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09x05 - The Lady on the List

Posted: 10/21/13 16:21
by bunniefuu
(siren whoops)

(indistinct chatter)

BRENNAN: When are we gonna tell everybody about our wedding?

Oh, we're not.

Not till we make all the plans, okay?


All right.

Oh, this guy is all chewed up.

Torn, actually.

Missing phalanges, bone fragments from the skull.

Probably a hawk fed on him.

Don't you want to discuss it with our friends, Booth?

Oh, really? I mean, you really want to get everyone's opinion on what they think our wedding should be like?

What, "You can't have pigs in a blanket," huh?

"No, no, you know what, you should have "radishes that are shaped like hummingbirds and wear dandelion hats."

I've never even seen those things.

They exist.

Based on decomp, I'd estimate he's been here for approximately three days.

But Cam should probably make that determination.

We can wait for her to get a definitive...

No, no, no. We're not...

I've been dangling here for long enough, all right?

Things are... you know, they're starting to pinch.

Listen, Bones, all I'm saying, that this is...

Look, we've been waiting a long time for this day, for our wedding, all right?

I just want this to be our day. Don't you?

But we'll invite everybody, won't we?

Of course. Of course we are.

You always say that you know best.

Based on the palatine suture, the width of the ascending ramus and the sternal rib ends, the victim was a Caucasian male in his early 50s.

I do dislike it when other people tell me what to do.

See? Now there's the Bones that I love, all right?

We're gonna have a great wedding.

Whoo... all right.

What are you doing?

Aw... That's right.

Or whatever it's gonna be. Okay.

But... pigs in a blanket?

Yeah. Pigs in a blanket.

It's God's perfect food.

That might be a point of contention.

Come on.

This looks like an accident.

Oh, no. No one out of shape in their 50s, goes rock climbing alone.

This was a m*rder.

You're making an assumption, Booth.

What? Well, I'm that guy.

I'm that gut guy, okay?

I assume things. That's what I do.



Then I'm going to need to take the hawk back to the lab, too.

BOOTH: Is he eating a finger?

BRENNAN: Yes. He seems to be enjoying it.

We'll need Animal Control.

No, we need to get pulled up.

Hey! Can we get the hawk?

Trust me, you're gonna like pigs in a blanket.

So I'm compiling character traits of rock climbers and their psychosocial... Great.

You don't want to hear? Oh, I get it.

Psycho socials-- they're like dances, uh, you know, in a loony bin.

I got it, right? Come on in.

Shut the door, will you?

Just... will you shut the door for a second?

What's going on? Thanks.

I just want to... want you to... just keep an open mind about something here.

About what?

Is this about the wedding?
'Cause if you want to parachute from a plane or something, No.

I'm down. I'll do it.

No one's parachuting from a-a plane.

Thank God. You know, I actually have an awesome idea for a wedding. Sweets.

It's not about, um, the wedding.

It's about VAL.

Who's that? No. No. No.

Because my last blind date was a disaster, all right?

She threw her drink my ce because she didn't know what "masticate" meant. This isn't a...

It means to chew. Sweets, just pay attention, okay? she didn't know what "masticate" meant. I'd like to introduce you to...


Okay? It's a Virtual something...

Adumbrative. Yes!

That's the word.

It's an artificial profiling system.

Right. You know...

So everything I get from the case, I got to input it into here and so do the squints, so...


They want to compare me to a computer.

I can't be replaced by a video game.

Listen, I had to... I just felt like I had to tell you.

Right? Because you're... you know... so I did.

But if you tell anyone, I'm gonna have to k*ll you.

No, I understand.

This is not a problem, it's... it's a joke, is what...

I-I agree. It's a complete joke.

Yeah. To me, it's like that Russian guy who played the computer in chess.

It doesn't work.


Kasparov lost to the computer, but... it's not a... it's not a good comparison.


What a beautiful bird.

I know, right?

And look how much he's regurgitated.

Excuse me?


See, hawks, they don't have teeth, right?

So they got to tear and swallow clothes, flesh and bone whole, and then they regurgitate what they can't, you know, digest.

This guy is full of evidence.

I mean, look at this.

Honey, when you're showing me puke, don't smile like that. It's called rangle.

