03x03 - Seduction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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03x03 - Seduction

Post by bunniefuu »

Outside Degrassi

(The boys' soccer team and cheerleaders are returning from a victorious game.)

Paige: I can't believe we b*at them 6-2.

Spinner: Did you see Sully bend that last kick before...

(Sully walks by.)

Sully: (Calling to someone off-screen) Hey Spence, wait up

Manny: (Nervously) Hey Sully, Sully um... you did great today, congratulations...

Sully: Thanks. (Walks away)

Paige: Someone has a crush.

Manny: So, you think he'd be interested?

Spinner: With you? Um...

Paige: Spin doesn't want to be brutal, so um, I will. (Sigh) Sully... not really your type. But I can think of 10 guys you'd be adorable with.

Manny: I don't want to be adorable. Bunnies and puppies are adorable.

Paige: Hon, if you don't want to be cute, don't be. Just change your image, simple as that.

Opening Credits

The next day, outside Degrassi

Emma: This club will be my mission for the year. I'm calling it S.I.T.E. "Students Improving The Environment"

Manny: (Not paying attention) Cool.

Emma: We'll have letter writing campaigns, and endangered species week...

Manny: Wanna hear my mission? I wanna be hot. Not cute. Not adorable. (Takes off her jacket to show Emma her new, more revealing outfit) Hot.

Emma: Wow.

Manny: There's no way I'm getting dumped this year... (Removes her hair scrunchee) ...For being too young.

(JT is skateboarding and can't take his eyes off Manny. He inadvertently skates into the street and wipes out.)

Outside Joey's house

(Joey is getting Angela into the car.)

Angela: Where's my juice?

Joey: Oh, sh**t, I always forget something, I'll be right back (Turns around to see Craig and Marco, Craig is holding a juice box triumphantly)

Craig: I never forget the Angie fuel!

Joey: Atta boy! Here you go. (Give the juice to Angela) So, ready to celebrate tonight?

(Craig looks confused.)

Joey: Your grounding for skipping class. Finito.

Marco: Yes! Man, our band so needs their lead singer back.

Joey: Band? You guys have a band?

Craig: Well yeah, I mean we don't even have a name yet, but um...

Joey: This is so cool! Did I ever tell you guys I was in a band?

Craig: Like a million times.

Joey: Hey, uh guys, what about rehearsals? Do you need a space? I've got a space. You can use my space.

Marco: Your garage?

Joey: Anytime you want, alright?

Joey: Rock on, dudes! (He drives away singing) Everybody wants something, they'll never give up.

Ms. Hatzilakos's classroom

(Ms. Hatzilakos is showing a movie about frogs. Manny is drawing in her notebook, JT is watching her. Manny notices, and JT looks away quickly, but Manny notices.)

JT: Sorry. I was just, uh, looking at your...

Many: At my what?

JT: (Motioning to the notebook) Can I see that?

(Manny shows him her drawings.)

JT: You know, I do do doodle interpretation.

Manny: Doodle interpretation.

Liberty: Shhhh!

JT: Your doodles say a lot about you.

Manny: Really. What do my doodles say?

JT: Well, this flower one here... (He reaches across to point it out.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: JT, quiet please.

At Joey's house

(Joey has set up the dining room for a romantic night.)

Sydney: Look at this place. Candles, music, you in an apron. (Joey laughs)

Joey: What can I say? I enjoy creating an atmosphere.

(Sydney and Joey kiss, but are interrupted by Craig's band practicing in the garage.)

Sydney: Is that roadwork? It's late.

Joey: That's Craig's band. Um, could we pop in for just a minute?

Sydney: (Reluctant) Sure

In the garage

(Craig, Spinner, Marco, and Jimmy are playing as Ashley and Angela watch. Joey and Sydney enter.)

Craig: Stop, stop.

(They stop playing.)

Joey: Hey guys, how's it going?

Craig: It's going good, it's really good.

Joey: Still finding your sound?

Spinner: Well on the road, Mr. Jeremiah. (He hits the crash symbol, and it topples over)

Joey: All right! But three guitars, aren't you kind of limiting yourselves? Let me show you what I'm talking about, I've got um.. (Takes his keyboard out of the drawer) It'll do piano, it'll do sax, bells, whatever you want, this thing'll do everything. (He plugs it in)

Craig: What, you think Ash should join the band?

