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13x17 - Smoke & Mirrors

Posted: 04/10/23 07:32
by bunniefuu
Bartender. Two lagers, please.

You seen Captain Duncan anywhere?

Nope, not yet.

Can't believe he's retiring already.

I can't believe he's this popular.

- It's the open bar that's popular.

- Here you go.

At least that's why I'm here.



- What the hell?!

- Watch where you're going, man.

Me? You just You spilled all over me.

You ran into me, buddy.

You really are gonna dump a beer on me

and then say it's my fault?

Why don't you go home and sleep it off.

All right, all right, all right.

I'll throw you through

that freaking bar.

I'd like to see you try.

Hey, enough.

It's not worth it, let's go.

You're lucky she's here, pal.

Come on, let's go.


Abigail. Abigail. Come on,

let's get out of here. Come on.


What about Luger's?

Come on, Eddie.

That's a tourist trap and you know it.

Well, you've shut down

all my other dinner ideas.

Who is this hot date anyway?

Ah, forget I asked.

Oh, thank God!

I was just calling the cops.

You have to help me.

Calm down. What happened?

This guy Jon Donnelly's

been following me

ever since I cut things off with him.

We matched a few weeks ago

on a dating app.

Well, is he following you now?

He was just in my coffee shop.

I ran when I saw him.

Oh God, I even left my purse.

Okay, we'll walk back in

with you to retrieve it.

And then you can show us

where you saw him.

Okay, thank you.

Here you go.


Is that your purse?

Do you see him?


No, he must have left.

So, what happened?

He came into a public coffee shop,

and did what, exactly?

Nothing, because I ran.

Has he ever laid hands

on you, anything like that?

No, no. No-no-no, but

Did he say anything to you?

He looked at me.

That's not exactly illegal.

He keeps showing up everywhere.

Outside my apartment, here, my gym.

I don't know how he knows

where I'm gonna be

Okay, I'm-I'm sorry,

but with what you've given us,

there's not a whole lot we can do.

No, no, no. Please.


Okay, if he comes near you again,

you give us a call.

That's it?

With what you've given us, yeah.

CRAWFORD: And in partnership

with local universities, our

office is proud to announce

a nine million dollar initiative

to help those

with mental health disorders

in a program that will span

all socioeconomic classes.

I'll now answer any

questions you may have.

Do you have any response to the reports

that your husband is having an affair?

The website Five Borough Facts

just released an article

about it. Is it true?

Five Borough Facts?

The guys who said the mayor

is actively poisoning

the city's water supply?

They're saying if you can't

keep your own house in order,

how can you run the D.A.'s office?

This the kind of reporting

you guys are doing now?

Interrupting press conferences

to get material

for whatever cheap gossip

column you're writing?

I'm just doing my job.

Maybe you should get a new one.

Any other questions? No?

Good, we're done here.


Kimberly, are you okay?

Leave it alone, Erin.


(GROANS) Damn. Damn it.

Hey, hey. Police!

Hey, you're under arrest.

Hey! Stop right there! Stop! Stop!

All right, all right!

Hey, you're under arrest

Man, I didn't do nothing to you.

I got you vending without a license.

Are you really trying to arrest me

for slinging Beanie Babies?

Have you nothing else to do today?

That and the carjackings

you've been involved with.

Carjackings? What are you

talking about, carjackings?

You mean, you just happened to be

at the location of the last three?

I don't know.

- Hands behind your back.


Oh, come on. I still got

my phone call, right?

'Cause I got to call Brother D.

You can call Brother D

when we get to the precinct.

All right.

Brother D. Brother D, my man.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.


You're Brother D?

Yeah. You collared Bugs?

Yeah. What's he to you?

He's my CI.

Yeah, me and Brother D go way back.

Okay, stop calling me that.

What'd you get him for?

Vending without a license,

but he's a suspect in

a series of carjackings.

No, no. That doesn't sound like Bugs.

He was at three of them.

It'd be some coincidence.

You want me to talk to him?

- No way.

- I'm just saying, I know the guy.

- I could talk to him

- This is my investigation.

I didn't say it wasn't, I'm just saying

I can probably get through to him.

Come on, let me help.

All right.

Okay, that's all

the big-ticket items

on my end. You're up.

Hold on a second, Sid.