See, when the stomach contents come up, they're this hard, congealed... Okay. I get it.

I'm starting to feel like I'm gonna rangle.

HODGINS: Come on, buddy.

Have you examined these X-rays, Dr. Wells?

Of course. I took them.

Lack of extensions along the edges of the phalanges where the flexor sheath attaches and an absence of remodeled stress or other fractures in the wrists and metacarpals indicate someone who has not been rock climbing before.

You shouldn't be reading, Dr. Wells.

I'm sorry. Was I wrong?

That's beside the point.

You're here to work, not read.

Based on decomp and the desiccation of the tissue, I'd estimate time of death at...

Three days.

Excuse me? Three days.

I factored in ambient temperature at the scene, rainfall, the feeding of the carrion...

I-I'm sorry, but if you were gonna say anything other than three days, you'd be wrong.

Now, can I just finish my page?




Why am I never prepared for what I see here?

Alfred Adler would say that a repression of visual stimuli...

Why is he back?

He's brilliant.

Is that why he's reading Mindy Kaling's book?

I'm a polymath.

I can learn from anything.

How long will it take you to do a facial reconstruction?

Uh, damaged skull and the dried tissue...

The sooner the better, really, because this dude was definitely m*rder*d.

I think it's a little bit early to make that statement, Dr. Wells.

Perhaps not.

The facial injuries indicate that the victim struck the cliff face first.

As if he were thrown off the edge of the cliff, as Booth assumed.

Well, then there's also hemorrhagic staining to the wound around the parietal, which means it occurred perimortem.

So the wound to the parietal was cause of death.

Yes. The victim was bludgeoned to death before going over the side of that cliff.

WELLS: Now... can I finish my page?

I'll take that as a "yes."

♪ Bones 9x05 ♪
The Lady on the List
Original Air Date on October 14, 2013

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

I disagree.

I'm just telling you what VAL says.

And how exactly does VAL tell you these things?

Oh, well, if I'm not in my office, you know, she texts me.

Look at that.

"Perpetrator is an experienced rock climber."

I disagree. So does the Jeffersonian.

Noted, Sweets. Okay? Just relax.

Okay, can we please stop calling it "her" and "she"?

I mean... Yeah.

So why don't you think the m*rder*r is a climber?

No, I don't think that the k*ller isn't a climber, I just think it's crazy to say that he's an experienced rock climber.

There's a difference. Okay.

You're agreeing with me, which, you know... which is good. I like it.

So, our victim is an amateur, he's vulnerable in dangerous situations.

He goes climbing with someone who bashes him.

While he's suiting up, or whatever they call it.

Good enough. And then he tosses him over the edge and makes it look like an accident.

Did VAL tell you that?

I don't think so.

The victim exhibited bilateral intercondylar fractures to the distal ends of the femurs.

Interesting, Dr. Wells, but irrelevant for cause of death.

Well, seeing as how it occurred four months before the victim died, I get it.

Keep your shirt on.

Dr. Wells, you are an intern.

Please treat Dr. Brennan with the respect she's due.

Well, I thought this was a meritocracy.

It is.

Then that was the respect she's due.

No, no, it wasn't. And since she's your...

Don't say "superior."

But I will say "superior" if I want, because I am also your superior.

Do you understand?

So, Dr. Brennan, have you set a date yet?

For the wedding.

Oh, we aren't adjusting for anyone's schedule.

If you have a conflict and would like to attend, you'll have to rearrange your schedule.


That's a warm invitation.

Concise, to the point. Well said. Bravo.

Thank you.

SAROYAN: I took a slide from the victim's liver, and as you can see... Cancerous.

Quite advanced.

SAROYAN: Our victim was terminal.

Could you please see if Angela has...

Made any progress on identifying the victim. Yes.

Must you interrupt?

I'm just trying to use our time efficiently.

Well, it doesn't make you any more likeable.

Is likability important?

Right now, I'm gonna go with "yes."

How can you do a facial reconstruction without any tissue markers?

Well, I'm extrapolating the missing fragments based on the general characteristics of a Caucasian skull.

Now I'm gonna run this against the DMV database and see what we come up with.

The use of a generic skull is gonna result in far too many hits.

You don't have many friends, do you?

No, I don't.

None, really.

Hmm. That's a shocker.

