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Old Testament, The (1962)

Posted: 04/04/23 20:17
by bunniefuu

-This is Jerusalem
over 150 years

before the birth of Christ.

Often invaded and
occupied by foreigners,

it has always been liberated
by people miraculously faithful

to the covenant made by the
patriarch Abraham with his god.

This is the temple,
the heart of the city,

where for centuries the
voices of prophets resounded.

Here are preserved
the commandments,

which God gave to Moses.

But facing the temple
stands the stronghold

of earthly power, the Citadel.

From here, many an
invader has tested

his power against
the power of Lord.

And it was here that years
later the Roman Pontius Pilate

presided at the trial
of Jesus of Nazareth.

But at the time of
our story, Israel

suffers under the yoke of the
powerful Syrian King Antiochus.

-I am not a thief.


-Filthy Hebrew, it takes a
whip to keep you in line.

-I have stolen nothing.

-Make way for the
guards of Apollonius.

Make way.

-You men have your orders.

Go on.

March on your labor.

Get out on my way
or I'll have you

whipped to death like a dog.


Are you hard of hearing?

I'm speaking to you.

You must have calluses on your
eyes as well as on your hands.

Put down that hammer, I tell
you, before I lose my temper.

-It seems to me you
already lost it.

-You're trying your best
to provoke, aren't you.

-If it's trouble you're
looking for Syrian,

you've come to the right place.

-Well, I'm delighted
to see that you

would have changed a bit, Namel.

-I can't believe my eyes.


May the lord bless
you and keep you.

-Go back outside
and keep on working.

Have you got any clothes?

-But of course, they're
not much to look at but--

-For me, they'll do well enough.

I had to put on
this hated uniform

to get safely into Jerusalem.

Keep your eyes open.

And you had better found
a way on that anvil

so that no one can over hear us.


-Apollonius, the new
governor, is about to arrive.

We att*cked some of his
staff who are riding ahead.

But we mustn't fool
ourselves, however.

Jerusalem is in for a bad time.

Apollonius is cruel and
our people need help.

And that's the reason
why I've come back.

I'll alert the others and
distribute the weapons.

We'll meet in the square
in front of the temple.

-If you are with us, Judas, this
there's nothing we can't do.

-Help almighty God
and show us again

the path to final victory.

Hey, what are you doing there?

-Ah, leave that to me.

There, are sword worthy
of Judas Maccabeus.

That other one was
made of Syrian iron.

-It's like a thunderbolt.

-You are our only
hope at salvation.

The Lord bless and
keep you, my son.

-Go no.

Go with the Lord.

Do as I told you.

-Come on, don't
gather in the street.

Move on, move on.

-May the Lord purify
your hands of the blood

which has stained them, Judas.

I can tell by your eyes that
you bring v*olence with you.

-Our brother expected a warmer
welcome from you, father.

-The enemies of Israel may
prevail against Judas but not

against the wrath
of our almighty God.

-Apollonius, the new governor
King Antiochus is sending

has the fury of a wild beast.

This is why I am here.

I mean to k*ll him
before he can k*ll us.

-Is it you, my own flesh,
who preaches v*olence

like this in the
temple our Lord?

Isn't it a sign of
the flavor of the Lord

that the invader is
tolerant of our religion.

Apollonious' reputation

has not reached you yet.

Once he's here, the last
liberties you enjoy will cease.

-Judas, as your father and as
the high priest of the Lord,

I order you not to raise
arms within this city.

-I'm not one to oppose
his father's will,

but some day you'll
remember what I told you.

-My son, I wonder if
this zeal of yours

is faith or fanaticism.

-Father is right.

-Welcome, home
again, my brother.

-I hear that you have
chosen your friends

among the enemies of our people.

-Yes, you're quite right, Judas.

Yet, if we continue
to be so stubborn,

it will only increase the
hostility of the Syrians.

Let me remind you
that hatred breeds.

-Let me remind you, that's no
reason for us to love them.

-You're wrong, Judas.

I know that many
Syrians are our friends.

-Who keeps the
company of idolaters.

As well as base Syrians
and pagan sinners

profanes with his presence
the sanctuary of God.

-Very well, you believe in
force and I believe in reason.

I accept your opinion, but I
will not renounce my principal.

-The Syrians will make
you see the truth.


-The Lord be with you.

-Apollonius, the
governor the Syrians

have sent to destroy us.

