02x22 - Tears are not Enough Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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02x22 - Tears are not Enough Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

In Mr. Simpson’s class

Sully: (On the TV announcements) And finally the dance committee is reminded that they have first period off to transform our gym into a Hawaiian surf paradise. Aloha!

Mr. Simpson: Guys. Guys, your attention please. Some of you have already heard, but I have some unfortunate news. Craig Manning’s father d*ed over the weekend in a car accident.

Marco: Uh Craig’s okay, right? I mean he wasn’t in…

Mr. Simpson: He’s fine, but he won’t be back for the rest of term.

Ashley: Um Mr. Simpson I thought that we should send flowers, so I’m taking up a collection if that’s okay.

Mr. Simpson: That’d be great Ashley. Thank you.

Ashley: Give what you can, guys. I’ll make sure Craig gets them today.

(Craig walks in suddenly.)

Craig: Sorry I’m late sir.

(Nobody says anything.)

Craig: Is something wrong?

Mr. Simpson: No. No, we just um…we weren’t expecting you.

Craig: Not summer holidays yet!

Mr. Simpson: Not yet. So uh take your seat.

(Craig sits down smiling.)

Mr. Simpson: Okay let’s see who else is here? Aden, Auzryan-

In the gymnasium

Paige: Ash, uh my donation for the flower fund.

Ashley: Thanks Paige.

Mr. Raditch: I told you there’s no pressure on having you come to ten classes.

Craig: Yeah.

Paige: Happy way to end such a happy year.

Hazel: I know. Poor Craig.

Ashley: I just wish I could do something for him you know?

Terri: You can’t, not really. I know firsthand. My mom, remember?

Ashley: I know, but I’m gonna try.

(Ashley walks over to him.)

Ashley: Hey Craig how you doing?

Craig: I’m fine. I mean I was going crazy at Joey’s, needed to get out, so I’m here! Wow the gym looks amazing. I can’t wait for the dance.

Ashley: You still want to go?

Craig: Yeah why wouldn’t I?

Paige: Well I’m making sure my year ends on a positive note. Notice anything?

Hazel: I think you’re getting a pimple on your nose.

Paige: I went to the tanning salon yesterday. If I’m gonna win the part, I’ve got to look it, right?

Hazel: If you’re gonna win what part?

Paige: Spin and me, luau king and queen.

Hazel: Um this dance is open to kids all the way up to grade 11.

Paige: So?

Hazel: So one of them will get the crown.

Paige: Not if I get all the 7s, 8s, and 9s to vote for me.

In Ms. Hatzilakos’ class

Ms. Hatzilakos: You know I was really surprised at the results of your test. You must have studied very hard.

Marco: I can’t believe how well he’s taking it.

Jimmy: I wouldn’t be that cool.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Good job. I’m proud of you.

(Craig shows them his test.)

Jimmy: A! That’s my man.

Marco: Wow. That’s amazing buddy.

Craig: Yeah my dad actually did something worthwhile for me. He was a good study partner.

Jimmy: Look we’re really sorry to hear about your dad, man.

Marco: Yeah. So you okay?

Craig: Guys I’m fine. Hey I’m the lucky one. My dad d*ed. I, I walked away with a scratch.

Marco: I thought you weren’t in the car…

Craig: Friday night we’re like speeding down the highway, my dad’s mad and he won’t slow down. Ahead there’s a rig. I see it, my dad doesn’t and we hit…hard.

(He laughs.)

Craig: Guys I was at Joey’s when it happened! I had you going though.

In the hallway

Marco: It was like he was joking about it.

Jimmy: It’s not like he was. He was. Yo cafeteria boy you better hurry. You’re gonna be late for work.

Spinner: Yeah glad to see you still have your sense of humor.

Jimmy: Yeah well you didn’t get around to stealing that.

Spinner: Enough already, okay?

Jimmy: Gavin could you tell me about some of today’s lunch specials?

Spinner: Go ahead. Laugh it up, but you won’t be laughing when I’m voted luau king.

Marco: Okay. Guys could we just do this later?

Spinner: Yeah we’ll do this later. Count on it.

Jimmy: *Mimicking Spinner* Oh we’ll do this later. Oh okay!

Marco: Okay Jimmy, give it up. He and Paige would make an amazing luau king and queen.

In the cafeteria

Jimmy: Just the girl I was looking for.

Hazel: Oh hi.