This is a waste of time.

(computer beeping)

Wow, look at that.

One match. Who knew?

I suppose you think your little ding taught me a lesson.

Did it?


Never discount random luck.

Having terminal cancer... it's not good.

"Terminal" means end point.

The end. Death.

And you know what?

Life is better than death.

That's deep.

I don't think so.

But impending death bestows a gift I did not see coming.

Clarity. That's so true.

Knowing the end is near lends a bittersweet urgency to every breath, every moment.

And you know what else?

Fear evaporates.

This is our victim?

That's him.

Charlie McCord.

There you go. Take a good look.

High school principal, married, two kids.

What is this video? Well, you know, when he found out that he was gonna die, he made all these videos, he created this Web site where you can buy them; they're incredibly popular.

It's not uncommon for people to ascribe special wisdom to those who are facing death.

That's because they have special wisdom.

Watch, watch.

McCORD: And fear is what stands between us and fulfillment.

Once fear is gone, life opens up to all its grandeur.

All things are possible.

This guy's deep.

SAROYAN: Why do you need our victim's ear canal?

HODGINS: Oh, yes.

I want to analyze the cerumen.

The earwax?

It's less icky if I call it cerumen.

Look at this.

It builds up like sediment.

You can track his recent activities through earwax?

Cerumen. And even though he snacks on dead humans, he's not a buzzard.

He's a hawk, Cam.

Hey, he's a hawk.

Hey, labels are important, you know?

'Cause words can hurt.

I can't believe Charlie's dead.

When was the last time you saw your husband?

Four days ago.

Can you think of anyone who'd want to hurt your husband?

Uh, no.

I-I mean, there were some comments underneath his videos that were pretty mean.

People who said that he was stupid, or that he was faking his illness to make money, but...

You found Charlie climbing a cliff?

Is that strange?

Well, he was afraid of heights.

"Well, when fear is gone, life opens up all its grandeur."

You've seen one of his videos.

Yeah, well, he was a wise man.

He was hoping maybe someone would see them and pay us for the rights to write a book.

Turns out, people are willing to buy them the way they are.

It's typical.

Charlie's dying, and he's worrying about me and the kids.

I'm sorry, wasn't he in pain?


The autopsy didn't show any narcotics in his system.

Charlie wanted to put off dr*gs for as long as he could.

He would only take homeopathic medicine.

He was a wonderful man.

Anyone who knew him would tell you that he was special.


I recovered several videos from the victim's cell phone, one of which you'll find extremely interesting.

One of his "live life to the fullest 'cause life is too short" videos?

Uh, not exactly.

This was time-stamped five days before the m*rder.

Hey, Chuck, Chuck.

Hey, man, big fan.



Obviously, somebody took this video.

Wow, that hurt.

(sighs, chuckles)

Pull over!

Hey, pull over!

He's mad.

That was incredibly cowardly.

Well... Come on, Angela, how much courage does it take to sucker punch someone?

A lot when it's this guy.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, this is Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell.

He's a mixed martial arts world champion.

So, Charlie McCord slugged the toughest man in the world?


And revenge is sort of the Iceman's thing.


Pull over!

Hey, pull over!

He's mad.

Yeah, that's me. So what?

Getting punched in the face a crime now?

No, m*rder was the crime.

This guy was m*rder*d four days ago.

You think I did it?

Look at you, huh?

Looks like you're mad enough.

People come up to me all the time.

Sign an autograph, take a picture with them.

I don't get punched in the face for it.

So you're saying you never saw him before?

Not till Charlie threw the punch.

Wait, then how do you know his name?

He called me after. Apparently, I was on his bucket list-- you know, a list of stuff you want to do before you die? So let me get this straight.

Uh, "punch the Iceman" was on his bucket list?

Yeah, I was kind of flattered when I heard.

He's a nice guy.

Really sorry to hear what happened.

Uh, let me know if there's anything I can do.

There's evidence that the finger was treated after he slugged the Iceman.

That's the least of his worries.

He only had six weeks to live.

There are so many variables to an assessment like that that it is practically guessing.

But if McCord was told he only had six weeks, that would explain his risk-taking.

Would it not, Dr. Know-it-all?

I will concede that.

That's mighty big of you.

