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01x06 - Out of Thin Air

Posted: 04/01/23 16:42
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

- Money, money, money, money.

With all this green, all the women

are gonna come chasing after us.

- Looks like we got one
chasing after us already.

- Oh no.

Black Scorpion.

We're dead.

- [Driver] Relax.

This is an armored truck.

What's she gonna do?

- Engage arsenal.


(g*n firing)

- I love a woman that plays rough.

- Engage stingray.

(laser zapping)

- Hey, are you as turned on as I am?

- [Driver] More!


- Get me Argyle.


- Hold on, hold on, hold on.

What's up, Blue?

- I'm chasing some scumbag
that h*jacked an armored truck.

The g*ns and the stingray
can't pierce the armor.

- Hey.

Sounds like the perfect time

to try out the new crystallizer.

- The what?

- I installed it last week
when I gave you a tune up.

It'll rearrange the fuel
molecules in their t*nk,

crystallizing the gas to a solid block

of non-burning chemical.

I'm a genius.

- So what do I do?

- Are you within feet?

- Can be.

Launch crystallizer.


- Hey, what was that?

- I don't know but look at the fuel gauge.

- It is Black Scorpion.

We're dead.

- Well, looks like you
guys ran out of gas.

(police sirens wailing)

(dramatic music)


- [Narrator] In the light of
day, Darcy Walker is a cop

but in the dark of night,
she becomes Black Scorpion.

Doing with a mask what
she can't do with a badge.

(g*ns firing)




- Everything appears to be in order.

Are you ready, Ariana?

- Yes, doctor, just let
me catch my breath, okay?

- Hand me the serum.

Be careful not to breathe
when I open the vial.

Any healthy person inhaling its fumes

will experience
nightmarish hallucinations.

- Why?

- The fumes will cause a chemical reaction

in the nervous system that bring

about a person's worst fears.

Believe me.

It is not a pleasant experience.




This is going to make Dr. Frankenstein

look like an amateur.

- Maybe you should shock him or something.

- We're trying to reanimate dead tissue,

not jump start a car.

Oh what the hell.




- [Ariana] It's working.

- Yes, yes.










Come, come.


- What is he saying?

- Chemicals have wiped
out most of his memory.

His brain is trying to
remember how to form words.

- Isn't there anything
we can do to help him?

- Well he needs some external stimulus.

- Maybe I can help.

- Nice set of lungs.

- Thank you.

I like yours too.

- Welcome back to the land
of the living, Dr. Goddard.

- Who are you?

- I am Dr. Phineas Phoenix.

I'm director of this institute.

- Not you.


- My name is Ariana.

- Well Ariana, all I can say

is thank god for modern science.

- Ariana, zip it up.

We've got work to do.

- Work?

- Yes, I want to run some tests

to determine how bringing
you back has effected you.

- What do you mean bringing me back?

- Of course.

Let me explain.

Here at the Phoenix Institute,

our goal is to regenerate
the greatest criminals

of our time, study their
antisocial impulses,

and teach them to be
productive members of society.

- Criminal?

What did I do?

- You don't remember?

- I just remember fighting
the woman in a black mask.

- I'm here with Mr. Gaston Filmore,

president of Angel Petroleum.

Mr. Filmore, I understand you

have an exciting announcement.

- That's right, Christine.

I'm here to announce that our company

has developed a new smogless gasoline

that will significantly
improve the air quality

in our fair city.

- So when can we expect
to see this new gasoline

at the pumps?

- Mayor Worth has graciously agreed

to let us test the gasoline
in all police vehicles

before making it available
to the general public.

- [Christine] Thank you, Mr. Filmore.

- Great, great.

I love being used as guinea pigs.

- Well at least the air
will be safe to breathe.

May even be clean by
the time we have kids.

- We?

- I mean separately.


- Dr. Noah Goddard.

Award winning cardiopulmonary surgeon

lost both lungs when they were punctured

by Lieutenant Stan Walker's stray b*llet

in a sh**t years ago.

