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08x04 - Three Coins in a Fountain

Posted: 04/11/23 07:16
by bunniefuu
Hey, hey.

Is that guy...?

Call the police.

Call the bloody police!

Cupid is off his game.

He should have shot
through the heart.

That is where true love resides.

Perhaps this gentleman
wasn't looking for love.

Judging by the strong smell
of alcohol,

perhaps he was just intent
on a big night.

Bag those.

Well, the driver's license
suggests the victim

is a Brad Brunheimer --

They can't hold their liquor.

So... just a big night
followed by a tragic accident?

Well, let's find out.


you and Cupid
had a disagreement and...

Is he clasping something?

Please. Only I should interfere
with his body.

A two-dollar coin?

His lucky coin, no doubt.

Or... not.

I have something similar.

A talisman. My lucky fang.

Taken from a Siberian pit viper.

That would be one of Russia's
most deadly snakes?

Yes. It keeps me safe.

Does the level of rigor mortis

give us a steer
on time of death?

At least four hours. No less.

Thanks. He's all yours.

Witnesses who discovered
the victim

didn't see anyone in the area.

That's hardly surprising,
given it's so early.

Hm. Back to the station,
put the coffee on?

Absolutely. Must be my turn.

It really was a big night
in Brokenwood.

I mean, I know I'm supposed to
be offended, but...

who doesn't love the smell
of freshly baked baguettes?

So we've been mistaken
for a patisserie?

With a side-line
in doggy daycare.

Did you see
we've had a makeover?

Teenagers. At least
they could learn to spell.

So, Mike, you obviously
didn't go away for the weekend?

Did I say I was?

No. Just wondering,
'cause, ah, you know,

Chalmers and I were
just chatting about,

well, just how nice it is that
you're getting out and about,

the odd weekend away...

I, uh, stayed in town,

had a couple of things
to do around the house.

And you?


Right. Well, um...

What do we have?

Uh, Brad Brunheimer.

Wallet intact.
No phone about his person.

The only other thing
was a motel key...

...and a $ coin
in his right pants pocket.

As well as the one in his hand?


Hm. Four-dollar man.

And this.

Wait. Is that...?

It's a ticket
to the All Blacks game

that's on today in the city.

Well, it can't have been
a mugging, then.

This ticket would have been
the first thing to go.

So a rugby-loving American

who had four dollars
and a taste for bourbon?

Gets trolleyed,
tackles a sculpture of Cupid,

and comes off second-best?

You know you have work
to do, right?

Sadly, yes.

I'll start with next of kin.


There you are.
Shepherd special.

A long black.

Thanks, Frodo.

That's a very special jacket
you're sporting there.

You noticed.

I did.

The yellow lining
is particularly unique.

Oh, it's totally unique.

Yeah, nah, I was real chuffed
to be invited... in.

"In" to...?

Honestly, I've never felt
so good about being a loser.


I mean, considering
I'd never spoofed before,

that was pretty impressive.

And to do that in the company
of such great guys, you know?

And get given the jacket.

Sorry. "Spoofed"?

Little old me got to participate

in the International Spoofing
Championships last night.

At a secret location.

Obviously you don't need to --

The Private Room,
the Snake and Tiger.

Ah. What is spoofing?

Okay, it's known
as the Sport of Gentlemen.

So simple. So addictive.

So, it involves
up to three coins, right,

that you conceal in your hand.

So what you do is...

And you've gotta imagine
the room is filled

with flash dudes
from all over the world --

England, France, South Africa.

There was even an American.


Does the name Brad Brunheimer
mean anything to you?

Uh, no.

Although the dude
who won the whole thing,

he was called Brad.


But I don't know his last name.

Frodo, would you mind
coming down to the station?

Well, I haven't done nothing.
I mean, have I?

Okay, so, you all have three
coins in your pockets, right?


So put any number between zero
and three coins in your hand

and bring out your closed fist.

Then you have to decide

how many coins
are in the collective hands.

So it could be anything
from zero to .

So it's a guessing game?

Yeah, nah. It's skill.

It's real strategic.




Way to go, Detective Sims.
Nicely played.

Well, I mean, I guessed, so...

And the way that
you didn't show any emotion

when you won,
that's real important.

So the game goes on
in a knockout fashion until...?

The last two guys are standing.

And the guy who wins
becomes the winner.

Frodo -and I don't mean

to rain on your parade
in any way --

but you're telling me
that there's

a world championship for... this?

Yeah, trophy and everything.

Do you recognize this man?

That's Brad!
He took out the title.

Isn't it great?

This is so out of it.

I traveled a long way for this.

May the best man win.

And he did.
He is the world champ.


Brad Brunheimer was found dead

in the Brokenwood Fountain
this morning.

For reals?

Not Brad.


Possibly an accident.

We're waiting on the postmortem
to be sure.

We'll follow up with Ray.

In fact, I did have the honor
of hosting the event.

It's a memory I'll cherish
for the rest of my life.

Welcome to the Snake and Tiger. Welcome.

Make your way through
to the dining room

for beef Wellington,
followed by pavlova.

The match starts at : p.m.

May the spoof be with you.

That's quite a shiner
you're sporting there, Ray.

Your eye.

Oh, it's nothing.

I walked into a door.

How did you hear
about the spoofing match?

A mutual acquaintance mentioned
they attended the event.


Was it meant to be a secret?

Frodo. I wondered how
he ended up in the mix.

Yesterday I had
this flat tire, right?

Felt like another day
in Loserville.

You look like you could do
with a hand.

You're Tane Sampson, right?

Kia ora.

And I'm thinking, "No way."

The reigning champion is a Kiwi,
ex-All Black.

He does the tire ads.

My tires are black.

I mean really black.

I hope yours are, too.

Only Black Tyres
are really Black.

And only Black Tyres
are what you want.

He's cool, right?

I've seen the ad.

But in real life, even cooler.

The reigning champion decrees

where the next international
match will be held.

Always off the back
of a major sporting event.

The All Black game in the city.

So Tane Sampson, ex-local boy
made good, contacted you?

Obviously wanted to give back
to the community.

And when I say cooler,
like, next level.

