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02x24 - Discovering The Truth" / "Baby Strikes Back!! Target: The Saiyan!!

Posted: 02/26/23 12:50
by bunniefuu
Little by little, I'm being charmed

By your dazzling, smiling face

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

When I first came across you

I recalled a place that,
when I was a child, I held dear

Won't you dance with me

on the Winding Road of light and shadow?

Even now, are you lost in thought over him?

There are times when I get so that I
want to look back just a little bit

but holding on to love and
courage and pride, I fight on!

Little by little, I'm being charmed

This planet's last remnant of hope

Surely anyone would want
to take eternity in hand

Even though I act like I don't care at all

Look at me, I'm in love with you!

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

Baby was still alive!

Not knowing this,
Goku and the others once again set

off on their journey to
collect the Dragon Balls.

Dragon Ball signal coming from ahead.

They then came across a young boy...

One minute!
One minute to gravitational field!

There ain't any time! Trunks, carry him.

We're getting out of here!


Thanks to Goku's quick thinking,

he and the others were able
to escape from their pinch,

and deliver the injured young
boy to the medical planet Pital.


Baby Counterattacks!!
Sought-After Saiyans!!

Hey, where is the boy that was in there?

With all this smoke and fire,
we can't tell a thing about what's inside!

It's all right! They're both still alive!

Oh, when did you manage that?!

Are you all right?

Thank goodness!

That's Grandpa for you!

For someone who says they
hate hospitals as much as you

do, you sure make it count
when you want to, Grandpa.

He really does hate it here, after all.

I accidentally worked up
more power than I meant to.

I'll have to be more careful...

Come on, Grandpa!

Come on down already, I'm telling you!

I hate hospitals!!

I told you, we're only going there to eat!

You're hungry, aren't you?!

There ain't any reason for us to have to
eat at a hospital cafeteria, is there?


The hospital is the only place on
this planet that has a cafeteria!

There's absolutely no way I'm going!

If I go back to the hospital,
I'll get stuck by a needle, after all!

There's no reason for you to be stuck,
is there?!

No way!

No way! No way! No way! Geez...

He's really hopeless.

Hurry up and get in!


It looks like they are completely unaware.

Sure enough, it appears that
taking over this boy's body

and getting close to them
was the right thing to do.

Just you wait, you Saiyans.

I will take your Saiya power from you,
no matter what!

But with the power I have
now, it would be

inauspicious to take on
all three at the same time.

I think I will wait
until they're all alone.

Come on! Hold it!


Here, here!
That's a good girl, come here...

How cute!

Ah! You perv! She really is cute, huh?

Is it okay for you to be
walking around out here?

I don't like needles,
so I snuck out of there.

Just like a certain someone else I know...

Um, where are Goku-san and the others?

Right now,
they're looking for something to eat.

Wah! Now, look here, you!

Which means, you're all alone, huh?

You can't go around picking on others,
you know.

I will take your Saiya power from you!

Hey! Pan!

Grandpa! Trunks!

Oh, so this is where you are, huh?
We've been looking for you!

And I was so close!


You can't just sneak out of the
hospital on your own, you know.

The doctors will be looking for you!

You're a fine one to talk, Grandpa!

Hey! So this is where you are, huh?
I've been looking for you!

Now, let's go back to your hospital room.

Oh, but I'm all right now.

What are you talking about?

You can't very well be all right already,
can you?

We haven't even examined you enough yet.

Come on, let's go.

Now listen, you're still young,
so it's okay.

However, unless you
behave yourself a little

bit, you won't get better.

Uh, you there...

Could you take this patient
back to his room for me?

Yes, certainly.

Sure is nice weather, huh?

We've got four Dragon Balls, and all...

Let's go on and bam-bam-bam,
quickly find the remaining three like this!


I wonder how everyone on Earth is doing.

Well, well. Are we homesick now, Pan-chan?

No, I'm not.

Ahh, I've had it!

What's the matter, Grandpa?

You've been acting strange for a while now.

It's just...
I was thinking, that cloud there...

it looks like a cream
puff, so yummy...

Please, don't lose heart, Goku-san!

I'm so hungry, so hungry,
I ain't even able to get up.

But you did gather some food, didn't you?

Well, about that...

We caught a whole mountain of fish,
like this, see?

But as it happens,
they're all unbelievably bad-tasting.

They were so yucky,
I thought I was going to die!

What, really?

Say, let's still go to the
cafeteria at the hospital.

I'm getting hungry too.

No way! I'll get stuck with a needle!

That won't happen to you.

Please, don't worry,
make use of the hospital's cafeteria.


So when I'm eating,
nobody's going to come up

behind me and stick me with a
needle, right?

What sort of world would
have doctors like that?

Come, stop saying such
foolish things and let's go.

... ... ... ...

Ah! I've eaten, I've eaten! Now then...

Pops, another serving!


M-Maybe we should have
stuck him from behind...

It's here, it's here!

By the way... Trunks-san, wasn't it?


On the way over here,
you seemed to show a

great deal of interest
in the facilities here.