What's this?

I was thinking about the victim's bucket list, so I made one for you.

'Cause we all need one, right?

"Number one, don't be a douche.

"Number two, really, "don't be a douche.

"Number three, work and play well with others so I'm not perceived as a douche."

Do I have to read all ten?

Probably not. You think it's easy being superior?

It's a curse, I assure you.

Mostly for us.

There must be a heart in there someplace, Oliver.

I'm just trying to help; it's tough love.

It's misguided, but I understand.

I don't even think he had six weeks.

Look at this.

The cancer was spreading to his bones.

Look at the marrow; see how porous it is?

Yeah, he was never gonna finish his list.

Poor guy.

m*rder*d before he had a chance to die.


Really? Yeah.

I mean, we all want a little more time, don't we?

To fix things, to go out with our ducks in a row.

Check his medical records, see if you can find out who treated his finger.

Maybe that will lead to who shot the cell phone video.


Computer profiling is absurd, okay?

Psychology takes, um, subtlety and a subjective analysis.

Subjective? Yeah.

Well, that's the problem.

A computer program with advanced analytical algorithms would not be subjective; it would skirt the pitfalls of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

So you're saying after all we've been through, you think a computer would be better than me?

Theoretically, yes.

Hey, how's it going?

How's it going? I'll tell you how it's going.

Dr. Brennan would rather work with a computer than me.

But as a lunch companion, I certainly prefer you.

BOOTH: You know what, that's high praise, Sweets.

Anyhow, VAL says that the bucket list shows that the victim was-- uh, let's see, it says here--

"vulnerable because of his illness.

"The guise of him as a sincerely good man is a mask to hide his anger and hostility."

That's stupid.

That's lame psycho-babble.

Stupid. I hope they didn't spend too much on that program.

I heard three million.

What? SWEETS: Three million dollars?

I... (sighs)
And they can't give me a raise.

You know, I'm seriously like Call of Duty, and-and that thing is like Elf Bowling. All right, show me what you got there, Mr. Call of Duty.

I've analyzed Charlie's videos; he's a genuinely good man.

The essence of a bucket list isn't vulnerability.

It's rooted in the simple human desire to realize one's potential before death.

I buy that. You know what, computer zero, Sweets one. Good work, you're back.

Thank you.

VAL is a moron, all right?

Everyone has some kind of a bucket list.

I don't have a list, per se.

Well, winning the Nobel, of course, but that's more of an eventuality than a dream.

I've got, like, a million things on my list.


If you could pick one?

All right, um, you know the guy who did the free-fall from space? ah. Yeah.

I'd like to buy him a drink.


(phone ringing)



Hi, Angela.

You don't want to free-fall? Yes.

Who? All right.

Yes, Booth is here; I'll tell him.

(phone beeps)

Angela got the victim's medical records.

His wife wasn't listed as the emergency contact for any of his hospital stays.

It was a man named Martin Proctor.

So the victim might not have trusted his wife as much as we thought.

Are you busy?


Is something wrong?

Wrong? No, I don't think so.

Is there?

I-I don't know.

You seem like you want to talk.

I do.

Is that wrong?

No, I...

Forget it.

No, I-I'm not busy, no.


You remember that I'm going to marry Booth?

I vaguely recollect that, yeah.

Oh, no.

He didn't call it off again, did he?

Because I can do physical harm.

No, no.

We've just decided that we don't want anyone else to help us plan our wedding.

Oh. Guests will be that, just guests.

And if they don't like pigs in blankets, they may have to bring their own snacks.

Booth and I haven't figured out all the details yet.

I don't care how or where you do it, sweetie.

I got married in a jail cell, for God's sake.


Booth is a good man, Angela.

He didn't want to hurt me.

It was Pelant who kept us apart.

Until he was gone, Booth's hands were tied.

Yeah, I should've trusted him, huh?


But it was hard for me, too, at the time.

Well, listen, whatever you two decide, I'm sure it's gonna be perfect.

I'm not gonna say another word.

That will make Booth very happy.

Listen, I was hoping to help with the dress, though.

I just don't want you ending up in a grass skirt and a headdress.

And that will make me very happy.

And isn't that what a matron of honor is supposed to do?

Oh, my God.


Thank you.

It's "maid of honor."

