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04x05 - Head Band/Stuffed Animal House/Used Ink

Posted: 02/26/23 13:11
by bunniefuu
Dexter: Ah, Sunday afternoon
at my house

finds my family members
occupying themselves

with their
favorite hobbies.

Dad is in the living room
reading the paper.

Mom is in the kitchen
making treats for us.

Dee Dee is blathering
to her friends

about some silly
boy band she likes.

And I, Dexter,
am deep within my laboratory

where it is
nice and quiet...

So quiet you can hear
a germ sing.

♪ Come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

What the...

♪ Come on, baby,
can't you see? ♪

♪ It's got be
you and me ♪

What is going on?

♪ Forever

Dee Dee, you just
ruined my experiment!

Stop your noisemaking
and leave at once.

♪ But I can't stop
how I feel ♪

♪ can't you know
my love's for real? ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

♪ cookies, cookies,
yum, yum, yum ♪

[Chewing rhythmically]

Boy: , , !

♪ Come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

♪ it's got to be
you and me ♪


♪ Forever

[cough cough]

♪ Mr. Fuzzums, I think
something's wrong ♪

♪ I can't stop myself
from singing this song ♪

♪ I hope this
doesn't last too long ♪

♪ Dexter!

♪ Dexter, help me,
there's something weird ♪

♪ I've got this boy band song
stuck in my ear ♪

♪ I cannot get it out
I fear ♪

What the heck?

Be quiet for a second,
Dee Dee, and hold still.

Well, would you
look at that?

♪ Ah
♪ ah

♪ ah
♪ ah

♪ ah

well, Dee Dee,
it would seem

you've been infected
with the boy band virus.


Now, if you
can just be quiet

and hold still
for a few hours,

I can study the virus
and hopefully find the cure.


Hold still! Be quiet!

Ok, what have
we got here?

, , .

♪ Come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

♪ come on, baby,
can't you see? ♪

♪ La la la la la la
la la ♪

Oh, wait, Dee Dee,
please do not go.

Please come back
so I can drop everything

and cure your stupid virus.


All righty, then.

Dee Dee! Dee Dee,
come on, now.

I need to cure you
before you get worse.

Dee Dee! Dee Dee!

Dee Dee?

♪ La la la la la la
la la ♪


♪ Come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

♪ uh, come on, baby,
can't you see? ♪

♪ It's got to be
you and me ♪

♪ forever


It's ok, mom.

You've been infected
with the boy band virus,

thanks to Dee Dee.

♪ They won't stop
no matter what I do ♪

♪ that's exactly
how I feel, too ♪

♪ no matter
how hard I try ♪

♪ I can't stop

♪ look, I know that
it's a catchy tune ♪

♪ but I'll cure this
virus pretty soon ♪

♪ oh, no, I think
I've got it, too ♪

♪ yes, you do


♪ Got to fix this
and fix it good ♪

♪ before it spreads out
to the neighborhood ♪

♪ just one turn of the wrench,
that should... ♪

♪ Ah, I've done it

♪ hey, Dexter,
whatcha doing there? ♪

♪ Hey, Dee Dee,
you get out of here ♪

♪ wait, actually,
come try this on ♪

♪ it's a head band

♪ so, what's this
gonna do to me? ♪

♪ It'll reset
all your memory ♪

♪ it's like
a little frontal ♪

♪ lobotomy

♪ come on, baby,
it's you and me ♪

♪ come on, baby,
can't you see? ♪

♪ It's got to be
you and me ♪

Come on,
push the button!

Do it, do it, do it!

Hey, wait a second.
You're not singing now.

And neither am I.

Hmm. Come on, now.
Let's go have a look.

Well, look at that.

They're disbanding.

Seems like this one's
trying to go off on his own.

Oh, that never works.

But it does appear to be
the natural progression.

Yes. I think now
they're too weak

to infect us
with their stupid song.

Yay! We're cured!


We will have
to wait and see.




No longer will we be infected
by that boy band virus.

The world is safe. Ahh.

♪ La la la la la la
la la ♪


♪ La la la la la la
hmm hmm ♪


♪ Forever

What is that?

May I ask,
what are you doing?

Me and my friends
are having--

you and your pathetic pals
are leaving my lab posthaste!


Don't mind if I do.

I told you to
get out of my lab.

So get out!

I do not know what it is
with you sometimes, sister.

I'm going.
I'm going.

I am trying to do the most
important experiments
to benefit mankind.

Then there's you.

Psh! A tea party,
no less.


Sister, you forgot
one of your stupid
stuffed mammal dolls.

Yeesh. What an ugly--

[gasp] What?

He's breathing?
He's alive!

What has Dee Dee done?


My untested life potion!

What have you done?

[Elephant trumpeting]

Whee! Ha ha! Whee!

You are an idiot!

Don't you know
what this means?

Boy, this book of
old wives' tales sure is handy.

Who knew if you
dropped silverware,

you're going
to get company?

Or if your nose itches,
you're going to get a kiss?

Wow! Here's one.

