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09x19 - The Turn In The Urn

Posted: 04/07/14 06:24
by bunniefuu
Wow! Look at you..

You got that whole Barbara Stanwyck thing going on.

You look great. Too bad the guy's dead.

He's not even gonna be able to see you.

I'd actually prefer to wear white.

White? You wear white to weddings, Bones.

You wear white to an Asian or Hindu funeral.

I can't believe we actually have to go to this thing.

There's a huge Flyers game on today that I have to see.

My research benefited from Mr. Mirga's donations.

He financed digs in the Middle East and Africa.

That doesn't matter. You don't even know this guy, okay?

We know the Flyers.

I love the Flyers, okay? It's a big game.

I'm still grateful for his support, and I would like to pay my respects to him and his family.

You're the one who said I should be more empathetic.

Ho, ho, ho. So it's my fault now.

Yes. Oh, ho. Wow.

I don't see how someone so rich could O.D. on heroin.

Oh, you get a syringe and heroin, you tie off the upper part of the arm, insert the needle into the vein.

Bones, I think I can figure that out.

Okay? All right. No tribal music.

I want to hear pregame on the way over, okay?

BOOTH: Wow. This place is fancy.

Are you watching the game? Yeah. Guy's got great Wi-Fi here.

And he should if he's worth $3 billion.

This kind of wealth is quite difficult to achieve.

Wait a second. You achieve, okay? He ran a hedge fund.

Guy probably paid off his congressman so he'd pay less tax than his secretary.

I wouldn't bring that up here, Booth.

(groans): Oh!

Booth. Sorry.

WOMAN: My son was a good man, but in pain-- a pain a mother will carry to her grave.

BRENNAN: Must be Mirga's mother.

Mrs. Mirga, I would like to extend my condolences.

I'm Temperance Brennan.

Another one of his women.

We should have a special section for whores.

I beg your pardon? Whoa.

Watch it, okay? You know what, she's a doctor at the Jeffersonian.

Plus, she's my wife.

And she's a brain surgeon. You all ruined my son.

Stop it. Now. This is the last one.

You probably k*lled him, hoping to get his money.

Please, Mrs. Mirga. We're here to honor your son, not...

They took my son away from me.

MINISTER: He lives on with God, Mrs. Mirga, and in our hearts.

They poison him against his own mother.

Easy, Mrs. Mirga.

BOOTH: Wow, you're right.

This funeral's more exciting than this game.

BRENNAN: They're of Romany ancestry.

A very passionate people.
(crowd clamoring)


MAN: Todd?


Okay, everybody out.

(crowd murmuring)

Get out! Now!

Wait a second. You're supposed to be dead.

Well, that's not true, is it?

BRENNAN: Booth, if Todd is here, then... who is in the urn?


How would I know who's in the urn?

Anyone you know missing?

I'm kind of a well-known recluse.

And I just got back into town; that's how I heard about my funeral. Hmm, all this media coverage, I'm surprised you haven't heard of this before today.

I was in a drug rehab facility.

No phones, no TVs.

That's correct.

And it's in Costa Rica.

I didn't use my real name.

You can check it out.

Oh, we will.

So, why all the secrecy then?

I run a hedge fund.

It's better if my investors didn't find out I was a drug addict.

I guess it's too late for that now. (chuckles)

You guys couldn't tell who it was by looking at him?

You know what? Maybe you can help us out with that.

Hmm? Take a look at these.

Here you go.

After three weeks, the body swells, becoming unrecognizable.

Oh, my God. Yeah.

Because he was found in your place with no evidence of foul play...

Just the dr*gs. Exactly.

The assumption was that you had O.D.'d.

BOOTH: And since the coroner ruled it an accidental death, they closed the case.

We reopened it. I understand.

If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

Michelle showed me the bracelet you bought her, Finn.

A little extravagant, don't you think?

I've never been able to buy anybody a real gift before.

I'm just sharing the wealth.

Well, that's very sweet, but don't go overboard.

It can disappear as quickly as it came.

Not so sure. Opie and Thurston's Hot Sauce is going national.

I got a check for $19,000 the other day.

That's more money than my family's made in a year.

Opie, it is good to see you. You, too, Thurston.

Welcome back, Mr. Abernathy.

I trust you enjoyed your studies in Boston?