Well, technically, you're married, so it's matron.

Usually, we'd expect to see his wife listed as the emergency contact.

MAN: Charlie couldn't do that.

He didn't want his wife to worry.

You were helping him with his bucket list.

Was. It was getting too crazy.

I told him if he was gonna k*ll himself, I wouldn't be a part of it.

What was your relationship with Charlie?

I blew my shoulder out pitching when I was a student here.

Torn rotator cuff.

A couple years ago, before Charlie got sick, he got me a job in the IT department.

Then he set me up as coach of the baseball team, too.

Oh, wow, so he was like a father figure to you.


BOOTH: And you helped him video his lectures?

Edit them, too.

Charlie and I... we were tight.

Even working on this charity together, Quarters for Care.

Where were you four days ago?

Uh, what are you... what are you saying?

Nothing, just doing my job.


Yeah, sorry.

Uh, four days ago...

Batting practice in the morning, and then went to a movie at Wheaton Plaza.

I think I still have the ticket stub.

Charlie always said I was too fussy.

It's okay, but do you have a copy of his bucket list?


Charlie didn't want Linda to see the list.

There are only two left:
"go rock climbing and make Lena whole."

Okay, um, who's Lena?

Lena Silver.

She was a bookkeeper for the school.

Charlie caught her cheating, turned her in; she wound up going to jail.

Charlie felt pretty bad about it, so he was tracking her down.

You think she wanted revenge?

She always seemed nice.

But she lost everything when she went to jail.

Even her kids.

Oh, come on.
You have VAL, too?

I'm not supposed to tell you.

Yeah, no, neither was Booth.


So, what you should be hearing is that we prefer you to Optimus Prime here.

Who says...

Oh, VAL told you something, huh?

According to VAL, someone named Lena Silver is our prime suspect, with an 86% chance she committed the m*rder.

Do you even know who that is?

Yeah. Lena Silver was the bookkeeper for the victim's school.

He reported her for embezzling $6,000, she lost her job, went to jail, lost her kids.

Went to jail for six grand? Yeah.

Ensuing investigations uncovered other thefts, so...

Sounds like a motive.

Could you be 86% certain without any proof?

No. No.

VAL is, huh?

No one's even talked to the woman yet.

I hate VAL.

She is stupid.

I hate her.

You hate "it."

You might as well hate a transistor radio.

We're all on your side, Sweets.





Um, should you be doing that?

Well, I figure if I hurry up and feed him, maybe he'll hurry up and rangle the last bit of evidence.

Hey, I got results from Charlie's ears.

So, cerumen, right, it accumulates at a rate of .01 millimeters per day.

Now, this...

Ooh, no, nope. Sorry, not that.

Your bucket list?

Yeah, yeah, I got inspired.

I got to check out Area 51, you know?

I mean, the real one, not the fake one they pawn off on tourists.

Can't die without that.




All that was in his ear?

Mm-hmm. .02 millimeters in, I found acetylene black, polyisoprene, halobutyl, sulfide, nylon, copper, sulphur and steel particulates.

Okay, so sulphur, copper sulfide-- sounds like he was sleeping with a chemistry set.

Tires. Tires?


Pyrolysis is the thermochemical decomposition of materials in the absence of oxygen.

He was at a tire recycling facility?

Yep. And based on the depth of the chemicals in the cerumen, two days before he died.

Angie could only find one in the tri-state area.

"Riley's Tire Depot."


They have absolutely no record of Charlie buying, selling or dropping off tires in the last couple weeks.

I'll tell Booth.

Did I see that you wanted to be shot out of a cannon?

You don't?

But first, I want to leap from the top of the Jungfrau wearing one of those Rocky the Flying Squirrel suits, you know?

Of course you do.

Hey, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, you know? What about you?

Oh, I... just want a villa in Tuscany where I can drink wine and make love.

That's it?

Lot of wine and a lot of love.


And not seeing a bird barf.

Ooh, rangle time.

I can cross this off my list.

I was able to reconstruct the skull with fragments that the bird barfed up.

The fracture to the parietal would have caused the dura mater to be torn.

Very good, Dr. Brennan.

I say "very good," Dr. Wells.

Not you.

Why can't I verbally recognize your small triumphs?

