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06x12 - The Bitterest Pill

Posted: 01/23/06 06:21
by bunniefuu
At the funeral

Grandma Yorke: It was a beautiful service. Thank you. JT was just the sweetest boy. I can’t understand why anyone would want to hurt him.

Sean: Tell you what I keep thinking about, getting in a room with the guy who did this and making him pay.

Emma: He’s in jail Sean.

Sean: I know. I’m pissed. I mean k*lling JT for no…the guy’s a psycho.

Manny: How are you feeling sweetie?

Emma: Yeah we’re worried about you Lib. You haven’t said a thing.

Liberty: I have nothing to say Emma. Excuse me.

(Liberty starts to leave and Toby follows her.)

Liberty: Please leave me alone Toby.

Toby: Look I understand if you don’t want to talk. I’ll just stand here.

Liberty: Everyone expects me to be like Mia. Crying my eyes out. I can’t.

Toby: JT wouldn’t want you to. You know this is, this is all wrong. All these flowers and organ music and people bawling. JT would hate this.

Liberty: You’re right. JT would probably put whoopee cushions on every seat if he could.

Toby: We need to do like a memorial or something at school. You’ll help me right?

Liberty: You can find loads of volunteers.

Toby: Yeah, but I’m asking you ‘cause I don’t know if I can do it without you.

Outside Ms. Sauvé’s office, Toby finishes up a session

Ms. Sauvé: Grief is a long process. Just give it time. Uh Emma? You ready to see the psychologist?

Mia: Toby I heard that you were the last one to speak to JT before he d*ed. What did he say?

Toby: It was just talk. Nothing important.

Mia: No just tell me please.

Toby: Honestly we talked about oatmeal and how he really wanted a bowl.

Mia: So he didn’t say anything about me at all?

Toby: I’m sorry Mia, it was just oatmeal.

Manny: Toby. Is that really what JT talked about?

Toby: Well no. I mean yeah, but by oatmeal he meant uh…

(They look at Liberty.)

Toby: He told me he was still in love with her.

Manny: Oh my gosh. Poor Liberty.

Toby: He was on his way to tell her when…you know.

Manny: So Liberty doesn’t know. You haven’t told her?

Toby: I was just about to.

Manny: She’s in shock. Maybe in a few weeks she can handle it, but not now.

In the foyer, Ellie is interviewing Ashley

Ashley: I feel so bad for Mia losing her boyfriend like that. I mean what if it were Jimmy. I just, I just love him so much I just couldn’t deal with losing him. Is that okay? Are my answers lame?

Ellie: No. No they’re great. I just have a lot on my mind right now. You know JT, the article, Jesse.

Ashley: So I’m guessing it didn’t go well telling him about the uh Craig incident?

Ellie: It went fine ‘cause I didn’t.

Ashley: El.

Ellie: I can’t do it Ash. I can’t tell him that I kissed Craig. It’ll be over.

Ashley: Maybe.

Ellie: Not maybe. Will be.

Ashley: You don’t know that El. Just have a little faith. He might surprise you.

Outside the Dot

Toby: You’re gonna be okay Liberty.

Liberty: I’m not. I can’t feel a thing. I mean one minute JT’s at my birthday and the next he’s gone forever.

Toby: You know we’re gonna get through this together. I promise.

Liberty: Toby why are you being so nice to me?

Toby: Because I know how hard this is for you. I know that you still had feelings or whatever for JT.

Liberty: Feelings that were not returned. Appears Mia was the owner of JT’s heart. For the best, I suppose.

Toby: Yeah. For the best.

At JT’s locker

Toby: JT’s locker. Are you ready for this?

(He opens it up.)

Liberty: Wow. It’s just like he left it.

Toby: This is kind of freaky.

Mia: Oh my god the taping. We have to show this tape at the memorial. JT playing with Isabella. Everyone will really love it.

Liberty: You know it just sounds rather private. Something for you and Isabella.

Mia: That’s your opinion. Toby what do you think?

Toby: Mr. Simpson’s making a tribute video. Let’s just get this done.

Mia: Fine.

(She starts taking everything out and putting it in her bag.)

Toby: Mia what are you doing? I thought we were going to go through this stuff together.

Mia: Yeah and I thought that you wanted to get the job done.

Liberty: But you’re taking everything.

Mia: So? I was his girlfriend.

Liberty: Mia you’re not being reasonable.

Mia: JT d*ed Friday night and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to him. You have no idea how difficult this is.

Liberty: Excuse me? I think I do. I’m just as sad as you are.

Mia: Really? You could have fooled me. I haven’t seen you shed a single tear.

Toby: Mia stop it.

Mia: You’re a robot Liberty. A walking, talking computer.

(Liberty pushes past her and Toby grabs everything Mia took and starts putting it back in the locker.)

Mia: What are you doing?

Toby: Not doing this Mia. Not until we’re ready.

Mia: Whatever Toby. Who made you boss?

