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03x08 - That Magic Moment/A Silent Cartoon/Opposites Attract

Posted: 02/26/23 07:53
by bunniefuu

[Birds tweeting]


What a fantastic morning!

All is well
in the scientific world!

[Bagpipes playing]

Great! A post card!

I wonder who it's from!

"Greetings, family.

"Just a note to let you know

"I'll be stopping by
for a short visit.

Best wishes--"


He's coming! He's coming!


♪ He's coming to visit!

♪ He's coming to visit!

♪ He's coming to visit!

♪ He's coming to visit!

Who? Who's coming?

Who's coming?!

What's all the fuss,
Dee Dee?

Look, mom!
He's coming!

Eh! He's coming
to visit!

Who? Who is coming?

Who's coming
to visit?

to visit.

Who is coming
to visit?!

Who is coming
to visit?

All but Dexter:
Magic uncle fergel O'Reilly!

You remember magic
uncle fergel O'Reilly,
don't you, son?

Mom, voice-over:
When you were just a baby,

you loved doing magic...

Even though you
weren't that good.

But one day, magic uncle fergel
O'Reilly came to visit,

and he brought you
a special gift...

Your first junior magic kit.

Oh, you were so excited.

He even showed you
how it worked.

Oh! You loved his tricks,

and in time, your love
for magic multiplied.

Dad, voice-over:
I'll say!

Mom: Why, you always looked
forward to magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly's visits.

Dexter, voice-over:
Until that fateful night

I noticed that magic
uncle fergel O'Reilly's
door was slightly ajar.

I peeked into his room,
and I witnessed the horror!

Magic uncle fergel O'Reilly
was a-stuffing his sleeves
with bunny rabbits!

I could not believe my eyes!

Magic was all fake!


That night, I realized
there was only one true force,

and that force was...




[Banging on door]

He's here!
He's here! He's--

not here.


Magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly!

Well, doesn't your
favorite magic uncle
get a kiss?

[Squeaking kisses]


And, for the sweetest
lass in all the land,

oh, look, dear!
Aren't they pretty?

And what are


like he has
four eyes!

Now, Dexter,
don't be rude.

Say hello to
your magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly.

Top of the morning
to you, Dexter,
me old pal!


What the--?

Ha! Slight of hand,
me dear boy!


You are a big fake!

Everything about
you is fake!

Even your hair is fake.

Ha! Not at all,
Mr. Smarty-pants.

My hair is as real
as magic itself.

Well, if you are
so ma-a-a-a-gic,

then why don't
you m-a-a-a-gic
yourself taller?

'Cause then me clothes
wouldn't fit.

[Rim sh*t]

He's so right!
It's funny!


Hey, magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly!

Could I be
your assistant?

And maybe--maybe
you could magicme
to disappear!

Ah, to be sure, lass!
To be sure!

Magic uncle fergel
O'Reilly will make

I will a-show you

I'm outta here!

burst of sunshine.

[Clang clang]

Stupid magic! Stupid Irish.
It's all fake.

Dexter! Dexter! Guess


I'm going to be magic
uncle fergel O'Reilly's
beautiful assistant.

Oh, Dee Dee!
Do not be so naive!

He's a fake!

And if youreally
want to disappear,

there is only
one way to do it.

Science is

will this hurt?

Heh heh heh.

Ha ha ha!

Ha! No bunny
rabbits, nothing
up my sleeves.

Thank you, science.
Thank you. Ha ha ha!

Mom, upstairs:
Dexter! Go get
your sister!

It's dinnertime!

All right, Dee Dee.
Time for you to be visible.

Blasted thing!

Something's wrong!

Mom: Dee Dee?

Oh, no! What'll I do?

Mmm! That was

Speaking of which,
Dee Dee, you haven't
touched your food.

Um, I must not
have been hungry.

I think I'll just
turn in early.
Good night!


Gravity...dee Dee...

[Chattering and moaning]


I got to get Dee Dee back!

Hey there,
little fella.

You're in an awful
hurry, aren't you?

Um, I was just on my way
to the bathroom when, uh--

Whoo! The bathroom!
The loo!

