very "Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid."

This looks small bore,
like a ..

Seems, though, the b*llet
went through her arm

and into her chest.

Jeans ripped at the knee.

Well, you know,
that's a fashion thing, eh?

Sorry, you're not allowed.

No. Jane!
Oh, incoming.

Hey, get off me.


We have forensic evidence
that we need to protect.

Ah, DSS Mike Shepherd,
Detective Sims and Chalmers.

And you are?

Annie. I'm Jane's sister.

She's my younger sister.

Who shot Lottie?

No, no, it's not Mum, Dad,
it's Jane.

Someone's k*lled Jane.

Those thieving Hollands?
I know, Dad. I know.

I've got to get him
back to the house.

This is too much for both of us.

Can you tell us
what happened to Lottie?

The Hollands didn't k*ll her.
She had cancer.

But if anyone k*lled Jane...

it's them.

Shot from across the river.

It's definitely possible.

How do we get from here
to there?

The nearest bridge is
six kilometers downstream.

And we've sealed off the farm?

Yeah, as much as we can.

The river's not the problem
for the Fergussons.

It's the Hollands.

Saying they didn't get along
with each other

is an understatement.

All I said was that their sheep
looked pretty much like yours.

If you can't spot the difference
between a Romney Marsh

and a Hampshire Down,
what are you even doing here?

Getting paid minimum wage
for shoveling hay.

You want even that?

Don't ever mention
their name again.

You mean the Hollands.

Don't be a smart ass
all your life.

Aren't sheep famous
for looking the same?

Oh... Sorry.

Don't be.
I like this.

Hey, me too.

You do realize
this is country?

Can't be.

Doesn't make me want to chuck
myself off a tall building.

Um, according to Todd Taylor,

this whole Hollands thing
sounds toxic.


Best we check them out.

Someone's handy with a g*n.

Dan Holland.

Oh, I live here, don't I?

DSS Mike Shepherd.

DC Chalmers.
Brokenwood CIB.

What do you want?

To talk to you about
the death of Jane Fergusson

earlier today.

Jane Fergusson's dead?

You don't seem concerned.

The fewer Fergussons
on the planet, the better.

There's some tension
between you and your neighbors.

You know, they hate my guts
and I hate theirs.

Mind telling us why?

It was those bloody Fergussons
started it, back in .

In those days,
my great-granddad,

Barney Holland, was best mates
with Hector Fergusson.

Is there a picture of Hector?

Get off the grass.

Wouldn't have that foul-faced
treacherous ass on my wall.

But back in those days,

there's nothing they wouldn't
do for each other.

Working that river,
looking for gold.


Till one day Hector asked Barney
if he could borrow his pick.

So my great-grandpa
lent him his pick,

as you do when you're mates.

And next thing, Hector
pulls up this nugget,

this handsome pace of pure
wealth glistening in the sun.

How big was
this nugget reputed to be?

You like avocados?

On toast.

Cracked pepper,
squeeze of lemon -who doesn't?

I like mine made of pure gold.


Safe to say they didn't retire
on their newfound wealth.

Well, they could've.

But nah, Hector's suddenly
all "finders keepers,"

which to Barney felt like
the betrayal that it was.

A fight broke out.

A vicious fight.

Amongst the fight,
the nugget fumbled its way

back into the depths
of the river.

We've been looking for it
ever since.


Christ's sake,
what are you doing here?

Wipe that smug look
off your ugly face.

Finally lost the plot, woman.

Oh, don't you
patronize me. I know you.

I know you did it.
What are you talking about?

You pulled the damn trigger.
Get over yourself.

You --
Okay, let's just --

Get off my property

before I rid the world
of one more stinking Fergusson.

I said get off!


Put your firearm down, Dan.

Come on, Dad.
She's off her bloody rocker,

but no one's getting
shot here, mate.

Mr. Holland, put it down.


DSS Shepherd.

DC Chalmers.

They're here about
what you did to Jane.

Jane? What's she got to do
with anything?

You k*lled her, just like
you said you would.

Jane -dead?

Get real, Annie,
you're full of it.

The body of Jane Fergusson
was found at Brokenwood River

just after : a.m.
this morning.

He hated her.
I mean, it was no secret.

Get off my property!

Or what?
You'll run after me?

I'll leave tire tracks on you

that'll never come out.

Best you go.

Yeah, best you own up
to what you did.

Mike suggested the b*llet exited
here and entered the torso.

Now, there's not a lot of blood,

which indicates possibly
small -small bore.

I need further examination
before I confirm my suspicions.

Can I relay to Mike
what those suspicions are?

Is it possible to say how far
away from Jane the b*llet

was when it was fired?
Not yet. No.

Mike wondered if it could have
been from across the river.

Okay, I also wondered if

it could have been
from across the river.

It's not impossible.

But I think she was not standing
there when she was k*lled.

Oh, so you think she fell.

Too soon to tell.

Mike also commented
on the ripped jeans.

You know, Gina,
in a professional capacity,

it is okay to talk about Mike.

Out of respect,

it's better
we don't mention him.

Right, okay.

But it's not like
you two were a couple.

Everyone knows Mike and I
have a special connection.

For Beth's sake,
I need to remain distant.

I don't want to be cast
as the other woman.

A farmer would not buy new jeans

that were ripped already
on purpose.



And this.


And there.

Okay, have the SSG
contain this area as well.


Before, with the g*n, you know,
he wasn't being serious.

Pointing a loaded g*n
at someone is serious,

no matter how you look at it.

How did, ah -how'd she...

Jane, how'd she --

There'll be a post-mortem,

but early indications are
she was shot.

Look, I did not do this.

But there were serious
tensions between you?

Oh, between the families, yeah.

But I mean, that's been
going on forever

and no one ever got k*lled.

Where were you this morning,

He was mustering
out the back block.

Or he better have been.

Yeah, no. I was.

Back block to where?

Lower block. Listen,
I need to get out of here.

Hey, where --
where are you going?

No, no.
Leave him alone.

He's a good boy.

So how far away from
the riverbank is this clearing?

meters, give or take.

With signs of a scuffle.

Being less likely
that the b*llet

came from across the river.

A limited line of sight,
but not impossible

was as helpful as Gina
could bring herself to be.

That's all she said?

And the g*n.

Between you and me,
I'm % sure it's from a ..

Being a woman,
I'm sure you appreciate that.

Well, that's very...

You want to know time of death.

But you never, ever --

It's an old trick
involving fingernails,

rubber bands,
and the arc of the sun.

Just a hint of rigor mortis.

She died between :
and : a.m.