I don't know.

Note the series of radiating depression fractures.

Normally, radiating fractures on a skull terminate when they encounter a previous fracture.

The fractures on this skull all overlap as if they happened at the same time.

The wound has characteristics of an injury occurring from one blow and multiple blows.

The evidence contradicts itself.

So we still don't know what the m*rder w*apon was?

He was either struck three times or once.

How can it be both?

So it's really a philosophical question.

No, Dr. Wells, it isn't.

Because it actually happened.

Most of the people I look up to have taken great risks, both personal and professional.

Real growth comes from taking chances.

That's true.

Well, he must be right, because Charlie McCord was doing a great business off these videos before he died.

Two bucks a pop.

Wow. And after he died?

With that publicity?

Thousands of downloads an hour.

The wife will clean up if it keeps going at this rate.

Another motive.

BOOTH: You know what? Maybe VAL is right.

I mean, Lena Silver lives right next to Riley's Tire Depot.

Do you have a tuxedo?

No. Oh, you mean for the wedding?


Ah. No, do I need one?

Well, if I will be wearing a wedding dress, we'd look more like we belong together if you're wearing a tuxedo.

Like we're standing on top of a cake.

Yes. With frosting down below.

Yeah. Ah!

Okay, I'll get a tuxedo. And shiny shoes.

So we're going formal?

Yes, yes, in a church. Your church.

I've-I've studied the ceremony.

It's beautiful.

Even the superstitions.

You sure?

It would make you happy, wouldn't it?

So, then it'll make me happy, too.

Tell you what, if we weren't waiting for a m*rder suspect to open up that door, I would take you in my arms...

Whoa, okay! Oh-oh, easy.

FBI, okay? Put the w*apon down.

Sorry. It's a tough neighborhood.

Are you Lena Silver?

Yes. Booth, isn't that a violation of her parole to have a w*apon that could have been used to k*ll Charlie McCord?

Okay, we're gonna have to take you into custody, Lena.

You must have been very angry at Charlie, Miss Silver.

He ruined your life.

No, he didn't. I did.

When he turned me in, Charlie didn't know I had two prior arrests.

Was I gonna blame him for that, too?

So he got you arrested, and you thanked him?

At the time, I wanted to k*ll him.

But that was before I went into counseling.

And to be honest, before I saw Charlie's videos.

So after watching Charlie, you learned to accept your situation and forgive yourself?

Is there something wrong with that?

No, I think it's very impressive.

Bitterness and anger aren't gonna help me build a new life.

Or get your kids back.

And k*lling Charlie wouldn't help get my kids back either.

No, but sometimes we don't think of all the consequences before we act.

People can change, Dr. Sweets.

I'm proof of that.

And when I get my kids back, they're gonna have a mom they can be proud of.

We can place Charlie near your house around the time of his death.

I'm gone most of the day.

I'm working two minimum wage jobs.

And when I sleep, I don't hear a thing.

We're gonna have to hold you until we test the pipe to see if it's the m*rder w*apon.

I'd do the same thing if I were you.

Let's be clear.

We're all riding in a boat that's destined to sink.

It's the journey that gives our lives meaning.

We're all flawed. We could all be better.

But focusing on the negatives, it merely makes us negative.

My life will be over soon.

But I'm not afraid.

I'm grateful.

Probably not grateful to be m*rder*d.

He was a wonderful man.

These videos will probably help a lot of people.

And make his wife quite wealthy.

Yeah, that, too.

BRENNAN: Have you done a scenario?


Was the pipe a match?

Uh, no. I ran a bunch of different simulations, and there were no scenarios where the blows from the pipe caused the damage to the victim's skull.

So Lena Silver is probably not the k*ller.


Hey, you said you wanted to help me with my dress.


I want you to look at something.

Oh, my God.

Where did you get this?

I've had it since I was eight years old.

You've had this that whole time?

It's the dress I always imagined I'd wear on my wedding day.

But then I grew up and my life changed, and I didn't think about it until now.

Is it okay?

Yeah, it's perfect.

You might not admit it, but you're a dreamer.

And this is... this is your bucket list.

I hope they can make it in time.

Well, they will, or they'll have to answer to me.

No one messes with the maid of honor.

I'm so happy for you.

