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06x10 - What it Feels Like to be a Ghost Pt. 2

Posted: 01/16/07 09:21
by bunniefuu
In the journalism office

(Ellie’s writing her article on Craig when Jesse walks in.)

Jesse: A day in the life of Craig Manning. Ouch. That’s your title?

Ellie: Encouraging as always, boss-man.

(He kisses her forehead.)

Jesse: Would have thought writing about Craig would have came easy to you.

Ellie: Not this morning. Not after I found a baggie of coke on his bedroom floor.

Jesse: Colour me not surprised. I had a feeling he was doing some rounds.

Ellie: What? Hold on. Those dr*gs weren’t Craig’s. They belong to his girlfriend, Tweedle Dum.

Jesse: Oh well me thinks Tweedle Dum has been sharing her stash with Tweedle Dee, I.E. Craig.

Ellie: I.E. shut up. Craig does not do coke.

Jesse: You know this for a fact?

Ellie: No I don’t, but what I do know is that I have to keep him away from Manny. Long enough to make him realize that she’s a toxic influence.

Jesse: I have a new job for you and for this one, you owe me. Taking Back Sunday are in town and guess who’s interviewing them today?

Ellie: Jesse you’re the best!

(She kisses him when Craig walks in.)

Ellie: Hey Mr. Manning uh you’re right on time. Ready for your big interview?

Craig: Actually I don’t know if I can right now. I got to go clean out Joey’s garage.

Ellie: Oh I’ll come with. I can help.

Jesse: Uh frosh you do have the Taking Back Sunday interview today and it’s way more important than this whole Craig thing.

Ellie: Both are important. Both will get done. Will not disappoint, promise.

(She kisses Jesse and her and Craig leave.)

In Joey’s garage, Ellie is interviewing Craig

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Ellie: So I’ve been listening to your demo. There’s a recurring theme of home. Something you’re preoccupied with?

Craig: Nah when you’re a musician, home is wherever your guitar is.

Ellie: Okay, but that’s funny ‘cause you left your guitar here.

Craig: I left a lot of things here. A lot of people. I always thought when I come back they’ll all be waiting, you know? With big open arms and a smile.

Ellie: And are they?

Craig: Nope. Joey’s selling this place and moving to Calgary. All my old friends have moved on and you-

Ellie: Oh I’m here.

Craig: No not really. You’re busy. You’ve got uh you know university, journalism, Jesse.

Ellie: Yeah, but I’m still here Craig and I always will be.

(Ellie gets a text message saying “Taking Back Sunday r waiting”.)

Ellie: Ugh I have to go.

Craig: Interview’s over?

Ellie: No. Um come with me. You can meet the band. It’ll be fun.

(Ellie grabs his hand and they leave.)


Danny: So I’m thinking of changing my name. What do you think of LL Cool D? It stands for Ladies Love Cool Danny.

Derek: If anyone deserves that name, it’s me.

Toby: Based on what, your fantasy life?

Derek: Hey I dated Emma Nelson.

Danny: Dude that was a blind date.

Johnny: What’s that stench? The losers from Degrassi.

Nic: Listen up dorks. Lakehurst has declared w*r on your school.

Derek: Why?

Nic: Ask your friend, the mascot. JT Yorke.

Toby: You know his name?

Johnny Friend of yours?

Nic: Well you tell JT we’re gonna stomp his ass.

Garbage man: Hey! What’s going on?

Nic: Let’s go.

(They all leave.)

At the club

Ellie: So sorry I’m late, hi, hi. Hi, Ellie Nash, friendly neighbourhood music critic.

Adam: Hi I’m Adam, your friendly neighbourhood singer. And I don’t know, the band, we got let’s see Fred, Mark, Ed and Matt.

Ellie: Hey guys. Nice to meet you.

Adam: So your editor’s been raving about you. He said you’re his best writer.

Jesse: I said you weren’t my worst writer. Say Craig why don’t you go get a coffee, let Ellie do her interview, okay?