-Jonah, you'd better
go and tell Namel.


-Judas, remember what I've told
you and what you promised us.

-I'll keep my word, father.

-Take the horses away.

Carry the weapons inside.



-What is it, Jonah?

-All right, what is it.

My father is absolutely
against Judas.

-What do you mean?

-Our att*ck's called off.

-That's impossible.

I distributed all the weapons.

We can't stop them now.

-Judas is captain.

No one isl to move unless
he orders otherwise.

But he did say to
give out the weapons.

-All right, quickly, hurry.

Bring those things in here.


[DRUM b*at]

-Jakkar, where are the
people of Jerusalem.

-They must be
gathered at the temple

to receive you with full honors


-I know what you
would ask, my lord.

But I have no
explanation to give you.

-If this is a joke,
they'll pay for it.

And who is that fat pig?

-The m*llitary commander of
the garrison of Jerusalem.

I received a full report on him
at the court of King Antiochus.

You'll find him a loyal aid
who will carry out your orders.

-Greetings and all honor to
you, my dear, Apollonius.

-You consider it
an honor to receive

me as if I had the plague?

What a marvelous
surprise I've been

handed by the
people of Jerusalem.

Where are these Jews?

-I swear by all
the gods, they're

going to pay for this, sir.

-My horse.


-Summon the high priest.

-And what if he
refuses to appear?

-We'll teach him manners.

-He's coming, sir.

-Stranger, who
are you to disturb

an old men intent
at his prayers?

-I am the supreme authority who
controls the fate of this city.

-The people of Israel are
more than ready to give joyful

greeting to anyone
who comes as a friend,

but a friend does not arrive
with an army at his back.

-You're Mathathius, are you not?

The high priest?

-I am but the humblest
servant of God.

-I have heard about
this god of yours.

And the present I
have brought him

is a pledge or our earnest
desire to cooperate with him.

There is my present,
Jove, father of the gods.

He will live in the temple
with your god as befits

the father and a master.

Move forward, take him in.

-Move back, move
back, idolaters.

Take that pagan image
of yours away from here.

-Take it inside.

-Stop, beware that you
profane the threshold

of the house of God.

-I said forward.

Move back, move
back, I tell you.

-Listen old man,
sacrifice to Jove

if you want us to
respect your temple.

Your hesitation is
already an insult.

-Draw your sword
and put me to death

for I am unworthy to be
a servant of the Lord,

but first remove that statue.

-Who will honor Jove, the
most powerful of the gods?

The who sacrifices to him
will be the new high priest.

-We mustn't let them do it.

-Keep quiet.

-But he's your father.

-They're trying to provoke us.

The new governor is clever.

-All right, who'll sacrifice.

-I'll sacrifice to
almighty Jupiter.

-Nathaniel, you must not
turn against our Lord,

the god of the people of Israel.


Let him go.

-Who else of you darn to
profane our sacred temple?

-Take him inside.



Turn back idolaters.

Depart you heathen.

-Why don't you ask
your god if he's

able to stop the
king of Olympus.

-Save us oh God of Abraham.





-Form a line.

Stand fast men.

-Right rank on your knees.

Fix your arrows.


-Cut that rabble to pieces.

Bring them down.


-All together.

-Fall back and take cover.

Fall back.

-After them.

-We must stop them.

Form a line.



-Don't break ranks.

Don't be afraid.

Stand your ground.

att*ck them.


-Don't be afraid, Isaac.

-For the glory of Israel.

-Order a general retreat.

-Trumpeter, sound a retreat.

-Cover our retreat, Jakkar.

-You men, follow me.

-Look they are retreating.

-They're heading to
the governor's palace.

-Namel will head them off.

-Watch out.

Here come some more of them.

-Halt, you.

-What do you want?

-Let me pass.

-Now I'm going to
give you my sword.

-Watch out, Judas.


-May God you
everlasting victory.

-Judas, I've come to fight
by your side, but it's wrong.

-Keep your advice to yourself.

-Listen to me.

This persecution will
never end and you

will be the one responsible.

-I'm surprised you're not
wearing a Syrian uniform.

-You speak the way you act.

You want to k*ll for the
pleasure of k*lling but it

makes no difference
to you who it

is as long as you draw blood.

-Let go of me, Simon.

Let go of me and stay away
from me or I'll cut your down.