So, Frodo, do you know
how to get

to the Brokenwood Palms Resort?

Yeah, yeah, real close.

And so I told him, and then...

this Quentin Black dude
pops out.

You look like a guy
who attracts good luck.

And they invited me
to the competition.

Picked me up later in the limo.

I was riding with
flash-as people.

Tane Sampson, Quentin Black --
he's, like, super rich --

and some famous painter
called Welsh.

It was an exclusive night.

Not sure how Frodo swung it.

Wait up, Frodo.

Come on, fella.

He's with us.

Best of luck, chaps.

But it didn't matter.
It was a classy evening.

If spoofing is one thing,
it's aspirational.

There's something unique
about men bonding.

I couldn't agree more.

Roger Plummer.

John Ruby.

Those jackets are awesome.

All you have to do is win.

Brad Brunheimer was
found dead this morning.

Bloody hell.

The jacket.

When did Brad give it to you?

Just as we were leaving.


I'd like you to have these.

No way.

You, my friend,
have earned your stripes.

He was just such a great guy.

I guess all this means I'm
sitting in a dead man's coat.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.
I was only the host.

I wasn't always in the room.

Well, we'll need the names
of those that were.

Do you have a list
of all the attendees?

It's not that sort of event.

Not one where you write down
names and addresses.

It's a gentleman's word
and a jacket that gets you in.

So -odd men in stripy jackets
materialize for the evening,

then disappear?

Most left by midnight
in the charter bus

to get back to the city.

Not everyone?


Okay, so who stayed?

We'll be in touch, Frodo.


Brad Brunheimer was last seen
leaving the Snake and Tiger

in a limousine
with Tane Sampson.

He and his mates are staying
at the Brokenwood Palms Resort.

I'll pick you up on the way.

Hi, there.

D.S.S. Mike Shepherd.
Brokenwood CIB.

Detective Kristin Sims.

Tane Sampson.

And this is the artist
known as Welsh.

Hola, señorita.


Oh, you speak español?

Ooh la la.

And what can we do for you both?

We were hoping for a quick word.

Quentin Black.
Detectives Shepherd and Sims.


We're about to catch a plane
to the city for the test match.

A quick word?

You could tag along.
Chat about it on the way.

Ah, we can't.

We're working.

No tengo tiempo para esto.


No, no, no. Relajarse.

That's what I just said.

Is there a problem?

I don't believe so. Haz que se vaya.

What's this all about?

You attended
a competition last night

at the Snake and Tiger.

What of it?

We were hoping
for some background.

Look, we're on
a really tight schedule.

A very quick word.

Could you tell me
about the evening?

A pleasant time had by all.

Una noche perfecta.

We had a team photo,
some average food,

then the main event.


Now, gather yourselves
into groups of four.

Light the match
and let the spoofing begin!



So, you are the artist
known as Welsh?


You're in the presence
of a genius.

Tane, I understand
you're the reigning champion?

Until Mr. Brunheimer won.


a deserving champion,
if I may say so.

And how did the evening end?

Well, full of bonhomie
at the prize giving.

Brad Brunheimer, you have
spoofed with great aplomb

and a gentleman's spirit,
in good humor and temper.


The bus will be leaving shortly.

Mr. Brunheimer was
found dead this morning.


In the fountain in Powers Park.


We're waiting on the postmortem.

A witness saw him leaving
the Snake and Tiger

with you three in the limousine.

We took him back to his motel.

What time?

It was around : a.m.

I can check with Vita,
my driver.

And then?

Uh, we came back here.

Dropped Mr. Coombes on the way.

So the last time you saw Brad
was at the motel at : a.m.?


You mentioned a team photo

that was taken
at the beginning of the evening.

All the participants, yes.

Say "spoof"!


On second thoughts,
let's try "cheese."


Well, we appreciate your time.

Enjoy the big game.

Vita, isn't it?
Mike Shepherd.

Vita's a woman
of very few words.

Isn't that right, Vita?

She lost her voice to aphasia,
years ago.

So when you say few words...

I was being euphemistic.
She has no speech.

Vita, The detectives
would like to know

what time we dropped
the American to the motel.

: a.m.?

The Spaniard was agitated
about something.


And I know my school Spanish
is a bit rusty,

but I'm pretty sure
"ooh la la" is French.

And he's an artist?

Known as the
Vertical Jackson Pollock.

He's got a talent
for throwing some paint

at a canvas and calling it art

and then flicking it off
for K a pop.

Got a couple, have you?

Tane Sampson and his cohort

didn't mention anything untoward
happening last night.

Ray Neilson
was sporting a black eye,

but he didn't want
to talk about it.

Fresh as a daisy.

Uh, follow up with our
old friend Alden Coombes.

As Master of Ceremonies,
he may have seen something,

although, without
cause of death,

it's maybe all
a bit presumptive.

Hello, Mike.


I was just talking about you.

I know.
How nice.

How close are we
with the postmortem?

I'm waiting for the all clear.

So I thought in the meantime,
I would like to invite you

to a fundraising event
at the Snake and Tiger.

Next Saturday. Uh...

What, you got somewhere else
to be?

You are invited, too.

Too kind.

You don't have to come.

It is a soiree
with a difference.

A fundraising event for
a support group I have set up.

Russian Abandoned Brides
in District?

Some years ago,
quite a few women

were enticed here
with hopes for a better life,

only to be discarded
for younger models.

Sorry, your group
is called... RABID?

We want to evoke the soft and
gentle nature of Russian women.

Warm and fluffy,
like a winter coat.

Christ, she means "rabbit."

So I thought, Mike, if you'd be
kind enough to be raffled off.


Oh, yeah.

Like a meat pack.

As a mystery dinner guest.

You are a man of great respect
around the community.

People would be pleased
to win a dinner with you.

And who knows?

Romance may come about.

Would that be so bad?

To be honest, Gina --

Ready to prep.
I'll be in touch.

Thank you, Mike.

You have to help me with this.

You know she's not
interested in us.

I think the real question is,

are you, Mike, in the market
for a little romance?

With women from a group
called RABID?


He is giving nothing away.

I'm sure you'll break him
in the end.

That CCTV footage is through.

Nice shot.