That I did, ma'am, with a little money in my pocket.

I even ate a restaurant where I didn't understand one word on the menu.

BRENNAN: Oh, that's wonderful.

That's how I tasted my first tarantula.

Okay. Let's shift the focus from the benefits of wealth to the task at hand, shall we?

The remains were discovered locked in the safe room of Todd Mirga's house.

Decomp suggests about three weeks after death.

Ooh, a safe room; now that would be sweet.

Mr. Abernathy, if your focus is now the accumulation of money, I can always get another intern.

Uh, no, ma'am.

I'm-I'm sorry, ma'am.

So we have someone dead of unknown causes, locked in a safe room for three weeks.

No I.D. No idea if it's m*rder or accidental.

Exactly. Fortunately, we have the remains.


You can't just pour it in there.

The ash is gonna fly all over.

No, there's an electrostatic trap in the tray.

So, no particle, no matter how small, can escape.


These should tell us all we need to know.

HODGINS: I think Angie's going to have trouble doing the facial reconstruction.

♪ Bones 9x19 ♪
The Turn in the Urn
Original Air Date on March 31, 2014

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

It's like trying to rebuild a pig after a barbeque.

Well, hardly, Mr. Abernathy.

That would require tissue that would've been consumed during the meal.

In my experience, bone fragments from a cremation are usually much smaller.

Fortunately for us, the crematorium did a completely inept job.

Upside: there might be some charred tissue for me.

The shape and thickness of this fragment suggests that it came from the victim's ilium.

The textured lip indicates that he was in his mid-30s.

Which explains why he could've been mistaken for Todd Mirga.

I think I found a pretty good-sized piece of something.

That seems to be a bit of mandible.


I have a fragment of sternum.

Let me see.

That's impossible.

I already retrieved this section of the sternum.

Oh, my God.

We have two sets of remains.

I mean, aren't these places regulated?

Only by the EPA, and they mostly care about emissions.

The degree of ossification on this sternal fragment is from somebody in their mid to late 70s.

I have a tooth fragment here.

Absence of staining, attrition and cementum apposition suggests it's from a 20-year-old.

We have three sets of remains?

And we've barely started sifting through all this.

There could be more.

Well, how are we gonna I.D. the victim?

I have no idea, but it's quite an exciting challenge.

One urn, three sets of remains.

How does a billionaire end up at a budget mortuary?

Mother took care of it. I saw her at the funeral.

She's a piece of work.

So, all of the employees at his estate, everyone that works for him, they're all accounted for?

Yeah. You know, I was looking at Mirga today, and I'm thinking to myself this guy's got everything; why's he sh**ting up heroin?

It's an addictive personality.

Right? For you, it was gambling.

For him, it was dr*gs. Probably other vices, too.

But still, he became a billionaire.

My guess? Because of his addictive personality.

Look, he was addicted to money, too.

Well, everyone sort of is, aren't they? No, not like this.

Addiction is about power and control.

For someone like Todd, money and dr*gs serve the same purpose.

Yeah, but an addict will do anything to get his next fix. Seems as though our John Doe here got between Todd and his money, huh?

Thank you, Mr. Domick. All right, now, this is everything that Church Falls PD dropped off.

Why did they vacuum the crime scene if they didn't suspect a m*rder?

Well, the techs at the scene were just going by the book.

They've never been opened.

Wow, this is the first evidence we've had in a long time that hasn't been contaminated.

Ah, you hope.

Hey, I bought a truck.

Brand-new-- well, sort of.

It's only got 12,000 miles on it.

But I can't wait to show Michelle.

Don't you think you should wait until more money comes in before you start blowing it all?

No, the sales projections for our hot sauce is brighter than the sun in August.

Projections are not cash, Opie.

Hey, the syringe has never been used.

But the coroner ruled the victim's death an overdose.

Yeah, well, assumptions, they can always obscure the truth.

Oh, I was under the impression that you'd I.D.'d the victim.

I'm about to.

Well, the sooner, the better.

This may be all we have. So, we know the victim was locked in Todd's safe room for three weeks.

So, I created a regressive algorithm that factors in humidity and temperature against stages of decomp.

How could you know the humidity and temperature?

Well, luckily, the room had a hygrometer and a humidifier, an independent thermostat, motion sensors and a CO2 scrubber.

