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03x09 - Comic Relief/A Third Dad Cartoon/Robo-Dexo 3000

Posted: 02/26/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
Dexter: Boom!

Hurry up, you fools,

before it is too late!

Unhand that loot, claw,

or the justice friends
will be forced

to deal you a bad hand!

Right on, major glory!

Dude, val hallen doth agree!











Boy, oh boy!

What an amazing
adventure that was!

I can not wait
for the next great

justice friends
comic book to come out.

I am sure the next issue

will have an even more
powerful super-villain

trying to destroy
the justice friends.

Halt, for the justice friends
are here!


Judo chop!

And then the whoosh!

I do not think I can
wait a whole month

for the next issue
to come out.

Wait. I do not
have to wait.

I am Dexter!

I will make my own
comic book adventure.

This stinks!

I cannot draw!


I do not have to draw!

Let the science begin!




At last, the curvitron
is completed!

Now, what adventure
do I want to read first?

Wait a second.

What adventure
could be better

to read about
than my own!

Comic book history,
here I come!


Narrator: In a world
where heroes have disappeared

and evil has run amok,
one man has stepped forth

to defend the innocent.

When an emergency calls,

this hero mysteriously appears
from his secret laboratory.

He is known only as...

Wow, my very own narrator!

Wow, word balloons!

And look at all my muscles!


Super strength!

I can fly!

Laser vision!

Narrator: But,
unbeknownst to Dexter,

a strange figure
lurks about the lab.

My super sense?

Hello, Dexter.

I am deestructa!

Einstein's ghost!

Wow, this is so cool!

I can not believe
I get to fight

my very own

And she is pure evil.

I can feel it!


Do not push
that button!

Halt this senseless
destruction, deestructa!

Or feel the wrath of Dexter,

super being of science!

You'll have to
catch me first.

Her speed and agility
are great, but...

I can fly!


Not quite!

Her power is too great!

My laboratory does
not have much time!

It would take times
my own power to stop her.


That's it!

Using his super science,

Dexter initializes
his multi-maker.

Dexters, att*ck!

Where did all
of you come from?

Clone: We are here
from the super
genius of Dexter

to stop your

We have got her!

You cannot escape us!

It is pointless
to resist!

You have been
defeated by Dexter!

Deestructa: Never!


Narrator: Dulled with
radioactive gamma rays,

Dexter, super being of science,
transforms into...

Dexter, the infragable bulk!


Ha, deestructa!

Now you have
no place to hide!

Precisely my plan,
you bulking buffoon!

My laboratory!

My poor


And now, to unveil
who is was

that destroyed
you and your lab.

I will reveal
my true identity.

Galloping grasshoppers!

It cannot be!

Dexter: Dee Dee!




Ah, well.

I guess we'll have
to try again next week.

Dexter: You lousy tin can!

Boy, talk about obsolete!

Hunk of junk!

Worthless, worthless!



That's it!

I've had it!

It is time to move on...

To the future.

I will build the most advanced,

most powerful,

most intelligent robot ever.

Well, at least you
are still good for something.

Come on,

last nut.

At last.

My most ultimate creation!

The most powerful,

most intelligent robot ever!

Robot: Robo dexo .

That's right!

Full power, on!

Robo dexo , go!

Commence the exercise.


Super samurai action!

But this action
is so much cooler

than my old, stupid
robo dexo .



Fix-fix! Fix-fix! Fix-fix!

Fix, fix, fix, fix,
fix, fix, fix, fix,

fix, fix, fix, fix, fix.

Fix, fix, fix, fix?

Fix, fix, fix, fix.

Fix, fix!

Fix-fix-fix! Fix-fix-fix!
Fix-fix-fix! Fix-fix-fix!

You rule!


I rule!

You are quite simply
the most powerful,

the most intelligent
robot ever created.

I am the most powerful robot.

I am the most
intelligent robot.

I am the most powerful robot.

Computer, what is happening?


Dexter, there
is an energy thief

attacking the world's
power sources.

To the robo dexo !

With this brain wave-ilator,

I can just mentally program
my clever plan into you.

Well, what do you think?

Pretty good, huh?



I do not agree.

Your plan will
not succeed.

Robo dexo
has a superior plan.

Well, that is what
manual override is for.


Jettisoning unnecessary
organic matter.

Hey! You cannot
evacuate me like that!

But I made you.


What was that?


All right,
what is going
on here?


Robo dexo ,

you are as good as new.

I am so sorry I built
that stupid robo dexo .

Please forgive me.

Let's go save the world!

There they are.


I am robo dexo ,

the most powerful robot
in the world.

I am the most intelligent--huh?

A nut? I thought we
tightened all then nuts.

Look out!

Aw, no more
samurai action for you.

Computer, where is
the thief headed now?

Computer: It is
going to the desert.

Robo dexo ,
I'm going to need

all the power you've got!

Stop right there,
energy thief!


Power draining.

Power at percent.





One percent
power remaining.

Dexter, the energy thief
is in position.


Robo dexo ,
come here!

Whoa, that worked out
just as I planned.

Robo dexo , you are
the greatest robot ever.

I love you so much!

Enter at your own peril,

past the vaulted door

where impossible things

may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest
boy you ever seen ♪

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments to smithereens ♪

♪ there is gloom and doom
while things go boom ♪

♪ in Dexter's lab