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05x14 - Make Me Proud

Posted: 03/22/23 19:21
by bunniefuu
Voids, holes, spaces.

You never truly know how deep they are

- until you try to fill them.

I know there are places
that will always be empty

because you aren't here
to fill them, but...

I have to try.

Are you kidding me? That one is...

All right, arctic shelf panel.

Yep. Yep. Yep.

Model year. We're good there.

- LAYLA: Jordan?
- JORDAN: Hey, babe.

What are you doing
down here? It's, like,

- : in the morning.
- I know. I know.

Um, just...

just trying to figure this
out. I'm so close. I'm...

What? Hey.

What's wrong? What happened?

I have been troubleshooting

for the TZ R-D, OK?

This is the TZ R-B...

Hey, hey, I'm not
asking about the fridge.

Can you talk to me?


[SIGH] "Fix the fridge,
replace screws on dining table,

talk to Oscar about
hedges." Well, what is this?

It's a to-do list I
found in my dad's stuff.

Things he wasn't able to finish.

When I couldn't sleep,
I figured I'd just

knock something off the list.

Jordan, you know you
don't have to do this.


there are a million things that
he was that I will never be.

I know that.

I'm the man of the house now, you know.

I have to be there for...
for Mom and Liv and...

How am I supposed to do that

when I can't even handle one
of his little to-do lists?


Hey, come here.

to try because I'm so scared

everything you were a part of

will crumble unless I'm there to
fill the gap and fix what's broken.


♪ Devil got my tongue again ♪

♪ Guess that he don't like my singin' ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ♪

♪ Dancin' on the bogeyman ♪

♪ Go and get that good time feeling ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, hey ♪

♪ Ooh ooh, ooh ooh ♪

- LAURA: Morning, ladies.
- PATIENCE: Hey. Good morning.

You guys excited for the "Fire
& Ice" video premiere tonight?

Um, yeah. Uh, still a
lot to finalise, though.

I have to take care of wait
staff, signage, flowers.

Oh, I get my self-charge time, right?

Yes. hours of "don't bother
Patience" is on the schedule.

Ooh, only hours?

Girl, whatever, OK? Charm like mine

needs a relaxed headspace.

Oh, my God. Is anybody else freezing?

I saw you got a parking ticket
in front of the courthouse.

Just like you told me. I know.

Well, don't worry about that
one. I'll talk to my guy.

- COOP: Your guy?
- LAURA: I know someone in parking enforcement

that owes me a favour or two.

Um, are you missing something?

Uh, just a contract I'm waiting on.

- LAURA: Oh.

Does anyone know if Liv's up yet?

PATIENCE: Uh, I don't know.

LAURA: Feel like... I
don't know. It's late.


OK, enough with the looks already.

What is going on?

We have to talk about Mrs. Baker.

SPENCER: It's weird to think you're
gonna be renting this place out.

Ugh. Well,

that's assuming I find decent tenants

in between finishing
up at South Crenshaw

and getting your brother
settled into Oakland.


- GRACE: What are your plans for today?
- A.D. Barnes asked me to come in.

- Is this about you leaving GAU?
- He didn't say,

but I wanted to talk
to him about speeding up

my transfer approval anyway.

Spencer, when you came
back to Oakland with me

and told me that you needed
to decompress from L.A.,

I understood, but it's been a week.

- You just can't sit around.
- SPENCER: I'm not, Ma.

But coaches can't reach out to me

until I'm in the transfer portal,

which I'm hoping to make happen today

if A.D. Barnes will play ball.

As long as transferring is
what you really want to do.

It is. I'm...

I'm ready to get on with it.

Well, if you have nothing
else to do this afternoon,

I can use some help
around the school, OK?


- PATIENCE: No, no, no.
- LAYLA: I know it's not that bad,

but we needed this for tonight
because we didn't have it, like...

Uh... hey, guys.

What's going on? Thanks.

This is y'all thing. I'm good.

- LAYLA: OK, well, um,

we wanted to talk to you about your mom.

You know we love her and we're
so happy she's staying here.

In the house she owns, by the way.

LAYLA: A fact that is
not lost on any of us.

But, um, have you
noticed since she moved in

she's doing this whole,
like, den-mother thing?

Only every morning when she
wakes me up like a pre-teen.

Yes, and she's been throwing
away, like, really important mail.

And we wouldn't have had
bartenders for tonight

if I hadn't found this in the trash.

