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05x238 - A k*ller on the Ship

Posted: 03/19/23 13:19
by bunniefuu
All right, we've made it through the strait.

I don't see any Funato coming after us.

If we continue at this pace... looks like we'll get back to the Hidden Mist safely!

Are you sure about that?


I'm talking about those former Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Do you have proof that they won't try something?

I'd like it if you would place your trust in them.

Besides, they have a Curse Mark in case anything happens.

Still, things are different with that big guy, aren't they?

I heard he lost control and went into a blind rampage.

We don't know when he'll come at us.

You're worrying too much, ya know.

Look at how calm he is right now.

You're being quite loud!

Besides, Buntan helped us through some pretty bad situations before.

I'll follow Kagura's lead and just see how they do.

Boruto... Thank you.

Hey, never mind that.

I hope I'm getting compensated nicely

when we get back to the village...

We know, Captain Taiki!

I had to sacrifice my precious ship, you know!

I'm going to ask for enough money

to build a gorgeous new ship this time!

Wait for me, my new ship!

My shining white ship...


A k*ller on the Ship

Such thick fog...


Something terrible has happened!

Come to the captain's quarters right away!

The captain was k*lled?!

Captain Taiki!




Calm down, Boruto.

I found him this morning.

It seems he died instantly.

What a horrible thing to do.

Who in the world did this?

Was there a member of the Funato among the guys we rescued?

There's a possibility they were hiding on the ship to begin with.

Why would they k*ll Captain Taiki?

The m*rder w*apon seems to have been a very heavy blunt object.

A blunt object?

Come to think of it...

Where's the big guy?


Now that you mention it, he's still not here...

There you are, Kyoho!

What did you just hide away?


Show us!

You bastard!

What the hell is this?!

Hey, did you k*ll the captain?!


I don't know anything about that!

Don't move!

I... really don't know!

Hold on a second.

We still don't know for sure that he did it!

Then what's with that blood?

I-I don't know!

How could you not know?!

What were you doing last night?

I was sleeping.


You mentioned that you had no memory

of going into a rampage yesterday, right?

So, that's what happened!

Maybe you lost all sense of reason again

and att*cked the captain!

N-No, that's not true!

Finally showing your true self, huh?!

H-Hey, you guys!

Stop it, both of you!

It's too late.

I'm going to beat this guy up and—!

What's this?

You bastard! What do you think you're doing?!

You need to cool your head, simpleton.

Kyoho really was in a deep sleep because of his rampage last night.

I can't trust you!

There's no guarantee that

you weren't an accomplice either, right?

If you intend on blabbering on any further,

you're going to get a taste of my Nuibari here.

Fine, bring it on!

Stop it, Iwabe.

Calm down for the time being!


It doesn't look like he plans on running away

or rampaging right now.

Hebiichigo, don't provoke him if you want him to stop.

What a commotion.

We should keep quiet about the captain's death for now.

Since you insist he didn't do it, where's the perpetrator?

Perhaps they already escaped from the ship.

I don't think that's likely.

In this fog, it would be su1c1de for even a Funato

to go anywhere without a boat.

And if a ship came near us, we would have noticed it.

Perhaps they're hiding somewhere within the ship?


It's worth investigating together.


If we don't come up with anything, we'll know for sure.

Additionally, we'll need someone to keep an eye on him.

Naturally, I'll stay with him.

Me too.


Actually, it's not about suspecting this guy

or looking for a different perp.

I just feel bad that Captain Taiki got involved

when he was just an innocent bystander.

Very well.

Then could you hold last rites for the captain

while you watch over Kyoho?

Everyone else will investigate in teams of two.

H-Hey, did you hear that the captain was k*lled?

We'll be all right, won't we?

I hope they capture the k*ller soon!

It'll be all right. Please calm down.

I heard that former criminals are on this ship.

Are you sure they didn't do it?!

What?! How did news spread so quickly?!

It reeks of dust here!

Damn it! Why do I have to go through all of this

for that good-for-nothing?

Excuse me, Miss Hebiichigo?

You believe that Mr. Kyoho is not the culprit, right?


I just don't want to be considered guilty by association

and lose my chance at a reduced sentence!

Th-That makes sense.

I apologize.

That said...

Kyoho may be wishy-washy and a dimwit,

but he's not the kind of person

who att*cks the innocent without a reason.

It's because we did time together in that prison.

Miss Hebiichigo!

It's true... If one of my friends was a suspect,

I would feel the same way.

Very well, I shall try to trust Mr. Kyoho!

Let us find some proof of his innocence!

Like I said, it's not a matter of whether I trust him or not—!

Let us try our best, Miss Hebiichigo!

You're quite trusting, aren't you?

What is he thinking?

Well, Iwabe,

you don't really want to assume he was the one who did it, do you?

Your grandfather...

died in a battle with the Hidden Mist, right?

You remembered that?

