04x19 - (D) Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x19 - (D) Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part

Post by bunniefuu »


It's coming.

The school festival.


Normal school stuff!

But your class still needs

to participate with

some kind of original


[TENYA] Interesting.

Singing and dancing, huh?

[HAGAKURE] Well, if we're

talking about music...

[JIRO gasps]


Uh... What?

You can play so

many instruments!

You're freakin' awesome!

Well, after what

you've all said...

If I didn't do it,

it wouldn't be rockin' at all.


Mr. Aizawa!

Do you think Eri could

leave the hospital?

Just for one day, I mean.

Please say yes.

Let her go to the UA Festival.

[music plays]

[GENTLE] All Might,

the Symbol of Peace.

His is a face known

'round the world.

Like this virile vigilante, many

a hero will no doubt be recorded

in the history books thanks

to their notable exploits.

Of course, one must not forget

the legendary All For One.

Destro, the commander of

the Meta Liberation Army,

and the peerless

thief, Oji Harima.

These so-called villains

have likewise found

a notoriety that will ensure

their names are never forgotten.

Before the legislative system

of superhuman society

worked in absolutes--back when

the distinction between "hero"

and "villain" was still

vague--there was chaos.

But there was freedom.

That's right.

It was a raw, unfettered freedom

not unlike that of the Anglaise!

Lovely to see you,

dear viewers.

May I delight you with a

smashing new adventure?

Yes! 'Tis I, Gentle!

Gentle Criminal,

at your service!

[LA BRAVA squeals]

So good!

That was wonderful, my Gentle!

Oh! You couldn't

be more talented!

[LA BRAVA laughing]

[GENTLE] La Brava, has

the upload been completed?

Yep! You bet it has!

The account was deleted again,

but don't worry,

I reuploaded everything,

starting with your debut video!

You remember that one?

It had me swooning.

More exhilarating

than a cup of coffee.

[laughs] I'd expect nothing

less from you, dear girl.

Exceptional work,

as alwa-- Ouch!

Right, then.

Shall we discuss the finer

points of today's sh**t?

After finishing this cup,

elegantly savoring

each and every sip.


Tis I, Gentle! Gentle Criminal!

I upload cinematic

snapshots of deeds

that some would

consider heinous.

But my darlings, do not

jump to conclusions.

I am not committing

crimes at random.

For example, I recently

robbed J-Store,

the largest convenience

store chain in the nation.

A veritable corporate behemoth.

Their best-selling item

is Fluffy Pudding.

But hark, viewers!

This maniacal market is

suspected of mislabeling

said dessert and forging

its expiration date!

Naturally, the company feigned

ignorance, and it began to look

as though no one would be

punished for these deeds.

Catching on, my loves?

Yes! I reprimand those who

behave in an ungentlemanly way.

I am the modern-day

"gentleman thief."

Ugh, this is so frustrating!

Whatever do you mean, dear girl?

The J-Store video should

be racking up views,

but it's barely being watched!

People on the internet

have no taste!

Someone as charming as

you are should go viral!


If you always blame others,

then you will never live up

to your fullest

potential, La Brava.

But it just isn't fair!

You've been putting out

villainous internet videos

for a good six years now, and

what've you got to show for it?


Then, suddenly, this Stain

guy steals all the glory

with a video of his

stupid life story!

And he didn't even upload

the darn thing himself!

Now, when people mention

villains, they're talking about

the League of Villains, and

they're mean and gloomy!

Nothing like you!

You are absolutely correct.

Extreme and violent actions

do seem to fascinate

the barbaric masses. It goes

against the fiber of my being.


It's true that these foul

fiends have momentum.

All of the videos concerning

them have over , comments

of varying natures, while

the scant notes on my own

videos are far from encouraging.

[MAN A] His so-called

"exploits" are so lame.

[MAN B] Doesn't look like

J-Store lost anything.


His crapiness stresses me out.


He should really ramp things up.


Show us La Brava!


But I refuse to be gutted by

these impertinent comments,

La Brava! Why, do you ask?

Because my next plan will

surpass all expectations!

Ah! I never doubted you

for a second Gentle!

Let's hear it then,

what's your next plan?

[GENTLE] Grand displays

and great works of art

always question

the current times.

I'll target the place

that's responsible

for this age of heroes. Soon,

everyone will know my name.

Still making up classes

from your work study?


--[IZUKU] Yes. Sorry.

Aw, there's no need

to apologize.

We'll handle the school festival

prep while you catch up.

We have, like, so many

decisions to make

about costumes and choreography.