Same with my upstairs
downstairs hoodies.

Like, she puts my
downstairs one upstairs.

On the coat rack or in the closet and...

Wait. You're mad
because she's tidying up?

I'm not mad. I'm cold. Every morning.

OK, well, have you...

- have you talked to her about it?
- I mean, with everything

that she's been through,
I don't really know how

to bring it up without
making her feel unwelcome.

Man, y'all trippin', all right?

Mrs. Baker is in my
roommate hall of fame.

First ballot,

since she's handling
this parking ticket I got.

Oh, well, maybe we
tell her that, you know.

It's OK to just be a roommate.

I have a masseuse coming over today.

Maybe we can make it like
a... like a roomie-spa day,

you know, show her how being
a roommate is better than

- being the supermom.
- OLIVIA: So we're all in?

- LAYLA: Yeah.
- No. We're not.

I do not allow strange men

to rub me down in oil, so
y'all have fun, all right?

I'm gonna go spend the $

that I won't be spending
on a parking ticket.

- COOP: Bye.

So, condolences on behalf
of the university and myself.

Your father was a good man.

All things considered,
how are you holding up?

I'm... finding my way.

- You expecting someone else?
- Spencer James.

He was supposed to be here by now.

Unless you heard otherwise?

Well, he's in Oakland, sir.

Oakland? Oh. Here he is.

Jordan had me worried
that you were out of town.

No. I just got back this morning.

Great, great, great.
OK, listen, gentlemen.

We need to talk about our football team.

Well, actually, I'm
transferring, sir, so...

- A.D. BARNES: Transferring?
- SPENCER: Mm-hmm.

OK, well, maybe you should just...

just take a beat so
we can talk this out.

All due respect, there ain't
nothing for us to talk about.

I informed Coach Kenny a
week ago and I've already

handed in my application for approval.

Wait. You... you're leaving GAU?

Yeah. But the compliance committee
is taking forever to sign off.

And you want me to put in a word
with the compliance committee?

Yeah. I've heard it can speed things up.

Hmm. Well,

unfortunately, Spencer, my
plate is full at the moment,

so if that's what you
came in here to say,

then I wish you the best in your future.


Well, guess I shouldn't be surprised.

It always takes a Baker man
to come and save the day.

I'm sorry, sir, but save what exactly?

GAU football.

The NCAA is very close to deciding

on the sanctions for
Garrett's bounty-gate scandal.

And rumour has it that the
punishments can be very severe,

and it's the type that a... a
program may never recover from.

I'm still not sure how I can help.


A.D. BARNES: Look, they
have a right to be angry

over the actions of Coach
Garrett. I mean, hell, I'm angry.

But Coach Garrett is gone now,

and the sanctions against GAU

now fall on those who have
done absolutely nothing wrong,

and that's the players.

The players who still want to
build a new legacy for GAU football.

The players are our future.

Now, I'd...

I'd hoped to introduce a man

who would lead our
young men on the field.

Our new head coach. My friend.

- Billy Baker.

Now, I know many of you knew Billy

from his days in the league, but

Billy's legacy, his true legacy,

lives on within these players.

But none more so than his son...

Jordan Baker.

- Jordan Baker is...

The future of GAU football.

He is untainted by
the past and determined

to carry on his father's
legacy as a leader of men.

So, as the NCAA disciplinary committee

decides the fate of the Condors,

I would like to ask only one thing.

Remember the future.

Especially those who have...

Who have lost so much already.


Well, if it isn't the
future of GAU football.

You saw the press conference?

- Barnes knows how to get people talking.
- Mm-hmm.

OK, look, I'm sorry, Coach,
but I need you to explain.

Because Barnes said
that he wanted to make

a case for the future of GAU
football in a press conference,

- and that we needed to have a united front.
- Mm-hmm.

Right? One minute I'm
standing off to the side,

next thing I know, he's
talking about my dad

- and pulling me up for a photo op.
- COACH KENNY: Wait, wait.

Barnes didn't tell you
that he was gonna announce

your dad had accepted the
head coaching position?

If he had, I would've told him
that my dad changed his mind.

- He was going back to South Crenshaw.
- Wow.

Well, I'm not sure that little
detail would've changed Barnes' tune.

OK, but I wouldn't have been standing
up there like an idiot, Coach.

I wouldn't have been up there at all...

Which is why he didn't tell me.

Barnes knows which strings to pull.