Well, that's very kind
of you to share.

You are a woman, you understand?

Wow. Trade secrets and
acknowledging you as a woman.

She's really taking this
new best friend thing

to a whole new level.

For my sins, yes.

Hodges is looking into
local g*n registrations.

And Jane's horse turned up
back at the farm.

So if the tracks
are anything to go by,

our sh**t possibly
came and went by ATV.

And then there's this
freshly dug up hole.

Looks like something's
been removed.

Buried treasure, perhaps?

According to Dan,

that nugget is worth
a quarter of a million dollars.

Okay, maybe Jane actually
found it and stashed it,

but someone got a tip off

and she surprised him
trying to steal it.


And by all accounts,

there's enough fire
in the family feud

to motivate a k*lling.

Especially if the nugget
that started it all

ended up with Jane.

What was Bill Holland
doing this morning?

Well, doing what farmers do.

Moving sheep.

Anyone there?

Not just anyone.

Who are you?

Could ask you the same question.

DC Chalmers.
You work for the Hollands?


You know,
this is private property.

I do.

Waterway consultant.

I'm here to test the HO.

Sure you're not
looking for gold?

There's not any gold.

There aren't even any fish.

It's bad enough I have
to test the water.

No fish in this river?

Clearly not from around here, then.

Born and bred, actually.

Just been in town for a while.

Anyone coming here looking for
gold or anything else,

for that matter,
is going to be disappointed.

I'm only here because
I'm paid to be.


Well, you certainly seem to know
a lot about this place.

A lot that nobody else
seems to be aware of.

Or more to the point,
perhaps choo--

Thanks, Frodo.

Yeah. Coming right up.

Excuse me.

Are you the detective investigating

Jane Fergusson's m*rder?

It's a suspicious death
at this stage, yes.

DSS Mike Shepherd.
And you are?

Devastated. Obviously.

Well, you'll be looking
at the Hollands.

That stupid feud.

How can two people
hate each other so much?

Which two people
was this exactly, Ms...?

Oh, sorry.

Polly McAlpine. Mrs.

Oh, well, take your pick.

You've got Bill and Jane,
and Dan and Jock,

all the way back to
Barney and Hector.

It's legendary.

I take it you know
both families quite well.

Mostly Jane.

Her and my daughter Casey
were very close.

The g*n club's talking
about nothing else.

Jane and your daughter Casey
both belonged?

Oh, yes, yes.
Jane won more trophies.

But Casey's a better cook
and a much better dancer.

Casey was so worried that this
nonsense would end in tears.

I can't help it.
I'm just a natural-born winner.

That right?

It feels pretty good too.

I mean, not that you'd know.

Bill, put away the g*n.

Disgraceful behavior.

Although to be fair,
the g*n wasn't loaded and...

she did ask for it.

You pull a stunt like that again,

and I'll take you out.

You and all the Fergussons.

I guess you should have
brought your trail bike.

Then you'd only have
two tires to fix.

Jane, come on.

Why do you always have
to make it worse?

Jane goaded Bill. Honestly.

And he's such a lovely man
and he's quite harmless.

And I'm not just saying that
because him and Casey

have been seeing each other.

I'd like to talk to Casey.
Is she --

She's in mourning, Detective.

You'll show some respect,
I'm sure.

Uh, coffee's up.


Hey, what Mrs. McAlpine
was saying

about Jane just now, that --
that's not true.

Mrs. McAlpine made it sound like
Jane was the problem.

But she's wrong.

If anyone was goading,
it was Bill, not Jane.

Jane was --

Oh, man.

You knew her, Frodo.

Jane and I go way back.

I took her to the dance
in our last year of high school.

She was like a total babe,
but she went with me.

November , .

And since then?

We did everything together.

So you belong to the g*n club?

Like panning for gold?

Well, not everything.

I mean, but we do have
this one thing in common,

which is totally my jam.

Line dancing.

Love a good line dance myself.

Tell me, have you and Jane
hit the floor recently?

Oh, yeah.
Last Saturday afternoon

at the Snake and Tiger.

Come on, sleepyheads.
On me.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Alright, Billy Ray.

Slow down.
It's not a competition.

Ah, everything's a competition.

Geez, come on, fellas.
It's not that hard.

Well, I'm getting a blister.

One step forward,
two steps back,

isn't that your motto that,

It's better than don't spot
with your spurs on.

I got you, cowboy.

Thanks, Case.

It's surprisingly high risk.

So you agree that Casey
and Bill were close?

I guess.
According to Mrs. McAlpine,

they were an item.

But it's my understanding
that one's best friend

does not date another one's
best friend's worst enemy.


I believe it's an unspoken rule
of the female code.

What? There's a code?

Oh, man, that explains a lot.

But hang on. Casey for definite
wasn't dating Bill.

Come on.

I mean, what have you
got to lose?

No, Case.
I've told you before, Casey, no.

You and me.

Hey, no one needs to know.

You say that now but no, okay?

I'm sorry, Casey. Not now.
Not ever.

Do you think Jane knew
how Casey felt about Bill?

Oh, hell, no.

Hey, give you a lift home?

Thanks, Frodo.

I'm gonna stick around,
have another brewski with Casey.

Another time, though. Yeah?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.

Where might I find
Casey McAlpine?

So have you
arrested him yet?

Sorry. Who?

Bill Holland.

Well, we're -we're still
making inquiries.

Do you have a moment?

Farms don't stop
for the m*rder*d-in-cold-

you know?

No, I appreciate that.

But I do need to find out
what Jane was doing

before she went down
to the river.

She fed the horses,
mucked out the stables,

then it was time
for the hard yakka...

she just...

You need to come back
and pitch in.

I'm doing my bit, Annie.

I just don't love it
as much as you do.

Love's got nothing
to do with it.

Well, maybe it should have.

I feel like I'm a prisoner
in my own life.

Oh, save the histrionics
for drenching, Jane.

So you found her attitude

But while Jane's been off
chasing a different rainbow,

someone has to run the place.

Dad the way he is,
that leaves me.

So if you'll excuse me,
I'll get on with it.

Finish up here.
I don't pay you to stand around.

You're not shirking,
are you Todd?

Nah, she's just a farmer-holic.

She's been working me
to the bone

ever since that new girl
shot through.

What new girl?

Oh, the one who worked here
till the day before yesterday.

Why'd she leave?
Oh, I don't know.

But it was better when Annie
was yelling at her

to pull her finger out.

Now it's just me and my finger.

Do you know
where Bill is now?

My boy has got nothing to hide.

That doesn't answer my question.

Haven't seen him this morning,
but he won't be far away.

