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01x05 - Love Burns

Posted: 04/01/23 16:41
by bunniefuu

- [Man On TV] Scorpions live alone.

In fact, the female of the
species often chases away,

or even kills the male
after mating with him.

Scorpions do most of
their mating at night.

This scorpion has just devoured her mate.

- How depressing.

- [Man On TV] As a night
dweller, the scorpion is--

- [News Reporter] We
interrupt this program

to give a Channel news break.

- This is Monica James reporting live

from Angels of Mercy Mission,

where as you can see behind me,

flames are consuming the shelter.

Most of the homeless have been rescued,

due to the heroic efforts
of a single fireman.

He's the only one to respond
to a four-alarm call.

And here he is now. Sir, can
we talk to you for a minute?

- I don't get paid to give interviews.

- [Monica] You don't get paid
to fight fires either do you?

Are there any more fire
engines on their way

to battle this blaze?

- You can ask Mayor Worth about that.

- There he goes back inside to fight

the raging inferno, by himself.

No word yet on the cause of the blaze,

but we have received confirmation
that the fire department

in this precinct was cut down

due to Mayor Worth's budget cuts.

Although the mayor may have
saved taxpayers dollars,

he has put countless lives in danger.

- Why am I always the bad guy?

- Maybe it's because of
all the bad things you do.

- That was a rhetorical question, Babette.

- I know, that's why I answered it.

- And while the mayor can take
credit for lowering taxes,

tonight it's one brave firefighter
who is taking the heat.

- [Man] Help, somebody.

Whoever you are, help.

- Stand back.

Come on, let's get out of here,

this whole place is gonna blow, go.


Go on, get out!

Get out!

- And yet another homeless person

is emerging from the smoke.

Are there any more of you inside?

- No.

Just the fireman.

(tires squealing)

- Fire.

- [Narrator] In the light of
day, Darcy Walker is a cop.

But in the dark of night, she becomes,

Black Scorpion,

doing with a mask, what
she can't do with a badge.

- Activate auto transform.

- The fire here at Angels of Mercy Mission

is raging out of control.

The only fireman to respond to the call

is now trapped inside.

- Coming in here alone
is a stupid thing to do.

- Then why did you?

- It's my job.

- Mine too.

- Time to go.

- Ladies first.

- We've got to find another way out.

- Wait, wait.

What's that noise?

Oh, this isn't good.

- Let's get out of here.

- That was fun.

You're one hot date.

(sirens blaring)

- Cigar?

- No, when did you start smoking?

- Since my old pal, Fast Freddie

laid his hands on a box of Cubans,

that didn't make it through customs.

- You know those are illegal?

- What are you gonna do, arrest me?

- Maybe.

- Please, I'm not afraid of you.

- [Woman] Argyle?

- Her, I'm afraid of.

- Do I smell smoke out here?

- It's True Blue's car, it's overheated.

- Her car?

- Yeah, that's what it is.

What else can it be?

- I thought maybe it was
one of those smelly cigars.

- Ah baby, I promised you I'd
get rid of them, didn't I?

- Yeah well, you'd better not be getting

rid of them by inhaling.

- Baby, if I'm lyin' I'm dyin'.

I'm hot, are you hot?

I'm gonna go for some water,

you want some water, babe?

I go for water, I love water.

That was close.

- I can't believe you're
risking your relationship

over a stupid cigar.

- Look, don't worry about me, okay Blue?

Worry about your own love life.

- If I did that I'd have
nothing to worry about.

- Snorkel.

- Check.

- Whippers.

- Check.

- High tech babe-watchin' equipment.

- Check down, served senoritas,

check, check, check.

Yes, here we come.

- Not so fast you two,

your vacation's been postponed.

- What?

- Well, with all the
cutbacks in personnel,

I'm sort on man power.

- Oh Cap, oh that's not fair.

- Well neither is the fact

that I'm getting gray
hairs growing in my ears,

and I can't see my feet,

but you don't hear me complainin', do you?

- No sir, wait sir,

I spent four dollars on these glasses.

- I told her, it's a good thing
that I don't get hot feet.

- [Stewardess] Well, I hope
you enjoyed your flight.

- It was a

extremely smooth flight.

- [Stewardess] Bye bye.

- Hey hey, Walker,

I brought you back a little
souvenir from Hawaii.

- I see you brought one for yourself, too.

- Oh you mean Lacy?

No no no, I met her on the flight back.

- A stewardess?