Like telling me that I could help

save GAU from the death penalty.

And you might.

See, Barnes, he's trying
to put as much distance

between Garrett and GAU as possible,

and hiring your dad was
the clean slate angle.

But with your dad passing,

he needed a new story.

- And you're it.
- It wasn't supposed to be just me, Coach.

Why didn't you tell me that
Spencer was transferring?

C'mon, man.

You guys as thick as thieves.

- He didn't tell you himself?

Apparently, there's a lot
of stuff he's not telling me.

- Did he tell you why?
- He quit, all right?

That was his decision.

I'm here for the guys who stayed.



It's Barnes.

The disciplinary
committee wants to talk.

Do you think that I should,

you know, go along with it?

Play up the sob story?

Well, that's your choice, J.

But I just want them to
see what I see every day.

GAU football isn't a
program or an institution.

We're a family, man, and we
all faced the same choice.

But the right guys are still here.

You got this, man.


ain't never been the same... ♪

Thank you so much.

♪ You ain't about the money ♪

♪ Just the fame ♪

- PATIENCE: Oh, my God. Miko.
- MIKO: Hey!

- What are you doing here today?

- Um...
- I would've thought you'd have been doing

some fancy party or something
for the "Fire & Ice" video drop.

- What are you doing here?
- It's been my favourite new spot

since you brought me.

- Oh.
- Oh, my God. I'm bothering you.

- Sorry.
- PATIENCE: No. No, no, no, no. I just, um,

- I was just, like, surprised to see you here.
- MIKO: You sure?

I definitely got the message
last time... "unfollow."

Yeah, I didn't... I didn't mean anything

by that, you know. I just, um,

had a lot of personal
stuff to deal with.

- It's not a big deal.
- OK.

I just wanted to say how excited I am

for tonight's video drop.

The Vortex is buzzing for "Fire & Ice."

My post about it got, like...

, likes in an hour.

I'm glad people are excited.

And I block all the haters
who talk trash on my posts.

Wait. People are, like,
what, trashing the video

before it even comes out?

Some stans love to hate. That's all.

OK, well, um, I have to go, but,

um, if you see anything else
like that, could you just...

Ask them to watch the video

- before they decide to hate it? Of course.
- Yeah.

But I don't think you're gonna
have many haters after tonight.

I think everybody's gonna love it.

OK. Thanks. I'll... I'll see you, OK?




Now, this is giving déjà vu.


- What are you doing here?

Mm. I was just giving a
little talk about my work

with community organising
and political activism.

SPENCER: Yeah. My moms was
telling me you getting to be

- a pretty big deal back east.

Well, you're a pretty big
deal in my uncle flip's TV room

- on game day, number .
- TV room?

Look, unc's an O.G. but he too
young to be calling it that.

Yeah, but he's too much like my
granny to call it anything else.

If he needs me to sign
his plastic couch cover,

- I won't judge. There we go. OK.

- It's good to see you, Spencer.
- You, too.

- And I'm really sorry about your loss.
- SPENCER: Thank you.

- Gotta go meet my mom.
- Hey, I, um,

I'm meeting up with some
of the old crew later.

I'm not sure where yet,
but you should pull up.

My crib is basically empty.
Perfect for a kickback.

- Miss Grace good with that?
- Good with me hosting the next Stacey Abrams?

- Hell yeah. Come on.
- [LAUGHS] Shut up.

Come on. Think I can run for president?

Mm, maybe.

Here we go.


- Dang.

Layla is one lucky girl.

Guess again. Those are for you.

I'm guessing for your premiere thing?

Gia dropped them off.



OLIVIA: Oh. Who are those from?

Some fan. No one.



How are you doing?

I take it you saw the press conference.

What do you think?

- Probably beating yourself up.
- Yeah.

- But I don't think you need to be.
- So you're OK with Barnes

- using Dad's death as a PR stunt?
- OLIVIA: Of course not.

But it's not like it was your idea.

That was clear from the
stunned look in your eyes.

But I just stood up there
and let Barnes use me

- like a pawn on a board.

So what are you going to do about it?

No matter what I do, Liv, I lose, OK?

It's either exploit our pain and...

and go against everything Dad
ever taught me about honour

in the hopes that it
leads to reduced sanctions,

or I refuse and likely put the
nail in GAU football's coffin.

And have you talked to Spencer?

What does he think?
This affects him, too.

