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06x08 - Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Posted: 01/02/07 22:07
by bunniefuu
Outside the jail

Sean: Hey sight for sore eyes.

(Sean walks out and hugs Emma.)

Sean: Ah yeah.

(They kiss.)

Sean: I’m free all thanks to you.

Emma: All I did was help you get a lawyer.

Sean: You got me a hearing. You got my sentence reduced.

Emma: And two years of probation.

Sean: Whatever. I’m out. Now we can be together. The perfect girl and the guy who doesn’t deserve her. Man I missed you.

(Emma kisses him.)

Emma: I missed you too. A lot.

Sean: Yeah? I also missed bacon double cheeseburgers with the works.

Emma: I see jail hasn’t turned you vegetarian.

Sean: Sorry. Been dreaming about it for months.

Emma: I guess I could put my carnivorous objections aside just this once, but first it’s present time.

(She hands him the picture that Spike took of them on their first date.)

Sean: Is that really us?

Emma: Six uber long years ago.

Sean: Sometimes I wish I could stop time. Go back.

Emma: To bad hair, braces and general pubescent awkwardness? No thanks.

Sean: Back to a time when you were proud of me.

(Emma runs her hand through his hair and touches his face.)

At Emma’s house

Mr. Simpson: So how was the sofa? Not too lumpy?

Sean: No it was great. Thanks. I really appreciate you guys letting me crash here until I get back on my feet.

Spike: What are your plans now that you’re out?

Emma: Already with the grilling?

Spike: I know you two are more than just friends Em. A mother gets to ask.

Sean: That’s cool. Jay is hooking me up with his boss. Apparently they need a new mechanic.

Mr. Simpson: What about school? Have you given any thought about coming back to Degrassi?

Sean: I got expelled.

Mr. Simpson: Well maybe I could talk to her.

Sean: No. I mean no thank you. I really don’t want to set foot in that place again.

Emma: Tell them about Cameron’s Custom Cars.

Sean: Someday I want to open up my own shop.

Mr. Simpson: That sounds like a fine plan if you can find a bank manager who’s willing to lend money to a high school dropout.

Spike: Couple that with your record.

Emma: Mom it’s his first day out of jail. Can you go easy, please?

Spike: Sorry. We’re really glad you’re here Sean.

Mr. Simpson: And we’re sure you’re gonna figure it all out. Your life I mean. You’ve got lots of time for that.

In the hallway

(Danny and Derek are running in the halls and they run right into Mr. Perino, spilling his drink and breaking his mug.)

Mr. Perino: Hey! How many times have I told you guys no running in the halls?!

Danny and Derek: Sorry Mr. Perino.

Mr. Perino: Sorry? Look at me! Look at my shoes. They’re ruined.

Derek: (under his breath) So buy some new ones.

Mr. Perino: Are you sure you want to use that tone with your teacher? Believe me you don’t want me to make your lives difficult.

Mr. Simpson: Guys go get the mop from the janitor. Clean this mess up, capiche? Go.

Mr. Perino: Smart asses, you know? They drive me crazy.

Mr. Simpson: Just uh try to remember they’re just kids. Right Dom?

(He walks away without saying anything.)

Mr. Simpson: Dom!

At the garage

Tony: Engine runs out.

Sean: It’s loose timing chain.

Tony: Shimmy in the steering. You know how to fix it?

Sean: Yeah. You machine the front rotors.

Tony: Jay was right. You know cars.

Sean: Cars are my life. You know, if you know how they work, they never let you down.

Tony: Spoken like a true mechanic. Tell you what, we got a Lexus with a faulty AC. Go to work.

Sean: You, you mean I got it? I got the job?

Tony: Yeah not for long if you don’t get to work.

Sean: Yes sir. Woo! I got it man.

Jay: What’d I tell you?

In Mr. Perino’s class

Danny: After years of fighting, the second world w*r came to an end with the bombing of Hiroshima. Once the Third Rake finally surrendered, the iron curtain divided Europe-

Mr. Perino: I think it’s time this presentation surrendered and by the way it’s Reich, not Rake. You’re done.

Danny: But you cut me off.

Mr. Perino: The assignment was to summarize an event in your own words. Not bore everyone by copying the damn thing from your textbook.