Mm. Someone knew
what they were doing.


You must come for me at once.

As the rigor mortis set in,

the tongue held it in place
until we inverted him.

Gravity did the rest.

That is meant
to pay the ferryman.

Someone put it there to wish him
safe passage to the underworld.

Someone did.


Gina has found another coin

wedged under
the victim's tongue.

Two dollars?

We're upgrading this.

Copy that.

So now he's the six-dollar man.

Who someone wanted dead.




Hi, Alden.
It's Detective Kristin Sims.

Try! Bloody beauty!

Sorry, who?

It's Detective Kristin Sims.

It is safe to say
this was a typical case

of an ornamental arrowhead
severing the brain stem.

Death was instant.

No sign of any other injuries?

None that I can see.

Now, Mike, this raffle --

Yes, about that.

These abandoned brides
were women

who have suffered great
heartbreak, such as yourself.

I knew you could relate
and offer wisdom and comfort

to the lucky lady who wins.

The thing is, Gina,
I need you to under--

Excuse me.


Alden Coombes is at the rugby
in the city.

He hitched a ride there
with Tane Sampson.

Apparently they're flying back
first thing tomorrow.

Not in his hot-air balloon,
obviously. It's impounded.

So Alden Coombes has joined life
in the fast lane?




Did someone clean the CCTV?

I went to do it.
Already clear.

From the victim's phone.

Riverstone Jewellery. Hello?

Who is this?

This is Karla.
Who's this?

Karla. This is D.C. Chalmers,
Brokenwood CIB.


Would it be convenient
if I came by for a chat?

About what?

Let's discuss that
when we meet up.


I can be there in minutes.


I'll see you soon.

I plan on getting it framed.

Did anything out of the
ordinary happen last night, Ray?

In what way?

Arguments, malice, v*olence?

The Snake and Tiger prides
itself on being an establishment

that offers people the chance
to drink in absolute peace.

And spoof.

On rare occasions, yes.

In full accordance with the
Liquor Licensing Act of .

Though I didn't ask.

In case you were wondering.

Yet sometime between yesterday
evening and this morning,

you received that black eye.

It was a busy night.

So it happened last night?

I told you,
I walked into a door.

Thanks for the photo.

Hi. This is
Riverstone Jewellery.

Please leave a message.

We know that these people
traveled back to the city

before time of death.
Which is?

Gina puts it between
: a.m. and : a.m.

And was he as drunk
as he smelled?

Still waiting on toxicology.

So how do we know he didn't
just simply trip,

stagger backwards,
and then fall onto the arrow?

With a coin under his tongue?

The force of the impact
would have ejected the coin.

I'm certain it was placed there
after the fact.

A message of some kind.

Spoofing kills?

Who would want to send that?

Somebody who hated spoofing?

Or the loser.

Who was?

Quentin Black.

He's a serious rich lister.

Do you have any idea

how much the Black
family business is worth?


Try $ million.

There's a lot of money in tires.

Which begs the question,

what was he doing slumming it
at the Snake and Tiger?

You'd expect him to be
in Monaco or Ibiza.

Maybe they don't spoof
in Monaco.

What about
the defending champion?

Tane Sampson.

Maybe he was miffed at losing.

The g*ng of Four are due back
from the Rugby tomorrow.

We'll follow up.

I'm still trying
to track this guy.

He didn't leave on the bus,

which suggests
he could be local.

I've searched John Ruby.
Nothing comes up.

We have to assume that
he was using a false name.

And if so, why?

Hi. Thanks.

Just need to relax.
Absolutely fine.


Dr. Plummer,
we understand you attended

a spoofing match
the night before last.

Oh, dear.

I did, yes.

I told you nothing good
would come of it.

Lucas, please.

It was a splendid evening.

You didn't attend, Reverend?

Spoofing isn't really my thing.

Oh, come on, Lucas.

It was a bit of stress release.
That's all.

In the company of men only.

Is that entirely necessary?

What time did you leave?

Devilishly late.

Lucas, please!

Quite late.

I stayed for a nightcap
after the match.

That will well and truly be me.

And I walked home
through Powers Park.

I didn't drive.

Around what time?

: a.m., perhaps?

Did you go past the fountain?

It's on my way home. Yes.

Did you see anyone?

Not that I recall.

Well, enjoy your coffees.

Maybe we've missed the obvious.

That Brad Brunheimer
tripped and fell?

No, about Mike.

Do you remember the time
that he just upped and left

and said he was farewelling
an old friend?

Yeah, and then lately,

he's been going away
in weekends.

Quite a lot.

So maybe he's back on
with this old friend.

Or... maybe he's taken up
trout fishing,

getting amongst the rivers and
lakes, hunting and gathering.

Mike doesn't fish.

But you do.

Look, if romance is in the air,
all I'm saying is,

as his colleagues,
we have a right to know.

Okay, I gotta get to Riverstone.



D.C. Chalmers.

We missed each other yesterday.


Yeah, sorry.

Something came up.

Do you happen to know this man?

It's hard to say.

Take your time.

Yeah, I might've
seen him around.

Well, if you'd spoken to him,
you'd probably remember him.

Why's that?

He's American.

Not from 'round here.

He was found dead
yesterday morning.

In the fountain at Powers Park.

I'm sorry to hear that.

This is his phone.

It seems he called you, or your
number at least, four days ago.

Not long after
he checked into town.

Oh, that guy.

Yeah, I remember now.

Yeah, he came in here.


To look at jewelry.
Why else?

Then you called him.

Several times.

Oh, he came in looking
at an expensive piece.

I was keen to close the deal.

Very keen.

Calling him at : a.m.

Well, that would've been
a pocket dial.

So you were awake at : a.m.?


Were you out and about?

Nope, I would've been home.

Making pocket calls?

Maybe I bumped it in my sleep.

I keep my phone by my bed.

Closing down?

No, that's an old sign.

I'm just shifting things
around a bit.

Okay. If anything springs to
mind, please give me a ring.

Pocket call is fine.

How was the match?

Una gran noche.

Slightly dusty.

To what do we owe
the royal welcome?

I was hoping to catch up
with Mr. Coombes.

It's been a long trip.