Or what is it that
you people call it?

The head?



[Birds tweeting]

[Sniff sniff]
Dee Dee.

Looks like you've
made Dee Dee
disappear, eh?

Ha! When I was
your age,

I wasalways

But how do I
get her back?

With magic, of course!


Dee Dee! You're
visible again!

Oh, my gosh,
you guys!

I was such in
a totally weird place!

Like, I don't know!
Weird and stuff.

And all this stuff
strange was going on,

and there was this
nothingness and stuff,

and it was so quiet
and so quiet,

and I didn't know
where I was,

and it was
so strange...

[Continues to babble
faster and faster]



That was close.

Yeah. Won't you
have nightmares

now that you made
Dee Dee disappear?

Nah! I'm magic.

Mom: Well, it's
been grand having
you here for a visit,

magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly.

Don't worry
about Dee Dee.

She'll show up soon.

But not till
I'm long gone!

Ha ha! Take care
of yourself, nephew.

I'll see you again.

Thanks, magic uncle
fergel O'Reilly.

It has been a--

O'Reilly: Slight
of hand, me lad!

Slight of hand!



[Pound pound pound]

[Clang crash clang clang]


Hey, Dexter!
What you doing?


Hmmm. I justlove
to watch you work.

Hey, hey, hey!
What is with
the touching?

Now b*at it!


Dee Dee!

[Wheels squeaking]


Move it!

Dexter: Dee Dee!

Dee Dee!

Why must you insist
on getting in the way
of me and science?

Hmmm...i don't know.

Computer! What
is the remedy
to this situation?!

Computer: It appears
that the magnetic Poles

between you and your sister
aligned positive to negative

creating a slight attraction.


By adjusting the levels

so that my body also has
a positive magnetic pole,

I will have created a magnetic
field to keep Dee Dee away
from me and my work.

Bring it on!

♪ Oh, Dee Dee!
Dexter needs a hug ♪




Well, then.
How about
a little kiss?



[Laughs and
makes kisses]


and laughs]

Ah! Back to work.

I'm hungry!

Hi, dad!
Hi, Dee Dee.


That was a close one.


Heh heh! Guess I accidentally
switched it to attract.

I'd better switch it back
to repel before Dee Dee
starts on the...Mooooove!

[Chewing loudly]

Hey, down there!


Needs ketchup!

That's a girl, Dee Dee.


Dee Dee!

Oh! That's it!
A little more...

Almost there...

Dee Dee: Gotcha!

I forgot the mustard!

The remote! Yes!

[Chewing loudly]


Boy, am I glad

to think that I,
Dexter, boy genius,

could have been so careless
as to make the mistake

of accidentally switching
the lever to attract
is most surprising,

considering the precautions
I usually take while

such highly advanced
experiments in the past.

I'm gonna get ya!

Stop, Dee Dee!







Attract, repel--
I'm shutting this baby down.

Computer: Your program does
not allow the magnetic field
to be terminated manually.

You must use the remote control.

The remote control?

But I don't even
know where it is!

Ok. Hand it over.

How do you do that?

Well, you see, Dee Dee,

once again, I have
exercised my genius
scientific abilities

by successfully
creating a magnetic field
to keepyoume.

But it seems that
I have made one
slight miscalculation.

And without
the added weight
of my chair,

you weigh more than
me, enabling you
to move me about,

at your own free
will, of course.


Now give me
that remote!

Ooo, ow, ooo, ow,
eee, ow, ooo, ow, ooo!

Dee Dee, stop it
this instant!

Dee Dee!

Dee Dee!
Stop it right now!

Dee Dee?


Dee Dee! Stop!

Dee Dee! Stop!

Aah, shut up.


Why, you! You are
in for it now!

[Both yelling at once]


Now, I want you
both to make up.



Dexter! I said
make upnow!

Oh! Oh!


Eh, sorry about that.
Now, that's more like it.

Waah ha ha!

♪ ...inDexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy
you've ever seen ♪

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments ♪

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is gloom and doom

♪ while things go boom

♪ inDexter's lab