Danny: It’s not my fault history’s so boring.

Mr. Perino: Well it might be to you, but I’ll assure you history’s a fascinating discipline.

(Danny sits down behind Derek.)

Derek: He was a teacher.

Mr. Perino: Who said that? Mr. Higg you got something to say? Don’t be a clown. Be a man and say it.

Derek: Okay I will. Can’t you give Danny a break? I mean he’s trying his best.

Mr. Perino: Tell you what instead of giving Daniel a zero for plagiarism, detention both of you and tomorrow I’ll let you help him redo his presentation.

At the garage

(Emma tries to sneak up on Sean.)

Sean: Hey gorgeous.

Emma: How did you do that?

Sean: You’re a lousy sneaker and every car has at least three mirrors.

(He kisses her.)

Sean: Mwah!

Emma: Based on the fact that your freshly pressed white shirt is now forgotten on the tool bench, you got the job?

Sean: Your little pep talk helped. Thanks and a big shout out to Jay! He totally went to the mat for his bud, huh? My best friend and my girlfriend. The only two people I can count on.

Jay: Girlfriend? Well I guess not even jail time can keep you two lovebirds apart, huh?

Sean: We should all hang out, huh? Catch up on old times?

Jay: Yeah Sean’s not caught up on old times.

Emma: Old times are overrated.

Sean: Alright well uh, well I’m all done here. I’m gonna take my girl out for dinner.

Jay: Go have fun. I’ll lock up.

Outside the school

Danny: Detention rocks. I’d take it over history class any day.

Derek: Plus we got Perino off our backs for now. Hey later.

Danny: Later.

(Danny leaves and Derek sees Mr. Perino standing by the bus stop.)

Derek: Hey Mr. Perino.

Mr. Perino: Derek.

Derek: Something wrong with your car?

Mr. Perino: Why? Did you do something to it?

Derek: No. I just thought…bus stop.

Mr. Perino: What, no funny jokes? You’re not much of a comedian outside of class, are you?

Derek: I’m sorry.

Mr. Perino: Don’t pull that innocent act with me.

Derek: Uh I think I’m gonna walk home.

(Derek starts to leave when Mr. Perino steps in front of him.)

Mr. Perino: Let me make myself clear. Show me some respect or we’ve got a serious problem, understood?

(Derek walks away.)

At Emma’s house

Emma: Where is my lucky bra? The one that gives me Manny boobs.

Manny: What’s the big deal? You’re just going on a date with Sean.

Emma: It’s not a date. It’s the date. The “he’s finally back in my life and everything has to be perfect” date.

Manny: And you’re just trying to live up to the pedestal that he’s putting you on.

Emma: There’s nothing wrong with having a boyfriend who thinks you’re amazing.

Manny: Unlike those shoes, nobody’s perfect.

Emma: Least of all me. I went by the garage today and Jay was there.

Manny: Three’s definitely not company.

Emma: Jay is Sean’s best friend. How do I even begin to tell him what I did with Jay in the ravine?

Manny: You were single. It was a crazy time. What were you supposed to do, sit home and knit?

Emma: I’m not sure that Sean’s gonna see it that way.

Manny: If he really loves you then he should.

After hours at the Dot

Spinner: Okay I will be back in an hour to lock up. Don’t break anything.

Sean: We won’t. Thanks man.

(Spinner leaves Sean and Emma alone.)

Sean: It’s not much, but jail does a number on a guy’s savings.

Emma: The place, the candles, the tofurkey…everything is perfect.

Sean: It is perfect. You’re perfect.

Emma: I’ve still made mistakes.

Sean: You’re talking to the master of mistakes.

Emma: So you won’t hold them against me?

Sean: Of course not. Why? Is there something you need to tell me about?

Emma: No. It’s just…stupid.

Sean: Nothing you say is stupid Em. You’re the smartest person I know.

At the garage

Sean: Hey last night I thought Emma was dropping hints. Did something happen?

Jay: No. It was probably nothing.

Sean: If there was something, you’d tell me, right?

Jay: Forget it. You’re not hearing it from me.

Sean: Jay come on. After everything I’ve been through, I can handle it.

Jay: Fine, but I warned you. Alright while you were gone, Emma and I kind of fooled around.

