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07x02 - Standing in the Dark Pt. 2

Posted: 02/04/08 10:35
by bunniefuu
At the ski lodge

Darcy: What time is it? Peter?

(She looks around and sees her clothes on the floor.)

Darcy: Peter! Peter what happened last night?

Peter: I think I became fluent in keg draft.

Darcy: But did we? Oh my gosh. We did.

Peter: Did what?

(She nods down.)

Peter: Are you sure?

Darcy: Yes I’m sure and you should be too. You were kinda there.

Peter: My body was I guess, but not my mind…Darcy I was totally wasted.

Darcy: You’re not the only one who was. I’ve got the thrashing headache to prove it.

Peter: We had sex?

Darcy: When does the next bus leave? If I don’t get home before my parents, I’m dead.

Peter: Darcy I know this isn’t how you pictured it.

Darcy: Let me get dressed. Just get out.

Peter: No I mean I wish it had been more memorable. I know how much it meant to you, losing your virginity.

Darcy: No you don’t, Peter. Not even a little. Now please let me get dressed.

In the gym

Manny: And 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8.

(Holly J starts screwing up the moves.)

Darcy: Uh Holly? Try to keep up.

Holly J: It’s Holly J and I’m trying. It’s just hard to memorize mediocrity.

Darcy: Please. You know what? Practice is over. Everyone hit the showers.

Manny: Way to end practice on a high note. What happened?

Darcy: What? Uh what do you mean?

Manny: You know at Mount Huron? After you got all judgy on me and I left?

Darcy: Manny I’m really sorry about that.

Manny: What was it again? No values, no self-respect…

(Darcy doesn’t say anything.)

Manny: Uh oh. Rents caught you sneaking back in, didn’t they?

Darcy: No they didn’t. It’s not that. It’s Peter.

Manny: I had a feeling when you guys weren’t on the bus home. Did something happen?

(She starts to cry.)

Darcy: Everything and I barely remember it.

Manny: Are you sure you said yes? You’re sure Peter didn’t take advantage?

Darcy: Manny don’t go there. I got drunk and I made a mistake. End of story.

Manny: You’re not the first one, honey.

Darcy: What if people find out? What if they talk and say I’m like this big nympho? I swear I’d die.

Manny: You’ll be fine, so as long as you make sure Peter hasn’t told anyone.

Darcy: But I know.

Manny: And every girl is entitled to a secret, or two, or three. It’ll be fine.

At Marco, Paige and Ellie’s

Marco: Morning. Sleep okay?

Alex: Yeah you weren’t lying about that couch.

Marco: You don’t have to lie, Alex. I know you and Paige are playing house in Dylan’s room. It’s not like he’s gonna care. He’s in Switzerland.

(Paige walks in looking for something.)

Marco: Keys to the store? They’re on the fridge.

Paige: Oh thanks, hon. Without you, I’d be sad, lonely and with many cats.

Marco: You know we have a no pets rule?

Paige: Well once I close down Squatch Designs for good, I’ll leave the rats behind. Bye guys.

Marco: Bye.

(She kisses Alex goodbye.)

Marco: Hey El don’t forget, study group at 4. I made notes.

Ellie: Thanks. You’re too perfect.

Marco: Tell that to Dylan.

Alex: What’s with Dylan?

Marco: It’s our anniversary and you’d think I would have heard from him by now, but nada.

Ellie: Marco, the boy has checked out.

Marco: I gotta get to class.

Ellie: Sorry! I’m sure he’ll call.

In Ms. Kwan’s class

Derek: Come on. You can tell us.

Danny: Totally. We’re practically friends.

Peter: Alright, but you guys can’t tell anyone. Alright…I think Darcy and I had sex.

Derek: No way!

Danny: What?!

Peter: Shh!

Danny: What do you mean think you had sex?

Peter: Well you know when you think you had sex, but you’re not totally sure if you did or not?

Derek: Uh no.

Danny: Come on dude, you’re asking us?

Derek: So what is it? Did you do it or not?

Danny: I knew it! He did. Score.

Peter: Shh. It’s a secret. You guys can keep a secret, right?