What music do you think

the rest of the

school would enjoy?

We should do whatever's

trendy. Right, Jiro?




Hey, did ya hear?

Class -A from the Hero

course is doing a concert.

And it's for us.


General studies.

Oh my god,

talk about egotistical.

Do they think we're,

like, dying to see them

do some kind of

dumb performance?

Well, yeah. We all

know they're clueless.

What did they do after

getting att*cked by villains?

They went to a summer camp,

where, of course,

they got att*cked again.

We all know how that turned out.

And we have to put up with the

repercussions of their stupidity

even though it was their fault.

[TENYA] The school festival

is one month away!

We don't have much time.

We should start making

decisions right now.

[HAGAKURE] First, we need

to pick out a song, right?

What should we do?

I don't know much

about popular music,

so I'll leave that

up to you guys.



If we're doing

this for everyone,

shouldn't it be a song

that most people know

so they could dance and

sing along with us?

[SERO] It's gotta be

somethin' with a good beat!


Yeah! So we can get down!

With those things in mind,

I think I know what

would make sense.

A hardcore four-on-the-floor

club song.

It'll be like a

rave-meets-rock show.

As for dance music,

EDM would probably be

the most popular.

But you guys want to play

instruments, right?



[JIRO] Anyone play bass

or drums or anything?

Okay. Well, I'd say that drums

are the backbone of any band.

I'd take on the responsibility

myself, but, honestly,

I main the guitar,

not percussion.

Teaching a beginner to play an

instrument while practicing

myself would be impossible

to do in just one month.

Hey! Didn't you

accidentally admit

your parents made you take music

classes when you were a kid?


--[STUDENTS chattering]

--[ASHIDO] What? Really?!

Awesome! Take a seat and

show us what you've got.

In your dreams, moron.

Right, I bet the drums're

too hard for ya.


That was k*ller!

He's so good.

Who'd have known that

you've got talents?

That's it, Bakugo's

gotta be our drummer!

Heh. No way am I making a fool

of myself up on that stage.

Bakugo, come on! Do it!

If we rock this, everyone'll

have a great time!

[KATSUKI] Don't you get

what's gonna happen?



I'll spell it out for you.

We're doing this because we

want to let the other courses

blow off some steam, right?

But we're the ones who caused

their stress to begin with.

So we're just trying to make

ourselves feel better.

This is gonna seem

like a slap in the face

from the people

they can't stand.

[HAGAKURE] Don't be rude.

We're just trying to help!

Yeah, that kinda thinking

is what I'm talking about.

I see. Perhaps he's right.

Did we think this

through enough?

You didn't help us

decide what to do,

so you can't complain now.

Doesn't all this make you mad?

It's not like we wanted

villains to show up

and ruin things for everybody.

Why do we have to be so

concerned about how these

weaklings feel? Stop trying

to get on their good side!

We're not here to make friends,

we're here to fight!

If we're gonna put on a show,

then we can't hold

anything back!

Let's m*rder everyone

in UA with k*ller music!



[HAGAKURE] Your reasoning is

scary, but if you'll do it,

who cares!


Don't ignore the other part!

[ASHIDO] Yeah. Yeah.

Tough guy. We know.

[KAMINARI] I get it, you

weren't being serious.


I'm always serious!

So that's it.


Stay back, Deku.


At the summer training camp,

Bakugo was kidnapped

by the villains.


And ever since then

he's been carrying

that burden with him.


Isn't this awesome, Jiro?

Yeah. I promise.

I'll do my best.

[LA BRAVA] Hey, Gentle,

will you tell me now?

What's our next move

going to be?

I'm dying to know

your brilliant plan!

[GENTLE] If history repeats

itself, as it's wont to do,

next month there will be a

festival at a certain school

with unrivaled security.

An institution from where many

of the most regaled heroes hail.

Oh, don't tell me.

Yes! I know the place!


If I show I'm capable of

sneaking past their defenses,

then I'm sure it will be a

headline-worthy caper.

Mark my words.

This might help.

As part of my

classical education,

I've studied the piano since

I was just a little girl.

I'd be happy to play in

the band if you need me.

Aw, yeah! Momo'll totally

rock those keyboards!

I mean we've gotta have someone

on synth for the dance music.

I think you'd be

perfect for the gig!

Then I'll do my best!

Aww, I wanted all the girls

to get together for a big

choreo number, but you'll

still look cute up on stage.

Bass is my specialty, so now we

just need guitars and vocals.

[OJIRO] Okay. So does that mean

everybody else'll be dancing?

