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02x07 - Meet Jane Doe

Posted: 03/09/23 10:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dollhouse...

I remember everything.

I've been many people.

I'm all of them, but none of them is me.

You're a little out of your jurisdiction,
aren't you?

You have my Active. I'd like her back.

I trust we'll find her undamaged.

I'll let my programmer
know you're coming.

Bye, Caroline.

I'm Bennett.

What's up with your arm?

We can plug my disrupter
into the bio-link system

and put them to sleep.

We need to find Echo.

She's lost in the world in doll state,
utterly helpless.

Bennett has twice the resources I have.
She thinks she runs that house.

And she might, for all I know.
But there is one thing

of which I am certain.
I have a cooler office.

- Topher, what happened in DC?
- It's confidential.

You know, if you want me to learn,

at some point you're gonna have to
trust me with important information.

I will never trust another woman
as long as I live.

She totally went all Cylon on me

and sent a sleeperized assassin after Echo
right behind my back.

Disarmed me with her arm
and glasses and face, mostly.

But underneath it all, she is ice cold.

No, truly wicked.
With a shriveled-up raisin of a heart.

I wonder what she's doing right now.

- So what happened?
- Well, I punched her in the kisser...

Not what I was planning to do there,
by the way.

...and knocked her out cold.

Which she might have been impressed by
if she hadn't been out cold.

I mean to Echo, Topher.
What happened to Echo?


We don't know.

She could be anywhere. It's been days.
I don't think she's in the DC area.

- How can she travel without detection?
- I think she might be hitchhiking.

- Hitchhiking?
- No tickets. No records. Don't need money.

Rossum is watching us very closely.

Paul Ballard is still AWOL.
Find him, find Echo.

Even if it is in a ditch somewhere.

- You know you have to pay for that?
- Yes.

- With money.
- That's right.

- Where do I get it?
- Well, I hear it grows on trees.

Why don't you move along, girl?
I don't want any trouble.

- Where is this tree?
- Right through that door right there.

Lady, we don't take those.

I would like money, please.

I need money.

Yeah, I know. You've got food stamps.
We don't take them.

You're gonna have to leave so I can
take care of other customers. Go on.

Before I call the cops. Police.


Hey! There.

You don't have to be sad anymore.

- My name is Echo.
- Galena.

Hey, there! A little help here, Sheriff?

Hey. Did you pay for that stuff?


Stop! Sheriff's Department!


- Oh, you no habla English.
- No.

You are under arrest.

Now I understand. I'm not broken.

I marvel at the way that they slip into
a role, into a life, unaware, unfeigned,

and I'm grateful that I could afford it.

That I possess the means
to satisfy my vagaries,

to quote the Marquis de Sade.

Thank you, Adelle. That will be all.

And be sure to get
Mr. Caviezel's request in the pipeline.

Of course.

She's the woman who sets up
these sensational little outings for me?

- Every single detail.
- Well, she's gifted,

- and quite a beauty herself.
- In her day.

Mr. Kleinhan in 23 is asking
for a sheet change.

Mrs. Willis in 31 needs something
to help her sleep.

And Mrs. Finney in 32 wants us
to put Mrs. Willis to sleep

because she keeps singing show tunes.

Noted. Deb called in.
Her head's been in the toilet all night.

That means I get the jail run.

Giving flu sh*ts
to the fine men and women at County.

Oh, no. But Dr. McConnell's coming by.

Weren't you two gonna have
another snack-machine date?

There's nobody else
who can cover for Deb.


I walked right into that.

Give it 10 more minutes.

If Delta's SR levels
don't drop below an eight, pull him out.

Yes, sir.

Oh, and get Jacobson on the phone.

- We're extending him to an overnight.
- Of course.

- Another engagement from upstairs?
- This client seems to quite enjoy pain.

Or should I say
derives pleasure from inflicting it.

- You don't approve?
- I don't have to. It's already in the pipeline.


Feels like ages ago
that we actually weighed a request

against an Active's chance of survival,
let alone well-being.

We've always put them at risk.
We just don't lie to ourselves about it now.

You sound like Harding.

I can never tell if you're bent out of shape

because you're no longer in control
of the welfare of our Actives,

or because you're no longer in control.