BOOTH: Oh, hey.

So, VAL still thinks that there's a 96% probability that Lena Silver is the prime suspect.


No! The pipe isn't a match. My profile completely dismisses the possibility of her as the m*rder*r.

I know, I know, but the department wants us to factor in VAL every time we release a suspect.

Seriously? Yeah, seriously, Sweets, seriously.

You know what I think about that?

This is what I think about that. Kicking it to the curb!

Couldn't you get in trouble for that?

Look, I don't mind trouble.

But if you're wrong about Lena, I'm blaming you.

Thank you, Booth. I-I really...

All right, enough.

Don't get all mushy on me, okay?

We still have a m*rder to solve.

I hate computers, always have.

Let's look at some paper.

Charlie McCord's will was released today.

Look at that.

Oh, wow.

He was splitting all future income from his speeches between Lena and his wife.

And it explains what his bucket list meant by "making Lena whole."


Charlie's wife couldn't have been too happy about that.

This little guy is really sick.

There's got to be some kind of poison in his system.

I'm running a blood culture and tissue sample.

I studied veterinary science for two years.

It doesn't appear to be avian pox.

Bird flu? You're going there?

That's a mutated strain.

I would've thought you knew that.

Don't start, Dr. Wells. Sorry.

I just assume people usually understand basic principles...

Dude, that is "starting."

Now, I found polyethylene, styrene-butadiene, canvas, cellulose and synthetic rubbers inside the rangle, but nothing in quantities that would cause this.

(computer beeps)



Arsenic in the wild?

No. There's no carbon.

It was poison, and it was in the victim.

That's who the hawk was feeding on.

The victim was poisoned.

We attributed the porous bones to chemotherapy...

But Charlie stopped chemotherapy almost a year ago.

So it was the arsenic that prevented the bones from remodeling.

If it was the wife, she's brilliant.

In a murderous kind of way, of course.

You must have been pretty upset when you found out that Charlie changed his will.

Why would I be upset?

Because Charlie planned on leaving Lena Silver 30% of the income generated from his speeches.

That's, like, a million dollars.

Charlie felt terrible for the woman.

He said he ruined her life.

She lost her kids.

It's reasonable for you to think that money was yours and not hers.

Have you even watched any of Charlie's videos?


BOOTH: I ordered the whole series.

LINDA: Then you know what kind of man my husband was.

Kind, compassionate, generous.

You ordered the whole series?

I found them very inspiring, okay?

Look, just because your husband was a good man doesn't mean that you're a good woman.

I wouldn't have taken a second from Charlie's life.

This world is poorer for him being gone.

I am amazed that everyone doesn't feel it, but I do.

And yet, you fed him arsenic.


I did not.

The homeopathic remedies you gave him.

They were just herbs and other Ayurvedic remedies.

They contained arsenic.

We found it in his system when we examined his remains.

But you said that Charlie was hit on the head.

BOOTH: Well, we're gonna have to consider the possibility that you became impatient.


Oh, my God.

I was just trying to help him.

I swear, that's all.

I gave him that medicine to help him.

If you look closely, the depression fracture to the skull has a slightly smaller hinge on the bottom than the top.

That means it came from a blow that was delivered with an upward motion.

97% of strikes are by an overhand motion.


Dr. Brennan, would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime?

Maybe lunch or perhaps dinner?

I'd pay. What you're proposing, Dr. Wells, is completely inappropriate.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Not like a-a date.

I mean, it's a date, but not a sexual date.

I-I don't have any friends.

That's because you're objectionable.

What I'm looking for is someone that I can have a conversation with without shutting down three quarters of my brain.

I'm tired of being lonely, and I'm hoping that you will be that person.

I decline, Dr. Wells.

I don't like you.

So what? I don't like you either.

What does that have to do with anything?

The subject is closed.

The victim was struck by a side-arm motion.

Probably because the k*ller couldn't rotate his arm from above.

Yes, Dr. Hodgins?

Yes. Yes.

I, uh, I found traces of cupronickel, uh, on canvas threads in the last bit of rangle.

Quarters are made from cupronickel.

I know what happened.

Oh, my God, I don't.

The canvas was a bank bag for deposits.

Yeah, for the quarters they raised for charity.