Danny: Totally. We’re not like immature or whatever.

Derek: Yeah. So did you see her bare-naked?

Ms. Kwan: Seats everyone. Today we begin studying a new novel, the mid-19th century classic, “The Scarlet Letter” written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The book is a story of a woman who must permanently bear the mark of her sins in the face of public scrutiny.

At the Core

Marco: Hello Nash.

Eric: Marco. Hey how are you?

Marco: Eric!

Eric: What brings you to the Core?

Marco: Uh just getting a textbook from El. How goes the journalism?

Ellie: Makes no sense.

Jesse: What? Your Justin Timberlake review?

Ellie: Ha ha. It’s Marco. He keeps holding onto a guy who treats him like crap.

Jesse: Well he’s sure got a fan in Eric.

Ellie: Really? We should set them up!

Jesse: We should mind our own business and by ‘we’, I mean you.

Ellie: Look you know Marco. Unless someone intervenes, he’s gonna let Dylan kick him around forever.

Jesse: No doubt. Marco’s loyal to a fault, which is why he’s never gonna let you set him up with Eric.

Ellie: You’re right. Just means we’re gonna have to be sneaky.

Jesse: Still with the ‘we’, huh?

Outside the school

Peter: Hey you still mad at me?

Darcy: I wasn’t mad at you. I was freaked out.

Peter: Yeah I get it. I do. I was freaked too.

Darcy: I’m just surprised, I guess.

Peter: Yeah I know. It wasn’t how you thought it would happen.

(They hug.)

Darcy: So we agree? That it was a mistake. I mean it can’t happen again.

Peter: Darcy I don’t want to do anything to make you unhappy, ever. So whatever you say goes.

Darcy: And you didn’t tell anyone about, about what we did, did you?

Peter: No. Of course not.

Darcy: Good because if anyone found out…

Peter: Don’t worry. No one will. I’m just glad we’re cool because if you were mad at me, I couldn’t take it.

At Marco and Ellie’s

Marco: So Dylan just sent the lamest text. It says “Hap aniv M, Luv D. Could that be any more abbreviated? Why does it smell like pizza?

Ellie: Because we have guests.

Jesse: Hey Marco. Uh Eric and I were uh just doing some work.

Eric: Hey Marco.

Ellie: Jesse I wanted to show you that thing. Remember?

Jesse: Oh right. The thing. Love things.

(They leave Marco and Eric alone.)

Marco: Well that wasn’t awkward.

Eric: I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were gonna make it such an obvious setup.

Marco: But you did know it was a setup?

Eric: Well I guess I kinda thought there was something between us.

Marco: Yeah there is something between us. His name’s Dylan. He’s my boyfriend.

Eric: Okay. I wonder if uh Ellie can show me that, that thing. Enjoy the pizza.

At the Dot

(Peter and Darcy are cuddling when Emma and Manny walk in.)

Manny: Hey. Mind if we interrupt this love fest?

Darcy: We’ve got all the time in the world for friends.

Peter: We can all be friends, right?

Emma: No recent reasons why not. People change, right?

Peter: They sure do.

(Jane walks in.)

Jane: Get a room you two. Oh wait a sec, you already did that, you sly dogs.

Darcy: You told her?

Peter: No I didn’t!

Jane: Well those two fuzz-head twins won’t shut up about it.

(Darcy leaves.)

Peter: Thanks a lot.

(Peter rushes out after her.)

Peter: Darcy I’m sorry.

Darcy: Oh great you’re sorry. That’s really gonna help me get my reputation back.

Peter: I only told Danny and Derek because I was so freaking confused.

Darcy: About what?

Peter: About the fact that you say we had sex, but I don’t think we did. I really don’t.

Darcy: I know what happened that night. I know that we had sex.

Peter: Listen, last time I saw you, you were passed out and there were a lot of people around. People we don’t know. I was out of control.

Darcy: Stop it Peter!

Peter: I really hope it’s not true, but what if something happened?

Darcy: It’s not possible. I’m not the sort of person that happens to.

Peter: You’re sure you had sex. I’m sure it wasn’t with me.