I fear my liver is the size
of a rugby ball.

I must get home.
I'd be happy to drop you there.

You might feel more comfortable
riding with us.

I'll try not to be offended
by that.

It's not the car.

It's the tires.

Comfort's all in the tires,
Mr. Shepherd.

Sort you out with a new set,
if you like.

Be my pleasure.

Very generous but not quite
in line with police protocols.

Well, as my mother says,

you never stand behind a gift
horse with its mouth open.

He will be laughing at you
while he kicks you

right in the los cajones.
Thanks -Thanks, Welsh.

I'll keep that in mind.

Uh, shall we?

Developments with Quentin Black?

Yeah. No, I mean --
Well, I-I was just, um...

verifying his wealth.

Oh, I thought you said
it was $ million.

Yeah, no, I just wanted to --
to check.

Oh, that's the --
the jeweler, right?

Yeah, and suspected liar.


I couldn't quite say this
in front of Lucas.

He might've got the wrong idea.

Well, whatever you say in here
is completely confidential.

I would hope so.


When I walked home,
I walked through the park,

past the fountain.

Brad, we did it.

Uh, sorry, no. It's Roger.
Roger Plummer.

No problem.

Well, I must be on my way.
Good night.

I'm curious as to why you didn't
feel you could mention this

in front of Reverend Greene.

There's a little more
to it, you see.


You did very well this evening.


You and Brad
are friends, are you?

You could say that.

Special friends?

Not in that way, no.

Oh, jolly good.

It's just...

you're a very attractive man,
you see.

It's the beard.

I appreciate a fulsome beard.


I'm not that way.

Oh, my mistake.

Silly me.

Good night.

You said, "You did well,"

The Brunheimer chap
may have won the title,

but John Ruby won all the money.

There was gambling?

I didn't gamble.

I was only there to observe
the psychology of it all.

Mm. Of course.

The psychology of spoofing
must be fascinating.

Hey, Mike,
we might have something

veering towards a motive.
That being?

A witness states there was
gambling at the function.

We're going to go see if we
can get some straight talking

out of Ray Neilson.

Keep me updated.


Just a splash.

Alden, were there
any tensions on the night?

Spoofing is not a game

that brings out aggression, Detective.

It's about conviviality,
honor, connection,

and above all,
simple good, clean fun.

So no obvious tensions
between the guests?

Brad Brunheimer, for example?

The American?

Terrible business.


I understand there was
gambling involved.

Oh. Oh.

Dabble at the end.

What level are we talking?

A tenner here and there,
pin money really.

How can I help?

We're actually after Ray.

He's not here.

Well, maybe you could
tell us where he is.

Well, he might be checking on
things at the Toad and Lion.

We'll try him there.

Or the Frog and Cheetah.

Right, well...

Or he did say something
about the pizzeria

needing a look-over.

He's a busy man.

Works hard, my brother Ray.

Yeah, well, we just need to talk
to him about alleged gambling

that occurred here
during the spoofing champs.

Snake and Tiger doesn't
have a gambling license.

That's why we need
to talk to him.

Unless you know anything?

How could I?

Being a woman,
I wasn't invited in.

Tell Ray to get in touch.

Reverend Greene.

Sorry to bother you.

Not at all.
We're all on God's time.

We are narrowing down
the timeline

regarding the death
of Brad Brunheimer.

We just need to corroborate
Dr. Plummer's story.

He's not in trouble, is he?

No, we just need to make sure
his memory's clear,

given he was a little --

Tight to the wind?

Yeah, so, can you recall
what time he arrived home?

I do. Precisely.

Lukie, dear, it's only me.

Oh, good God, Roger, you --
you reek of hard liquor.

Oh. I-I'll sleep
in the spare room.

So : a.m.

Emblazoned on my memory.

Great. Okay. Thanks.

You both came all this way
to ask me that?

Is there something
I should know?


Roger and I are in a very loving
and committed relationship.

The, um, spoofing thing...

he assures me it's all about
the psychology.

Yes, he told us the same thing.


Alden Coombes dismissed
any gambling as "pin money."

So not a great motive.

Well, Ray Neilson
is playing hide-and-seek,

so we're yet to get his version.

We have a sighting of John Ruby

at the fountain
around : a.m.,

verified by a sheepish
Dr. Plummer.


Uh, no.

Actually, can you help me
with a technical issue?

I can try.

I want to send one
of those picture thingies.

You mean an emoji?

Yeah, that's the one.

This a first, then?


I'm sure Gina
will appreciate it.

That is not even close
to being funny.

Okay, first-timers are best
to go with smiley faces.

You good with that?
Yeah, that works.

Okay, that's there.

And depending on
who you're talking to,

I'd stare clear
of the eggplants.

I like eggplant.

Good for you, but not all
eggplants are created equal.



So, who is the lucky lady, then?

I have a nephew.

What did I say?
So he doesn't have a nephew?

Yeah, no, he does but that was
a complete neither confirm

nor deny of the actual question.

bucks says he's back on
with the old friend.

I'll take the long odds on that.

Fishing with the nephew?

Doubt it.


Well, what else would it be for?

Brad Brunheimer,
you're not all sweetness

and light after all.

Assuming it was his.

That message we were after.

This is it.
Someone found him out.

Okay, the match finished
at midnight.

Most of the participants
left on the bus at : a.m.

Brad was k*lled
between : a.m. and : a.m.

Some stayed drinking
till around : a.m.

Then Dr. Plummer met John Ruby
at the fountain around : a.m.

We know Brunheimer wasn't
in the fountain then,

or Dr. Plummer
would've mentioned it.

And he'd been dropped back
to his motel.

So somehow he got back
to the fountain

between : a.m. and : a.m.

When he died.

Can we have a word
with Detective Sims?

You should know
I'm here reluctantly.

My sister believes I may be able
to help you with your inquiries.

Can't think how.

Just tell her, Ray,
so we can get out of here.

Tell me what, Ray?

That there was gambling
at your spoofing night?

Not that I saw.

I wouldn't know.

Well, here's what
I'd like to know.

How is it in this day and age

you can hold an event
that excludes women?

Women are fully welcome
at spoofing regattas.

I didn't see any.

