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05x107 - Everyone is Shocked! Goten and Trunks' Super Battle!!" / "Everyone is Surprised! Goten and Trunks' Super Battle

Posted: 03/11/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
Thought/Flashback,Narrator: It's time for the World Martial Arts Tournament's th match.

Thought/Flashback,Narrator: At last, the fight between Great Saiyaman and Kibito has begun.

Kibito: Become a Super Saiya-jin. I want to test whether you're of any help to us.

Thought/Flashback,Narrator: Furthermore, Shin, who appears to be the Kaioushin, told Goku and the others to...

Shin: I have to ask everyone not to move, no matter what happens.

Thought/Flashback,Narrator: And so, Gohan decided to transform into a Super Saiya-jin.

Thought/Flashback,Narrator: The underlings of evil, Yamuu and Spopovich,

Thought/Flashback,Narrator: also threw the World Martial Arts Tournament into disarray when they made an unexpected move.

Shin: If you are willing to, please come with me.

Shin: It would be very helpful.

Kuririn: What are you going to do, Goku?

Goku: I'm going after him.

Goku: Since it came down to this, I definitely want to know what's going on.

Videl: Gohan-kun, are you alright? Hang in there!

Videl: Quickly, bring a stretcher!

Ireza: H-Hey... That's Videl over there? Right?

Blue: No way.

Ireza: I wonder if I'm having a bad dream... Ouch!

Goku: Krillin, what are you gonna do?

Kuririn: So you're going, Goku?

Kuririn: Then, I guess I'll go too. Although I don't like it one bit.

Kuririn: Go ahead, I'll go tell my wife.

Vegeta: Stop messing around, Kakarot!

Vegeta: What are you going to do about our duel?!

Vegeta: It's just after the next fight!

Goku: Vegeta... Is this really the time for that?

Vegeta: Don't deceive me!

Vegeta: Kaioushin or not, I don't care. That guy means nothing to me!

Vegeta: I want to settle it with you in a one-on-one fight!

Vegeta: That's the only reason I came to this stupid tournament.

Goku: Okay, okay, I get what you're saying.

Goku: If we don't get the chance during the World Martial Arts Tournament,

Goku: then I'll have a match with you soon after, for sure.

Goku: Are you okay with that, Vegeta?

Vegeta: You bastard, you can't stay here for more than a day, right?

Goku: Then come with us! We'll have a go once we've reached our destination.

Piccolo: Looks like it's decided. Let us go!

Goku: Piccolo!

Goku: Can I really leave Gohan in your care?

Kibito: It's alright. As soon as I heal Son Gohan, I'll go too.

Kibito: Son Gohan will more than likely then decide to accompany me.

Vegeta: Damn it!

Vegeta: I can't stand this guy! Geez!

Kuririn: I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be.

C- : I'm not going, it doesn't pay, right?

Kuririn: Yeah. Hey, try not to k*ll anyone during your matches.

Kuririn: Bye.

C- : If it gets too dangerous, run away.

Kuririn: Okay.

Gohan: Wh-Where is everyone going?

Kibito: If you go, you will find out.

Stretch: Okay, please move aside.

Stretch: We'll take him.

Kibito: Be quiet and look.

Stretch: But this person was stabbed!

Stretch: W-We'll leave it to you.

Thought/Flashback,Kibito: He's not at full power yet.

Thought/Flashback,Kibito: His true power knows no limit.

Thought/Flashback,Kibito: Even so, who would have thought that there was a human so full of pure energy.

Thought/Flashback,Kibito: It's no wonder why they wanted it.

Trunks: What's that? What is happening? Did your brother lose?

Goten: I hope he's alright.

Trunks: Papa and the others also flew off somewhere.

Kibito: You can move now, Son Gohan.

Videl: Gohan-kun, does this mean you're okay?

Gohan: I can feel power flowing through me more than ever before.

Gohan: Who are you?

Gohan: Come with me. I'll tell you everything.

Satan: Hey. Have you seen Videl?

Orange: Ah, your daughter is right over there.

Satan: Hm?