- Flight attendant.

Not stewardess, flight attendant.

Am I sensing a little jealousy here?

- Why would I be jealous?

I'm not jealous.

We're partners.

- So everything's okay?

- Everything's great.

- Great, okay I'm gonna
go check in with the Cap.

- You do that.

- Excuse me, I'm looking
for Detective Walker.

- You found her.

And there's no smoking here.

- My name is Adam Burns.

- A fireman named Burns?

- How did you know I was a fireman?

- I caught you on TV last night.

Any idea what caused that fire?

- A better question
would be, who caused it?

And yeah, I got a pretty good idea.

- Torchy Thompson?

- He's a known arsonist,

he just got out of jail two weeks ago.

I recognized his handiwork at the shelter.

- Well, thanks for the
lead, I'll check it out.

- Actually, I was hoping we
could check it out together.

- Excuse me.

- I put out fires, and
that's what this guy is,

he's a fire ready to happen.

- Hey, look you've been
laid off for two weeks

and taking a civilian on an investigation

is against regulations.

- Since when did you start
following regulations?

- What's that supposed to mean?

- It means I read about you in the paper,

I know you took the
law into your own hands

when you stopped the Breathtaker.

- He k*lled my father,

look I don't expect you to understand.

- I do understand.

Look, Darcy--

- Detective Walker.

- Detective Walker, I could have come

to any cop in the department,
but I came to you.

- Why?

- Because we have something in common.

- And what would that be?

- We both do what we have to do.

This is Torchy's last known address.

- Have you ever tried to quit?

- Yeah, what's the point?

In my line of work, you can't help but

breathe a little smoke.

- A friend of mine smokes cigars,

it drives his girlfriend absolutely crazy.

Does it bother yours?

- Used to.

- Used to?

- It's kind of hard to keep a relationship

when you have to run out of the house

in the middle of the night.

- I know what you mean.

Speaking of running out in
the middle of the night.

- Looks like he's about
to set the town on fire.

- What a Saturday night.

- Wow, what is this place?

- It's the city's
experimental power plant,

I read about it in the paper.

Supposedly it harnesses the sun's energy,

and stores it in a solar t*nk.

- How is that possible?

- That big reflector.

- Its cells transduce the ambient energy

into a solid matter, using a new type

of superconductive heat coil.

- Wow, brains and beauty.

- Well, what are we waiting for?

- We aren't waiting, but you are.

- But I think it's better if I go.

- But nothing. Look, if
you get out of this jeep,

I will arrest you for obstructing justice.

Freeze, police.

- No thanks, I don't like freezing police,

but I do like burning them.

(rock music)

- Didn't your mother teach
you not to play with fire?

- Adam!

- Looks like the rest of your
life is gonna be sunny and hot

with highs reaching the upper thousands.

(g*n firing)

- Adam!

- [Operator] --.

- This is Detective Walker, CAPD,

I need an ambulance to Angel
Light and Power immediately.

- [Operator] Ma'am, please
state your location again.

- Why?

I'm fine.

Never mind, it was a false alarm.

(rock music)

Are you sure you're okay?

- Never felt better.

- Yeah, well I'd still feel
better if you saw a doctor.

- Darcy, I'm fine.

I've got so much energy I
don't know what to do with it.

- I guess Torchy did get
your adrenaline flowing.

- It wasn't Torchy.

- Looks like you found a
place to put all that energy.

- Have dinner with me tomorrow night.

- All right, on one condition.

You come to my house
and let me cook for you.

- You don't have to do that.

- No really, I want to, look,

it's the least I can
do, you saved my life.

So how does eight o'clock sound?

- Sounds great.

- See you then.

- Come on.

- What the hell?

- [Man On Radio] Attention,
any available emergency units

report to a fire at Angel
Avenue and Fourth Street, over.

- I was (muffled) said
there was a lot of smoke.

- Everything's okay ma'am,
it's just a grease fire,

I'll have it out in a minute.

- What's wrong?

- Everything's under control.

- Oh my table cloth!

My curtain!

What are you doing?

- I need this to smother the fire.

- Oh, that's my robe.

- Go go, get out of here.


- Everything I had in the
world was in my apartment.

- I'm so sorry, I don't
know what happened.

I lost control.

- What kind of fireman are you, anyway?

- I don't know.

- [Torchy Voiceover] Looks
like the rest of your life

is gonna be sunny and hot

with highs reaching the upper thousands.