Craig: Sure. I’m gonna get going now. I’ll go see what Manny’s up to.

Ellie: Um wait Craig I, I want you to meet the band. Guys this is Craig Manning, local singer/songwriter extraordinaire.

Adam: Hey, Adam.

Craig: Hey it’s great to meet you guys. MakeDamnSure is one of my favs. Actually I even uh do it in my set. Real different version, stripped down, acoustic.

Adam: Oh I wouldn’t mind hearing that.

Craig: Right now?

Adam: Yeah um you wanna grab a guitar?

Jesse: Sorry to interrupt guys, but uh Ellie we do have a deadline so…

Ellie: There’s always time for a song though, right? Come on.

(Jesse gives her a disapproving look.)

In the cafeteria

(JT is tickling Mia and they’re laughing.)

Toby: Hope you’re enjoying that burrito JT. It’s gonna be your last.

JT: What, are they taking these bad boys off the menu?

Toby: No, but Lakehurst is gonna take you off the menu. The menu of life.

Danny: We kind of got b*at up this morning by Nic and the Lakehurst crew.

Derek: Nic’s declared w*r on Degrassi.

Toby: Specifically on you.

JT: Why? Why me? Was it because of that stupid basketball brawl? That was nothing.

Mia: It’s not because of the brawl. It’s because you’re dating me. Let’s just say Nic’s the jealous type.

JT: That psycho is your ex?

Toby: Oh so now it makes sense. This is about you, Mia. You’re gonna get us all k*lled.

JT: Oh yeah Toby, way to make her feel good.

Toby: I’m sorry I just have this neurotic aversion to being m*rder*d!

JT: Lakehurst is not gonna hurt anybody. I’m gonna handle it.

Toby: Oh yeah and what are you going to do? Tickle them to death?

At the club

Ellie: So how’s the tour going?

Matt: Great. Great except for when Adam hit me in the head with a microphone, but that’s another story.

Manager: Alright guys we got to go record station ID.

Jesse: Woah, woah, woah. She hasn’t interviewed Adam yet.

Manager: Oh sorry we’re out of time.

Jesse: See you back at the office frosh.

(Jesse leaves and Craig walks over to her.)

Craig: So get this, the band has a break in their set tomorrow night. Guess who Adam invited to sing for the crowd?

Ellie: Craig that’s amazing.

Craig: This could be huge for my career Ellie and it’s all thanks to you. You’re, you’re awesome. I got to go.

Ellie: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Wait, what about our interview?

Craig: Come on I got to go see Manny. I got to tell her the good news.

At Lakehurst, outside of detention

Johnny: Bout time.

Nic: Let’s go.

(They start to leave when JT shows up.)

Nic: You got a lot of nerve showing up at our school.

JT: Whatever. Is this stupid w*r about me dating your ex?

Nic: I don’t care about Mia. She’s just a dumb slut.

(JT takes a step forward angrily.)

Nic: Easy mascot boy.

JT: You want a w*r, you got it. Meet me in the tunnel tomorrow at 5.

Nic: Mind if I bring my friends?

JT: No because I’ll bring mine.

Nic: Oh the chess club? I’m scared.

At the university

Ellie: Sorry…about bringing Craig to the interview. It was unprofessional.

Jesse: That’s okay. Where is Craig anyway? Thought you’d be interviewing him.

Ellie: He bailed on me. Went off to party with little miss Manny.

Jesse: Probably jonesing for coke.

Ellie: Nice.

Jesse: Look my best friend used to be an addict, okay? I can see the signs pretty clearly.

Ellie: You can’t see anything clearly. Not when it comes to Craig. Jealous much?

Jesse: I’m not jealous of some failed singer/songwriter loser that you’re still crushing on. It’s pathetic.

Ellie: That is wrong on so many levels.

Jesse: You know what’s really wrong? The fact that Craig keeps crapping on you and you keep going back for more.