-k*ll me and increase of glory.

-Back away from me or I
forget we are brothers.

We don't speak
the same language.

-The Syrians are
escaping to the palace.

Namel will need men to help him.

Better send Iliasar
and John as well.

But hurry.

Stay away from me Simon.



-What a beginning.

As soon as we are reorganized,
my time will come.

-I see you managed
without us, Namel.

-They will never be able
to get out of there alive.

Come on.

They're gathering at the square.

-There our last prisoner.

-Namel has Apollonius
trapped in the palace

with his whole garrison.

-And they won't be
coming out very soon.

-Come on.


-Father, my life is
in your hands now.

I failed to keep my promise.

-Judas, I am proud of you.

The house of the Lord
was spared a sacrilege.

And we owe this to you.

And now harken to
me, people of Israel,

the enemy will return
in force to destroy us.

And you cannot withstand their
vengeance if you remain here.

Therefore, another
exodus is forced on us.

Leave Jerusalem to the
enemy and once again carry

the commandments so that
they will not be profaned.

God of the Israelites show thy
loving kindness to us wandering

in the wilderness as you did in
the days of Moses and Joshua.

Let they name be
praised now and forever.

Judas will be our leader.



-Listen to them shouting.

-Lord, give us the
order to att*ck.

We'll m*ssacre them.


That means fighting
blind in a city

where they know each alley,
each corner, or each window,

each wall might conceals
a nest of archers.

It's sheer madness.

No, let them enjoy
their day of triumph.

Tomorrow, we'll
att*ck at daybreak,

we'll att*ck with
all our forces.

And house to house,
we'll smoke them out.

Take their sons
hostages to work for us.

They will obey.

They will obey if I have to
spread fire and slaughter

throughout the
whole of Jerusalem.


-Now, don't cry there.

Now, don't worry, dear.

Drive on.



-Is everything clear?

I'll be the last
to leave the city

after you have to
get time to get away.

My task is to
cover your retreat.

May the good Lord be with you.

-Don't worry about us.

-Good luck, Judas.

-Come on.

Move along.

No straggling.

Keep moving.


-Judas will over
take us on the road.

We're going to the
oasis of Ben Yosef.

John and the others
in his group are

going to head
directly for Jericho.

-Good-bye, father.

-No, Jonathan, you stay
here and wait for Judas.

Good-bye, father.

We'll be waiting
for you at Jericho.

-Good-bye, father.

-Mattathius, what
is to become of us.

-The good Lord will
protect us, Leah.

Drive on.

-Good-bye, Mother.


-Let us through.

-Take care of yourselves.

Close up.

Keep moving.


Aren't you coming along?

-We'll see each
other in Jericho.

-I love you, Jonathan.

You know that.

-I love you, too.


-Well, what news
have you brought me.

-The worst of new.

Apollonius means to bend
Jerusalem to his will

and show no mercy.

-There'll be a m*ssacre.

-The Israelites and their
families who took part

in the revolt are
fleeing into the desert.

-Then what will happen to Simon?

His family is gone.

They'll think he's
become a traitor.

-But they should know
he couldn't possibly

have followed them
in his condition.

-Let's go see him.


-Luckily, his wound
isn't very serious.

I'm sure he's getting better.

-I'm afraid it will
be an awful shock

when he finds out what happened.

Poor Simon.


-Where am I?

-You're here with me, Simon.

-You must keep calm.

You have to get some rest.

-Judas, you mustn't do it.

You mustn't.

There's enough bloodshed,
enough, enough.


-It's daybreak.

The city seems sound asleep.

-Now is the time to att*ck them.

-Hm, all right.

Come with me.

Not a soul that I see.

To the Temple.

-There's not a
living person here.

-Now, listen to me.

Keep your eyes open.

This is one of their
favorite tricks.

They play dead and suddenly
they s*ab you in the back.

Move on.

-Spread those coals.

We'll burn this
place to the ground.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

-Old man, where are you going?

I'm just taking some
water to my wife.

What do you want with me?

What do you want with me?

-Where are the young men?

Where are your sons?

-I don't know anything.

-Speak up.
-I don't know anything.

-You're lying.

You're lying.


-You Jews are all alike.

We'll make your wife tell us
where your sons have gone.

-No, no, please.

My wife's bedridden and blind.

She's dying.


-It seems the old man was right.