Wow, Todd's money seems to be funding our investigation.

So, that data and your algorithm allow you to reverse the decomposition?


Wow. That is amazing.

I know, right?

Okay, I'll start with DMV.

There weren't any security cameras on? No.

And Todd was out of town, so he doesn't know why the cameras were turned off.

Was there a break-in? Was anything missing?

No, nothing reported.

BRENNAN: Oh, match found.

Daniel Barr.

You sure it's Daniel? Yes.

There were two teeth in the cremator remains-- enough for me to confirm his identity.

All you needed was two teeth?

The second one was actually unnecessary.

BOOTH: So, Daniel Barr had an I.D. card that gave him access to your home, but he wasn't an employee of yours, so what exactly did he do for you?

Daniel was my personal concierge.

You know, lifestyle management.

No, I don't know.

I manage my own lifestyle.

He did things like book my trip to Antarctica, set up a carnival for a party, acquired some antiquities.

He helped spend your billions.

Rich people are always criticized for their success.

We do a lot for this country. Nobody seems to talk about that.

Maybe he got tired of buying your toys and he wanted toys of his own.

What are you saying?

I'm pretty sure that was clear.

Daniel was my friend. I don't hurt my friends.

BOOTH: Really?

What about Anthony Shelton? Does that name ring a bell?

BRENNAN: You fired Shelton, had him blacklisted. You ruined him.

That was business.

He blew a deal that cost me a lot of money.

Because no one messes with your money, isn't that right?


Your theory of my motive is fascinating, but very difficult to prove.

I was in Costa Rica, remember?

Any luck with the evidence from Church Falls PD?

Yeah. Take a look at this.

It's like a treasure trove of goodies.

What-what am I looking at? It's soil.

Right, okay, so the red, gray and white particulates indicate a very arid, saline environment.

Now, these crystals are selenite gypsum found in salt flats, but these crystals are arsenic.


So he was poisoned. No, not given the amount.

But the arsenic, along with all the other particulates, make up soil that's found only in one place: the Hetao Plain of inner Mongolia.

He was k*lled in Mongolia and then brought back to the safe room?

Seems a bit farfetched.


Well, maybe he came back from Mongolia and hadn't showered yet.

Seriously, Opie?

I'm just trying to help, Thurston.

Okay, so how would Mongolian soil end up in Todd Mirga's safe room?

Aha. Now that... that is a good question.

I have no idea. But I still have all these bags to go through, so... What is that?

Uh, this was in the urn with his remains.

Dr. Brennan wanted me to bring it to you.

Why me? This is bone. Yes.

But it's not human.

Daniel Barr had no prior arrests?

Nope. Guy's a Boy Scout.

Had him pegged as a possible blackmailer.

With all the strings he pulled for rich people, I would've expected at least a misdemeanor.

Whoa, what's this?

That's a restraining order. That's not good.

It was taken out by Todd Mirga's mother.

So he was a threat, then.

Not necessarily. Take a look at her, huh?

The mother's a certified loon.

Wow. Yep.

Look at that rap sheet.

Where's your bracelet?

You're still wearing the rope one that I made you.

I love it.

It was the first one you gave me.

And the other one...

I'm afraid I'll lose it at school.

Maybe a ring would've been better.

No, I love it.

So you had a good time in Boston?

Yeah, it was great.

Yeah, so much history.

There's no one there like Dr. Brennan or your mom.

And here I'm closer to you.

Hey, you should transfer to Georgetown.

We could be even closer.

I like my school.

I can't believe how much I've changed since I've been there.

You look the same to me.

Change is good.

I know. Tell me about it.

I mean, it looks like the hot sauce is going national.

I know.

You told me. It's great.

So you think I k*lled the weasel?

BOOTH: Now, look, we just want to ask you some questions.

No, no, no, no, no.

You brought me here because I'm Romani.

I will file a civil lawsuit. I know my rights.

Well, judging from all the nuisance lawsuits you've filed, I'm sure you do.

This is the way it's always been with you people and my people.

Something goes wrong, and we are the first one to blame.

Look, this is a m*rder investigation, okay?

This is not an ethnic persecution.

You're just upset because my Todd slept with your wife.


He did not sleep with my wife.

Then what are those horns on your head, pretty boy?

I'm lost.