At Marco and Ellie’s

(Craig and Manny are making out when Manny pulls away.)

Manny: Hey why don’t we go out tonight? See a movie, grab a bite?

Craig: Or we could stay in ‘cause I happen to have some party favours.

Manny: You know after we did that last night, I felt sick. Horrible. I never want to do it again.

Craig: Cool. That’s your choice.

Manny: Baby.

Craig: Look this has been one of the best one or two days of my life. Don’t ruin it.

(Manny gets up to leave.)

Craig: What are you doing?

Manny: I’m about to ruin one of the best one or two days of your life. I’m dumping your ass Craig. Bye.

(She leaves and Craig keeps preparing a line of coke.)

Downstairs at Marco and Ellie’s

Manny: Ellie just the girl I wanted to see. I have a present for you. Me and Craig just broke up.

Ellie: What?

Manny: Yeah he has a little bit of a drug problem if you haven’t noticed.

Ellie: I think you have that the wrong way around. I found your loot bag and I know the coke was yours. Craig told me.

Manny: Craig lied. That’s what drug addicts do Ellie. Good luck with him.

(She leaves and Ellie goes upstairs.)

Ellie: Question of the evening: Who’s more pathetic, you for lying to me about the dr*gs or me for believing you?

Craig: Is that a trick question?

Ellie: This is funny?

(She starts to leave.)

Craig: Don’t be mad, please.

Ellie: Just tell me the truth for once.

Craig: Okay. I, I started in Vancouver, but I’m not an addict.

Ellie: Drug cliché number 1.

Craig: I can stop Ellie. Anytime I want.

Ellie: Drug cliché number 2.

Craig: Look what do you want me to say? That I’ve got a problem? Yeah I have a problem. Great I said it. What now?

Ellie: You used to come to group therapy with me, remember? Dr. Kenrick is great. He can help you, so just come tomorrow, okay?

Craig: If you promise to stop being mad at me.
In the foyer

(Danny and Derek are handing out flyers about the fight.)

Danny: Rumble today at 5. Don’t miss out on the Lakehurst ass-kicking action.

JT: What are you guys crazy? Don’t advertise it.

Danny: You said we had to form a posse.

Derek: Yeah I got a couple guys on the basketball team. They’ll probably back us up.

JT: Oh good.

Jimmy: Hey I heard you guys are organizing some battle against Lakehurst?

JT: Uh yeah. You in?

Jimmy: Sure. I’ll roll over their feet with my chair. No I’m not in.

Spinner: Yeah, me neither ‘cause this is a seriously bad idea.

Jimmy: Look v*olence is a vicious cycle. You guys are gonna make a situation go from bad to worse.

Danny: Whatever Buddha-licious. Go pick a flower. We’re gonna kick some ass.

(They all leave except for Toby.)

Toby: This isn’t like you JT. I thought you’d be smarter than this.

JT: Well I thought that you’d offer to join me.

Toby: I’m not gonna fight Lakehurst. You’re being an idiot.

JT: You’re being a coward. Some best friend.

At Ellie’s group meeting

Ellie: Can we wait just a little longer?

Dr. Kenrick: I’m sorry Ellie. Let’s get started. The door please.

(The meeting is going on and Craig arrives, but stops and leaves before anyone sees him.)

At the tunnel

Mia: JT.

JT: Mia. What are you doing here?

(She holds up a flyer.)

Mia: Not only is this really stupid, it’s incredibly immature.

JT: No it’s not. I’m being a man Mia. This is, this is how men handle things.

Mia: I broke up with Nic for a reason, JT. If you do this, it makes you no different than him.

JT: Okay. Everybody let’s go home.

Outside Degrassi

Nic: Hey Degrassi nerd.

Toby: What are you guys doing here?

Nic: Your friends didn’t show.

(Toby tries to leave and Nic grabs him.)

Nic: Where are you going?!

(They all start b*ating him up.)