It's not that women
aren't allowed.

It's just... tradition.

That they're not allowed.

Look, I know
what you're insinuating.

The last thing I am is sexist.

Both my ex-wives were women.

And they weren't
spoofers, either?

I'll say it.

Men are naturally
better spoofers.

How many coins?

Aw, come on.
You can't just --

I'm not psyched up.
How many?


No, two!

How'd you get the black eye,

Just tell her.


There was a small fracas.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Actually, that's not okay,
the whole gambling thing.

Sorry, is there
a problem here, Ray?

It's a question of the law.

No, no, no, no, no.


Do not k*ll my joy, man!

Steady on!

You know, I come here
for the women.

There is none!

I come here for the tapas.

All I get is some second-rate
wannabe Italian pizza caca!

I said steady on!

I come here to throw
my money down

like at the foot of
a beautiful dancing señorita,

and you tell me no?

The cops will shut me down!

Let them come!


Or even better, k*ll the pugs!


He said, "k*ll the pugs"?

Well, he meant something else, obviously.

He used those exact words?

I mean, what more do we need?

Was everyone gambling?

Ray doesn't know.

I'm no nark,
but we should report him.

What goes on behind
those closed doors

stays behind those closed doors.

Hear no evil, see no evil.

I'm not losing
my bloody license again.

By the time he went back
in there, the match was over.

Alden Coombes was crying?

That's how Ray saw it.

Bring this Welsh in.

Aw, Santa Maria!

No creo esto!
Stay cool, stay cool.

Mr. Welsh.

We need to talk to you.
What's this all about?

All will be revealed
down at the station.


We're trying to leave town.

Do you want me, too?

No, just Mr. Welsh.

That's a shame.

This just concerns Mr. Welsh
and a report of vandalism.

What have you done, Pablo?


English is his second language.

You mind if I come along?


Actually, we understand
there was some gambling

on the night in question.

As is the spoofing tradition.

Hmm. But the Snake and Tiger

isn't a-a licensed casino,
is it?

It's just a bit of harmless fun
at the end of the night.

Did you place a bet?

You can't bet on yourself.

Tane bet for me.

Then you lost.

How much?



And how did that make you feel?

Look, please don't --
don't take this the wrong way,

but, you know,
to me, losing K,

it's -it's not
the end of the world.

Look, if Ray's going to cop
a fine, I'm happy to pay it.

El amor está en el aire.

Love is in the air.

Spoofing is a gentleman's game.

The notion of cheating
is an anathema.

Firstly, the very basis of the
game is that one can't cheat.

What if there was a way?

Be very disappointing.

Someone could get very rich.
Someone like you.

Tradition dictates betting's
only allowed on the last round.

So you bet more than a tenner?

Everything I had.

And you were lucky?

Enough to get me out of hock.

Like I said,
it was a good night.

Yet a witness describes you
as crying

as you awarded
Mr. Brunheimer his trophy.

Why were you upset?

Wouldn't you be emotional
if you were about to be reunited

with your one true love?

Your balloon?

Up, up, and away, Detective.

Did anyone else bet on Brad?


Time to place your final bets.

Chap by the name of John Ruby.

$,. All in.
On the American.

That's more like it.

Looks like you have a fan.

You don't happen to know
where I might find Mr. Ruby?

I'd never seen him before.

End of the night,
he slipped away.

Thanks, Alden.


I still don't see
why that was necessary.

Well, as I said,
it's a process of elimination.

Okay, so, Mr. Welsh...

I'm Welsh, not Mr. Welsh.

So, Welsh...

But I am not Welsh.
Do I look Welsh?

Well, that depends on what you
think a Welsh person looks like.

Well, how do they look?

Short, pale.
Like a leek.

Ah, sí!
Like a leek.

So you are an artiste from Spain
who calls himself Welsh.

But that is not my real name.

Okay, so what is your real name?


Sí, Pablo.

Okay, Pablo...
Pablo Picc--

Aw, this is --

Pablo Piccante.

He changed his name.
To Welsh?

Well the dragon
is my spirit animal.

Uh-huh. Okay.

So, Pablo, did you write
the phrase "k*ll the pugs"

on the outside of this building?

Why would he do that?

He loves dogs.
You love dogs, right?

Dogs is my second spirit animal.
I love the Chihuahua.

Or he meant pigs
and spelled it wrong.

So you're saying because
my friend has an accent,

he's the likely culprit?

Is that what you're basing
this whole accusation on?

You know, this feels
like cultural harassment.

Well, no, I'm following a fairly
strong line of inquiry.

Do you have any witnesses
to this graffiti attack?

Currently it is circumstantial.

Well, graffiti, it's
an unpleasant eyesore at most.

Surely you must have
bigger fish to fry,

like the death
of Mr. Brunheimer?

Where were you at :
the night before last?

That is it!

I need to do a leek.

Of course.

Down the corridor,
last on the right.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
I need to do a leek!

No, no, he needs to do a leek.
He needs to get back to work.

Do you know anybody
who's got a drum kit?


Can we get forensics
to the Brokenwood Motel?

Karla, I'm hoping we could
have another chat.


I'm about five minutes away.

That work for you?


I'll see you soon.

Traffic was light.

It's a well-made piece.

And why are you showing me?

It's not familiar at all?

Why would it be?

Thought you might know
how someone

might make something like that.

Look around you.
I don't really deal in coins.

But you do deal
in fine metalwork.

And the person who had this
about his person

was someone who called you.

Several times.

The American?

Brad Brunheimer.

Well, like I told you,

he came in here looking
at an expensive piece.

But didn't buy.


But did he commission?

I checked his motel room again.

Found this screwed-up
piece of paper.

With the Riverstone Jewellery
letterhead on it.

Take a look what's drawn
on the bottom.

Kristin Sims.

I've got something to tell you.


Hi. Did you want
to come to the station?

I was kind of hoping
somewhere more relaxed.

And off the record,
if that's okay?

Meet me at
the Brokenwood Gardens?

Uh, sure.

Yeah, I can do that.

I'll see you there. Great.

Honestly, he's just some guy
that turned up.

Brad Brunheimer.

Better known as
"Mad Magic Brad."