Yep, so am I. Okay, so, um, you have quite the impressive criminal record here.

Let's see, fraud, larceny, theft...

Let me ask you this.

How does a mother steal from her own son?

Take something when he's not looking?

Yeah, your son accused you of taking some of his collectibles in the past.

Mm-hmm. Taking?

He gave them to me and forgot.

He always been forgetful.

A mother knows.

Daniel had you escorted out of the house numerous times.

You weren't allowed there unless it was to visit Todd.

This a family matter. No business of yours.

You took out a restraining order on Daniel thinking that way you could stay in the house.

He kept tossing you out anyway, so you k*lled him.

If I k*lled him, there would never be a body.

The one you should be talking to is the whore he's with now.

Sarah Metzler? Who else?

She hated Daniel. Why?

Because when my son was done with his whores, it was Daniel who made them go away.

Ask your wife.

(both sigh)


Advanced calcification.


Rib; thick, rounded edge.


FINN: All right, this is from the victim.

Could be part of the occipital, but I'm not sure.

You're correct.

Here's a suture line.

Also a fracture.

That's probably an expansion fracture caused by the heat during cremation.

I don't think so.

This is not an expansion fracture.

It was caused by trauma.

Trauma to the occipital could be cause of death.

We'll need more of the bone before we can say that with certainty.

Like finding a drop of water in a creek.

But I'll find it.

There are crystal particles on this fragment of the occipital.

Is the occipital from Daniel Barr?


The suture line confirms it.

What are the particles?


So the animal bone fragment Finn gave me turned out to be a piece of narwhal tusk.

What is a piece of narwhal tusk doing in the remains?

That I cannot explain.

And to add to the delicious complexity of this find, I did radiometric dating on it.

It's at least a thousand years old.

What, is it carved? Yeah.

Some striations showed up, as well as some silver and gold particulates on one edge of the narwhal fragment.

A thousand-year-old tusk, silver and gold?

It must be some kind of ancient artifact.

He was struck with a rare artifact-- one that vanished from the room.

You have a history of dating rich men, don't you?

(chuckles): I went to good schools with wealthy people.

And your parents, they went broke trying to send you to those schools.

You don't have any money, either.

Look, I know how people see me, but I love Todd.

And I would still love Todd even if he was broke.

And Daniel was my friend.

Well, you know, Todd's girlfriends, they didn't last too long.

What, three, six months, tops?

Then he would dump 'em and go on to the next one.

Todd takes me everywhere with him.

The Bolshoi anniversary in Moscow, Johannesburg two months ago to raise money for education.

I ran that auction.

He's never treated any other women that he has he dated like that.

Well, we do know that something disappeared from Todd's home.

And it's possible that you took it so you could have yourself a nice little nest egg when he tosses you out.

Oh, my... No!

No! I would never steal from Todd.

And I would never hurt anyone, least of all my friend.

I think I know how the victim was k*lled.

Really? The guy's literally dust in the wind.

That would be amazing, even for you.

Yes, sometimes I surprise even myself.

I need you to do a search for Der Schlachter Kelch.

Okay, I love that you think I would know how to spell that. It's German.

It means "the Slaughterer's Chalice."

I think the victim was k*lled with it.

Okay, there's no photos, but there is a painting.

Well, that's because it hasn't been seen in over 300 years.

Oh, that's Giorgione.

He's an artist from the late 14th century.

Can you enhance this portion of the painting?

He's depicted the gold, silver, jade, chalcedony that Hodgins found.

The white material is probably the narwhal tusk from the legend.


Marco Polo, huh? This thing goes back.

It actually predates him.

The earliest mention of the chalice is in 2018 B.C. in the Land of Punt.

Over the next 2,000 years, the chalice traversed a dozen empires.

This thing must be worth a fortune.

It is.

Expensive, even for a billionaire.

I... I can't believe it still exists.

So the last account of the chalice was when a Qing general was k*lled for it.

Hence, the Slaughterer's Chalice.


And to think that 4,000 years later, bits of it would end up in a concierge's head.


When ancient treasures are looted, it's worse than stealing art, it's stealing history.

Artifacts like the Slaughterer's Chalice belong in a museum where everyone can experience them.

As opposed to some rich creep's living room.

Booth, you shouldn't hate all rich people.

They're a fact of life, like the corpuscular theory of light.

