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05x239 - The Boy from the Isle of Shipbuilders

Posted: 03/19/23 13:20
by bunniefuu
If I can just...

fix this part!

I can't do it!

This is beyond my abilities.

I've tried everything I could to keep it moving,

but there's nothing else I can do!

This is bad.

To think we're dead in the water,

in the middle of the ocean like this.

It can't be helped.

Since it's come to this,

we have no choice but to go out on a lifeboat and look for help.

A boat? From here?

It won't be easy,

but I think we can make it to the nearest island.

It's so hot...

The ship won't budge...

and I'm at my limit, ya know!


I thought I fell into the sea.

What are you talking about?

You got overwhelmed by the heat and passed out right here.


That's not possible!



Are you all right?!

Who's that?

The Boy from the Isle of Shipbuilders


You saved me earlier, didn't you?


You were the one who saved me when I fell into the sea, right?

Um, no, uh...

What are you talking about?

He was with me on our boat this entire time.


Yes, just got here.

Then who saved me?

Boruto, what are you talking about?!

No one saw you fall into the sea.

That's right.

I think you were just overwhelmed by the heat,

just like Iwabe said.

I don't think that's possible.

What are you doing out here?

If I'm not mistaken... you're Boss Kajiki, aren't you?

You know him?

If you head north from the Hidden Mist Village,

there's an isle full of shipbuilders.

Boss Kajiki is a prominent shipbuilder on that island.

I see... You're a famous craftsman, huh?

He's more than famous.

Boss Kajiki is the best shipbuilder in the entire Land of Water!

If you don't know that, you need to study more.

You're still a newbie!

Don't be acting all arrogant!


Ow ow ow...

That headband...

You're not shinobi from this nation, are you?

Yeah, that's right.

I'm Boruto Uzumaki,

a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf.

I'm Ikada,

a shipbuilder!

I'm still an apprentice, though.

You're a shinobi of the Hidden Mist Village, right?


As you may already know,

the Funato Clan has reunited,

throwing the Land of Water into chaos.

I, along with visitors from the Hidden Leaf Village

who got involved in the conflict,

managed to save the people of Dotou Island,

but our ship's engine has broken down...

I see...

It seems we just happened to run into a big shot.

I'm surprised you were able to make it this far in this condition.

Are you the one who piloted it here?

That's quite impressive.

Thank you very much.

But there's nothing we can do now.

We won't be able to repair it here.

I see...

Don't worry.

We'll take you to our island for now.

Are you sure about that?

I don't mind.


prepare the ship!

Yes, sir!

Hold on a second.

There are a great number of people on this ship.

There's no way everyone can get on that tiny ship.

Don't worry!

The Boss's ship is going to tow this one.

Boss Kajiki!

Increase the output!

– Wow! – Wow!

What incredible power!

It's an island!

Thank goodness! Now we can get some rest!

Do you make ships there?

That's right.

This bay's got many docks for ships all over.

I see...

This truly is an island for and of shipbuilders.


You can go take a look at our docks all you like.


Yeah, I'll show you around.

The Boss's dock is over there!


Your hands!

What's the matter, Boruto?

The guy who saved me had webbed hands!

Ikada, show me your hands, ya know!


If you've got webbed hands,

I can prove it was you.

What are you talking about?

That doesn't exist!

That's right.

Knock it off.

But still...

I don't have webbed hands!

But I'll show them to you if it makes you feel better.


...not webbed.

Are you satisfied?


Sorry I said weird things.

Don't worry about it!

That's so weird.

Was I really just hallucinating from the heat?

The refugees will be allowed to stay at a lodging facility

by the harbor.


We must get our guests to the Hidden Mist Village.

Could you lend us a ship?

I'm very sorry,

but they have all left to fight the Funato.

We don't have any to lend you.

Have things gotten that serious?


In that case, we need to think of some other means of transport.

But there aren't any boats around!

Even if we did get a boat, what if we get att*cked again?

And we don't want to cause any more trouble for anyone.

Then do you want me to repair the ship you came on?



Fate must have brought us together.

Thank you very much!

But naturally, you will need to pay me.

Of course!

Also, I'd like you to assist me in my work.

Just leave it to us.

You don't mind, do you?

Not at all.

Just leave the physical labor to us.

We shall help you in any way that we can.

I'll help too.

This seems kind of fun!

We're not here to have fun.

I know that.

I'll go contact the Mizukage.

Mind if I go with you?

I don't mind.

Buntan, could you guys come with us, too?

Yeah, yeah. We'll be right behind you.

I'm going to look at the harbor from here.

I'm not interested in repairing boats.

I'll go hang out around this area for a bit as well.

You too, Mitsuki?

Very well.

Once we're each done taking care of business,

let's meet up at the Boss's dock.

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

How's our current military strength?

Those who have been ambivalent about taking a side

are rushing to join our army

upon learning of your return, Father.

Over the past few days,

our military strength has instantly doubled.

That shows how many guys

dislike the way the Land of Water is handling things right now.


Oh, Tenma, you're back!

I'm sorry, Dad...

for not coming earlier to save you.

Don't worry about it.

That aside, it seems I've caused you a lot of grief

while I was away.

My troubles are nothing compared to what you went through.

This is to celebrate your return.

Please eat your fill!

You're the same as always.

I'm so lucky to have such a dutiful son.


how was the situation at the Eastern Strait?

About that, Big Brother...

We managed to take control of the strait...

but I'm sorry to say

your precious mobile fortress was sunk.


Hidden Mist Shinobi,

some guys who used Ninja Blades,

and some Hidden Leaf Shinobi did it!

Guys from the Hidden Mist, huh?

Why did they team up with the Hidden Leaf?

It was those guys, huh?

Do you know them?

They're probably the guys I ran into at the prison

when I was saving Father.