At the concert, Taking Back Sunday is performing

(Ellie shows up looking for Craig and goes backstage.)

Craig: Ellie hi. About group therapy, listen uh something came up.

(She starts going through all of Craig’s stuff.)

Craig: Hey! Hey what are you doing?

(She pulls out the coke.)

Ellie: Either you stop now or I call Joey and tell him about this and this, this will all end. The touring, the music career, finished.

Craig: Come on. Why would you do that to me? Just leave me alone, alright?

Ellie: I can’t.

Craig: Why not?

Ellie: Because.

Craig: Because why?

Ellie: You know why Craig. Um you know, so don’t make me say it.

(Craig and Ellie start kissing.)

Craig: I love you Ellie.

Ellie: I love you too.

Craig: So don’t make me stop. Please. I need it. Don’t call Joey.

Ellie: You bastard. How could, how could you play with me like that?

Craig: Ellie I’m, I’m sorry. What do you want me to say?

Ellie: Nothing. It’s all gonna be lies. You’ll say whatever it takes to get your hands on this, won’t you?! God!

(She leaves and Craig starts preparing a line.)

Announcer: We’ll be back up in a minute to finish, but before that stick around and I think you’re gonna like it. So ladies and gentlemen please welcome Craig Manning.

Craig: Hey. Uh here’s a song I wrote a while back when I first left Toronto for Vancouver. It’s called Drowning.

Craig: (Singing) I fly too close to the sun. I chase the whale on the run, but I am…I’m jumping from mountains and I’m jumping from skies. I try to realize my size.

(His nose starts to bleed and the crowd all notices.)

Craig: (Singing) What you say when you’re me. What you feel when you see.

(He realizes his nose is bleeding and stops singing.)

In the hallway, Toby has a neck and an arm brace

Emma: How could they do this to you?

Manny: If there’s anything you need, let us know, okay Toby-Tobes?

Toby: I think you girls have done enough.

(Manny kisses Toby on the cheek and Emma hands him his bag.)

Toby: Thanks.

JT: Hey Tobes, here.

(JT takes his bag from him.)

Toby: Thanks.

JT: Look I’m so sorry.

Toby: It’s okay JT.

JT: No it’s not.

Toby: Well you know, look at the bright side. Maybe, maybe it’s over. Maybe b*ating someone up is all they ever wanted.

JT: Well maybe, but you know what, I don’t care. They’re gonna pay for what they did to you.

Toby: Look v*olence for v*olence only leads to the deepening of the darkness in the deepest dark...wait that didn’t come out right. Look just promise me you’ll let this go. Promise me JT.

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JT: Okay. Promise.

(JT pats Toby on the shoulder who is in pain.)

JT: Oh sorry.

At the airport

Ellie: You’re on the 11AM to Calgary. Joey’s waiting for you at the airport.

Craig: I guess you’re here to make sure I get on the plane, right?

Ellie: No um Mr. Simpson is. I’m leaving.

(Ellie starts to leave, but Craig stops her and she starts to cry.)

Craig: Ellie I know I messed up, badly, but I am glad for one thing. I was finally able to be honest with you. I meant what I said and I felt that way for a long time.

Ellie: No just don’t. Don’t, just…it’s beside the point. You need help.

Craig: I know. I know. I’m going to the rehab or whatever, but when I get out maybe we could…

Ellie: Goodbye Craig.

Scenes for next week

Voiceover: School rivals-

Nic: Lakehurst has declared w*r on your school.

Voiceover: -come to a head.

JT: You want a w*r, you got it!

Emma: The house is ours for the entire weekend. We can do whatever.

Manny: We should have a party!

Danny and Derek: Party tonight!

Emma: Promise it won’t get too crazy.

Manny: I promise.

Voiceover: But things get out of hand.

Toby: Oh great. It’s them.

Voiceover: Degrassi loses one of its own.

(Liberty is crying and holding JT covered in blood.)

Lakehurst thug: What the hell did you do?

(Manny is shown crying.)