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01x08 - The Drama of Original Choice

Posted: 04/10/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
in the depths of winter

cannot end on this autumn night.

This victory alone

is not the change we seek.

It is only the chance

for us to make that change.

And that cannot happen

if we go back to the way things were.

It can't happen without you

Come closer.

I didn't think you were serious

about the blanket.

Yeah. You can't see my face.

Deal or no deal?

Deal, of course.

But I feel like we know each other now.

Hey, man, we met on Yahoo Chess.

Like, you don't know me.

We played a lot of games, though.

Tell me your name, at least.

- You agreed not to talk.

- Okay, okay. Sorry.

Why don't you just hook up

with guys at bars and stuff?

Look, are we doing this or not?

- Do you have a condom?

- Uh, yeah.

One second.

So is this like your thing?

Strangers? Older men?

Well, they say explore in your 20s, right?

- Make sure to spit on it first, okay?

- Yeah.

individual liberty and national unity.

Those are values that we all share,

and while the Democratic Party

has won a great victory tonight,

we do so with a measure of humility

and determination to heal the divides

There will be setbacks and false starts

He needs some time to cool down.

He did have an emotional affair with Mia,

so it's

Just stop. You f*cked it all up.

I could tell George

that his own mother kept this from him.

There she is. The real Amy.

I wanna see my daughter.

I don't like how he's handled this either.

I can try to get him

to check out of the hotel.

Oh, thanks.

But you'll say you never

had physical relations with that boy.

Uh, your boy is never gonna believe that.

Joji only saw texts.

I can bring him around.

Fumi, why are you helping me?

I'm a helpful person.

You know, if we get divorced,

he's gonna get half of everything.

You're not gonna need me

for these shopping sprees anymore.

I've heard you say my son is the anchor

you've been missing your whole life,

and that may be true.

But without you, he'd be sitting

at the bottom of the ocean,

dull and gray.

He's no artist.

No way. That did not happen.

What did you say?

Did Mr. Mackey believe you?

Yeah. But, Amy, I can't say

you're in the bathroom for every class.

- Sure, you can.

- You're not coming to school?

It's the one time my mom's out of town.

I covered for you before.

What are you gonna do all day?

Buy clothes for UCSB.

God, I can't wait to get out of here.

Just go to Chico State with me,

and we can live together.

If I had parents like yours.

I gotta get as far away

from here as I can.


What is he doing home?

I told them I had a lunch meeting.

They didn't even ask who with.

The idiots.

- I could do such a better job.

- Yeah, you would.

They're not the smartest bosses.

I'm just glad you finally had some time.

Yeah, me too. One of these days,

I'll take you to a really nice restaurant.


- Okay.

- I love this one place downtown


- Amy.

- Hi, Mom.

Oh, my gosh.

- You drove so far.

- Yeah.

- Um, is Dad home?

- Oh, yeah.

He's in his room.

I'll get him.

Come in.

Where's George and June?

Uh, they're home.

I felt like driving up by myself.


Is everything okay?

- Everything's fine.

- When's the last time we saw you?

- Two years ago?

- Wait a minute.

Are you guys making out

in front of the Louvre?

It's been a fun couple of years.

- Since when do you travel?

- We went all over Europe together.

If you had stayed in touch,

you'd know all this.

Oh, my gosh, come on, you guys.

Come, let's eat, Amy.

Yeah, okay.


So you bought a vacation house, huh?

Yeah, I did. It's really nice.

Next time, buy one for me

and your mom, okay?

Well, I paid off your mortgage, remember?

Our friends' son moved them

into his house to be closer.

Yeah, Dad, you'd hate that.

He's just saying,

that's what other parents told us.

We can't even see our own granddaughter.

Well, considering how I turned out,

why would I want you guys around Junie?

You act like we're so evil.

What did we ever do, huh?

We provided. We sacrificed.

We moved here just for you.

What do we get in return?

You didn't even wanna have me.

- Do you want more, Bruce?

- I should go to bed.

We're proud for all of your success, okay?

It was nice to see you.

- Good night.

- Night, Dad.

It's really good, Mom.

- Eat more.

- Okay.

I have no idea how

you've put up with him all these years.

Your father, he's a good man.

You focus on the negative.

Mom, I drove all the way up here

to tell you something.

- Hmm?

- Um

I don't mean to upset you,

but I saw something my senior year,

- and I should have told you

- Oh, my God. Just stop. Okay?