- You took a civilian on stakeout.

- How'd you find that out?

- Security cameras,
outside the power plant.

- I told him to stay in the
jeep, I didn't think that--

- That's right, you didn't think.

You both could have been k*lled.

- What was a supposed to
do, Captain, go alone?

- No, you were supposed to
go in with your partner.

- Well I thought my
partner might be on a date

with his stewardess.

Besides, it wasn't even
one of our assigned cases.

- Well, it is now.

I talked to Warden Brickhouse
up at Pearl Gate Penitentiary.

Torchy Thompson wasn't even
supposed to be released.

Hell, he doesn't even come for parole

for another three years.

- Then, how did he get out?

- I bribed the parole board to get you out

for one reason, and one reason only.

- Why, because we were cellmates?

- I need you to burn
down public buildings.

- You and Arty shared a cell in jail?

- They're heavily insured,

and I've got a re-election
campaign to finance.

- Isn't he cute when he's mean?

- Contributions haven't
exactly been pouring in

since I was charged with embezzlement.

- Except for that awful snoring.

I'll bet he kept the
whole cell block awake.

- Now the doctor says it's because

he's got a deviated rectum.

- That's a deviated septum, Babette.

Don't you have any filing to do?

- No, I got a manicure yesterday.

- The bottom line here is,

I do not want a repeat of what happened

last night at the power plant.

- Don't you worry about a thing.

That was just a warmup.

Tonight, you're gonna
see some real fireworks.

(eerie electronic music)

- Need a light?

- What do you want?

- I'm gonna take your life
just like you took mine.

- What are you talking about?

You're still alive.

- The life I know is over.

What good is a fireman who starts fires?

Everything I worked for is gone.

Up in smoke.

(heavy metal music)

- Now look, what happened wasn't my fault.

You weren't supposed to be there.

Mayor Worth promised.

- Mayor Worth?

- He wanted to insurance money.

That's why he cut down
the fire department.

- Mayor Worth?

- Make sure that the buildings burned.

- Mayor Worth?

Well Torchy, looks like you're the one

that's gonna get burned.

(Torchy screaming)

- Hey Walker, Warden
Brickhouse finally got off

his lazy butt and sent
us over Torchy's file.

There just might be something in here

that'd be a little bit helpful.

- Great, get on it first thing tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

What about tonight?

- I've got a date.

(soft romantic jazz music)

(knocking on door)

- Darc!
- What are you doing here?

- I found something in Torchy's file

that you have got to see.

- Okay, this is really bad timing,

can we just do this another--

- Hey hey, are these crab puffs.

- Those are not for you.
I don't believe this.

- And you are not gonna believe
what's in this file, either.

Guess who was Torchy's cellmate, hmm?

- I don't know, I don't
have a whole lot of time

for guessing games here.


- Mayor Worth.

- What?

- Mayor Worth.

- I can't understand
a word you are saying.

- Mayor Worth.

So, what's for dinner?

- Get out.

- Gosh what's wrong.

- You wouldn't happen to be trying

to ruin my dinner date, would you?

- Oh come on, why would you
say something like that?

- I don't know, because maybe
you're a little jealous?

- That is ridiculous.

He's a firefighter isn't he?

- Yes he is, and he's
gonna be here any minute,

so come on, shoo, shoo, shoo.

- And I guess you're just gonna

have to write him a little note.

- What?

- What? Because you are
gonna have to come down

to the mayor's office with me,

and ask him a couple of questions.

Come on.

- Can't this wait until morning?

- You don't want the trail
to get cold, do you Darc?

- Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

- Well--

- It's me.

- Well, what in blazes?

Babette, do I have an appointment here

with some costumed loony bird.

- Nope, not today.

- Well, what the hell are you?

- I'm in an inferno, a raging inferno,

and you're the one who enraged me.

- Me?

What did I do this time?

- You've endangered countless lives

by cutting down the fire department,

then ordering Torchy to
burn down the buildings.

- Oh, that.

- Now, I'm gonna teach you a lesson.

- Good luck teaching me anything.

Isn't that right, Arty.

- Babette, shh.

Now, Mister Inferno,

that your name?

What can we do for you?

My entire office is at your disposal.

- Now that I've disposed of your office,

I'm gonna dispose of you.

- What do we do?

- The only thing we can do, Babette, beg.

Please, Mister Inferno.

- What's next, creme
brulee, or some kind--

Go back to the car and call for backup.