Satan: Ah! She's with that punk again!

Satan: Darn! Even though you healed Videl's injuries with some mysterious bean, I won't allow that relationship!

Videl: Hey, can I come with you?

Videl: There are a lot things I want to know. Please.

Gohan: No. You better not. It'll be dangerous.

Gohan: I get that feeling.

Videl: I won't get in your way, I just want to come along.

Videl: Even if you say no, I'll go.

Satan: Videl!

Gohan: Can you promise me that you will run away if it gets bad?

Videl: Yes.

Gohan: Okay then. Let's go.

Videl: Thanks.

Satan: Th-Th-Th-Th-They flew!

Satan: Videl is flying!

Orange: Everyone is flying lately.

: Videl... became a flying girl?!

Orange: Woah! That was kind of an odd joke...

Sharpner: What is happening? Videl and Son Gohan also flew off somewhere.

Ireza: What a strange day, huh?

Ireza: Videl seems to be okay even though she was b*at up pretty bad before, and now she can fly!

Blue: Could it be some kind of trick by any chance?

Blue: Mr. Satan said something about it in the past.

Sharpner: That's right, it's a trick for sure.

Sharpner: Putting Son Gohan aside, there's no way Videl could fly.

Ireza: Oh, so it's like that?

Sharpner: Everyone became a guru and are playing tricks.

Ireza: I'm disappointed, I took it seriously.

Ireza: I'm going to scold them the next time I see them at school.

Trunks: Goten, what happened?

Goten: Who knows...

Chichi: I have a bad feeling about this.

Comentator: What will happen to the World Martial Arts Tournament?

Old lady: I wonder what happened at the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Guy: The broadcast has stopped and only Mr. Satan's face is showing...

Goku: Hey!

Shin: As I thought, you came. You will really help.

Shin: Without your power, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to win.

Goku: Not able to win? Against those two?

Shin: No. Those two are just being used.

Shin: By an evil warlock! [In all other translations I've seen, official and otherwise, both Bibidi and Babadi were referred to as "warlocks" instead of "warlock". ~AoI]

Piccolo: A warlock?

Shin: Yes.

Shin: A long time ago, when humans first started walking on two legs,

Shin: on the other side of space, there lived a wicked warlock named Bibidi.

Shin: One day, Bibidi accidentally created a terrifying monster.

Shin: Named Buu, it was an incredibly dreadful Majin.

Goku: Buu? Sounds like a fart.

Shin: Majin Buu posesses neither senses nor emotions.

Shin: He's a monster that was born to repeat the slaughter and

Shin: m*ssacre over and over again, just to plant fear into all living creatures.

Shin: In just a few years, hundreds of planets have been destroyed.

Thought/Flashback,Vegeta: We, the Saiya-jins, were doing things like that, too.

Shin: No, Vegeta-san.

Shin: At that time, there were five Kaioushins.

Shin: Each one of them would have been able to effortlessly defeat Frieza.

Shin: Of those Kaioushins, four were k*lled by Majin Buu.

Goku: Woah, that's amazing!

Thought/Flashback,Vegeta: That bastard... He can even read minds?

Shin: Buu was so dreadful that he even bit the hand of his own creator, Bibidi.

Shin: When he needed rest, Majin Buu was sealed inside of a ball-like receptacle.

Kibito: Bibidi has brought the sealed Majin Buu to Earth.

Kibito: We believe that this planet is his next target.

Gohan: Th-That's impossible!

Kibito: It was only a chance. Before Buu was unsealed, Kaioushin-sama was able to k*ll Bibidi.

Gohan: Okay.

Kibito: But the ball with Buu sealed inside was left untouched.

Gohan: Why? You could have just destroyed it at that time.

Kibito: We thought was better not to risk awakening the creature with our attempts. Besides...

Kibito: Only Bibidi was supposed to be able to remove the seal.

Gohan: Was supposed to be?

Kibito: Recently, we uncovered some troubling information.

Shin: It seems that Bibidi had a child.

Goku: What?!

Shin: With a heart as wicked as his father's. The warlock known as...