Well, let's hope so.

And if he's got nothing to hide,

he won't mind me
checking his g*n cabinet.

He's a good shot.

He takes his g*n seriously.

How many does he own?


He must take one
more seriously than the others.

What's missing?

You don't know
that anything's missing.

You said three.
I see a shotgun and a ..

Well, he must keep
the . somewhere else.

Or -Or he has it with him.

When did you see him last?

Yesterday. You were here.

He didn't have his g*n then.

No. But --

When Bill comes back,

you tell him to come down to
the station as soon as possible.

Hay or straw?

Neither today. Thank you.

DSS Mike Shepherd.

You're here about Jane?

I understand you were close.


Are you sure you're okay
to be at work?

Yeah, I took yesterday off,

so I can't afford
to lose any more hours.

So you took the time off
because of Jane?

Although Jane wasn't found
until midday.


So where were you
yesterday morning?

I had an appointment.

Of what variety, may I ask?

Women's stuff.

You don't want to know.

Not the details, no,
but I will need to confirm it.

I don't feel comfortable
discussing it.


Well, in the meantime,

how did Jane seem recently?



Just the usual amount.

I didn't always understand her,

but I was always there for her.

Just like she was
always there for me.

You know, for better
or for worse.

What was worse?

Her -Her mum died
when she was .

She practically lived
at our place after that.

And then, um, five years ago...

Babe, you dodged a b*llet.

I feel totally humiliated.

Hey, you'll get through this.

Here. I promise.

You learn who
your real friends are

when you're jilted at the altar.

That's for sure.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Not as sorry as my scum-sucking
ex-fiancé, Sean.

He was the Fergussons' stock
agent until that afternoon.

Is it possible that he still
held a grudge against Jane?

I doubt it.

He works in a surf shop
in Raglan now.

Happy as a scum-sucking clam.

You're still in touch.
God, no.

I stalk him on Facebook
like a normal person.

When did you last see Jane?

Line dancing at
the Snake and Tiger.

I don't know what I would do
without you.

What about Frodo?

What about him?
Well, according to him,

he offered Jane
a ride home that night.

Poor old Frodes.

Look, he's had the hots for Jane
since we were at school.

But she's just not into him.

Never has been.

It's not quite how
Frodo sees it.

Hm, that's Frodo.

And you and Bill Holland?


Frodo thinks Bill might have

rejected your advances
that night.

That little perv.

"Rejected my advances?" No.

No, it wasn't about love.

I don't do love.

Tango lessons? No.

But aren't you sick of
all this cowboy stuff?

Yeah, I'm not sick enough
to start bloody tangoing.

Come on.

I mean, what have you
got to lose?

I've told you before, Case.

You and me.

Hey, no one needs to know.

You say that now, but no.

I'm sorry, Casey.
Not now. Not ever.

I won't try again.

I'm surprised you tried at all.

Every other bloke in Brokenwood
has two left feet.

No, I mean with Jane
being your best friend

and Bill being her sworn enemy.

Yeah, well, the thing about
having a best friend

obsessed with gold panning

is that she wouldn't
blink twice at me

taking tango lessons
with an unnamed male partner.

Are you sure that's all he is?

I think I would know.

Bill Holland. He had a grudge
against the Fergussons.

Jane, in particular.

And his . is missing
from his g*n cabinet.

How'd you get on with Annie?
Ah, yeah.

She didn't have a great
relationship with her sister.

Friction about Jane chasing gold
and not sheep.

Mm, where was she
when Jane was shot?

Working on the farm,
so hard to confirm.

And she was
blowing Bill's trumpet

a little hard for my liking.

And there's something funny
going on

with Jane's best friend, Casey.

Spot of unrequited love,
according to Frodo.

In fact, Frodo claims
that he was seeing Jane

in some small capacity.

How small?

So small that Jane herself
may not have even noticed,

but he was working
at the coffee cart.

So he's not a suspect.

You mentioned a woman
down by the river.

More of a slippery fish
testing the water, literally.

But I'll follow up on that.

Our priority is
finding Mr. Holland.

On it.

And I have to track down

a disgruntled
Fergusson farm worker.

While doing that,

can you also follow up
on Casey's claim

that she was at
the gynecologist?

Why? Because I'm a woman?

While Chalmers gets to be all
home-on the range?

Okay, I'll do the gynecologist.

You can catch up with Gina.

Oh, you know, actually,

I should do the gynecologist,
being a woman.

Come on,
Gina will be having withdrawals.

You guys are so tight,
like Thelma and Louise.

Well, they drove off a cliff together.

Holding hands, though.

Jane was shot at close range.

The b*llet went through
her left lung into her heart,

k*lling her quickly.

When you say close...

As close as three meters,
maybe less.

Okay. So if it happened in
or near the clearing,

she could have fallen down
through the bush

and landed on the river's edge.

Bruising on both hips
will support this.

Yes. And now the b*llet.

It's from a relatively
uncommon cartridge.

Not rare, but not widely used
because they are expensive.

You will notice some
unique striations there

due to the rifling
in the barrel.

But speaking as one woman
to another,

I could easily match
the fatal b*llet

with the g*n that fired it.


Thanks, Gina.

I'm not finished.
I just...


Gina's offering her services

as a b*llet to striations

Any luck on finding Bill's g*n?

Ah, still working on it.

So far, no Bill, no g*n,

and not even any sheep.


Are -Are you lost?


Ah, work.

Mm, maybe for some.

No, I mean --

Were you working at
the line dancing session?

Tried hard not to be,
but yes, I was.

Notice anything between
Casey McAlpine and Bill Holland?

Any what?


I'm no narc.

I'm there to serve drinks,
not notice things.

But if you were noticing things.

Then Bill Holland should know

what he might be
getting himself into.

I'll settle up next week.

Okay? I promise.

In that case, I'll crack open
the champagne.

That was your last drink
till you sort your tab.

Nada. Nothing.

Everything okay?

Fine. Just, um,

I thought I might call it quits
for the night.

No. Pike?

No. Come on.

So you never saw Bill alone
with her at any time?

No. Farm boys are gentle
little lambs

compared to the farm girls.
In what way?

Oh, you know,
those McLeod's daughters types,

they can really go off.

And what if I don't want to?

Yeah, well,
you don't have a choice.

Come on.

And we had a really special one
in the other night.


It's really not
that kind of bar, love.

When was this?

Night before last.
New in town.

Freshly fired by the Fergussons,
as she mentioned,

or times
between smashing glasses

and drowning her sorrows.

Did she also mention a name?


Thanks, Trudy.

You've been a great help.