Um, there's nothing in here

about Captain Duncan's retirement party.

What about it?

Well, I heard there was a fight

and a bus was called.

Sounds like a big, drunk


You know how those rackets can get.


And I also heard you were there.

I was, boss.

And what'd you see?

Um, a Sergeant Bobby Luco,

he was the guy who got hit.

Well, did he just hit himself?

No, no, no, but this

is one of those things,

you know, I think it'd be best

just to let it blow over.

When the press gets hold, it'll blow up.

So see that they don't.

What the hell's going on here?

Am I lacking some level

of security clearance?

You're talking out of both

sides of your mouth, Sid.

Are you involved in any way?

Yeah, boss, I was part of

a little scuffle, that's all.

Okay, I want whoever threw that punch

in this office forthwith.

She already is.


I see.


Luco was clearly drunk,

tried to pick a fight with Sid.

As we were walking away,

he raised his beer mug

to clock Sid, and I intervened.

So it's self-defense, boss.

Well, it would be if you were

the one who hit the guy.

I was stopping an as*ault.

Before one started.



an investigation is a*t*matic.

You're gonna need a lawyer.

And I'll need your g*n and your shield.

Have you seen these att*cks on Crawford?

Yeah, pretty ugly stuff.

Well, we should do something about it.


Like investigate the people

behind the att*cks.

You do realize, uh, these

att*cks are good for you.

It helps your election chances.

But imagine it was you or me.

I mean, they're going after her family.

It's wrong.

I'm not saying it isn't,

but it's politics.

You run for office,

got to expect stuff like this to happen.

Yeah. It's the price of entry.

Yeah, but it shouldn't be.

We shouldn't have to go through this.

Okay, I'll take a look,

but fact-finding only.

Thank you.

And you were just selling

Beanie Babies, that's it?

- Yes, sir.

- In a back alley

with not a soul around?

It's all about location.

I'm a hard worker.

Rain or shine, day and night.

And three carjackings

in the past week

Which you had nothing to do with, right?

I mean, you just happened to be there.

Wrong place, wrong time, right?

Mm, yup. That's it, that's right.

- So, when you

- And you don't know

how those cars happened to be on the

Is that because you're working

with the Ace Double Treys again?

Or maybe it's Mara Noche this time.

- No, not a chance.

- Okay, and if it wasn't

- Tell the truth Bugs, will you?

- Would you let me talk?

- What are you doing?

- What are you doing?

- I'm conducting an interview.

- This is my interview.

- It's my CI.

- This is my prisoner.


You have no idea what it's like,

having a brother like this.

(LAUGHS) Wait, you two are brothers?

- BOTH: Yes.

- Man, I can't imagine

- what y'all childhood was like.

- Brutal.

- Watch it.

- You got an older brother too?

Absolutely, always bossing me

around, telling me what to do.

Oh, really

Just this morning, he was riding my ass

over some BS. Pause.

Actually, you two got a lot in common.

Good to know.

Outside. Let's have a talk.

Yeah, let's.

You were right. He was with

his brother this morning.

Well, every time Bugs gets jammed up,

it's because of his brother.

I'm sure he's the accomplice.

I can't believe that

gambit actually worked.

Yeah, worked a little too well,

if you ask me.

You want to keep pressing him

on his brother? Switch it up?

He'll never give his brother up.

He'd die first.

Guy's got Bugs

wrapped around his finger.

Maybe he just looks up to him.


You find any pattern

with the stolen cars

They've been going after

deliveries from this new website.

It's like an eBay for fancy cars.

They must have access

to a list of orders.

Great, go with that.

In the meantime,

we got to cut Bugs loose.

He's right over there.

Grey shirt.

And he followed you here?

Yeah, he must have.

I got on the elliptical,

five minutes later,

he's on the one next to me.

Before we met,

I never saw him here once.

Now it's like every time

I turn around, there he is.

We'll talk to him.

Excuse me, sir, can we have a minute?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Jon Donnelly?

Oh. How do you know that?

We just have a few questions.

How long have you

been going to this gym?

You sign up recently?

Maybe once you learned

a certain woman went here.

(SHORT CHUCKLE) Wait, who are

you talking about, what woman?

Mary Price. You met on a dating app.

You went out a few times.

I'm-I'm sorry, what's she

have to do with anything?