I don't hate rich people.

I just... I don't like entitled people.

Big difference.

This guy Todd, he feels entitled to get tax breaks for him and his friends.

That's not illegal. I don't care.

It's still wrong, isn't it?


You're a good man, Booth. No, that's it.

See, it's not that I'm a good man or a special man.

I'm just a normal person, that's all.
(phone chimes)

Oh, hold on.

The Art Crime Division came up with something.

"The only dealer with the connection necessary "to bring something like the Chalice into the country is...

Satima Najjar"?

(electronic doorbell chimes)

Wow. Look at this place.

It's like stepping into a museum.

This is an exceptional collection.

Early Ottoman oil lamps, 12th-century Templar crosses, Etruscan vases.

Fourth century.
(bell jingles)

Booth! Oh, sorry.

Hello, I'm Satima Najjar.

Always good to meet a collector who knows her antiquities.

I'm not a collector.

I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here is my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan.

We need to ask you some questions about Daniel Barr.

Oh, has Daniel done something illegal?

No, he's dead, which is perfectly legal.

Except for the person who k*lled him.

True. Oh, my.

We have evidence that Daniel was in possession of the Slaughterer's Chalice at the time of his death.


Nobody has seen the Slaughterer's Chalice in over 300 years, not since Bai Lang took it back to Mongolia with the rest of his spoils.

So you're denying that Daniel hired you to find this? No, Daniel did e-mail me about the Chalice.

He said he could pay me as much as $50 million if I could do the impossible and locate it for him.

$50 million?

That's a lot of money.

With Daniel out of the way, you would have a very wealthy new client.

As my e-mail will attest, I said no to the job.

Even if I could find it, the Slaughterer's Chalice would be an illegal sale.

Turning him down in writing would give you deniability.

I am a reputable dealer.

I don't traffic in stolen artifacts.

Actually, that's not true.

Why is that?

This Mesopotamian basin is an early example of narrative relief, dated approximately 3000 B.C.

Discoloration shows evidence of iron oxide.

Blood. Blood.

He was k*lled here. The blood is over 2,000 years old.

It's a sacrificial basin, one of only six in existence, all housed at the Iraq Museum until they were stolen during the w*r in 2003.

I had no idea that that was stolen.

Well, you're under arrest.

I told you, I didn't k*ll Daniel.

Right, but trafficking in stolen artifacts, all right?

While you're in custody, we can talk all about Daniel.

Isn't that right, Bones?

(electricity crackling)

Okay, who... Hello!


Who paid for this? Well, uh, the TV from Archie Bunker's living room might be missing a tube, but, you know, only temporarily, and I had the liquid nitrogen stream device laying around...

Let's back up a sec.

You took something from one of the Jeffersonian's most popular exhibits?

Yeah, well, everybody else had gone home, so how else was I gonna build a crystal cathode diffractometer?

And why did you need to build this crystal cathode di...



So, remember the crystalline particles Dr. Brennan gave me?

Well, I built this baby to bombard them with electrons so I could identify them, which I have.

They are diamonds.

You mean diamond powder? Well, if you want to nitpick, yeah.

So these diamonds are probably from the Chalice.

Well, that's what I initially thought, but there was no mention of diamonds anywhere in the legend of the Slaughterer's Chalice.

And the way these diamonds are ground, the technology to do that, it wasn't even developed until 1953.

So where did this diamond dust come from?


So, you ever heard of the Slaughterer's Chalice?

No. What is it? BRENNAN: It's a priceless artifact that hasn't been seen for over 300 years.

That ring a bell now, Todd?

I already said no. That question couldn't have been asked over the phone? You're wasting my time.

I'm not wasting your time.

I really don't care if I'm wasting your time.

Do you know who Satima Najjar is, Mr. Mirga?

I'd be a fool if I didn't; I collect artifacts.

Satima deals in them, but I've never met her.

Thought you're a man who's used to getting what he wants, right?

You make that sound like a bad thing.

BRENNAN: Daniel Barr asked Satima to acquire the Slaughterer's Chalice for you.

BOOTH: He wouldn't have done that without an order from you.

Daniel was always looking for new collectables for me.

Sometimes he'd surprise me.

He'd spend $50 million without talking to you?

Did you ever think he was working for someone else?