What do we have here?

Can I show you something else?


He said he was a touring
magician from America

and the split coin was part
of a sleight-of-hand trick.

A touring magician
without his own props?

You didn't think
that was a bit odd?

He said he needed a local
currency coin for the routine.

Puts a local audience at ease.

He paid me a grand to do it.

It only took a day or so.

I didn't think any more of it.

Do you know what spoofing is?

Whatever it is,
it sounds kinda dodgy.

It's a game.
It involves coins.

Uh, if you say so.

Did Brad mention
spoofing at all?

He said he was a magician.

As far as spoofing goes,
I've never played, so...

I don't know what else
I can say.

* If you were a light *

So, this is about
Brad Brunheimer, I take it?

Oh, no.
I barely knew the guy.

Just met him playing
that crazy game.

Oh, so you're not
a passionate spoofer?

No, no.
That's Tane's thing.

You know, flowers are one
of nature's few complexities

that humankind hasn't managed
to replicate.

We can put a man on the moon,
create fake chicken

that tastes like chicken,
transplant a human face.

But flowers remain out of reach.

Too complex.

Yeah. There is something
quietly reassuring about that.


You know, most people,
when they meet me,

they can't help
but judge me just a little bit.

Oh, because you're rich?

People see rich listers
as somehow inherently bad,

as if we must have screwed
people over to make our money.

Did you screw people over?

My dad made all the
money before I was even born.

So, my only purpose in life is
to put it to some greater good.

Such as?

We do a lot of charity work.

My cousin has a disability,

so I know firsthand
about people in need.

Can I ask, how did Vita
lose her voice?

Aphasia brought on
by a violent trauma.

An accident.

The other person involved
didn't make it.

Vita blamed herself.

Well, I'm really sorry
to hear that.

You must hear a lot of terrible
things in your line of work.

Yeah, I do.

So what was it that
you wanted to tell me?

Not tell. Uh...


How many coins?
Oh, you've got to be kidding.

Go on. Guess.


Wow, I did not see that coming.
I think you did.

No. Well, yeah, maybe, a little.

It's nice to be asked.

So that's a "yes," then?

That is a "I can't."

Because you're still involved in
an active m*rder investigation.

But I wasn't there. Come on,
we've already established that.

I know, but it's
just -it's not that simple.

But if you could, you would?

We can't accept gifts.

Wow, you guys do it tough.

Okay, uh, well, it's not a gift,
it's a gesture.

Huh, a reminder to work faster
so you can join me for dinner

overlooking the water

at some fancy-schmancy place
in the city.


Or somewhere cheap and cheerful?

I don't mind.

But that's a date.

Nice flower.

I never saw you
as a flower sort of person.

Did you know the flower
is one thing

humankind has yet to replicate?

I've seen some plastic flowers
that are pretty good.

That's hardly the same.

So you're picking flowers
on your lunch break, then?

I got it
from the Botanic Garden.

Pretty sure you're not
supposed to pick flowers

from public gardens.

Well, I didn't pick it, so...

So who did, then?

Um, pretty sure that's none
of your business, actually.

Oh, like how who Mike is seeing
is none of our business?

Hughes' international team
came through on Brad Brunheimer.

Well-known grifter
in his homeland.

AKA Chad Brunheimer,

Thad Brunelheim,
Bradley Brunelle.

Banned from Las Vegas and Reno
and several casinos in Europe.

Any known associates
called John Ruby?


But we do know that John Ruby
bet heavily on Brad.

He would've made
at least $,,

if they were working together.

Hmm. Did John Ruby
double-cross Brad?

Decide to keep the money
for himself.


I have toxicology results.

It has that --
Look, why don't I come to you?


Mr. Brad Brunheimer had
no alcohol in his system.


I could have told you
that through the telephone,

but you came.

That's nice.

Gina, this fundraiser...

I'll be there.

You are a good man.

But you need to know that
I'll be bringing a friend.

If that's okay.

At fundraiser,
the more the better.

When I say a friend,
I mean a special friend.

Oh, yes?

A special friend
that I met a while back.

I see.

This friend happens to be
visiting Brokenwood

for the very first time
this weekend, and...

well, it would be rude
not to invite them along.

Of course.
You are not a rude man.

This friend...

do they make you happy?

It seems they do.

Well, that's what
friends are for.

Do you need any
further clarification

on the toxicology report?

Quentin Black, Tane Sampson,

Pablo Piccante, and their driver
dropped Brad at : a.m.,

then went back to the resort,
which is a-a -minute drive,

which has them out of Brokenwood
by : a.m.

So there's this gap
of to minutes

where Brad
could have been k*lled.

Brad, we did it.

John Ruby made a phone call
at : a.m.

Yeah, which we know
from Dr. Plummer.

So did someone else.

Thank you.

Can I help you?

You think this necklace
would look good on me?

If you're seeking
an after-hours boho look, sure.

Don't take this the wrong way,

but I think this
would look good on you.

Excuse me?

If you were seeking
an after-hours male look

in the company of men
at a male-only event, Karla.

Or would you prefer John Ruby?

Is passing yourself off as a man
something you do often?

I've never done it before.

Well, it seems Brad Brunheimer

was in the business
of old-school shape-shifting.

So, you were in good hands.

Look, he got me at a time

where things weren't going
very well for me.

When he offered me a grand
to make the coin,

I wasn't really in a position
to say no.

And it was a nice piece of work.

That's when he told me about
the real purpose of the coin

and how there was
a lot of money at stake.

But he needed a wingman because
it was a male-only event.

He needed an ally,
and I needed the cash.

He'd done his research.

He knew Tane Sampson
would be defending his title

and his entourage
were high rollers.

Any of those men
make it to the finals,

the stakes
are going to be very high.

The sky's the limit, baby.

You need a name.

What's your father called?


And your mother?


Pleased to meet you, John Ruby.

Where did you get the jacket?

It was his.

But anyone with a jacket
can bring a guest.

Without it, he would seem
more like an outsider,

unlikely to go the distance.

And wearing it would make it
easier for me

to fly under the radar.

I tried to keep a low profile.





Now, now, Frodo.
Not too exuberant.

'Course, yeah.

