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07x03 - Love is a b*ttlefield

Posted: 06/02/08 10:15
by bunniefuu
At Paige, Ellie and Marco’s

(Paige is blow-drying her hair which wakes Alex up.)

Paige: Morning sleeping beauty.

Alex: If you really loved me you wouldn’t hurt my ears this early.

Paige: Well I’ve got to drop the store key with Jimmy, hit the bank, groceries, and a job interview. Très multitask.

Alex: So what am I gonna do all day?

Paige: How about you recharge after the last two weeks? Your final Degrassi semester got you those crazy great grades you were after.

Alex: Yet not even straight A’s could get my mom to ditch Chad, the free-loading conman. So much for moving back home.

Paige: Hon, I know it’s hard, but you can stay here until you get back on your feet.

(Paige kisses her goodbye.)

Alex: Bye.

(Paige goes into the kitchen.)

Marco: Paige, how long is Alex crashing? Like is she looking for a job or…

Paige: Her last reference is from a strip bar. She needs help and time.

Marco: Yeah well who’s gonna help her ditch the TV remote and pick up the want ads?

Paige: Hon, you and I are lucky enough not to know what it’s like when your parents screw you over. Sympathy, s'il vous plaît? Thank you. So can I go to my life-changing interview? We’ll discuss this later, okay?

At Paige’s new job

Paige: Andrea?

(The girl keeps walking.)

Paige: Okay guess not.

Andrea: Are you the new girl?

Paige: Paige. It is so good to meet you Andrea.

Andrea: (She pronounces her name differently) Andrea.

Paige: Andrea. Of course. So much for a good first impression, right?

Andrea: Look this job, you’re gonna iron more clothes than you wear, okay?

Paige: Well how about chiffons? I mean steaming sure, but will the Malandrinos really hold up?

Andrea: Malandrinos? We’ve been practicing that at home, haven’t we?

Paige: My whole life, clothes geek.

Andrea: Whose pinafores did you like this season?

Paige: Chanel’s. The rest are un-wearable.

Andrea: Look I need someone at my beck and call. Totally committed.

Paige: Look I will get coffees. I will pin hems. I’ll do model sweat duty, really.

Andrea: Are you a fashion student?

(Paige shakes her head no.)

Andrea: Good. We have our spring line runway show for clients happening this week. Drop-offs, details, emergencies. You drive?

Paige: Yes. Andrea I will not let you down. So…

Andrea: Write this down.

(She starts giving orders as Paige follows behind her.)

In Mr. Simpson’s class

(Manny walks in late and Damien comes in right behind her.)

Mr. Simpson: Manny and Damien. A match made in lateness. Something I should know about?

Damien: Not yet, Mr. Simpson.

Mr. Simpson: Okay. Well while Liberty is away at leadership camp, acting vice-president Toby has an announcement.

Toby: Um in response to concerns raised by the merger, we’re gonna be holding a referendum. On Thursday we’re gonna vote on whether Lakehurst clubs and teams should integrate into Degrassi’s or stay separate.

(Everyone starts talking.)

Mr. Simpson: Alright cool your jets, guys. Come on. Let’s get this class started, alright?

Emma: Hey lets instil segregation. Apartheid worked so well in South Africa. Why not here? We should do something, Manny.

(Manny is staring at Damien.)

Emma: Hello? Earth to Manny.

Manny: Yeah totally. Together, good. Separate, bad.

Emma: Speaking of together or separate, what’s going on with you and Damien?

Manny: Things kind of fizzled after the Lakehurst feud, kind of thanks to you actually, but am I bitter?

(He gives her a little wave and she smiles.)

At Paige, Ellie and Marco’s

Marco: So why do you think you’d be a good roommate, uh Griffin?

Griffin: Uh well I’m quiet, clean and studious.

Ellie: Hmm that might not work. We’re kind of loud.

Paige: And sort of messy.

Ellie: Yeah we do homework in front of the TV. You’re an engineering student, right?

Griffin: Yeah well and I book bands for the club and I spin. So loud’s okay.

Ellie: Well Griffin it was great meeting you.

Griffin: Okay um I’ll let myself out. You guys get ready to talk about me.

(He leaves.)

Marco: Thank you. No more callers.

Ellie: Hey I’m not so sure. A hot roommate is a lot more pressure than regular ones. I need freedom to wear flannel.

Paige: Griffin was incredibly cute and normal. It’s two to one. Sorry Ellie.

Alex: Hmm a guy here would be weird. It’s a tie.