Jimmy: The dance, you still going solo? ‘Cause you’re not anymore.

Hazel: Um okay…

Jimmy: And who knows, I mean maybe we’ll even walk away with the luau crown.

Hazel: Paige wants that crown.

Jimmy: So? It’s a free country.

Hazel: Yeah, but she’s my best friend.

Jimmy: And you’ve been in her shadow for how long? Isn’t it time for Hazel Aden to step into the spotlight? Think about it.

In the media immersion room

Toby: And there you go. You’re on the list.

Paige: So rumor’s true.

Jimmy: Ah it’s nothing personal Paige. There’s twenty couples on this list.

Paige: Yeah and only one from 9th grade.

Spinner: You’re splitting our vote.

Jimmy: People can vote for who they want.

Kendra: What does it matter anyway? Who wants to be some stupid luau thing?

Toby: And that’s why I love you. No! No, not love you. Just like you, a lot.

Outside Mr. Manning’s house

(Joey and Craig drive up and go inside.)

Joey: You okay?

Craig: I’m going upstairs.

(Craig walks upstairs and looks around crying.)

At the funeral

Priest: Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me; And in God’s house for evermore my dwelling-place shall be. Amen. The grace of our lord and the love of God be with us evermore. Amen. At this time I call on Dr. Steven Whatley, one of Albert’s coworkers, to say a few words. Steven?

Steven: I knew Albert Manning for almost twenty years and he was a good friend, a topnotch surgeon, an absolutely devastating squash player and a dedicated father, but if you were to ask him, his last role was the most important.

Craig: Please.

Steven: Albert told me time and time again how his son Craig was the greatest gift he’d ever received. A gift he cherished, a gift he never wanted to relinquish.

(Craig starts laughing loudly.)

Caitlin: Maybe Craig needs some air.

Steven: Most of us who knew Albert knew his dedication to helping others. This was why he was a great doctor and a great surgeon. We’re gonna miss him.

(Craig keeps laughing as him and Joey walk outside.)

Craig: Can you believe that idiot? (Mimicking) Albert Manning was a dedicated father.

Joey: Craig you, you and your father had a complicated relationship.

Craig: Yeah! He b*at me. Not gonna do that again now, is he? I’m happy Joey. I’m really happy ‘cause he’s dead. ‘Cause he’s gone for good.
In the hallway

Ashley: It was disturbing. The coffin’s right there and Craig’s laughing.

Ellie: Funerals are stressful. Weird things happen.

Craig: Ladies!

Ellie: Hey Craig.

Craig: Hey uh you ready for the Hawaiian surf paradise?

Ashley: Um sure. Can’t wait.

(Ellie starts to take their picture.)

Craig: Hey save the film for tonight when Ash and I win the luau crown.

Ashley: You put us in the contest?!

Craig: Yeah this is our night. Everyone’s gonna know it.

Ashley: Okay…

Craig: Great. I gotta go clean out my locker, but I’ll see you later.

At the tanning salon

Employee: So you get in, pull the lid down, press the start button.

Spinner: Um wait. Do I really have to pull the lid down? ‘Cause I’m kind of claustrophobic.

Employee: If you really want to tan, yeah.

(Spinner gets in and pulls the lid down.)

Spinner: You can do this. Okay. Okay.

(Spinner starts screaming and yelling.)

Paige: What was that?

(Spinner runs out into the waiting area.)

Spinner: Okay Paige I can’t do it. I can’t. I told you I was claustrophobic.

Paige: Spinner! Can I at least have my turn now?

Spinner: No! I’m scared. I want to go.

Paige: I’ll tan my way. You tan yours, okay?

(She hands him some tanning spray and the magazine she was looking at.)

Employee: Follow me.

At Joey’s

Joey: Craig? Oh you got the big dance tonight.

Craig: Yeah. Oh I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed one of your old shirts.

Joey: Knock yourself out. Hey listen before you go to Aruba, I wanted to uh-

Craig: Hawaii.

Joey: Right. Um look I hate to bring this up, but we have to go over what you’re gonna say tomorrow with Children’s Aid.

Craig: Now?

Joey: Yeah if that’s okay.

Craig: Um just I’m just a bit distracted, you know? Ashley, the dance…You don’t think I should go, do you?

Joey: No I do. I think it’s great you’re trying to have fun Craig, but-

Craig: But what?! I’m fine.