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure
spoofing with you all.

Jolly good.

Try and avoid
any unwanted attention

until the final game.

Spoofers, spoofers one and all,

now the evening
gets a little spicier.

Time to place your final bets, gentlemen.


On the American.


On Mr. Black.



Brad Brunheimer, you have...

Brad said the winner
needed to be a man

who could disappear
if things went south.

And what better way than
to morph back into a woman.

And after winning,
what was the plan?

Meet at the fountain,
split the winnings.

But he didn't show up.

I tried calling him. Nothing.

We did it.

After Dr. Plummer left,
how long did you wait?

minutes, maybe.

Then I left.

I figured he'd just show up
at the shop the next day.

But he didn't.

You did.

Why didn't you volunteer
this information then?

Because you'd think what
you're probably thinking now.

That I k*lled him for his share.

Did you?

But that money...

I needed that money
to keep my business afloat.

I didn't want you
to take that away.



Toxicology have
zero milligrams of alcohol.

So, safe to assume
that the offender

doused him with bourbon
as a deflection.


Now we're getting somewhere.

Quentin. Hi.

Hey, good timing.

He's just about ready
to commit to paint.

Not many get to see this.

I thought this place
went into receivership?

Oh, Pablo needed a studio,
and, you know, money talks.

Hey, I gotta catch a plane to
the city later for a meeting.

You could come.
We could grab that dinner.

I have to talk to Pablo.


No! Never!


This is the special bit.

So this is how he chooses
the color?

shades of cream,
tonal shifts of pale green.



I am spent.



A fingerprint hit
on the Spaniard.


Quelle surprise.

Gentlemen, do you maintain that
neither of you were involved

in the defacing of this building
with the words

"I smell bakin"
and "k*ll the pugs"?

Like I told your colleague,

there seems to be some cultural
insensitivity at play here.

Oh, no, but you're not really
culturally offended, though,

are you, Dwayne?

Who the hell's Dwayne?

Well, Dwayne is a Kiwi
passing himself off as Spanish

with the awkward tendency

of mixing his French
and his español.

Being Spanish adds a certain
je ne sais quoi to the persona.

It adds some authenticity,

being the mercurial Welsh,
AKA Pablo Piccante from Spain,

when really you're
just Dwayne Rawlings,

panel beater from Hamilton

who was also arrested for
defacing a train station

in .


It was a long time ago, so...

Quite a reinvention,
Mr. Rawlings.

Please, have a look at this.


It was a nice shot, by the way.

What makes you think it was us?

Well, because
if I fast-forward...

Gotta love gravity.

Is this the sort of thing
you make a habit of?

It was all his idea.

Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey!

It's the police station.

Senorita Vita, stop the car!

Let's have a little fun!

I want nothing to do with this.



Go after him.

So Mr. Black wasn't part
of your little escapade?

But he was there,
waiting for you?

Um... yeah.

And then afterwards, we just
headed back to the resort.

Dropping Mr. Coombes,
as you initially said.


Only around minutes
later than you stated.

So you're not actually Spanish?

I'm so sorry, bro.

According to the timecode
on the CCTV,

Pablo and Tane --

Uh, Dwayne and Tane were outside
this very building

during the window of time when
Brad could have been k*lled --

: to : a.m.

We have to circle back
to the loser of the final.

Quentin Black.

But he was waiting down the road
in the limousine.

Was he?

Why would he k*ll someone
over a silly guessing game?

This is an international affair.

I mean, these men
take it seriously.

Yeah, but even so,
it's not the Olympics, is it?

I mean, are we discounting
a random stranger?

Look, Quentin Black
does not care about money.

He told you that?

As a matter of fact, he did.

He needs to put that
in a formal statement.

Well, I think he's
about to leave town.

Then you need to stop him.

Nice place you got here.

Yeah. I'll try to make this
as quick as possible.

Your movements on the night
in question.

With what Pablo and Tane
admitted to,

there is some discrepancy,

and my boss just wants
to clear things up.

I already told you.
I-I -We drove to the resort.

Yeah, I know.
We just need to write it down.

Okay, um, look, I covered for
their stupid spray-painting.

They're idiots.
I'm sorry.

If there is a fine,
I'm happy to pay, no problem.

So let's write it down.


Shepherd Special, thanks.


New tires, Frodo?

Yeah, totally stoked.

How much did they set you back?

Oh, the rich guy's chauffeur
lady dropped them off.

Black Tyres?

For me?

No way!

Why did she give you them?

Oh, y--
Just -Just 'cause.

Just 'cause why?

Aw, give her a break, man.

A break for what?

Uh, statement
from Quentin Black.

He remains consistent with
his version of events and --

Frodo, hey, what are you --

I bought a coffee off Frodo,
and we got talking.

Uh, tell Kristin
what you told me.

About the lady monk
who took a vow of silence?

What lady monk?

Okay, since you're the cops, she
probably won't mind me saying.

"Frodo, when we break
a vow of silence,

we need to give something
away to make amends.

And by doing that,
it's like it never happened.

Please understand."

Wow. That's so brave.

I totally understand.

She slipped up.


Left or right?

Uh, take the right.
The Snake and Tiger will be

about a meters
up there on the left.

So the aphasia was...

There was no aphasia.


Uh, excuse me.

Was it something I said?

You're good, Frodo.

You don't have to say anything.

You want me to handle this?


I'm just a little offended
you would even ask that.

Over to you.

Right now it's only hearsay.

We need proof.

Can I fight fire with fire?

For the record,
you never asked me that.

Off the record,
I look forward to it.

You can't be serious.

You've been charged
with accessory to vandalism.

All our special guests
pass through here.

I'm guilty of nothing.

Well, you can explain that to
your lawyer when they get here.

My QC will just laugh you
out of court.

Always appreciate a good laugh.

In the meantime, I need
your belt and your shoes.

What the hell for?

What? Oh, you think
I'm a su1c1de risk?


And your jacket and your hat
while you're at it.

I think he's still finishing
his witness statement inside.

Did you want to come in
and have a cup of tea?

Another biscuit?

Yeah, fair enough.

Nothing worse
than a stale ginger nut.

Actually, no, could be worse.
Could be my baking.