If you see living
stuffed animals,

your youngest son has
a secret laboratory in his room.

No son of mine
will keep secrets

from his own father
in this house.

I am shutting down
Dexter's lab for good!

They cannot see
those animals.

Dad will shut down
my lab.

Dee Dee,
you need to help me.

Or you will live
with this guilt

for the rest
of your life.

Let's go.

Ah, just waxing
the turtle--

I mean table--
there for you, dad.


Sometimes I don't know
about that boy.

Dee Dee, what have
I told you about
brushing your hair?


Oh, see, Dee Dee?
Now you look lovely.

Thanks for
the lesson, mom.

Merry Christmas.

Da da!

Hello there,

Da da!

Yes, Dexter,
I am your father.

Da da!

Yes, we know that now,
little Dexter,

but what do we
call your mother?

Da da!

And we thought
he was the smart one.

Why, thank you.

Gee, kangaroos sure
are useful in the kitchen.


What you got there,


What is that?

What? This?

Yes, that.

We don't allow live
rabbits in the house.

Oh, ha ha ha.

This is a puppet.

Hello. I am
Mr. Bun buns.

I'm here to put on
a special show
for papa.

♪ Special show,
special show ♪

♪ so special,
special, special,
special show ♪

Hey, that is a special show
from a special child.

Um...have fun
with Mr. Bun buns.

Come along,
Mr. Bun buns.


Ahh. Is this
all of them, Dee Dee?

Oh, no!
Where's Mr. Beaver?

[Dad humming]



There's Mr. Beaver.

Well, that's
all of them.

And mom and dad
are none the wiser.

Time to reverse
this problem.

Reverse it?!

You can't reverse
it now, Dexter.

Dee Dee, you cannot
run around Willy nilly

just bringing things
to life.

There is a set order
to the universe.

There is the living,

and there is
the not living.

If I let you bring your
stuffed animals to life,

what's to stop you
from bringing furniture

or, like, small
appliances to life
as well?

I mean, do you
understand what I
am telling you, Dee Dee?

Dee Dee?

♪ La la la
Lee la Lee la Lee ♪

Yeesh! Why do
I even bother?

Yes, yes, yes.

No. No.
Yes, that's it.

Solve it. Yes!

Ah, my greatest
geometry problem,

it is almost complete!

Mom: Dexter!

Time to vacuum
the living room!


Dad: Dexter! That lawn
isn't gonna mow itself!



Dee Dee: Dexter!

Clean the toilet!


That is it!

Yes. After the moon
coming up twice

and the sun
coming up times,

I have done it,

the invention to solve
all my problems:

The hypnosis pen.

Anything I write will make
anyone do my bidding.

Ha ha ha ha!

And I will finally have
uninterrupted inventing time.

Must take out trash.

Must take out trash.

Must clean bathroom.
Must clean bathroom.

Must clean bathroom.

Must paint house.

There. That should keep
them all busy

while I get back
to my experiments.

All thanks to this pen.

Yes, this pen that can alter
anyone's brain

simply by writing
what you want down.

Aha! At last,
my probe drone has returned.

What secret Dexter
information do you have?

Wow! Brain altering pen.

It shall be mine.

Yes! Perfect!

Yes! Yes! drop. Yes.

My experiments
are now complete

thanks to
my hypnosis pen,

which I have placed
behind me

and am sure
is perfectly safe.

Mandark: Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Everything is perfectly--





Destroy laboratory.

Destroy laboratory.

Must destroy.


Yes! Destruction.

Mandark: Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Must annihilate lab.

Destroy lab.

Laboratory destroyed.

Hi, mandark.

Dee Dee.

Ooh, pretty pen.

♪ La la la la la la

have me do your chores,
will you?

Wait, Dee Dee, i--

Dexter and mandark:
Must get butterflies.

Must get candy.

Pretty flowers.


Nice ribbons.

♪ Tra la la
la la la la
la la la yay ♪

Now, how about
a tea party?

Both: No!


Freshen your cup,

That would be

I concur.


We have
to stop her.

But how?

Dee Dee?

Yes, Dexter?

Can we please stop
this childish game?


Look, Dee Dee,
I am sorry I tried

to trick everyone
into doing chores.

If you give me back
the pen,

I promise
to destroy it

and never use it
for evil again.

Well, if you put it
that way, I guess I can.

Got it!

Good job,

Ha ha! Now I control
the universe. Ha ha!

This ends here,

Yeah! Give it back!

You hush now,
push-up boy.

Push-up boy?

Leave him alone.

After a kiss.

A what?!

... ... ... ...

If you think--

Ahh. True love.


... ...


At last,
it is mine again!

Oh, no,
you don't.

Got it.

Gimme it!
I desire one more kiss.

No, monkey, no!

Must get bananas.

Get sugar cane...

[Monkey chittering]


Enter at your own peril,

past the vaulted door where
impossible things may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy
you've ever seen ♪

♪ but Dee Dee blows

his experiments ♪

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is gloom and doom
while things go boom ♪

♪ in Dexter's lab