There's only an old hag here.

Burn the house down around her.


-Well, what news?

-The leaders of the revolt
have fled with their families.

And Judas has taken all
the young man with him.

-I wipe out every
Jew in this city.

For every man of
ours, 10 of theirs.

-Apollonius, I only
want to remind you

that dead men pay not tribute.

-You right, we have a
greater need of gold

than of a pile of dead Jews.

-I have already anticipated
this wise decision

of yours, my lord.

And our soldiers,
as you can see,

have been drummed to obey you.

-Ah, the elders of the city.

Well, your heroic
sons of have left.

I'll make you pay
for their rebellion.

-We are old and
feeble, and appeal

to you for mercy and compassion.

No hand of ours, my lord, was
raised against you yesterday.

-Trypho, do you hear how they
touch my very heart strings.

-Ah, the street is
not a suitable place

for a man of your rank
to just these people.

I have prepared a splendid
hall of justice in your palace.

-No, I wish to choose
another residence

which will have more character.

That want.

-That's the house of Mattathius.

-And where are we to find
such quantities of gold.

What you are asking is
impossible, my lord.

-3,000 is all I'm asking.

Now, leave this room.

The sight of you
ruins my appetite.

-By all the gods, only
3,000 shekels of gold.

They'll spoil their
appetite indeed.

-Mm, let them bring me
what I've asked for.

Then we can ask and get more.

So on and on.

But when this golden calf
is squeezed and runs dry,

then after that we
will have it roasted.

You seem to disapprove.

Ah, of course, you do.

I had forgotten that you and
your friend are men of culture.

Still, I've never
seen you in battle.

-My friends and I want to
know what we're fighting for.

But you won't we're cowards.

-A soldier must
understand nothing

but obedience without
question or explanation.

-That's quite true
for soldier, but I

don't see how it applies to me.

-Ah, you are not yet
a soldier, quite true.

I'd forgotten.

But that's a deficiency of
yours we can quite easily.

I have just decided
to make you and Rackus

captains of a
company of cavalry.

-That's beyond your power.

-It's not, Antinum, not when I
act as the viceroy of our king,


As for those Hebrew rebels
who are your friends,

your fellow soldiers are hot
on their heels right now.


-Tracks of a caravan.

They must be theirs.

-Company, halt.

-Keep moving, close together.

-Judas, look over there.


-Judas, it was a
surprise att*ck.

Ah, Jud--

-Once this was the flower
of the people of the Lord.

-Please, believe us.

It is exactly what you asked.

And to satisfy your
wishes, our women folk

have even given you the
gold from their dowries.

-Our soldiers you k*lled also
had wives morning them today.

Now leave this room.


-Keep them under close watch.

-What's all this?

Apollonius imposed a special
tax on the city for his clemency

after the revolt.

3,000 shekels of gold.

-3,000 shekels,
that's incredible.

I wouldn't have thought there
was so much gold in Jerusalem.

I'm beginning to think
my people are right.

We will never
reach a compromise.

-Look I convinced Apollonius
to listen to your proposal.

Come on.

He's waiting for you.

-Apollonius is expecting us.

-Let them pass.

-I'm delighted to
see you, Antinum.

Apollonius put you
in my division.

He wants me to make a
good officer out of you.

My Lord.

-Come in, Antinum.

-This is the friend I
told you about, sir.

-He is your friend?


Strange to hear a
Syrian soldier present

a Hebrew as a friend of his.

Don't go.

I was actually only expressing
a passing thought aloud.

Antinum has told me
about you and your ideas

of brotherly love.

-In which you do
not seem to believe.

-I'd like to hear your views.

-I want to avoid the
shedding of innocent blood

and spare Jerusalem the
loss of more citizens.

-I see.

Some wine?

-A milder government
on your part

would deliver the city
into your hands, at least

resigned to its fate.

-I've known Simon
for years, Apollonius

and I can vouch
for his sincerity.

-Very well, Simon.

The people's behavior is
dictated by the elders.

Go and see them.

Convince them.

I can't promise you.

But if they prove cooperative,
we'll talk it over.

-It won't be easy.

The elders think I'm
a traitor as it is.

-Well, would they trust you
if I confined the garrison

to the citadel and took the
gods away from the Temple.

-If you do this, I promise
you everything will change.

Thank you.

You too, my friend.

-We have hear your
proposal, but we

cannot give you an
immediate reply.