Have you always gone

to the same gym as her?

Same coffee shop?

I didn't know I did.

Look, I live in the neighborhood.

I don't know how long

I've been going to this gym,

but I've had a membership

here for over a year.

At least. Certainly

since before I met Mary.

Over a year, are you sure about that?

Ask the front desk.

They'll have it on record.

And you never talk to Mary,

never approach her,

ask her how she's doing?

No, why would I?

Maybe you got upset with her

when she cut things off with you.

Are you serious?

She didn't end things with me,

I ended things with her.

And you have proof of that?

We only ever messaged through the app,

and then I deleted it.

(SIGHS) She's screwing with me.

All right, do you have a phone number

we can reach you if we need anything?

Yeah. No, of course. Anything you need.

Raging Bull, this is Donatello.

All clear. I repeat, all clear.

Do as I say

and no one gets hurt.

- Take that

- Police.

Do as I say and no one gets hurt.

What the hell is this?

Keep your hands where I can see them.

How's it going, Marcus?


Oh, yeah. Well, I brought a friend.

Come on, man. Hands behind your back.

I have Garrett and Gormley,


- Tell them I'm busy.

- Oh.

I got an update on the

investigation into Baker.

Apparently there were

no cameras at the bar.


So it all comes down to witnesses,

but unfortunately, we were surrounded

by a bunch of Sergeant Luco's friends.

I see.

So what are we gonna do?

Nothing. No one in this office

can do anything to

influence the investigation.

Well, if the majority of the

witnesses come out against her,

she's gonna be seriously screwed.

If there is influence,

it will be seen as corruption.

Okay, okay, so whatever we do,

we just got to be smart

about it, right, boss?

I'll talk to some of my friends

over at IAB, see what

story is being pushed.

Sid, no.

When you say, "do nothing,"

you don't really mean nothing, right?

Garrett, I don't know

how many ways I can say it.

I don't believe it.

You're really not gonna

try to find a way to help her?



If you had come to me right away, Sid,

maybe I could have done something,

but with charges made,

my hands are tied.

Well, mine ain't,

and I'm not gonna sit on 'em.

Okay? She had my back,

I'm gonna have hers.

Not advisable.

You're very close to modified

assignment yourself.

But, Frank, it's Abigail.

I'm aware.


You cooperate, we'll talk to the D.A.

about knocking a few years off.

Wow. Great, thanks.

With your record,

you're lucky you're

getting anything at all.

If I was lucky, I wouldn't be

sitting here next to this idiot.

Hey, hey.

You're working with them aren't you?

No, bruh.


So, after you get arrested,

they just happen to know

what car we stealing.

Look, man, I didn't say anything.

I swear to you, Marcus.

I promise, I'm no snitch.

Okay, maybe I've snitched

before, but never on you.

- That's true.

- Yeah, right.

It is.

You know, he's done more for you

than you could ever know.

In fact, if you ask me, it's you

who's always dragging him down.

How many of you were

involved in this operation?

Was it just you two?

I accrued a debt while I was in prison.

I was stealing the cars to make payment.

I didn't have a choice.

A debt to your old g*ng?

No. Someone bought it up,

I don't know who.

We were scheduled to deliver the cars

to a middleman named Reggie,

who makes them untraceable.

That's all I know. I swear.



Well, we got the two of them cold.

Yeah, though there may be

a bigger fish out there.

- Mm-hmm.

- Pull the thread on this,

you never know where it may lead.

Maybe even to a top-level g*ng member.

This is about you and Bugs, isn't it?

- What is it with you and this guy?

- What are you talking about?

It's like you're trying to protect him.

Okay, look, yes,

I think Bugs got a raw deal, okay?

And who knows, you know,

you put them with the middleman,

maybe it leads to

whoever's behind this whole operation.

And yeah, maybe Bugs can catch a break.

If not, you still got them

both for carjacking, right?

This still my investigation?

Of course it's your investigation.

That's why I'm asking.

All right, let's do it.

What are you doing?


I just heard Abetemarco

talking to someone on the phone

about Five Borough Facts.

Oh, I I just asked him to get

the basic information, that

You always do this, Erin.

You always dig into stuff

that has nothing to do with you.

But this does.

I mean, these att*cks on you

are only happening

because of the election.