Oh, really?

Didn't mean to be.

Your dad tell you
we're looking for you?

Haven't been home.

Some might think you're trying
to avoid the police.

Maybe I'm avoiding everyone.

Including a sheep.

I went to the lower block.

Not one to be seen.

Know where your . r*fle is?

Yeah, g*n cabinet at home.

Where else?

You tell me,
'cause I wasn't there.

I checked.

Got no bloody idea then, mate.

You seen her before?


She was just...


That woman. Hey!

No bloody idea, eh?

When was the last time
you saw Jane Fergusson?

It's not a trick question.

Yeah, you've already
made up your minds.

We make up our minds
based on the evidence.

You have a longstanding feud
with the victim,

whom you recently threatened
with a firearm

in front of several witnesses.

And you lied about the
whereabouts of your . r*fle.

No, I didn't lie.

It just looks that way.

It does.


Saw her two days
before she died.

Where was this?

Someplace you're not supposed
to know about.

Two s.

Three s.

I believe that is
a four of a kind.

Ah, straight flush.

I believe that is called
cleaning you losers out.

Bye! Luck of the draw, sucker.

If you hated Jane so much,

why'd you put yourself
in that position?

Well, half the time I win.

And there is no better
feeling in the world

than taking cash
off a Fergusson.

And the other half you lose.

My g*n...

Someone's trying to set me up.

Who might that be?


You're just too good.


Shame I can't make any money
out of it.

Well, you can always
join the army.

sn*pers are worth their weight
in gold.

Let's get a drink.

Uh, too bloody right.

So the Tavern
or The Snake and Tiger?

Will the she-devil be there?

Honestly, can't you two
just bury the hatchet?

Ahh, I think I'll stay put.

You spend much time
with Casey McAlpine?

No, not really.

Her mother is under
the impression

the two of you are an item.

It's just target practice
and poker.

That's all.

Although she did ask me
to come along

to some bloody
tango lessons with her,

but I'm not into
that fancy stuff.

Casey's mum.


Geez, now it's making sense.


Mum, what are you doing here?

Oh, I was just having a white
wine up in the lounge bar.

And I saw you both.

You're just so adorable.

What's that all that all about?

Casey and me?

I never thought there was
anything in it, but...

Casey might have
thought different.

How do you think Jane would feel
about her best friend

being interested in you?

I guess we'll never know.

Can I go?

We need you to stay
in the district

while we work through this.

Gotta stick around,
help the old man.

So I'm not going anywhere.

Say Bill's right

and Casey McAlpine
planted his g*n -Why?

Well, she has been
jilted before, right?

So Bill spurns her advances.

And in an act of revenge,
she frames him for the k*lling

of a person he's already
publicly threatened.

Yeah, but why k*ll
your best friend to do so?

I see you found Bill Holland.

And his g*n. It's on
its way to Gina right now.

Although he's claiming a set-up.

What else did Gina
have to say?

That's during
its very short summer,

Siberia can actually be a really
lovely place to go on holiday.

Is she pitching
a girls getaway?

Actually, yeah, she is.

But that's not
the most surprising thing.

For a woman Jane's age,
fit, attractive, nice hair,

although oddly thinning,
fingernails of a serf,

which is, of course,
to be commended.

But see here,
they are splitting.

And that tells you what exactly?

Combined with a slight general
blotchiness on her skin,


Sorry, I give up.


You've probably passed
the optimum age anyway.

The optimum age for what?


Unlike Jane.

Jane was actually six weeks
pregnant when she died.

So we need to find out
who the father of the baby is.

Which means we need DNA
from any possibilities.

Who are the possibilities?

Well, could Casey
have been wrong

and Frodo really did have
a thing going with Jane?


According to everyone
I've spoken to,

Jane didn't have a life
outside of farming

and pointless panning for gold.

Well, could she have been
seeing someone

she wasn't supposed to?

A married man?

I'm not, by the way.

Past the optimal age.

In relation to that,

Casey lied about being
at the gynecologist,

and I learned from Trudy Neilson
that she has money troubles,

and she knew how to get into
Bill's g*n cupboard.

Well, that's stacking up nicely.

Yeah, but with no love
in the air,

what is she to gain
from Jane's death?

Your disgruntled
farm worker.

She was allegedly drowning her
sorrows at the Snake and Tiger

after being fired
by the Fergussons

on the day Jane was shot.

Brown hair, medium height,
checked shirt and hat?

She was seen hitchhiking
away from the farm

the morning Jane was k*lled.

Mm, so she could be
the offender.

Thank you.

Firearms records
say Annie Fergusson

and Casey McAlpine
both had large-bore r*fles,

but Jane Fergusson had a ..

Well, I'll be asking about that

when I break the news
of Jane's pregnancy.

Mr. Taylor?

You fellas good to korero?


It's just, um...

Make it look like we're,

I dunno,
swapping recipes or something.

Spit it out, Todd.

I have some information which
totally can't come from me,

and I'm not even too sure
what it's got to do with Jane,

but it would be
my kneecaps and my head.

It's just she was way cool.
You know?

This sounds like a very
complicated recipe, Todd.


It's about...

the nugget.

The one that started
Brokenwood River Wars.

I heard from someone
who heard from someone else

that some wahine in Brokenwood
was trying to flog it off.

I thought it didn't exist.

When you say wahine,
you mean she was Maori?

Look, that's all I know.

Oh, and then, um, cook it at
for an hour.

Ka pai?

Think this could be
your elusive environmentalist?

Worth asking the question.


Sorry you had to hear it
from me.

A baby would've made all the
difference around this place.

Why didn't she tell me?

Well, it was still early days.

She probably didn't even
know herself.

But also you...

Also what?

Well, you...

Just doesn't seem
that you were that close.

We're family.

Of course.


So, did Jane have a boyfriend?


Actually, there was a shepherd
a while back.


Last name?


Wyatt Twerk.

You're sure?


Jane has a . r*fle.

Yeah. What of it?

Do you happen to know
where it is?

No, but I know where it was.

Oh, save the histrionics
for drenching, Jane.

That's tomorrow.

It's today.

I'm really sorry, Annie.

Yeah, well, you will be.

If that bastard Holland
takes a shot at you,

you've got nothing
to defend yourself with.

What are you gonna do?

Why did she feel like
she needed a g*n?

Detective, we've spent our whole
lives in fear of the Hollands.

Dad wanted us to be able to
protect ourselves at any time.

In any event, you're saying Jane
didn't have her g*n with her?

Well, that's what I thought
to begin with.



Are you satisfied?

So she did have her g*n?