We had no way of knowing how far
we can place our faith in you.

-The times unfortunately have
put everyone on his guard.

And I didn't expect to
receive your confidence.

I only ask you to compromise.

-There is no way of
compromising with those who

have despoiled us of
all that we once had.

-If you've lost
all that you had,

what are you afraid
of losing now?


-The Syrians have slaughtered
all of my children.

-What I want is for the
future children of Israel

to escape slaughter.

How can you fail to see?

Let's give it time
to bear fruit.

Now all I ask you is to try.

We must convince the Syrians.

I'm certain of this.

Even if it's in vain,
we must risk it.

-Simon, I hate to discourage you
but perhaps in your enthusiasm

that makes you see
things in a rosier light

than the rest of us.

I approve that our
sons return to us

and work at peaceful trades.

But mark my words, if Apollonius
fails to keep his promises,

then Jerusalem will remain a
city of children and old folk

and our fields will not
yield us their harvest.

-May our almighty God show
us his mercy and benevolence.

Thank you.


-I know what you're
thinking, but Simon

is different from his
brothers, never fear.

-The road from
Joppa to Jerusalem

must be repaired
and made usable.

And we will only be able
to att*ck when we have

enough supplies
and reinforcements.

-The Syrians are good soldiers
but miserable workmen.

And that is why this work is
proceeding so slowly, my lord.

-If there are young
Jews to att*ck us.

There must be plenty
to work for us.

We will set in motion
our plan to snare them.

And you'll see we won't
lose a single man this time.

Trypho, have the heralds
proclaim that a spectacle will

take place in the Temple square.


-Look, Antinum,
you should be glad.

Hebrews and Syrians side by side
in spite of what's happened.

What's wrong?

-The garrison at the
governor's palace

has been alerted for battle.

-What does that mean?

-One might think we
were back in Athens

with a spectacle like this.

-It really is
fabulous, Apollonius.

-You have only seen
the prelude, my dear.


-What does this mean?

-It means that I need young
slaves to work on the road

to Joppa.

And what better way is
there to acquire them?


-This is you your idea of
being lenient, I suppose.

-Quickly stop him.

-Let them go.

Set them free.

Take me.

Take me.

I'm a Hebrew too.

-Wait this man was a
guest of the governor.

He could not possible be a Jew.

-Listen, I have betrayed you.

I have not betrayed you.

-Go back to the Syrians.

-I have not betrayed you.

Why don't you believe me?

-Get away from us.


-You're not one of us.

-Keep away from us.

-Officer, we're looking
for a man, Simon Maccabeus,

he was on the platform
with the governor.

-He went that way.

-You take that street.

The rest of you, follow me.

Stop here.

You men, block that street.

You come with me.

Where are you going?

Who's inside this?

-Why have we stopped?

What do you want, officer?

-We're looking for a man.

He disappeared in this street.

-And you think he's with me.

You know who I am.

-I must obey orders, my lady.

-They're searching
for a fugitive.

If you've seen one, will
you please tell him.

-I saw a man running
down that street.

-Thank you, my lady.

Hurry, men.

This way.

-All right, go on.


-Take me too.

Take me too.

Take me.

I'm Hebrew too.

Take me.

-Now we have plenty of
Hebrew slaves to work for us.

We can make short work of
improving the road to Joppa.

And when we discover the
hiding place of the rebels,

we will att*ck
them in full force

and then the road will have
a new kind of milestone,

the bodies of those
rabble rousers.

You can go.


-If you doubt his loyalty, we
can assign him to patrol duty

with Rackus.

Don't worry about him.

-Simon, wait.

Take me with you.

-That's impossible.

And you know it.

The Syrians are hunting
me and to my own people,

I'm a traitor.

-Simon, I don't want
you to leave me.

-It's no use.

I will join my brothers
in the dessert.

If I must die, let
them condemn me.

-Simon, in the street outside
you will find a merchant.

He has a horse for you.

-I hope we meet again.

-I think it better
not to see each other.

I mean, as long as we're
destine to be enemies.

-Antinum, you and I
will never be enemies.

-Don't be so sure.

w*r does strange things.


-Your father asked
to carried up there

to die on the site
of all his people.


-I've been waiting, my son.

Oh, Lord, your lowly servant
has reached the end of his path.

As Moses before him, he
led through the desert

his chosen people.