Shin: Babidi!

Goku: Warlock Babidi?

Shin: Somehow, it seems that Babidi is also able to remove the seal.

Goku: So is he the one controlling Yamuu and Spopovich?

Shin: Yes. Babidi, just as his father Bibidi, possesses a very evil heart.

Kuririn: Majin, warlocks... A lot of guys we've never heard of are cropping up.

Goku: So in short, we just have to prevent the resurrection of that Majin Buu, right?

Shin: That's how it is.

Shin: To do that, we have to defeat Babidi.

Shin: Because right now he is the only being capable of removing the seal on Majin Buu.

Goku: Is he strong?

Shin: He uses wicked magic, but when it comes to power he's not that strong.

Shin: He's just like his father in that respect.

Shin: But warlocks like him take advantage of the evil in people's hearts, like Spopovich's and Yamuu's,

Shin: and use it to control them.

Shin: So long as he doesn't use troublesome humans, it should be okay, but... [TLC please, it's rather confusing]

Gohan: Then, why did Spopovich and Yamuu enter the World Martial Arts Tournament?

Gohan: What did they do to me?

Kibito: It seems that because Majin Buu has been sealed for such a long time,

Kibito: a huge quantity of untainted energy is needed to revive him.

Gohan: Untainted energy?

Kibito: Collecting large amounts of energy as quickly as possible is what

Kibito: he wished to acquire at World Martial Arts Tournament, so he sent those two.

Kibito: The energy you released when you become a Super Saiya-jin had been their main target.

Kibito: The Kaioushin-sama and I did not wish to interfere, however,

Kibito: we wanted to know where Babidi was hiding.

Kibito: You see, when we came to Earth, we searched for days

Kibito: but the ball containing Majin Buu wasn't anywhere to be found.

Kibito: It had been moved from its original hiding place.

Kibito: That's why we are following those two, because we are certain that they will lead us to it.

Gohan: V-Videl-san.

Gohan: Are you okay?

Videl: Y-Yes.

Goku: If he was such a troublesome creature, why did you leave Majin Buu be after you finished off Babidi's father?

Shin: It was unavoidable.

Shin: There was a possibility that the seal would break if we att*cked it carelessly.

Shin: Also, we were relieved.

Shin: The ball with the sealed Majin Buu, was in a very dangerous place for the freshly awaken humans. [TLC here as well would be greatly appreciated.]

Spopovich: It went well, didn't it?

Yamuu: With this much energy, Babidi-sama will surely be delighted.

Yamuu: We'll be rewarded big time. Let's hurry up!

Spopovich: Yeah!

Kibito: At this speed, we won't be able to catch up with Kaioushin-sama.

Kibito: I'm speeding up a little.

Gohan: O-Okay.

Gohan: Please wait a bit.

Gohan: Videl-san, I don't think you should push yourself so much.

Videl: It's frustrating... But it's impossible for me to go faster.

Videl: It's so fast I can barely keep my eyes open.

Gohan: That's because you've only just learned how to fly.

Gohan: It's better if you go back, after all.

Gohan: There is no way to predict what will happen from here on.

Gohan: I can only imagine it as something dangerous.

Videl: It looks like I won't have a choice.

Videl: No matter how you look at it, I'll be in the way.

Videl: But it's a pity.

Gohan: Thanks.

Gohan: Go back to the tournament grounds and if you see Goten or Mom, please try to explain the situation to them.

Videl: Got it. But first, I have to know something. The Golden Warrior was you, wasn't it?

Gohan: What? Yeah...

Gohan: I'm sorry I lied to you.

Gohan: I didn't want anyone to know.

Videl: Seven years ago, during the fight against Cell, there were some strange people there with my father. It was you guys, wasn't it?

Videl: The kid that was there with them, it was you, right?

Gohan: Yes.

Videl: The one who defeated Cell probably wasn't my father, but you guys, right?

Gohan: That's...

Videl: As I thought.

Videl: Don't worry about it so much.

Videl: I also found it strange that my father defeated it.

Videl: It all makes sense now.