I wasn't his only client.

Well, we have forensic evidence that the Slaughterer's Chalice was in your safe room when Daniel was k*lled.

k*lled while I was in rehab, as I have said.

BOOTH: Right. I'm sure you could've fudged some records down there in Costa Rica.

Are you gonna arrest me, Agent Booth?

Thank you so much for the update on the case.

I'm sure the director will be happy to hear how you're wasting the taxpayer's money.

The guy acts like he doesn't have to play by the rules.

Because he usually doesn't.

Plutocrats and oligarchs are always afforded special treatment.

Well, not this time, okay?

I'm not letting him buy his way out of this.

Booth, we have no proof that Todd was in the country, let alone that he k*lled Daniel.

You're gonna find something; you always find something, okay?

You don't want people getting away with m*rder, and neither do I.

I'm having the mortuary's retort and cremulator shipped to the lab tomorrow.

That could help.

See, that? That's good.

The, uh...

That's great. Great stuff.

You don't know what a retort and cremulator are?

You can't name one player on the Flyers, can you?

After Mr. Abernathy and I finished separating the remains Yeah. that were mixed in with Daniel Barr's, I realized that we're missing parts of the victim.

How? He's ash.

Based on his size, after cremation, his remains should weigh three kilograms.

We received only 2.31 kilograms.

So you're missing almost two pounds of the victim.

Why can't you just say "two pounds" instead of getting all "metricy"?

The mortician Todd's mother used was shoddy.

I think we'll find the rest of Daniel in the cremation equipment.

So you think it's the mother.

I don't guess.

Come on, a little guess.

No. Huh?

No. You think it's the mom.

I'm not guessing. I think you're wrong.

I think it's Richie Rich.

Oh, wow.

Miracle anything was pulverized in this cremulator.

Grass on my lawn has sharper blades.

Well, and this retort is a treasure trove of charred tissue that should have been vaporized if the furnace was running properly.

FINN: It reminds me of the oven I used to use at Arnie's Pizza and Wings.

HODGINS: Yeah, except here the cheesy looking bits are flesh and the pepperoni is charred muscle.

And people ask me how I stay so thin.

BRENNAN: Daniel Barr's cause of death was indeed blunt force trauma from being hit with the Chalice.

FINN: All right.

Found the remaining segment of the fracture in the victim's occipital.

Yes, Mr. Abernathy.

Three cheers for incompetence and faulty equipment.

I'm confident you will find particulates from the Chalice in the fracture.

SAROYAN: Oh, tissue.

It's pretty charred, but there should be enough to run some tests.

It appears our victim was shot.

BRENNAN: I assure you, Mr. Abernathy, cause of death was blunt force trauma.

I'm not arguing that, but at some point, he was a target.

Look at the inferior margin on the scapula.

Based on the remodeling, this injury was about two weeks old when he was k*lled.

Can I see that?

So, first someone sh**t him, and then two weeks later, he's bludgeoned to death?

That is one persistent k*ller.

HODGINS: Hey, look at this. There seems to be some metal that melted into the trabeculae.

It's probably the b*llet.

I might be able to I.D. it.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

Is this a bad time?

No! Yes.

What? She asked; I answered.

It's okay, Michelle.

We can go to my office to talk.

No, actually, I'm not here for you.



It's almost lunch. Go.



I got to say, seeing you makes me happier than a tornado in a trailer park.

Finn, is there someplace private we could go?

Ooh. I wish, but I'm already in hot water for taking time away from work.

No, that's not what I meant.

This is a bad idea.

I should've waited.

We can talk later. Wait.

You're upset about something.

It can wait. No.

If you're upset, everything stops.

I don't care what's going on.



I don't know how to say this.

Oh, man, you got to be kidding me.

I'm so sorry.

What did I do?


I tried to tell you yesterday.

School's changed me, I guess.

I'm not the same person I was even a year ago.

Is there someone else?

My mom tried to tell me I was too young to make a commitment.

I hate it that she was right.

Who is he?

It doesn't matter.

It's not even that serious.

But I can never lie to you.

I'm sorry.

You should never apologize for being happy.

You go be happy.

Finn... I'm serious.

I understand.



The tissue I retrieved from the crematorium's furnace was enough to run a tox screen.

Daniel Barr tested positive for heroin.