Yes. Did you not find it?

Let me guess.

Malibu and Fanta.

You know me so well.

Alas, I'm still on duty,
but tell me,

what would someone wanting to
fence stolen goods drink?

And why are you asking me?

Because in your line of work,
you see a lot of things.

Shadowy things, no doubt.

I'm no narc, so.

I'm pretty sure
I have that on record.

Man, I hate
line dancing afternoon.

Come on.
No way.

The woman. Know who she was?

They all look pretty much
the same

on line dancing afternoon,
but, um...

But what?

Well, I'm pretty sure
she was Maori.

There was a young woman
who was fired from here

the day before Jane was k*lled.


Yeah. Great CV.

Shame it was all lies.

She could make
a half-decent cup of tea.

But she was bloody useless
at everything else.

And a thief.

Hi. What do you think
you're doing?

Nothing. I'm tidying.

Well, you're not a cleaner,
you're a farmhand,

and a useless one at that,
and now you're stealing from me?

No, I wasn't stealing.

I was -I was just --
What's going on?

Oh, the new girl's
ripping us off.

You've got it --
you've got it all wrong.

I just caught you red-handed.


Just calm down.

I'm sure that --


I'm sure
Maude's got an explanation.

ANNIE; She was clearly troubled.

You, you're fired.

Take your things and go!

I told you to go.


I haven't seen her since.

Oh, Detective.

What a surprise.

Mrs. McAlpine.


Is Casey here by any chance?

Can I ask what this is about?

Just a few questions,
that's all.

A few questions about...?

Come in.

Clarification about where
you were between :

and : a.m.
on Monday morning.

Oh, she was with me.
Mum, Christ!

I already told him
I was at the gynecologist.

I know that's not
where you were.


Casey, would you rather fake
a personal women's issue

than tell him
what we were really doing?

If you must know, Detective...

we were mini trampolining.

It's something we like
to do together.

It's important for a person
in Casey's position

to maintain
her pelvic floor muscles,

and trampolining --

Mum! For God's sake!

Honestly, if I was gonna
k*ll anyone, it would be her.


You had access to
Bill Holland's g*n cupboard?

Sorry, what do you mean?

I understand you knew
where he kept the key.

Yeah, just like the rest
of Brokenwood.

In fact, I'd bet $
everyone in the g*n club

keeps their key in a gumboot.

Do you own or are you
in possession of a . r*fle?

No, my g*n of choice
is a ..

Thought it might give me
the edge over Jane.

And did it?


Do you have any idea
where Jane's . might be?

Why would I?

Almond flat white.
Thank you.

Let me know if it's okay.

Well, your coffee
is always okay, Frodo.

Yeah, no, I got a new assistant.

She's a bit hit and miss.

Still no sign of Kimberley,

No. She's a city girl now.

This new one's okay.

I mean, despite it being
the weirdest job interview ever.

Sometimes I get caught short,
you know?

So I ducked away from my cart.

That's when I heard her.


Please go away.

Um, okay.

But whatever it is
that's making you sad,

I promise you, it's not
as terrible as you think it is.

What would you know?

More than you might think.

Is there anyone I can call?


No, she was it.

And now she's gone.

And I've only just met her.

Could I get her back?


Something went wrong.

And now she's dead and then
my life's falling apart.

Wait, you're not talking about
Jane Fergusson?

You knew her?

She was my friend, too.

Like, really,
really close friend.

We'd known each other forever.

There is no way that she
would want you to be sad.

And also, a lot of people
use these bushes when they're,

like, really busting,
so you want to be careful.

She's not much good at coffee,
and she cries to the point

where I worry about
her hydration levels,

but she can make
a half-decent cup of tea.

Yeah, well, maybe
I should try that then.

Oh, no, did my coffee suck?

No, the coffee's fine,

but I do have a few
questions for you...


I like this one.

Yeah, Bill plays that
a lot.

This was your wife?

Yeah. Gone years.

The death of a spouse.
It's the hardest.

She's not dead.

Just scarpered.

She never had the thirst
for it.

The farm?


She never understood.

Not like Bill.

Maybe this has gone too far.

You want your son
to turn out like you.

But I didn't mean for him
to inherit all this hatred.

Maybe she was right.

There's no gold.
We've been chasing a dream.

Where is he now?


Gone when you finished with him
at the police station.

Do you know where?
Oh, Christ.

Leave him alone.

What was his state of mind?

What's that got to do
with anything?

He might need help, Dan.

You just said it's gone too far.

Try the river.


I was waiting for Kristin.


How is Beth?

Back in Tiraha Bay.

Oh, permanently?

No, finishing up work.

I see.

Bill Holland's g*n.

You don't need to be
a pathologist with four degrees

in two different languages
to know

that this is not the w*apon
that k*lled Jane Fergusson.

The four remaining cartridges
will match the sort

that fired the fatal b*llet.

However, the three sh*ts
on the barrel of this g*n

would have this effect
on a b*llet,

which is different
from the markings on a b*llet

that ended up in Jane's heart.

Plus, there is no
forensic evidence

that this g*n
has been fired recently.

So we can eliminate this
as the m*rder w*apon.

And that's not all.

I have another
very significant finding.

I missed this before,
but not because I'm careless.

I was simply concentrating
on Jane's early-stage pregnancy

before I did a more
thorough examination.

Tell me, how are you
with gynecology, Mike?

Just thinking about you.

Feeling's mutual.

What happened to
Blue Meadow Water Testing?

They were hopeless.

Went out of business
a couple of years ago.

Why are you still
wearing the uniform?

Is that a crime?

I've just been on a wild goose
chase trying to track them down.

If you wanted my number,
you only had to ask.

I don't want your number.

Strange in a police investigation,

but I'm gonna give it
to you anyway.

Work for this crowd now.

Didn't happen to be line dancing

at the Snake and Tiger
last Saturday?

And what if I was?

Well, I have a witness
who places

someone answering
to your description

negotiating what could have been
the sale of a gold nugget.

And what makes you think I'd be
in possession of a gold nugget?

Well, I checked in with both
the Fergussons and the Hollands,

and neither have engaged
in your consulting services.

So obviously,
it's a matter of interest

that you're spending
quite so much time

around the scene
of a recent homicide.

It wasn't the scene of
a homicide when I first started

spending quite
so much time there.

And actually, I don't need
permission from anyone.

Queen's train, e hoa.

Anyone can walk up
any side of any river,

and if I'm not mistaken,

I'm also not legally obliged
to reveal

who my water-testing client is.

No, not at this stage.

And are you arresting me
for possession of a make-believe

chunk of entirely fictitious
precious metal?


