05x02 - Venus Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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05x02 - Venus Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

(Manny climbs in through Emma’s basement window.)

Emma: I thought you crawled into somebody else’s house by accident.

(Manny falls into the hamper.)

Manny: Ahh! Ahh!

Emma: Oh no. You look like a pretzel.

Manny: My insides are kind of pretzely too, let me tell you…

Emma: Shh!

Manny: …and I’m soaking wet.

Emma: Shh!

Manny: How am I gonna wear this to school tomorrow?

Emma: Shh! My parents are sleeping. I’ll loan you whatever you want, but you need to tell me why Jen saw Peter and stinking drunk you upstairs, alone at 2AM. I told you I liked him!

Manny: Hey! Hey okay! You tell me he’s hands off and he’s hands off. That’s just the law. Like girls scout artor… honour. I’m a sailor.

(Emma helps her out of the hamper and they both fall on the floor.)

In Emma’s kitchen, the next morning

Mr. Simpson: Oh Manny. You can be the taste tester for my fridged-out omelette(?). We got zucchini, sausage and a crumbly end of a big old hunk of blue cheese.

Emma: Cold cereal is our friend.

Manny: No. No, I’m fine.

Mr. Simpson: Oh! Guess who just hung up from a conversation with your mom?

Manny: Great.

Mr. Simpson: Who nearly wept when she heard that you were here safe and sound.

Manny: I hate her. I hate them.

In the hallway

Manny: Tell me you’re as hung over as I am.

Peter: Sure except I wasn’t drinking.

Manny: Good then you remember what happened because I’m still a little foggy.

Peter: Yeah I remember everything. Especially when you showed me your… you know.

Manny: But you were sober. Why didn’t you try and stop me?

Peter: Because your request ‘let’s make a little movie’ implied you didn’t want me.

Manny: Why are you being like this?

Peter: I want to see you again.

Manny: Peter, my best friend since daycare likes you and she’s really lovely.

Peter: Yeah, but she’s not you.

Manny: Last night was what it was and nothing more and I’m trusting you that it stays between us.

Peter: First chance I get I’ll erase everything. It’ll be our little secret.

Ellie is playing drums with utensils in the cafeteria and Craig walks right by her

Marco: So, you and Craig are best friends all summer.

Ellie: Regrettably.

Marco: And you develop a cute little crush.

Ellie: Marco!

Marco: And he says a few mean words to you and…

Ellie: Two! He said two mean words after I bust my kilt to throw him a party.

Marco: So what, we’re not gonna hang out?

Ellie: (Says it loudly so Craig can hear) Not until he apologizes!

Marco: Okay. Look we have band practice scheduled for tomorrow night.

Ellie: Didn’t Craig say he’d never let Spinner back in the band?

Marco: He hasn’t and Spinner isn’t, which leaves us without a drummer.

Ellie: Hey I just started drumming again. I haven’t drummed since I was like ten.

Marco: Yeah, but you know how to drum. An immediate improvement over Spinner and you’ve been in a band before. So maybe it’s time you think about joining a new one.

In a classroom

Emma: You told him I liked him?

Manny: Sort of.

Emma: So now instead of just being tongue tied in front of him, now I’ll actually have to barf on his shoes.

Manny: No. No, I, I think he was kind of into you. I told him you were lovely.

Emma: Really? Well sorry I was snotty earlier. You are so good.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Manny. Your mother’s here to see you.

In the school hallway, Manny and her mom are sitting down while Emma walks over to them

Manny: I couldn’t come home mom. Not after last night.

Mrs. Santos: So you decided to make your father’s temper even worse?

Manny: I’m the one who should be angry. He called me a slut.

Mrs. Santos: Until you swear to do what he says and give up acting your father’s temper will only get worse. He’ll get more angry.

Manny: I can’t. I won’t.

Mrs. Santos: Then you can stay at Emma’s.

Emma: I’m sure it’s not a problem.

Manny: So I can’t come home?

Mrs. Santos: Not yet. Not until you are ready.

In Ms. Kwan’s classroom, Ellie walks in late and sits behind Craig

Ms. Kwan: A smart reader uses strategies before she reads to preview the text and to activate their prior knowledge of the topic. A smart reader also tracts and reports ideas as they read them. Smart readers also know that reading plays a vital role in learning. (She keeps talking while Craig and Ellie talk)

Craig: Stop staring.

Ellie: Stop being an ass.

Craig: Do you know how humiliating it was to find out, in public, that my girlfriend dumped me by e-mail?

Ellie: Oh. Oh you’re forgetting on your birthday. It’s a pretty good detail too. Ashley wanted to tell you herself. She wanted to wait until the time was right. She was… concerned.

Craig: That I’d go off my meds and go all crazy. I’m fine. You know I’m fine. We hung out all summer and I don’t need you protecting me.

Ellie: All this anger is for Ashley. Buy a ticket, go to London, and freak on her there.

In the boy’s change room

(Manny is searching through Peter’s stuff when he walks in the door and sees her.)

Peter: Looking for this? So when are we going out?

Manny: This isn’t funny anymore.