It's because you were

unusually serious about it during our field trip.

It's not like I'm biased towards those guys and Kagura.

Then why not start from a neutral stance?

You want me to trust this guy?

I want you to put your trust in Kagura, who trusts them.

We've searched every inch of this ship, but...

...there was no sign of anything suspicious, huh?

Hey, everyone! This person says he wants to talk to us.

Sounds like something's going on.

I'm coming in.



a witness has come forward with some damning testimony against him.

What did you say?

Now about that...

Hey, Big Guy...

You mind removing that mask for us?

Witness testimony?

What do you mean?

Last night,

the big guy was walking towards the captain's quarters.

This guy saw it when he woke up to go to the bathroom.

What did you say?!

I knew it!

He's with the Funato, isn't he?!

The Funato have a mark on their faces

that identify them as such.

Does that mean that under his mask—?!

Hey, Kawaki, this is pretty sudden, don't you think?

They won't be satisfied until you remove your mask and show them.

Well? Are you going to remove it or not?

I-I don't... want to!

If you don't have a marking,

you should be fine with removing it!

Stop it! You're making him uncomfortable.

But if we don't know for sure, we'll just be so anxious about it!

Why are you acting so recklessly?!

You all were moving too slow.

Don't his former teammates even know what's under the mask?

Well, that's...

True, we've never seen him without it on.

Then it's true!

Hey, just pull it off!

B-But still...


Wait, Kyoho!

See?! That shows he's with the Funato!

Let's go after him.

What are you doing, Kawaki?!

It's a drastic measure, but we have no choice.


So, it really was you, after all!

Damn it—!

What a hassle.

Hey! You're not going to—?!

This should settle things.

D-Don't do it!


What happened to that guy?

I settled things.

Since he was the perp, they took care of him, right?

So, he really was with the Funato.

Kyoho's body has been placed in the hold.

A lot of things happened today.

I want all of you to rest as best you can.


The fog's growing thick again.

It seems like everything's going well.


I feel so cramped being inside someone's body for so long!

But I managed to get them to fight amongst themselves.

I made the right decision to steal that big guy's Ninja Blade

and use it to k*ll while he was sleeping.

Now I get to use a powerful body!

I just have to use his body to k*ll them off one by one.

I'm sure Lord Araumi will be delighted.


I caught...


You've finally shown yourself!

You totally fell for our trap, you Funato bastard.

I figured you'd make a move if we did this.

This was a trap?!

When Kawaki suggested it,

I have to say I was pretty surprised.

Calm down and listen.


This is just an act to draw the enemy out of hiding.

An act?!

That's right.

I need him to pretend he's dead...

I only found out afterwards! Afterwards!

You don't seem like someone who could act convincingly.

That said,

I'm impressed you figured out he was hiding in someone's body.

The islanders got their information a little too quickly.

Furthermore, that fake witness testimony gave it away.

The route from Kyoho's room to the captain's quarters

is in the opposite direction from your quarters to the bathroom.

Wow, you're pretty good!

Now give up!

I'm not done yet!

He's doing something similar to Suigetsu.



Lighting Style!

D-Damn it!

Damn it, you're not getting away!

Since it's come down to this, I'm gonna take the engine out!

As its name suggests, my long sword Nuibari, the Sewing Needle,

can stitch anything together.


My jutsu turned my body into liquid!

You're not very smart, are you?

No one can escape from these threads that can bind chakra itself!

It looks like it was the right call to have you wait here, Hebiichigo.

We're going to need you to tell us more about the Funato.

Leave this to me.

I'm good at making people talk.

This is the end, huh?

In that case!

This is for the Funato!


Do you intend on dying?!


Thank goodness...


He blew himself up!

I don't believe it!

Is this how far the Funato will go for their clan?!

So, that big guy wasn't with the Funato, after all.

I feel bad about suspecting him.

I can't believe he was hiding in someone's body this entire time.

He must have snuck aboard during the confusion

after we crashed the transport boat.

But if that is the case...

what is under his mask?

Long ago... my village was burned down by the Funato.

I have scars from that under here.

That's what it was.

I understand now why you lose control when you see blood.

I suspected you without knowing everything.

I'm sorry!

Don't worry about it.

It's my fault for taking so long to say anything...

You're a pretty good guy!

Do you want to take a look?

No, I think I'll pass.

You really do take too long. Damn it.

But I'm grateful that you protected me.

What is it?

I was just thinking how interesting you are.


As I suspected, the engine's no good.

I see...

Guess this means we've got some more difficulties in store for us.

I can't believe this.

To think we're dead in the water,

in the middle of the ocean like this.

Since it's come to this,

we have no choice but to go out and look for help.

From here? How?!

I think we can just barely make it

to a nearby island by boat from here.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"The Boy from the Isle of Shipbuilders"

It's so hot...

The ship won't budge and I'm at my limit, ya know!