Not at this stage.

Or for wearing the wrong shirt?

Right then, I'll be off.

One more thing, though.

That g*n you found
on the Hollands' side

of the river yesterday.

What about it?
I saw who put it there.

Casey McAlpine.

It's what her badge said.

Just bought these off her
at Brokenwood Feed and Grain.

She's got a crazy look
in her eye, that one.

I found our singing cowgirl.

And I think you're gonna
be surprised

when I tell you who it is.

Can I ask how old she is?

. Why?

Because I might already know.

Gina paid a visit.

So on top of
the early pregnancy,

or should I say beneath it,
there is evidence

that Jane has given birth before
to a full-term baby.

I would say between
and years ago.

Oh, so you added
an -year-old pregnancy

with an emotionally
fraught conversation

together with our
tabletop singer and got...

Maude being Jane's daughter.


Shall we?

I didn't k*ll her.

I only just found her.

Alive, I mean.

Can you tell us what happened
on the day you were fired?

I've, um...

I've always known
that I was adopted.

When I found out
who my birth mother was,

I just wanted
to meet her so bad.

So I, um -I came up
from Christchurch

and I got a job on the farm.

Until Annie found you
going through her desk.

I was just looking for,
I dunno, evidence...

Once I got there, I, um --

I didn't know how to tell Jane
who I was.

Hey, Maude. Maude.

Don't worry about Annie.

She's -She's just having
a bad day.

Hey, are you okay?

You're so lovely.

Not everyone thinks that.


You're my mum.

I was born in --
in Dunstan Hospital

in the South Island

on August , .

I can't believe this.

Don't say you don't want me.


I have imagined this day
so many times.

You have no idea.


I'm over the moon to meet you.


But -But, Maude, no one can
know about this just yet.

Why not?
Trust me, you have --

you have made me
so very, very happy.

But it's just, um...

It's just --
It's complicated.

There's just some things
I need to sort out.

It wasn't how I thought
it would be.

Annie says
she saw you two arguing.

I-I was just, um...

I don't know what the word is.

Well, can't you at least
tell me who my father is?

Not now.


Maude, I-I promise you
everything is gonna be okay.

I just need you to be patient.

I've been --
I've been patient.

I know, I know, but I just --
I can't.

You, you're fired.

Take your things and go.

You can't get rid of me.

I won't let you get rid of me.

I will find you.

I told you to go.


The next thing I heard,
she was dead.

I'm sorry to ask,

but where were you on the
morning that Jane was k*lled?


I would never hurt her.

It was supposed to be
the beginning of something,

not the end.

We still need to confirm
where you were.

I slept in the barn,

and I hitchhiked
back into Brokenwood.

This reverend guy
gave me a ride.

He'll tell you.

But I should've stayed.

Maybe then my mum
would still be here.


Missy Tohoroa is our mercurial
wahine of the river.

Works as a consultant
for a company that,

among other things,
handles mineral rights.

As in gold?

Could it have been her trying
to sell the alleged nugget?

She denies it, but yes.

If there even is a nugget.

I mean, it's all a bit "yo ho ho
and a bottle of rum," isn't it?

Or Missy was trying
to get the rights.

Challenged Jane for them.

Annie would probably
give them away,

but I don't know,
things turned nasty.

Well, it turns out
the Fergussons

don't even have any
mining rights to the river.

And neither do the Hollands.

Legislation changed in the 's,

so any historic claim
isn't worth anything.

Do the Fergussons
and the Hollands know that?

No, otherwise they would have
claimed them

or k*lled each other already.

But if the rights
are available anyway,

then there's no need for your
Missy to k*ll Jane for them.

She's not my Missy.

But she did claim to see
Casey McAlpine

stash Bill's g*n the day
after Jane was k*lled.

Hmm. Is she credible?

Your Missy.


She said she'd recognize her anywhere.

Dark blonde hair,
check shirt, hat.

Well, that seems
a tad convenient.

Are you sure Missy wasn't
the one that planted the g*n?


She has no reason to frame Bill,
whereas Casey does.

It's a moot point.

According to Gina,

Bill's g*n didn't fire
the fatal shot.

And Annie says Jane had her .

with her down at the river
the day she died.

So Bill could've used
Jane's g*n.

So could've Annie.

So could Casey.

So could Jane's long-lost child.


The farm worker fired the day
before Jane was k*lled.

Born nine months after
that school dance

that Jane and Frodo went to
all those years ago.

Does she look like Frodo?


Kristin Sims. Hi, Wyatt.

So we have two potential
candidates as father,

past and present,
connected to the victim.

We're not discounting Frodo?

Well, one of them is not
Wyatt Twerk,

the shepherd Annie thought
Jane was involved with recently.

He's joined an all-male revue,

and Jane is very much
not his type.

Right then.

Coffee, anyone?

Not me.
I'm going gold digging.

I hope this is not too difficult
for you, Frodo,

but we need to ask you
some sensitive questions.


The night of your school dance
with Jane,

what exactly happened

Oh. Well, only the best night
of my life.

If you could tell us
the details -sparingly.

I mean, you know,
I took her home,

and it's kind of what
your senior dance is all about.

So, yeah, we went there.

Yeah, for sure.

The thing is, Frodo, the result
of any intimate affection

that occurred that night
may have been pouring espressos

for you
over the last couple of days.


Jane had a daughter.


Oh, man, that's not --

Well, hang on a minute.

I'm a father?

Wait, what? No, no way.

But a child could have been
conceived that night

or around that time.

What? What?
Conceived with me?

You went there?

That night? Yeah.

Actually, no.

You know?
More I think about it.

Reports of intimate affection
may have been exaggerated.

I admit I took her home,

but yeah,
I was real tired, so...

Could she have been seeing
anyone else around that time?

Oh, no.
Her dad was real strict.

What about Bill Holland?

If I know anything,
it is that Bill Holland

is not the father
of Jane's... daughter.

So he wasn't around that night.

Yeah, well, I mean, he rode past

on his motorbike
at the farm gate

as I was leaving after
saying good night to her.

I mean, that's all I did,
say good night.

I mean, honestly, nothing more.

No -no hands even.

Okay. Thanks, Frodo.


You check in with Casey,
see what she has to say

about the alleged planting
of Bill's g*n.

I've got something
I need to follow up on.

Hey. Hey!

What do you think
you're doing?

Nothing. Working.

You want to step away
from the bush?

Annie would filet me if
she knew I was fishing for kai.

Instead of driving
that bloody tractor, eh?

I thought there was no fish
in that river.