Paige: Um hon, you know we love you, but you don’t really get so much of a vote. The rent’s the rent, you know?

Alex: Right. Of course.

In the hallway

Manny: Damien, the guy who let a tiny cheerleading protest wreck a relationship last semester.

Damien: Well a gym full of people shouting “go home Lakehurst” doesn’t leave the memory easily.

Manny: Well now you have a reason to forget, also known as me or was that not flirting that I saw in class today?

Damien: What are you suggesting Miss Santos?

Manny: That we give it another try, that we live in the present.

Damien: I like presents.

Anya: Um smile for the grapevine.

(She takes their picture.)

At Paige’s

Paige: Alex, please stop pouting. You know it’s only-

(Paige looks at her laptop.)

Paige: No, no, no. Ugh! Come on. I’m so stupid.

Alex: What’s the matter?

Paige: My licence expired and I thought I could renew it online, but…Alex half of this job is driving.

Alex: 72 hour wait.

Paige: I have to be there in an hour.

Alex: You have a car, I have a licence.

Paige: You would do that?

Alex: Well it might eat into my couch time, but it will be fun to hang out for a change.

Paige: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The entire fashion industry owes you huge. Ready to hit the road?

Later that night

(Paige and Alex walk in with a bunch of clothes.)

Marco: Bonjour couture and Alex, its newest fan?

Alex: Uh not quite.

Paige: Had a little licence issue, but this adorable super human is chauffeuring so I don’t lose my job.

Alex: The things I do to spend time with you. I just don’t get why we have to bring all this stuff here.

Paige: Um hon, we can’t leave them at the venue alone. They are priceless. Marco, flown from Milan today.

Marco: No!

(Marco tries to grab it and Paige pulls it away.)

Paige: Oh no touch pas.

Alex: I saw a pair of $1200 shorts tonight. Who buys $1200 shorts?

Paige: I wish I could! Being near them on the runway will have to do.

Alex: That’s just sad. So uh this show, it’s for the world’s 5 other shorts-loving freaks?

Marco: This show is like a huge deal. They said in the paper today who’s sitting front row.

Paige: Hon I will be done at the office at 4 tomorrow, but if I’m not outside you can just wait for me, okay?

Alex: Sure. Getting used to that.

(Alex leaves and Paige and Marco keep squeeing over the clothes.)

Marco: This is unreal.

Paige: I don’t even know what to do.

Marco: Try it on! That’s what you do!

Paige: Are you kidding?

In the media immersion room

Toby: You’re on the Internet.

Emma: Again?

Manny: I swear I’ve done nothing net-worthy.

Toby: Degrassi Grapevine disagrees.

Manny: Good news travels fast, I guess.

(She sees the picture of her and Damien on the Grapevine.)

Manny: Damien look we’re the interracial poster children for Degrassi/Lakehurst unity.

Damien: Hmm.

Manny: What, too much press, too soon?

Damien: No it’s just a little ironic. The whole separation thing was kind of my idea.

Manny: Hold on. Why would you do that?

Damien: Because I believe in it. Lakehurst needs its own identity, especially now.

Manny: Damien the rivalry is only gonna get worse. What about…?

(She gestures to their picture.)

Damien: No problem. We can be together ever if our schools are apart.

Manny: Wouldn’t it be better if we were double together?

Damien: Manny you just don’t understand politics.

Manny: The only thing I don’t understand is why I thought this could ever work, condescending ass.

(She walks away.)

Damien: Hold on that came out wrong.

Outside Paige’s job

Paige: (On the phone) Say you’re at the corner. I’ve been waiting here for 40 minutes.

Alex: (On the phone) I will be soon, Paige-y. I just had to um…just read the style section, okay? I’ll get there as soon as I can.

(Alex is shown smoking weed with Jay.)

Paige: (On the phone) How about don’t bother? I can take care of myself, okay?

(She hangs up.)

Paige: Taxi!

At Paige, Marco and Ellie’s

Alex: I have to go get her.

Jay: First Mel leaves me. Now you. My heart is cracked open and leaking love juice all over the place.

Alex: Your heart will heal. I can’t drive. I’m too stoned. No what am I gonna tell Paige?

Jay: That I’m a mess. That you’re being a good friend. She’ll get it.

Alex: No she’ll have a fit, actually. These are the only things she cares about.

(Alex pulls out one of the dresses.)

Jay: Woah Mel would look so hot in that. God I miss her.

Alex: And that’s why I keep you around! For your brilliant ideas!