[SIGHS] He's done at GAU, Liv.

- Wait. Done how?
- Done playing football there.

He was pretty clear with
Barnes this morning. Oh, yeah.

Come on. Ah!

I did it. [LAUGHS]

I did it. I did it.


But, um... Why is Spencer leaving GAU?

I mean, he was all about
saving the team and Coach Kenny.

- Jordan?
- Yeah, um, I... I... I get the... I get the idea

that something went down
between the two of them,

but I am just trying to respect

the space that Spencer so
clearly wants right now.

Yes, but it can't hurt to check on him.

I mean, seeking his advice
on this whole Barnes dilemma,

it's the perfect excuse.



Spence! You playing? Bones waiting.

- SPENCER: Two minutes.
- KIA: One.

And only 'cause this is your house.

SPENCER: OK, we, uh, we got some
real cups somewhere, but do you.

Thanks, Spence.



Frausto. What's up, boy?

I didn't know you was back
from Bakersfield again.

- How long you in town this time?
- Been back permanently.

College ball didn't really work out.

Coach's memorial wasn't the
right place to get into all that.

- Damn. What happened?
- College ain't for everyone, Spence.

Hey, it's all good. I'm
just glad you out here

doing big things at GAU.

First-team all freshman?

Sheesh. I see you, Beverly.

- Yo, Jordan coming to hang?

Nah. Nah.

What you drinking?

Uh, something that don't belong
in a sippy cup. Tell you that much.

KIA: Spence, we're starting without you.

The hell you are.

Let's get it.


SPENCER: Oh, this is Spencer.
Leave a message. [BEEP]

JORDAN: Hey. Jordan again. Uh...

Look, I... I don't know
if you're ignoring me

because you don't want to
talk about the transfer stuff

or something else.

Whatever it is, I... I'm
fine to just let it be.

Um, but I... I have this meeting

with the disciplinary
committee tomorrow that I am...

I'm kind of freaking out about.

And I could really use your help, uh,

because I have no idea what to say.

So, give... give me a call.



EMAN : ♪ I've been
reaching for the sky ♪

♪ But it's a thousand miles high ♪

♪ Like sh**ting stars and satellites ♪

♪ I wonder what's out there ♪

♪ I been rolling, I been cruising ♪

♪ How I'm living, it's
amusing, making music ♪

♪ No confusion, I been winning ♪

♪ Never losing in Los Angeles for now ♪

♪ But I'll be all around the globe ♪

♪ I got people on the east coast ♪

♪ Got my family back at home ♪

♪ I wasn't looking for nobody,
I just wanted something real ♪

♪ Kept on playing up but God,
he finally teach me how to feel ♪

♪ Need a spark, I think
I'm ready for a match ♪

♪ 'Cause if I tell you that I love you ♪

♪ I ain't taking nothing back ♪

♪ And I've been reaching for the sky ♪

♪ But it's a thousand miles high ♪

♪ Like sh**ting stars and satellites ♪

♪ I wonder what's out there, yeah ♪

♪ There's gotta be someone like me ♪

- ♪ A melody I'm born to sing ♪

♪ A perfect fit, a missing piece ♪

♪ I wonder if you're out there ♪

♪ Beyond ♪

♪ The best is still ahead ♪

♪ I'm keeping calm ♪

♪ Beyond ♪


MAN: What up, what up,
what up, good people?

[CHUCKLING] Flip. What's good, O.G.?

Oh, I can't call it, Spence.

Man, listen. What up, Kia?

- KIA: Hey.
- FLIP: Ahh.

So, is, uh, my niece over
here runnin' this table?

Man, we've been waiting minutes.

OK, so, what you saying?
How many games has she won?

- FRAUSTO: First two.
- FLIP: I taught my niece well.

- KIA: Right. [LAUGHS]
- FLIP: Ahh.

- SPENCER: You want next?
- FLIP: Well, y'all don't want

- to see me on this table, man.
- SPENCER: Come on.

I'm just here dropping off tacos

per my niece's request. But, uh...

While I'm here, man, let me
holler at you on something.

So was that press conference for real?

I mean, what the hell's
going on at GAU today?

- I haven't been following it.
- Man, what you saying?

That's yo team.

And that bald-headed dude
up there talking about

Coach Baker was gonna be the
next head coach until he passed.

And I thought he was
cappin' till I saw Jordan

standing right next to him.