[TENYA] Hmm... I'm not

really sure this is enough

to get the audience excited.

In that video I

showed you earlier--

We've gotta have

special effects!


Special effects?

[music plays]

This is what I'm

talkin' about.

See, they use sparks and

streamers a disco ball

to fire everyone up!

We gotta be extra

to set the right mood!

[HAGAKURE] Ooh, let's

pull out all the stops

and make it look like an

expl*si*n of lights, you guys!

With our Quirks,

we can totally do that!

We're puttin' this party on

in the gym, is that right?

Uh-huh. Mr. Aizawa has already

made the arrangements for us.

Hold up! How's this for an idea?

Uraraka makes Todoroki

and Kirishima float.

And then Kirishima chops

away at Todoroki's ice

and sends it flying.

Then, Aoyama can be a mirror

ball, and the light twinkling

off him and the ice will make it

look like it's raining stardust!

And... And we can call

them "Team Snowmen"!

Ha, ha! A human

shaved-ice machine!

It's like the team-ups we

were talking about before!

You want moi to be a disco ball?

I was born to do this.

I can see it, the gym

will look spectacular.

Agreed! This is just

what we all needed.

[HAGAKURE] We'll have to have a

crew working behind the scenes

to pull this off though.


Hey, you guys.

Sorry we're showing up so late.

We finally made up

the classes we missed

during our work studies, and

now we can help out for real!



I see.

So we've decided to go

with rave rock club music

for our performance?

Having Jiro on the bass

and Yaoyorozu on keyboards

makes sense for sure, but...

Bakugo on the drums is kind

of, uh, how do I put it...?



You got a problem with me?!

[ALL grunting]

Question. Who'll be singing?

Isn't that the most

important thing.

Well, we haven't figured

that part out yet.

Huh? Doesn't it have

to be you, Jiro?


Lead singers get all the

chicks. I could do it.

Just imagine a singing disco

ball. C'est magnifique!

Guys! Not to brag, but I'm

a pretty awesome singer!

♪ Tough guy captain

of the ship ♪

♪ Stand up tall ♪

♪ Cuz you

are the manliest ♪

[OCHACO] Yeah, that's

not the right genre.



And that's just yelling.


♪ Ahhhhhhhh! ♪


Oh, boy. I'm with Ochaco.

It's gotta be you, Jiro!

When you were teaching us how to

play instruments in your room,

your singing was super cool!

I know you'll bring

the house down!

Come on. It wasn't that great.

Maybe we--


Hey, look, a mic!

We just laid our souls bare for

them and they're ignoring us?

Can Jiro really be that good?

Ugh. I mean come on!

Don't be shy,

show us those pipes!

We wanna hear ya

sing somethin'!


♪ You know everyone

wants to sparkle ♪

♪ Like the stars

in the night sky ♪

♪ In this wonderous place

filled with all the dreams ♪

♪ I've been wishing for,

waiting for the chance ♪


My ears are so happy!


You have such a sultry voice!


I told you!

[TENYA] All right! I'd call

this a unanimous decision!

Well. Let's set

that aside, then.

Now. We need guitars!

I'm thinking two!

Oh, yeah! Pick me! It's so

cool to play instruments!

Let me strum!

I'd just break the strings.

Don't you dare volunteer unless

you're gonna k*ll it, dimwit.

Yeah! I totally will!

The guitar is the star

of every rock band.

My fingers won't reach because

of my character design!

I want to be on the dance crew!

Me, too! I can move

pretty well with my tail.

And I can use my tape to help

with the special effects.

[guitar plays]

It's like that riff is speaking

directly to my heart.

[SHOJI] You can play?

Why didn't you say anything?

I put down the axe when I

was bested by the F chord.


The F chord is a roadblock

for many beginners

learning to play guitar!

Mineta, if you can't

play for yourself,

then I will strum

for you, as well.

Do whatever you want, damn it.

This is so stupid. Let's get

this festival over with.

I hope all your nails break off.

[ASHIDO] Mineta! Will you

be part of the dance team

if I can get a harem together?

The school festival

can't come soon enough!

[IZUKU] And so, a little after

one in the morning...


That's it!

Everybody's role in the

festival has been decided!

We've got the band team.

And the effects team.

And the dance team.

Rest up, guys! Starting

tomorrow we're hard at work!



[ALL MIGHT] I heard what you

guys are doing for the festival.

Some kind of live performance

combined with a dance party?

That sounds like a good time.

Yeah. It'll take a lot

of work to pull off,

but that's one of the things

I'm looking forward to.

Well, with that in mind,

why did you want to meet?