Of course they are. So what?

Well, what if these att*cks

are happening

to hurt your chances and help mine?

I mean, it's wrong. I

So, you're messing around in my life

to what, make yourself feel better?

I'm not I'm not messing

around in your life.

Yes, you are.

Imagine you're walking down the hall,

and you heard someone on the phone,

speculating about you

and Jack. What would you do?


I don't know.

I do. You'd lose it.

You're a private person, Erin,

and people around here respect that.

But for some reason, it's okay for you

to go investigating my life.


I was just trying to help.

Well, don't.

They didn't say a word,

they just turned their backs on me

and walked out of the office

and never looked back.

That stung.

I bet.

But, look,

I was all pissed off

about having been played.

I surely was.

So, what do you think?

Well, first of all,

quit beating yourself up.

Sounds like there's a whole

crew already on that job.

Yeah, you love your book,

but if you live by it,

you also got to die by it.

I honestly don't think

I have a choice here, Danny.

Well, there's always a choice,

just not always easy to make one.

- Well, how do you do it?

- Do what?

Shave points, cut corners,

step over lines.

Gee, thanks, Dad.

No, it's a compliment.

You have a result in mind,

and somehow you find a way to get it.

So, you mean what's my secret

to being a d*ck?

(CHUCKLES) Not exactly

how I would put it, but yeah.

Can I just say I'm loving this?

I'm sure you are.


- And don't say it.

If there's a secret,

it's not caring what people think.

If Erin thinks I'm pushing

too hard for a favor

or asking for too many, well, so be it.

Baez doesn't agree with

how I handle something?

Here's the keys, you drive.

Look, they're my inner circle,

the people I trust the most.

I can't pretend I don't care.

I'm not pretending.

If there's a certain result that I need,

which, in my case,

is catching a bad guy,

I'll live with the collateral damage.

Can I say something

I thought I'd never say?

Toughen up, Dad.

If I may?


Forget about the rules

for just a minute.

They're not going anywhere.


You got a bag of tricks.

The rules committee,

they don't know what's in there.

Well, they will if one works.

Yeah, but they can only close

a loophole in the rules

if someone finds one first.

Something's bugging me

about that Donnelly guy.

What he said about the gym checks out.

He's been going there for over a year.

I don't know,

but I got major creep vibes from him.

Really? I got major

crazy vibes from Mary.

I think we should pick Donnelly up,

bring him in, put the screws to him.

Based on what?

We got nothing and you know it.

Since when are you not concerned

about protecting the victim?

Well, the last time I went

to bat for a victim,

she got away with m*rder.

I'm trying to be objective on this one.

Look, Mary seemed genuinely frightened.

And I know a creep when I see one.

Well, we can't just go around

arresting people based on your gut.

How many investigations

have we pursued based on yours?

- Oh, come on.

- And I always back you up.

Guess that's just a one-way street.


It's hot! Hot car.

- Hot car.

- What's up, Reggie?

Marcus. Bugs.

Y'all a day late.

We should talk in private.

Bugs, why don't you go wait out front.

No, no, I want to hear

what he got to say about this.

Tell me, why were you a day late?

Well, brother Reggie, I'm sorry,

big baby, that's on me.

I just wanted to take the girl out

for a little fun, little joy ride,

'cause I'd never been in

something that drives like a dream.

You gonna enjoy this.

You gonna love this car.

Is that right?


I mean, this should be the debt

all paid in full, right?

I mean, Who's this boss

we got to pay anyway?

Is that what you told him?

Marcus ain't here because of some debt.

He's here because we're partners.


That's not what you

told me and those, um

Those what?

Wallet? I-I think I lost my wallet.

Told you or those what?

I lost my wallet.

Whoa, whoa! Aw Whoa, whoa.

Aw, bruh

Talk, funny man!

- Reg!

- Talk!

All right, five minutes,

and then we go in.



Yeah. Detective.

- Where the hell's Reggie?

- I don't know.

Marcus grabbed him and I hid.

Danny! Danny, call a bus.

Danny, call it in.



- Bugs.

- Call it in!

Hey, hey.

No. No, please. Please.

5-4 squad. Detective Reagan.

I need a bus

at 1044 Nostrand.

- No, no.

- DANNY: Northwest.