- Who are you?
- I'm Jane from the hospital. Deb is sick.

- Did I ever meet you before?
- Don't think so. You run a tight ship.

Yeah. Nothing gets in or out of here
without my say so.

That's how I keep the scum off the streets
and away from pretty little things like you.

Watch yourself.

There you go. Nurse?

Hello. Can you sit down, please?

She doesn't speak any English.
Strip down for the doc!

Are you hurt?

- Has she been to the doctor?
- Don't know.

She never said anything was wrong.

- Do you speak Spanish?
- No. Not like we're Immigration.

Still waiting for their lazy asses
to deport her.

So we're done here?

Oh, sorry. I forgot to put it on vibrate.

She's gotta get back to her cell.

Well, her rib's broken. So I'm gonna
give her something for the pain.

You're out of basic painkillers.
I'll have to bring a new supply tomorrow.

In the meantime...

Come on.

- You checking up on me again? I got it.
- Whoa, Silver! I'm simply waiting.

You're looming.
You don't see me looming in your office.

Stop looming.

You've said "looming" so many times now
that it sounds like a nonsense word.

- What do you want?
- I just wanted to brainstorm.


- Well, okay. What were you thinking?
- Not with you.

So what are you thinking, Doctor?

What I'm thinking is if we're lowering
the cortical theta rhythms

to below four hertz, it's possible
the EEG is being rendered useless.

Interesting. You're suggesting

it might not be able to pick up an impulse
from a single axon.

Maybe not. We need a new way to read
the projections from the neocortex.

That's a radical theory.

- Well, what's my name? Dr...
- Brink.


Dr. Radical.

I b*rned out another dozen CPLDs
trying to cool this thing down.

I'll order a couple hundred more.

These are
polycrystalline diamond composites.

- Do we have the budget for that?
- Indeed we do.

As Mr. Harding says,
anything in the name of progress.


- You okay?
- Fine.

Only next time, don't wait for the att*ck.

Take the offensive
like we've been practicing.

Sometimes a girl likes to be chased.


You got in the jail.

Deborah missed her shift
with a stomach bug.

- Which you gave her.
- It'll pass. It's actually very cleansing.

You didn't tell me you were gonna
make the move this week.

I wasn't sure.

But her coffee was just sitting there
begging for a dose.

- Can't put it off forever.
- Is Galena all right?

Well, she's a prisoner, Paul.
And she's not cut out for it.

She's getting hit.
I'm not sure who's doing it.

Maybe Sheriff Rand?
He's not exactly a people person.

I guess that's what I am. A people person.

Mac and cheese, huh?

You're not sick of it, right?

Thirty-six personalities
and not one of them can cook?

- Look who's talking.
- Honestly, I'm surprised.

If I were paying
for a romantic engagement,

there would definitely be food involved.

More terrifying insights
into the mind of Paul Ballard.

No. That's primal.
Sex and food are sisters in human desire.

Well, I never did a sister act.
With food. With cooking food.

Okay. I'm done. I'm moving on.

- You get the layout of the jail?
- All up in the house of ideas.

I'll fire up the recall later
when I get a second wind.

- Headaches?
- Not too bad.

What did you access?

Well, the medical stuff's coming
pretty easily.

Thank God Joel Mynor's wife was a nurse.

I also had to speak Spanish to Galena,
but that barely gave me a twinge.

Casing the prison was dicier.

That imprint was borderline Rain Man.
Doesn't play well with others.

- We can take it easy tonight.
- No. I want to get physical.

Accessing muscle memory
relieves the pressure.

Tomorrow's a big day.

- We got any candles?
- What for?

Well, this is our last night.
Once we break Galena out, we're done.

Whoa! Done?

I can't train forever. If I can get Galena out,
that means I'm ready.

We have to go back inside the Dollhouse.

You know this. Paul, you know this.

So what are the candles for?


When I took out that deputy,
it wasn't like a glitch.

The skills, it was like a wave,

just everything rushing over me.

And then the wave pulls back
and you see what it washed up.

Picking up the shells and smooth stones
from the shore.

- Collecting myself.
- Why then?