Toby: This sucks!

(He kicks a garbage can over.)

Outside the school

Toby: Hey! Mia wanted me to tell you that she’s sorry and she didn’t mean it.

Liberty: She did mean it and she’s right. I’m a talking computer.

Toby: No you’re not. She’s just upset. We all are. Tell you what, why don’t we get away from this for a couple hours?

Liberty: Certainly, but how?

Toby: Road trip.

Liberty: Excuse me?

Toby: You heard me. Come on.

In the journalism office

(Jesse tosses down a little paper booklet on her desk.)

Ellie: What’s this? Free study partner for one hour. One free neck rub. Free mixed CD. One free meal of my choosing.

Jesse: Anywhere you want frosh, just as long as it’s Pizza Pizza.

Ellie: Jesse Stefanovic the last of the big spenders.

Jesse: Hey it’s just how I roll.

(She looks at the last page and it says “I love you”.)

Ellie: Wow. I mean…wow.

Jesse: Very articulate. Can I quote you? Got anything else to say? There’s kind of an expected response here. Three words. Begins with I?

Ellie: I kissed Craig.

Jesse: You what?

Ellie: I’m sorry Jesse. I had to tell you. Please don’t be mad. When I saw him all these feelings came rushing back, but it’s totally completely over between us.

Jesse: I get it. Craig meant a lot to you. I’m not mad.

Ellie: Shouldn’t you be? I mean even just a little?

Jesse: Those who live in glass houses. Look I haven’t seen you in weeks Ellie. I didn’t know which way was up. The other night I was at a bar and there was this girl…let’s just say I made a mistake.

Ellie: What, what kind of mistake? How bad?

Jesse: Not the worst, but bad. Look you were honest with me. I felt I owed it to you.

Ellie: I don’t need your guilt prize.

(She tosses it in the garbage.)

Outside, Toby’s driving

Liberty: You sure about this? You know cutting class?

Toby: Liberty come on. It’ll be like a mini vacation, just me and you.

(The car stalls at a stoplight.)

Toby: Damn you Bubbe’s car! You stupid piece of junk.

(Toby gets out and starts kicking the car and yelling at it.)

Toby: Every single time I drive you break down. Damn you. This is funny to you?

Liberty: Actually it really is.

Toby: Look I just thought that we could get away, maybe you’d feel better.

Liberty: Well it worked. Maybe not for the reasons you intended. Yeah your Bubbe’s gonna be really mad at you for this.

Toby: See you’re laughing. That’s good. At least I didn’t totally fail.

Liberty: No you didn’t fail. You’re amazing, truly.

(They lean in and kiss each other.)

In the auditorium

(Danny, Derek and Toby are setting up chairs for the memorial.)

Danny: Thank you dude for looking after Liberty. Last night she kept going on about your little road trip.

Toby: Oh it was no big thing.

Danny: It was to her.

Liberty: Morning Toby.

Toby: Morning.

Danny: If I didn’t know any better I’d think something was going down between you and my sister.

Toby: What? What? No. Come on that’s crazy talk.

Danny: Good because if not Danny would have to choke a dude. Does Danny have to choke a dude Toby?

Toby: Relax man. We’re just friends.

(Danny walks away and Manny walks over to Toby.)

Manny: Tell me he’s being a paranoid freak.

Toby: Freak, yes. Paranoid, not so much. I kissed Liberty.

(Manny hits him.)

Toby: Ow!

Manny: Are you cuckoo bananas?

Toby: No! Well yeah. I don’t know, am I?

Manny: Yes!

(Manny grabs him and pulls him into the locker room.)

Toby: What? What are you doing?

Manny: Why on earth would you do something so ridiculously stupid?

Toby: Because I like her Manny. Because she’s cute and she’s sweet and sad and she needs me.

Manny: And you want to be her knight and shining armour? Well it’s wrong. Both of you are a mess right now. This is the worst possible time.

(Toby starts to walk away, but Manny stops him.)

Manny: Toby you just buried your friend. A friend who still had feelings for the girl you just kissed.

Toby: I know Manny. I know and I couldn’t feel guiltier believe me, but what now? What can I do?

Manny: Take the kiss back.

Toby: What? How? Get in a time machine?

Manny: Tell her you didn’t mean it. Tell her you were on cr*ck. Whatever. Just take it back.

Toby: Fine. Fine I will. I’ll, I’ll issue an official kiss retraction. Happy?

(She walks away upset.)
In the journalism

(Ellie walks in with all of Jesse’s stuff in a box.)

Jesse: What’s that?

Ellie: Guess.

Jesse: Ellie wait!

(She leaves and he goes after her.)

Jesse: Hey! Hey hold on. Don’t just throw this away, okay? We both made a mistake.

Ellie: Really? I kissed someone. You, you had a random hook-up with some bar skank.

Jesse: I didn’t have sex with her, okay?

Ellie: I don’t care. It was still more than a kiss. Way more.