Joey: No one is fine after losing someone. I wasn’t with your mom. I just think the pain is gonna catch up to you.

Craig: I’ve got a dance to go to.

At the dance

Toby: Ladies and gentlemen step right up. Cast your vote for Degrassi luau king and queen. Thanks for your vote. Step right up and vote for luau king and queen.

Jimmy: Aloha. Welcome to Degrassi Island. Don’t forget to vote for your luau king and queen, Jimmy and Hazel. Aloha. Don’t forget to vote for your luau king and queen, Jimmy and Hazel. Aloha and-

(Jimmy sees Paige and Spinner and starts laughing at their tans.)

Jimmy: Welcome to Degrassi Island.

Paige: What are you laughing at? Your lame attempt at stealing our votes?

Jimmy: Red I don’t have to steal anything tonight, but hey maybe Spin can try.

Spinner: Dude, like ancient history.

(Paige and Spinner start dancing together.)

Paige: Spin! Spin if you want to win stop doing that robot thing.

(Liberty and JT toast drinks, Sean and Emma do the limbo, and Marco and Ellie are sitting together laughing while she takes pictures.)

Craig: Goth luau, cool.

Ashley: I thought it’d set us apart.

Craig: And you know keep your dignity intact, until we start to limbo of course.

Mr. Simpson: Guys! The time has come. Votes are in for the luau king and queen. Oh and uh, thanks to Toby Isaacs and Kendra Mason for all their hard work on this. And the winner is from grade 9, Ashley Kerwin and Craig Manning!

(Everyone starts cheering for them as they go up and get their crowns. Craig looks out at everyone and sees his father.)

Craig: Dad? Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad look. Look! Look I won!

(He walks over to a teacher and taps him on the shoulder.)

Craig: Sorry Mr. Boyd. I thought you were…

(He starts backing away, takes off his crown and runs into the hall.)

Ashley: Where have you been? They’re waiting for our dance. Craig, are you okay?

Craig: I’m fine. I’m just really tired.

Ashley: I knew coming here was a mistake.

Craig: What?

Ashley: It’s too soon. You should be home.

Craig: Could you like revel in this any more? Miss, miss goth, miss doom and gloom!

Ashley: That’s not fair. I’m just concerned about you.

Craig: Well I’m sick of you and everyone just being concerned.

Ashley: Craig!

(Craig starts ripping down the huge poster in the hallway as everyone watches, then he runs down the hall.)

Mr. Raditch: Let him cool down. Everyone back in the dance. I’ll check in on Craig in a minute.

(Terri goes to find Craig.)

Craig: What’s wrong with me?

Terri: Nothing. You’re angry and you’re sad.

Craig: This was supposed to be my night. I’m with Ash for the stupid luau king and queen.

Terri: When my mom d*ed I was at my friend’s birthday party. I was having a great time and then my dad came to tell me.

Craig: At the party?

Terri: Yeah. I was so mad.

Craig: ‘Cause she d*ed.

Terri: No, ‘cause I couldn’t play pin the tail on the donkey.

Craig: That’s a fun game when you’re a little kid.

Terri: Exactly. It wasn’t until later that it hit that, that she was dead.

Craig: Before my dad d*ed I wanted him gone, so why am I crying now that he is?

Terri: ‘Cause you love him.

(Craig starts crying, Mr. Raditch sees them in the hallway and leaves them alone.)

Back in the dance

Paige: I’m worried about coming in 8th place in some stupid luau contest and poor Craig is having a breakdown. Can we say shallow?

Hazel: Shallow.

Jimmy: Well Paige isn’t the only freak.

(Jimmy takes out his Kleenex and sneezes.)

Spinner: Dude, what plague do you have?

Jimmy: I think it’s these flowers. I’m allergic to them.

(He takes the lei off and tosses it aside.)

Paige: At least you don’t have radioactive skin or a pumpkin for a date.

Jimmy: Pumpkin and the dress.

Ellie: Oh losers!

(She takes their picture.)

Ellie: I’d say yearbook. Front cover.

At the entrance of the dance, Ashley is about to leave

Craig: Going somewhere?

Ashley: Are you?

Craig: Soon. I’m gonna go home. I think we owe everyone a dance.

(He takes her hand and they start walking to the dance floor.)

Craig: You can ask.

(They start dancing.)

Ashley: Ask what?

Craig: How I’m doing. I won’t go psycho.

Ashley: How are you doing Craig?

Craig: Better.
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