Receive him into thy bosom.


-It's raining.

It's raining at last.

-Water, praise be
the name of the Lord.

-We are save.

-Water, we've received
the blessing of the Lord.

-You will leave immediately.

You're must reach the oasis
of Ben Yosef before daybreak.

If you find no one there,
you will proceed as ordered.

Ride on until you contact the
first vanguard of the enemy.

You must guarantee
me a free road

for at least three days march.


Your second in command
has a tender heart.

See that he gets over, Rackus.

He must realize
what sort of people

his Hebrew friends really are.

Show them no mercy.

No on your horses.

Trypho, I want speak to you.

-Company, forward.

-Trypho, I have
pleasant news for you.

I'm expecting a
message of confirmation

of your appointment as
governor of the port of Joppa.

-Oh, how can I thank you--

-Don't waste my
time now, babbling

expressions of your gratitude.

If I'm sending
you to Joppa, it's

because I believe you
are a person I can trust.

You must guarantee that
the port remains open

when the times that I
can no longer receive

steady supplies
from the interior.

-Do you think it's
possible that Joppa

could be att*cked by the rebels.

-No, you can be sure the
rebels will be destroyed soon,

but even there, the
Hebrews are a danger.

-Leave the Hebrew to me.

-I do.

Now go.

By dawn tomorrow,
be on your way.


-Where are the rebels?

Speak up.

-I don't know where they are.

They haven't been here.

-Seize him.

-I swear I'm telling
the truth, my lord.

Please, let me go.

I've got nothing.


-Antinum, if you
don't open your eyes,

you will miss the
best part of the show.

Your tender heart will harden.

Relax and enjoy it.

Enemy blood is the most
beautiful sight in the world.

Look, Antinum.

-We haven't seen Judah.

We're not rebels.

We're dying.

Give us some water.

-They're all lying.

-Those men won't talk.

-My heart is as tender
as a little lamb's.

Here-- here's your
water, my friend.

-What's the use of
t*rture, Rackus.

-Don't worry about them.

They'll soon be out
of their misery.



Have mercy.

-Let's get out of here.

The vultures will
clean up after us.


-Jonathan told me
that you were here.

-Simon, what is it?

-It seems to be my destiny
to destroy everyone I love.

I caused the death of Antoine.

And here you are forced
to suffer with us.

-Oh, I'm the happiest
woman in the whole world.

Because I'm here with you.


-That's the vanguard
of Apollonius' army.

-Let's report to camp.

-I'm getting worried, Judas.

They should have been
back an hour ago.

-I told you to never
leave your mother alone.

-I've been with her
life all night long.

Nizra is with her now.

-You must comfort her and
never leave her by herself.

What new have you brought?

-The sight of the
Syrian army, They're

moving straight in
our direction, Judas.

-The mountains?

-That's our only escape.

-Simon, you and
Jonathan will lead

our people into the mountains.

I'll try to hold off the siege
and att*ck when it comes.

-I'll go with.

-You can count on
my sword, Judas.

-For Israel.

-Glory to Judas.

-God be with you.

This would have been our
father's were he alive.

Now go.

You too, Jonathan.


Our people will have far
more need of your brains

than of my sword.


-I rely on.



-Judas, let's att*ck.

-No, let them give
the order for battle.

-Launch the att*ck
with the cavalry.

Go on.


-Israel, follow me.

-We are being held in reserve.

When Judas sends for us, we
will look death in the face

without fear.

-Simon, Simon, Judas
has counter att*cked.

We will be massacred.

They Syrians outnumber
our men 50 to one.

-For the glory of Israel.

Follow me.





-Judas, we're here.

-I didn't send for the reserves.

-But we have no other choice.

-I give the orders.

And the reserve is useless here.

Retreat to the mountains.


-Our brother is dead.

You, Simon, will have
to save our people.

-Why do you say this to me?

-Simon, the path I've
taken finishes here.


-The Hebrews are retreating
toward the mountains.

Judas Maccabeus has been k*lled.

-It's useless to
give chase to them.

We've seen and heard the last
of these rebels for a long time

to come.

We're riding back to Jerusalem.

NARRATOR: And indeed with
the death of Judas Maccabeus

the Hebrew revolt
collapsed for a time.

Then in their mountain
refuge, the rebels

met to choose a new leader.

-But his youth is a guarantee
of his purity of heart.