Come on, don't go!

Male shot. Repeat, male shot.

Marcus! Marcus!

Come on, just stay with us, okay?


Marcus told me to run,

then he rushed him.

And I heard a g*n go off,

but I ain't see nothing

until you came in.

Can you give us anything else?


Come on, Bugs.

There's got to be something else.

I mean, don't you

want to get this guy

"Get this guy" is what

got my brother k*lled!

I thought you were different,

Danny, but you just

you ain't no different,

you like every other cop.

You don't care about me,

you don't care about Marcus.

You use us. I'm just

your ear to the street

that takes all the problems!

I'm sorry, Bugs.

I didn't mean for this to happen.

Well, if you want Reggie,

you get him yourselves 'cause I'm done.

Hear me? Done!

- Wait.

- Let him go.

Let him go.

Hey, I know why Crawford

didn't want you looking

into Five Borough Facts.

Anthony, I told you

to stop investigating.

You sure you don't want to know?

Okay, if you say so.

Okay, Anthony, fine.

Crawford wanted you to stay out of it

because all the stuff

that's being said about her

and her husband it's all true.


Yeah, and it gets worse.

Apparently, her husband and that woman,

they got a kid together.

She said it was all lies.

Well, of course she did.

I'm such an idiot.

Hey, are you being helped?

Oh, no, that's all right.

I'm waiting on my son

to finish his tour.

Luis Badillo.

Oh, my god, I'm his partner, Eddie.

(GASPS) Eddie.

It's so nice to meet you.

Adriana. So nice to meet you, too.

I've heard so much about you.

Oh, I'm sure you have.

He says you're the best

partner he ever had.

Really, he said that?

Tell me, what's it like

working with him?

I know how overprotective he can be.

Oh, what do you mean?

Part of growing up with

two younger sisters, I guess.

They still get annoyed

with him about it.

- Hmm.

- But I'll tell you,

anytime something was

going on with one of them,

he knew right away,

no matter how they tried to hide it.

He's just always had

an intuition with them.

He's just always known when to step in.

Yeah, I guess that's probably

what makes him such a great cop.

Yeah. (GASPS) Speak of the devil.

Hey, Mom.

- Happy birthday.

- Thank you.

- Oh, happy birthday.

- Yeah.

Are you doing

something fun to celebrate?

Luis is taking me somewhere fancy.

I don't know where.

He's being very secretive.

Oh, that's the dinner

you've been planning all week.

You ready to go?


Nice meeting you.

So nice to meet you too. Have fun.

Hey, boss, I have the, uh,

write-up on the Abraham case.

Well, I didn't ask for this

until next week.

Yeah, I just wanted to

get ahead on it

and apologize for investigating

without talking to you.

I overstepped.

You're right.

And if you, uh,

you need anything,

I I'm here.

You know, even if it's just

someone to talk to.

Someone to talk to?

Yeah, yeah, for anything, really.

Even if it's just a vent session,

you know. Anything.


You found out about

my husband, didn't you?

God, you're a piece of work.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Look, if I had known

You what? Done whatever

you wanted anyway?

No. Of course not.

(SIGHS) Who else knows?

Just Just Anthony.

Great. Just great.

And now it'll be around

the whole office by Monday.

We won't tell anyone.

Yeah, because I can trust

you to keep your word, right?

Just go.

- And Erin

- Yes.

Going forward, do me one favor.

Yeah, anything.

Stay the hell out of my life.


Oh, it can't be that

big a surprise, Bobby.

We honked. Couple times.

So you had time to turn on

your phone's voice recorder.

You do that?


Well, you might want to.

I mean, there's not gonna

be any coercion here,

but, uh, you might want it as evidence.

Dining room table okay?

Oh Sure.


What I would like is to

hear your side of the story.

Uh, I'm not really

supposed to talk about it.

Oh, just between us cops.


Uh, I mean, there's

not much to it, you know?

I was at Captain Duncan's

retirement party,

and Detective Baker

must have had a few too many,

uh, 'cause we bumped into each other,

and then, before I even

knew what happened,

she, like, kung-fu'ed me,

and I was on the floor.


So, that's the whole story?

Yes, sir.

So, if there were

surveillance footage at the bar,

that's what I'd see.

Surveillance footage? There wasn't any.


