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04x93 - Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan, Pulverizes the Cell Juniors" / "Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan T

Posted: 02/28/23 15:32
by bunniefuu

I-Is that...?

G-Gohan's Ki is rising!


Good, Gohan.

Is that all?

You've made the same
mistake that Trunks made.

You cannot beat me simply
by raising your power.



I told you to stop!

Th-That's it. That will do nicely.

H-He's changed.

Those guys are all monsters!


Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Unhesitating Fighting Spirit!
Gohan Pulverizes the Cell Juniors."

I'm not putting up with
any more from you guys.

You're finally showing me
your true power, are you?

Now things are going to get interesting.


Y-You took the senzu?

Why, you...!

W-With one blow, he finished
one of these little runts

who gave us so much trouble?

I-Incredible. That was incredible, Gohan-san!

I-I knew it...



H-He's fast!

What speed! He's as fast as Cell--
no, maybe even faster.

G-Gohan, never mind about me.
B-Blow these guys away!

Get him, Gohan!

U-Unbelievable. How is this possible?

So, that's the power of his anger, is it?

Hmph, fine. Let's get a good long look at it.

H-He sent those Cell Juniors
flying with just a battle cry!

W-What's more, after fighting that hard,
he isn't the least bit winded.

Are you all right, Goku?


What do you think, Piccolo?
It's just like I told you, huh?


H-He can win... He just might be able to win!

People of the world, listen and be amazed!

The boy is fighting valiantly
against the miniature Cells!

Follow him closely. Don't miss a second!

I can't. It's broken.

What?! This is the scoop of the century!

You're a pro; fix it somehow!

I'm not the big star. This is absurd.

The program I set to record
is going to be wasted.

Is this the kind of thing I
want out there in the world?

No, it's not!

W-What? What's goin' on?

Ch-Chichi, you're awake?

Pa, where's Gohan?
What's become of my Gohan-chan?

Just as he was doin' a fine job
of fightin', the picture cut out.

A fine job, my foot! You've gotta be kiddin'!

I'm goin' to give Goku a real earful!

Just hush, Chichi!

Gohan is not a child.
Right now, he's a great warrior,

even better than Goku,
and he's defendin' the Earth!

Your husband and son are fightin' for everyone,

and for the sake of peace in this world!

Why can't you understand that?!

To tell you the truth, I wanna fight, too,

but right now, Gohan is the
only one who can defeat Cell!

Okay? Try to understand. Just be still,
and pray for Gohan's safety.

Is that all, then?

Is that all you've got to say?


Pa, you're so naive!

Savin' the Earth don't mean
he's gettin' into a good school!

It's not goin' to make him a great scholar!

He can beat Cell, but he'll lose
out there in a competitive world!

H-Hold on, Chichi! Just calm down!

You be quiet!

What's so great about keepin' hold of Gohan

now that he's gone delinquent?!
Goku-sa, you dummy!

Give me back my Gohan-chan!

I told you, I wasn't going to
take it any more from you guys!

Don't get too carried away!

There's no more hesitation,
nor any tentativeness anymore.

He is the ultimate warrior,
whose feelings are governed by anger.

Serves you right, Cell.
You've really blown it now.

Get these to everyone.


K-Kuririn-san... Kuririn-san!

Thank goodness; he's still breathing.


H-How's Gohan?

He's amazing. I've never
seen Gohan-san like this.

Is that Gohan?

I-Incredible. What on earth happened to him?

Could that be what Goku was talking about?

I-It looks that way.

Okay, everyone, please hurry
and vacate the area.

I will go deliver senzu beans
to Goku-san and Piccolo-san.


Come on.

Too slow!

M-Mess with me, will you?!

C-Cell's att*cks aren't landing.

Hmph, so that's it, huh?

Goku, I now understand the
reason why you fought him first.

You wanted to show Gohan
how Cell fights. Am I wrong?

Is that true?

It's Cell!

P-People of the world,
my camera may be broken,

but is my voice making it
through to you, at least?

Right now, Cell and the boy bento vendor

are locked in a life-or-death
battle right before my eyes!

S-Such a pro.

Yes! However, I will not move!

What courage I have as an announcer!

U-Um, your mic...

H-Huh? How did...?

Just what is going on?

Isn't it obvious?

Is there anyone except for
Satan who can defeat Cell?

Which would mean that since Satan lost...

Is this the end of the world?

This is the end. It has to be.

O-Oh, no!

Hey, Piroshiki! What are you doing?!

If you stay there, you'll be
caught in the crossfire!

I-I'm too scared to move!

Is he still down there? That fool!

Doesn't he know that unless
he's a fighting pro like me,

he can't stay in a place like this?

Take this!

W-When did he manage to...


This power exceeds even Cell's imagination.

Gohan's fists of fury now turn toward Cell.

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

Heya! I'm Goku!

Cell, you'd better be prepared if
you're gonna get someone angry.

Nonsense! The gap between us
won't change, even if he is angry.

I don't mean that. Anger turns you
into a different person, almost.

You underestimated the situation.

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Perfect Form Collapses!
Super Fists of Fury Erupt."

I'm going to make you suffer
as much as No. did!