-Simon, you've spoken like
a man who is wise and free

of self interest, qualities all
must seek in our new leader.

-If we continue to
bandy words we'll

never come to any conclusion.

I vote for Jonathan.

[CHEERS] Jonathan, your
people are calling for you.

Don't let them wait.

-What are you saying?

-I'm saying, I'm
the first to embrace

the new leader of Israel.

Go outside.

Go on.

-Oh, Simon.

-Don't worry.

He will be a worthy
successor to Judas.




-This wine we bought from
the Arab merchant is good.

Here, try it

-No thanks.

From now on, the leader of
our people is named Jonathan.

And so be it for as long as
you wish it to be like this.

I'm afraid-- I'm embarrassed
to ask you, what should I do?

-Don't doubt yourself Jonathan.

You're the best of us.

-How can you think that if I
don't know what to do, Simon?

-Only a man of honor
is humble enough

to seek the opinion of others.

Listen to me as your
older brother, Jonathan.

Our people could
never have found

a better man to lead them.

Now, here is my plan.

Please understand,
I'm not trying

to influence your decision.

We'll cut the supply line, which
is like lifeblood to Apollonius

and flows between Jerusalem
and the port of Joppa.

We'll make an alliance
with the Arabs.

-Hear me, my friends,
I propose a toast

to Apollonius, who with his
brilliant gift for strategy

permits the ladies and
the noble lords of Joppa

to drink without a
care for tomorrow.

-Trypho, Trypho,
a vast Hebrew army

is deployed along
the sea coast and all

the Arabs tribes of the
desert have joined them.

-Be quiet.

Quiet you blithering fools.

Keep calm.

Keep calm.

I shall immediately dispatch
a request to King Antiochus

for him to send an
army to our relief.

Have the heralds sound the
alarm and all the Garrison

ready for battle.

There's nothing to fear.

All we have to do is
temporize and wait for troops.

-Joppa is a heavily
fortified city.

But on this side,
since they're counting

on the natural
protection of the sea,

the walls are more accessible.

In my opinion, we carry them
and att*ck just before sunrise.

-It would be much easier
for us if these walls

were only mere lines like these.

But we have seen them
with our own eyes.

And I assure you it is
impossible to scale them.

-Nothing is impossible.

-Well said.

In fact, if we made a stairway
of our fallen warriors

we could walk right
into the city.

You're forgetting, young man,
that the main reason we are

here is you promised
us an easy victory.

-The reprisals
taken by Apollonius

and his Syrians
have been severe,

but they haven't hurt us as much
as the losses we'd suffer if we

att*ck Joppa without
siege engines.

-Exactly, I'm afraid we cannot
agree to your plan, Jonathan.

-What do you propose then?

-A siege that will
wear them down.

We will at hand defeat them.

We need only wait.

-And wait until Apollinius
relives them here.

If we att*ck Joppa
in force, we will

certainly succeed
in carrying it.

But then, who knows
how long we can hold.

Perhaps you're right, Omar.

Perhaps it's better to enter
the city with full honors.

No, I haven't lost my mind.

I know Trypho.

Offer him conditions
to his advantage

and he will open the
gates of the city

without striking a blow.

-It's a flag of truce.

-Come on, w better
tell Jonathan.

-Simon, even if our
council with the Arabs

achieves nothing else,
you made it clear to me

what I should do.


-I think you should
know I've already

sent an emissary to Trypho.

-A wise decision of the
new leader of Israel.

Well done, Jonathan.

I hope you sent your
most convincing speaker.

-My emissary is Diotima.

I'm convinced I was not wrong
to entrust her with this.

But waiting to hear
is nerve racking.


-Jonathan, what is it?

Speak up.

-The emissaries from
Joppa are here now.

-Let's meet them.

-Jonathan Maccabeus.

-I am he.

-Trypho has prepared
to discuss terms.

-Diotima has reported
our conditions, I hope.

-Trypho will grant you
immunity and full honors.

-Don't accept their offer.

Syrians never keep a bargain.

-Our proposal conceals
no ulterior motive.

If you wish, you can bring
your soldiers with you.

-Very well, I accept.

-I will be by your side.

And for the first
time, I'll have

an opportunity to
wear my wedding dress.

-I don't think this is the
occasion for you to put it on.

Take this to my mother.