You're not gonna tell me

anything I don't already know. Okay?

What do you mean?

You and Dad already talked about it?

No. We don't have to.

And you and I don't have to either.

See, this is the problem with our family.

We never talked about anything openly.

- And now

- Amy, that's enough.

- That's enough. Just stop, please?

- Okay, okay.

I wish you'd talked to me, growing up.

Why are you bringing this up now, huh?

Are you and George having problem?

This is about you and Dad.

What's going on? Tell me.

More and more when I look in the mirror,

I see you and Dad

and I hate it.

I know that sounds ungrateful,

okay, and I don't know,

maybe you felt the same way

about your parents too at some point.

You know, just generations

of bad decisions sitting inside you.

You'll realize this as you get older,

but if you look back all the time,

you crash.

Whatever's going on, put it behind you.

George is good for you.

For June too. Hmm?

What are you even talking about?

- What is this charge?

- I don't remember.

Oh. You think I'm stupid?

- Let me see that.

- Okay. Right here.

Fifty dollars!

That was for dinner

that you and I ate together!

Oh, okay. Then what is this?

Do you see this? And this?

Do you know what those come from?

They're from me making money!

Money for Amy! I didn't ask for this.

Neither did I!

But I told you,

having a child is expensive!

What are you talking about?

We didn't have a choice!

Did you see that?

Amy, I'm always watching.

Don't tell Mom and Dad, please.

Oh, I would never tell your parents.

I can't tell anyone your secrets.

How come?

Because no one would love you.

Yay, we're home!

- Hey.

- Mommy!

Junie, hey.

I missed you so much.

- Did you have fun at the hotel?

- Yep.

The hotel had two pools.

- Inside and outside.

- Wow, wowie.

Hey, Mama and Dada gotta have a talk.

Why don't you and Fumi

take Luca for a walk?



Come on, oba-chan, let's go.

You two just

Just take your time.

- She sure loves her pools, huh?

- Yeah.

She's just like you.

My mom said that I should hear you out.

She said that you were

just messing with that kid online.

I'm sorry if I overreacted.

I want to clear the air

and put this all behind us.


I slept with him.

I don't wanna hide things anymore.

So I didn't have to sell the Tamago?

No. But I'm gonna get it back.

I will, I'm gonna talk to Jordan.

I'm gonna come clean to Naomi

and the neighbor.

I wanna make everything right.

So you cheated on me

because of your road rage?

I mean, I guess when you

hear it all at once, yeah.

You know, I actually felt better yesterday

when it was just the affair.

I was mad,

but I thought we could talk it out.

And, George, we


We can talk it out.

It didn't feel this messy at the time.

You let me be friends with him.

You let me invite him to our home.

This deranged Korean handyman.

He didn't seem that dangerous at the time.

- I don't know how to explain it, but

- My mom was hospitalized, Amy.

And you still doubled down.

You put June in danger.


I don't understand

how you could hate this guy so much.

- Are you obsessed with him?

- I don't know.

I don't think it's him. It

You had so many opportunities to tell me.

I know.

I've been like this my entire life.

I want to blame my parents

but I think it's just me.

I feel like I married a stranger.

George, I'm a bad person.

I've tried to hide that from you,

because you're not.

You're as good as it gets.

That's why I fell in love with you.

I want a divorce.

You can have the house.

You can have everything.

But please don't take Junie away from me.

The lawyers will figure it out.


Choo, choo, choo

She love the water.

Good job, Amy.

- Daddy's got you.

- Aw.

We love you so much.

Wow, our son does everything well.

He's got a big pee-pee too.

- Don't say things like that.

- Why not?


Seriously, our Sung-Hyun seems blessed.

We did good.

Now, your insurance may

or may not cover the damages.

Check with your policy provider.

I recommend you do that right away.

I don't understand how this could happen.

It's hard to say right now.

But as we understand it,

nobody was home at the time of the fire,

so if it was something like, say, arson,

most insurance policies won't cover that.

Again, don't hesitate to ask

your insurance provider questions.

Did you say arson?

Now, I'm just citing that as an example.

A lot of folks get blindsided

by their insurance,

then unfairly blindside me

with their frustrations.

I'll call you if I find anything.

f*ck. I'm so f*cking stupid, man.

Yo, calm down.

No, Amy f*cking Amy did this, bro.

Why would you think that?

I didn't do anything to provoke her.

No, it's my fault.

What are you talking about?