Joey: Um, no I was gonna just... jam with you guys? Show you what you're missing?

Craig: What? Uh...

Joey: This is a wicked little number, I'm gonna dedicate it to my baby Angie, and my sweetie, Sydney.

Jimmy: Joey, what's the key?

Joey: Um, H? I don't know. Go, just go. 1,2,3. (He begins playing "Everybody Wants Something." The others try to keep up, but can't. The result sounds terrible) That's it. (Sings) Everybody wants something, they'll never give up. Everybody wants something, they'll take your money. And never give up. Give me more! Come on! (Starts jumping around) Yeah!

At the mall

(Emma and Manny are shopping for clothes.)

Emma: Doodle interpretation?

Manny: I know, he was totally flirting. It was weird, but at the same time, kind of nice.

Emma: Oh my god, you like him!

Manny: No! I mean, he's cute, totally cuter than last year, and I'm glad he's interested because it means my new look is working.

Emma: But...

Manny: He's still just JT

Emma: Oh.

Manny: My look still feels too tame, or acute, it‘s not... (She sees a thong and grabs it) This. This is what I need

Emma: A thong.

Many: What? It's perfect. What do you think?

Emma: I think they shouldn't sell this at the mall.

The next day, at Degrassi

(Manny is walking down the hall with her pants hiked down to show off her thong.)

JT: I mean, this whole thing is just weird y‘know. I've known Manny since I was about four.

Toby: Last year was hot older women, this year it's hot younger women. So what?

JT: You're right. So what? So I like her, big deal. I mean it's not like she's become a totally different person... (He sees Manny's thong and is unable to look away. He's not looking where he's going and walks straight into a doorpost)

Mr. Armstrong's class

(Liberty, sitting directly behind Manny is staring at her thong condescendingly.)

Liberty: Psst, Manny. Are you aware I can see your underpants?

Manny: Are you aware that I don't care?

Liberty: Maybe some people don't want to have to see your underpants all day.

Manny: If some people don't like it, maybe they shouldn't look.

Liberty: Do you have so little confidence you have to show your entire body?

Manny: I didn't ask for your opinion, Liberty. What I wear is none of your business.

Liberty: Fine. But it's against code of conduct. And if someone were to point that out to Mr. Radich, I'm sure he'd think it was his business.

Outside Degrassi

(Manny and Emma are passing out fliers for Emma's club.)

Manny: Are you sure this isn't too much?

Emma: You look great. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. And apparently JT agrees.

(JT and Toby are sitting nearby.)

Toby: Just go talk to her

(JT shakes his head.)

Emma: So what are you going to do when he asks you out?

Liberty: (Coming over) When who asks Manny out?

Emma: JT. Isn't it so cute?

Liberty: Oh. I didn't know you liked JT.

Manny: I might

(Liberty looks disappointed.)

Toby: Go.

JT: Ok.

(He walks towards Manny.)

Emma: Better hurry up and decide.

JT: Manny...

Emma: We've got to go to a meeting. So, bye. (She runs away with Liberty in tow)

Manny: Hi.

JT: I guess, let me guess, I just interrupted a big talk about... endangered platypuses.

Manny: Um, something a bit more serious.

JT: Well um, what's more serious than a mammal that can lay eggs?

Manny: I don't know, you tell me.

(Sully approaches.)

Sully: Hey um, Manny, right? (He looks at the fliers) This thing, are you going to be there?

Manny: (nervously) Yeah... Yeah, well my best friend is organizing it.

Sully: Great, well um, maybe I'll show up.

JT: Manny? (Manny is entranced by Sully) Manny?

Manny: Oh, uh, sorry. What were we talking about?

JT: Platypuses. What's more serious? Manny? (Manny has gone back into her trance-like state.) Hello?

At Emma's club

(Emma and Ashley are giving their presentation on protecting the rainforest. No one is paying attention, they're all more interested in Manny.)

Emma: What I'm saying is, if your parents want to buy a tropical hardwood toilet seat, don't let them. Ever year, millions of hectares of tropical rainforests are destroyed. And rainforests are important for so many reasons...