When the city has
surrendered to us,

I will make you
the queen of Joppa.

To your horses, quickly.

-The Syrians are
surrounding them.

-They have not kept a bargain.

-We've been betrayed.

It's a trap.

-They're closing the gates.

It's a trap.

We should never trusted them.

-Men of Israel, we
have been betrayed.

I can only offer
you certain death.

-Then let us die for Israel.

We will follow
you until the end.

-We must try and save Jonathan.

To the att*ck.

For Israel.


Come back.

Oh, Lord, our
efforts are hopeless.

Joppa is impregnable.

Now who once made a
covenant with our people,

give us a glorious death.

Oh, God of Abraham,
oh, Lord of Hosts,

he is thy sword of vengeance.

For Israel, follow me.


-The governor's
feeling to his palace.

-Come with me.


Come back here.

-No, no, no, spare my life.

You have no right to k*ll me.

I'm defenseless.

No, no, no.

-You bloated jackal.

Eat, eat.

Your favorite
occupation in life.

Where is my brother?

Where is he?

-Simon, the people
of Joppa are with us.

-The garrison is routed.

-Simon, we found Jonathan.

-I leave him with you.

-Why you--


-Simon, he's over there.


-I swear you will be avenged.

-Simon, I-- don't--
Simon-- Simon-- Simon.


-Ah, thank the gods,
someone's arrive from Joppa.

-I just arrived
from Syria, my lord.

-I get couriers from Syria but
not a single load of supplies

some Joppa.

What news have you brought?

-I have welcome news, my lord.

King Antiochus has ordered
large quantities of supplies

for Jerusalem to be
shipped by sea to Joppa.

Perhaps they've already arrived.

-Then Trypho is asleep.

Get out.

And the rebels seem to have
vanished into the desert.

Bring in that prisoner at once.

Now then, what race are you?

Syrian or Jewish?

-I belong to the human race.

-Take care.

I know you've lived
with the Jews.

-I don't deny it.

-A woman alone after
having betrayed

her people is found exhausted
on the outskirts of Jerusalem,

though certainly
not in repentance

for her hasty decision.

-I'm waiting to hear
yours, Apollonius.

-You betrayed your country.

You're a Syrian woman.

You belong to the highest
aristocracy of Antioch.

Simon Maccabeus found
refuge in your palace.

Speak up.

Where is he?

-I don't know.

Simon is always in my heart.

I'm no different from all
the other women who've

lost their husband in w*r,
whether their Syrians or Jews.

-I should have guessed as much.

You have been sent
to plead for peace.

We have utterly destroyed them.

-You'll never destroy anything
which has the right to live.

-You have signed your
own death warrant, woman.

Take her away.

Diotima will be sent
to the gallows at dawn

tomorrow for high treason.


[DRUMS b*ating]

-People of Jerusalem,
Apollonius, the royal governor

and viceroy, has
ordered the execution

of this woman, Diotima,
Syrian by birth.

She's guilty of high treason
against King Antiochus

and will be hanged by the neck.

-In respect to this
merchandise of mine,

it's all in order you know.

See, my cousin's carrying
sweet smelling orange.

And my brother his brought
porcelain vases of great value.

And my husband has brought--

-I see you keep the business
in the family, woman.

-Syrian, you didn't
let my wife finish

I have brought the
vengeance of Israel.

For Israel, come with me.


-Simon Maccabeus has
entered Jerusalem.

-We can't control
the people anymore.

-You'd better run for
you life, my lord.

-Pack of sheep.

-Come back.


Filthy cowards, this woman
will die all the same.

I am the power.

I am the power.



Stand back.

Give him a sword.

Now let him go.

Get up.


-Stop where you are, Simon.

Stop our I will k*ll Diotima.



-Simon, I didn't betray you.

-Forgive me.

-Long freedom and Jerusalem.

Long live the
people of Jerusalem.



-Death to the Syrians.

-Show them no mercy.

-Crucify them.

-Simon, mercy.

Mercy and peace.

-Come on.

-Thou art appeased, oh, Lord.

Throughout the land,
thou has restored

the children of Abraham.

-Hang them.

-k*ll them all.

-Show them no mercy.

-They m*rder*d our children.

-Lord God has
delivered our people.

Which of you intends to
strike the first blow?

The tyranny which wielded
this sword has fallen,

so the law of this
sword is broken.

Let justice be done by God.