Peter: You didn’t answer my question. When are we going out?

Manny: Peter I am never going to go out with you. I don’t like you. To tell you the truth I think you’re a freak!

(Peter gives Manny a hurt look and turns away.)

Manny: Just I need, I need the tape back okay?

Peter: Never tell a shopkeeper you’re desperate to buy his merchandise ‘cause now my price just went up.

Manny: What?

Peter: There’s a new camera I want. HTV 1080i. Runs about $3000.

Manny: I don’t have that kind of money.

Peter: You lie. Plastic surgery ain’t covered by health care honey.

Manny: But my credit card and my bank card are both with my father.

Peter: Well I’m sure you’ll think of something. Maybe I’ll have to start selling tickets to our little movie.

(He plays the video.)

Manny: (On the video) I‘m going to be an actress. Academy award winning actress and you can sell this for a million dollars because I am gonna be famous!

In the cafeteria, Ellie walks past Marco and over to Paige and Hazel

Marco: Hey. Hey El!

Ellie: Sorry new friends.

Paige: I won’t get into kindergarten with my resume.

Ellie: Um can I sit here?

Paige: Um sure hon.

Hazel: You have plenty of extracurrics to put on your university ap.

Paige: Yeah. Spirit squad, spirit squad and more spirit squad. Does that sound well-rounded to you?

Ellie: Hell Hath No Fury.

Paige: I said you could sit here, not spout kooky, dark girl clichés at me.

Ellie: I’m talking about our band. Why don’t we start it up again?

Paige: On top of helming spirit squad we’re a little booked up right now.

Ellie: You want to be an ad executive right?

(Paige nods.)

Ellie: Don’t you think your resume could use something creative?

Paige: See Hazel. That is helpful. She is a helpful friend…person.

At the plastic surgeon’s office

Manny: So I need my money back. My parents won’t let me do the surgery.

Dr. Andres: I’m aware of that. The procedures been cancelled.

Manny: Great! Then about my money?

Dr. Andres: Uh it’s taken care of. We’ve already refunded your credit card.

Manny: No I don’t keep that card. My parents do. I need cash.

Dr. Andres: I’m sorry. That’s not how it works.

Manny: It’s my money, Dr. Andres!

(He walks over to the door and opens it for her.)

Manny: I’m not moving.

Dr. Andres: I can always call security.

(She leaves.)

At Emma’s house, Emma and Manny are in bed trying to sleep

Manny: Em?

Emma: Mm hmm?

Manny: Whatever happens tomorrow, remember I love you. I’m always gonna be your friend.

Emma: Okay. Are we going to school tomorrow or are we shipping off to Iraq? Go to sleep.

Outside the school

Manny: Hey. Look I don’t have the money so I’ll just go out with you okay?

Peter: You called me a freak Manny, so no thank you. That offer’s expired. So now our little movie’s gonna be released in select theatres.

(He plays part of the clip and Manny tries to grab it from him.)

Manny: Why are you like this? Why are you trying to hurt me for no reason?

Peter: You asked me to put the camera on after I told you to go home.

Manny: You took advantage of me.

Peter: You want to know what I think? I think you’re so desperate for male attention you’ll do anything for it. You’re a big fat attention whore.

(Manny flips his lunch tray all over him.)

Peter: Attention whore with a bad temper.

Manny: That’s not me.

Peter: Most girls don’t whip their boobs out to guys they’ve known for five minutes. I’m so glad my dad got me this model. Such a generous guy. Can you believe I can e-mail it right through here?

Manny: Peter! That wasn’t! You didn’t! Peter!

Peter: You’re gonna be a big star Manny and I get to say I knew you when!

(Manny walks into the school and sees JT and Toby looking at a laptop and laughing.)

JT: Isn’t that hilarious? Oh my god.

Manny: Hey guys. What you watching?

JT: Okay here check this out. Ready? It’s a monkey smelling his own butt. It’s classic.
In the media immersion lab, Jimmy starts playing the video on his computer

Jimmy: Hey man, did you check your e-mail?

Craig: Uh no.

Jimmy: Check it. Check the one that says ‘Degrassi Girls Gone Wild’.

(It starts playing everywhere in the room at different times and everyone is watching it.)

Jimmy: Mm. Manny Santos my how you’ve grown.

Craig: Shut up man. That’s not funny.

(Craig covers his eyes, but peeks through a couple of his fingers.)

In the gymnasium, during spirit squad tryouts

Manny: Hey guys thanks for coming out. We’re gonna start with something simple just to see if you can move.

(A few girls walk in laughing.)

Manny: You’re late.

Paige: Okay small girls with the grace phobes camel(?).

Chante: Guess you haven’t seen Degrassi Girls Gone Wild!

(The girls pretend to lift their shirts up.)

Chante: There’s a video of Manny doing something she shouldn’t be doing.

Paige: You mean?

Manny: No! No. It’s not that bad. It’s just…lift your shirt for the camera kind of bad.

Paige: Well you obviously can’t be on spirit squad this year.

Manny: Paige!

Paige: You’re dismissed. Fired. Whatever.