I see...

I believe the prison warden was Kagura, a Ninja Blade user.

Shall I look into them?

No, you can ignore them.

A few Leaf Shinobi won't have any effect on our battles.

But it's disappointing.

If we had the mobile fortress,

we could have quickly decided this conflict.

Don't worry about it.

But Big Brother...

Don't assume that would have been enough to win this w*r.

The mobile fortress achieved its purpose

by destroying the Land of Water's frontline base.

That was more than enough.

That's right, Tenma.

That thing was just a tool.

It doesn't matter how many of 'em we end up throwing away.

What matters is that we defeat our opponent in the end.

We're getting close to the main event.

We'll crush the Land of Water in one fell swoop!

That ship was apparently stolen from the Funato.

They're using old ships like this?

It's been carelessly modified quite a bit.

If left as-is, it would have started sinking.

First, we need to replace the dead engine.

Additionally, let's replace anything worn-out

to make it as good as new, got it?

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

Boss, please allow me to assist you

in repairing the engine.

I want to learn more in case anything happens.

Fine by me. Follow me.

Yes, sir!

Be careful!

Don't let your hand get caught!

Yes, sir!

Hey, you dropped something!

Oh, sorry.

You've written quite a lot, haven't you?

This is my idea journal.

I take notes on the things I've learned on the job.

I see...

You're a dedicated student, aren't you?


Carry those components to the deck.

Yes, sir!

I'll help you.

Are these other people also the Boss's apprentices?

No, they're not.

They're all independent craftsmen.

I'm the Boss's only apprentice.

So in other words, you're the only one who's a newbie?

Shut up.

I'll become full-fledged soon enough.

Those Funato never do learn, do they?

I understand how they feel, though.

The Feudal Lord keeps pushing for modernization and streamlining.

Is the Shinonome even safe to use?

I heard it was meant to reduce disasters at sea,

but if you change the currents too much,

it'll make things tough for the fishermen.

Who knows?

Do you guys have doubts about that?

Until the Fourth Mizukage pulled us together,

we functioned as independent islands.

That's why this nation never had any unity.

Well, we don't really care what happens

as long as we have our jobs.

No doubt about that.

See? It's not something we think much about.

Lord Chojuro isn't there?

That's right.

He's already gone to the front lines to take command.

Is the situation really that bad?

Ever since Araumi escaped,

a lot of people have joined the Funato.

Lord Chojuro believes a clash is inevitable.

Eventually, I suspect he will order you to go to the front lines.

I see.

Our rescue plan was successful

due to the efforts of Buntan and the others.

I will be returning to the village shortly.

All right.

I will be joining up with Lord Chojuro.

Funato supporters have been showing up

in the seas near the village.

Be very careful.


It looks like this troublesome situation will continue.


But if we stop Araumi, this conflict will be over.

Just like when we destroyed the Funato before.

Will it be that simple?

It'll be difficult, but we have to do it.

All to ensure safety on the seas.

I thought this was finally over.

I wonder how long we're gonna be stuck here?


How long are you going to keep following me?

You're acting sketchy.

Who knows?


I'm just heading in the same direction as you.


What's the matter?

Do whatever you want.

You idiot!

I'm sorry!

We don't have the replacement parts?!

I thought I told you to always make sure we're fully stocked!

Yes, sir!


Does that mean you can't use anything else instead?

It's a very important part for an engine.

You can only use one made at a specific factory.

So we can't make any further repairs...?


we have no choice but to get one from the factory.

In that case, let me go!

I'll make up for my mistake.

So, please!

No way.

How come?

I hear the Funato's army is prowling the nearby seas.

I can't let you go alone.

It'll be all right!

I'm telling you it's too dangerous!

Hold on a second.

In that case, I'll go with him, ya know.

Guard missions are my specialty.


Why don't you let him go?

That way he can make up for his mistake.

It's how we all become full-fledged, right?

Let's take care of everything we can do

until they come back with the part!



Get going already!

Thank you very much!

Where is the parts factory?

It's on the northern part of the island.

Is it far?


That's why...

we're going by sea.

I made this boat myself!

You made this?!

I'm the number one apprentice of the famous Boss Kajiki.

It's only natural that I can do this.

I see!

But is this safe?

It looks a little rough around the edges...

Don't worry about the little things.

Wow! It's really fast, ya know!

We've still got a ways to go!

Once we leave the harbor,

we'll head north along the eastern side of the island.


Hold on tight!


Amazing! This is amazing, Ikada!

This boat is the best!


For a moment, I thought it wouldn't work.

I'm so glad it did.


To tell you the truth,

this is the very first ship I've built.


I've had the Boss check it out,

but I still have my doubts.

Hey, come on!

It can't be helped.

I'm still learning, after all.

But someday, I'd like to become good enough

to construct a large ship by myself

and travel around the world.

Is that your dream?


This boat is my first step towards that.

A boat isn't just a tool.

It is an important piece of equipment

that brings everyone together by transporting people and things!

I see!

Well, I'm just repeating what the Boss said.


Those aren't your own words?

It's fine!

I respect the Boss.

I want to become a world-class shipbuilder

just like him.

In that case, you need to stop making little mistakes.

Like properly managing your stock of parts.

I know that.

Thanks for earlier, Boruto.

Don't worry about it.

I just figured it would be fun to go with you.

What kind of reason is that?

Now let's get this errand done with and head on back!

Okay! Hold on tight!

You're awesome Ikada!

You're so good at steering a boat!

Well, ever since I was kid,

boats have been like a playground to me.

I was born in a different nation.

I totally thought you were from the Isle of Shipbuilders.

I made my way out to this island on my own to work on boats.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"Ikada's Dream"

I met Boss Kajiki here, and I realized what my dream was!