Sean: You had sex.

Jay: No. No, no, no. I mean not really. It depends how you look at it. I had more than she did.

Sean: I can’t believe this. You and Emma?

Jay: Dude don’t overreact. Look you’d just broken up with Ellie. You and Emma hadn’t been a thing for like years. It just kind of happened. Once. You said you could take it.

Sean: Just shut up, okay? Shut up.

Jay: Man I’m sorry.

Sean: I said shut up.

(Sean walks away angry.)
At Degrassi

Emma: Sean? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?

Sean: Never mind. Did…did you and Jay have a thing last year?

Emma: Who told you that?

Sean: Wrong answer.

(Sean tries to walk away, but Emma stops him.)

Emma: Sean! It was two years ago. Right after I had a g*n pointed at my face. To say I was super duper messed up would be an understatement.

Sean: How could you do that? And with Jay?! The thought of you two together makes me want to-

Emma: What happened to “I won’t hold it against you”?

(Sean leaves and Peter walks by Emma.)

Peter: Lover’s quarrel?

At the garage

(Sean walks by Jay without saying anything.)

Jay: Take it we’re not cool?

Sean: Don’t talk to me.

Tony: Jay get on the Lexus. Mr. Lane is my best customer.

Jay: Uh you wanna hand me that ratchet?

Sean: Get it yourself.

Jay: Look it was over a year ago man. Just let it go.

Sean: I’m not gonna let it go, alright? You took something that was good and you ruined it. Just like you always do.

Jay: Right, right make me the bad guy. Alright whatever helps you sleep at night.

Sean: You didn’t care about Emma. You used her! You took advantage of her.

Jay: I didn’t take advantage of anybody. The truth is she chased me dude. She damn near begged me to let her do it.

(Sean pushes Jay, he pushes him back and Sean tries to punch him, but misses and hits the wall.)

In science class

Science teacher: So each group is now holding a different part of the human body. I want you to explain in essay form the function of your part.

Manny: Well this should be easy.

(Emma stabs her pencil into the heart.)

Manny: Em! You’re k*lling Johnny Carcass-man! His heart’s not gonna work with a pencil in it.

Emma: I’m sorry. I was imagining it belongs to Sean, who found out about me and Jay from Jay.

Manny: Ouch. Hope you had a soft landing when you fell off that pedestal.

(Emma starts stabbing the pencil over and over again into the heart.)

Manny: Easy cuckoo bananas! This is one of the few classes that I’m not failing.

Emma: What is it with guys and their ridiculous double standards? They can do whatever they want, but a girl makes one mistake and her rep is tarnished for life!

Manny: Look I know your little visit with Jay in the ravine may not have been on the Emma Nelson highlight rail, but no guy has the right to judge you. Especially Sean.

In Mr. Perino’s class

(Danny and Derek walk into the room.)

Mr. Perino: Derek can I uh talk to you a minute?

(They go into the hall.)

Mr. Perino: Look I just want to make sure there’s no misunderstanding about last night.

Derek: Well what you said Mr. Perino…was kind of threatening.

Mr. Perino: Derek you’re a smart kid. I hate seeing you waste your potential. I was just trying to motivate you.

Derek: More like you freaked me out.

Mr. Perino: Look what do you say we just forget it even happened?

Derek: Yeah. Yeah I guess.

Mr. Perino: Good. Look go in there and knock that presentation out of the park, okay?

At the garage

Mr. Lane: You remembered to change the oil?

Sean: There’s an oil change charge on the bill, isn’t there?

Mr. Lane: I’ve noticed a bit of pulling lately. Um how is the tire pressure?

(Sean kicks the tire.)

Sean: Seems fine to me.

Mr. Lane: Maybe I should talk to your boss.

Sean: You have a problem with my work, then you take it up with me. So do we have a problem?

Mr. Lane: I have a mechanic with an attitude.

(Sean steps up to him threateningly and he takes a step back scared.)

Jay: Hey Sean back off! Look I’m sorry sir. His problem, it’s with me.

Sean: Tell Tony I quit.

(Sean leaves and kicks the tool bench over.)

In Mr. Perino’s class

Derek: And in late October 1945 the United Nations was formed.

Danny: To promote human rights and prevent future world wars.