- Let him go.

Nobody'll get hurt!

- [Criminal] Not going
back to jail, man, no way!

- Don't do this!

(g*ns firing)

- Patient was shot through both lungs.

He was resuscitated after minutes

but suffered severe brain damage

which left him criminally insane.

- You're insane.

- Am I?

It's quite possible
being dead for minutes

could do that to you.

Encasing himself in an oxygenated suit

of armor, Dr. Goddard assumed the identity

of the Breathtaker.

At midnight tomorrow, I
will release a deadly gas

into the air that will
asphyxiate every man,

woman, and child in the
so-called city of angels.

Well, Detective Walker.

Apparently I still have a
breath or two left in me.

(glass shattering)

- So you have no idea who or
what shattered the window.

- That's correct.

It looks like the burglars
were scared off by the alarm.

- Doctor, why do you say that?

- Because nothing is missing.

- Other than the patient.

- Patient?

- Lab rat escaped from its cage.

Poor Ariana's been traumatized

by all the commotion this evening.

- Commotion?

- Stir, ado, activity if
you're a crossword puzzle fan.

- You know, doc, could you possibly

stick to one language because I'm really

not that cosmopolitan.

- I can see that.


- So if nothing was stolen,
why would somebody break in?

- Consider this, maybe someone broke out.

Did you notice how the glass had fallen

on the outside of the building?

I think if someone had broken in,

there would have been
glass all over the floor.

- You know, I hate to say this

but I think you're right, Ms. Walker.

And I think also our
dear friend Dr. Phoenix

is hiding something.

- Yeah, definitely.

But what?

- If you keep blabbing to
the police, we'll be ruined.

We may not even be able to
find work regenerating amoebas

and speaking of amoebas, they may

even lock us up in a single cell.

- Don't worry, doctor.

I won't breathe another word.

- [Phineas] Breathtaker.

- [Breathtaker] I'm glad you
could keep your mouth shut.

- Who are these people?

- [Breathtaker] These wheezing warriors

are my former patients,
my army of asthmatics.

Now that we've all been introduced,

let's get down to the business at hand.

Asphyxiating the city of angels.

- You've tried to do that once before.

- [Breathtaker] I believe
practice makes perfect.

Now let's see.

You must have some
deadly chemicals around.



What's this?

- That is the compound that
brought you back to life.

It will have no effect
on a healthy individual.

- Doctor, you told me not to inhale

because it would give me
nightmarish hallucinations.

- [Breathtaker] Nightmares,
how very interesting.

Maybe it's time for the city

to know what it feels like
to live in a nightmare.

- You'll never get away with it.

The police have already
been here asking questions.

- [Breathtaker] Which is precisely

why I'm going to test it
out on the police first.

The question is how to do it.

- What about the new gasoline?

Just thought I'd tell him.

He takes my breath away.

- [Breathtaker] I've been known to have

that effect on people.

Now then, my dear.

Tell me about this new gasoline.

- Darce.

You feel okay?

- I'm fine.

I'm just a little
lightheaded for some reason.

I'm gonna go home and get some rest.

- You gonna be okay driving?

- Yeah, yeah, I think I'm fine.

- Citizens of Angel City, how are you?

Mayor Slugger here.

Good to be elected.

- Hey, hey, hey!


That's enough. Go on, get out of here.

- Let me introduce you to
the new chief of police.

Ladies and gentlemen,
citizens of Angel City,

may I present to you Police Chief Specs.


- Slugger and Specs.

You idiot!

- To the new sheriff in town.


(g*n firing)

- Need an instruction manual
on how to pick your own noses.

- You're just jealous, you got fired.

- Eh, shut your trap.

What do you want?

- Chicken fried cheese is ready.

- I don't want none of that crap.

- Hey!

I didn't sl*ve over the
microwave the last few minutes

for nothing!

(horn honking)

(dramatic music)

- Engage arsenal.