Darcy: Don’t talk to me.

Peter: What?

Darcy: You heard what I said. Don’t talk to me ever.

(She walks away upset.)
Outside the school

(Darcy walks inside after taking a deep breath.)

Derek: Darcy you little thief.

Danny: Yeah we heard you stole Pete’s virginity. Made him a man, you little minx.

Emma: Out of the way, dorks! Don’t let them bug you. We’ve both been here before.

Manny: It’s like being a sheep and the halls are filled with wolves with acne.

Kim: Guess all those years in Friendship Club didn’t mean much.

Darcy: Hey Kim.

Kim: I see you’re still wearing your abstinence ring. Don’t you think you should take it off?

Emma: This isn’t the time, Kim.

Darcy: No it’s fine.

(She takes off her ring and hands it to Kim.)

Darcy: Satisfied?

Kim: Virginity is God’s most precious gift and you just gave it away.

(Manny sticks out her tongue at Kim and the girls walk away.)

At Marco and Ellie’s

Ellie: Yeah frozen toaster tart!

Marco: Hey you’re still in the doghouse Nash.

Ellie: I was only trying to help you and by the way, it was real nice of you to crush poor Eric’s feeling.

Marco: I know. I got freaked. Maybe I’m attracted to him.

Ellie: Maybe?

Marco: Okay he’s hot! And in another time and place it might have worked, but Dylan…

Ellie: …is in Europe, which is European for far, far away. He’s living his life Marco, but what are you doing?

Marco: Fine. I will take Eric out for one cup of coffee. Just promise to get off my back.

Ellie: Promise.

(Marco tries to take the poptarts out of the toaster and Ellie stops him.)

Ellie: No. they have to be hot.

At Darcy’s locker

Peter: Darcy can I talk to you?

Darcy: I think you’ve done enough talking. You’ve made my life here hell.

Manny: Shoo! Go on! Get!

(She pushes him away.)

Peter: I’m gonna m*rder Danny and Derek!

Jane: Hey uh you guys hear about that Mount Huron thing? There’s a police warning about some roofie r*pist on the loose. Someone’s going around and spiking some random girls’ drinks at parties. Crazy scary.

(Darcy has a flashback to the night.)

Darcy: Totally. So lucky it wasn’t one of us.

Jane: Yeah.

(Jane leaves and Darcy doesn’t say anything.)

Darcy: What?

Manny: You said you were out of your mind drunk.

Darcy: I had one drink. It just hit me.

Manny: One drink doesn’t hit you like that. Roofies do and they also make you forget.

Darcy: I remember me and Peter having sex. I remember the whole thing. It was beautiful.

Manny: That’s not what you said yesterday.

Darcy: Well my memory came back.

At a doctor’s office

(Darcy is getting her blood tested.)

Doctor: So we’ll send this off to the lab, along with your urine. We’ll test for the usual STI’s. Just bend your arm up. And we’ll have the results in a few hours.

Darcy: And there’s absolutely no way you can tell if I’m pregnant?

Doctor: Not this soon, I’m sorry. You uh, you said you were very intoxicated when you had sex. Are you sure it was consensual?

Darcy: Oh absolutely. My boyfriend, Ramón’s, condom broke. Oops.

Doctor: Ms. Edwards, I know an excellent person you can talk to if…

Darcy: Oh no need, doctor. I’ve got my boyfriend, my family, my friends, all sorts of support.

Doctor: Okay.

At a coffee shop

Eric: That’s why I love the summer camp. I think all kids should have access to the outdoors.

Marco: Yeah and all the mosquito bites they can scratch.

Eric: Don’t knock it, city boy. Maybe some day I’ll take you to the woods.

Marco: Look Eric you’re great and I’m trying, but I have a boyfriend.

Eric: Look you have a crutch. What are you afraid of Marco?

Marco: Nothing. Its long distance and it’s difficult, but I’m committed.

Eric: Look you’re hiding under a safety blanket. There’s a whole world out there and Dylan’s not the only gay man in it.

Marco: Well thanks for the advice. You sure seem to know a lot about my love life.

Eric: I know you deserve someone who’s good to you.