Later that night

Paige: Alex! Alex, can you at least do me the courtesy of being here when I yell at you. You ditched me!

Alex: I know. I’m sorry, but Mel dumped Jay and he really needed…

Paige: Let me guess, a shoulder to get high on?

Alex: I’m sorry. I was a jerk, but can I make it up to you?

(She takes off her robe to show the dress she’s wearing.)

Paige: Oh my god. Take off the dress now!

Alex: But I was trying to surprise you.

Paige: Well congratulations! Take off the dress and then get out of my room.
The next day

(Griffin is moving in and Paige is steaming the dress.)

Alex: Coffee? I found more. Paige I’m sorry. I, I thought my wonder girl Paige could manage on her own.

Paige: On my own, I’m fine. Someone else caused the problem.

Alex: I made a mistake. I didn’t understand how seriously you were taking this whole gig.

Paige: How could you not? This is the first thing I’ve been excited about since I bombed out of Banting.

Alex: I’m not like you with plans and stuff. I always feel like I’m behind. Maybe that’s why I need you.

Paige: Well what about when I need you?

Alex: I’ll be there. How can I prove it?

Paige: Chocolate reminders for tonight’s show. They have to be wrapped and couriered to all the VIPs by noon. Should have been done last night, but um I was busy.

Alex: I’ll get it done, Paige.

Paige: I know you will because screwing up is not an option.

Outside the school

Damien: Manny! Manny! Manny stop.

Manny: Sorry not only do I not understand politics, I have trouble with simple commands.

Damien: I’m sorry about yesterday. Listen I didn’t mean to imply you were anything less than brilliant.

Manny: But we’re both smart enough to realize the truth, right? About us?

Damien: Uh oh.

Manny: Damien, it’s not gonna work. I think the personal is political and if I can’t support your campaign, then I can’t support you.

Damien: I respect that, but it doesn’t sound good for the faces of Degrassi/Lakehurst unity.

Manny: Well at least we can agree on that.

Damien: I think we just set the record for the world’s shortest relationship.

Manny: I guess it wasn’t meant to be. We’re just too different.

Damien: It’s ‘cause I’m black, isn’t it?

Manny: Well now that you mention it.

Damien: So what you just wanted the cred?

Manny: Why do you people always play the race card?

Damien: That’s highly offensive.

(Holly J and Anya overhear their joking and look at each other shocked.)

At Paige’s job

Andrea: What’s Ms. Hagerty going to wear?

Paige: Couriered the purple jersey.

Andrea: And the models?

Paige: Are in makeup as we speak.

Andrea: What about the new music mix?

Paige: Oh uh tracks 1-6. Have it on a loop.

Andrea: Now why haven’t any of my VIPs called to gush over their edible gold reminders?

Paige: They haven’t? But I had them sent out.

Andrea: You had them sent?

Paige: Andrea, I swear they were at the courier by noon.

Andrea: It’s your first week and you’re subcontracting already.

Paige: (under her breath) Alex.

Andrea: Paige, focus. We’re in the leads here. Now if you can’t handle this-

Paige: No I can. I can. I’m sure it was nothing more than a little snag. I can fix it. Trust me.

Andrea: You certainly will. It won’t be a problem at show time, right?

Paige: Of course not. Everything is under control.

Andrea: You looking for something?

Paige: I uh, I just can’t seem to find the contact sheet.

(Andrea gives her it.)

Paige: Thank you.

Andrea: Just do your job and don’t wear that.

At Spirit Squad rehearsal

Holly J: So Manny, Chantay and I were just trying to figure out who’s hotter. Brad or Kanye?

Manny: You’re serious? Ryan Gosling, hands down.

Chantay: Figures.

Manny: What’s that supposed to mean?

Chantay: As long as he’s not black, right?

Manny: Excuse me?

Holly J: Rumour has it you’re a r*cist.

Manny: Rumour has it you have webbed toes.

Holly J: Sorry Manny, but most of us understand that racism is a very serious issue.

Manny: Guys I can’t believe this.

Chantay: So the rumour’s true then?

Manny: No! Where are you getting this crap from?

Holly J: People who overheard you talking to Damien today.

Manny: Dude we were joking! This is insane. Come on. I’ll prove it.

(They walk into the hall and Manny goes up to Damien.)

Manny: So you heard?

(She points to herself.)

Manny: r*cist. Awesome, huh?

Damien: What do you mean?

Manny: Some people didn’t think our joke was very funny, but seems to be working out well for you though. Lots of support, huh?

Damien: You think people are supporting me because of that?