(g*n firing)

- [Argyle] Blue, what is it?

- Who is it, Argyle?

- Who's who?

- The person you made a
second Scorpionmobile for.

- What are you talking about?

- Scorpionmobile was following me.

Almost ran me off the road.

- Baby, look around, there
ain't nobody following you.

- What?

- Look.

- I don't understand.

- I do.

You've been working too hard.

You need to take some time off.

- Maybe you're right.

- I know I am.

- It was so real.

(phone ringing)

- About time you guys got
air conditioning hooked up.

Put in the request three months ago.

- Cap, we've got a hostage crisis

at Angels Elementary.

- How many gunmen?

- Two.

Walker, Rafferty, you're up.

- Sorry cap, Steve's in court today.

- Alright.

Send Staller and Franklin.

- We can't do that.

- Why not?

- Because Staller and
Franklin are the gunmen.

- [Staller] Put up your
hands, you drug dealing scum.

- You watch 'em, Staller.

They're probably packing heat.

- I got 'em.

Ow, what the?

- I love recess, don't you?

- Stay back, Black Scorpion.

These scum bags are coming with us.

- The only place they're going

is home to cookies and milk.

Kickball, anyone?



Looks like you boys
are ready for nap time.

- Two officers from the st precinct

have been taken to Angels Mercy

for psychiatric evaluation.

All over the city, similar scenes

involving police threatening
the public are unfolding.

Reporting live on location,
this is Christine Callahan.

- [Breathtaker] Is it ready yet?

- In a moment.

Just a pinch of salt

and a dash of oregano should do it.

- [Breathtaker] There's
oregano in hallucinogen?

- No, this is my lunch.

The hallucinogen is here.

- [Breathtaker] Once I release
it into the atmosphere,

there won't be enough hours in the day

to report all the v*olence in the city.

- Except that I'm almost
out of toxic chemicals.

- [Breathtaker] Then I'll
just have to get you some more

but in the meantime, don't go anywhere.

- Wait, what?

What are you doing?

No, no!


- Sorry, doctor.

- Ariana.

How could you do this to me?

- [Breathtaker] Excellent.

- [Radio] Attention all units.

Trespasser spotted at Makeway Chemicals.

Any unit in the vicinity, please respond.

- No.

Can't be.

Auto transform.

- [Breathtaker] Let's get
back to the good doctor.

I'm sure he misses us.

- Hold it right there.


(g*n firing)

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(barrel exploding)


(sirens blaring)


(phone ringing)

- Hello, Argyle's Auto Shop.

Argyle speaking.

- Argyle, I think this new
gas the department's using is,

it's messing up my fuel system.

The car's pick up is lagging.

- True blue, you're imagining things.

- I'm also seeing things.

- [Argyle] What?

- Nothing, I don't know.

It's been a long day.

- Look, bring the car in
tomorrow for a once over

and in the meantime, get some sleep.

- Right, thanks.

I'll do that.

- You're really starting to bug me.

- [Darcy] What do you want?

- I want you to disappear.

- [Darcy] Why?

- So I can have Steve all to myself.

- Steve wants to lock you up.

- The point is he wants me.

You hate that, don't you.

I'm the only part of you
that can attract a man.

Don't worry, I'll be gentle with him.

(glass shattering)

(door knocking)

- Hi.

- Hi.

Hi, how you doing?

- Fine, I'm a little shaken up.

Thanks for coming.

- You sounded pretty upset
when we talked on the phone.

What's going on?

- I don't know.

I'm just having these
really weird hallucinations.

- Hallucinations?

- Yeah.

- That's so odd because I've been

having hallucinations myself.

I guess we're just both under stress.

- No, no, I don't think
this is stress, it's--

- What?

- Lately I've felt more afraid
than I ever have in my life.

- Well Darce, you know what they say.

Face your fear and it'll disappear.

- Yeah, yeah, I know.

It's a lot easier said than done.

- Yeah.