I was pissed off

about the whole road rage thing,

so I f*cking went to her place

and I called her out

in front of her husband.

Paul, why would you do that?

You told me to not take shit.

I have never said that!

When the f*ck did I ever say that?

I told you to tell me everything.

How does she know about this house?

I told her about it before we broke up.

Oh, my God. Dude, what the?

- God, we were so close.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

God, I f*cking hate her.


if she really did this, man

it's over.

It's over. There's no holding back.

I'm going all out.

This is Amy Lau. Please leave a message.

Hey. I heard Holly thinks you're cool.

- Cool?

- Yeah. That's a good thing.

Say hi.

You don't have to sit by yourself.


Don't worry. Okay?

It'll be okay.

I'm gonna call the insurance.

They'll cover everything,

and we'll rebuild the house.

How? We shouldn't have thought

everything would work out.

Mom, don't say things like that.

It's just a hiccup.

I'll figure it out.

We should change our flight.

Let's hurry back to Korea. I need to work.

Appa, just stay.

It's fine.

Sung-Hyun, we're tired from jet lag.

Let's go to your apartment.


- What's up?

- Amy cheated on me.

What? No. Amy?

Yeah. With this beautiful younger man.

He showed up to our house this morning.

I had to take June to a hotel.

I haven't even talked to Amy about it.

Well, you gotta divorce her, right?

Take her for all she's worth?

What? That didn't even cross my mind.

I can't imagine my life without her.

Hello? Zane?


- Fucker! Did you burn down my house?

- I don't know what you're talking about!

I saw you!

Did you burn down my parents' house?

- I was just passing through. Relax.

- Why were you there?

- Huh?

- I was just curious, okay?

I was passing through,

I swear on the Bible

f*ck you, you f*cking liar!

I've been charging

magazine subscriptions to your name.

- I was just messing around. That's it.

- Don't you f*cking lie to me, dude!

All right, all right, all right!

I was just messing around.

Little pranks, that's it.

I was just jealous.

Jealous? Now I know you're f*cking lying.

Veronica always speaks

so highly of you, all right?

She's never gotten over you.

Well, you got her. You won.

I overheard her saying that

you're the best she's ever had, so

Yeah, I was jealous, okay?

But like a normal jealous,

not like "burn down your house" jealous.

I I swear.


Why did you? That

What you did was not nice!

It's not nice to do that!

I know. I'm sorry.

She won't even let me touch her.

Okay, okay.

There, there. It's okay.

It's hard.

It's not easy.

Mail comes in all shapes

What if Danny

gets bullied again at a new school?

He'll be fine.

He's so much happier with Paul around.

I'm worried about the motel.

What if Hurricane Harbor

steals our business?

It'll be fine. We're so busy lately.

What if you tell school I'm

sick, and I can help with Paul tomorrow?

Danny, you have to go to school.

Mom, it's one day.

Paul likes having me around.

No, Danny. Go get your bath.

Right now!

Let's go, Paul.

Paul, if you study really hard

and skip three grades,

then we can go to school at the same time.

That's the plan.

I think it's a good plan.

- Yes?

- It took a couple days,

but we're certain now

that this is what caused the fire.

- We can send you the reports.

- Okay.

I thought No, no,

I thought you said it was arson.

Again, I was just giving you an example.

We found faulty wiring.

There's a 30-amp breaker in the house,

but there's 14-gauge wiring all over.

An absolute moron installed this.

Okay, but maybe you should

keep investigating,

because that was really quick, you know.

Trust me,

we did a very thorough investigation.

Buddy, you should be glad it isn't arson.

Now the construction company

is on the hook for this.

Yeah. No, I am. I'm glad.

If anything turns up that says otherwise,

I'll let you know.

In the meantime,

get in touch with your claims adjuster,

- and they'll get you sorted out. Okay?

- Okay.

- Alrighty, take care.

- Okay.

Yo, you see Mom and Dad's text?

They just boarded the plane.

And Esther's been trying to reach you.

You good?

It was arson, man.

Is that official?

Yeah, I spoke to the investigator.

He said he found a gasoline canister

and a glove nearby the house.


It was a woman's glove.

It's Amy.

- We're going to her place, f*ck shit up.

- No, no, no, we're not.

We'll just let the authorities

do their thing, man.

Yo, the authorities?

- They'll search her house.

- Are you f*cking serious?

She's got lawyers.

Nothing's gonna happen to her.

She'll have to pay for damages.

Or maybe jail time.

But if we retaliate, we get in trouble.