Martin Proctor struck him with a bank bag full of quarters.

But what about his alibi?

BRENNAN: Martin Proctor's alibi is this movie ticket that he just gave to Booth.

Can you prove that he bought it?

Well, there's a confirmation code on the stub, and usually the code will link to a credit card purchase.

But he said he bought the ticket in cash.

Yeah, and murderers never lie.

We think that Martin Proctor k*lled Charlie McCord, which means he did not purchase this movie ticket.


(computer beeping)

MONTENEGRO: And you're right.

This was bought by credit card by someone named Loraine Nemitz.

He must have fished the ticket out of the trash.

Martin Proctor was never at the movies.

He has no alibi.

We know that this is the deposit bag you ruckharles McCord with.

I was at a movie. No, you weren't, okay?

This is not your ticket.

All right? You have no alibi.

Why? Why, Martin?

Charlie was a good guy.

Why'd you k*ll him?

The videos started to make some money.

Charlie was paying me for my time.

Couple hundred bucks here and there.

And then he told me that he was gonna give 30% to that lady crook. Lena Silver.

I went with him to all of his bucket crap.

I took the videos of his lectures, cut them together.

I deserved a percentage of the profits, too.

But Charlie said no.

Maybe he had a good reason.

He did.

Video number six.

The importance of independence, of being forced by circumstance to take care of yourself.

I wanted money, not a lecture.

Oh, so you k*lled him?

I hit him.

I-I didn't want him to die.

You know why?

Wait, because he was a good guy?

Because k*lling him means I'll never get that money.

♪ Every peace I find

♪ Seems to rise to say...

McCORD: At the end of the day, we're all gonna make mistakes.

We're all going to do things we regret, even to those we care about.

It's unavoidable.

But at the end, what matters is how you address your failings.

How you treat your family.

How you treat your friends.

How you forgive.

And how you love.

Oh, and one more thing I've realized.

You never get the whole bucket list done.

You just keep adding things to it, because every day there's something new to amaze us.

That's how we know we're alive.


Dr. Wells.

Oh. Hey, Dr. Saroyan.

Uh, I was, uh, I was just... I was just talking to VAL.

You were, um, talking to VAL?

Yeah, she has the most amazing sense of humor.

I asked her, I said, if you're so smart, what's the greatest lesson Jesus ever gave us?

And she said that, "Heaven is like 3x squared "plus 8x minus nine."

I have no idea.

That's the equation for a parabola.

And parabola is funny?

It's a pun.

On the word "parable."

Because Jesus's greatest wisdom was handed down in the... Yeah. In the form of parables.

Guys, I'm ready.

A parabola.


What's happening?

VAL is being sent back.

She picked the wrong m*rder*r and she upset our team dynamics.

Well, th-then the team is stupid.

Maybe, but it's that kind of stupidity that makes us so good.

Wait, no, uh, don't take her.

Please. C-Can I buy her?

Can I... can I have her?

Government property. Please!

This is the most scintillating conversation...

I'm sorry, Dr. Wells.


So be surprised.

Cherish the time you have.

'Cause every day is a gift.

Every moment a blessing.

I think Christine has finally gone to sleep.

Shh, shh.

Why? It doesn't work both ways.

No, no, I don't think that's true.

I swear she knows when we relax.

Just put it down.

(whispers): All right.


There you go. Okay.

Bones, you got nothing on your list there.

Well, you've written down ten things.


Come on, there's got to be at least a hundred things you want to do before you die.

I don't know.

I'm very happy.

I have a very good job that I enjoy, a lovely home, a healthy and smart child...

Yeah, but...

And I love the man I'm going to marry.

That is pretty good.

Pretty good.

I mean, if I were you, and I had me, I wouldn't write anything down on a list either.


You're teasing me.

I am.

But look at you.

You know, this... these are just little things.

You know, where I want to go, you know, climb things, go to outer space, huh?

What, lean on the Tower of Pisa?

(both laugh)

Did you get your tuxedo?

I will. We should probably decide where we want to have our reception.

Founding Fathers.

Great free wings.

Oh, a better place obviously.

We don't get married every day; our wedding shouldn't feel like an everyday thing.

I love every day.

Hold on, turn that thing off.

What? I'm not... She can't see.

What's that mean?