Jesse: You kissed some guy that you’ve been crushing on since forever. You think that doesn’t hurt?

Ellie: I’m sorry.

Jesse: I’m sorry too, okay? So can we just get past this? K, just move on?

Ellie: No it’s not that simple Jesse. It can’t be that simple.

Jesse: Says who? Look do you love me?

Ellie: I…what kind of question is that?

Jesse: An important one. Maybe the only one that matters right now.

Ellie: I have to get to the memorial.

In the auditorium

Toby: Liberty I need to talk to you. Uh what happened yesterday was nice and everything, but wrong and I was wondering if I could take it back. The kiss I mean.

Liberty: It’s not a library book Toby. You can’t just return it.

Toby: Yeah I know. I was just hoping that in this case we could make a special exception.

Liberty: Toby do you like me?

Toby: Yeah. A lot actually.

Liberty: Well I like you too. Problem solved.

(She kisses him on the cheek and leaves.)

Outside the auditorium, Ellie is interviewing Jimmy

Ellie: So I’ve heard there was a w*r between Lakehurst and Degrassi. Do you think JT was a victim of that?

Jimmy: No. I think that psycho Drake was a ticking time b*mb and if it wasn’t JT, it would have been somebody else.

Ellie: It’s just so impossibly random.

Jimmy: The thing is life is random and sometimes it’s tragic and totally messed up, but there is one thing that makes all the drama and tears worthwhile. If you’re lucky enough to find someone you love who loves you back, it’s a gift. You know what I’m saying?

Ellie: You’re a wise man Jimmy Brooks.

Jimmy: Don’t forget good looking.

Ms. Hatzilakos: (On the PA System) Attention students please make your way to the gymnasium. The JT Yorke memorial is about to begin.

At the memorial

Mr. Simpson: Everyone may I have your attention. Welcome to the JT Yorke memorial. Uh there’s a lot of us that are affected by this, but uh we’re not here to mourn JT, we’re here to celebrate him and I’d like to uh start with a slideshow that I put together with the help of Peter Stone and Gavin Mason.

(The video starts and it shows a recent picture of JT, JT in a clown wig, JT as a little kid, JT with a birthday cake and JT standing with Liberty and Danny.)

Mia: Toby. I want to show my video, but Liberty says we don’t have time.

Toby: She’s right. I’m sorry Mia.

Mia: God why are you always taking her side?

Toby: It’s not about sides, okay? Why are you getting so upset about this?

Mia: Because it’s the principal. Why does Liberty get a say in anything to do with JT? He couldn’t stand her.

Toby: That’s not true.

Mia: Oh really? You want to know what he used to call her behind her back? The Liberty 3000. He told me he hated her.

Toby: Funny because I seem to remember him telling me the exact opposite.

Mia: What? When? When did he say this?

Toby: Just forget I said anything please.

Mia: No I can’t just forget about it. I need to know Toby. When?

Toby: It was right before he d*ed. The thing about oatmeal. He meant Liberty. I’m sorry Mia, but he still liked her.

Mia: You suck Isaacs. You suck so bad.

(Mia leaves and runs into Liberty.)

Liberty: Give me the tape.

Mia: You’re gonna play it?

(She nods and Mia leaves.)

Toby: Liberty what’d you hear?

Liberty: Everything. I can’t believe you.

(She runs out into the hall and he follows her.)

Toby: Liberty! Liberty!

Liberty: Just tell me why. Why would you want to hurt me like this?

Toby: I didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted to help you.

Liberty: Toby you knew how I felt about JT and you knew how much it would mean to me to know he felt the same way.

Toby: Liberty I was trying to protect you.

Liberty: And that involves kissing me?! That’s idiotic.

Toby: I know and I know it’s totally wrong, but over the last few days I’ve developed feelings. But I know now it’ll never happen.

Liberty: Yeah well I wish I had JT, but that’ll never happen either.

(Liberty goes into the auditorium with the tape.)

Liberty: Play this.

(JT is shown on the screen playing with Mia at a playground. Liberty watches the screen and finally starts to break down and cry.)

In the journalism office

Jesse: Article’s good frosh.

Ellie: Really?

Jesse: Really. Best thing you’ve written.

(Ellie pulls out Jesse’s booklet from her pocket.)

Jesse: Fished that out from the trash, huh?

(She rips out the free meal coupon.)

Ellie: You know me. Always been a sucker for the Hawaiian slice. Ham and pineapple should not work together, but somehow they do.

At JT’s locker

Toby: Glad you came Mia.

Mia: No problem. I think you’re right. I think we’re ready to deal with this. Look what you said about JT.

Toby: Forget what I said about JT.

Mia: No ‘cause deep down I think I always knew about Liberty. I just didn’t want to believe it.

(Liberty walks over.)

Toby: Liberty how you doing?

Liberty: Let’s just do this, shall we?

(They open JT’s locker.)