Who told you that?
You know a Missy Tohoroa?

Of course.

She's pulling your leg, bro.

Best fish ever
in Brokenwood River.

See? Whoo-hoo.

How well do you know Missy?

Oh, she's been hanging around
this river for years.

Doing what?

Going for gold.
That's what she always says.


There's someone who knows

someone you told us about before.

Give me all the details.

No. No way, man.
Those dudes are hard core.

You let me worry
about those dudes.

You just worry about
how you're gonna

smuggle those past your boss.

I did not sh**t Jane.

Then why hide Bill's g*n?

I didn't.

I didn't stash anything.

And I didn't k*ll anyone.

Why would I?

To frame him for
rejecting your advances.

But there was nothing going on
with me and Bill.

Okay? The only person who
thinks so is my mother.

And why does she think that?

God, it's so embarrassing.

She's been stalking him.


What the hell are you
doing here?

I was just checking on Bill, and
he didn't arrive with anyone.

Oh, you have got to let this go.

There is nothing going on.

The dress, darling.

You've still got
that beautiful dress.

And I just want to see you
walk down the aisle again.

Go home and wrap it up.

Can you leave everybody alone?

Or you'll not only never have
a son-in-law,

you won't have a daughter either.

I was nearly married once,
and that's enough for me.

Fair enough.

So where were you
when our witness says

the g*n was being stashed?

Would have been two days ago,
around : a.m.

Yeah. I was, um, out for a walk.

Along the riverbank
on Bill Holland's side,

by any chance?
No, somewhere else.

There is someone
who can back me up,

but it breaks the confidence
to reveal who they are

without talking to them first.

Then you should do that.

Now, there's a rumor going
around that someone's trying

to flog a gold nugget
outside The Snake and Tiger.

Do you know anything about that?

There's --
There's no gold nugget.

You're sure?

Yeah, of course.

I'm guessing that's the g*n
that took Jane's life?

Me too.

Is it hers?

Yeah, but it's not
what you think it.

Try me.

The g*n was here
when I got here,

but, I mean, no one's
gonna believe me, are they?

May I?

Mind if I sit?

Line dancing,
poker, and sh**ting.

You and Jane had a lot in common
for two people

who ardently
disliked each other.

Country and western on vinyl.

Oh, let's not forget
warring families.

They were what kept
you and Jane apart?

We wanted to
be together since...

Well, since forever.

I'm gonna tell Annie.

I've heard that before.

Oh, I know, but honestly,
this time I mean it.

I'm so done.

I'm -I'm sick of all this
sneaking about.

If we sold up,
we could start somewhere new.

Just me and you?

What about Dan?


Well, if it comes to it --
when -when it comes to it...

...I just have to
walk away from him,

from the farm, from everything.

But I'll do it.

For you.

I will do it.


I'm gonna do it tomorrow.


I guess Janie never
got the chance.

So all the feuding...

Oh, it's just to keep up appearances.

Few close calls.



Do you think you were spotted?

I dunno, mate.

I mean, it hardly matters now,
does it?

The day she...

The day Janie died, she --

she said
she had something tell me,

but she never turned up.

Do you mind me asking why you
kept your relationship secret?

I ask myself the same thing.

Why would we put anyone else's
happiness before our own?

We've been meeting here
for years.

The only time we were separated,

when Janie went down
the South Island

when she was , studying
on some country sheep farm.

years and...

Now she's -she's just gone.

And I've got nothing
to show for it, mate.

Nothing except this shack
in the middle of the bush.

Actually, the chances are you do
have something to show for it.

Firstly, the g*n.

Someone placed it here.

I don't know who would want do
that, to me, to her?

I know this can't be easy,

but if you take a step
back from your grief,

just for a moment,

you can possibly answer
that question yourself.


Yeah, I think I can.

Bring Annie Fergusson in
for questioning.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Jane's g*n.

This had no amm*nit*on
in the magazine

and had been wiped clean
of fingerprints.

But when loaded and discharged
with the same type of b*llet

retrieved from Jane's body,
see here?

The same markings.

This is the g*n
that k*lled Jane.

Jane used Norma -gram
soft-point b*ll*ts.

Consistent with the boxes of
amm*nit*on found at her place.

Did you retrieve the cartridge
shell at the scene?

No. And if the SGG can't
find it, it's not there.

So the offender walked away
with it, covering their tracks.


I'm sure we could
retrieve DNA from it.


Thank you, Gina.

You are welcome, Mike.

Did you try and sell
a gold nugget

to a Braeden Heffcott outside
The Snake and Tiger last week?

Oh, come on.

You can't believe anything
Braeden Heffcott says.

He's dodgy as.

We have a witness report seeing
you trying to strike a deal.

Come on.
No way.

Did you or did you not?

I did not.

So you don't have a gold nugget
in your possession?

I don't give a rat's ass
about any gold nugget,

but feel free to search
my whare,

my waka, even me.

What do you mean by
going for gold?

It's an expression.

Now, if that's all,
I got to fly.

Oh, I'm --
I'm not actually flying.

You know that, right?

I'll be in touch.


Interview room one.

Reverend Green confirms
he picked up Maude

around : a.m.
the day Jane was k*lled.

So she is not our offender.

And Annie is ready and waiting.

How did you get on with Casey?

She claims she was elsewhere
when the g*n was being stashed,

but won't reveal where.

But Missy Tohoroa's
certain of what she saw.

She's sticking to her story.

Well, she's good at waving too.

Yeah, arohamai.

But I think I've gotten
my wires crossed.

You have no right to drag me
in here like this.

You're free to go at any time.

But we have a witness
that can place you

stashing Bill Holland's g*n.

Theft of a firearm.

That's a serious offense.

Yeah, and it's no secret, apparently,

where Brokenwood g*n owners
keep their keys.

We believe you made your way
into Bill's g*n room.

And then hid it on his side
of the river,

knowing that we would find it.

Because you people won't see

what's right in front
of your faces.

Bill Holland k*lled my sister,

and he deserves to pay for that.

Bill's g*n did not fire
the b*llet that k*lled Jane.

Bill did not k*ll your sister.

He and Jane have been
romantically involved in secret,

out of deference for both their
families for the past years.

Give me a break.

They hated each other
with a passion.

Well, the passion, at least.

And Bill is likely the father
of Jane's unborn child.

No, that can't be true.

Jane would've told me.
But she didn't.

And then you planted a g*n
on the one person,

as it turns out,
is the least likely to k*ll her.

Yes, but I thought
that he did k*ll her.

Annie Fergusson,
I am charging you with...

No, no, I didn't do it.

the course of justice.