Videl: Do your best, Gohan-kun. Defeat the evil warlock Babidi and save everyone.

Gohan: Okay.

Videl: Gohan-kun! I'll be waiting at the tournament grounds!

Gohan: All right!

Kibito: Shall we?

Gohan: Ah, sorry about that.

Kibito: Then, let us speed up and catch up with Kaioushin-sama.

Gohan: Yes.

Videl: How can they travel at that speed?

Videl: You had better not die, Gohan-kun, because I want to go on a date with you.

Gohan: Ah! We caught up!

Gohan: Father!

Kuririn: It's Gohan!

Goku: There you are!

Piccolo: Gohan, we were waiting for you.

Gohan: Thanks.

Goku: Did you hear everything?

Goku: This time, the enemy seems really troublesome.

Gohan: Yes.

Goku: We can finally have some fun after a while.

Gohan: That's right.

Kuririn: Goku is enthusiastic about it, but will it be okay?

Kuririn: It all seems rather dangerous.

PuiPui: They're here.

Yamuu: It's there, right?

Spopovich: Yeah.

Shin: Ah! They've started to descend!

Kuririn: In a place like this?

Kibito: Strange. We searched this place once already.

Shin: Everyone, please hide your presence, alright? [he says to k*ll their pressence but as a rare case it is I'll let myself paraphrase it a bit]

Goku: Someone's there!

Goku: Is that Babidi?

Shin: No, he isn't.

Shin: He's probably another one of Babidi's underlings.

Goku: The ground around them looks strange, like it was dug up or something.

Kibito: I get it! That Babidi bastard hid his ship under the ground!

Kibito: So nobody looking for it would notice.

Shin: If that is the case then Babidi may know that we've come to Earth looking for him.

Shin: He wouldn't hide his ship otherwise.

Piccolo: Wouldn't it be better to strike quickly?

Piccolo: Before the energy they stole from Gohan can be used to resurrect Majin Buu.

Shin: Don't worry. They will resurrect Majin Buu away from their ship, so they don't risk destroying it.

Shin: Let's wait a little bit more and att*ck at that time.

Piccolo: Someone's coming!

Narrator: Kaioushin and the others are trying to prevent the resurrection of the unbelievably strong Majin Buu.

Narrator: Who are those two mysterious people who have appeared?

Goku: Hey, I'm Goku!

Goku: So he's Babidi, the one trying to resurrect Majin Buu?

Goku: Who is the guy standing next to him?

Shin: N-No way... He even made that guy his underling...

Goku: Next time on Dragon Ball Kai!

Gohan: Be careful, he's coming here!

Title: Terrible Secret of the Majin

Title: Mastermind Appears!!

Title: Next Time

Title: The Trap of Evil Warlock Babidi

Title: and The King of Dark Hell Dabla

Songs: Kamekamehameha, how can you compare it?

Songs: Can it compete with the size of your dreams?

Songs: Versus! Your strongest rival is yourself!

Songs: The blood in my veins boils like fire.

Songs: The levels of excitement and power are at the MAX!

Songs: We'll scrape the rust off this dingy future and forge it anew.

Songs: In the history books, they'll call it a "miracle".

Songs: Hurt me and I'll come back stronger than ever.

Songs: That's why kindness is not weakness.

Songs: Let's trample our limitations and JUMP!

Songs: Let's hug our despair and DANCE!

Songs: Our rebirth shall be GORGEOUS!

Songs: The Dragon Balls may grant your request!

Songs: Kamekamehameha, how can you compare it?

Songs: Can it compete with the size of your dreams?

Songs: Versus! The future will be a spectacular surprise!

Songs: This might be our first and last time!

Songs: Ah...

Songs: They say that when you surmount one obstacle,

Songs: then a bigger one,

Songs: will block your way.

Songs: Work can be boring day after day

Songs: Although there are many lives to live,

Songs: If it's good and proud,

Songs: Then that's the kind of life I want to live.

Songs: If I can, then I can embrace my destiny.

Songs: Ah...

Songs: Dear Zarathustra!

Songs: Ah...