Mr. Perino: Nice job you two. Okay, who’s my next victim? Jackson? You ready?

(He doesn’t say anything.)

Mr. Perino: Blank stare. Figures. Did anybody not stay up all night playing video games and looking at nudie pictures on the Internet? Take the zero.

Derek: Why do you have to be like that sir?

Mr. Perino: Do you have a problem Mr. Higg?

(Derek doesn’t say anything.)

Mr. Perino: I didn’t think so. Alright who’s gonna butcher another presentation or do I have to keep handing out zeros? Hmm?

(Derek takes his bag and walks out of the classroom.)

Mr. Perino: Hey! Where are you going?!

(Derek starts talking to Mr. Simpson in the hallway.)

At Emma’s, Sean is packing

Emma: Classic Sean. When the going gets tough, the Sean gets going.

Sean: Not much to stick around for.

Emma: So the minute you find out I’m not perfect you run away?

Sean: Not perfect? I’d say!

Emma: Well what do you expect Sean? I’m a real person! In three months I’ll be old enough to vote, to legally drink in Quebec. I’m not the girl you knew in grade seven anymore.

Sean: What happened to you?

Emma: I grew up! Maybe you should try it.

Sean: My parents kicked me out when I was twelve, alright? I grew up in a hurry. I needed to, to survive.

Emma: All you did was build a wall between yourself and the world, to hide behind!

Sean: You let me down. My parents let me down. The school system let me down. I’m just saving myself from more.

Emma: So all your problems are someone else’s fault, right?

Sean: It’s not my fault you did that to Jay.

Emma: And you’ll never let me forget it, will you?

(Sean starts walking away.)

Emma: Okay little boy, I give up.

At the bus station

(Sean’s ticket falls out of his pocket along with the picture Emma gave him and he watches a couple with their arms around each other.)

Outside Ms. Hatzilakos’ office

(Mr. Perino leaves angrily and Mr. Simpson walks over to Derek.)

Derek: Did he get fired?

Mr. Simpson: No, but uh Ms. Hatzilakos is launching an investigation.

Derek: I should have kept my mouth shut.

Mr. Simpson: No you did the right thing Derek. Ready to give your side of the story?

Derek: Is it okay if I’m a little scared?

Mr. Simpson: Don’t be. Okay I’ll be in there with you. Come on.

(They go inside and Mr. Simpson looks back at Mr. Perino.)

At Emma’s house

Sean: This isn’t supposed to happen.

Emma: Didn’t have to, but you made it.

Sean: When I came back here from Wasaga, Emma…it wasn’t for school or to open a garage. It was none of that.

Emma: Funny thing is you got what you came for. Then you blew it.

Sean: Don’t give up on me. Please.

Emma: I can’t be perfect Sean. I can’t be everything you need all the time.

Sean: Good! I want you to challenge me. I want you to call me on my crap.

Emma: Sure, but if we’re gonna have a real relationship you need to save yourself from yourself sometimes.

Sean: I’ll ask Tony for my job back, okay? I’ll get my high school equivalency. I’ll start looking for my own place.

Emma: And what about us?

(He kisses her.)

Sean: I want to get to know you again Em.

Voiceover: In 2007, the series that pushes the limits is going there again.

(A group of guys are shown walking outside. Ellie is shown with Jesse. Marco and Dylan are sitting together.)

Dylan: Oh dear.

Mia: I trusted you with my daughter!

(Manny is crying at a hospital and Sean is hugging her.)

Manny: This is my fault.

Sean: It’s not.

Voiceover: Someone will return.

(Craig and Ellie are kissing and Ellie pushes him away.)

Ellie: You bastard. It’s all gonna be lies!

Voiceover: Someone will fall.

(Derek looks upset.)

Nic: Lakehurst has declared w*r on your school.

JT: You want a w*r? You got it.

(Emma and Sean look at each other, Manny is dancing with some guy, a party is going on, Toby is kissing Mia, Ellie is covering her mouth shocked, Toby is getting punched in the stomach, Jay is getting a drink splashed in his face, Emma is at the party, Nic is kicking someone, Craig is singing with a bloody nose, Emma looks shocked, someone is holding a Kn*fe.)

Voiceover: And someone will die.

Liberty: Somebody help!