Heh. It feels like it's been

forever since we had a chance

to sit down and talk,

just the two of us.


During my work study,

I was able to fight using

percent of One For All.

It took a toll on my body,

and I could only use it

for a short period of time.

But even at that level,

I couldn't win.

In fact, if Eri

hadn't been there,

I probably would have

ended up dead.

I couldn't do anything

to counter Chisaki's

long-distance att*cks. I've

tried to think of a solution,

but I don't know how

I should fight

in my current state,

when I still can't use

a hundred percent

of my strength.

I have to figure out

something new.

Sounds like you're

at a dead end.

That's right.

[ALL MIGHT] There's only

one thing I can suggest.

You need your own

long-distance attack.



I wish I could harness enough

power to pull off moves

like you could, All Might!

But I'm not good enough yet.

I've been thinkin'

about your progress.

Analyzing the various

ways you've grown.



And I have an idea.

But I think we should

take this outside.

Go change into

your gym clothes.

I'll meet you out there.

You want me to use

percent here?

Right! Just go Full Cowling!

[IZUKU] But... Like I

was saying earlier,

when I'm at percent, it puts

a lot of strain on my body

and I end up not being

able to move well.

That's why I'm working hard

to strengthen up right now.

So? Forget that and just do it!

Uh! Yes, sir!

[IZUKU] One For All:

Full Cowling... percent.

[IZUKU grunting]

Now stay at this

level and attack

as though an enemy

was in front of you.

[IZUKU grunting]

[IZUKU grunts]


The wind pressure.

I was going to teach you

this once you were able

to use percent without

thinking about it,

but it sounds like you

need the lesson now.

If you didn't figure this

out in that last fight,

you must have been concentrating

really hard on your defense.

You didn't realize

you have the power to

weaponize wind pressure

without breaking yourself.

[IZUKU groans]

But wait. It still feels

like it's too much.

Let's take a look at the stages

your training has gone through.

First, use One For All

at a hundred percent

on one part of your body.

Second, control

the percentage you use

on one part of your body.

Third, control the percentage

you continuously use

on your whole body.

Fourth, use sh**t Style,

which utilizes your legs

rather than your weaker arms.

Fifth, raise your control from

five percent to eight percent.

Finally, sixth.

Use up to percent for

a short amount of time,

even if it's past your limit.

And now, for today's lesson:

How I used One For All.

[IZUKU] You weren't

continuously putting out

percent of your

power, were you?

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

[IZUKU] If All Might was always

at a hundred percent,

his every move would

create shock waves

and cause disaster

everywhere he went.

It doesn't make sense to

constantly be at full power.

Since I can't hold

percent for very long,

I should combine the second

and sixth lessons I learned.

I'll control the percentage

on one body part,

and raise it to percent

for a split second.

A focused blast!

That could work!

Easy to say, but you

must be able to push past

your normal limit in an instant.

That requires a higher level of

control than you've used so far.

Which means, I have a question

for you, Young Midoriya.

What part of your body do

you think you can you move

with the most precision?


That's right.

Practice controlling One For All

using your fingers

for this move.

[IZUKU] One For All: Full

Cowling at eight percent.

And then, at the moment of the

attack, boost to percent.

[IZUKU grunting]

You won't get the hang

of it right away,

so be sure to keep at it, okay?

Thanks for the advice, sir.

I've got it. I know

what I have to do now.

[IZUKU] Once I master

controlling my power,

I can go beyond,

to the next stage!


Okay, this is it!

Don't worry, Eri. Everyone's

nice here, I promise!


Welcome to UA High School!


Gentle Video.

[music plays]


Dearest viewers,

do you drink different types of

tea for different occasions?

Whenever I'm preparing

my personal kettle,

I select a tea that correlates

to the size of my current job.

This particular fine blend

is called Royal Flush.

Whatever could that

name imply, I wonder.

[LA BRAVA] That your

discriminating taste

sets you apart from

the rest of the world?

Be sure to stay tuned.

My next video will

be an alarm bell,

not just to my

ever-faithful viewers,

but to all of society.

Try to contain your

anticipation till then.

[LA BRAVA screams]


Here's the preview!

The clock is ticking as we

prepare for the school festival,

but we're excited

for Eri's visit!

Meanwhile, Gentle Criminal

is making steady progress

on the preparations

for his grand scheme.

When he's finished drinking

a legendary tea blend,

his villainous plans

will spring into motion.

And the name of that tea is...

Next time, "Gold Tips Imperial."

If he manages to break into UA,

what will it mean for us?

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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