So he and Mirga were drug buddies.

Looks that way. Well, look at this.

So I found cupronickel b*llet residue in Daniel's remodeled g*nsh*t wound.


Yeah, it's from an antique b*llet, right?

Well, I traced it to a rare Colt semi-a*t*matic p*stol, and it's one from the prototype that the Army tested in 1905, which became the famous 1911 p*stol.

Wild guess, but this looks like a collectable.

Yeah, there were only two prototypes made, both very valuable.


Todd Mirga purchased one at auction six weeks ago.

When Daniel was shot.

I see I've graduated to your interrogation room; this must be serious.

We know that Daniel Barr was your junkie buddy.

And we know that you own the g*n that shot him two weeks before he was k*lled.

And that g*n mysteriously disappeared.

It was an accident.

We were fooling around.

When you were high? Yes.

Daniel was just grazed.

He understood.

Because you paid him off.

Medical expenses and a bonus, yes.

It seemed fair.

But I realized I had a problem, and I went to rehab two days later.

You know, I think that your little junkie buddy threatened to expose your drug use and the sh**ting unless you kept paying him, so you k*lled him.

I was in rehab.

Right, under an assumed name.

You see, we checked on all that.

All those records were destroyed when you left.

Guess what?

You have no alibi.

BRENNAN: We know Daniel was k*lled with the Slaughterer's Chalice.

We have forensic evidence of the gold, silver, narwhal tusk, even diamond powder that must have been placed on it more recently.

Diamond powder?


So... you found everything.



Daniel was ripping me off.

I caught him trying to take the Chalice.

We fought...

I hit him with it.

Is that a confession?


But I would like a lawyer, if you don't mind.

Wow, okay, that doesn't make any sense.

Guys like Mirga, all right, they're just too cocky to give themselves up like that.

Maybe the preponderance of evidence shamed him into confessing.

They don't have any shame either, okay?

Look, maybe he knows, you know, with his rehab stay and his drug use, that he can sow reasonable doubt.

We need some tangible evidence to tie him to the crime scene.

Something that proves that he was in the safe room and not Costa Rica.

It's possible he's protecting his mother.

You thought that she was capable of m*rder.

Very true. That's fine.

Let's see if you can get me anything on her.

Anything at all, all right? Just something.

I'm gonna go double check with the Costa Rican authorities and the rehab center, all right?

Okay. Bye.


Mr. Abernathy?

Um, Dr. Brennan.

(clears throat)

I'm sorry, I was just thinking.

About the case, of course.

If you're too upset to work, I can continue without you.

No, I'm good, ma'am. It's best to have a task to keep my mind from drifting. I agree.

Have you found anything new which could prove probative? Uh, no.

Thurston and I have searched and re-swabbed every last millimeter of the bone fragments.

So you've repeated all prior tests.

Yes, ma'am, to double check our findings.

Question, Mr. Abernathy.

Since the body was cremated, even incompetently, what would happen to any transferred particulates with a melting point of less than 1,000 degrees?

They'd melt. Yes.

And like water, they'd pool within the fractures and pores of the bone matrix.

I'm a tree stump.

We should look inside the bone.

Please bisect this segment of the occipital and have Dr. Hodgins swab inside the trabeculae.

Yes, ma'am, right away.

Have you wept yet, Mr. Abernathy?

I beg your pardon?



For your loss.

There is a very well-established neuronal connection between the lacrimal gland and the brain's limbic system associated with emotion.

Stifling the body's need to cry in emotionally difficult situations is unhealthy.

Thank you, ma'am.

I-I'll remember that.

So it looks like there were minute traces of micro-diamonds inside the bone matrix.

Like the ones found in the vacuumed debris?

Yes, yeah.

But here, uh, there's a resin secreted by the female lac bug.

Great. So diamonds and bug poop.

HODGINS: No. No, not... exactly.

Not in its natural state.

See, here it's been processed, along with benzoyl peroxide, into a lacquer much like that, uh, found in nail polish.

And it seems like the micro-diamonds were also infused into that lacquer.

So, what, diamond nail polish?

MONTENEGRO: Oh, yeah, I... just read about this. Uh...

"Million Dollar Manicure."

You've got to be kidding me.

MONTENEGRO: Each bottle contains over 100 carats of micro-diamonds.