Yes! The scientific technology
on this planet is outstanding!

I've never seen such medical
facilities in any hospital on Earth.

In that case, allow me to give you
a special tour of the hospital.

Wow, really?

Wow! Incredible!

I press this key, and... whoa!

So what about this key? I get it, I get it!

So then, when I turn this dial...

I-Incredible! Incredible! Wow!

Yeah, this performs incredibly!

On Earth we don't have anything like...

W-What are you doing?!

Give me your Saiya power!

Y-You're Baby! Then you survived?!

It's fortunate for me that you guys
didn't completely destroy all of my cells.

Afterward, I took over Doctor
Myuu, then took

over Rilldo,
and then to catch up with you,

I took over whatever people I needed to,
developing once again.

Then, on that spaceship...
what happened to the passengers?

They all became my energy.

Right now, they must be drifting
along in the graveyard of outer space.

H-How could you do that?!

Now then,
how about I take your Saiya power?

That's what the story is, Goku-san!

I see!


You're something else to be able to take my
Kamehame-Ha and still be alive and kicking!

How?! How did you know?!

We didn't know at first.

When we rescued that
boy from the spaceship,

you had your ki
suppressed, right?

However, when you go to att*ck us,
you release a tremendous ki!

I never ever forget the ki of
someone who I've fought before!

However, when you've taken over someone,
we can't act against you.

That's why I showed you
an opening on purpose,

seeking for the moment when you
would reveal your true self!

Just like you said we should
have, this time we're

going to wipe you out,
right down to your cells!

Wait, wait!

Say, before we wipe you out,
tell us one thing.

What was the story with that Dragon Ball
you used to set a trap for us?

That was the first one
that Doctor Myuu had, which

let him know of the
existence of Dragon Balls.

not even you guys realized that it

was stored inside Myuu's body as
data, did you?

So that's it!

Are there any others?

No. I just had to take them from you
once you had gathered them, after all.

Whoa, you're not getting away!

We aren't going to excuse you now,
even if you do apologize!

We won't let you do any evil ever again!


Oh no!

It can't be!

This body is outstanding!

The Saiya power is quickly
spreading all over!

T-That was dirty of you!


Now you've done it!

Get out of Trunks' body right now, you!

Grandpa! You can't do that!


If you do anything like that,
Trunks will die!

I'll hold back enough so that he won't die!

That's crazy!

How about it?
Not even you can dodge me at this range!


W-What was that?

Tough luck, Baby!

W-What's going on?

How can you speak?

Does this mean I still haven't
completely absorbed you, Saiyan?

What's this, what's this?

Both of them are talking at the same time!

You think I'm going to let
you do what you want with me?!

I am...

I am...

What is this?
What sort of bottomless power do you have?!

I-Is this the power of a Saiyan?!

I am Trunks!!

I can't control it all!

To think that Saiya power
would be this great!

Does this mean that my power is still
not enough to take over a Saiyan?!

Are you still alive?!

It's too bright!

Baby is escaping! Escaping!

Hold it! You're not getting away!

Passengers on Flight M- bound for Planet
Alta, we will be departing shortly...

Please report to the gate.

Once again, Flight M- to Planet Alta
will be departing shortly.

Those who have their boarding pass,
please report to the gate.

Damn... His ki has disappeared...


If he continues to grow like this...

It's all right.

With the three of us together,
there absolutely ain't no way we can lose!

Good day.

To think that Baby can make
himself a parasite on others...

Ew, yuck, yuck! I wonder who in the
world he'll turn into next time!

Gill, suppose it turns out to be you!

All the same, I wonder why he used
the Dragon Ball as bait to lure us in.

It could have been to take our Dragon Balls
away from us, couldn't it?

He's got a sneaky character.

Still, he was awfully
particular about Saiyans, huh?

He was saying something or
other about Saiya power.

What do you think. Grandpa?


I'm starting to get hungry again.

G-Grandpa, can't you think of
anything else besides eating?


I really am hungry!

The terrifying Neo Machine Mutant lives
off of one person's body after another!

What in the world could
his true purpose be?

I may have lost today... However...

Just watch me keep growing until
I have defeated you in my own way!

The next time we meet,
consider it the end for you!

Thinking selfishly about
myself can backfire on me

It happens a lot, but I want to live
more for tomorrow than for today

While out among others,
what was it I was searching for?

Not understanding what were
just each other's words

I was hurt, and brought to tears

And the harder I struggled,
the more I wandered around in loneliness

You are not alone

You are changed by your dreams

Flap your wings through the
headwinds and smile for me

Let us become one

The two of us, having come this far

Is a testament to my courage

In this ever-changing world of ours

Heya! I'm Goku!

Hey, hey, Goten! Don't just date
all the time, train a little bit!

I've found you, Saiyan-I mean, Son Goten.

I will have your Saiya power,
no matter what it takes.

Next time, on Dragon Ball GT:

"This is Terrible!! Baby Appears on Earth"

Baby! Help yourself to whatever you
want while we're not around, will you?!

Next Time
This is Terrible!! Baby Appears on Earth