You really believe that?

At a cop bar?

I would have been notified.

My lawyer would know.

Are-are you saying there is?

No. Look, let me be clear, Bobby,

I have absolutely no evidence

that you're not telling the truth here.


the investigation is young,

and I want you resting easy

that you're all buttoned up here.

How young?

The investigation?

You know

still crawling in diapers.

Well, thanks for your time.

I appreciate it.

You know, I'm thinking

It was pretty slick in there.

Beer on the floor, you know?

I might have slipped

after I bumped into Sid

and hit my head on the bar.

You think?

I had a couple. (CHUCKLES)

Could be.

Yeah, I-I think that's what happened.



if you say so, Bobby,

but you probably

should call the precinct

where you filed the as*ault charge,

tell them you're dropping it.

Yes, of course. I will do that.


Maybe get on it right away.

You good?

Yeah, fine.

You were right,

going after the bigger fish.

Someone as dangerous as Reggie,

we got to do everything we can

to get him off the street.


Only problem is now we got nothing.

Not exactly. We've still got Bugs.

Bugs? You heard him,

he wants nothing to do with us.

That's what he says.

If I lost you or you lost me,

what's the first thing you'd do?

Get the guy, whatever it takes.

That's right.

You think he's going after him?

If there's one thing

I admire about Bugs,

he'd do anything for his brother.

We follow him,

he'll lead us to Reggie.

You were right.

He takes the bus all the way out here,

it must be for a reason.

DANNY: A reason like payback.

You watch the front,

I'll go around the back.

All right.

BUGS: Shut up, man.

Just keep your mouth shut.

Drop the g*n, Bugs.

The hell are y'all doing here?

Put the g*n down, he gets locked up,

he'll never see the light of day again.

That's more than he deserves.

DANNY: Bugs,

drop it. You're not a k*ller.

Maybe I am.

Look, think about your brother, okay?

Marcus wouldn't want you

to go away for the rest of

your life over this piece of crap.

Don't talk to me about

my brother right now!

Bugs, take it easy.

Put the g*n down.

Come on. Cover Reggie.

Come on, Bugs.

Let's put that down, okay?

Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Down on the ground. Let's go.

On your stomach. You're under arrest.

Hands behind your back.

I got to arrest you, too, Bugs.

You serious?


Criminal possession of a w*apon,

menacing, burglary.

Just turn around,

put your hands behind your back.

Come on.


I made a call to the company

that runs the dating app.

Donnelly's been lying

about one thing, at least.

He's still on the app.

- Really?

- Yeah.

And that's not all. Take a look at this.

So, it turns out when you

match with someone the app

automatically shares your location.

- That's insane.

- Yeah,

and it stays on unless

you go into the settings

and you turn it off.

This is how Donnelly's

been following her.

Why'd you do all this?

Because you were right.

You do always trust my intuition,

and I should have trusted yours.

So what do we do now?

If he's got her location,

it's only a matter of time

before he harasses her again.

Or worse, he makes good on his threats.

We got to get to her before he does.


There he is.

Oh, sorry. Thought I recognized you.

Oh, you should. We've met before.

At your gym.

Are you looking for Mary?

She lent us her phone.

Thought if you saw her location

at a date spot,

- you wouldn't be able to resist.

- That's-that's not I

I don't know what you're talking about.

Then why is her location pulled

up on your phone right now?

You got it wrong,

I just thought you were friends of mine.

Hands behind your back.

I just thought you were friends of mine.

- Hands behind your back.

- Okay.

- Hold on.

- You are under arrest

for stalking.

- Let's go, creep.

- I wasn't gonna do

You've got the right to remain silent.

Anything you say

can and will be used against you


Hey, Bugs.

Detective Reagan. What do you want?

You should have let me k*ll him.

Yeah, well,

I couldn't do that.

Why not?

You let my brother get k*lled,

but I guess Reggie had to live.

That's so you could live.


Look, Bugs

I know how you feel.

I had a brother that was m*rder*d, too.

You don't know how I feel

'cause you still have a brother.

Matter of fact,

you should treat him nicer.

I should.

But I also happen to have a sister

who just so happens to work

in the district attorney's office

who I made sure to tell

that you were cooperating

and that you've been

incredibly helpful in the past.

Gee, thanks.