FRAUSTO: Yo, why would
Jordan vouch for that?

I mean, Coach was
coming back to Crenshaw.

Look, I wouldn't listen to nothing
coming outta that place, OK?

They on one. And nothing
I can do to change it.

Come on, man. We all know

wherever you go, you
bleed those colours.

So keep it , man.

- What's the real?
- It's out of my hands, O.G.

Gotta let the adults fix this one.

I appreciate you comin' through, tho.

Thank you for the tacos.

Little homie Spencer James.

It's all good, loved one.

- Stay up.
- You, too.

Think maybe that's what
Jordan was calling about?

This GAU stuff? I mean, we'll wait

if you wanna hit him back.

Nah. I'mma get another drink,

I'mma finish this game, and
I'mma stay outta that mess,

which he should have done.

I asked my uncle to swing by
because I thought it'd cheer you up,

but instead you kick him
out for asking you about GAU?

Look, ain't nobody
kicking nobody out, OK?

I thanked him for the tacos.

[SCOFFS] Listen, the way
you're acting right now

is giving ninth grade Spencer,
and that's not a compliment.

What's really going on? What's
with all this deflecting?

All this 'cause I didn't
want to talk about GAU?

No, not wanting to talk about GAU

and not caring about your
team is not the same thing.

Kia, I'mma say this
as politely as I can.

Mind your business.

Now, we gonna finish this game or what?



MAN: Ommm.

I think it's the masseuse.

I didn't even know a human
could make that sound.



- Uh, ahem.
- MAN: Laura, you have a few minutes

before we begin your restoration.

- [WHISPERS] Oh, my God.

OLIVIA: What the hell was that noise?

- LAYLA: I...
- PATIENCE: Ooh, um, I have a premiere thing

I wanna run past you
and Gia. She still here?


Uh, yeah, she's just... [SCOFFS]

Oh, this is so nice, honey.

It feels good,

easy. Like I'm one of you guys.

You are, Mom.

And not just to me. All of the girls

- are really happy to have you here.
- LAURA: Mm.

OLIVIA: And, you know, we just
want to make sure that you know

that you can just... Be our roommate,

you know? Just, like, live with us.

I do live here with you. For now.

Right. Um, but, you know,
you don't have to, like,

take care of us. You
know, like, the mom stuff.

Oh, I think I've been pretty chill about

Jordan coming down from Layla's room

and pounding bottles of water
like he just went on a run.

Yeah, no, that's, um, that's
weird for me, too. Um...

But I'm, you know, more
so talking about, like,

you know, the morning stuff.

You know, messing with people's mail

and putting our bags and
clothes in our closet.

Making sure you wake me up before
you leave the house, you know?


Actually, you know what? Um...

- It's not a big deal at all.
- You're right. I...

I don't need to be doing that anymore.

I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES] Sorry.

- Really.
- Um...

PATIENCE: Look, I just
want to tell my fans

who are confused about this new me
that I'm... I'm still the old me.

But you're not. I mean,
tonight is literally about

launching your new incarnation.

You said you were on
board with Patience . .

And I am, but I don't want my original,

like day one, fans to think
that I forgot about them.

- You mean like, a shout-out or...
- Yeah, and also like a thank you.

Playing to the base before taking
a big swing isn't a bad move.

LAYLA: What do you mean,
thank you? Thank you for what?

- Where is this coming from?
- A thank you

for the gift that Miko sent.

- GIA: What, Miko?

Yeah, Miko runs one of the fan accounts

that Patience should
be staying away from

for the sake of her mental
health and because Miko

- has no boundaries.
- PATIENCE: I have. I have.

I unfollowed her and everything, but...

I ran into her at Slauson Cafe

and, you know, she was telling me

that the Patience zeroes were
shading my new look, which...

Messed with your head. This is why
I don't like encouraging run-ins.

Yeah, well, I don't
like alienating my fans.

Especially the ones
with large followings.

Large followings? OK.
Now I'm interested.

PATIENCE: She sent me
a gift today, which,

at first I was like, "OK, it's weird,"

but then she sent me a
DM talking about an idea

about reaching fans on the fence.

So, like, if I take
a photo with the stuff

that she sent me on
behalf of her fan account,

then Miko would repost it and
she would hype the new drop.

Does it have to be Miko's page?

Like, lots of fans sent
stuff to the studio.

Yeah. It has to be
her. She runs Patience's

largest fan accounts on all platforms.