Why not right after Alpha dumped
all the engagement personas in you?

- I think it was because of Bennett.
- The DC programmer?

She showed me something Alpha didn't.

You said Bennett gave you
her own memory.

Of Caroline. And it wasn't...

I didn't like it.

Well, that's Bennett's perception.

- And she doesn't sound remarkably stable.
- But the idea that Caroline might not be...

I've been saving this body for her.

- But I'm not her.
- You don't know that.

You've resisted the wipes from the start.

You tracked down my cell
and you couldn't remember my name.

You knew I would help you,
keep you from DeWitt.

DeWitt was Caroline's enemy, not Echo's.

Maybe it was Caroline
picking up those shells.

I'm not her!

My name is Echo.

I didn't mean to upset you.

No. You do help me.

You're my best friend.

Let's keep it that way.

You think I'm a freak or a child.

I think I don't have the right.

It's not my other personas
that make me feel what I feel.

The Dollhouse made you fall in love
over and over.

You told me that.

They also made me aggressively sexual
and phenomenally creative in bed.

Now that's just cruel.

Also sociopathic, inexperienced, blind
and, at least seven times, gay.

There's a lot of noise
from the chorus girls,

but they're not me.

There is a me.

This is me.


Who is it?
Okay, okay, just messing with you.

I need you to sign off
on this engagement order.

Do you like the new profile input interface?

I do, actually.

Just one of the many new improvements
around here.

What else does Harding
have you improving?

- That's on a need-to-know basis.
- Well, I need to know.

And why is that?

You think
we're keeping secrets from you, Adelle?

Haven't we eliminated those
from this house?

Of course. I was just curious.

I had quite a scientific mind
before I was transferred here,

- if you remember, Matthew.
- I do.

Curiosity is what brought this house
into being.

True. And Topher here
will bring it into the future.

I have to say, one of your finest moments,
DeWitt, finding him.

This guy...

Which reminds me,

I'd love to have you in the meeting
with the northern division next week.

- I'd be delighted.
- Show off some of your concepts.

As long as I don't have to
wear a suit.

Don't you have a ghost to chase?

- Topher's finally showing his true colors.
- Well, can you give me anything?

That's right.

- It's Rawlings.
- Has he got a lead on Echo?

I've followed enough cold trails.

If you don't have confirmation it's her,
just get me confirmation that it's not!

- When can you come in?
- Soon.

I'll bring her in soon.

Tell me where you are.

After spending all that time and money
on these untraceable phones?

I'll let you know when it's time.

Look, I don't need you in the field
if you're not producing.

If we stick to the plan,
I'll drop you a clue today.

Use a credit card or a pay phone.
Good enough?

I have to tell you, this may not be
the best time to come in.

I don't think we have a choice.

She's not saying anything but I think
her headaches are getting worse.

She's deteriorating.

I thought you said
she was getting smarter.

She is. And it's taking its toll.

I'll wait for your signal. Good luck.

- Who was that?
- Boyd. He's ready when we are.

Come on. Hey. What's wrong with you?

Sheriff, we got a situation.

She collapsed on her way
to the cafeteria for lunch.

Dilated pupils, disorientation
and signs of seizure.

- It's an epidural hematoma.
- Skip the doctor talk.

Head trauma. Wonder how that happened.

Slowed pulse, low blood pressure
and cognitive response is...

The zippered compartment.

- I need the syringe labeled mannitol.
- Come on.

- What is it?
- Osmotic diuretic.

I need to reduce her ICP.

You have to call a doctor.
I can't stabilize her myself.

What are our chances
if we don't?

What's happening?

You gotta do something.
Why aren't you helping her?

Do me a favor
and stop asking stupid questions.

She's in cardiac arrest. Call a doctor now!

Never mind.

Time of death, 12:36 p.m.

Time of death? No, no, no, no.
There's no time of death. Do something.

She's gone.

Where is her medical file?

What? You're worried I filed a report
on her abuse?

Oh, you know how it works in here.
You have to maintain total authority,

and sometimes the boys get carried away.
Now give me her file.

If I help this go away,
you have to do something for me.

- What?
- Promise it won't happen again.