I still got to serve time, right?

Not if I can help it.

You know we don't get

paid overtime, right?

(CHUCKLES) Could say the same for you.

Are we really the last two here?

From the looks of it.


the way I came down on you this week,

I was taking things out on you

and you didn't deserve it.

Well, I think I deserved some of it.

Maybe some of it.

I think that, uh,

seeing those att*cks on you, it-it

it felt personal to me.

How so?

Jack and I haven't, uh,

been able to have a normal relationship,

not that it's ever been normal,

but I've put things

on hold between us

because I was afraid of

something like that happening.

That someone would dig

into our relationship, and

expose everything

that's messy about it.

Sounds healthy.

I swear, this whole processes

of running for D.A.

has taken years off my life.


Want to know a secret?

Being D.A. doesn't get any easier.

Ah, great.


Well, I'd say

since we're the last two here


we deserve a nightcap.

Erin Reagan.

Alcohol in the office

is against regulations.

Well, I would like a drink,

and if you don't want to have one, too,

I'd say you're the strongest

woman I've ever met.

I'm not that strong.



Morning, Abigail.

Good morning, sir.

Welcome back.

It's good to be back.

The boys are about

to start the briefing.

Want to join us?

I would like that, sir.

Welcome back, Detective.


Uh, that's yours.

And so is this.

So, what did you do?

What did I do?

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

- You were gone for two hours

- Yep.

- two days ago.

- Yep.

You didn't tell anyone where you

were going,

and all of a sudden, Baker's

as*ault charges are dropped.


What happened to us not interfering?

I don't know. Did you?

No, but

Well, see? That's a good thing.

So, all this was just a coincidence?

I guess so.

Did Luco give a reason

for why he dropped the charges?

Nope, he just called the

precinct and dropped them.

You talked to him.

Okay, did you talk to him?

What's going on?

What are we missing here, boss?

I don't know. You tell me.

Some level of security clearance?

You know,

you might have something there.

So, Garrett

you start us off.

All right.

We will be hosting

the press conference on Thursday.

An impressive list of luminaries

are in attendance,

starting with Officer

Stokes, who sent


these Thy gifts which

we are about to receive

from Thy bounty through Christ,

- our Lord. Amen.

- ALL: Amen.

Can't remember the last time

you volunteered to lead grace.

It's definitely been a while.

No, he does on occasion.

A rare occasion.

Everything okay?

Everything is fine.

Leave it to this family to

investigate grace

and find the criminal act.

Pop's right.

Can't a guy just be grateful

that he's together with his family?

Okay, sorry I asked.

Speaking of which,

when's the last time this family took

a vacation all together?

We talked about going to Ireland. Once.

There were those times

that we went out to Montauk.

I don't mean a weekend getaway

in the tristate area,

I mean a vacation.

Not since I've known you guys.

I've always wanted to go to Barbados.

- Oh.

- Tall rum drinks

- and long beach days.

- Mm-hmm.

HENRY: Give me a cruise ship.

All you can eat, all you can drink,

all included.

Now you're talking.

If there's a roller coaster, I'm happy.

I've always wanted to eat my way

across Southeast Asia.

Fly fishing in Wyoming,

then for salmon in Alaska.

We should do it. All of it.

- No way.

- What, why not?

Three days into vacation,

you'd all be going crazy.

(LAUGHS) No, we would not.

- We know how to relax.

- Yeah.

- You sure?

- Of course.

You know, I think maybe

Eddie's got a point.

What are you talking about, Gramps?

Well, I can see it all now.

Francis would be reading

currents while he's fishing

so he could figure out

the most likely place

he could find a body.

- Oh

- Jamie would get roped into

some poor woman who

had her passport stolen.

- Well

- That's true.

And Erin would end up starting

an investigation

into offshore assets.

JANKO: And you would be looking into

a corrupt blackjack dealer

on the boat casino.


Well, I would be relaxing poolside

with a nice drink in my hand.

Oh, please.

You're kidding.

Who are you kidding?

You'd be in trouble with

the local authorities

in every scenario.

Absolutely. (LAUGHS)

So you're saying, wherever we went,

they'd be glad to see us go?

(LAUGHS) Yeah, pretty much.

Well, so what?

Let's all get out our calendars.

- Yeah.

- Hear, hear.