Wonder how Black Scorpion does it.

- Now, why do you bring her up?

- Well it's just, she never is afraid

or at least she never appears to be.

- You think she's invincible?

- Come on, Darce, nobody's
been able to stop her.

She's one of a kind.

- I don't get that.

Why is it that men are always attracted

to women they can't have?

- Whoa, whoa, Darce, take it easy.

I only meant--

- Yeah, I know what you meant.

- You know, you seem to
be in a lot stronger place

than when we talked on the phone

so I think it'd be best if I just go.

- [Breathtaker] Now that we
have enough hallucinogen,

our next stop is to gain access

to Angel Petroleum's holding t*nk.

- You'll never get away
with it, Breathtaker.

That facility is heavily guarded.

- The guards won't be a problem

but we will need to get
the electronic code key

from President Filmore.

Once we have that, no one
will be able to stop us

from giving the city hallucinations.

- Won't I get hallucinations too?

- Not if you drink the antidote
the good doctor's brewing.

- Oh, Breathtaker,
you're positively dreamy.

- Right.

Let's see what's wrong with my baby.

Alright, Blue, give it some gas, baby.


- Hey, you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Hey, where'd the Scorpionmobile go?

- What, what are you talking about?

This is it.

- You're pulling my legs, blue.

Where'd the Scorpionmobile go?

- I'm not pulling your leg.

This is the Scorpionmobile.

Don't you remember?

- Remember what?

- You said no one would
expect the Black Scorpion

to drive a Pacer.

That's why it's sealed to my disguise.

Hey, are you sure you're okay?

- No, I'm not sure.

Auto transform, please.

- Argyle, this is the Scorpionmobile.

It's already morphed.

- Okay, where's the extras I installed?

- Oh, like the leopard skin seat covers?

- [Argyle] The leopard skin what?

- Or the fuzzy dice?

I know, you must be talking
about the eight track player.

- Oh lord no.

Not these, no.


- Hey Argyle, you okay?

- Yeah.

What happened?

- I don't know.

One minute you were checking out the gas

and the next minute--

Argyle, that's it.

- What's it?

- The gas.

- The gas.

- What the?

- [Breathtaker] Find the code key.

- True blue, you were right.

This gas is made up of some weird stuff.

It's got chemicals in it even
the computer didn't recognize.

- Geez, no wonder we've
all been hallucinating.

I'd better get over to Angel Petroleum.

- Wrong.

Unless you wanna take a magic carpet ride

out into never never land,
you're gonna sit right here

until I replace the new
gas with the good stuff.

- Morning.


- Strickland, you're late.

- Sorry captain, I had to
drop the kids off at school.

- I thought we made it
clear when we hired you

that there'd be no
special allowances for you

because you're a mommy.

- But--

- But, yes, and let's talk about your butt

for a minute, shall we?

It's bigger than the San Angelo fault.

You know, you are a
disgrace to the uniform

that you barely fit into.

- I lost some weight.

- Really, have you?

Well we'll see about that.

Get on the scale.

- What?

- The scale, now!

(whip cracking)

I thought you said you lost weight.

- I tried my best.

- Well your best isn't good enough

but maybe mine is.

- Well what are you gonna do?

- Drop pounds.

- Holy!

(cars colliding)

- [Ariana] I found it.

- [Breathtaker] Good work, Ariana.

- Face your fear and it will disappear.

Nobody move.

- [Breathtaker] Well, Detective Walker.

We meet again.

- This isn't real.

You're dead.

- [Breathtaker] That's
never stopped me before.

- Do you know her, Breathtaker?

- Oh yes.

Detective Walker and I go way back.

Her father was the one
that shot me in the lungs

and made me the man I am today.

- It was an accident.

He was trying to save you.

- [Breathtaker] Save me?

He created me.

Then you destroyed me.

Now it's my turn to play god.

After all, I did rise from the dead.

(g*n firing)

- Why did you stop?

- [Breathtaker] Because
death is too good for her.