(Manny runs into the hall and sees Emma.)

Manny: Em!

Emma: You think I don’t recognize what you were wearing or the background? I know who you did that with.

Manny: Emma I didn’t! I have to explain.

Emma: Don’t bother.

(She turns to walk away.)

Manny: Emma!

Emma: I hate you.

In a classroom

Ellie: Guys I wrote it in physics, but it’s not about vectors. It’s our new song.

Paige: We don’t have time for this.

Ellie: I thought you needed more extracurriculars?

Hazel: We signed up for yearbook, girls athletic association and prom committee this morning.

Paige: Plus we have a topless cheerleader crisis. Have you not seen Manny Santos movie of the week?

Ellie: I’ve seen it, but I don’t get why it means you have to quit the band.

Paige: Sweetie. We were never really in the band. That was just an Ellie Nash fantasy. We’re dealing with reality here. This is serious.

Hazel: Why don’t you join Craig’s band? I hear they’re looking for a new drummer.

At Manny’s house

Manny: Mom?

(Her mom nods at her to come in.)

Manny: Dad?

Mr. Santos: What does she want?

Mrs. Santos: Ask her Joseph and listen to what she tells you.

Manny: Dad I had a great time last summer. I got to be in a movie and in front of a camera and for the first time in my life I felt good. Like I mattered. Like I wasn’t a joke. Please don’t take that away from me.

Mr. Santos: We did not come to this country so you could become some actress. It’s not a job for a decent girl.

Manny: It is too. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Mr. Santos: Enough! You will do what I say.

Manny: I can’t. You can’t ask me.

Mr. Santos: You tell her. You tell that girl this is no longer her home.

Mrs. Santos: Joseph!

Mr. Santos: Tell her!

In Craig’s garage, Craig is playing guitar when Ellie walks in

Craig: You here to see Marco? He’s not here yet.

Ellie: I’m here to see you.

(Craig starts playing his guitar again.)

Ellie: Craig! Craig! We hung out all summer and I know you’re okay now and it was so, so stupid of me to try and protect you. I should have just told you. Sorry.

Craig: Cool.

Ellie: That’s it?

Craig: That’s it.

(He walks away and stops.)

Craig: I, I can feel them, you know? Your eyes burning a hole in my back. I’m sorry too. I overreacted, okay? So there. Better?

Ellie: Not really.

Craig: So what do we do?

Ellie: Well I heard you’re in between drummers.

Craig: You heard right. Know any?

Ellie: I happen to be in between bands. Maybe I should sit in?

Craig: I got to warn you El. We suck, huge.

Ellie: Oldest rule of music Craig. Band’s only as good as its drummer.

(She starts playing the drums impressively.)

Craig: Okay you’ll fit in fine.

Outside Emma’s house, Manny walks over and Emma stands up to go inside

Manny: Em just hear me out.

(Emma turns around.)

Manny: Here are the clothes that you lent me. I know I have other stuff of yours too, but-

Emma: You probably lost it all.

Manny: But I got kicked out. I don’t know for how long. Maybe for good. Em I screwed up, so bad. I lost my family, my reputation and my best friend.

Emma: Just wait. Manny it’s hard to watch you sometimes. You have everything going for you and you just keep screwing it up pretty spectacularly.

Manny: It’d be easier if I was you Em. Skinny, blonde…

Emma: Manny that is a bunch of crap and you know it. That is not what this is about.

Outside the school, Manny and Emma are walking and Manny turns to leave when she hears people talking about her

Emma: Manny! We have to do this.

(Manny and Emma hold hands and walk inside together.)

Peter: Look just so you know I didn’t send it to the whole room. I just showed it to a couple friends.

Manny: Remind me to thank you.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Peter!

Peter: Talking to a friend mom. Later!

Ms. Hatzilakos: Don’t use that tone of voice with me here. This is my school. I am your principal. In my office now.

(They start walking away as Manny and Emma watch them.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: I’m so ashamed, I can’t even look at you. How could you do something so heartless?

Emma: Did you know he’s Hatzilakos’ son?

Manny: No he didn’t tell me. I don’t think he told anyone.

Emma: I wonder who his father is.

Manny: Satan probably.

Emma: Manny I know you’re going through hell right now and I don’t want to add to it, but you and I need some ground rules.

Manny: I thought we went over ground rules with Mr. Simpson. Nothing below an A, no acting work beyond the drama club, no plastic surgery.

Emma: I know. I don’t mean that stuff. I mean between you and me. No more lies ever, okay? There will be nothing between us.

Manny: Okay, promise.

(Emma hugs her.)

Emma: So you ready to face your first class?

Manny: Not even remotely.

Scenes for next week

Paige: Boyfriend, university. Everything is in place. Nothing can ruin my perfect future.

Voiceover: Is Paige’s attitude too much?

Alex: Paige likes to decide what’s best for people and jam it down their throats.

Paige: What is your problem?

Alex: Your judgemental self.

Voiceover: But she’ll do anything to convince people she’s right.

(Alex and Paige are shown outside smoking up.)

Alex: How very un-you of you.
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