It was auctioned off at a celebrity charity event in Johannesburg two months ago.

SAROYAN: Who has a million bucks to blow on nail polish? HODGINS: Don't look at me.

I don't have that kind of money anymore.

Well, according to the article, there were three winning bids.

The wife of a Saudi Prince, Beyoncé, of course, and...

Sarah Metzler.

SAROYAN: Mirga's girlfriend.

SARAH: I love Todd. I don't care about the money.

And he loved you.

And he confessed to save you.

I just knew that if he could get himself clean, he'd be so much happier.

He thought it, too.

But Daniel didn't care.

He wanted a friend to sh**t up with.

He was bringing heroin over for Todd that day, for-for when he got home.

Not the Slaughterer's Chalice?

No, I set that up with Satima because I knew how much he loved that piece.

You brought it to the house when you saw Daniel putting the dr*gs in the safe room.

We fought about the dr*gs.

And then I hit him with it.

With the... with the Slaughterer's Chalice.

Sarah, I need to know where the Chalice is.

It's in a locker in my gym.

I didn't know where else to put it.

All I wanted to do was surprise him for when he came home.

I just wanted to keep him safe.

You protect the person that you love.

Don't you?


Dr. Brennan said you asked for the Ghost k*ller files to keep your mind occupied.

Uh, yeah.

But it's not going so good.

As awesome as these Ghost k*ller cases are, I've been reading this one for the past half hour.


You don't have to say anything, Dr. Saroyan.

No, no, I-I want to.

I want to tell you how much you mean to me.

And how much you helped Michelle grow.

I know it's probably not what you want to hear right now, but it's the truth.

She is a better person because of knowing you.

And so am I.

You know what the funny thing is?

I don't blame her.

I don't understand.

I had money for the first time in my life, a wonderful girl, who just happened to have a great mama to boot.

I had everything.

But the truth is, nobody gets everything.

We get what we love most.

Sometimes it's just hard to know what that is.

That's a struggle we all have.

Thank you for coming to check on me, ma'am.

Think I'd like to go home for the night, if that's okay. Sure.

♪ Oh, yeah, you and me

♪ We are one and the same

♪ We light up the fire

♪ And we run from the flame

♪ We pray for a storm

♪ Then hide from the rain

♪ You and me

♪ We are one and the same.

I can't believe it.

I can't believe we actually have it.

Taking it out of the crate, it had this wonderful musty bouquet of antiquity.

Probably because we found it in Sarah's gym locker under a pair of sweaty gym socks.

It's incredible, isn't it?

It's over 4,000 years old.

The Chalice has traveled across continents, been touched by kings and emperors.

It's a nice cup.

"Nice cup"?

Yeah. It's not the Stanley Cup, but it's a nice cup. It's a nice thing.

Booth, I don't think you appreciate what an extraordinary find this is. Look, I get it.

It just doesn't do it for me. Well, what do you mean?

What doesn't it do? It just doesn't do it for me.

I mean, it's nice and all, but it's-it's kind of creepy, if you think about it. Look at the workmanship.

Do you know how many people have been k*lled over that thing?

That just adds to its history and fascination.

I'm gonna still go with the Stanley Cup, okay? Can we leave?

We've been staring at this thing for about 45 minutes now.

I guess so. Okay, let's go.

Let's go get something filled in our own cups.

The Kirkland Archeological Society wants me to write a paper about its discovery.

You'll be prominently featured. Me?

Really? Of course.

Without your help, the Chalice might still be lost.

Will they have a picture of me with the article?

I don't know about that. There should be a picture of me holding it. That's what...

No, Booth!

You can't touch it.

It's thousands of years old.

Well, when you win the Stanley Cup, you hold the Cup over your head because you're proud of winning the Cup!

I mean, aren't you proud of this thing?

Yes, but this picture wouldn't be going in a sports publication.

It would be in a scholarly journal.

Okay, yeah, but you have to admit, having a picture, that would increase sales, that'd boost 'em up. It'd be good, right?

Of course, but... There you go.

(alarm blaring) Quick, picture! Won the Cup!

Oh, my God!

Cup. Yes. Okay, don't worry about it. FBI.

I got it all taken care of. break something off.

We won the Cup. You're gonna break something.

How about I take a selfie? Come on.

No, Booth. Put it back.

What's that mean?