I want her alive.

Alive, alive, to suffer the way I have

and the way everyone else will.

- [Male] st precinct.

- This is Detective Walker.

I need immediate backup
at Angel Petroleum.


- I told you he didn't want you.

When you called him over last night,

all he did was talk about me.

- Breathtaker's getting away.

- So?

- So we have to go after him.

- We?

There is no we anymore.

It's only me and Steve.

- Breathtaker's your worst enemy.

- No, you are.


Steve is mine.

- I'm not giving him up without a fight.


- You really think you can win against me?

- I have to.

- Ah, did that hurt?

- No, but this will.

Can't breathe!

- That is the idea.

- Darcy.


Can you hear me?


- Steve.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

We gotta go after him.

- After who?

- Breathtaker.

- What are you talking about?

Breathtaker's dead.

- No, no, no he's not.

- Darce, he is dead.

You k*lled him yourself.

- It's this new gasoline.

Breathtaker's been using it

to make the whole city hallucinate.

- Okay, okay.

Well, well, well.

Looks like mama bear and
all the baby bears are home

and they're not placing nice.

- What are we gonna do now, Mr. Skeptical?

Got any ideas?

- I guess we're just gonna have
to get creative, Ms. Walker.

(g*ns firing)


- Raise the tube, raise the tube!

The lever, use the lever!

- Get the lever.

- Got it.

- Thank god you're here.

You've got to stop him.

- Stop who?

- Breathtaker.

- What are you talking about, he's dead.

- You believe me now?

- You mean he's alive.

- I accidentally brought him back to life

through my research in regeneration.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

- Okay, where did he go?

- [Breathtaker] Pleasant dreams.

(g*ns firing)

Unload the hallucinogen.

A toast to the good Dr. Phoenix

who cooked up this delicious concoction

to protect us from the hallucinogen.

At the risk of being rude,
it's time to pass some gas.

- Police!

Freeze or I'll sh**t.

- [Breathtaker] Go ahead, detective,

but I hope you're a crack shot.

If one stray b*llet hits that t*nk,

we're all going up in flames.




There's nothing I like better
than a c*ptive audience.

Now watch as the nightmare begins.

- Computer, auto transform.


(alarm blaring)

Launch crystallizer.


- We gotta get out of here.

- [Breathtaker] And miss the finale?

Where's your sense of drama?

- Everyone freeze.

Oh, it looks like the gas already did.

- [Breathtaker] I'm not
gonna waste my breath

with witticisms, Black Scorpion,

all I have to say is get her!


(upbeat music)

Where do you think you're going?

- To get some fresh air.


- [Breathtaker] You wouldn't be running

out on me, would you?

- No, I just wanna get some fresh air.

- [Breathtaker] In that case.

- I'm your worst nightmare.

- [Breathtaker] Who are
you under that mask?

Did you choose to put it on

or like me, did someone make you?

- You made me.




Looks like someone's about
to take their last breath

for the second time.

- You should know by
now that a little thing

like death can't stop me.

- Maybe not but I'll
enjoy every minute of it.

- No, no, don't do it.

- What do you care if he lives?

- I care about the law.

- Sorry, I don't live by your laws.

- Neither does he.

You wanna be like him?

- She is like me.

We both wear masks so we don't

have to see what we really are.


- No, I'm nothing like you.

Enjoy your last breath.

Your last breath as a free man.

- I haven't been free in years.

- Take him away.

- Dr. Noah Goddard, better
known as the Breathtaker,

was sentenced to life in prison today

putting to rest a dark
chapter in our city's history.

- So with everything that's been going on,

I haven't had a chance to ask you

what your hallucination was.

- Hallucination.

- Well yeah, you said you had one.

- Oh, oh, right, right, right.

I was fighting lions
on the planes in Nairobi

with my bare hands.

What was yours?

- Me?

I was att*cked by sharks as my ship

went down in the Bermuda Triangle.


(upbeat music)