Marco: Well I happen to have that guy.

In Darcy’s backyard

Manny: Hey. Got your IM. What’s going on?

Darcy: I used to play here when I was little and I used to dream about my prince who would sweep me of my feet at our perfect wedding. I just found out I have Chlamydia. Got any antibiotics?

Manny: Is Peter getting tested?

(Darcy shakes her head no and she starts to cry.)

Darcy: I remember feeling someone on me and he smelled bad. Not like Peter. I just wanted it to be him so bad.

Manny: Oh my god, Darcy.

Darcy: I don’t know what to do, Manny. I’m terrified. Everywhere I look I think “is that him? Is that the guy?”

Manny: Darcy you’ve got to talk to someone. You’ve got to tell.

Darcy: You said Manny. You said every girl is entitled to a secret.

Manny: I didn’t mean getting r*ped. Babe you’ve got to talk to your parents, okay?

(Darcy nods her head.)

Manny: Darcy, you’re still gonna have your prince and your perfect wedding. You’re gonna have it all, okay? It’s okay.

At Darcy’s house

Mrs. Edwards: Daddy and I are off to choir practice. Hey everything okay, honey? Oh don’t tell me that cold of yours is coming back.

Darcy: I’m still feeling a little under the weather. Have fun at choir.

At Spirit Squad practice

Manny: Okay bring it down. Holly J, can you take over for a sec?

Holly J: Okay back in formation.

(Manny goes into the locker room and finds Darcy on the floor with the shower running and her wrist cut, bleeding into the drain.)

Manny: Darcy? Darcy!

(Manny turns off the water and gives her a towel.)

Manny: Oh my god. Hold this. Press. I’m calling 911.

At the hospital

Peter: Do they know?

Manny: I don’t think Darcy told them yet.

Peter: Someone’s got to.

Manny: Not us, not now.

Peter: Why not?

Manny: I got this pamphlet.

Peter: Oh great a pamphlet.

Manny: It says r*pe victims need to heal at their own pace. It’s important.

(Mrs. Edwards starts to walk over and Peter leaves before she can see him.)

Mrs. Edwards: The cut wasn’t deep. She’ll be okay, but can you tell me why my perfect daughter would have done this?

Manny: Mrs. Edwards, I really don’t know.

(Darcy is shown in the hospital bed upset.)

At Marco, Paige and Ellie’s

(Marco is pouring a cup of coffee when Paige walks in.)

Paige: Keeping Sumatra in business, hon?

Marco: I haven’t slept much. Been waiting for Dylan to call for two days.

Paige: Well luckily I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up. Squatch Design tees in every single colour.

Marco: Sorry about the store going under.

Paige: No big. We did everything we could. C’est la vie, que sera and all that. There’s no use crying.

Marco: I guess when it’s time, it’s time.

(His phone rings.)

Marco: Dylan. Hey listen, um we need to talk. Yeah it’s the talk.

In Ms. Sauvé’s office

Darcy: I just don’t know what to say. I don’t even know why I’m here.

Ms. Sauvé: You’re here because you hurt yourself on school property. Darcy I know there’s a reason for what you did and if you ever do want to talk, I could be a pretty good listener. But in the meantime we’re gonna create a safety plan and make sure you have the best support system around. And if there’s anything else you need, you know where to reach me.

In the hallway

Manny: Hey. How’d it go?

Darcy: I couldn’t tell her. Not yet.

Peter: I got you something, abstinence ring.

Manny: What happened, it didn’t count Darcy.

(She takes the ring and they start walking down the hall together.)

Scenes for next week

Voiceover: On an all new Degrassi when Paige goes all Devil Wears Prada…

Andrea: The models?

Paige: Are in makeup as we speak.

Andrea: What about the new music mix?

Paige: Oh uh tracks 1-6. Have it on a loop.

Voiceover: And total hell breaks loose.

Paige: Oh my god. Take off the dress now!

Alex: But I was trying to surprise you.

Paige: Well congratulations!

Voiceover: Is this the end of Paige and Alex?

Alex: You actually care about this artificial crap?

Paige: You were better off as a stripper.