And if you don't want the Feds
crawling all over you,

then I'm the one
who makes the body disappear.

But she's a nurse!

Do you know
how many undocumented patients

come into the hospital where I work?

Sometimes they die. And when they do,
we never find out who they were.

In Spanish, we call them
fulano, mengano, zutano.

I'll write up an emergency room
admission slip time stamped this morning,

stash her in a holding room
and say she d*ed during a shift change.

It's better than dumping her body
in a ditch.

If we're gonna do this,
I need to do it while the body's still warm.

Okay. Get her out of here.

Let's go.

You know, my shift change is coming up.

We're gonna have to hurry
if we want this to work.

We got a medical emergency,

so we're gonna have to skip
the usual sign out.

Oh, my God! She's a zombie!

What the hell you up to?

If they were allowed to speak.

Got that right.

- You asked to see me?
- Adelle.

- Mr. Ambrose.
- Hello, Adelle.

This is Talik Raj Amin.

- As-salaamu aleikum.
- Wa aleikum as-salaam.

He'll be managing
our new house in Dubai,

unveiling next month.

I wanted to introduce you,

since you'll be communicating a lot
over the next few weeks.

We plan on transferring a few Actives

from this house to his care
for the grand opening.

If it goes as well as we project,
we'll have to send them all.

Could you please compile
a list of recommendations?

Mr. Langton will fill you in on the details.
Feel free to use my elevator.

I want to make sure
you get the cream of the crop.

You need to take this house back.

And how am I supposed to do that?

The Adelle I knew
would never ask me that question.


Now you're gonna stay in here
until I figure out exactly who you are.

And if I don't like what I learn,
you may end up like one of them...

What'd you call her? Fulano, mengano?

I mean business.

I can get us out of here. No problem.

...out of here. No problem.

This isn't good.

We use the chair for intake and out goers.

The process only takes minutes,
thanks to me.

But wouldn't it be more efficient
if we didn't have to use the chair for both?

Yes, is the answer.

This will eliminate that problem.

As well as the problem of Handlers
having to wrangle in an Active

with an obnoxious personality.

A remote wipe.

You're out in the world.
The deed is done, client is happy.

You only have to be within
50 yards of an Active.

How are you gonna straight up
just lie to my face, white boy?

You told me you were taking me
on a treatment.

I ain't got time for no nerd convention.

Did I fall asleep?

A perfect doll state.
No call and response needed.

Just an easily herdable Active
ready to head home.

Well done.

I'll give you
the specs for the other houses,

but I'll have 10 units working
within the week.

Fantastic. I knew I was right
to put my money on you.

- Are they grouping?
- What? Oh... They technically...

They're grouping, aren't they?

- I'm sorry to say, yeah.
- Oh, it's okay. It happens all the time.

It does?

Yes. It's very common
and easily dealt with.

It is? Of course it is. Yeah...

Split them up. Place them
in separate houses. They'll be fine.

The girl would be perfect for Dubai.

Help us!

I don't know what you're saying.

It's okay.


We will be okay.

It's okay.

Hush, little baby, don't...

Now I understand everything.

Goodness gracious.
Friends help each other out.

- Blue skies.
- Huh?

- I need a tension wrench.
- I don't understand.

Something metal. Small, flat, flexible.

Yeah, underwire.

Right outside that door
is a hallway with a T-junction.

We're going left.
There's a guard station to the right.

They'll follow us.

None of the guards inside are armed

except for pepper spray, batons
and three cell mags,

which means we don't get close enough
to let them use any of those.

Do you understand?

You're not a nurse, are you?

Right now, no.

Come on.

- Hey!
- Stop right there.

It's over. I'm in.

Come on.

Hang on, darling.

Simple closed circuit.

Conductor 17 to capacitor eight.

- You're not going anywhere, little lady.
- Stay in the corner.

All available personnel to the south exit.

To the south exit.

- Are you okay?
- I don't think I can keep this up.


You know how?

I do now.

Sterns, in the car.

Are you insane?

FBI. I'm working with
Department of Corrections

investigating allegations
of prison inmate abuse.

I have a few questions I need to ask you.

What the hell are you...

Where is her medical file?