You didn't k*ll your sister,
but neither did Bill.

Love and hate.

Closer than you think.

When did you realize
Bill and Jane were an item?

Down at the river, Bill's side.

The Bowen knot, also known
in Celtic heraldry

as the true lover's knot.

And the song that was playing
at the River,

as you pointed out, it's not
your normal country fare.

Which got me thinking.

What are the chances of two
people owning the same album?

Fair to middling.

But on vinyl.

So Bill didn't sh**t Jane.

Annie stashed his g*n.

But that wasn't
the m*rder w*apon.

Neither Casey or Missy,
as it turns out, have .s,

but either could have used
Jane's own g*n.

Except why would they?

So both have the means,
the opportunity,

and possibly
the motivation to do so.

Gold fever.


You looking for me?

I tried to talk her out of it,

but she insisted
on speaking to you.

And you are not happy
about that.

She's hardly showing herself
in the best light.

But if you must.

You might want to
put the g*n away.


Maybe you should stop
stalking innocent women

along remote riverbanks.

I'm not stalking.

I just want some
straight answers.

Well, come on, then.

I want to show you something.

Do I strike you
as a mass m*rder*r?

Mass m*rder*r?

Are you a mass m*rder*r?

Vegans think so.



White bait?

This is what you've been hiding?

I should have been straight up,
I know,

but this kai is my gold.

It sells for bucks
a kilo in the city.

But I don't just sell
to anyone yet.

You'll be surprised
at who tries to buy it.

Braeden Heffcott.

He tried to hit me up
for some for his mum.

Imagine what he'd do
to my precious bounty.

Hm? Deep-fry it?

Why didn't you just tell me?

How many people do you know

wouldn't give
their right eyeball

for the perfect
whitebait fritter?

Anyone finds out about the
real gold hiding in this river,

it'll be all over, e hoa.

You know, part of me feels like

I should book you
for wasting police time.

But only part of you, eh?


This is Donna,
my support person.


Some things I said earlier...

Some things we said earlier...

Casey may have given you
the impression

that I was following
Bill Holland in the interests

of a long, hopeful,
romantic entanglement

between him and my only child,

currently still unmarried.

But in fact,
I was following Casey.

Piss off, Mum!

There have been signs

that Casey is struggling
with an old issue.

Online gambling.

It's true.

I'm so sorry.

So sorry.

Casey went bananas on the net

after she was jilted
at the altar.

That spineless bastard Sean.

I nearly lost the house
trying to pay off her debts,

but I put her through rehab

and thought she was on
the straight and narrow.

But the truth

is that I am back in the grip
of my addiction.

Just for once, I'd like to have
the money to do whatever I want.

Money doesn't buy you happiness.

Says the woman who spends
every spare

waking hour looking for gold.


Don't tell anyone,

but gold doesn't
buy you happiness either.

Well, just as well 'cause
you're never gonna find any.

That's what
the "shush" was about.

I found it.

The nugget.

The great, big,
shiny gold nugget.

And it doesn't make
a blind bit of difference.

She swore it was true,
and Jane didn't lie.

And I couldn't sleep
thinking about that nugget.

There was really only
one place it could be,

and it would have solved
all my problems.

What are you doing?

I need it.

I need that nugget.

I'm up to my ears in debt.

And I can't put Mum through that
again, Jane.

Okay, you wouldn't understand.


you don't need
to steal from me.

Anything I've got, you can have.

You mean that?

I'll help you however I can.

All you had to do was ask.

The nugget, though.

It's gone.

I threw it away.

Easy come, easy go.

So you'll go straight
to a meeting.


And she did.

And each day since.

I did the wrong thing
trying to steal from Jane.

But I didn't k*ll her.

She was gonna save me.

Thank you for your honesty, Casey.

So there was no
mini trampolining?


That was just something
Mum made up to protect me.

I know I'm a giant pain in the
butt, but you're a good mum.

Tell me, Polly,
if you weren't trampolining

when Jane was being k*lled,
where were you?


Oh, um...

I was...

Down at the river committing
the m*rder of Jane Fergusson?

You were there when Casey lost
a packet at the poker night.

So you were there
for what happened next.

Are you high?

They hated each other.

They didn't.

Bill saw you there that night, Polly.

It seems he was sprung.

Him in Casey would've made
such a lovely couple.

And why should Jane
get everything?

Easy come, easy go.

It was then or never.

Don't tell me you've had
a change of heart.


What the hell are you doing?

Why didn't you just
give her the nugget?

No, no. Give that --
Just give that to me.

You have enough money.

You have -You have the farm.

Now you have the man.

It's not fair.

Don't talk to me
about what's fair.

No! No, Casey deserves
those things too.

She has the dress.
The dress fits her.

Sean is a creep, Polly.

Case only got engaged
to make you happy.

And look how that turned out.
Don't say that.

Just throw the stupid dress away

and let Case get on
with her life!

Oh, Mum.

The box.

Where is it now?

It's outside,

waiting for the rubbish.

And the nugget?

There is no nugget.

The box was full of
love letters from Bill.

Dating back years.

Which is how you knew
about the hideaway.

Where to plant the g*n
to frame Bill.

I'm so sorry, Casey.

I love you so much.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

So how did you know there was
no mini trampolining?


I recognized it
from Gina's description

and from something she said.

So the offender walked away
with it, covering their tracks.


Or not.

Buy you another beer?

Can I get the drink
without the line dance?

I think it's known as heresy.

Don't worry, Mike.

I'll teach Kristin
everything she needs to know.

I'm so excited.

Nice to see you two together.

Yeah. Got a lot of lost time
to make up.

A life time.

We might not have Jane, but
she's very much here in spirit.

On that note,

I'm sure she would have
wanted you to have this.

Thanks, mate.

Why don't you -your mother
would want you to wear this.

How's that?

It's -It's beautiful.

It's perfect.

So tell me, did you ever
find that nugget?

The one that doesn't exist?

No, it exists.

Why don't you come
over here and say that?

Useless hunk of beefcake?

Why don't you make me,
Brokenwood Barbie?

When was this?

About a month ago.

Jane considered selling it,

but we figured it'd
caused enough trouble already.

For me and Jane,
it was never about the gold.

Okay, weirdoes, the dancing's
about to start.

Yippee ki-yay, baby.

It's the Tiraha Bay Express.

Come on, Gina.

You too.

Alright, y'all.
It's time to get in your lines.

You know what to do.

I'm Tami Neilson, and this is
my hot, rockin' band of rhythm.

Here we go.

Come on.
You know you want to.

I really don't,
but you kids have fun.