I'm looking out for us, man.

- Can't be impulsive with this shit.

- f*ck!

Yo, we were doing so well, man.

We f*cking had it.

- Yeah, I know.

- I ruined it all.

What are you? No.

- I should've burned in the f*cking house.

- What are you talking about? Yo, hey.

Listen, you're great.

All right? You're doing great.

- Then why do I keep f*cking everything up?

- You're not f*cking up.


We didn't f*ck anything up, man, okay?

We didn't.

I appreciate you.

I appreciate you too, man.

Yo, I gotta mail a bunch of shit

to colleges for my applications.

You got stamps?

Think there's some in the office.

So I talked to Veronica about UC Irvine.

Hope that's cool.

I don't care.

- How's she doing?

- She's good.

Yo, I hope I get in.

She said the business program's tight.


Yo, I got my incorporation papers

all sorted out.

At Cho Service Construction.

Pretty good, right?

It's kind of corny.

No, it's good.

It's catchy.

So you really moving?


Yeah, I'm gonna post up in Beverly Hills.

Word of mouth.

Bam, million dollar construction.

Yo, maybe you stay with me

and commute to college.

I'm good, man, I don't even know

where I'm gonna end up so

- Maybe go someplace close by.

- Dude, stop.

I'm doing my own thing.

Hey, can you get me

some light bulbs from downstairs?

You go get it.

Here at Forsters,

we're proud to carry Kōyōhaus plants

in all of our stores.

Check out the new Kōyōhaus display

between Aisle 6 and 7

in the home gardening section.

See a sales associate for assistance.

And don't forget to sign up

for our rewards card at the register.

Have a great day.

June, why did you hit Luca?

That's not okay. We don't do that.

Where did Mommy go?

Um, she had to leave, sweetie.

You said I could see her after the hotel.

I know we just got back, but Mommy's busy.

Like she was with the deal.

So she might be gone for a while.

But you have me, okay?

I hate you.


Sweetie, we need to go in the car

right now, okay?

- I don't wanna.

- We're gonna go for a drive.

- Come on, Junie, let's go.

- I don't wanna go!

Yo, George.

Right here, man. Hey.


What are you doing here?

I was just in the area.

Thought I'd say hey.

Our convo got cut off quick the other day.

All good, man.

Yeah. Ooh. Look at that puppy.

Oh, man, the things

we've done to wolves, huh?

Hey, now's not the best time

Hey, I brought you a Kōyōhaus plant.

I realize it's like bringing Linkin Park

a copy of Hybrid Theory or something.


Um, no worries.

We were just about to head out.

All good. I'll meet you out front.

Junie, I'm gonna put you in the car,

but I need you to stay inside

with Luca, okay?

Just stay in there until I come back.

Can you do that?

- Can we ask Zane for more Skittles?

- Not right now, Junie.


I'm up front now!

911. What's your emergency?

Hey, man.

How you holding up?

I'm doing better.


I've had some time to process everything.

June's not feeling too well right now,

so I should probably get going.

Hey, do you mind

if I use your bathroom real quick?

I drank too much Gatorade.

That purple one's so good.

I'll be real quick, then I'm gone.

Of course.

Yeah? Cool.

Thanks, man. Ooh.

This toilet's crazy.

It's opening its mouth and shit

You're under arrest.

George, man, what's going on?

I know everything, Danny.

The police are on their way,

so just put your hands above your head

and stay put.

On their way for what?

For not telling you my real name?

How about attempted robbery?

Assaulting my mother?

I had nothing to do with that.

Property damage?

Road rage?

The police don't care

about any of that shit.

Dude, just put the g*n down

and think this through


Hey. Hey. George!




Devastation at last finally we meet ♪


After all of these years

Out here on the street ♪

I had a feeling

You would make yourself known ♪

You came along

Just to claim your place on the throne ♪

And I have been overthrown ♪

Where are we going?

Hey, Junie.

I towed the right lines ♪

But these mockingbirds ♪

Won't let me shine ♪


My door was left open wide ♪

You brought me into your heart

Then you swallowed my pride ♪

I had a feeling

You were hiding your thoughts ♪

I made a note to myself

I nearly forgot ♪

Now I am overwrought ♪

I'm overwrought ♪

And I thought if I towed

The right lines ♪

But these mockingbirds ♪

Won't let me shine ♪

And I thought if I towed

The right lines ♪

But these mockingbirds ♪

Won't let me shine ♪