You're worried I filed a report
on her abuse?

Oh, you know how it works in here.
You have to maintain total authority,

and sometimes the boys get carried away.

You go after either of those women,

this tape lands on the desk
of every prison official in the state.

Why are you wasting your time
on some border-hopping nobody?

I'm not. I'm wasting my time on you.
Don't make me waste any more.

I've been hearing about
your new device all day.

I don't need to see it.
I'm sure it's very impressive.

But with the resources
at your disposal now,

I'm surprised it took you this long.

It didn't. I finished it two months ago.

I spent the rest of the time trying to
come up with another way to do it,

a stupider way.

A parlor trick that wouldn't lead
to anything else, anything bad.

What else, Topher? What bad?

Harding's got me working
on a portable remote wipe, right?

I saw Bennett working on
a somatosensory system override.

- And there are, what, 22 houses, right?
- Twenty-three now.

Each working on their own small,
specific, relatively harmless technology.

So I got to thinking...

It's a component.
It's a piece of a larger whole.

- And the next question is...
- Whole what?

I think they're trying to build
a portable device

that will be able to imprint anyone

without any Active architecture implants,

any innocent on the street
with a new personality.

- That's unnerving.
- No.

What's unnerving is

I figured out how to do it.

This is something
that Harding must never know.

Taxi's here.

No. It's Lisa now.

Take care, Lisa.

You are

the strangest woman I have ever met.

Thank you.

One down.

This was just a test run.

Things are gonna be a lot harder
when we go back to the Dollhouse.

- I can handle it.
- We should get ready to move out, then.

I just want to make sure our operation
is cleaned up now that we're finished.

- Are we?
- Echo...

Just once.
Just here while it's still just the two of us.

Is there?

Really? Just the two of us?

I guess not.

Hello, Echo. Are you ready to come home?

I try to be my best.

Oh, no. No, no. No.

Oh, no.

This is everything?

A good deal more than
you asked for, as I understand it.

Yes. I have to say I'm surprised.

Topher Brink is a genius,
but I didn't realize he was actually smart.

This... This has the potential
to change everything.

- I suspected as much.
- You did the right thing, Adelle.

I imagine you only did it in the hopes
that I would give you your house back,

but I don't much mind.

I did it because I understand
how it works now,

- how much Rossum has at stake.
- And you're on board?

I accept the situation.

I did believe that the power we have
could be used to help people. But...

It can. And it is, Adelle.

But in the end, power is always used
to get more power.

And if Rossum has this much,

I have little interest
in being on the other team.

I have to ask. Did you ever consider
just imprinting a doll to k*ll me?

I'd like to think I'd have had
the courage to do it myself.

Ever the idealist.

Well, this is a great occasion.

Shall we celebrate?

There's no smoking in my office.

- Are you out of your British mind?
- I acted in the best interest of the house.

You gave Rossum the deadliest tech
I've ever heard of!

Which you designed.

I was trying to figure out
what they were up to!

You were fascinated. You were playing.

Don't put this on me! I trusted you!

Well, who thought
that was a clever scheme?

You are the coldest bitch on this planet.

That is the last time you will ever
speak to me like that,

or at all, unless you're spoken to.

You're off R&D and back on programming.

You will imprint these dolls
with dedication and precision,

and you will follow
every single one of my commands

as if they were
your heart's most deep desire.

And what happens if I don't?

I would hope,
as someone who does care for you,

that you will never find that out.

I rule the house.
I won't let anyone challenge that.

Not ever again.

Ballard's been looking for her
the entire time.

Oh, really? And brought her in
the very moment he found her. Right?

I nursed her back to health for a week.
She was living like an animal.

Then someone needs a treatment,
doesn't she?

- Yes. I enjoy my treatments.
- She's having headaches.

They're becoming unbearable
from what I can tell.

I'll see what I can do.

Or we'll see
just how much more she can bear.

- What?
- No treatments just yet.

Boyd, I want you to place her in isolation.

What? No. No, you can't. She's in pain.

She looks fine to me. Besides,
she's lasted through these last months.

A few more days won't hurt.

Come on.

We all know Echo's special.

Let's see what she's capable of.

It's good to have you back, love.