- Good.

- [Mayor] On the Fourth of July, oh yes.

All the firecrackers went boom boom.

You'd like that.

- Police, get your hands in the air.

- And why should I listen to you?

- Because I'm the one holding the g*n.

- That may be, but I'm the
one who's packing the heat.

Now, if there's not any more questions.

- Just one.

Do you get hot in your costume?

- Not as hot as you're gonna get in yours.

- Black Scorpion, oh
thank God you're here.

This freak of nature is trying to k*ll me.

No offense, freak.

Mister Freak.

- This isn't your fight, Black Scorpion.

- I don't like this sniveling
coward any more than you do,

but I can't let you k*ll him.

- And just how do you plan on stopping me?

- I thought I'd do something like this.

That should cool you off.

- All right, enough.

Everyone with a mask on is under arrest.

- Does anybody mind if I smoke?

- Inferno's getting away.

- [Babette] So is Black Scorpion.

- Not if I can help it.

- Steve,

what are you doing?

- Darcy?

Darc, I thought you were Black Scorpion.

- No, she must have gone after Inferno.

- Argyle?


- Another assassination attempt,

they'll put out his fire, permanently.

- Argyle?

- In here, Blue.

- What are you doing, smoking in my car?

- Because of those.

- Smoke detectors?

- Tender Lovin' put 'em up
all over the damn place.

- Yeah, but you don't
need to smoke in my car.

- Don't worry, your car
can handle a little smoke,

not to mention a lot of fire,

since I made a few adjustments.

- I thought you just changed the oil.

- I did that, but I also
doubled the strength

of the thermo shield,

just in case things heat
up with Inferno, again.


- Aha!

- Hey baby.

I can explain, trust me.

- Yeah, well so can I.

You've been smoking again.

Don't you care anything about your health?

- Listen, at least I'm
not as bad as Inferno.

- Inferno?

- Yeah, when he smokes
he sets hisself on fire.

- You might as well do the same thing.

- Baby hold on.

- What are you two morons doing?

- Well, you wouldn't
let us take a vacation,

so we decided to take our own.

- Yeah, we even got you
a postcard, let me see.

Oh this one's good,
here you go Cap, enjoy.

- Dear Captain, the weather's
here, wish you were beautiful.

That does it.

My office now, both of you.

- Release the hounds.

- Walker, you got a visitor.

Just don't take him on stakeouts.

- Hi.

I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.

You're sorry?
- You're sorry?

About what?
- About what?

- I'm sorry I didn't show up last night,

I had this thing I had to do.

- Well, to tell you the truth,

I didn't show up either.

I had a thing, too.

- Well maybe we could reschedule.

- How about tonight?

- It's a date.

- You seem awfully quiet.

- There's something I
need to tell you but,

I don't know how.

- I have something to tell you too but,

every time I'm around you, I just, I melt.

- There's a reason for that.

- I know the reason.

- You do?

- Yeah,

I think it's why I'm so afraid.

- You're afraid.

This whole thing scares
the hell out of me.

- So I guess we've both been burned.

- What a minute,

what are you trying to tell me?

- What I'm trying to tell you is,

I think I'm falling for you.

Isn't that what you're trying to tell me?

- Yeah, it is.

I think I'm falling for you, too.

(smoke alarm buzzing)

Oh my God.

- Um, candle must have tipped over.

- Yeah, it's a good thing
I had a fireman in my bed.

- I can't do this.

- What? What's wrong?




Adam, wait.

- I'm sorry, I've got to get out of here.

- Was it something I did?

- No, it's just I can't get involved.

- Why not?

- I'm afraid you'll get burned.

- [Darcy] Was it something I
did? Was it something I did?

- [Adam] I can't get involved.

I can't get involved.

- [Darcy] What's wrong?

- [Torchy] He wanted the insurance money.

He wanted the insurance money.

- [Adam] Now the mayor and the city

will be reduced to a cinder.

- Stop right there Inferno,

I'm warning you.

One more step and we'll fire.

- Whoo, I just love a pig roast.

- All hell has broken
loose here at city hall.

The SWAT team's b*ll*ts are
useless against Inferno.

His body heat seems to have created

a force field around him,

causing the b*ll*ts to melt
before they make contact.

It doesn't look like
anyone, can stop Inferno.

- [Darcy] Activate auto transform.

- [Man On Radio] All
units in the vicinity,

Inferno's attacking City Hall.

- That's us, call it in.