Layla, with everything riding
on tonight, it's a no-brainer.

We need Miko and her followers happy

- and in our corner.
- PATIENCE: Yeah, and it's just a post.

OK. Fine.

Domino. Ha!

What is that? What's that? in a row?

Man, I'm eating today. Huh?

I need to talk to you.


You sure you don't wanna drink?

Spence, I haven't been calling and
texting all day to have a drink.

My bad, J.

Lots been goin' on round here, man.

- JORDAN: Yeah.
- But you're here now, so let's talk.

You know what? That's fine.

There's a lot of conversations that

we just don't need to have right now.

But you left me high and
dry this morning with Barnes.

Oh, and thank you for the
heads-up on transferring.

And now he's got me roped
into this publicity stunt

- for the disciplinary committee...
- SPENCER: I heard about that.

[SWALLOWS] Not much, though.

Things been kinda busy
round here, you know?

- Is this who we are now, dude?
- What do you mean?

Well, I mean, you're sitting here
and you're acting like nothing

in the last years
matters to you at all.

Look, Spence, I have been
trying to respect your space, but

our friendship deserves
better than that.

Chill, bruh. We still friends.

- Hang out, play some dominoes. Look...
- Dominoes? Dominoes?

Really? I got a meeting with the NCAA,

Spence, that might
help save GAU football,

which I still care about, by
the way, even if you don't!

Now, see, that's exactly
why I'm leaving, man.

GAU is sinking. It is broken, J.

- Come on.
- None of that's our fault.

I don't need to carry that
weight. And neither do you.

What happened to the guy that told me,

"my fight is inside those walls at GAU"?

And when you told me you were leaving,

remember what I said?

I gotta do what's right for me.

Which is exactly what I'm doing.

Enjoy the party.


Hey. Whoa. What... what's all this?

Oh, it's just the
stupid fridge is leaking.

Damn. I'm sorry, Mom. I...

I tried to fix this since
Dad isn't here to do it.

Your dad was gonna fix the fridge?

Yeah, I mean,

found it on his to-do list.

I thought that I fixed that
sound that it was making,

but clearly I just made it worse.


It's OK, sweetheart.

It's just a refrigerator.

And a screw-less dining table, OK?

Plus everything else
that's on that list.

Then there's Barnes
and his PR scheme and...

and now Spencer is leaving GAU.

Dad hasn't been gone
a month and everything

that mattered to him is falling apart

because I can't fix any of it.


I forgot how like him you can be.

Mom, there's not a single
thing crossed off that list, OK?

I've tried and I just
made everything worse.

Oh, so did your dad.

He would lose sleep,

track down parts,

until I'd have to call a professional

to fix everything he broke.

So I've been beating myself up trying to

take care of things on
that list that Dad was...

Never able to do?

- Feel better?
- I feel like an idiot.


You just lost your dad.

It's hard to know what to hold onto

when you lose something so important.

Right now I'm just trying
to hold onto his legacy.

- LAURA: In what way?
- JORDAN: By not using his

memory in a way that would let him down.

There is no legacy that mattered more

to your dad than you and Liv.

He'd never want you to hold onto

any part of him that held you back.

You all right, Mom?

Just realised he wanted
the same thing for me, too.

Yeah. Right.


Yeah, it's past time
for me to peace out.

Hold up, hold up. You really
quitting while we all tied up?

Looks that way.

OK. If you think splits
is the best you can do,

then go ahead, man. It's
not gonna fly next time.

You wildin' if you think
I'm doing this again.

- You being for real right now?
- Yes, I am.

Miss me next time you wanna
come slummin' in Crenshaw

when you really quitting on
everything Coach taught us

- about being Crenshaw strong.
- Hold up.

I'm playing ball next year.

You the one that came back with
your tail between your legs.

- KIA: Spencer, just let it go!
- SPENCER: No, no, how's he gonna come at me

when you the one that quit on the game?

The game was taken from
me when I blew my knee out.

Yeah. Y'know Coach Baker
called me after it happened?

He was the one that convinced me

to play college ball in the first place.

You know what he reminded me?

That there ain't no
shame in going back home

as long as you go back strong.

Look, bruh, I'm sorry about your knee,

but if that's supposed
to mean something to me...

Nah, this ain't about me! Th...

this about your punk ass coming

slinking back here to run away

from your problems in Beverly Hills

and take your crap out on us.