Sully: Manny. What's that short for?

Manny: Manny? Um, Manuela.

Sully: Manuela. Nice.

Emma: ...If your parents still insist on buying tropical hardwood, tell them that by buying the toilet seat, they're destroying the rainforest, Our planet‘s lungs.


Joey: Caitlin!

Caitlin: Joey. What are you doing here?

Joey: Actually I was wondering if I could borrow the video camera you had at Spike's baby shower.

Caitlin: Oh, yeah, sure. What is it, for Angela?

Joey: Actually, it's for Craig's band.

Caitlin: Band?

Joey: Yeah

Caitlin: (Laughs) Oh, you must be having some serious flashbacks

Joey: Oh, am I ever. We were jamming in the garage last night, it was like totally like the Zits again. All over.

Caitlin: Uhh, jamming?

Joey: Yeah

Caitlin: Joey, you're not a teenager.

Joey: I know, I just thought the boys could use some direction. If I knew that you thought the Zits were a joke...

Caitlin: I did not!

Joey: But if we had some guidance back then, maybe things would have been different.

Caitlin: And maybe if you'd written more than one song (Hands him the video camera) There you go. Camera. Just, uh... never mind.

Joey: What?

Caitlin: Just remember that they're teenagers. That's all I'm going to say. Bye.
Joey's Garage

(The boys are playing while Joey films them.)

Joey: Ok, ok guys, stop, stop, stop. Craig, I'm only getting your profile, man.

Craig: Joey, this is just a rehearsal, I really think we should hold off with the camera and...

Joey: We talked about this guys, this camera is your audience, alright, an stage presence is just as important as your sound. And speaking of sound, I know you guys want to play your own music, and I think that's a great goal, ok, but maybe you should start with some covers first. Like, uh, maybe some George Michael. Crag, I know you know the words to Faith.

Craig: Joey!

Joey: What?

(The phone rings, Joey sets down the camera and Joey goes to answer it.)

Joey: Just think about it, I mean, you guys have to learn to walk before you can run, ok? (Picks up the phone) Hello? Oh, I can't hear you, hold on. Yeah (He exits)

Jimmy: Man, Joey's brutal.

Spinner: Gotta learn to walk, before you can run.

Marco: I'm sorry, ok? It's funny. In a sad in pathetic sort of way.

Spinner: Dude, you really need to talk to him. George Michael?

Jimmy: Yeah. Faith?

Craig: Hey, shut up. What am I supposed to tell him? He's so deluded he thinks he's in the band. He's embarrassing himself, and he doesn't even know it.

(Close up of the video camera. Unbeknownst to them, it's been rolling the entire time.)

At Degrassi

(Emma is taking down her environmental club poster, Sean runs up.)

Sean: Hey.

Emma: Look who's here to help.

Sean: I'm sorry, I really wanted to go.

Emma: But you were abducted by aliens.

Sean: Close, I had to help Mr. Ehl in the shop. How was it?

Emma: Well, you're practically the only guy in school who wasn't there.

Sean: Should I be jealous?

Emma: They weren't there for me.

Sean: No?

Emma: Or the environment. They only wanted...

(Manny walks by.)

Manny: Hey Em. Hey, Sean.

Sean: I'm... just gonna take down the rest of the posters in that hallway.

Emma: Thanks

(Sean exits.)

Manny: That was an amazing turnout, huh?

Emma: Yeah, if any of them come back.

Manny: Don't worry, I'll make them.

Emma: So, what's happening with JT?

Manny: What do you like better, Manny or Manuela? Sully likes Manuela, he says it's exotic. Manuela Santos. Oh yeah, did you say something?

Emma: Yeah, but it was nothing.

(Mr. Radich enters.)

Mr. Radich: Manny, I've been meaning to talk to you about your attire. It contravenes the code of conduct.

Manny: But everybody wears crop tops.

Mr. Radich: It's not about the crop top. I expect you to show up tomorrow in an outfit that does not reveal your undergarments.

Manny: But lowriders are in. And I...

Mr. Radich: And I've had complaints. So no more visible underwear.