(hard rock music)

There she goes.

- Good job man, good job.

(g*ns firing)

- All right Lieutenant, hold him off.

Everybody fall back.

- Engage thermo shield.

- All right fireball, freeze.

- Hands on your helmet.

- Looks like it's time for
you boys to get a new car.

- Run away, oh way.

- See what I mean.

- Looks like I caught you red-handed.

- You don't know how right you are.

- Give yourself up.

- I can't do that.

- I can't do that.

- Looks like we have something in common.

- And what do you think that might be?

- We both do what we have to do.

- Adam?

- Darcy?

- Oh my God.

- After Inferno's as*ault
on City Hall last night,

police officials took the
mayor into protective custody,

and are hiding him in
an undisclosed location.

- Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

- Hot date last night Walker?

- I guess you could say that.

- So far however, there's
been no sign of Inferno,

leading city officials to believe

that this supervillain is
merely full of hot air.

- How's this for an Action exclusive?

- Inferno.

- I want the mayor fired, too,

but when I say fired, I don't
mean removed from office,

I mean roasted, toasted,
scrambled and fried.

If the police continue to protect him,

I'll set a blaze that will
make the Windy City Fire,

look like a marshmallow roast.

You've got until noon tomorrow

to remove the juice from his office.

If you don't, the City of
Angels will burn in hell.

- I just got off the
phone with Mayor Worth.

- Great, so when do we
turn him over to Inferno?

- Oh that's a great I--

No, we can't do that, Rafferty.

It's our duty to protect him.

At least we don't have to do it alone.

- What do you mean?

- They just called out the National Guard.

When Inferno shows his face,

they're gonna hit him with
heat-seeking missiles.

Blow him to kingdom come.

- Well wait, they can't do that.

- Why?

- Well come on you guys,
Inferno is obviously sick.

He needs help.

- What's going on?

- We're not going to
Acapulco, we're going to hell.

What happened to you?

- The reflector burned me.

- Yeah, well you look like a stop sign.

I guess this was just a moving violation.

- Reflector.

Power plant.

- It's gonna be a hot time
in the old town tonight.


- Auto transform.


- What?

Look who's here.

Did you come by to rekindle an old flame?

- No, I've come to put one out.

- [Adam] Do you really think you can?

- Female scorpions
usually k*ll their mates.

- I've reversed the flow of the reflector.

- Adam.

- Instead of collecting heat,

I can discharge it at
over times the power.

- Did you hear what I just said?

- And all I have to do
is press this lever.

- Adam.

- I heard you.

- And?

- I'm doing what I have to do.

I suggest you do the same.

- What?

- I have been through hell and back,

and now there is a fire inside me.

I can feel it every moment of the day,

burning my body, my brain, my very being,

I just want it to go away.

- Are you saying that you want to die?

- I'm saying, that you have
to fight fire with fire.

- I can't.

- Then watch the City of
Angels burn to the ground.

- Adam, stop.

- I can't, it's up to you.

- What do you mean, it's up to me?

- Do what you have to do.

- My preliminary investigation has shown

that Torchy Thompson
worked for Adam Burns,

otherwise known as, Inferno.

And as your mayor,

I am taking steps to insure

that this kind of terrorism
never happens again

in our fair city.

- You know it doesn't seem
to matter what happens,

somehow he always survives.

- What about you?

- I'll be all right.

I just wish I could have saved Adam.

- It wasn't your fault, Blue.

The man just wouldn't listen.

- Sounds like somebody else I know.

- Baby, this is my last one.

As a matter of fact,

here, take 'em and do
whatever you want with 'em,

I am through.

- Well, how do you like that?

You can teach an old dog new tricks.

- Where are you going?

- To flush these tobacco
torpedoes into Angel's River.

- So tell me the truth,

did she really convince
you to give up cigars?

- Actually it was your boyfriend.

- What do you mean?

- After I saw what happened to Inferno,

I believe the warning labels now.

Smoking is hazardous to your health.

(knocking on door)

- Darc?

I just stopped by to
tell you how sorry I am.

- Thank you.

- I also wanted to tell you how sorry I am

for the way I've been acting lately.

You were write, I was jealous.

Maybe it was professional, maybe--

- Personal?

- Maybe.

Look, I don't know.

Why don't we just go to O'Brien's,

and we'll have a little bit to eat,

and we'll sort this whole thing out.

- I'd love to but,

there's something I have to do.

(eerie electronic music)