Spence, do you even
remember what it means

to be Crenshaw strong?

It means not being defeated or afraid.

Not bailing on your people like
we all heard you do to Baker.

- Don't act like you know my business, man.
- You right.

I don't know your
business. But I do know

that you coulda been real with us
about leaving GAU, but you weren't.

You coulda stepped up for
your boy, Coach Baker's son,

but you didn't.

I just thank God

Coach Baker ain't here to see you now.

KIA: All right, all right,
all right. You've said enough.

Damn right I have.

- KIA: Come on.

- All right, man.



- Well, look at you!
- I think I finally nailed it.

- Someone's feeling better.
- I didn't realise how much

that list was messing with
my head until it was gone.

Barnes wants to discuss
our "strategy" for tomorrow.

- LAYLA: Oh.
- That's all my dad is to him. A strategy.

But I guess that's just Barnes' way.

Well, what about your way?

How do you feel? What do you want?

I want to talk to my dad.

You know, ask him what I should do.

But I can't.

Y'know, um...

Even when my dad was home,

I'd bring my problems to your dad and

I always left knowing
exactly what to do next.

Yeah, I guess he always just knew.

No, he didn't. But...

He listened

and he believed that
we knew what was right

until we believed it, too.

You just got to listen, Jordan.

Believe that you know
what's right for you

and when you find it, do it.

Your way. The Jordan Baker way.

That's the legacy.

- OK.
- What?

What if my way conflicts
with a prior engagement?

You're ridiculous. Go. I love you.

CAROLINE ROMANO: ♪ Jagged stars,
oh, to be young, young, young ♪

♪ Young, young ♪

♪ Young, young, young ♪

- I love you, too.
- ♪ Jagged stars ♪

♪ Oh, to be young, young, young ♪

♪ Oh, young, young, young ♪

♪ Young, young, oh, young, young ♪

♪ Jagged stars, oh, to be young ♪

Fellas, thank you so
much for being here.

The best chance to save this team

is to show the world the
future of GAU football.

Show the NCAA just who
we are and the legacy

we want to build if
they give us the chance.

Now, Barnes, he wants
to focus on putting grief

front and centre for sympathy votes.

But we're not a charity case, fellas.

And I am not the singular
face of GAU football.

We all are.

Now, this team is not
playing for my dad's legacy.

It is playing for its own legacy.

Now, Barnes... [SIGHS]

He didn't believe
that this team's future

would convince the NCAA

that we deserve to survive. But I do.

And I think it's time the
future spoke for itself.

What do you say?

- Huh?
- PLAYERS: Yeah.


All right.

Frausto can be an ass.

He wasn't wrong, though.

- Kia, it's been a long day.
- You think I care?

You know what the problem is with you

regressing back to old
high school Spencer?

I guess you about to tell me.

Spencer, you being someone who you were

is just another way of you
being someone that you're not.

It's a mask. It's not real.

And being real was always
the best thing about you.


Uh... [SCOFFS]

- Are you serious right now?
- What? You wanted the real, right?

Unless you ain't feelin' it.

Oh, so you're really trying to send

your whole life into the gutter.

Y'know what, I'm...

- I'm not feeling any of this right...
- SPENCER: Wait, wait, wait.

- Right now.
- OK, hold up.

I'm sorry.

You know what? Let's just forget it.

No, trying to forget is what
got you here in the first place.

Deal with your grief.

Stop using it as an excuse.



LAURA: Uh, babe, before
we meet up with everyone,

I just wanted to explain

why I reacted the way I
did about the mom-thing.

It was a totally messed-up thing to say

and I feel so terrible.
Don't worry about it.

I was just caught off-guard

because it wasn't until you listed
out all the things that I realised

I used to do those...
Things for your dad.

Oh, my God.

You were wife-ing us?

Oh! I'm sorry.

It's OK, Mom.

I can't even write in my journal

anymore since Dad died.

Wait. I thought that was, like, the
first thing you did every morning.

It was, since way
before I met your father,

and now, every time I sit
down in the morning and I...

I look at the last
thing I wrote on that day

and I can't write another entry.

And I think...

That's why I was wife-ing you guys,

because it's the one morning
routine I can continue.

What does it say?

The last line you wrote?

IT SAYS: "It was a good morning."


It was...

But I think...

I think he would want
you to turn the page.

Thank you.

- PATIENCE: Cheers.
- COOP: Cheers.