Manny: Well I don’t think it’s hurting. So you need to do something for me. Hey! Listen up. Unscheduled announcement from Damien Hayes.

Damien: I heard some vicious rumours. I want you all to know that Manny Santos is not a r*cist.

Holly J: Then why did she dump you?

Damien: Trust me. The reasons are far more than skin deep.

Manny: Unlike Damien, I happen to be a firm believer in unity. He wants to keep the schools divided, but what Damien doesn’t get about politics is that when there’s solidarity, there’s strength. I hope you all remember this as you make your way to the polls.

Derek: Yeah!

Danny: Bravo. One school.

At the fashion show

Paige: (On her phone) Paige here. Ms. Levoy, you will? Great. I’ll see you seen.

Andrea: Paige! How are my… this chair is crooked. How are my VIPs?

Paige: Last one just confirmed. All seats filled with appropriate seats.

Andrea: Impressive, but we’re still really behind. Now I need you to-

Alex: Paige!

(Andrea gasps in horror as Alex walks on the runway.)

Alex: Paige I um…okay. I couldn’t get the stuff to everyone.

Andrea: Paige. We can’t have this, her.

(Paige grabs Alex’s arm and they move away from Andrea.)

Paige: Alex, what is wrong with you? You didn’t deliver the reminders, did you?

Alex: No ‘cause I saw the invoice. $3000 for chocolate? That’s 3 months rent to where I come from.

Paige: And if I hadn’t spent the last hour frantically calling people about the show, I’d have lost my job.

Alex: This isn’t happiness, Paige. This is a lame temp gig that has you acting like a diva.

Paige: Who asked you to judge what is okay for this company or me? I am trying to start a career I actually care about.

Alex: You actually care about this artificial crap? Paige you wrap presents and iron dresses like a maid. Sorry if I have principals.

Paige: You know what? You were better off as a stripper. It is all great to climb up on your high horse, but at least that girl was working for something.

(Paige tries to walk away and Alex stops her.)

Paige: Alex, I’m done!

(They both walk away angry.)

In Mr. Simpson’s class

Ms. Hatzilakos: (On the TV) Yesterday you went to the polls to decide whether the Degrassi and Lakehurst teams and clubs should be separate or together and the results are in with a resounding vote in favour of unifying clubs and teams. Thank you.

Mr. Simpson: Thing of beauty, democracy. And speaking of democratic freedom, feel free to take your seats.

Manny: Hey. If it’s any consolation, you weren’t totally wrong. Some things are better apart, like us. No hard feelings?

Damien: Are you kidding? You totally blind sighted me in front of the whole school.

Manny: It’s not my fault you smart boys are so easily manipulated.

Damien: Oh is that what you think? Everyone, Manny’s a sexist!

(She covers his mouth.)

Manny: Joking. Very funny.

Damien: So you’re sure you don’t want to go out on one more date?

Manny: Positive.

Damien: How about Emma? Is she single?

(Manny shakes her head with a smile.)

At Paige and Marco’s

Paige: Then I had to return everything after the show so I blew every cent I made on taxis.

Marco: Yeah, but you still have your job though, right?

Paige: Andrea gave me a gift bag, so unless that’s code for move on sister…

Marco: It’s code for hottest shades ever.

(Alex walks in and sees a duffle bag.)

Paige: I think everything’s in there. Where are you gonna go?

Alex: My mom has a cousin in Ajax. I’ll find a job. I’ve got options.

Paige: Look I’m sorry. I thought it would be good for you here.

Alex: Yeah, but I was still alone. I lost you to a fantasy world.

Paige: This is the right thing to do, but it still hurts.

Alex: You make it sound like cough syrup.

(Alex leaves and Paige puts on the sunglasses.)

Scenes for next week

Voiceover: On an all new Degrassi, Jimmy and Ashley chase the spotlight.

Ashley: If I’m chasing dreams, you’re coming with me.

Jimmy: Okay.

(Ashley is shown singing and the crowd looks bored.)

Johnny: Lame!

Voiceover: But one outshines the other and we all know what that means.

(Jimmy is shown rapping and everyone is into it.)

Ashley: Jimmy all they saw was you!

Jimmy: But I helped you pick up the crowd.

Ashley: I didn’t ask you to.

(Jimmy is performing and Ashley watches from backstage.)

Ashley: People thought I was Craig’s sidekick. I don’t want to be Jimmy’s. Does that make me a bitch?

(Ashley is shown about to delete Jimmy’s rap from the computer.)