Joey's house

(Joey is watching the video of Craig and his band. Craig enters.)

Joey: Hey, did you turn everything off in the garage?

Craig: Uh-huh. What are you watching?

Joey: Footage that I sh*t. I want to show you what I'm talking about with that stage presence thing (He fast forwards a little) Oh, I went too far.

(On video.)

Spinner: Gotta learn to walk, before you can run.

Marco: I'm sorry, ok? It's funny. In a sad in pathetic sort of way.

Spinner: Dude, you really need to talk to him. George Michael?

Jimmy: Yeah. Faith?

Craig: Hey, shut up. What am I supposed to tell him? He's so deluded he thinks he's in the band. He's embarrassing himself, and he doesn't even know it.

(Joey and Craig look on, shocked.)

Craig: I think I'll... (He exits)

At Degrassi, the next day

Emma: Manny, I know you were really upset that Radich busted you.

(Manny takes off her jacket. Her outfit is not that much different from yesterday's.)

Manny: Actually, it turned out not to be such a bad thing.

Emma: Do you want to get suspended?

Manny: What? I'm not breaking any rules.

Emma: Manny, Mr. Radich said...

Manny: He said no visible underwear. And do you see any underwear?

Emma: No, but...

Manny: That's right. (whispers) Because I'm not wearing any.

(She walks away, drawing stares from everyone passing by.)

Ms. Hatzilakos's classroom

Ms. Hatzilakos's: So frogs, they're amphibians. They live both on land and in water, and they find food in both realms. Insects, small fish, and even other frogs. So, who wants to feed our web-footed friends a little snack? Manny?

Manny: Sure. (She walks up to the front, everyone is staring at her ass. She accidentally drops something on the floor, everyone looks closer as she bends down.)

JT: Uh, Stop! (He hurries to the front of the class) Why does Manny get to feed these frogs when I don't?

Ms. Hatzilakos: Because you didn't volunteer.

JT: Well, I volunteer then.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Ok, so feed them and then sit down.

JT: Ok.

In the halls immediately after class

JT: Uh, hey Manny.

Manny: Hey JT.

JT: Look, I was just wondering if maybe you were free tomorrow? If maybe we could go see a movie?

Sully: See this JT? (Holds up his hand) Buh-bye.

Manny: Actually, JT, I'm busy tomorrow. I'm sorry.

Emma: Manny, um, I need to talk to you. (Takes her aside)

Manny: Now?

Emma: How could you do that to JT?

Manny: What? I didn't do anything.

Emma: No, you just broke his heart.

Manny: Emma, come on.

Emma: You're getting this huge ego.

Manny: I am not. Just because I'm dressed nice...

Emma: You're dressing like an idiot. But what I really care about is how you're acting.

Manny: I'm always there for you Emma. When you fight with Sean, when you find out your mom's pregnant, for your stupid environmental club.

Emma: It's not stupid.

Manny: The one time it's not about you, you do this to me.

Emma: I'm just concerned...

Manny: Because it sounds more like you're jealous!

Emma: You know what? Just forget this. Bye.

Manny: This is who I am now, Em. If you can't accept that, then don't talk to me.

Outside Joey's house

(Craig has just come home.)

Joey: Hey. Thought you were never coming home.

Craig: Uhh, I had rehearsal in Marco's basement, and... Joey, I'm really sorry.

Joey: I should have known better.

Craig: No, you were trying to help.

Joey: I was... (Sighs) Craig, when I was in high school, my band the Zits meant everything to me. And they were good times, some of the best. Anything felt possible. And then I wake up one day, I'm in my 30's, and I have a daughter and a teenage stepson, and I'm thinking to myself "Whoa. When did this happen?" I guess I was just trying to feel that way again. So Marco's basement, huh?

Craig: Yeah.

Joey: You know, there's better acoustics in the garage.

Craig: What about the keyboard?

Joey: It's back in the box.

Craig: (silently) Thank you!

At the Dot

(Manny watched as Emma an JT pass by outside, Sully comes over with two coffees.)

Sully: Manuela? Something wrong?

Manny: No. Everything's just great.

(Emma and JT see her through the window as they pass by, but don‘t stop.)
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