Why does he get a
sneak peek before I do?

- GIA: Sorry. I just need to borrow Layla.

OK, yeah. I'll be back.

Hey, is everything OK?

Depends. Are you sure these
are the flowers Miko sent?

Um, I mean, they match the description.

"Love from the Vortex"?

Yeah, that's what the card
said. How'd you know that?

Because I brought the
flowers in thinking

they were a gift from
your friend Vortex.

Layla, these were just
sitting at the front door.

Miko sent them to the house.

She knows where Patience lives.



Jordan? What are you doing here?

Our meeting isn't until tomorrow.

I've already said everything I want
the disciplinary committee to hear.

Me and the rest of the
Condors. It's in your email.

- I just need you to pass it along.

Now, son, that's not
exactly how this works,

OK, so if you'll excuse me,

we'll discuss all of your talking points

at our scheduled meeting tomorrow.

With all due respect, sir,

I'm not gonna let you
bastardise my dad's memory

by using his death for your gain.

That will never be who I
am. But more importantly,

that is not who this team is.

This is about the fate of a
multi-billion-dollar institution.

No, sir. This is about the team.

And we know who we are.

We're not following Garrett's legacy,

or my dad's, or yours.

We are building our own.

Our players, our dreams,

with a coach that we've chosen.

And if you want to take
one last shot at saving GAU,

by all means. It is in your email.

But to keep you honest,

you're not the only person I sent it to.

It is either that

or nothing.

Voids, holes, spaces.

You never know how deep they
are until you try to fill them.

I had to try because I
was so scared everything

you were a part of would
crumble unless I was there

to fill the gap and fix what was broken.

I didn't realise part
of how you did that

was by leaning on the
strengths of others.

We try to fill your void by
clinging onto shreds of you

that never even mattered
or routines that don't fit

in a world that you're no longer in.

are gonna get easier ♪

that sometimes, the answer

to filling the biggest
void left by your absence

is to turn the page
and simply keep living.

SINGER: ♪ Things'll get brighter ♪

♪ Some day, yeah ♪

So, what, you're gonna
tell Patience tomorrow or...

Uh, yeah. I don't wanna ruin her night.

- Who is this girl anyway?
- I mean,

I thought she was just some
awkward, harmless fan girl,

but the truth is we don't
know anything about her.

We lose faith in ourselves

and open the door to strangers

when we should be listening
to our own inner voices.

But I was lucky enough
to have people I love

help guide me back to that voice.

Ground me in it. Bring
me back to who I am.

OLIVIA: How did you get them to post

all the players' videos
on the GAU website?

[CHUCKLES] I didn't.

I sent the compilation to
one of dad's TV contacts.

And then, once Barnes learned
that they were gonna air it,

do a kind of like a
special interest piece,

- kinda forced his hand.
- OLIVIA: Huh.

Barnes, of course, is now
taking credit for all of it.

Both the video campaign
about the new legacy

of GAU football and... The new hire.

I mean, it's pretty cool that
his video went viral, too.

Yeah. Feels good to have the
whole team back together again.

You think Spencer's seen the video?

Might make a difference for him.

who I am is a leader.

OK, OK. Someone people can look up to.

They're coming, they're coming.

A.D. BARNES: I appreciate you
coming out this late at night.

COACH KENNY: Of course.
I'm just still confused

as to what this opportu...
what are you guys doing here?

- A.D. BARNES: I think they have an offer for you.

We are here to meet our new head coach.

Someone they can count on.

- COACH KENNY: Are you serious?
- PLAYERS: Yeah!

- COACH KENNY: This for real?
- SINGER: ♪ Some day ♪

- SINGER: ♪ We got it together ♪

♪ And we got it undone ♪

♪ Some day when your head ♪

- ♪ Is much lighter ♪


♪ Someday ♪

♪ We'll walk in the rays... ♪

could tell you that all of us

were letting the ones we love

guide us back to who we are.

- SINGER: ♪ Brighter ♪

JORDAN: Some things take more time.

SINGER: ♪ Child, things
are gonna get easier ♪

JORDAN: But what I am
here to tell you is...

I'm not afraid of the voids, the holes,

the spaces, anymore.

Because in them I
found that voice again,

the voice that you planted inside me

as one half of your greatest legacy.

And I'll continue to hone it as I grow

into the man you always knew I'd be.



As much as I wish I
could hear you say it...

I know you'd be proud of me today.