But that would be unlikely,
given my infrequent attempts.

Oh, that's him.

Oh, don't worry.
Finish your tea.

He's got to sign out yet,
so no rush.

And thank you
for your understanding

during this whole misunderstanding.

So the hicks fell for it?

Let's go home.

We hicks fell for what, exactly?

Aren't you a sight
for sore eyes.

I just have a few questions
while we wait for your lawyer.

Hey, what's going on here?

Why don't we talk it through

a bit more comfortable?


Is this about dinner?

Not quite.

Quentin, I need you to be
completely straight with me.

I already have been.

I told your colleague
we dropped Brad at his motel.

I have no idea
how he got to the park.

Well, that's not quite how
your cousin Vita recalls it.

Now would be a very good time
to start talking, Vita.

Or should I say re-tells it.

Yeah, she's been
very forthcoming

ever since she remarkably
found her voice.

Quentin had been in a dark mood

after dropping the American
back at his motel.

When Tane and Pablo
got up to their tricks...

Go after him.

I want to go home.

So you dropped Alden Coombes
home, and then what?

Pick up the others?

No. No, head -head back
to the American's motel first.

Can't sleep?

Thought I'd take a walk
to the park.


Get in.

How did you do it?

I didn't do anything. I won.
That's all, my friend.

I don't know if you
are my friend.

Maybe you've had
too much to drink.

Maybe you have.

Dutch courage, is that it?

You want to know my secret?


I don't drink.
Sober thinking.

While everyone's getting loose,
making wild guesses,

I sit back and I read the room.

Thanks for the ride.


Stay here.

But she didn't wait.

She was worried about you.
She'd seen you like this before.

I've seen him lose his wrack
when things don't go his way.

He's so used to things
going his way, you know.

Expecting someone?

No, I'm just out --

Good, then do me the honor
of one last game.

You really can't let it go,
can you?

Well, if you're so good,

all sober and true,
then prove it.


It's your call, my friend

Show your coins.



Can't win 'em all.

Empty your pocket.

Whoa, whoa, fella that is not
the gentleman's way.

I said empty your pocket.
Okay, kid, take it easy.

Just --

Four coins.

Four coins.

Can't believe I was beaten
by a cheating American.

You win some, you lose some.

I never lose.

What the hell have you done?


I did nothing.

I saw it.
You k*lled him.

If he hadn't have cheated, then
none of this would've happened.

This American prick brought this
on himself, you understand?

What if somebody else saw?
Nobody saw anything.

Just you and me.

We say nothing.

Especially you.

That's when Quentin
came up with the idea.

I can't lie.

No one is asking you to lie.

I'm asking you not to speak.

They're very different things,
Vita, do you understand?

They are very
different things, hmm?

With a cousin like Quentin,
there's never a chance

to say much anyway.

But you must have spoken

to the others in the group
at some point?

Alden Coombes?

Tane, Pablo?

So they were all in on it?

I need you to actually
say it, Vita.


Yes, they were.

Vita explained
that the following day,

you put your insurance
policies in place.

Last night
you were crying in you beer

about your lost balloon.

I imagine something like this
could solve all your problems.

Do you know
my cousin can't talk?



It's a terrible thing,
but she soldiers on.

You see?

Tane towed the line, fearing he
would lose his advertising deal.

Sure you'll be keen for
those Black Tyre commercials

to roll over for another year.

What's that worth
to you worldwide?


Vita's always struck me
as the silent type.

Pablo followed suit.

C'est la vie.

Here we go.

You are a very persuasive
person, Mr. Black. I know.

But m*rder is
a very extreme response

to losing a game of chance.
It wasn't m*rder.

You lost.
You violently assaulted him.

I don't lose.
I'm not a loser.

Alright, well, should we say
that not winning

is something you can't accept.

You know, I can buy
anything I want.

This game, this little world
title, couldn't buy that.

But I could have won it.

Do you know how good
that would have felt?

To win something,
not -not buy it?

But somehow that Yank cheated.

He shouldn't have done that.

That offer of dinner.

I know a little place
just down the hall.

It specializes in solo dining.

Do you know?
Do you know how he did it?

Do you know how he cheated?

Um, yeah.

Quentin Black, you've been
charged with the m*rder

of Brad Brunheimer.

Arriba, Dwayne, arriba.

Thanks again for partaking
the first annual

Russian Abandoned Brides
In District fundraiser,

sponsored, of course,
by Gourmet Ray's

Porky Pigeon Pizzeria.

Now we have the draw
for the lucky lady

who will win a dinner
with our mystery guest.

And the winner is...

...number .

You didn't buy a ticket.


Number .

Oh! It's me!

Who is she?

I don't know.

She's not Russian.

Didn't know that was
a prerequisite.

Ray, who sold her a ticket?

Well, that's all part
of the whole thing, isn't it?


Am I late?
I just won a dinner with you.

You have no idea
how pleased I am about that.

Did you just hear that bang?

Yeah, the sound of Gina's
head exploding, mm-hmm.

Kristin and Daniel,
this is a friend of mine,

Beth Haines.

It's lovely to meet you.

Mike's told me so much
about you both.

All good things, I hope.


Exceptional, actually.

Oh, well.

Beth exaggerates.


So you are Beth.

You must be Gina.

Mike has told me all about you.

He's a very lucky man.

Oh, thank you.

We have a saying in Russia.

She who catches a bear
is called lady with a bear.


Bears bring good fortune.

Oh, there you go.

But only if you tame them.

Otherwise, he becomes
bear with a lady,

which is
quite a different outcome.

My gift to you
for extra good luck.

Oh, no, Gina.
I-I-I couldn't.

I insist.

Gina, that's very kind of you.

Now I must go and drink vodka
with my friends.

How 'bout I get a round
for everyone?

I'll give you a hand.

Can you believe
he told Gina before us?

Yeah, I guess that's why
she's taking it so well.

I told you that nephew line
was a ruse.

You owe me bucks.

Yeah, but do we know
that Beth is the old friend?

Oh, so you're refusing
to pay up.

Alright, I'll spoof you for it.


But you know
I am very, very good.

Wouldn't be a challenge otherwise.

